The graphic. (LaGrange, Troup County, Ga.) 188?-190?, April 18, 1899, Image 8

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Dr. Henry R. Slack. Physician A Chemiai Office and Consultation Practice Only. PtWRH 10. A. M. to 1 2 tofi P M DR. L. D. HITCHELL, Thornton Building, LaGrange . . . Georgir DR. A. J. HIGGLE PHYSICIAN ANBSURGKOX Office in ('nm H«»”AB>mi|<lin« ’ A. J. BOYD. AGENT FOR MliiiMteJ Come and you country iPhidmce in the pntuai IJoinnuiv. L. R. Bradfield, Jr. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Collections : a : Specialty Office in Bradfield Building, LaGrange. Ga. --•■zr ——- ■ ■■ W. C. PA RK Attorney And Counselor At Law, LaGrange - - - Georgia. Rep. agenting American Surety Company, Cutty,Quickly, Permanently Restored f.KvouK UehWity, Loot Vitality. Seminal Lnwu*, fUubtiK MenK-ry—the rcoult of Over-work, Worry iickneM, Eiron of Youth or Cher-in«luigenc< trios BOc. and ll; ® boioa 18. For quick, pooitive and lartiiiE roouha iu SeiMi Weak neat. Itnooirnr,- Ner”'">. Iv-MJitv and !>r» W'.l'iy, Me YCLLOW MSEI IFSCIkI- doubh th-will jive Btmiqthand tone to even- pan bm effect a M-nwicnonl cure. Cheapest am! beat £■> Pith Jr; wr aaail. FOrF—A bottle of the famom Japan oae Livat KJWYV4U lx riven with a It boa or more of Mm fertk Jtervte. Ire*. Sold only by "Fcrroll a Bark*. Have your plumbing done right by L. M. 51m ril Plumber and Tinner. Have your Plumbing done right by L. fl Simril Plumber and Tinner Schaub’s new Photos at 50c per dozen are the newest things out. Schaub’s new Photos Ut 50c per dozen are the newest things out. Horrible agony is caused by Piles, Burna and Skin Diseases. These are ftnmediately relieved and quickly cured lr De Witt’s Witch Hasel Salve. Be ware of worthless imitation!. Brad field Drug Co., W. 8. Hendon Hagan*- Mlle, The Mosquito will soou be gin to prevent his bill.—Ex. Spring has come, so has Schaub’s new stock of picture moldings, cheaper er than ever. "P/ffo' I Carminative j navvaf aty PaAur** LMa." , ' IAAAI & RANKIN DRUG CO. I 1 eas aet recoouaeed Pitta* Car- * aaiaativa too atroneb- 1 BU),! »*y. J [ I ows say baby’a Ufa te It. ♦ , I earaaatly ask all motbara r ‘ bava sickly or delicate childrea jest 1 1 to try owe bottle and mb what tba < raaatb waM ba. Roapactfnlly, J Mik LIXZiU MURRAY, < Johaaaa'a Static* Ga. Pttte' Oarmlnativa J IsMMkyWlfrdWMa. Jr MMM, »* MBTVB. } V* UOKWkWMA A Golden Opportunity. ■ A. ‘ Grasped by a Young Married Woman of Shelbyville, 111.. Just in the Nick of Time. a ua Jiy lire If MRS. WAKEFIELD. Women, Ilka men, are divided Into two classes, one that la prompt to act and the other dilatory. The former claw carries off the trophic# in buo iness, love and war, while the latter bears the burden of disappointment always. The good woman whose portrait appears above had arrived at a condition physically, where prompt action was necessary. The drafts upon her reserve force had been too great and physical bankruptcy was imminent. H was Impossible for her to sleep, and if women cannot sleep they have reached the beginning of the end. Mrs. Wakefield had grown worse under the doctor’s care and hope was fast departing, when she was recommended to try Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine Bhe acted promptly on the recom mendation and received the reward of her prompt action, in renewed health. Women frequently suffer for months and even years without complain ing or making their sufferings known, and the result is liable to be a sudden collapse. As soon as the first evidence of weak nerves is felt Dr. Miles’ Nervine ie indicated and may be relied upon to give quick and lasting relief. One bottle taken in time often effects a cure and the first bottle is guaran teed to benefit or money will be refunded, by the druggist of whom it was bought. “New and Startling Facts,” an Important health phamphlct, mailed Dee on application. Read Mrs. Wakefield's statement: Shelbyville, 111., March 2R, 1805. “I was la very poor health and myfeymptoms gradually developed into nervous prostration. 1 suffered greatly from nervous headaches, and at times was unable to attend to the slightest household duty. Sleep at night was im poMible, as I had spells of nervousness when I had to get up and walk the floor. The looot noise would startle me, in fact my nerves wero in a ter rible condition. I was recommended to try Dr. Mlles’ Restorative Nervine and purchased six bottles of the remedy. The first bottle did me so much good that I look the second, and I can safely saydt is all it is recommended to bo. My appetite is much bettor; the nervousness has disappeared; I can onfoyagood night’s root and I have gained health to such an extent that I would oonaider it folly to look for a better remedy. I have also need Dr. Miles’ Fain Pills, and they have elven me much relief. I found them a sure cure for sick headache.” Mbs. 8. WAiunriaLD. ObM Os an Onmctate* Beek O»» Heart anS Nervaa, Fraa by Or. Milaa Medical Oo.,E!kaart,ind. Dr. Miles’ Nervine "“Sk J - - Subscribe for- - o LaGrange GRAPHIC. 1 SI.OO per Annum. PIKE BROS. I • Contractors and Builders and Dealers in ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERHk . Estimates furnished for all kinds (.1 <vork. Give us a trial. We have just put up a first-class | And can grind your corn on short notice and in best man ner. M. M. S. POULTRY FENCE jL'r'ai r w 4-a-LA-r- RzG-CTRW Ft > tz:: ,P:;A..n Pateated July M, iS»6. [TRADE MARK.] Patented July 6. i»»7. Mnrn nrilT GfiVliin Requires no top or bottom rail and only Xeo rtn utNI. oAVINu. many posts as the old style netting and makeo • better fence. A fall line of Field and Hog Fencing, Steel Picket Lawn Fence, Gates, Pos»s, Rail, etc. Write for fuK particulars. UNION FENCE CO., DeKalb. IU. Southern Office, No 68 S. Forsyth* St., Atlanta, Ga. ■ I ■■ —w EL C. Butler, M:iiiiil:k<*<»irer ot Geergih Long Leaf Yellow Pine Lumbet f ( CAB SILLS aND BIIBGS TIBTEIS A SPECIALTY. <ll t AT lilCHWOOl), DOOLY COUNTY, GEOKGiA . » rapneter at VA rU KT Y \V OIIK* Kinds of Buildina Material. News and Opinions . . WF > - National Importance. The Sun. ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Daily, bv rrnil ----- $6 a ve«r Daily and Sui day by mail $8 a The Sunda Sun Is the Greatest SundiA Newspapei in the World. Price 6r a copy. By mail $2 a jt»r. Address TEE SUN. New York 50 years* EXPERIENCE ■fJJ Y k J W 1 a W ■ J L ■ V ■ W k ■ Fw 1 trade Marks Desicns ’ Coew«ra«TS Ac. ,fi tips ■ awdfac * ekWcb asd desert ption nay •alcidy aaeartaia ear opimrm free vhaeher an terentten t« Wwbnhty tm,rentable. C<Hunanie»- tteaa aUAcUr aosadamttai. Haniftart* oa PatasAa Mtteaa. Oldaat apmicy forMvmncaateata. Patesta ta&sa thmuch Mann a Ca. vaoatea acetal Mttn. without cbu.-«<k U> tee SdaHific Jhiericaii. A handaowely IHamratafl weekly. Lineal etr- I anleUoa < awy arteStWe >unu»l. Tasar. S 3 a year: tsar aicnttea. M- ttoid by sJi wras*aa>era. SUBSCRIBE NOW FOB THE SAVANNAH JOURNAL TBS H DAILY Ml And Save 40 Per Cent Yearly [By flail] - ss.o* Six flonths -- - - 3.0# Three Months -- - !.$• One flonth - - - - .5« Invariably in Advance. ADDRESS, JOURNL PRINTING GO., Savannah Georgia. Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent cure of tetter, salt rheum and. eczema, Cham berlain’s Eye and Skin Ointmenllb without an eqnal. It relieves-the itch ing and smarting almost instantly aWB its continued use effects a cure. It also cures itch, barber’s scald head, sore nipples, itching pilw chapped hands, chrojric sore eyes aA granulated lids. Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders for horses are the best tonic, blood and wmifuge. Price, 25 cents. Sq Iff TziGrawge Drug Co.