The graphic. (LaGrange, Troup County, Ga.) 188?-190?, June 12, 1900, Image 8

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THE GRAND TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN That occurred on Monday last, was great. But nothing has 6>/er eclipsed the GREAT BARGAINS that we are offering, either in quality or price, in the way of S ZTIMC ZzC 2EZ 2E2 G-OODS ♦ • | Byou are buying on a credit elsewhere and hare only a little cash to spend conic and see what a saving that can be made at Marshburn’s : New : Cash : Store s m -r AT -T ■ ESFEIT3E. FZ2OFIT z Just see what a few pennies will buy: Ladies’ Undervest «5c Fine Black Hose 5c Good Sox 5c 5 Papers Pins 5c 5 Packages Hair Pins 5c 144 Rice Buttons 5c Large Cotton Towel 5c Extra quality Handkerchiefs 5c Good Checks 5c Nice quality Figured Lawn 5c Fine Shear White Lawn 5c All Best Calicos 5c I LANETT DISPENSARY: P. 0.--WEST POINT, GA 4 Has constantly on hand a complete stock of 4 all the leading brands of Whiskeys. A FEW PRICES: Double Stamp 100 proof Corn Whiskey, per gal $2.00 YX Good Rye Whiskey, per gallon ; 2.00 Murray Hill Club, per ql sl. Per gal, 3.50 J. W. Harper Whiskey, per qt. ... 1. Per gal. • 3.5 C| A Double Stamp Rye, 6 yrs old,per qt I. Per gal. 3,50 Bourbon Whiskey, same price as above. A complete stock of Fine Wines in stock. ▲ ♦ All orders filled same day received. Full measure ♦ guaranteed. Orders must be accompanied by T 4 Express or P, O. Money Order. Address 4 I Lanett Dispensary, j X LANETT, ALABAMA. 4 ♦♦♦♦«►♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ * •fT m k z p»rsf nrkxz KSffi-lmiweiitOfficials. K HIS nvi,luvn v taring Sovemmegt Stamp ovei Curt, fe. /, | ! n Whiskey sgt. nmg am hat B Wa *rg th* enly {M*tlH*r* Stllinp Whiskey Buriaf Cot. Stamp Direct t* Consumer*. ■HfrM |.ra are jsriviieged to UK SU-Year-Old ’ ■»£ ' thUManm Ko STAMP F.™.. 4JJ fe <4> i means jHHXTEBATEI* or fc-Xpresi Prepaid. rn.aH .VO >a*t. ? , Chemical WMmkey. The Mo Marksan Packages to Ictdieato Omtoata ’-x'xx ' NTT BsntaP.Q. Rapeves Order or Bank PaißtanM* v 1 i h» pwfesfone First Nation*! An*. I: < BUfcfc, Offie Ltym^aSx! l A .1, ...... I M ex ■*• A big lot of Embroidery Insert ing, in short lengths, the very thing for shirt waists, at 10c They are worth twice the money Those Fine Organdies, Muslin and Dimities that are worth 18 and 20c, all go at 10c Fine line of Lacesand Insert ings from 1c to 25c yd The Best Collar on the earth 2100 Linen 10c Fine Line of J.ace Curtains from SI.OO up A Ua*K<>r«as ilallucinatloaa. I saw a shrewd uud Hiucessful gen tleman who. on my iwiug Introduced, tuild he wax glud to have a talk with a nerve doctor. for he thought there was ButmlUing wrong. Then be told ids tale, which was Hull he was pestered by gang* or gypsies who appeared ev erywhere. lie raid that he bad Just come in from chasing ffiem in bis gar den, for wlauever he looked out he naw them pulling up his shrubs. 1 said: “But the shrubs are not re moved. llo.v do you account for this?” lie said: “Well, it is hard to tell, but 1 still feel they do it, and when 1 wake In the tuorulug I see the same gypsies using my toothbrush and my hair brushes. 1 Jump up, only to find they have disappeared.” He admitted the absurdity of the whole thing, but yet he said he felt it was true, and he must act upon Ills belief. What might have proved a serious loss foliowe<l the porsisleut hallucina tions. for before 1 Insisted on his with drawing from all business he had od one holiday gone to his office to look i through his private safe with its very i valuable securities. Before leaving he thought he saw his son in the adjoin ing office and told him to put the things away and to lock the safe. The son was a hallucination, and it was only by accident that the sou discovered the state of affairs before others arrived next day. —London Lancet. She Mode It Like Storch. It is true that in Ireland, with the spread of •-eueral knowledge and im proved me. al aid, •‘cures” and super stitious are on the wane, but still “the misthress’ bottle” is much preferred to the doctor’s, and the advice of a “lucky woman” is of much higher val ue than that of an M. D. Apart from the medical knowledge required, it Is no light matter to undertake to pre scribe for one’s neighbors, as the fol lowing will show: “If It’s plazlu to y’r honor, I’m come to ax for a bottle,” said an old woman. “I was tuk that bad last night I thought the life ’u’d lave me." After due Inquiry into her symptoms she was given a packet of arrowroot, with minute directions how do prepare It. As she scarcely seemed to take them in. a happy thought struck the tady. ’"You know how to make starch, don't you?” she asked. “Yes,” said the old woman. ‘Then r.iake it just like that.” saM her friend, "and add » Httjfi sugar to ijilil ntriU ib-jir?’ .oibvj . The Best Line of Gents’ Un derwear ever offered. All colors 25c If you want an up-to-date 'Fie call and see my line at 25c r The best line of top Shirts, some with collars, some with out, only 48c Big line of Cottonade Pants, only 50c Overalls 45c The old woman departed, to retprn next day with the Information that she was like to die after atin what Miss Norah gave her, and, with all due respect to her, she couldn’t get it all down: it wlnt so ag’iust her. She wns requested to bring what re mained for inspection. which revealed that the directions as to starch had been literally carried out. She had put blue iu It.—Ccrnhill Magazine. The Forest of Fontnineblean. “We spent the night iu Barbizon. paid a goodly bill and set off in the company of our English friends for the town of Fontainebleau, lying at the center of 5G square miles of forest,’’ writes a girl from Paris to The Ladies’ Hoifte .Journal. "It is never wild, never mysterious, this forest that thousands of artists have loved to paint, but it is calm and grand and never tedious. For eight Lours we wandered over pining covered with towering oaks, among rocky gorges, out of which slen der. graceful Iweches rise, and through miles of fragrant, giant pines. Aud everywhere are feathery ferns and purple heather. "There is not the slightest chance of losing one’s way. Every square inch of the forest has isn-n mapped out. and at the intersection of every two ave nues a red hand points to the town, and a blue baud indicates the direc tion of one of the ’sights.’ And Foa tainebleu? We saw only the palace, a bewildering maze of magnificent rooms. Everywhere there was rich ness, everywhere wonderful frescoes, wonderful stairways, wonderful tapes try. wonderful inlaid furniture. The grandeur is oppressive, and we were glad to get out into the park, to wan der about in the different courts.” Juvenile Stnttotlcian. “How many children had George Washington?” asked the teacher, thiuk - log to trip up the new boy iu his his tory. “About 3,000, Get),” promptly answer ed the new boy, who knew something concerning the statistics of the period when the Father of His Country was at the bead, of the family.—Chicago Tribune. J*»t the Man. Mrs. Belgrave (on the Bermuda boat) —Are you one of the stewards? Bill Boling—No, warm. I’m cap'n of th’ top. Mrs. Belgrave—How nice! Bring it and spin it for little Chauncey, won’t you? He's almost bored to death.-* Harlem Life. MEN’S STRAW HATS. • , A big line of Samples. Very fine goods. Worth $1.25 and $1..50 to go at 75c The best line of ready-made Skirts. Duck, Linen, Crash Skirts, only 50c I carry the McCall Patterns V They are only 10 and 15c And they *are the best, so why pay more? D».L. D. Mitchell, DENTIST. Office in Thornton Building, LaG RANGE. GEORGIA. R. P. Abraham, Fire Insurance. Representing the following old reliable companies: Queen Insurance Co., of America Royal Insurance Co., of Liverpool Northern Ausurifuce Co., of Lon don. Commercial Union Assurance Co., of London. I solicit your insurance on your city or county property and cot ton. Office at LaGrange Bank ing & Trust Co. Dr. Henry R. Slack. Physician Al Chemist Office and Consultation. Practice Only. Hours 10. a. m. to 1 2 to 6 p m FARMERS' WIVES or any other ladies who wish to work Can Earn Lois ol Monoy working for us in spare time at home Ou our cloths, e »f j you a good chance to make plen . ty of spending money easily, in leisure hours. Send 12c for cloth and full directions for work and commence at once. Cloth sent anywhere. Address W inoosket Co. (3SO-C) Bostn. Mfg. Dept.