The graphic. (LaGrange, Troup County, Ga.) 188?-190?, July 17, 1900, Image 3

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LWhenYoußake do away with all the hot discomfort of former baking I * days, save yourself work and bother and do your I 1 ' baking in less time, at less expense, by using a . I Wickless- fix > 2S? rI ' , -a OH Stove * Jp 1 • I KalKn I Burns the cheapest fuel >mJ ' i .JWWM \ that’s sold with abso- I lute safety, without =;■; ".s-ajS ! | TEF * - causing dirt or grease, I l ; ll BwBr ! jtjfcy wjKJI A smoke or smell. ... _ r E | 3Y. -SC J in ’ wherever stoves H Sr hJF 1 ffF~ -;-: ■■■■-■ ■■ s’ are sold —made in vari- ~ / 0 Sit./ —-- ? ijj If your dealer * I fir 23 ’ p gl - 'I write to „ ,- C STANDARD OIL COMPANY. » -t2=~S | '' ' J fowriwi What Are We To Do? In the holy name of religion, in honor of the sanctity of the Sabbath, we must decidedly ob ject to doing any kind of work at all. The Sabbath of the Greek? is Monday, of the Persians is Tuesday, of the Assyrians is Wednesday, of the Egyptians is Thursday, of the Turks, Friday, of the Jews and Seventh Day Adventists, Saturday and. of a large body of Christians, Sunday. Now the question is, who is keep ing the right day?—Marietta Journal Heinz Pickling Vinegar 4()c Gallon Swain & Edmirndson. ADVERTISED LETTERS. \ List of letters advertised July 16 will i>e held two weeks. When calling for these letters please say “Adver tised” Mrs Dorsie Grace Mrs C I Green Mrs Nannie R. Johnson Mr Join K,nott Mr John II Linde Mrs Mary Truitt Mr Young Russell Mr J T Kendleton MRS. N. F. AWTREY, P. M LaGrange Primary Kindergarten School. The fall term of LaGrange Primary and Kindergarten • School will begin Sep. 3. 1900. Faculty—Principal, Miss Lula Ward; Drawing and Writing Miss Fiemme Ward; Music, Miss Nettie Ward. A thorough Kin *• dergartener will be secured. Dried Beef’ Hams at Free man’s. BISMARCH'S IRON NERVE. Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremen dous energy are »ot found where Stomach, Liver. Kidneys and Bowels are out of order, if you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr King’s New Life Pills. They develop every power of beam and body. O 9y 25c at P.radfield Drug Co. Fresh Creamery Blatter at all times at Swain & Edmondson A. F. SIMMONS. ' Genewst. Repair Swop. N. W. Corner Square, upstairs. Over 3b years in the repair business. Jewelry. Clocks, Locis and Keys, Sew ing Machines and attachments, Lamps, Umbrellas. Trunks. Organs, Window fixtures. Repair, color and oil finish furniture. All work done in best style guaranteed. Terms cash. (Pat e a crippled veteran.) M. L FLEMING & GO. The Old Reliable to the Front With as full a line of Furniture as can be shown in Western Georgia. Bed Room Suits'**- We have never had a nicer assortment in tl is line ana at prices popular enough to make them go. Trunks, Trunks! Since adding this line to our stock we have been sur prised at the constant Sale. We have them from the cheapest to the popular Saratoga in both canvass and leather. Side Boards! Do you want one? Do you need one. Then cc 'c and see our line. Carpets, Art Squares and Mattings. > This is another new line we have added to our business. We have not only new fresh goods —but we have new prices. If you need a Carpet, an A.rt Square or Matting to cover onr you s'i ould see ours before buying. Iron Bed Steads ’Tis useless to say much about this line of goods. No ‘'Up to Date” F'urniture Store is complete without them. We have them in all the stylish colors. Clocks, Screens, Easels; Window Poles, Window Shades Rocking Chairs, Dining Chairs, Dining Tables, all in endless variety, with prices that will command your trade. Caskets, Coffins, and Shrouds' - Always a full line. Polite, careful and gentle attention always given in this line of our business, Very truly, ZLvdC. Xu. ZFXuEZMCIXTXr & CO. Telephone No. 94. «ONTRQSE BICYCLEWFREB jyrov.l to your address WITHOUT A CEMT IN ADVANCE. NO US YOUR ORDER, state whether you winh Indy’* or man’s efl; give color, height of frame and jrear wanted a:rd WE WILL MIIP THE WHEEL C. O. D. on approval, allowing you to uncrate and er amine it fully before you a<x*ept It. if it is not ad and more than va t Haim for it. and a better wheel than you can get for any where near the price from any one else, refuwe it and we will pay ail express charges ourselves. The '*MONTROSE'’ Bicycle O 50 at our Special Agent’s sample price of | '.IS.Y Is the greatest bargain in a bicycle ever offered. We sruaranieeTt equal to any Mo wheel on the market, and you need not accept ft nor pay a cent it you do not find it as we represent. WeareEXCl.l HIVE BICYCLE MANI’FACTI’RERB and take this method of quickly introducing our 1900 MODE IA. This offer of a sample wheel at this low price U made to secure a RIDER AGENT In each town to represent tu and take orders. Our agents make money fast. onCfMCin ATlfltiC Frame, 18. or inch; laoien.Sßinch. Best OrtUIIIUA I IUnO« Shelby seamless tubing a Ith connec tions. flush joints, improved expander device to fasten seat post and handle lair; Koj al Arch crown; the celebrated Mavis hubs and hanger— the easiest running known; Record —A” tires, the test and one of the most expensive tires on the market. The genuine $ t Mr.lnger Hygienic saddle; pedals, toolsand accessories the best obtainable. Enameled in black maroon or coach green, highly finished and ornamented; special finished niekeHng on all bright parts. We thoroughly test e-cry piece of materia! that goes into this machine. Our binding year’s guar antee bond with each bicycle. rnrr to any one wending the fll«J»Oca«h in full with order -we will r UCC send free a genuine Burdick 10.000 mile barrel pattern cyclo iueter;' or a high grade floor pump. Your money all back U you are not perfectly satisfied. • AMEm WUCCI C We < *° not manufacture the cheap depart- UnEJli nntCLwi merit store kind of wheels, such as many new upply houses advertise and sell as high grade. We can furnish them, .trfpi«d; orbli to tnrocomplete. We do not guarantee nor recom ’«,RE DRDERINO a bicycle of any one else, no matter who or how d let us tell you how much we can save youj»n the same machine. > • ailw a wheel we can assist you to EARN A BIC> CLE by dis- J IB 0V I tribntingcataloguesforuaafewdays. V.’eneed'lneis-rvo;, in each town for thl. purpose. We have several hundred SECOND HAND WHEEIJt taken fa trade which » e will close out at >3 t*» 310 each; al-o some * fsrpsnra samp’ea and ’W models very eheap. .Send for Barents i.hl. OIR REUAHIUTY is unquestioned. We ref-r to any Irnnk or bn.lnow house in Chieaga. er any express or railroad company. We will s-nd ynu letters of reference direct from the largest banks in Chicago if yon wish It. •EMIk Vnilß AEfkCB today This low pri-eaud these special ternu of shipment without deposit will •Wh VnWCN Ist withdrawn very soon, CDfOlve name of this paper. U. L. MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, oMuapn, m. £ Satisfaction ■ ■ is unusual with 44 Five-Cent cigar ■ £ smokers,” but it has been the every- J • day experience of hundreds of thou- • • sands of men who have smoked £ Old Virginia Cheroots J ■ during the last thirty years, because 2 2 they are just as good now—in fact,* • better than when they were first made. • Three hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked this 2 year. Ask your own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents. 6 McCaine & Market, nlill 8m 8! US [J. N. Cooper’s Old Stand.] Complete Stcclz cf,- Groceries, Canneagoods,Tobacco Cigars and Lime always on hand Country Produce Bought and Sold, Highest Market Price Paid tor Hides, Very Low Prices to Country Merchants. Corn,Oats and Bran sold at wholesale and retail ALFORD & BOOKER, WEST POINT, GA. Is the Best Place to Buy Your... TTT T C2l x/x/ mJ. O 11.11^%1 -Ui • We sell the bra id th it are absolutely reli able, and you can depend on all of our goods being exactly as rpresented. Send us your mail orders. They receive prompt attention. ALFORD & BOOKER, WEST POINT, GEORGIA. L. B. CHAMBERS & CO , Proprietors. Famous for the Best . . . ZLx<g_-uL©rs suxxcL Cigars Cochran and Chambers’ Pure Old Corn Whiskey Kept Constantly on Hand. We keep al! grade’s of Whiskey, from the best that’s made to the cheapest that’s good. Corn Whiskey, sl4) to $2.00 per gallon. Ryt Whiskey. $1.75 to $6.00 pei gallon. 2% Send Post Office Order or Express Money Order, Mail orders receive prompt attention. ,x_. E. CHAXIEEBS oc CO., WEST POINT, GEORGIA. E. H. CARROLL. W. A. LONG Carroll & Long, WHOLESALE : LIQIOR : DEALERS, 16 Marietta Street, Atlanta, Ca. Family trade a spedalty. Send Post Office Order or Express Honey Order. We guarantee prompt delivery. SOLE AGENTS FOR SCHLITZ RFF.R The Beer which has made Hilwaukee famous. Ginger Ale, both domestic and imported. Golden Grain, the best Whiskey on earth, for sl.oo pel bottle. - -w. W'—