Newspaper Page Text
ll wf I |L 31 f I A(9 •
»t*» Pum P W|W*i Ikan KM •••rt,"
■ *.! I 1 ■ ...
AmOk* Baited H*»k fwr ttov *«iui to
to liti* at.
Om of (He objection*! fentnres of the
Itofll ? Cfl—Qtatimul Auitoduu nt vs tie
lUMWttmtkw TTomiaittee, is tie third see
to, tofciefc provide* that nntil the 4th of
Jglj, 1870, »N persons wha volontarily
adhered to the late iranrwtino, giving it
aid and comfort •halt be each del trorn the
right to tote for Representative* is Oongrrw
and fir eketors for IVoldent and Vice
Piaitot of the United States. In a reccat
dehato tpoa the quest ion. Mr. Blaiic, of
Maine, Conservative, called the attrition of
Mr. StrteM and and the House, to this pro
viaiaa, atating that it appeared to bin that
that *as a violation of good faith in refer
cnee to tl at large elasa of people in the
Sooth wBo came within The term* of the ’
Aainestj ProcUmztioo of President John
son, and who were thereby n stored to all
their civil rights. He ntketi Mr Sunn*
to an explanation on that point
According to the published debates, V r
Stevens replied that the pardon extinguish!*!
the erinte—after pardon there was no meh
crime in the individual Those who wre
fulij pardoned did not eernc within ilici
operation of the thirJ section.
Mr. Blaine said he under* rood the gen’le-
M from I Pcnnajlvania to any that th,.**
who came within the 'erm* oi the pr oatua
Ban of an.neatjr, would not be ceusidctoti as
having adhered to the late insurrection.
Mr Stcveaa assimtlatcd their condition to
that of t pet son convicted ot tel<DV. and
threhj rendered mcompe'ent to testify .
but who, if pardoned, and if hi* toafituony
Were ehallragrd. eouhl product In* pardon
and thereby allow hi* competency.
Mr. Blame m.iosttd that, if that »n< th<
pmiper eeostruciioa to bo tiveu th. section,
it ahonld be m atmemlod u 'A il lArrr multi
he ae tpvatim ahotul it* and hr
shonld at the prop* r time m i c an amend
menl to that eff-et
We think Mr Steven*’* reasoning eom-ct
as to the effect of the pardon, but h * inter
prelation » very different Irom the one gen
orally givau to this m eftoo We hope he
and hi* friend* will stand by it —NatkcUK
futon ami rimrr>V<m.
Here i* another of those rtd flannel bait*,
wrapping around and concealing a barb ed
hook, at which the Conservative*—the poor
South among them—will spring, we fear,
like a foolish fish ; and the result will he,
that, with gills transpie re* and, (to keep up the
figure,) they will sgain, or rather continue to
be, but powerless victim* swinging to the
rod of the adroit fisherman, the ILdica'
Faction. „
In two ro’ahln instance*, to mention no
other*, the South lias been swindled just
pr> eiacly in this way. In the formation of
the federal Constitution, all parlies agreed
then, that that compact was to be tnlrrjirc.
te>l to the <ffct that any S ate signing it,
pat no longer to be bound by it when its
letter or spirit was palpably \ iolatcd ; that
tbere waa DO rocrcivr r to be evoked
ftora atty construction of that htstiument ;
and the antithesis—that the State bail the
nudeh ■gated right to secede therefrom, if
she chose, wheii a sufficient reason justified
her—w*» no lew than an axiomatic truth,
evolved by the very iutmulul lo laws of
thoaght itself.
If there is no inherent right, or power
given, to coerce one to stay where be wishes
not and chookei not to stay, in the name of
nil reason, human and Hitiuc, win nee
er«K« the right or the pqwer to coerce him
back when he baa once left ?
The Constitution-makers talked largely how
the instrument wu to be, and would be, con.
•trued. They were acbuUra, most of them,
•uAlumu bow to embody thought* and ideas
in plain, auambtgu ms, v*mUimterprrltl>lt
language. Why did they not uo it ? Why
did they not put it down iu black on white—
for they war* ski# to do it—“ in words that
hum," a* impossible to be misunderstood,
■tfaapprrdated, or misinterpreted, “ that he
run that readetb it?’' No; ihcie were
tttohaten than, a* now, overrid iny. the more
'tKWuk.awd wi—apecting ot tha' body, who
paipwylHkiHi tbe vital portions of the
.QflfpftiwtiiHi, with louse generalities and di.
flnuata* JssWe-cw/iWre*, to inveigle the
oMaa iato the l mop , and when once in,
* jBSn&S& f* 6 **** ** ,0 *bc it; • rpreting
,#Si| :: ?,« it; -• io.
WtHTrd vilhont
1a npli utanj -f the nv i
•i BUtef, MwrMHMJkfJfcmth- ' irj
f mSi? &3S™ “* kotod
'* - «V ; Jp| •;
liesmetto* has *t» lujt mp&&Np It
*JI by the GomtpenMM af MM- And that
fraud was%a«H ;-»»d)M» %» frws»
waa ripeniaff tnNkll in tWhap Ulin Suuih,
th- gv«pt mover of the biff, grating weak
kneed from the effort, or in conciliate the
threatening wrath of tbs enemy, summon. J
from th* depths of seducing stry the
blighting phantom of “ unfriendly legists
fit*,” alia*, “SqTtfattcr S •vnrrigntj.’* Thu*,
the pri uils< i| Kden-fruit turned out hut a
Sodnte’s apple, sheeny in*l fiir without, but
within full of bitter drat and rahea
And now again, the arch-trickster, Thad
Steven*, proposes to p!»y the very sam,-
game to bamboozle the Sooth—or rather the
Northern friends of the South, for the Uuc r
at present, is but an ignored nullity. He i*
homhwg.'iag the (' wistTvsti res and the bet
ter pert es the IL Ii sU, in the way he is
soft soaping Mr I laine, in th.; above ex
tract, that form* the Lit «,f this article.—
To hear his hypoeritcal tip* tvli il. that
third section is r.«bbed of much of il* offen
sivetlos*. It can unit disfranchise the very
few who may not b- par Junes! by the l’rcni
I*ct the bill j •*•-, Loxcrcr, ami th n ask
Mr. Stevens an 1 bis pvrty to >tkk up to the
promised in'erpretation. an’i they wili laugh
outright st T'*u ; \e.t, and th-y will have
-uch a content ft f r you. but that they had
lurihcr u*e for you, they would, ami > ugbt
to, create a -pecLi in-titut'nm tor your bene
tit to be cilled the *• Fool Kill' ra’ Bureau."
hup . i it>* Court.
The May Term of our Superior Cour
commenced its S, *-ion on Monday la*', —
his Honor, Alexander M Speer, ol Forsyth,
presiding. I'uring the week, there has been
a largo repr<s< nutioii of the liar, fr >in thi
and other Circuits; beside* our own bar.
.fudge Floyd, Judge Tab mis-*. Col. Trip pc.
Col. Smith. Col Lyons C»pt Hall, and the
Solicitor General, Col A. D. ILmniond, ol
this Circuit; Col. A \V. llnuiuioud, Col
Bartlette, Col. de Grah ntetd, Co' Tidwi.* 1 ’
Caps. Fears, and Capt IVcvy. from surround
ing circuits, being presuit.
His Honor's lucid charge to the Grand
Jury wss listened to with great intenst by
all present, lie pertinently alluded to tin
fact that hiilurto he had not been allowed
the use of the Court House, owing to its
military occupation—a disagreeable fact
which had reminded all that wo were not a
frr* peeiple On the subbject es the oducs
tion of the pe'or, he was elaborate and full,
and we feel assured piod rou’ts must fob j
lew his praiseworthy e ffiirts to iti’ensify pub.
lie interest on thin'important subject.
The bu-imss of the Court lias progressed '
wiih cmutcndaMc speed, and it is thnnglir
his Honor will dispnso of th* I n.-ine*- <>n
the dncfiß, by the end of the present week
Fcott's Maoazive. The May nuiuber
of this excellent Monthly, which, by the
way, was tardy in reaching us, >s on our ta
bic. Asa general thing, it is fill and with
very readable matter—some pieces really
good—ail of which is original, either edito
rial or from original contribtitots. We take
an unimportant exception, however, to au
Kditorijl paragraph, wherein it is cl> a-' j
implied, if not clearly announced, that mote
than one third of the lir*t class poets of the
South cither reside, or intend M> reside, in
Atlanta, while a preponderating moiety of
the balance live in Georgia, or around, close
to the Georgia line. The tribute to the
Gate City poet*—saving th" restriction—is
just enough; but why exclude from the cat-
I egory—for tbere is no rt a Itrn to the enu-
I mention—the names of Mrs II C. Barrow,
I)r. tilackburne. Dr I'imkney, aid a half
. doxen more that might be mentioned.
| Surely, the “sweet Heavens” arc ample
erough. and unconstcllated enough, for all
, the irttr Prgasus-riders—not merely a favor
ed few—to “ make their j urney ” tl it her,
. to find a place atmd “ the s'ars "
Term* s.’* a year. Address Bev J. W
I Scott, Atlanta. Cs.
| “ will lie «li* With it!*’
t 4*cward bat found out that the French
j troops are not being withdrawn from M iiro
‘•in good faith.” but, on the contrary, addi
taooai troops are com-I jihly g -ing to that
«untry. What would the Secretary give
if that tom foolery, the Monroe- lbv-'rinc,
had never been started— ot, rather, if he
himself had never hitched on toil? This
Monroe Doctrine is n good deal uke one of
those pistol-shaped faucets—a pretty go and
thing to point towards a timid green-horn,
him, but a wretched pour thing
to fnnttwuh if your antagonist stand* hit
Luis NapoletttwgpA
M**i»U»um d|tM get
ftrnti, til* bnak thflff m the SeeretoTy to
ijb—if really le In sot seeking a light—is to
dan Ike %fa*» thing a joks. It k true,
-IWA- .frl —J >n W-irrlnw
Ti<i a'irw tm ifha W > Uuw
i<W*niMiiWl i»t«V* wort**’ to tm invslradia
which mats so Unag* w tl^4*h«fs«
BMOth (loM.)
. f . ihS**' '*d*BEMiiTi irr 11 mH
D.. M. L
mara watoHwsmts.
V Ban- tw At* dealt'
The af*»vrat>* g*»tlera»u, a native of
Georgia, a off, for some time prat, a practis
ing physician of Atlanta. po*se-*in<r.
Gsscity. high talents, with fine prufcsaMfnai
pnsjvd*. wc are grieved to learn, commit
ted suicide in t. J "Uin, Mo., oo the
of tins inooth. Amidst other noble traits of
character, there Waa om thing remarkable
about the deceased. In that city of a hun
dred phvst. iaos be never failed to be first,
or among the first, to welcome the admit of
s new professional brother, and extend him
those beautiful coortesiss that ever make
•be heart of the stranger glad.
We, —who knew him well,— vriH merer
believe (bat odur than noble aud righteous
impulses fouud*a home in that now tbrob
i<~* heart, that shall beat no more in sympa
thv with fellow-heart, or respond tbrilltrglv
to the strict influences of woman's virtuous
charm* What he may have done, »!e.i
angutnh and despair had trncktd him—
when cruel fortune had furred reason from
i - s throne—shall find no place in our memo
ir. Wc but knew him as the accomplished,
logit toned, generous-hearted a <1 noble I*r.
'Sca"n, of Atianta; and as such, and only
a* sneb, hi* u mirred iiiia-vc. in our cherish
ing rccull' c’ion shall ever cling.
J/,i i from life * history,
Glad to death'* my»*-rv ,
>w ift *o Ik- hnrt-d.—
Anywbere. any s tiere,
• tot of the world."
Additional to our individual grief for the
oss of this ts'iuiable and promising young
map. our Queerest condolence is tendered to
hi* many admiring friends and effect lonptc
"The h«nd of the reaper
Take* the esr* that sre hrmrv.
Hut the voice of the weeper
Waits manhood i" glory ;
The amnflwi winds ru*bing.
Waft the leave* that nre se.ire*t.
Hot our flow'r »»< in flustiiug
When bliclitu g was near.-**."'
lItiTTENNKSS <>F THE 111 KF.At —Gens
.'*'C( Oman and Fullerton have i xamined but
two Si airs Virginia and North Carolina, on
the perations of the Kreedmen's Bureau,
and in both they are proved rotten to the
core. No doubt the same verdict will be pro
nounced, with perhaps isolated exceptions
against the Bureaus of the o'! er States. 11
Bureau*, in sight, as it were, of the Federal
Capital, have lni.-uianaged so eu'publy, what
can be expected of those farther removed
from the sphere of critical observation T
Many sshanky leg ofthe Bureau function
aries must be very shaky about tlrs time, in
'ion of the approach of' Stcediuan and Ful
llitiicLUirs Farce Two K i lien’s and
our Conservative, the *</< rt Comni.Uie Pi
visit Mt nipbis for the purpsise of inn*stigat
ing the cau-es which led to the late riot in
tlmt city—l ft Washington on the ft<th
instant, for the scene of the ir labors. What
the two thirds, and pxtssiblv the three thirds,
of the trio will do, requires no Yankee to
"gue**.” Why go to all ti e trouble at. I
expense of ing to Memphis, and the fur
ther txpens : ol p erhap'S a long a id useless
examination, when they could decide the
whole matter without budging an inch front
i loir-eats, or having a particle of evidence
in the case, pro or con ?
Kx-Gov Allen—the confirmation of
whose p< aied among our Telegraph
ic itcti last week—died ia Mexico, whjilier
just alter the surrender, be had exiled him
self, “fearing that he was among the exempt
ed from amnesty.” He died from h;s old
wound received in the Confederate .service
breaking out afresh, and just as he was on ■
the eve us starting to Europe f>r mcdica) ;
ad' ice. He was editor of the Mexican ;
and, it will be remembered, the wii-1
ter of the letter to Horace Giecley r< pro- j
I duVed in this journal a few weeks ago. He
was truly a gifted man —in heal ar.J in
[ heart—and a- true to his ioved South as the
; s‘C' iis to the star Mark him a- another
1 hen and mireyr gone!
j C.v.v IT BK So —The surgeon appointed
,to examine -Lffereon Davis, urges—th •
| telegraph says this precisely—“a
i system of contir.i mint, if his i, Davis-; rc-s
--| taxation to health is at nil desired. Thi-;
! evidently implies that even those apparently
in the secrets of the Government have an
idea, not very vague, tbat the object of con
fining the prisoner may be to wear out or
rot out his existence in the vile malarias of
the dungeon.
It is estimated that there are seven
of Jews iu the whole world, half of
wbom afftio Europe—the rest scattered
ever cverygipdiucnt and Lie of the habita
ble earth,
Were St. Shjwj jfo write to day to thbl
BtnguUrty prcscrved people . uait»gli*f all
nations, bat sot of them, be fewthf haVe to
•Mrusa them as be did eighteen centuries
ago —" T* the twelve tribes which arc scat
g&?ltfe estimated that tbe notional reve
Ewue «f the.present fiscal year. • ending July
['MtA%kWtag customs, income tax, and pre.
IMUSi as gold, will amount to five Luodrcd
pLlpySoes *f do Kara.
A g«ntletE*n (?)> from Alabama, in
[fiaMMNorthern Rau.sJ r per, tbat there
BfrjfafcgUlAfwf eighteen tbou-aed men in
biHr'ffr- £ to the Union lea-mcs,
ffai thirds of them can take the test
mi~H t{nsta tie as ever wa- : i
spi* Might trains—freight as well a*
tsPKs*bh!MWcr sttachment—on the Mac -n -ic
Railroad, were discontinued on and
Bflw* the T7fh iaetant.
ludlcmrat af Jiff Davis.
Tto followiag it tk* itoictiuaM fiwad by
the Grand Jury of flba United Bt*fca Cir
cuit Court, at Norfolk, Va. agaiuat Jeff.
Dai it:
| The United Pint** of America, District es
Virginia, to wit: In the Ctrcei* Court of
the Uutied Mates of America, itt and for
the District of Virginia, at Norfo.k. May
Term. IMXi, the tirarai Jurors of the United
Suus of America, in and for th" District ot
Virrinta. upioo their oath and zffirmaiiou ra
-1 spec ively, do present that Jefferson Ltavis,
! late of the city of Ric. tn-wid in the county
' ot Henrico, in the District of Virginia afore
said, yeoman, being an inhabitant of, and
\ residing within the Idnited BLate* of Ameri
-1 ca. a ft owing allegiance and fidelity to the
•aid United Bmtes of America, not having
the fear of God before h;a eyes; not weigh
ing the duty of his allegiance, bat being
moved and seduced by the instigation of the j
devii, and wickedly devising and intending ;
the px ace and tranquility of the said I'oittd
State* of America to disturb, and tc stir,
move and incite insurrection, rebellion and '
war against iLeaaid United States of Amer
ica, on the 15th day of June, in the year of
our is rd 1804, in the city of Richmond, in
the c-uotv cf Henrico, in the District of
Virginia aforesaid, aDd within the jnrisdic
• ion ofthe Circuir Court ol the United
States for the I'oarth circuit, in ami for the
District of Virginia aibri-said, with force and
arms, unlawfully, falsely, maliciously and
triitori'U-l did compass, imair'tic and intend
to raise, levy and carry on sir. insurrection
and rebellion against the said United States
of America, and in ori r to laltili and bring
to effect the said traitorous comp issing, iru
aiunings and intentions of him, the said 1
Jefferson Davis, he, the said Jefferson Davis,
alter, to wit : Oo the said 15t*» day ol June,
in The vearof our Lord, 1864, in the *iid
city of Richmond, in the county of Htytric».
and district of Virginia aferesaid and within
the jurisdiction of the circuit court of the
the United Stat<s, for the Fourth Circuit in
and for the said Distaict of Virginia, with a
great multitude of person*, wlio-e namts to
the jurors aforesai 1 are at presi nt unknown,
to the nuiuber ol live hun tred t ersons and
upW'.rJs. armed and arrayed in a warlike
manner.that is to say with cannons, muske's.
swords, pis'ols. riirks and other war’ike- w a
poos, as well offensive and defensive, being
then and tin re unlawfully, maliciously and
train.rousK a setnbled an f gathered togeth
er. did fai-e : y a,id traitoriU*ly ss-emble in i
join theniseves together agiiu*t the sail
United Ftates of America, and there and
thin with |.>rce of arms, did LI e’v and trai
torously, and in a warlike and hwi r manner,
disp se thnn-eives against the said Un ted
States of America, and 'hen and there—that
is to sav. on the 15th of June, in the year
of our L rd, let’ll, in said cry ot Richmond
in the county of Henrico and District o‘
‘Virginia aforesaid, and within jurisdiction
'of the said Circuit Court of th.; United
'.states tor the Fourth Circuit in u ni lor ihe
lhs'ric; of Virginia, in pursuance ol *u h
t! eir traitorou* intentions and purjx*ses
al’ore-aid, he. the said JetUr-oii Davis, with
the .-s .1.1 pr* ns so aitwcsiid. traitorously
1 assegnbh and. anted and arruved in m inner
'aforesaid, most wickedly, maliciously, and
traitorously did prepare, levy and carry on
war against -aid l iiited States of Ameriei.
contrary to the duty of the allegiance and
fidelity ofthe su’d Jefferson Dav i*. against
the- ('onstitniion, peace and dignity of the
said 1 "nited St ites of America and against
the form of the Statutes of said I 'nited
States of / meiica in such C-iS- made and
This indictment was found on th' ' s:im >
nv F. Milligan. George 1’ Z.iibury
John G “ J Jr.. Hardy ID-nh- n and Patrick
o’Hricn. sw rn in op-n (Jourf, and sent feu
tiy the Grind -Jury.
[Signed] I. II Chandh-r
l". S Attorney for the I'ist. es \ irginia.
A Fbakle-vS Jl !>OE. — We have a'r aly
noticed the case of the cotton »e xcd at New
Orleans, and the oonfiiet of jurisdic ion be
►tween tTcn». Ganby and Jtoige Darrell, and ,
the order in the case receive ! irom l'r si
dent Johnson, We extract with plea-ure
the foilovnng remarks from the Judge’s cie
Cision adj turning the court;
“ And now, as I aui unable fen cany out
the laws a* l deem I should, I adjourn this
j court until a time witen the army shall have
been remove«f, and I beiti" able to iuipr s»>i
and punish as I judge as deserving in the
i premises
‘ The Autocrat of the llus-ians with the
| lives and propertc of his subjects at his
j corn man and, the Sultjn of the Turkeys, with
his oriental vassals, much less a Major Gen
cral of a Republic like this, lias not powu r
such as i as been sought to be enforced in
this case by the military- No such power
was found even with the comma idcr> ol the
: Roman Legion.
i “ I thereto re adjourn this court until next
Saturday, when 1 will all cases pend
ing now, when I will adjourn this court ln
. deUnitely, until such time as I uiay have
. power to enforce the laws l atu placed here
to execute.”
Tnesc are nnnlv utterances from the,
bench, a id docs honor to the a id just ,
I estimation tbe Judge entertains tor the dis
tinguished position he occupies
War With Europe—John Mitchell!
writes to the New York Daily Ah tn :
I ean see no escape from a Eur >pcan war. ,
and if i: breaks out it will be tremendous
It is pronable, too, that America would prof
it by it, both in commerce and in population
Beside.', there must be several large bouses
ia the wooden leg hu-vosasiu Boston. Also.
thereininent crutch and manufactories
of Connecticut, whose btufflfigit was unreason- i
ably cut short by the too su JSpa termination
of the American war, just whew tha* bad laid I
in large stock* of seasoned bickoryjhad had .
their machinery brought to * high sifts ofi
perfection, for turning out their uares vfWr,
the utmost punctuality, neatness, and dis
patch. ’t is to be hope-! that they have not.
taken down their machinery nor chopped up ;
into fire wood sit that hickory ; for now, as 1 j
seriously believe, they are going to have a ;
Sae foreign market opened to their enter
prise. Legs trill be lively, and splints and
crutches in good demand.
TRrrn is a Travzstt.—A Georgia oo
lempor&ry is responsible for the following,
touching off the insolent demands of the
Radicals on the Sooth :
“Good *ir Radical.! Yon eali u« liars, traitor*,
You drprivs u* of ail our OwtCUotiona! richt* ;
And for all these —“talk. »• »*“• *hy aaiue
Offer th e our grateful homage.'*
From tb* Allan--a rad Jkaruw paMisa.
VAIOiMTOII, *•7 22 —Ttenna tele
gram* report that Minister Motto j f roiemtr
ed agata-i the furtherrhip»?« of Austrian*
to Mexico I he troop* were then returned
home on a limited furlough.
The financial panic to London culminated
May 10ih in the suspension of Overend
Gnerncy, t Cos., wboae liabilities are from
ten to twelve mill loos rterliog. eau-ed by
heavy spteculative rale* of* harm at heavy
The bill in relation to pubfic lands in
Alabama, Mi-sissippi, Arkansas, Louisiana
and Florida ha» passed the Senate. ?t pro
vide* that they be disposed of to
the provision ofthe bon»e*uad law of Ih>J,
without discrimination of color. Price of
patent, five dollars, aud allows the privilege
of securing lands to every person who served
in the Confed' ra e army after taking the
I oath of allegianee.
The Bankrupt bill has passed the House
—yeas 68, nays 59
i Nkw York, May 22.—The Academy of
Music Lutheran church,Medical University,
two piano factories and other build.ngs on
j Fourteenth street and Third Avenue, were
destroyed by fire. Kstimatcd loss three to
; four millions.
Cotton firm, with sales of 3,500 bales at
38 to 40 cents. Gold bloscd at 33 34.
I Washington, May 17. — Official reports
confirm the exceeding frcblonrs* of Jeffer
son Davis. It is reported that his indict
ment ha* been drawn under the Act of Con
gress of July 17, 1862, to punish treason.
The Act fixes the punishment of any per
i son convicted of rebellion at imprisonment
not exceeding ten years, and a fine not ex
ceeding ten thou-and dollars It is said
this Act repeals all previous provisions for
the punishment of treason.
The Senate to day pa-sed the Wot Point
appropriation bill It contains a provision
prohitiiting the appointment of any cadet
who served in the army or navy of the
Southern Confederacy.
Munir t. May 17. Lightning struck the
city *are Imus. this afternoon, burning 500
ba c of cott m.
A Sea (.’aitain's Remedy for Chole
ra.— Mr G S Peabody, muster of th* pack
. t ship l*aa? Wright, has written a letter,
1 giving nn account of a cholera c *e which
.*c tired '<n his vessel in J ii.tiarv last, do
ting a trip 'rom Liverpool to New Aork
Captain Peabody say* that within fury-eight s
hours after -ailing, cholera appear,;!, and
'in ten day*, twenty-seven pt-s. ng'-rs had
' died ol it. though they were treated “ by the
book ” The Captain then applied a method
of tr a’rnent that had been recommended by
bis pred eessor in command, an j did not !o*<‘
another patient on that voyag*, or since
The remedy was this ; A tahlespoonful of
-alt and a tablespoonful of red pepp r in a
' half pint of hot water
Th ■ Captain say* he w.i* hims'df attacked
by \i .let t e-b lem, wi'h crimp- Ae . but the
nti.-djcine “ cirri- and him throujli.” He adds:
‘The Hied.-ine acts quickly as an *-metic.
*-iys in -me or two minutes It brings up a
verv i fi- rtsive nutter whie.i s'i k* ! k* g ! ue
It was given, among other*, to one r.i ! w m n
ttf ctghtyvfouTyetrs of age, wh . w k m i dec k.
though weak, ol course, the mx day. I
I ave known it to be sueces-l'ully u*ed on
board their ships by af leas' a d< z a ship
in ist* rs besid* s m .sclf. Its u«e is quite
general in Liverpool, where even some of
the rt gular doctors find it to their advantage
to resort to it. l’rovi :cd with this simple
recipe. I no longer eon-ider the cholera an
until nageabie disease ”
Linoi.f.i’M—A* substance is now tnm
ufiettire i from flux-ee l called iin ileum. It
* -aid that it will supercedo India rubbi r
which it very much le-mib'e*. and ol which
it possesses most of the proper!i s—in the
various manalacUires in which it is used
i.iko India rubber, it can be dissolved into
a c ment and used in the ut .nuf.ctute of
water-prool clothing. It can be ue! for
the co-.iting of iron or wood, or for ca'ing
ship bottoms. It is as good as common
I cement, having pr perties similar to the in i
rioe glue made front India rubner and >.110!
lac. It is readily vulcanized by exposure
j to heat, and by this me t s becomes a* hard
ias the hardest wood, and capable of file pol
ish. The variety of the u-es to which it can
be applied in this form wili at on*-e suggest
themselves to the reader Hitherto it lues
been made so'eiy to produc* fio r cloth, for
which it is well ada; ted. These Lets will
'doubtless bo interesting to the Canadian fir
mer, a* in consequence of this new di-uovery,
flax—for the successful cultivation of which
the soil and climate of Canada are so well
adapted—will probably become greatly en
hanc and til value.
, Sourn America.—The Spaaish fleet
bombarded Galiao, the Fort of Lima, Peru,
on the 2nd of this month. They were re
pulsed, however, doing little damage. Ad
miral Nouez was badly wounded The Pe
ruvian Secretary of War was killed by the
explosion of a battery. The fight lasted
four houis, and terminated by the withdraw
al of th; Spanish fleet Only a few hun
dred dollars worth of property wera destroy
ed. The Spanish loss is suppos'd to be
heavy. The news of the Spanish repulse
was received with great enthusiasm by the
Valparaiso advises to the 17-h of April
report the blockade rai ed. The Govern
m- nt is enforcing import and export duties.
AsT* General Steedman —one of the Pres
ident's Commissioners to examine into the
affaire of the Freedmen’s Bureau-— is smtfirt"
ed to have said recently, in Sswßnan :
“ Tbst he sh iinijyi the agents
ofthc judicial fune
not contemplated their
he gave Gen. Tillson author
ity to apply to the Stats Convention far the
appointment of civil agents of the bursas
; lie would examine into the matter when h# I
! reached Augusta, and hare the Freed men’*
Court* abolished in Georgia. .
Admiral—and aJm/reUe—Raphael
Semmes, the “ heroic sailer” of the Gohfed
crute Navy, and “ the Pireto" es Yankee
slangwhaagere, has bees eieoted Jwdge of
j the Probate Court of Mamie County,, Ala.
' asr The Psgfish'Admindtef are kfeetft
havo the whole of the Japansse eoasts sad
rivers accurately n/rnyrd 4
) The P°« r kaow 001, U
j seems, that what Bitty Cowper sang, John
The wife of Albert Sidney Johne!®* •
teaching school in California to .-.□poor* i*
self and children.
The North Deterxiwg» toHanom
Davis.—The Washington curres- jh<L»i H
the Baltiwtorc Son, of says : ‘
I* »* the tettled purpose of certain Wt . •
high petitions here to have Mr. Davi* W
euted, U U is within the range •fpoeribilk!'
and they are not slow in asaetting
people of the North will never a!W the K
terptfeifion of Executive clemency. U "
A plan is rat on foot for building a
ment at Gclumbus, Ga, in fi on ~ r .UT 1 '
Confederate dead. **•
i’resident Johnson will be fifty-eight t
of age on the 29th day of December
he lives till that time, having be n bmC *
Raleigh, N. C-, December 29, 1808. **
The celebrated W. Byrd P„welf CC; f_
brated as a popular leeturer on PhrenolL,
—died recently in Cincinnati. ®
AH the failures of the National Bank*
arc traceable, it is said, to their grcediaeJ
to make more out of their funds th an
legal rates of interest—lending to a few reek
less .* - oi;k gimblers and ST'ceof l .t cr , >
they should have given accommodations to a
multitude of perfectly solvent tnaall bor
It s; pears from the New Orleans
that there is considerable emigration going
on from that quarter to Brazil.
Planter* in every portion of Georgia Bre
complaining ofinjury to the cotton bv the
heavy and continued rains.
New Orleans. May 10.—luUe Abell
of the Firs' District Court, has decided the
Civil Rights bili unconstitutional and nut
binding on the court, and argues that the
present Congress is unconstitutionally con
The United States -Supri me Court ha
a- e ded that the Missouri Test Oath is un
1 l.ate*r ndv ices from-tt.Tliomas rej»o r t the Jo.
pasture "f twelve liunjre.l French troop, for Yen
t'ruz. A w dav* previon, a steamer ha<f arrived
from Mexico, wi'll seven hundred tio-.p, onlwaij
en route for France.
Th* "il davelojiuient* on oil Creek, Pennsylv*.
oil. makes property worth >: is»i_lf„„ r
time* a* tigu-b n* the wliwle t .\»hi« propritr.jf
Katt TVn.essee.
XzGro Srvrt«CE—There nre only 'wo Fitter
in the I'i.ion where tie* negro is allowed to rot*
w 'hoot ;u. perty qu r . >tion. Ihev are Yer,
moot an 1 Xea 11 vopso.i e. the lorioep aliid,
hr.« eighty negro voter.-, ami the .UNr , te ban
dred and iiine'y.
Five hundred negro* , ivor* slerf in Jamaica a
1.-rtlie late instilei-tron.
The people of Texas are rontri using ft*- th,
farniiv "f Albert Sidney Jolnso. wts* are hi watt
in t a ilormi.
A nr heme for 1* i iging the Mi*s**-ippi
' >t 1, ‘Ul* is bri g agitated by capitalisri in
( A 110-hue.iiJ piper suy* tbere is n nte-i fv rat*
of en.'g'-.iliou .o' - '■ ;s k* fi*>in that city north«ank
A writer in the V. V Pn*t - iy* tt.eee niillioaa
of tnr* of rai fell on New Ymk Is’and d'.iring
the inoutl, of April.
In the tos-t of -ir-.-ite-r ’ Vng'i.f.i Cos., Va.,
there is ot a fitirie dram-shop, th- eurreat of
pa igsosl ong agniual the pracliar,
■ I-.- J dare leave it by vending liquor.
I' I'r-*.'• ’’ riti*-J the thiioia<lo bill on tbs
g-'.iioj ..f aear.-i' v ■ f population.
and i -.-T-rmiiiL 1" .(■ ,Ti‘i.,aui —P. rsorv harirr
r *> ~ or fii• • d*. w h*e died at Camp f'. orii',
rt- 'ir ' -Ol iL-o. I Hi' oi- .-,n h-iirn the .1 i'r of death,
.1,,. ~r. Vo. nod 1 oca* on ofthe grave, bv a-hlr-s.
t: g - Jin dan, r. Undertaker 11 U Box -«*i.
Test«> Mil* Uncusstitcitus.ii,.—lLtr.
1 P. Biair. in n speech l est, week in Mis
souri. made the tallowing Matrnient:
•• I am h -re to-d iv. my friend*, to tellyotr
that the Supreme Court of the United States
have already decided that thi* Constitution
is invalid and roil. I was toldao myaclfby
; one of the Judges of the Supreme Court in’
\Yii-hington. and he t<>ld nie inaddition that
.the only rru-am why the announcement of
the derision was not made was that the mi
nority of those who heid hit the law was
constitutional I four Judges holding it con
stitutional ard five declaring it unconstitu
tional} was the four who begged that the
announcement might bo postponed till the
next term. wh : ch meets in December.”
lion John Honan, a member of Congrem
from Mi-couri, also made a stitemcnt to the
same effect.
Pulverized Turpentine.—The Rus
sian Admiralty are experimenting upon
th - u-' « to which pulveriz' and turpentine
can be app’ied. By adapting a lamp to it,
a flame two feet high was p oduced, which
easily melted steel aid copper. A small
stv»Hiboat. twenty four feet long, with en
giro sos tw '-horse power, attained a speed of
«ix knots by lue consumption of twelve
pounds of pulverized turpentine The steam
was raised in ten minutes by the use of the
. turp ntinelamp. Several steamboats, whose
; engines are moved by turpentine fuel exclu
sively, are already plying the Neva.
Killing Comes natural in Ireland, for
one half the places begin with kill. There u
Killhoy, (for all Irishmen are called boys;)i
and. w .at is still more ungallant, there u
Kiilbride ; Killbaron, after the landlords;
Killba T Tack, after the English soldiers;
Ktilcrew. for the navy; Killbrita>n, for the
I English proprietors ; Killcool, for delibew
; ate mnrd>*r ; Killraors, if that’s not enough
| and last, though not least, Killpatriek, aodl
1 Kilkenny.
Erip A correspondent writing to the BaU
timore Sun, from Lynchburg, says - “Now
the negroes are beseeching their former
masters to take them back, and wherever
the master or mistress can be assured that
they will be safe in doing so by the negroea
gemaiuing faithful, and tt#infod **y 1180 “T
Tkfflw at *U,.th<J aro kyiKn in, clothed
rlHllillUi' 'll' of the half jtpm*
IveedmenTrJut ihuosasds are still Wtthott
homes where they are deemed untrust worthy-
Monitor mention*'
the singular fact that on monday night w®
31st ult , thn.e men, one in Mufressboro,
i one in Shethrvillo and the third in hashvtlle.
c-Uttmitted tuicide, abont the same hour, by
shooting themselves ; and strauge to say n
o<no of them assigned any cause tor lac ras
Cut 80-xo?—Thelisr. R- M- ? a^ d ' r '
and Mr* J. T. Saunders, recently ofTas »
looss Female College, purpose to estobli®"
Berda, Prussia, a school lor American youn
||L I* fe ettimWe* that not less than
hundred cows have died in the Pis’-ri’ 1 «
[Cohtmbha and its vicinity, daring die »
disease known as < uc
cait 1 * pWtjne.