Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, September 04, 1866, Image 2

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Si outJftn *j trail). OFfll'ULllTV AM) I’l’l \TV M B\ IL. D N MARTIN DR M DEAVENPORT IDITIII. RKI PFI H. <» ASEPT 4, !•««. -> Tlit- Daily Noulbrrn Herald. AVbat Uunlhn/ra threat, do wc hear, rau. cously croaking from temple-tops, and house tops, along the highways, and bje-psths, and exclaiming—wo unto you, C! rifflr», you can not support a daily l— which, when interpret ed, may mean : wo unto you, Griffin, you thall nut support a daily 1 W hat ! Griffin not support a daily ! A proud, aspiring city of some four or five thousand persons, increas ing, too, every day, boasting as good society as can be found anywhere,—distinguished for her schools and her churches, the pros pective centre cf converging railroads, and bidding high to become the Manufacturing Metropolis of the Empire State, nnd withal ju-t at out the healthiest place to he found in twenty States !—Whoever has said it, let him take it lock. Aye, Griffin, if she chooser, can support a daily, nnd support it well, and if she hut kerpt-up the encourage ment already extended to us, instead of not supporting a daily, she will soon .-ease to support anything short ol a daily. Wo drop these words to our friends who have responded to us by their substantial smvpalliy with our enteipri.se —a sympathy that I as she wn itself in the shape of adver tisements and subscriptions,—and iu con nection therewith, to assure them that we fi cl vastly obliged for their favors, and that we purpose, Deo lo'enle, to pay that d<bt of obligation, by giving them » Journal that shall never forget it is a Griffin institution, devoted to its interest, and the inter sts of its surrounding community. Griffin can be made a first-rate place—she has the first rate elements all aggregated in her, needing but little fostering warmth to expand her in to tho dimensions to which she is entitled. Give us then, or rather conlinw to give us n helping hand in our enterprise, and wu give hack tho assurance in return, that, we shall feci it our houudon duty, yi a, our mi. ion, to exert all the influences of a sustained Jour nal for the benefit of a city and community with which it is so identified by every prin ciple of interest and affection. > Sabbath School Concert.—Pursuant to published notice, this Concert came duly off nt tho Methodist Church, on Thursday evening23rd August. Owing to tho uola voura*A„,eßS 0 f the evening, thero was not such a turn<n. , W( ,nM liavo been under fair oiroutnstansjs. u ,.| 9 j the .. Jfjfr. pr oMan t ( nn 1 t 0 jrjve ino music, tindeadeno.l by too largo a mass of crinoline, full scope to fill tho room, and bo distinctly heard, —and cry ), appreciated —by all. We feel we are morely echoing tho sentiment of all who were present, when we say tho whole affair was a decided success The musical director, Mr. Ufiord, and the assisting teachers, all p uformed their role felicitously and the little scholars, in their part, were not a whit be hind their elders and instructors. One song, in especial, sung by tho sweotly-nerv oils and seini-tremuluos wee voices—to wit, “I want to be an angel"—to m Rounded jjmcnmirably better than we over heard it Hernirc. The uJdrcss of Uapt. G. II Niles, •eived' 0 a PP ro P r ' ato nubjoot, .Untie, was tastc agaim and with a graceful dignity, bad vff a refined modesty, was effectively ocoasi handsomely delivered, ,Vo trust that many a treat, in the way of eonotTAAl'ko this, in store fir the good citizens otflur nf»p'"teiutivo community New Logic.—Several of the jotm»*!? that advocated the Philadelphia Convention, af footed to be somewhat tretted with tho-e that could seo no great good to result !rom said Convention ; —they even went so lar as a'ntost to insinuate that, inasmuch as the Savannah Republican, a Radical sheet, op posed the meeting of the Philadelphia Con vention, ergo, all who opposed it, were vir tually giving aid and comfort to tho Uadi ieals. Lo 1 and behold ! it now turns out hat the selfsame Radical paper, tbo Sa vann h Republican, claiming not to have changed its political views at all, says that “ it tan s/and on the Philadelphi < platform, am/ honestly approve of every plank ” Now for the application of the new logic “Inasmuch as the Savannah Republican, a Radical sheet, can stand on the Philadelphia platform,-honestly approving the same, ergo, all who approve said platform, are virtually giving a'd and comfort to the Radicals ” *• For by thy words thou shalt he justified, and by thy words thou sha t hr condemned” Reading Room, a ‘‘Griffin Literary Soctrrv.” - Grifiio, Aug. 24, IStiG. At h meeting of the G. I, S , it was unanimously “ Resolved, that the sincere thanks of the Society be, and are hereby tendered to those Editors who have been so kind and generous as. to send us their papers free of charge, and that the Secretary furnish this resolu tion to each of «aid Editors with our very heat wishw for their future auocess aud hap piness." ~3§r Th* Vermont State election takes place to-dav(Sept. 4 tb ) fur Governor, three members Jf Congress, ana ~.n,bers of Leg- Tatum; t»o United States Senators h,j«„ of Solomon Foote and Jacob Colla — Telegraphic News. S' pt. I —Fates of cotton to day :!<K> hales Middling HOfodS Nr.vv York. 1 Gold 4T>f. Flour dull, ?‘.t.7.uf" I.V Vt forS irtiern. Washington, Sept I.—Browning »a< installed as Secretary or (he Interior, and (’•irnol us Wendell as Superint ndent ol Public l’rintiug t »-duy. Hociie-'I ER, S-pt. 1 —The I’re-i but ar rived today A great multitude received tiim with every and •inonstr.ri in of honor, as has been the cise at Auburn, Utica, Canan daigua, Geneva, an 1 Other points, lha trip from Albany to this place in w truly be described as a succession of ovations.^ At Clinton Springs the sister of Stephen A. Douglas and bis two s ins j lined the purlv. The President and General (irant went to the plitf-rui and b« wed to Mrs Granger, ihe mother of the deemed Sena lor, who was sitting at the door ol her real deneo not lar from the track, Washington, t-ept. I.—Durant and Itrownlow spike at a ma s inciting in Philadelphia lost night. lion. William Kel'y raid he wished to introduce the great and valiant Governor Itrownlow. In the e nirse ol bis brict re marks lie said the present Congress was the most patriotic bo ly in the world, aud had never beon cxeeihd liy any except the present legis'atnri of Tennessee. lie further raid, if an.ither war comes I want you to divide your army into three portions. Del the fir.it and largest, eouie with liar pouns and do the killing; h t the Memo! with live torches and do the burning; let the third emi.e with rurveyor's lines and re murk and mettle the country. These are my sentiments, loiNliiiN, Sept. 1-—The threatened rani by the Fanians Into Canada lias received serious nntiee by the British Government, who arc making active preparations. 1 luce batteries have lately been sent to Quoin a. Money market unchanged. Consols are qilotod at Ml} For money. Market lor Amcricau securities steady. Five twenties m. YAI.EANLm.NHAM AM' THE riir.RN Dei.T.iI aTK.B. — lion. John Forsyth, in a I ■ ter to the New York Aries, says . I take the occasion to deny, w ith i mphasis, the statement in this mornings 11 > rail, tbit Mr. Vallandingh.am was notified by the .South ern delegations that it he did in*t quietly withdraw they would vote him out. It C impossible to conceive a more odious and and imaging imputation up ui S 'Utln rn delega tions ilum this. Wlia' ! turn upon a man who had eu'lore '. impri-oriui ant, j er-. o thuti aid exile lor symp itbi* ng with our suffer iug. and trials ! If there was one vvr ell s i heart) s.s from the S nth, I am happy t > .'ay 1 <iid not nail ucvi r w ito know Lon. My own vi. w- and-• ii.->o o! duty vti r very chat and I believe they vveie tlio-c ol every South ern gentleman in the Convention. It was, that we could not, in pcr.su mi I honor or con science, and with n due regard to the honor ana conscience, of our constituents, vote o unseat a gentlemen whose right was patented to him by tho gallant Democracy of Ohio, wan a- good us our own, ami who-e only, di ability was that ho was our iriend in trouble. r*w.• v uuxu junji iu a t ion until putrfunft (3u ject in iho luturc. It wis upon tliis theory that we of tho South wore there, and it w:t’> foreign to the objects and fatal to tlio ethers expected to be produced, to begin in tin woik of peace und harmony hy persecuting and punishing for past pitiiieal differences I would not, tied could r.ot have remained an in-tint in that Convention i! any Northern delegate like Messrs. \ allaiihingham or Woo l, properly rteeredited, had b.ei: unseat ed by vote. Macon Cunv i;\ rtuss —The Savannah and i'li nip is Railroad Convention will meet to marrow (Sept full) in Maeon und the day after that, (S pt (sth) the Cotton Plant vis’ Conveutiou will assemble in the sun city. ’1 l.c last rniin. and Convention wo trust will have a goodly number of delegates from hereabouts, and Iroiti all of this portion of Georgia. Sound Neiilimeats, The Won. Iler<ch<4l V. Johnson,- in o re cent letter to Dr. Ridley, of LaUrange, on the subject of his appointment by the Third 1 li-triet Convention as a delegate, for the State at large, to the Pliiladclplra Conven tion, thus shows how the work of recons fac tion is to bo done, and by whom : Ibo restoration of harmony between .... North and South, and of representation to tbo latter in Congress, is a work which must he done by the j eoplo ot the former. They ate tho triumphant party ; the Gov ernment is in their hands; we are excluded from all participation in its deliberations and actions ; we c.-mnot be otherwise, until they . ’ J consent. the i-sue is lor them to decide; the battlo for tho 1 uion and the Constitu tion, must bo won or lost at the North, with out any practical participation on our part Moral aid ofol comfort are all that we can render. Henc\ 1 uni forcibly impns-ed with the conviction that our stronnast. ami best policy is silent, but dignified, .submission to the necessities of uir condition. leaving the responsibility entirely upon tho Northern people to determine our fate, and the future dtß'iny of tho Government. When we com plain, we are told that wo arc sore headed and not sufficLntly humbled. When we urge our right.- under the Constitution, we are told that wc hare none—that we have forfeit ed them. \\ lien we make required conccs sions, it is but the pretext for further exac tions. We can neither say nor do anything that is not converted into a weapon against us. lienee, the policy of entire quiescence, I have thought, is best. We can sust iu the President; wc can sustain the Conserva tive men of the North ; we can stand ready to perform our part in the Government, when evir we shall be permitted ; we can obey the Constitution aud laws; we eau be just-and magnanimous to the freedtuen. Beyond all this, what eau wc do ? In all this there is a moral power—tho eloquence of submission to wrong and injust'ec, which, soouer or later, will reach the hearts of goo 1 men in all lands, hor myself, I cannot but feel apprehension, lest the contraction of party alliances at this juncture, however laudable the purpose, may destroy this moral power; for, to constitute a sufficient element an organization, we shall be compelled, most probably, to pay fir it in the form of concessions of principle and abatement of self-respect.’' Kx-Gov. Conolly died at Santa Fe, lerntoiy -f Mexico,, oj the 12th of Angwfc ~ Rktiriment or Major Gr.NERAi. lit n- TkR —General Older-, No 58, from the War Department, ore as follows : l pon his own app.i' it on, Hrev. t Major Gemral I). llun I, r (j ,I.tried tith United States cavalry, hav ing seived over forty years, has been, by di recti.,n of the President, retired from active service, ami his name will be entered on the retired list of officers of the grade to which he belongs, in accordance with section L», act approved August 3, 18G6. This order to tike effect July 31, 18G0. —National / i /*■/• i/mrer. We should think that when this man re me inhered bis conduct in Virginia, and espe cially the hanging of Mr. Oreigh, and when the recollection of his conduct on the trial of Mrs Surrat and others, came up, he would want to “ retire ’ from the face of the earth A ii' / Con. The late Vice President, Ham! n, now Collector of the port at 15 iston, is about to be removed, and a conservative appointed in his place. This change is made at the re quest of the New England delegates to the late Cos ivcntion, who have assured the Presi dent that bis removal wiil insure the success ~l one or two conservative Congressmen from Massachu-etts, and some others from New Kugland. Corn in South Carolina.—A gentle man writes a note to the Abbeville /fanner, under date of August 17th, and says that tie i, in receipt, of a letter from a friend some where in South Carolina, who informs him that old corn is sol ing there at fifty cents p r bushel, and that he never saw us good a prospect I" r the growing crop ; and lie adds, t Pat if no disaster befalls it, the new crop will bes, II at. twenty five cents per bu-dieh Generae Grant anu the Radicals. —The Washington correspondent of the New York Tribune, says: The John-onites have been making a good deal of political capital out of the presence of (. ii Grant at the White Home, last Sat in day, when ihe Committe from tho Phila delphia Convention wuitel o:i the President, and presented him with an official copy of the proceedings of that body. It now e imes tn li jin that Gen Giant W£ts not present at the titsi", of his own accord, but through the trick of Messrs. Johnson and Seward, aud their political tools. It seems that just be fore the appointed time came for the inter view, the President dispatched one ol bis private secretaries to Geti. Grant, saying he desired to sec him on inipor ant business, t *1 course, the General hastened over to the White House, and when he reached it, the Philadelphia Convention was ordered by Marshal Gooding to assemble in ihe I.ist room. The President was thou awaiting the arrangements of the Committee, and it w.ts in this maun r that Gen. Grant was entrap jel into a supposed endor-emtnt of ihe swindling party. The Tribune says editorially : It looks now as if Gen. Grant had been trapp and into the company of the President and .Mr. Reverdy Johnson on Saturday last,in order to give countenance to the Philadelphia Convention. If there was a trick, indeed, the puppet-pullers did not manage their unit The General made no speech, and gave no opinion. Froneh lamilies, among wfioiii there are twenty j.(‘isons almuf seventy years of age, inc'u.liiig tour or five who have reached eighty. Sueli are the results of .sobriety and eheer *'*l philosophy so peculiar 'o the French Tetupi mice in all tliinos, recreation hy tit. ' ultivation of social intercourse, and a ready a• j li-et’iie; in the dispensations of Provi ■l »i.-o, will very generally lie attended with health and longlife.— Aw/nsfa I‘rtss. SUMMARY.' It is stated that a wholes ile removal of l nited States Ilistiict Attorneys and United States Marshals, in the West specially, will be made in a few days. The whole population of Liberia is esti mated at 74,000, of whom 14,000 are ranked us civil.zed. The whole number of votes poll, and at tho last election, was 1,220 twelve hundred and twenty voteffs out of sev. nty-lbur thousand—one voter to sixty one siuls. Is thero no civil rights bill to interpose between the down trodden masses and their arriitociatic oppressors? Gen. T. 1, Swift, Conservative, has been apointeJ naval officer at Boston, vice a Rad io rl. Ft Governor .7 M. More It cad, of North t’aroliua, died August 28th, at ltoxbury Alum piings, Virginia. M azriui lias refos and to accept the amnesty granted by Victor Emanuel, and declines to he a subject of the King on any terms. An Old Revolver—ln tho historical collection at Dresden, Europe, is an object of great interest—a perfect revolving pistol, more than two hundred years old—no anti <piated, half made, rough, rudimentary affair, but as thoroughly finished a pistol as were the Toledo and Damascus blades of older date. It is of the same size as a Colt's revolver, and not only were the revolving barrels of precisely the same stracture, size, and shape, hut they were six in number This will go to prove that there arc at least tew new things under the sun. Hogs.—The Louisville Joann! says that tho prospect of a tremendous corn crop has given an extraordinary impetus to the hog trade, and feeders all over the State, are industriously engaged in buying up stock hogs, for fall and winter feeding. The com petition is brisk, and prices good. The prospects are, that next season’s pork trade will be much brisker than that ol last season. Mobile—The census now being taken is quite completed. It shows the popula tion of Mobile to be upwards of 50,000 souls. This is double the number of per ons that were to be found there, before the war, at this seuscu of the year. A rt exchange says that a peddler waslatc !y pite.hod into a well h Arkansas by an in censed husband. After nightfall,iheincens ed husband’s wife fished him out, and eloped with him. Rev. Peter Cartwright has spent sixty two years in the iatinenfney, not losing six months in that time, from sickness, and only receiving, in two out of tho sixty-two years, the small salary allowed by tho Discipline. Since he entered the itinerucj, the Annual Conferences have multiplied from sevm to sixty. Bnwll will open an Indu’rrisl'Rxptttiiijif October IPth. Minnesota has recently been visited wi'h , heavy rains and disastrous flood* Bridges j have been sw pt away, at-d much damage to property done. The .St. Louis papers are diseasing the pra ttibili’v ol a tuunef under the M -s-issipoi river, a.ai'n-t the project of a bridge over it. The gavel u-ted by the presiding officer of the Philadelphia Convention, was made of an oak plank from tne, frigate Constitution. “Old Ironsides.” President Johnson does not seeiu to know what to do with his bale of cotton, given him by the people of Macon, Georgia. Some of his new-paper friends advise him to send it to the World's Exposition, at Paris, where it will no doubt attract a good deal of attenti n. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WINSHIP & GOREO.I, COBNCB »V BILL AND BROAD STREETS, GRIFFIN GEORGIA. Wholesale and retail PeaUrs in Boots, echoes, Ilats, 4 „ i ~ * *4 atk LEATHER. , ■£ j SHOE FINDINGS, i . \■' yj READY-MADE CLOTHINO/ \VE ARE RECEIVING and opening 170 cases lIiJOIS and SHOES of every style and description, which we propose sell.ng as clieap as can be purchased in any Sor'.li ern market. We invite all persons who expect to wear 'shoes to call and e.tanline our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Oar Senior Partner Iris had many years experience in the Shoe business, and is Well acquainted with the manufacturers at the north, which gives them aupermr advan tages in getting lip their slock. Every ar ticle in our line will be sold at a small ad v anee on cost. cy H „i .ii -cr. one can tc*ll goods on a credit at the extremely low prices we are asking. flw COLNI R\ MERCHANTS wishing to replenish their stock are respectfully in vited lo give us a call. BOOTS AN’I) SHOES MADE TO ORDER. Repairing done at short notice. WANTED, TWO GOOD BOOTMAKERS. sep4—3m BOYNTON A* DISMUKE, ATTORN EV £ A T LA IF, 7RIFFIIC GEORGIA.’ (Office in front room up stairs in Almah Ilall opposite Brick Warehouse.) \V ILI - K ' ve P rom P t attention to such business VT as may be entrusted to their cure, in the counties of SnaUi.-jr; ' Henry, Butts. Monroe 1 f«», r.k-e. Memwether, Fayette and Clayton. •I. S. Boyntgt, ) Frkd. D. Pis>mrE. \ sep4-4m. GRIFFI.V SHOE STORE, pm PATRICK & BRO. KEEP on hand at all time? a fine assortment of Men and Boys' BEST HOME MADE SHOES ! all sires, manufactured and warranted by them. Th-'V have, an I always keep in store for sale a SSiuMr** 1 - col - vri,v .'Oil WORK AND REPAIRING put up to order and warranted. 1 atrick <fc I »ro. pay the highest market price in cash or barter for Green and Dry Hides, i allow and Beeswax. eep4-tf Mrs. S. A. Jackson, (agent.) TT AS just received a splendid stock of BOX NETS and HAPS of the very latest styles. Also, fresh Invoices of mmmm mmmm .fce., Ac., to which the attention of the ladies is re«j>, ct fully invited. She is prepared to furnish com. Gy dealers at WIIOLE S A L E ! with MILLINERY, upon a? favorable terms as they con be purchased in Atlanta or Macon. CALL ON HER at the old stand of JACKSON A NEWTON, which hashes# newly tilted op and improved. DRUGS & MEDICINES! EAST SIDE OF HILL ST REE T , (Near the Post Office.) Griffin, Georgia, I,» c y.v n\\’D \ GOOD ASSORTMENT. AND RECEIVES WEEKLY SLTPL[t s OF \I L ARTICLES PERTAINING TO DRUGS, FRESH AND GENUINE. Also, a fine lot of FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, Window G!;.s s p,j nh Oi.s, Lamps, dec., Cooking Extracts, Tobacco, Cigars, <fco. PUP*' , CU IPTIONS promptly filled DAY or SIGHT, under the direct supervision 0 f R g ! Dhewbt. M. I> .U'd Dr J. b. Moori". (< f.-n.i-ts and I’harinaceutisU,) who has been in regular u* extensive practice for over ten years, buili civil and mill tary. "e|H—2m Something New ■LINDEr*- THESuN anew ERA IN MEDICINE! IJg" bet the suffering and diseased read the following. - y bet all who liave been given up by Doctor, and spoken of as incurable, read the LllOMjjpig. ry Let all who can believe facts and can hsvl faith in evidence, read the following. Knote all mm by these preeenti, ThatVn this,_ the Twentie’lr dav of June, in the year (ft oar Lord One Thousand Light Hundred and Sixty six, personally came Joseph Haydoek to me. kuown as such, and being duly sworn, deposed as follow*; ,Th«t lie is the sole general agent, for the United dependencies thereof, for preiiaratiotHior medicines known ns Magoiel's Pills and diwntMd tlint the following certifi — i— vXrbaC'u) copies to the best of his kuowl ESLi^betnt IBTT3SL . JAMES SMIOTRFV A* Public. ► 'e'sSEtvHHfeH A reet*N e w Aik. jkA June 1,18«*'. Dr. jiTTHUa ni ii you of tr.y great an > tHtenfiillum in sidelttS.leftrlie 4». Inst—AP'yoiir niedteiue. UlvuSetofTbow thankful I utwtliat i can te l some sleep. —l you again an#iWgant' itad am you are tile fiieh% of an sulfan-eHUK,conld not iielp writing to-you, auJ hope you'w.ill not take, it nm.ss. f JAMES MYLR-, 116 Avenue D. This i* to certify that 1 was discharged from (lie army with t iironie Diarrhoea, aud have lieen cured In Dr. Maggiel's I’i Is. AVTL-ON HAIIVFY, K. Y'. April 7, lSfifi 27 i’Ut street. The following is au interesting case of a man j employed in an iron K"Umiiy. \vc, in pocri .g ] melted iron into a tlask that, was damp and w et. caused an explosion, ihe inched iro > was thrown around and »u him m u pertect sliower. and lie was burnt dieadltllly. The following certificat. was g.ve • to in ; bj him about eight weeks after Hie accident. Xew Yolk, Jan. 11.1566 My name is Jacob Hardy; 1 am an bon Loan de:;*l was bn Iv biiiul by but iron ill Novell.tier last; inv burns healed, but t had a running sol e on inv "leg tiiai would not heal; 1 Hied Maggie', o j naive, mid 11 cm ed me iu a lew w eeks, Hus is ! ah true a-.l any b dy Can now see m • at Jaek-»i. » Iron Woiks, 2nd Avenue. j ii.ypjjy /11 ft . ' Extracts from Various Lettfrs. ‘ I had no appetite; Maggiel's l’iils gave me a hearty one.” “Your Fill-; are murvelous,” "1 se .and lot- another box, uiul keep them in the house,” “Dr Maggiel has cured my headache that was chronic." “1 g ive half of one of y.itfr pills to my babe for cholera hum bus. Tin- dear little thing g,,t well in a day.” “My nausea of a moriiiug is now cureJ.” ■'A 081- box ot Maggiel's r>al\e cured ine «,f noises in the head. 1 r u bbed some of your Salve beliiud my ears and the noise left," “Send me two boxes J want ot.e for a poor family.” 1 1 enclose a dollar; your price is 25 cents, but the ined.cine to me is worth a dollar.” “Send me boxes of your pills." ‘ Let rile have three boxes o your Salve by re turn mail ” I HAVE OVER 201 SUCH TESTIMONIALS as this, but want ol space compels tne to conclude J. J. AGO ILL, M. D. MAGGIEL’S PILLS AND SALVE ! Notice.—None genuine without the engraved trademark around each pot or box, sign, and bv Dr. J. Maggie). 11 Fine street, New York, to counterfeit which is felonv. Sold by all respectable dea'ers in Medicines in the United States and Canada—at 25 cents per box or jxrt, sep4-lyr A New and Grand Epoch in Medi cine ! Dr. Maggiel is the founder of anew Medical System! The qqaii titarians, whose vast internal doses enfeeble the stomach and paralyze the how els, must give precedence to the mar. who restores health and appetite, with from one to two of his extaordinary ihils, and cures the most virulent sores with a box or so of his wonderful and ull herJingSalve. These two great specifies of the Doctor are last superseding all the stereotyped nostrums of the day. Extraordinary cures by Muggiel s Ihils and Salve have opened the eves of the public t< the inefficiency of the *(eo eal'ed) remedies of others, and upon which people have so long blindly depended. Maggiel's Pills are not of the class that are swallowed by the dozen, and of which every box full taken creates an ab solute necessity for another. One or two of Mag giel’s Pills suffices to place the howels in perfect order, tone the stomach, create an appetite, and render the spirits liirht and buoyant! There is no griping, and no reacti- n in the lorm of consti pation. If tbo fiver is affected, its functions are restored ; and if the nervous system is feeble, it is invigorated. Thi- last quality makes the medi cines very desirable for the wants ot delicate fc> males. Uiee ous and eruptive diseases ore liter ally extinguished by the diseiifpctant power of Maggiel s ,-salvs. In fact, it is here announced that Magoiel's Billows, Dvsfeptic and Diarrhoea Pills cure where ull others fail. While for Burns. Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts and all abrasions of tlio -kin Magoiel’s Salve is infallible. Isold by J. Maggiel. It Pine Street. New York, and all Drug gists, at 2J etuis per bo*. [sep4— ly AML EL P. BELL. O W. WTLLT. HENRY R. CHRISTIAN BULL. WYLLY & CHRISMI Cotton Factors and GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT’ SAVANNAH, GKO ADA ANOES made on all consign® 1° US or to cur friends in Liverpool" 0 ° ton > New York, Philadelphia suJ Baltimot tar Personal a** cn ® J °n gj\y the **alc of j Cotton and of ; •«pt Q-n*- G’ KUUGlA—Spai.dino Cointv —Whereas ip T kindred aid creditor, of Heniy Ilehns' | t * of said county, and ‘ceased, neglects and declinej t u sue out letters of admiuistration on the estate } said deceased, these a-e tlierefore to cite liß i admonish the kindred aud creditors of said a. ceased to be and appear at ivy office within 'J, time pre-cribed by iaw, make application and rt ceivesaid administration, or 1 shall a; point Ju 11. ConnoHy. Clerk of the Superior Court, Admit. iotratfll l 'On'Vaid estate. Diren under my hand at office, this Ist September 1866. sep4 F. D. DISMUKE, Ordirary. A^,®ORGWt— Spaliiing C< t ntt.-.Whereas, ii, \X jfcdSraLMGlJlebaooks. deceased, applies to m, for teiffe folell the lands belonging to said c»t,t, for Jd)«rhVt> sit-xis heirs and creditors. These its to cite and admonish persons concerned to bl aud appear at my office within the time pr.-setib-j 6y law, nnd slplnv eause, if any exist, wny an d’er should not bq.gi anted auihoiiiingeuid’ Adoit istrator to sell said lands. Given under my hand at office this, Septembit Ist, 1866; F. D. DISMUKE, sep4 . Ui dinary. Daily Now Era, - ✓ •ATLANTA, GEO. LARGEsT city circulation Lnrge«t con ntrr , eirtdlaiioii A live journal. The paperfv the fireside und the c< tinting room. tor the Lm. I’iice of subscription xinly-$7 per annual or "tie dollar per month. * sep4 —if I’UA tIILK ii sCUUGCS, SHE MFJ ‘S SALE. X tfHLL BE SOLD before the Court lloitsedw- TT in the city of Griffin o i ih. Hist Tlt>. DAY ill {let. I.ei n. xt, one iiouse ir and lot knevi> ns the Middle Georgia Medieal Col.ege. sint»>i on Broadway, near the Macon A Western K.i: [ Depot, levied on as the property "f Kdivnnif. t Knott, to satisfy costs on several li. fa ’« i«ui n | ! from Inferior and Superior Courts of SpaMn; j County. John L. 1 loyal v*. l.dwordl'. Kiwlt, j James M. Couch vs. Edward F. Knott, and ctben. ALSO, j At the same tin.e and place, w ill be sold squat? I fiftv-six (50), known in plitTi ol tK* city of (oifbs us the I’arade (Hound. eonlainiTtg lour (4) arm, the same having been sold on the tiist Tuesday inst. Fill-ties buying, aud failing to comply with the terms of said sale, it w ill be re-sold at their expense. ALSO. At tile same time and place w ill he sold o. hou-e ami lot in the city of Griffin, bounded o ; the —iist by Maj. Sull.-y 's, on the south In an opr. j lot. and on the west by a s r.-.-t known ai.d I— vied on as ihe propcity of Win. L. Wright, t« satisfy co-ts on several li. fa s fromSuprrioi Cow:- ' t.tnsl'ees'Court. Froiierlv pointed outbvE. i KK "‘ ,f> - D. D. DuYAI.. n S ’ U " lnl • Sheriff. A I.^O, 1 At the same time and i luce, will bcsoldor. I grey HOKSt', about 11 years old, levied i, a « I the property of Hiram t-lieria.m to satisfy oitefi, j 'u. issued from hpal.iiiig County Court. Tlwnm Iliyrnevs liiiiim bhennau. D. D. DOYAL, j sc pt t and hlier* /"Git ‘111; I A—Spa i,ping Cot ntv —Whereas. Wa: " * T. Ogletiee applies to me for letters Guitrdiansliip of the person an t property of Adeline C Colbert, minor, and orphan childn A. t.. Colbert, deceased, ’ll place of A. A (Jauld it g. removed. T hese are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and irppear at my office within the tine preseritied hv lav and show cause if any exist, why said letter* of guardianship should not be g-acted. Given ut dcr iny hand at office this 4th day of September 1860. K D. DISMUKE, B< T’l Oidinsry. A DM I STM KA TOR'S SALE. OF.ORGIA— SrADDtxo County. —By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary and said County will he sold before the Court Hous door iu said County, between the nsenl hours of sale, on the first TUESDAY in No .-ember next, eighty-six acres of I 'lid of lot number eleven, (Nc li.l I bird District ol originally Henry.now Spald ing* county, nine miles north-'.vest of Griffin, ad joining the lands of J. H. Starr, liobt. Andrew!, and Samuel L. Elder, the same being sold as the estate of W D. Starr, deceased for the benefit of, the heirs.and creditors. H. M. STARR. sep4 Adm’r estate of W. It Starr, deed. Railroad Meeting AT GRIFFIN. TltlE Stoclho’ders of the SAVANNAH, GRIf KIN 4 NORTH ALABAMA R K. CO., ari! the friends ot the enterprise, ate requested to as semtibi at Griffin, Ga„ on THURSDAY, the 13th da} of September next, to adopt some plan to complete the Road. 1 bis call has been suggested by numerous stock holders, aud cordially assented to Ly c. h. Johnson, nu 23 td President, OENEPIAIj LAND AND EMIGRANT AGENCY WITH 11 E AD-QU AitTEKS AT GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. I shall ke® a Registry in my office,here all par tie* bavin* Land*. Plantations. City, or other prop ertv for sale, rent, *r exehai ge. kre respeelfutiy solicited t" Register them liee of charge, whttkel’ my -ei'ice- are engaged as Agent or not. [ »n lliormiglily acquainted with & t here Land*- and therefore amply able to discern th® qua'ty and strength as well as what tbev *M bet adapted for, etc., etc., which will enable mV t- render valuable services to Capitalists and tliers wishing to invest, or exchange. 1 now have several Plantations, Lots, and » considerable quantity of wild lands in and Kerent parts of Georgia for sale, rent or exchange, aud will soon have them mapped out on my Krgistlr so t/ at all can examine for themselves. I am now making, nnd will soon have perfected arrangements with parties in New Ytok, Phila delphia. nod Baltimore by whichi shall beahle to advance money- on lands, grooving'crops, etc Rkeekxces: George N Nichols, Esq., B y'-treet Savannah, Ga ; Ransom Rogers, Esq., . 0 119 Soutii 4lh Street, Philadelphia, and the bu.-iuew meu of this city. A. JACKSON ROGERS. tw OMtfh; for the present at nr residence, on eoruer of Sroadw <y and 13th Street® enr"?*® Marshal Pdlleg* July If,