Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, September 04, 1866, Image 4

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- v J % TIE* . , ASI- -\ . « ,41’O^UVf A ~j Confirms, June 18(51. Affi-UvU, io 05 .\gr<*'>ueiit or Contract, other than those np-ciflt 1 Jretow, or any ap> |>r*i]Fineiit, 0 05 Hank Chock, Draft or or«l<*r, parable at sight or on demanJ for amount rxrrolinj(tlO, 0 02 It.lie of Kx.-hniige, (Inland,) Note*, Draft*, or order for a sum not ex ceeding tIQO, 0 so For crery additional SIOO, or frac tional part thereof, 0 06 Renewal tbe same rate. Hill* of Exchange. (Rcroign,) oi But ters of rradii, if drawn singly or otherwise (ban in acts of llireo or more, for a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, 0 0.1 For e\ery additional hundred, or fractional part thereof, 0 02 ltilla of lading for Gxhmlk, Merchan dise or eflecta exported to any for iign port (except lirilish North America,) on every hill of each sot, 0 10 Rond to indemnify a surety, when the amount recoverable thereupon ia one thousand dollars or less, 0 .10 Each additional thousand, or frac lional pert thereof, 0 60 Rond lor due execution or perform at*co cf duties of office, I 00 Rond or other than those reiiuired in legal proceedings and such are not otherwise charged herein, 0 25] Certificate ul Stock, in any mcerporat e.l company, 0 25 j Certificate of profits, in an incorporat ed company far a amn not less than ten and not exceeding fifty dollars, 0 10 j Exceeding fifty and not exceeding one thouuind dollars, 0 25 ] Cert fic.»te of damage, or any docu ment isstn and bv any l'ort Warden, Mai iiio Siii vet or, or other person acting as such, 0 25 Ci i tificate of Deposit, for an amount not exceeding one hundred dollars, 0 02 Kxc, eding one hundred dollars, 0 05 Certificate of nnv other description, not herein specified, 0 05 ontra-t, ltri Iter’s Note, or Momo- Owlum of sale-of goods by broker 010 id: of land where the consideration mao 11 " 1 exceed live handled dd- r te e 0 50 lv« hundred to one thousand hut It t 00 to th«vry additional five hundred Give lional part thereof, 0 60 j )e withdrawal of Mercliandizi , ii Bonded Warehouse, 0 50 a 'of Men hand ze, for consump fit or warehousing, not exceeding cxburic'led dollnis in value 0 25 nnl for the five hundred dollars, 0 50 with wh *" ,vo hundred dollars, 1 00 . . etui us. If for a rjiinntity c, f .fceeding 500 gallons gross, 010 •ding 500 gallons gross, 0 25 0 a policy, on any life or lives ■/rf the amount insured dues not xcced one thousand dollars, 0 25 om one to fivo thousand, 0 50 Vioeding fivo thousand, 1 00 gygiinibiits or transfer same rates, Marine, Inland and Kira ..s, where the premium does (pexcec 1 tell dollars, 0 10 .Xeecding ten and not exceeding 0» dollnis, 0 25 Keeding fifty dollars, 0 50 j sx’vnnient or transfer same rate. \grcoineiit, Memorandum, or the £«... |' lir t | ie „ s „ or rent yro aay tn ( |, trni-mciit or portion The illusion! Clio rent or rental assisting leschci**'®® , l •hreo hun felicitously and saU" 1 !’ , . 000 aeh-.lnrs, Rl , r ||l| , fo| . e , cll hind the «•„ hundred or frac aong, in esjhereof, 0 60] ous and Bfmi-tli an ' l ’ ,r . s '‘ me rate. •ul , , .If for a i plan* wa!l AiieeiOng 1000 bushels, 010 A'i mcar j/ one thousand bushels, 025 Heronro. f Land, Estate or I’roperly of Jub, r lVrsonal, exceeding one and not exceeding live *g*ndred dollar*, 0 10 hnt'O hundred to ono thousand dol lars, 0 25 For eve it additional five hundred or fractional part thereof, 0 50 Alignment or Transfer same rates. Power of Attorney to sell or transfer St oka, Bonds ot Script, to collect I tividen-ls, Interest or Kent, 0 25 ' Tb veto nt elections in any incor porated company, or society, (ex cept religious, charitable, or liter ary societies, or public cemeteries.) 0 10 To sell, convey rent or lease Keal Estate, 1 00 To perform all other acts not here tofore mentioned, 0 50 Promissory Notes, same as Inland Pills of Exchange. Renewal, same rate. Probate of Will or Letters of Admin istration, where the estate does not exceed the value of two thousand dollars, l OO For each additional thousand or fractional part thereof, 0 50 Protest of Note, Bill of Exchange, Acceptance, Check or Draft and Marin*. 25 Receipts, Warehouse, for Goods held on Storage, not otherwise provid ed for in any public nr private warehouse, not exceeding five hun dred dollars, 10 Exceeding live bundled and not ex ceeding one thousand dollars, 20 Receipts for the payment of any sum of money exceeding twenty dollars, 2 Writs, original, (except those issued by a Justice of ihc Peace and those issued in criminal prosecutions by the Uniter] States,) 40 When tho amount claimed in the writ issued by a Court, not of Re cord, ono hundred dollars or over, 50 Upon every confession of Judgment tbr one hundred dollars oi over, (except in those cases where the tax for the writ for the commence ment of r suit lias besn paid,). 50 Writs or other prooesw on appeals from Justices Court ofi other Courts of inferior Jurisdiction to a ‘ouri of Record, "■ 50 Distress, when the am’t £ exceed one lire -•* \ Hired dollars, oO NEW FURNITURE STORK IX At.ICOX. ClhhlillV, FlilltS & (». Have ju»t opened aml Receiving hilly, a Large (|uintiiy of FURNITURE, Consisting in part of CIIAMDKIt SETS, fARLOII SETS, TURKU'S OF AI.L KINDS, CHAIRS OF EVERV DKSCMI’TION, GREAT VARIETY OF (,’ARPETIXU WIIAT KNOTS and ROOK SHELVES, HAT TREES ami TEA Fo'IS, MAREE TOP TAUI.ES, EXTENSION, UREA lx FAST, DINING and TEA TAIILES, SPRING ISEDS, CRADLES G’RlJSaud CHILDREN’S CHAIRS, W INDOW SHADES, a Great V irietv, tjnsntiiy of MATTING, SOFAS, TETE A TETES, etc , etc Repairing of old Furniture done in lire beat style. \oii will fuel us on t.'berry ,-frect, *n,e door above I. It. Rose innyln:!m eiIBIH IV. riM>I.AV. Tll‘.S. W M \\fIII 111 FINDLAY & M A Mil I AM, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FANCY FAMILY (.ROUFRIES AND PROVISIONS GENEKAI.I.V. Wines, I.iijooTr, Cigars, Tobacco, Fruit-, Gandy. Nute, Ac., Ac. arcoNu -TBFrr. oitositk nr.sr vitiosvi. h,sk AI At ON, iiKOlttal A. may 10; fa M. ftYAN, MANUFACTURER of French Hour Mill Stone*, Mill Spindle*. Mi’ll Machinery, of all descriptions, Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mills, Hoisting Screws. Smut Aiuchine*. Pelting nnd Rolling C'lotli, Screen Win-, Mill -picks, Plaster of Pari*, nlwny* on lmi.4 and made to order. A* 1 work fold by me wan anted. I also contract fur the election of Flouring Mills. Corner of College and Hinud streets, IVASfI* VILLK, Ti:iVl\. Aug«> If. AH ENTS WANTED IN I-'. VERY TOWN, TO Mil. TIIE FOLLOW INO VALUAULK SOUTHERN HISTORY Southern History of the War, BY l’l A. POLLARD, Editor Richmond Examiner. 2 voU . rt vo., about 1.7;* page*each. $3,60 per yd. With 20 Splendid Steel Portrait*. Thin is the only compto e and authentic history of the Southern i*id»* published, extending a* it does, from the beginning of the war to the final surrender of the Confederate nimie*. Mr. Pollard’* prominent uo.-ition in the Confed ei aey ha* enabled him to pi • pure a woik line ipialed in accuracy and intciesf. and uliieh i* ev ery where acknowledged t«» be the Stuudard South ern History. It iJiould find ii place in i very library II SOUTHERN GEN ERA l>‘ 'l HEIR LIVKS AND CAMPAIGNS. BY < U’T. W. VAUK Ml SNOW, Witli 17 i-plcmtid M*-i I Portraits, 1 Ml. M Vo . ;.Ot) pnirp* sl/0, Containing Hiograpl.i*of t h.• distinguished South era UeimiU, with fu’l and graphic accounts of the various campaigns iiiwhich they were vngagoti. It is a mo-i important oiul intona ting volume, ami him her a prepared with the utmoitcnre anti thoroughness. 111. UIT- SF-RVIOKS AM> OAMPAIG NS or STOM'W AU, JACKSON, UY \ VIROINIAN. I vol., 12 mo., :?21 pn r *s: one dollar and a half with Authentic Potiait** of JACKSoN and his successor KWKI 1.,0n sicrl. This is the only authentic history of thin distin guished leader which has been writ’en. It has been pr« pared from Official reports conteinpo rory narratives, aid personal acipiaiiitance, md is complete and fall IV. TIIK RAIDS AND IU MANTES OK M OR (r A X . I X/> 11 l S MK X UY MRS. SAM.IK ROCHESTER FORD. With Steel Potrait of General. MORGAN, l vo’t j 12 mo., 424 pages, sl. eevcnty-fiv* cent.**, A complete history of th's dating otlicer, more thrilling and interesting than fictiou. V. WOMKX OF Tilt: SOUTH Distinguished in Literature i One Vol., Eight vo.. five hundred niul.vlevon |■— (tcs. Tore* dollar* aud n half, Illustrated with ISpl« r didPotraita, on steel, from life, of Mmk. OctAViv Walton I k Vbrt, Mis* Maria J. M. Imtomi, Mas. Rosa Vkktnkk JeilNSO!*, ! Mrs. Asms I'ora KiTrint:, Miss Avocsta J. Evans, Mrs. L. Vno.ixia French, | Marion Uarland, And containing full biographical sketches and sptcitneu extracts from the most celebrated writ i mgs prose and verse, of | THIRTY FI VK DISTINGUISHED LITERARY •WOMEN OF THE SOL TIL” ! All the above works arc having an immense sale, and agent* are doing splendidly every where many making from ten to fifteen dollars per day I We want tin agent ill every town in the South I ern State-. Returned Soldiers, 1 a dies, Teachers | and others, will find l hi* most profitable employs ' menu Exclusive territory given, and liberal induce ments offered to canvassers. For full particulars addvess C. Ll. RICHARDSON, Publisher. 540 Broadway, N. T S. T. JENKINS Sc CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, 1 AND Dealers in Faint*. Oils, Window Glass, Chemicals, Chemical Apparatus, Stationary, Latent Medicines an.l a complete assortment of FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES. ALABAMA. SsT A ILANTa, OA. 1 D-olSfif. NEW HARDWARE STORE H. C. BARROW, WIIOI.ES.VI.E ANI* RETAIL DEALER IX Hanfitarc, Cutlery, JVolibnx, &)v winTKiiAft st., conxta Alabama, atLa;;ta, Georgia. Has Ju*i received a Large and Splendid afsortoient of Table Cutlery, Pocket Cutlery Shoe Knives, Scissors and Shea s Razors and Strap*, Steels, Needl » Chop Axes, Hatchets, Foot Adz, Planes, Chisels, Axes, Broad Axes, Saw Setts, Drawing Knives, Augers, Rraces and Bits, Hammers, Monkey Wrenches, Hand Saws, Cross Cut Saws, Anvils, Beliows, Bench Screws, Vices, Wood Saws, Mill Saws Stocks and Diet, Wagon Boxes, Steel S/juares Gimlets, Pipe Boxes, Boggy Nuts, Carriage Bolts, Shoe Nails, Shoo Tacks. Run and Buggy Findings, Shoe Hammers, Shoe Pincers, Shovels, Tougs, Fire Irons, shoe Awls, Shoe Pegs, Foot Scrapers, Hinges, Butts, Shoe Thread, Spr.des, Shovels, Forks, Haines, Garden Rakes, Garden Hoes, Screws, Hooks and Hinges, Fire Bolts, Platform Scales, Bolts, Latches, Sash I’ullies, Counter Scales, Rope Nails, Sash Wsiglits Sash Cord, Cotton Cards, Water Buckets, Curtain Hands, Bed Casters C«.IT. e M ills, Slates, Sieves. Well Biieh"t», Tubs, Brooms, Jim Crow Card.. Sifters, Sad Irons, Tin Dippers. Cocoa Dippers, Con Wing Slaves, Office Stoves, Ovens, Rots, Tea Kettles, Sauce I’ans, Frying Rails, Tin Buckets. Tin Pans, Lock Chains, Trace Chains, Horse Brushes, Curry Combs, Whitewash Brushes, Shoe Brushes, Can JU Sticks, Oil Lamps, Blind Stones, Files, Shaving Cream and Soaps, Looking (Hasses, Kaneetls, Brittai n* Ware, Te * Sella, Grm Caps, f/sn Tabes, Spoons, I.ailfes, Sand Paper, Ac. And numerous other articles. In fact, every thing usually kept in a Wholesale in id Retail Hardware House. Onlcrs respectfully solicited and promptly tilled. Jan nary '., fid. Sin. | \l'lt STOCK OF FAMILY AND FANCY (i ROCK R I ES, h now poiii|Jeti». Wo invite un examination of our Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Flour, and Rice Fresh gi «hiikl BUuKWHBAT FLCUR. S u G A R - II O U S K s YR U I*. Mackerel, Codfish, Herring*, Hoof tongue*. Oyster*, Sard in I’ie Fruit*, Can Fruits* Pate*, Kai.-in*, l'ruue*, Figs and Ntf of all kind*, Ke'-osene Lamp*, Wick*, Chimney*, and 0 Candle* in ParafVne Wax. Star and Tallow, Far and Stick Candy rti great Vtorirty. Mtfk y Ii utter , Soila , Him\ and Plain Crackers , Fresh Dairif and State Cheese p.l way* on hand. Smoking aud CJheicing Tobacco, in great vaitety. In brief, it hjoiir aim to keep tliose goods that every lloueekeeper Paily need*. For priee*. we prefer our Customer* to exercise "heir own judgment. We solicit a cull from our friend*, and the pub If? generally S. W. MANGfHAB, & CO Dee. 27, $. T. ATKIN, \\ holesnle mid Retail Dealer m Stoves, Ranges, Grates, rumps. Cutlery, Britania and Plated Ware, Wooden and Willcw Ware, House Furnishing Goods, etc., cte., etc., ete.^ Also, Manufacturer of TIN. C'OI'RER, AND SHEET IRON WAKE. No. 2 Winship L'kicV, Pc nchtree Stiett A TI. ANT A, G E «It«IA. STOVES, RANGES, TIN PLATE. SHEET IRON COPPER AND ZINC. 150 Hca'irg and Cooking Stoves, with Furniture complete, The Chilton Cooking Range, the best Range in use. 300,00* lbs. Iron, assorted sixes of the best quali ty. A NICE ASSORTMENT,OF English and Gorman Table Cutlery, Scissors, Butchers' Knives, Shovels, Spades, ,Ic. ALSO, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Plain and Planished Tin Ware, Brithuin and Jnpaned Ware, Wooden and Willow Ware, House Furnishing Goads, (in variety). Glass Ware, Lamps, Gas Fixtures, Manilla Rope, Bed Cords, Twine, Blacking. *. Shoe and Stove Blacking, 4c. may Xl—Km SPRING- STYLES ns. ucuomrwTOL FASHIONABLE MILLINERS, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA FEBRUARY INSTALLMENT. ATfE HAVE THE PLEASURE OF INFORM * f mg our friends and publio generally, that we have just received (boat New York a beautiful collection of the most fashionable good* in our line, and would respectfully Invite the ehiiens of Gritfin, and surrounding country to examine our Stock before purchasing elsewhere, at #* can and will sell as l.t >\V as can be purchased in the State. We have also the pleasure of stating that tee hare made arrangements in New York to keep pur selves supplied with the MOST FASHIONABLE GOODS that can be had, so that we may ba abla, stall times, to suoply our friends and customers, with the v.-y latest styles. HRS. JACKSON A NEWTON. F*bv I5 «m. DR. ROBACK’S blood ninnn BLOOD BLUUA I PILLS. BLOOD, - - PILLS. BLOOD PIJ |.\ PILLS. BLOOD lllllll) PILLS. BLOOD PILLS. BLOOD BLOOD PILLS. BLOOD T\r t t q PILLS. BLOOD rILLo PILLS. BLOOD axu I PILLS. Blood Purifier! Alt 10 UNEQUALED voa i taiso Scrofula, Si/Jthifis, Skin I>is ea.se, Olil Sores, Salt It hen m, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, SICK HEADACHE Liver Complaints, Illieumrttistn, Fever and Ague, St. An thony’s Fire, FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Erysipelas, Tumors, Eruptions, Fits, Scrofulous Con sumption, etc. HHM I ! e ONE peraon writi”*, tier <t:«ugl»ter ivns cured of Fits of nine yen*•' and St. \itus* dance of two year*. A NOTH Kit writes*, hi* son was cured after hi* flesdi had almost ansfo l away. The xlortora pronounced the case incuraMe. A NOTH Kit was cured «>f F ever and Agfle af ter trying every medicine in tin reach. A NOTH KK wa* cured of Fever Boro whieh had exuded fourteen years. ANoTHK'It of Hhcii'mat'stm of eigtit year*. Ca*eA intiiimeraMe of l»y••|wi**irt and Liver Complaint enuld t*e nieiiiione«f, in which ftio l’nriner and IMU worlc like u charm. THE BLOOD PELS Are the most active and thorough pill* that have ever been introduced. They act ao di rectiy upon the Liver, exciting that organ to such an extent as thaW ttie* n\>tein d* cs not re lapse into its former condition, w hit h i* too api to l*e the case with simply a purgative ptlb They arc really ;* BLOOD AND LIVER PILL, and. in coni unction with the BLOOD PURIFIER l Will cure all the aforementione-]' diseases, and, of tho«u*«!ves. will relievo and cure Headache, Costiveness, Colic Paius, Cholera Morbus, Indigestion, Pain in the Bowels, Dizziness, dec., &c > nit. ItollACK'S Stomach Bitters! Fhould he iis»*(J by convalescents to strengthen the prostration which always follows acute disease. Try these medicine*, and you a ill never re gret it. Ask your neighbor* who have used them, and they will say they are GOOD MEDICIN EB, and you* should try them be ore going lorn physician. PRINCE, WALTON St CO., VBucce*sor9 to I>r. C W. Rol*ack,) 80LK PBOPUIKTOUS, Nos. 60, 68, 60 & 62 E. Third St., CINCINNATI, O. Are Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Patent Medicines EVERYWHERE. SADDLES, HARNESS AND LEATir E R . G . BERND, COTR)X AVAXUE, Between Mulberry ami Cherry Streets, MACON, GEORGIA, Calls the attention of Dealers mid Flwntirs to Ms Stcck of Splendid Saddlery and Harness (loads, Consisting of the following Goods:- LADIES’, GENTS' and BOY’S SADDLES, CARRIAGE, BUGGY <fcDRAUGHT HARNESS, WOOL, HAIR and STRAW COLLARS. As well as HARNESS. BRIDLE. SOLE. UPPER, BEL LOWS, BAM) and STRING LEATHER, always on hand at the lowest prices. HARDWARE, of all kinds in his line. My facilities for manufacturing all classes of Work, are unsurpassed by any House in the State. All I ask is, LOOK AT MY STOCK BEFORE YOU BUY. All Kinds of Repairing Done April29-6m HARDWARE Sc CUTLERY, CARRIAGE M.SeriA LS, TRIMMINGS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES AND GLASS. C. 11. JOHNSON is constantly receiving at his old stand on Hill Street, a large assortment of aIT goods in his line, which he is selling at wholesale and retail as low as they can be bought in any interior market. TERMS CASH. i Insure Your Property ! C. 11. JOHNSON is Agent for the SOUTHERN MUTUAL Insurance Company, of Athena, Ga., Capital. *235,000 Tha UNDERWRITERS AGENCY ot New York, ov«r ffi.OoO.OOO THE HOME Insurance Company of New Y«k, near ' *4.000,000 PIKKMX <t PUTNAM Company of Hartford, Connecticut. aßd other good Companies. Riaka are solicited on Cottou, Merchandise, Farniture, end Building*. 0T Losses promptly adjusted. h Pee ST ts Legal Advertisements. / 1 KOKhl \ SPALDING COl’M Y.— Wl.er«u \ J Jame* 11. Logan appl*. a to me for letters of j «li*mi**iOQ as administrator on the estate of Hugh Ham,l, deceased, he having fu.ly administered and wound ui» said estate. These are therefore to cite and direct all pcr*<*na J concerned to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and t*le*w eau*e if any | exist why said letter* of di*mia*ion should not he gruuted. <*l veil under my hand at my office this , May 7tl». ISriu. F. I>. !>l>Ml KK. May 17-0 m Ordinary ( \ KOUOI A. MWLIMNH roUNTY.—Whereas V J Wm. M. Wanton administrator on the Estate of John li Jtcid late of <*aid county Deceased ap- | plies to ine for lettcra of dismission a* adminiStra* | t*»r on suid Estate he having fu!!v administered j and wound up the same. These are therefore to city and admonish sll person* interested or concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law. and show cause if any exist why said letter* of dismission should not l»e granted. Given under tuyhand at my office, this the Ist day of April fck’ti April 12th mom. F. I>. Ordinary. C~ GEORGIA SPALDING COUNTY —^Where j fas Wm, M. lilanton ndmiiiistratCff an the Ls ! tate of Sarah F. lteid late ofsuid county deceased : applies to me for letters of dismissal as a<bninis t rat or on said Estate he having fully administered . and w ound up the same. These are therefore to cite and admonish all pet sons inteiested or concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law and show cause if any eSlst. why -aid letters should not be granted. Given under my I and at. nty office this Ist day of April 1866 F. D. DISMUKE, Ordinary. . ( T EoRGIA. SPALDING COUNTY.—Whereas. Jk (ieorge W. While applies to me for letters of dismission a* admistrator on ihe estate of Charles H. White, <lece«sed, having fully administered and wound up said estate, ' These are, therefore, t*» cite and admonish nil I person* interested, to be. and appear at my office, 1 | within the time prescribed by law, to show cause. | if any exist, why such letter* should not be grant ed. Given under nty hand, at office, this 25th | day of January, 1866. F D. DIBMI KE, Ordiuarv. Hitts Superior Court, March Term; 1860. ; E. lb Kidgettiiy ) t»s. V Libel for Dfrot??. M aty A. F. Ridgeway. ) IT appearing to tlm Court that the Defendant Is Dot to be found in the County of Hutts. and is not to be found in this State, it is ordered that the defendant be required to be and appear at the the next term of the Superior Court of suid Cout - ty to answer the Plai ititf in an option of Libel for Divorce, and that this order be published once a mouth for four months previous, to the next tertn of this Court J. A. Hunt Libellai t’s Att’y A true extract from the Minutes of said Court March 13. 1866, W. lb Bankstom, Clerk. opr!l*J-4*> Ordinary. C~< EOKOI A, SPALDING COUNTY.—Whereas X M. A. McCtiltaugh Administrator of Robert : C. McCullough deceased applies to me for an fol der | to sell the real estate belonging to *pid estate. These are, therefore, to cite and adiftonrsh all ! person* concerned to be and appear at my office within the fbsie prescribed by law to show cause if any eiist, \thv an order nathoi i/b g the sale of Hai«l real estate shtmfM not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 2nd day of Ju'y 1866. F. D. DlbMl'KE, Ordinary. July 19-60d f 1 EORGIA. SpALDfNfI COt NIT Whereas V J W. P. Maxwell applies to me for letter* of 1 Administration on the estate of Sarah Kirk, lute of said county deceased. These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all persons in*crested or concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law t«> show caos**, it any exist, why such letters «>f Ad ministration sh<*u|.| not be grant «b Given under o»y hand ttt office this 2nd day of July, 18U,»V y. D. DISMUKE, Ordinary. July 10-3t*d C‘l EOIHi I A—M’ALDI NG COt M Y —Whereas X Joseph N. lhtrrs. Executor of the Estate ot Jacob W Andrews, decease*?, applies t«» me for an order to sell the Real Estate belonging to the Estate of the said Jacob W. Andrews. These are therefore to cite and admonish all ! persons interested or concerned to be and appear i at my office within the time prescribe by law, to | show cause, if any exist why such order should not he granted. ! Given under my blind a 4 office this 2nd day of 1 August, V. D. DISMUKE. Ordinary. V VOET:t:?:\; Sp.vLniNG COUNTY.—Whereas J 11. M Start* r.jiVi'rti rrator of \V. I) Starr, deceased applies to tne for'an erder to sell the real estate belonging to said estate. These are therefore to cite ami admonish alt persons concerned, to be and appear nt. my office within the time prescribed by law. to show cause if any exist, why an order authorising the sale of «aid real estate should not be Given under my hand*at. office, t.!ii« the 2nd day ; of July 1866. F. D. DItfMUKE. Ordinary. j July 19-6nd G 1 BORGIA, SPALDING COUNTV.—Whereas j r Isaac A. Haisten administrator of Grifti » F. Lavender deceased aj plies to me for an order to j seH the real estate belonging to saol estate. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish nil persons concerned to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by l t w, to show cause if any exist, why said order should not be granted. Given under my hand at office thrj 2nd day of July )SOO. F. D. DkiMVKK, Ordinary.. July ) 9-60d ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordi nary of Spalding county Georgia, there will be sold, Oti the first Tuesday in September next, before the Court House door in the city of Griffin, the Lands belonging to the Estate of Charles J. Maddox, late of said county deceased, the same ,0011*19'mg of seventy five acres, about tour mil from the city of Griffin, with ordinary improve ment! thereon ; Sold for distribution. A. J. MADDOX, AdmY. July 1 9— ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY virtue of an order from the Ordinary of Spalding county, will be sold before the Court House door in the City of GriffiiiTVefweett the usual hours of sale, on the fiist Tuesday in Oc tober next, the Store House formerly occupied by Veter Farrar, deceased FaiJ House is situated on TTill" street in the City of Griffin ; the building is 35 feet wiac by 90 long, two stories high, with a cellar same dimensions as the house. The same is a recently erevted brick building, and is one of {lre best in Gn itNli, building contains a store room up stairs, together with other rooms that are very profitable for rent. Also, nt the same time and place will be sold 20 acres of Land adjoining the Southern portion of the City of Griffin, being woodland and well situated for building purposes. Also, will be sold before the Court House door ir. the county of Meriwe tlier, on the First Tuesr day in November next, one hundred and eighty acres of land known as the Duthnm place, adjoin ing the larms of Sheffield on the West, Jackson on the North, Fears, on the South ; one hundVed acres of said farm being in a high state of cultiva tion, the greater portion of the remainder in the woods. All the above property being sold ns the Estate of Peter Farrar, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and crcditois of said estate. Terms Cash-. .KV-lAII SHEFFIELD, Administrator of Peter Farrar, deceased! August 9, 18ti6-tds / TEORGIA,SI*ALDIXG COUNTY.—Whereas, \ W James N. Simons, Executor on the estate of John Simmons, deceased, applies for leave to sell real estate of deceased for the purpose of dis» tribution. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ah persons c meerned to be and appear at. my office within the time prescribed by li*>” to show cause, if ary exist, .vhy an order authorizing the sale «f said land s-'ould not be graated. Given under my band at office, this August 9th 18*S. F. D. DISMUKK, h -)0_ EOUGi SPALDING CULM y._ «• Hioil S- Allen s| nlie, to me f.irlm, ..“f*? 4 | mis ion on tlie e.tate of A. A. C. Allen | l( . i' .S M'lßv ailminieter.el sanl estate. ’ B4v '*f | Tliefe »re, tlierefore. lo cite nrm „i natrj . jicrfrou convert.enl to l>e nnj at uiv /»*' «:!hin t!ic tine prew.-r.ua l.y law. «., |if any exists, why sai.l letters di-.r,i»*» rv ! not be grante-1. Given iiniler niv liar.J t, this (lie 1 Gill (lay of F'eblinirv. lfclli; ! Fel- 2-2.i:C-m. F. p, PIaYU KK fayltti; covin’ of ukdinauv Aicist Tiem. 1 s»;« !- r r , HE forecoir, g pelition of William T. R, ,„. R. K. lilakey anil his wife Mary F 1 Kli--iia Kendall and his w ife Haiti, a J ’ *,?*!. id.-.P. John C. liuigamy. William M y | ami his wife I’earey A. McMullin. Ihnnry'o |‘ " ? arny by In Guardian W. M. MeMnllin u’ljT; T. Burgamy bv his Gnardian. William y j. " my, t« set aside and revoke the Betters Test ° tary of Til man i>. Burgamy o;i the Estate ,' t TT 6- Bargamy deceased, being read in Court, f„ lr . t a with the evidence connee’feil with the -srn e ° j,?. Ordered by the Court that said Tilman p i> my show cuuse by the next Tetin nf!},!. Ba why his I etters as Executor upon (lie E«i John Burgamy deceased, shall not Le set asidet j revoked for the causes set apart in Petition . plication for s Ku ! e Ni Si, and that a Copy Order ami Rule Ni si be served upon said'Tilw 1* Borgnmy being a re.-ider.t of the State of Al*" bn mu, bv publication of this Rule in Terms of I - such ease made and provided. -r’KbWARD CONNOR, ofdir.„, r Aug9-4t SIXTY day* af'er date, I shall apply to t j, ? dinary of Spalding County for leave p, *el| Real Estate belonging to the Estate of Peter c " raf deceased. JoSIAII SHEFFIF.I I) * r Administrator of Peter Farrar's Esl.t.' May 31, 1866-6 ml w p f.orgla.sFai.dlng count V.l\Vl,e r ,„ VX David 11. Johnson applies to me f„ r ] Ht ' of Administration on the estate of J. \v jj, )W deceased. These are. therefore, to cite and ai j mhnisli all parties interested to (>e and npp Par ]my office within the time prescribed h\- l aw p, show canse.it any exist, why sneli letters should not be granted. Given under my band at office, this Bth day 0 f August, iSKR. ' F. D. DISMUKE " aug9—3od Ordinary. ZnF.ORGuTsPAI DING COUNTY\Vhereara VT Mary F. Marlin applies to me for letters of j Administration on the estate of Zudoek Martin : dreensed. These are. therefore, to cite nnd ad monish all parties interested to I e and appearit my office within the time presetibeu hv Inw to show cause, it any exist, why such letters should net be granted. Given under my hand at office, this ,'ngust 9th 186(1. F. I). DISMUKE, ’ ' nug9—3od Ordinary, SHERIFF’S SALES. be sold before (lie Court House door, Spalding county, Gil., on ihe firstTu»*<lay iu September u-xt. w ithin the usual hour* of ml* ; one hundred and fifty nine (15*j) Burroils of Phog | phato, levied on tin; property of t'. \Y. Fold, to *atMy fi fa issued from Judge of the County Court of ih* County of Spalding, Macon and Western I Rail lb»ad t* C. W. Ford, preperty pointed out t in said fi fa. ALSO, At the same time and place will fie sold cm frnet ion Lot of Laud knowti in tin* 1 ‘lan < f the Cil’' of (Jiiffin. a* l.ot No. 110. sftuatel in West (irif fin. adjoinii g lot* of S. \V. l.Uodworili, L). Hicks and ot her*, levied on a* the property of J. >J. LumfwAst, tofsatiiy cost* on two ti fa* from Spaldit.g Supei ior Court. Cha» l**s Foreman it Cos. v*. John M. l.unqißst, property pointed out fiv J. M. 1 loodworth. Aug 2-til* D. I>. DoYAL t-lietilT. Pike Sheriff’s t. ale. k A r ill lie *ofil bfotore the Court I!■ use door, in ▼ V the town of Zeimlfoil, I ike eounty. on tlid lirTue?d.»y in Sejiteii.ln-r next, within the lfgaP hours of Mile a pin?.tati«>n in the i»tl» Dist>i-t A -iid foui.tv it I cing the land sold fiy N. ]\ Dani I t<*.John \V. I‘ite, known in the pi *n of mid i >i sll i, thy part* of lot* No*. U0 9 1 7. H'J, lUII 102. the oilier nun.her* not known, the whole con taining eight hundred acre* more ov b’*s, it being the plantation where S. Crantoid row re?ide*- levied on by virtue of h fi fa from I’ike inferior, Court in favor of John Neal vs. Nathaniel I*. Dan iel—oath of I'hiinlitf required under the Stay Law filed and property pointed out by him and Le iaiA in possession notified. WM. H. MuCLENPON. Augi-td* Sliciitt. Plantation for Sale. I OFFER for rale my place iu Schley county, Ga, containing 32.7 acre*. There are 200' acre* cleared, the ha lance heavily timbered wiilf oak and pine. This is one of the most desirable place* in South-Western G< ..i-gin, being both pro ductive and healthy. There has not been n ense of eltiil* an l fever, nor any n.ahu io-u* sickness in three years, or since 1 have owned it.. The |sfc*Y i* eight miles from Ameiieu*, and four ndlesfroni Ellavillejhe county site. Tliere ate about IGO acres in mltivatior.— 80 in wheat at and rye. Jo in cotton, and about the same, in corn llalfof the corn and cotton crop will he sold with the place, if desira ble. Also, a few Hog* aid Cattle. Titles good.— the crop, possession given immediately. Price, with one hint the crop, s!2 per acre without the crop. £l»* per acre. Address Dr. A. C. Uornady, on the premises, or the subjici iber, at Atlanta, Ga. mnv 17 —3m 11. C. HoLNADY, JYotiec to Debtors and Creditors. VLL person? nus« l>to<l to tlic estate of Jamei \V. MicMlefiro >ks, lute of SpaJling t onnty, decease*!, are notified to come forward and settle immediately, and those having demands against said estate are req.uested’fo present ihciti dnly atilheiiticalcd in terms of the law. .1. 11. CONN AI LY. flUgl6 Administrator. • KolitTl A. SPALDING COtJNI V —Where** George \V. (irant and E. W. Deck, Executors of 11. P. Kilpatrick, deceased apply ta 316 fetters of dismibsion on said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause,- if any exist, why such letters of dismission should not he granted. Given under my hand at office, this 15th. 1866. F. D. DJSMFKfc, augl6—6 m Ordi navy. GEORGIA SPALDING COUNTY.—'Wberear K. F. Mann applies to me for letters of Dismission on the estate of Khoda llamil, late of soid eouny, deceased. These are, therefore to cite and admonish al persons interested or concerned to he and appeal' at my office within the time prescribed by law to’ show cause if any exist why such letters of de mission should not be granted. Given under my hwnu at office this 15th August,* 1866. flin F. D. DISMUKK, Georgia— spaldino cor ntv.—wi»erea» Thivid P. Elder. Guardian of David D. Ma lair and Elizabeth A. Gray, formerly Elizabeth A. Malair, applies to ir.e fur letters of dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all 1 persons concerned to be and appear ut my office within the time prescribed by law, ana show cans*, if any exist, why such letters of dismission should not he granted. Given under my Hand, at office, tins the 14th day of August, 1866. F. D. DISMUKE, auglG—ood Ordinary^ G< EORGIA—SPALDING COUNTY.— Whereas John D. Moor, Administrator of the estate of Lee Strickland, late of said comity, deceased, applies to ine for letters of dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all personsdnterested or concerned to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law. and show cause if any exist, why said letters of dismission should nut be granted. Given under my hand at office, this the 15th of August, 1566. F. D ? DISMUKK, auglG—6m Ordinary. ROOM WANTED.—A furr.isheJ • iiJwß rjom can he ranted by making i rtnediaO £jyQkapplic >t.iou at the ‘ Herald'' office.