Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, September 05, 1866, Image 1

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fcKU^ffEDIurLYUtT martin in ft*, 3 Run es S.Hcrlvllon. 0o« <»Py on * }«»»•• -• fG 00 Out copy »'* moniAs, I<J X- iks-B Ooe copy three mouths 1 —f?. 2 oSj gs Orders f>r JOB WORK ao4 ADYEBTIS | IXO respecUiDj- solicited. «r.d promptly attended j to. Ito’JT4U.-*-Thfl Memphis JdmrSK of a recent date, reports several interesting re-, vitals. On Mt Zion Circuit, Memphis Cun farence, there Were about 40 boa versions with in tea days. At AjgueU, Arkansas, 8} had been converted. Twenty-one had re canity joined iksChw—h at iliehiaii,-Kyr- At PocahoutaSjMis*., 71 were converted at-.a meeting of ejetßn days. At Raymond, .Vl*/, a good meetiap is in progress. The same is reported from Verona, Mis*„ and from Jack son, Tenn., and from Kitcariijf Arkansas numbers converted and j.doing the UnurcW net .given. The Naah\ iile Aif*eeat« reports on Swan Circuit, Tennessee Con fetch Sc, i66 fconretsions, siflee the middle Os May. Uu Dover Circuit, same Conference, fjs have been recently converted. At Salem, Bed ford Co.,Tenn.,at a tvro weeks’ there were 162conversion*, and at Seatdri ChiiScH, 57, and ether chaichcs in tho same Circuit, several more. The St. Louis Aihmcnte rfe Pwts 100 oonrersiorte, at two -eh'wrches. At uteonsborg, Mo., a elass of 55 has been ur banized recntly. Other meetings of good promise are in progress in the State; A gracious work is in progress iH the Sfcite A graacious work i* frt progress in Little Rock, Arkansas. LpSl."vpw Daily Ai fieri liter, in a short article on the Rice Crop, says that on one place iri tho neighborhood of that city, leased by a north ern man, tho rice crop ' alone of this year, will net him ticcnty-fiv* thousand doL'ais Over all expenses. Sf. Louis, Mr), August 10.—-A Con ference of ministers and laymen, composed of disaffected Presbyterians, dissatisfied with the action of the General Assembly on po litical questions, is ifi session here About thirty inini-tcrs and forty laytnet), chiefly from Kentucky and Missouri, are In attend ance. It is proposed to form an itidfe pendent Old School Church. To day reso lutions were passed in substance as follows i To prepare a statement of doctrines, Cos blcsiastictic principles and policy, on w hich ! to stand, as against tliS ufcscriptural and hnconstituiional nets of the Assemcblies of. 1861 and 1866, inclusive, to be adopted as the official action of this conference. To prepare a popular warning against the cr iers of tho General Assembly of five years back. To urge co-operation in this tuove fnent from all who are opposed to the afore said acts of the Assembly. Committees were appointed to carry out these resolutions. Dr. Wilson, author of the “ Declaration and Testimony,” is to be * chairman of the first committee, ai.d Stuart ' Robinson of the second. I>katii or Ptto.MtNKNr Men —Dean Richmond, the Xcw York politician, and wire-puller, died suddenly in i\ew v 0 rk nn 27th of August, ltev. John l’ierpont died, I also suddenly, on the night of the same day, I in Boston, at ihe advanced age of eighty-one. Fearjti, to think of. — A Macon pa per makes the estimate that it will require an imputation of fifteen million buslo Is of evnt 1 1 tiff ply the rhfieiency in Georgia, the next season. Ratification Meeting —The citizens of Columbus, Ga., had a large meeting, on the 23rd of August, in which the action of the Philadelphia Convention was unanimous ly ratified. European advices, of a recent date, arc to the purport that the war has ended for the present, but the feeling in Austiia is pence for the present, but icar in the future, to re-establish her supremacy in Germany. According to dispatches from Paris,- as late as the 24th August, the Emperor, Louis Napoleon, firmly refuses the Empress of Mexico assistance for Maximilian, on the grounds of keeping good faith with the 1 nited States, concurring in an engagement to withdraw tho French troops from that country. Icthiology. — Professor Agassiz, who knows more about fishes, fossil as well as ree*at, U»*o any man living, or perhaps that has ever lived, —not excepting the great nat aralist, Cuvier—has just returned from B'outh America, where he ha« been, for some time, studying Ihc rich and! raVc specimens es ichfhiology in that country. He reports that he found eighteen hundred new species of fish in Brazil alone, and is convinced tiwt tlhe whole number of new specie*, when proper investigation shall be sufficiently pushed, will not fall short of three thousand. Dr. J. L. Currier, res-Muct for many years i« Al'anta, died, after a brief illness, in that f aity, on the morning of the 29th of August. | AVlawta Medical Cot, lege.. — The Commencement ceremonies of this excellent Jchool of Medicine, whose Summer course af l#Qtures has just closed, came duly off in Atlanta, on Friday, the 31st oF August, where were twenty-nine graduates. Jfcj?* The South. Carolina Legislature met yesterday (Sep. 4th) iu extra session, pursu ant to theproelamation of Got. Orr, who con- Tcned it for the purpose of adapting the State laws to the recent acts of Congress, and for the relief of financial embarrassments of foe people of the State. Advices from California are io the effect that that State, this year, will hare leven million bvshtls of xclveat to spare for exportation. General Dibrell requests all the officers and soldiers of his old Brigade to forward tt him, without delay, any facts or statistics they may have that will aid him in making op a report of the part taken by them in the late war whilst under His command. This call is made at the request of General For reat, and the material that will be thus ob tained, will be used in the compilation of a Work soon to be published. . A woman will tolerate tobacco Bmoke in a man shelikes—and even she lik»s it; and yet, curiously enough, - bow she dDikes it man she dislikes. ifui.v sofTHierlmLD. VOL 1. Mt* A Washington special renews tbs re' port that Jsff. Davis will be relewied en bai* or on parole soon—holding himself amenable to the process of pose of his case in October next. --Jf.IEAI.Iii.AU: Macok.— The Macon Tdx cat** of etritb Mid lateClnitUtrf F*<jr are on the increase in that city. The Federal command on duty there, it adds, have come in sos their full share of the “shakes”—as many as eighty seven of them being down at one time, out of a force of two h undred and fifty Hi,.,, m SNdtV ANDlct- he 23rd of August, there was bnow iq * Virginia and at the same time, in Mount Xva»..-. New Hampshire, the ice was thick enougri bn a tfelegmph wtre to break it. Rather re tharkable—snow and ice in August! Mil. Raymond —Mr. Raymond, who vot ed for t! e Freedman’s Bureau Bill ,and the Pfvil flights Bill, seems to have been the titling spirit of the Philadelphia Convention. \\ hat eould be expected Iruin such a man but a platform of rotten timber ? The re suit is, that not one ipofd is said in the reso lutions against the infamous Freedmeu’s Bureau.— Rich Ex. A “ TlltjE Bill.”—(Jiir friend and cor respondent, Dr. 11. llinkley, writing from his “ Plane Cottage,” in Alabama, to the Southern llurulist, tells the “ whole story ” of our Agricultural needs in a few pithy and pertinent words. Hear him; “ Email funis, good implements, better tillage and manures, must be resorted to, and the proprietor must learn to take his oivn • oat of aucl pitch in wlienever lie finds it necessary. * * All lauds over and above the capacity of the owner to till hinisi.!!', should pe rented to good industri ous white men. All labor saving imple ments and improvements, in doors und out, should be introduced—better stock, also, and more attention paid to grass and pastu rage. 1 Cotton on the brain’ will kill a good many farmers, and should be avoided.” More could not be said in a full page arti cle. We would merely aiid to the above— study tbe capacity of your soil, and adapt your crops and mode of tillage to it. Plant cotton on cotton land —wheat on wheat land, and fruit on Jruit land. Corn will not pay the cost of culture on much of our tliiu, san ly land—but grapes, peaches and straw berries, and perhaps sweet potatoes and cow peas and pir.dats and cliufas will. Our lanners must use more brains in their business, and more industry and energy, also, or they will “go under.”— Southern Culti vator. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. VIRGIL (’. COOK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, GU I I' FIN, GEOKCI 1A . may!! if 1). N7 M A RTI N, A rTOIt XE Y A T L A »', GRIFFIN, GF.OK G 1 A . Office next door to ihc Herald office* nmyStf Dl. M. J. DAN El L, PRACTICING I PHYSICIAN, OF HOE Lp-atairs I'rcnt Corner lioooi Joseys Budding. March 19’3m D. E F. KNOTT, Having ret timed f& Griffin, respectfully tender* his V!iOF XS S I Ott Al, SERVICE S ' ibl\o may desire t hem. Office and rooms in the BRICK BUILDING between the Livery Stable*, where he may be found day or night except when Professionally engaged, aprrl 19. t Charlie Wright, WATCHMAKER AND JE WE LEI gjLp. EAST SIDEHILL STREET, Jsr.mk OVER UFFORD'S- Alt Work warranted. Dec 2 J. Q. A. ALFORDf ATTORNEY AT LAW, GRIFFIN, GA. A A7ll.fi attend to such professional business as V V may Vie entrusted to lith OBi*e in the conn, tics of Spalding', Pike, Upson, Monroe, Butts Henry, Fayette, Coweta and Merriwether. By piomptand diligent nttenticn to professional duty Ite will endeavor to please those who may en itriist him with huSieeta lie is determined that (the hu tin ess of his'clients, together with his own shall occupy liis time and attention exclusively. Office an Hill Street, upstairs, opposite HER AT.O OFFICE. February 22, 1860. I’y. DQ.YAL Jk NUNN ALLY, ' A? LAW. GRIFFIN GF.ORGPA Wlfifi PRACTICE IN TIIE COUNTIES OF Hpalding, Heniry, Fayette. liutts. Monroe Upson. Like, Clayton, and Merriweather; and will attend to the collection of claims against th Federal Covernmcnt; and also to the purchase and sale ol real (slai.?. As'we shall devote our whole attention to our profession, we hope to be able to give general satisfaction to alt who may think propel toencace j our services. K T. DOYAL. A-‘l>. NUNN ALLY. Dec 27. ts 9c GORDON. Com m is s i o-n Merc ha nt s AXI> I>KAIF.RS K 1 GFtOCFFIES. PROVISION'S &r\, &c. ALABAMA STREET, FRANKLIN BLOCK, Jany 4. tc. J. I, HALL. T. W . TIfIT.MAN Hall & Thurman. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, JACKSON, GEORGIA WILL practice iu the counties composing the Flint .Ivptciai. Ciscvit and ntfend to the i collection us Claims aguin-t the (.■r*rmi i.ovi nv , MINT Msr'li Ist ts “Tbe Pen Is .tllghllrr Itsnu Use GRIFFIX, GEORGIA, WEMESMY Stiff, i, ls», GhENHH-Alj LAND AND EMIGRANT A G B 3ST O T WITH HEAD-QP AHTERS AT GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. I shall keep a Registry in my office, where aU par ties having Lands. Plantation*. City,orttllir prop erty fersale. rent, or exchange, in *bffp*htfijlly solicited to Ki giafer tbera bee of tkargt, whether (Ny-fcorvic** are engaged as Agent or aot I am thoroughly acquainted frith Southern Lands, and the re fme amply able tb discern tfae quality and stvength. as well as what they atv hast adapted tor, ate., etc., which will *1 ablo IS* to render valuable services t» Capitalists and other* wishing to Invest or exchange I now have Severn! Plantations, Lots, and a -ojiti.Ui hIj!« quantity of wild land* is d.lTei ent wiirsooif'.P”*'* for *“!«, rent or eychang.-. and *0 that all can 7’xtiff. mapped out on my Register I am Bow making, and ! nrr«ngcrm.*itl9 with parties in P C ,^ ct . 1 nxid by which I shilffec * J' 11 * t advance money (in lands, trowing crops, etc. ' r ° ' RuriUNUES: Georg* X Nichols, Esq., Bay street bavannah. Ga ; RaaSerrt Rogers, Esq., No. 119 South 4tli Street, Philadelj>hia, »ud the hueiiiees men of this city. A. JACKSON' ROGERS. Jy Oflico, for the present at nsy residence, on corner of Broadway »u-3 13th Strecta, opposile Marshal College. July IV, Something New TTJNrx>mrL the sun A NEW ERA IN MEDICINE! 13S~, Let the suffering nud diseased read the following. ZHT’ f-et <‘ll who have been given up by Doctor, and ejiukeu of as incurable, read the following. Z'W‘ f-vt nil who can believe facts and can haie fuitb in evidence, read the following. Know all mm by these presents. That on this, the Tweniie’li day of June, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Light Hundred and Sixty six, personally onrne Joseph linydock to me. known as such, and being duly sworn, deposed «s follows: That he is the sole general agent for the United States, and dependencies thereof, for preparations or medicine* known as Magciei-'s I’u.ls and Saiak. nml that the following certiti cates are verbatim copies to the best of liis knowl edge and belief. JAMES SMEITRE, [LSJ Notary Public, Wall Street New York. June 1, 186*’. Da. Macgikl:—T take my pen to write you of my great relief, and that the awful pain in tny fide has left me at last—thanks to your medicine. Oh, doctor, how thankful 1 am that 1 can get some sleep.—l can never write it enough. I thank you again nml again, and nm sure that, you are really the friend of all sufferrers, 1 could not help writing to you, and hope you will not take it amiss. JAMES MYERS. 110 Avcutic I). Tliis is to certify flint I was disenatgm army with Chronic Jliiirrhuia, nnd have been cured by Dr. Maggiel's Pills. WILSON’HARVEY, N. Y. April 7, 1566 27 Pitt street. The following is an interesting case of a man employed in mi iron Foundry, who, in pouring melted iron into a flask that was damp and wet. caused an explosion. The melted iron was thrown around nnd ou him in a perfect shower, and he was burnt dreadfully. The following certificate I was given to me by him about eight weeks after the accident. New York, Jon. ll.lhf'ii. My name is Jacob Hardy; I am an Iron Foun der; 1 was badly burnt bv hot iron in November last; my burns healed, but I bad a running sore on my leg that would not heal, I tlied Maggiel’s Salve, and it cured mein a few weeks. This is all true and any body Can now see me at Jackson’s Iron Works, 2nd Avenue. J. HARDY, 119 Goerrick street. Extracts from Various Letters. “I had no appetite; Maggiel'* Pills gave me a hearty one.” "Your Pills are marvelous.” ‘T send for another box, nnd keep them in the house,” •'l)r. Maggiel has cured my headache that was chronic.” “1 gave half of one of your pills to my babe for cholera morbus. The dear little thing got well in a day.” “My nausea of a morning is now cured.” “Your box of Maggiel'* Salve cured me of nohess m the head. 1 rubbed some of your Salve behind my cars and the noise left” “Send me two boxes I want one for a poor family." *•1 enclose a dollar; your price is 25 cents, but | the roediciye to me is worth a dollar.” "Send nth fi*vc boxes of your pills.” “Let me have three boxes of your Salve by re turn mail.” T TIAYE OVER 200 SUCH TESTIMONIALS j ns this, but want of space compels me to conclude j J. MAGGIEL, M. D. j MAGGIEL’S FILLS AND SALVE! Notice. —None genuine wilh"iit the engraved, trade mark around each pot or box, signed by Dr. J. Maggiel, 11 Pine street, New York, to j e own test clt whieh it felony. Sold by all respectable dealers in Medicines in I the United States and Canada —at 25 cents per ' box or pot, scpl-lyr | GRIFFIN SHOE STORE. PATRICK & BHO. KLEF on hand at *1! lime? n fine a*«ortiT.ent of Men and Boys’ BEST HOME MADE SiiOES ! all sites, manufactured and warranted by them. They have, and always keep in store for sale a I fine arliele of RUSSETT, KIP aw> COUNTRY j SOLE LEATHER. JOB WORK AND REPAIRING 4 j put up to order and warranted, i I’atkilk A lino, pay the highest niatkrt . | - ice in rash or barter for Green and I)r\ Hides, I Fallow and Beeswax. sepl ts HHItOHO A COLD MEDAL eh Ocronth 19. i ,{.• /•»- In direct competition willi til Ike p j n,ftk*r# in the country. “PELOUnET” . , ,j ORGANS " i y j » AND M E I,OD EONS. f 4 • j PCLOL iifcT, PKLTOif At CO. Respcetfiilly inv.to the altenlion of purclmsen, ! the trade aud profusion, to the FOLLOWING INSTRUMENTS Os their Manufacture: PRMt BASK ORGANS, | ■■; ■ I Five Fi»e octave, one to three bm of keys, three to eight setts ot Reeds, Pricos $230 to SOOO SCHOOL ORGANS srne styles, -ingle and double Reed, Uosewood ( and Black Walnut cases. Prices SIBO to 8400 Piano style and Portable, Twelve Varieties, from Four to six (leaves. Single and Pouble Heed, Rosewood and black Walnut Cases Priocs SB3 to 9230. Every Instrun ent is made by eon petebt work men. fh»iu tlie best rnateriul under our wion, and every modern imj Among those wo would onW nVv e ?!l1T MOLANTF*. w hich lias been so much udiuired, and can be found only in instruments of our own manufacture From among the very flattering Testimoainla ot eminent i’rcfessors and Organists, we give the ful lowing txtracts: "The pedals I conceive so be unapproachable in j their beautitul smooth quality.”—Wm A, Kino. ! "It is a grand, good Instrument, and does ered i it ot the builder.”—ll. (J. Fooci.u, Troy. N. X. , ‘They are among the finest Instrument* rontiu- j i fact u red either iu thia country or abroad.—Wm. Itr.Ku. J. Mosuntiml, Aplouius. "They have given universal satisfaction ” —W. ! E llavvlet, Fou-du-lac, AVia. j ‘'Fhere is a peculiarly .weet, and sympathetic! ! tone which harmonizes charmingly with tlic voice.” I ! —W. U. Cooke. ‘ I am particularly pleased w ith the arrange ment of the different registers.”—AVm. 11. Bast’ BERT, “No other instrument so nearly appiouches the organ. '* — The Chorister, N. Y. “This instrument ha* u clear auperiority over anything yet inlroducesl among us.— lndependent, K. Y. -The tones arid the action nre excellent"—Rev. ! XV. S. 1. K.vvrrr, Hudson, New A'ork "Th* more we use it the better we like it."—J. <B Halle, Hudson, N. Y. ( “The Two Bank Organ llarmouium is really a gem.”—J. W. Kisnict.it, Boston, Mass. “We have found them excellent in all points constituting a good instrument.”-— J. C. Cook, T. j J. Cook. “It looks and sounds splendidly.”—S. B. Sax- j j ton, Troy, N. Y. “The most perfect toned Melodeon I ever saw." ! Git F. Xor.ru. “’lhey fall back on such substantial merits as ; superiority of workmanship, beauty of tone and 1 | reasonableness of price. And we must say that ;in all their respects they are Wei) Worthy of | praise.” —M uxical Pioneer, Any. '65. j C3T E very Instrument is fully warranLed, and \ O'txeJ and Shipped in NeW York city vithoul I ehnrq'. I Circulars, Cu‘s, and Pi ice Lists, Ac, sent on ap j plication to j PKL.OI BET, PEL, TO3I k CO. fell BROADWAY, N Y. Or to airy of msr .Agents m the principal cities oi th" Union. ICE! " subscribers, Living completed lh*i r a: J mngemunt?, nre now prepared tofurnlfoli the citizens of (griffin, and surrounding oOunlrv. villi 108 in quantities to suit, at their new ICE HOUSE, opposite the Passenger Depot. The price for Rie present is five cents by retail aid s iib»iral deduction wifi be made to Ihr trad- July it! MAM.I.I A'A ’K'V'.V T \ » 1.0 KING' C.B. SMITH ? . ; : ,iJ ii f t V Vld f \ .tirMt.H hfißff .Hlwad *B , 6ftt par ueut. l»»a than anj,ulh«l »h«l> i« MGdh- Georgia Ift it and will continue to be fJcerving, tb* !«**» Amatoii and Kwq «■*!*<lb»s^ Luting June &t » tupUUJuf * HI STM, ;*[ .1 • tx I c oiilt Tho usHki'.-ijfncd Joaire* (*u iafvrw the public that bo bu* rut urnod to bis übi burn* IN ORIPPIN, •■* ueicrmuuxl to fumish tbcuf with GOODS u I*o\V a* «n powUrM be afforJcl. I have on bam} .i PRBSII eb XBW' ; A Comple*** of DRY GOODS, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hals, Are. My well known Character as a business j man here in former days, is a sufficient gnar j antee of Fair and Hondot Dealing. | Call oa mo at my N F.XV STORE, at tho GILD STAND, Wtrt burner of Hill Areet 1 awl lfroadwny ENGEL ! Aug. ZjISM — Sin. „ V ■». • * fair f | UDEENSXYARE, CHINA AND CLASS WARE. MeßßlDft, DORSI7TT A CO. Cnrnsr Whitehall and Hunter StrotU, Atlanta. Lull lines of C. O. Granite and Glassware IN THE ORIGINAL PACKAGE or in lot* to suit pnrehoaers. A SPLENDID RETAIL STOCK. A fine assortment of “ Assorted Crates” very low to the trade. Dealer* nre partk-Olaily request*f to enll r.ud examine our Stock. We feel confident that our TERMS will compare favorably with BICST NEW YGRIC rotes, and our stock is ai complete ns any n the country, North or South. , -MeBUJ VE.-DORSETL^-G^— , . July L*-“ m | IIENKT nr. VAN. A. t. ttil TkIOGZ, f. v> , *. rr '! ' ” BRYAN. HARTRIDGE l C 0„ I COMMISSION MERCHANT* ! I *.,n Brolvors, SAVANNAH C.HoRGIA "W' K Foli.-it consignmrnls nnj rr.akr ▼ ▼ On ilii|'inent* to oursUvcv, New York and I 1 cofftfepondenlt. ’ ar-l'b A MICKS’ iSUiTIeUii Ft ' .nglS—lf J. N. SEYMOUR, CHERRY STREET, MICON, - OROIIGIY V ' . 'I -l.'tl * - j KEE!"S on band a full stork of Croceries Kt*d | Provisions, whieh be offers as low a* any j other house iu Rie city. ! i He also keep, ou baud all grade* of TOBACCO, I and deals in leirillard's SNUFF, and SMOKING j TOBACCO, of various brands, and intltcs a call from merchant*, Planters, and others. a f! i . . j ang.Vt-dySra J. X. SEYMOUR. J (tollffle. FIRST TERM. SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL £>££■ I SIO.N VMtb WITU A FULL FACULTY. Primary’Clast, per Term, - - - flCn ! Preparatory, “ “ ... ) 5.. College Class, “ “ - - » to. Music ", “ “ . * - "20. U*e *f I’iaoo, " “ - - S- Modern Language! and Palnllrg, in. Ineiileii'ars, ‘ ' 1 Tirno.v Pts im.s rt Advaxo. 'ibeample laeililies and lie lough i»-UWcUoii afforded appeal to public • '.ifulenoe and patrou age. VT. A.BOGERS. A. M., I ang9-fl‘." President. BE. T.A. WARSEN i &CO., { DUUGtGISTS, DECATUR ST., ATLANTA, GA DEALERS in Pure Drags. <li«;nriejds. Patrol Meillidne*, lVrfumeriaa, Teiiet Artielta, 4* . ligars. Win**. Li piors. Dye Stuffs, Taint*. <ti)s, <tUi.-s, Puttv. 4e. Coat Oil and Lamp Moahiae, and Ten Vs Oil. All at the 1-o*. »t Market Trie*; * U H 9 H tEKAus. ■ ' • —J-’ I *%T,sv i paid for it i.-t iW-KWf r *»*»*. _ Mfci. pixv * t>#i f v— %rnr Qty i|W. U AIL-** - j Tr**~rv, at cor .Y4UJW- .all *Tu...o»u , *Rto*». **!*:** & r. VKkHberr, J S. Kim. » “ a WrtK 1L vWt,L i. . r-RffilW COjnUTTtTa j J* ,: *® , * ,,^*All*vs— While, Alick*fb*rrjr.M»lh *aar. ( *r , „ . .—ltoure, JmiUi, Whil*. • j l'vau< Lur*—MiekslUrry Uar w * kL^ao * iU, • ' -Tlsrrts. HMou. Maara Newlou. V(i»*. WnghV r-» iUslßiKK—yrdiaary.—iMk* up • to..h 11*11. i *- 11. PO5NAI.l.V—Cl*vk «.f AcperW OBurt.-* «« in Atoiak HalL .* J 11. ( ANE— Clrik luftrloi touik—C®** *f *,ifß in Alm»k Hall. b. |t ■ .J Till ire SnawwwAv -I'ouut,- Tisa*ur*r.- <tt tt«* at Dv- *■ "■ * OOvfekNMKNT OPFII.T.RS. u C'uMPTON—U. S. Internal lt*v*noe Tag -Odlvulor. fifties*t tha I'laaUr'* Bank Building, Igolotuon Street. ! 1> A. JOfDftON- ff. 6 Tsx A**»s»ur. —(J®** I ii I'lantee * Bank LsAviilg RATES OF LEGAL ADVESTIBIIG Sill** of f.mi4s bv Adnrini*'r*<or», Executor* and (• ..krdisns, ar* risrußed by ia» t* b* b«U ou the fir*t m **ofh nM*iitfc, between the lioni* of urn is tli*fur«no*« *ad tbr*.- ia th# afUr noou, at the court b*u»c ia th« eooutj iu whiub (It* property Hr sitnated. N .!,«.•*■id the* *a!e* rl jat b* give* An » pubU. giueftc today* prsaiou*. • Notices of »«les of pei«ou»l property mutt b* giv*» In a puklis f**ctt* 10 davstwaviou* total* Npiieg to dvttois and errqilpi" »*f •» t*t»l* ,utl«t l»e'pnbli-hed In day*. Jiuiie* lint apjdojation will b* ra*d* to Ilia Pqurt of Ordinary for l«avt lo sell land mu.l bs published two mqpth* A.At*J uni* for teller* of Adminiltiwlion, Ouo di- Misl.ip Ac., mute •«: pub!t»hed 30 d*\* Citutfocis for dfstblstion from saiuiuUtritloa. one* a mouth Tor tit month*. Pur Liter; of divuitesiou trots Guardianship *9 day*- It dies fur tin- for««lo*ur* of rnsrtg»fo* meat b* published once a month for four mootn*—ft»r **- tabli-hing 100 l paper* for th* full space of tbrea months—foe coaipvlllng titles from Administra tor*. where bund* have boon given by tb* deceas ed, for the lull space of three months. Publication* will *1 w*V* be eon t Snood eocordittg tu the**-, the l"g*l i eqwireiocun, uulao* otiwrwiM crdeVfd at ths wnitring RATE'. Sheriff.* vale* per levy ot tea ti»c» or let* fl 00 Slid id 's mortgage fi fa sale* per levy S 00 T*» t’sAiootM*'* »«U», |mr levy * 00 Citat.un* for letter* of Adimnistratiuu, *OO Uitutioa* for letters of Guardianship. *OO Notice of application for Jitmission from Admiyi?M intion. *OO Notice of application for dismission from Guardianship 4*o AppliealitiU to *eil Lend • Ot' Notice to Debtor* «nd Creditor*. S 00 rale off Land per *qu»re, » 00 Sale orptnehatr* property iu Joy* * ou . Esti ay nbtfcfs*. *0 day*. * 00 ForecToeOft of rikiffgoOe, p«r »qu*re. 4 V * -Ivsrlising hi* wile, m advance. 10 0 KkfVlLil.o-A.XJ GUIDE. 1 M ACON AND WESTERN RAJLT.OAD. A. J. WlUlli, Pawn me*, K, B. WALKER, Stfr’r. I Leave Macon 7 SO A. *1 | Arrive at Griffin. . 11 80" " | Arrive at Atlanta 1 57 P U ' lA-ave Atlanta 6 55 A. M. j Arrive atGriftin ... tt 50" j Arrives at kUaoii, , 1 80 P. Ii SOUTH WISTERN RAILROAD WkL UOLI, I‘HtaIULXT, VIRGIL POWERS. Si Ft. Leave* >!#;on 7 tt A, iL Arrive* atUufaula.... fl 18 P. M. Leave* UufauU 6 10 A. Si. A trivet at Mnoon 4 10 P. M. '*•' ALBAXV ceancti. ' Satillrsm* 2 42 P. M ! Airives at Albany 4 84 P. M. ' Leaves Albaby .7 80 AM, j Arrive* at rtmrthvill* ....• 09 A. M MUSCOGEE RAILROAD. JOHN MUSTAiN, PaKKiwevV' CLARKE, Bw't, leaves Maeon J 28 A. SL Arrivea at C-ilumbiis .....4 24 A.IL Leave* Columbus ..7 ■ A: M. j Arrive* at Maeon 4 10 P. H georgia railroad. 3. P KINO. PaansicxT. £. W COLE. Surf. Leaves August*.,... 7 A.M Arrive* aft Atlanta 6 60 P. M. Leaves Atlanta .7 05 A. ML. Arrives at Augusta. ..9 80 A.M. MG LIT TRAIN. Leaves Augoet* 6 10 A 1L Arrives at AtlauU.. .4 41 A. M. Leave* Atlanta. .. . . ..7 80 P.M. Arrives at Augueta 9 SO A. V ATL-VNTA a WEFT POlNf RAILROAD OFORGE (). HULL, Birr L*at*« A.tlantn .... and 00 A. S. A live- at Wen IViiil 11 44 A. M. [ Leaves i'.atonUiii Si P. M. Airives at Atlanta 4 00 P. M. I PJEIIVATH Entertainmea t. a ARTHUR W BROWN lake* fbi* tiiedaf loforinu g hu old frieods that b* has opened a h„m>e for private eatertaio. I meat m the city of Atlanta, un the corner of Uno • ter and Lloyd etreet*. immediately in front of Oi* ; Catholic Chur-.-b, and al>*»t one hundred and fifty. v ards from the Car-shod. Ilis terms are very | reasonable. , , aujr^o—slylxr ARTHUR V,*. BROWN. SCHOOL NOTICE. THE undersigned prop-jse» to open a b-.hool ip the herding known as Knott’* College, Ar® au.t 6th,. Terms from f* to jniy t< U E KORROW,*