Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, September 13, 1866, Image 3

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SUttf|!trngtran>. amciALcrrvAXD conn joiiwl, *» KAmrar drm deavehpoet IMIIII. GRIFFIN. OA.. HBTT. TiTT#** -- Tht Dally Herald. Bcarca a week haa •lapsed since we ckaagad oar Weekly to tk# "Dmilg Southern /braidL" JWitg now fairly under way, we ooasidar it lhair Jaa that we should return Mr acknowledge manta to tba patrona of the papar for the anoouragcmenl extended to ua, both aa rrgarda advertising and subscrip ts .*1 *. b* U aaaura them that tbair fevers toward na are duly appreciated. It will arer be oar Brat care to make the ]braid each a journal aa will command the reaped, not only of tbia community but of foie entire aeetloo. In tbia connection, we need only laser to tba many flattering no tieea we receire daily from our brethron of tka preea—remarka, too, which tend to bring our city prominently before the read ing public. A doily uewepaper ia one of those public eateipriaea that alwaya benefit a community —pecuniarily na wall na morally—and it would indeed be well if tbia fact were borne tu mind by thoae moat interested. It may uot be perceptible to the casual observer— bat tba reuse it at work, and, sooner or later, the effect must necessarily follow. Ifosides, it furnishes at all times a medium through which tba literary and moral tastes of a community can find a fitting outlet— tba champion of truth, and the uucompro tuWng foe of wrong. Desiring to place the /Jerald within the reach of all, we have placed the subscription price at tba lowest possible figure—BO per annum—being but a very slight advance over the actual cost of the paper given to each subscriber yearly. To thoso of our weekly subscribers, who have no doily mail, ire will send the paper three times a week at the former weekly rates—s3 per nnnum. Those subscribers who may desire to tukc the Hamid tri-weekly, oan do so at the same rate. This, we are assured will be satisfacto ry to all. ■ev. Mr. Baird’s Lecture. Wa were truly gratified to see so large and appreciative an audicnco,)on such short neticc, at the lecture of Mr. Baird ; and all appeared highly delighted with the instruc tive entertainment of the evening. We were amaaed and dclightod with the points and faeta developed by the lecturer. Ho dear ly proved that tho resources of the South, the land we love, in regard to climate, soil, water-power, native forests, and raw-mate rial of overy kind, were superior to Old England, New England, or aoy other land, mad that if wo were only true to ourselves, aod responsive to tho lavish gifts of I’rovi* dencc, wo would become a most thrifty, en ergetic, useful, and happy people. Let us, therefore, not lose time, or waste energy, in unavailing regrets about the past, but oil coats, and go to work in earnest. Lot us rise above our late misfortunes. Mid grasp with ready hand the bright future which awaits and invites our every effort. To agriculture let us add manufactures, and commerce, and we shall he a richer, a wiser and a belter people. We thank Mr. Baird fdr his instructive encouraging words, and hope to bear him soon again. Thk South don’t Want Him.—Charlc g Dickens is threatening to visit the United States, this year. He wu over here sonio Mr*., tj or twenty-fivo years ago, and the YWnkees made fools of themsclvcs about hin>> so much so that it made a fool of him. Nor was that the worst, it turned him* into the btgpflhr of all the lying tourists, that ever travelled through this country. Ih his “ American Notes” he reproduced all th° ohoioe lies found in Yankee hooka and Van' kee newspapers, about Southern slaves and slave-owners, and sowed them broad oast, not only wherever the English language is spo kca, but over tlio civihscd and nnoivilizod world. No doubt that lying book had ns wuoh agency in feeding the prejudices of the British people against the South as any one cause, or, rather as any dozen causes put together. He is the self-same pink of perfection that got so much “ too big for his breeches'* some eight or ten years ago, that ho must ape Bnlwer, and Byron, and Goorgo IV, and Napoleon, and Henry Vill, and overy other wicked wife-repudiator, and, concluded one fine morning that he (tho great Dos) was too fpod for Mrs Dickens, —that Mrs. I). was incompatible, or unoongenial, or somethin** else—what exactly, wo do not rcoollect. And so, he had a regular, formal separating from Mrs. Diokcns. Whether an outraged pub lic sentiment drove hint back, or Mrs. Dick ens grew to be non-incompatiblc, or non un congenial, it was, after so long a time, given out to the world that Charles Dickens and bis wife had become reconciled, and were again living together. And this is the talen ted, unprincipled, lying rascal,that deliberate ly proposes to eome to America to have him •elf superbly ventilated all over this continent, to be feasted, and feted, and boot-licked, and elbow-licked—and to go back again, and publish another book fhll of lies about the South and the Southerners. Thb Destitute Going West.—lt ap pcars that up in Bartow and other counties of North Western Georgia, there is really about to be gotten up an exodus-party, to go West or North West where provisions are more abundant. It D cheaper and more practicable, it would seem, to go where the provisions sre, than to bring the provisions to them. We are glad to see it stated that tb« Agf. of Transportation at Cartcrsville. has received orders, to furnish Transporta tion to these desiring to jgo We t, at half over the Western tJfe Atlantic llailmad [communicatitd.] Citizen* of Griffin to Use Rescue : Come one! come all! to the Railroad meal ing to day. Let there be one mind, one heart, one wi-h, an 1 one determination ! Let us say, “ Deu ib/enfe,” we mutt and •rill have our new Railroad to Newnan, North Alabama, and Memphis. There is no qaeition a* to the route; this is the shortest, and, therefore, the best route ; all others arc sigsag. There is no mistake as to our neces ity for a Rail Road, to supplement, in some measure, the losses of ths war ; and save our boautiiul city irom certain decay, or a long disheartening, and really injurious stand still. Oive ua thst Rail Road, ands bright future awaits Griffin. Population of the right stamp, will flock here; and manufac tories, ootnmerce, and education, will spring up simultaneously, and, combining their three-foid influence, will smile benignantly on declining age, and buoyant, hopeful youth. There are crises in business, and times in the seasons, which must be improved, or lost forever. It was well said by the immortal Bard of Avon : “there is a tide in tho affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.” Now is our time; let us be wise to see it, and improve it, and save our selves from the keen tortures of self reproach, and the severe reflections and chiding* of our children, and generations yet unborn. Let ns arise, and be doing, and Providence will help us; for He helps those, and th"se only, who help themselves. J. Selma, Alaiiama —This city, which sis years ago had only three thousand four hun dred and seventy-five inhabitants, now Con tains, as ascertained by a recent census, over six thousand. Taking the immense amount of conspiring elements, all tending to build up this important place, such as, in the first place, a favorable site, and then a richly proJuctivc country all around, with exh unit ies# nines, nAt a great distance off, of coal, marble, iron, lime, hydraulic cement rock, to say nothing of the railroads there Centre ing, and to centre, and a noble river running right by, navigable all the year,—laking, we repeat, all these things together, with many more advantages not mentioned, Sel ma is, we think, bound to become, in no great while, one of the largest and most prosperous cities in all the South. Is that So ?—Wo noticj that it is said there arc insurmountable üb*t..ch-s in Noith Alabama —as Sand Mon tain and other mountains—which the Griffin and D'-catur Railroad will have to encounter, in king it impracticable to pursue the u : rdine, and thereby forcing it to such ad. tl ctioti as will throw it in the eot'gory of ilie zigzag roads. This ullcdgcd difficulty lias to be met to day in our meeting. Someone doubt less will be able to state satisfactorily whetli or such obstructions exist or not. Destitution in Ai.aiiama —So great is the destruction likely to contiue In North Alabama—and so inadequate arc the incans of the State to continue to afford the people relief, as has been done during the year, it is proposed that the people remove to more fa vored localities, where bread can be had for labor. To this end, a meeting was held a few days ago in the town ert Centre, m Chcfokcc county, and a committee appointed to ascertain tho probablo number of desti tute families, and to provide facilities for their removal. Lynching in North Carolina —The Richmond Enquirer has been informed that the Lrtcrous Richmond desperado and horse thief, was arrested, with five others,- a few days since, in North Carolina, fur horso stealing, and the whole party was hung by the people of the county in which they had been committing depredations, live hours alter their arrest. YVe learn front the Cartcrsvillc Ex ftret*, that Win. J Conyers, of that place, solicitor for the County Court ot Bartow, died there at his residence September 4th. He was a young gentleman of promise, universally es teemed and beloved in that community. Surgeon General Barnes was, on the 11th Sept., tying dangerously ill at Chicago, but slight hopo# being entertained of hi# yccovc rY- Why ark tiie “Jews" Exempt from Cholera ?—lt is stated as a remarkable fact, that the Jewish inhabitants of the cast end of London have escaped almost unscathed during the outbreak In Petticoat Lane nnd its immediate neighborhood, only threo or four cases of cholera have taken place, and the cages of diarhea have hardly exceed, cd thoso of an ordinary summer. A similai exception was observed in 1849, when the Hebrew community only lost about one in two thousand, as compared with six of one thousand of the general population of White chapel,-and twenty-nine in one thousund of Christians in Kothcrhithe. Then, as now, tho immunity wa# ascribod to certain observ ance# and habits inculcated by the Jewish faith. For example, the houses of all the Jew# undergo a thorough cleansing once a year, and overy room is white limed at least as often ; more than one family never occupy the same room (two or three or more fami lies sometimes occupy a single room among the lower orders of the surrounding popula tion) ; considerable care is taken with ic spcct to the quality of the food used, tainted provisions being proscribed, and all fresh meat being inspected by a religious officer before being consumed; and, finally, the poorer members of the c mmunity are being liberally eared lor through the benevolence of the rich, applications tor workhouse relief not being allowed.— Ex. Ska Birds.— The question is often asked Where do sea-birds obtain fresh water o slake their thirst 1 but we never saw it sat isfactorily auswered till a few davs ago. All old skipper, with whom wp wero conversing on the sul-j. ct, said that he had frequently seen these bin's at sea far from any land that could furnish them water, hovering round and under a storm-cloud, chatterin'* like ducks on a hot day at a pond, and driuk ing-in the drops of rast as they fell. They will smell a rain->qu»!i a hundred miles, or even farther off, and •.ad for-it with almost inconceivable swiftness. How 10/ig sea-birds can exist without vvatsr is only a matter of conjecture ; but probably their powers of en during thirst are ertcreased by habit, and |>ossiblv, they can go without it for in.tny days, it not lor several weeks. Telegraphic News. Ini ianapomm, Sept. 11.—The President arrived here yesterday evening. All along the route from St. Louis he wa* received with niucli enthusiasm, but upon being in troduced to the immense assemblage here there were sign# of great disorder among the crowd, and the confusion was to great that the President retired from the balcony of the hotel. Several disturbances occurred among the crowd with lamentable results. Pistol shots were fired—one man killed, and several wounded. The crowd dispersed from before the hotel at about 10 o’clock, at which time all wa* quiet London, Sept. 10.—Evening.—The Eas tern question seeing to be looming in the future—Russia shows signs of moving otice more to obtain the Danubian Principalities, and probably, eventually of Constantinople. Paris, September 10—Evening.—General Margues, Minister to Constantinople, has been recalled and will go to Mexico to or ganise an army for service after the French evacuation of the country. Cincinnati, Sept. 11.—The City Coun cil have refused by a vote of eighteen to six to extend the hospitalities of the city to the Presidential party. A meeting of promi nent citixcns at t lie Chamber of Commerce last night, resolved to teoder a public recep tion to the distinguished visitors, and a committee was appointed to make necessary arrangements. Harrisburg, Pa., Sept. 11.—The Com mon Council of this city have appointed a special committee to make arrangements for the reception of the President, who is ex pected next Friday, on his return to Wash ington. New Ycrk, Sept. 11.—Cotton buoyant. Sales 2500 bales at 32(a)35. Flour firmer, at 11 00(415 75. Wheat scarce, 3(45c. better. Pork heavy, 38 J. Gold 45i. Mobile, Sept. 11.—Cotton sales to-day 750 bales. Middling 30(431. Market rather firm. Advices of damage to the growing crop causes disinclination of factors to offer their stock. London, Sent. 11—Noon.—The Timet' Paris letter published to-day says Maximili an is expected to return from Mexico to Europe by every steamer. The anxiety as to the grain crop is increasing. The weath er is very wet, and prices are higher in all the markets. Madrid, Sept. 11.— a. m—The Eitafett of to day says the French troops must be withdrawn from Mexico with the greatest precaution, unless amicable relations arc previously established with Juare*. Liverpool, Sept. 11—Cotton quiet, but steady; sales to-day, about 80,000 bales. Middling uplands, 13d, M Loyal Blacktsi” The New York Herald shows how ridicu lous is the oft-repeated expression of North ern Radical orators and editors, who, in speaking of Irccdrncn, call them the “loyal blacks” of the South. We quote : “ These Radicals must laugh in their sleeves when they talk about the “loyal blacks.” They know well enough that but few of the poor negroes know What is meant by the word loyalty. It is an insult to the intelligent sitixeus of the country to rcitorato suffh nonsense. It would be just as sensi ble to talk of the loyal children who arc only just learning the alphabet, or the loyal baby in its mother's arms. Yet, these Radicals eofnplain that the South is not put under thj control of tho poor benighted blacks. They unblushingly claim that half this con tinent, and the richest and most important half, shall be put into the hands of the ne groes Seven or eight millions of whites, the intellectual people of our Own blood and race, with all the vast interests of the future od the Southern States, to be turned over to three millions of ignorant negroes who Bcatcely know the right hand from tho left! How preposterous 1 What an Insane propo sition 1 It is too absurd sos serious argu ment. None but the craziest fanatics, who ought to bo in a lunatic asylum, or the most desperate revolutionary politicians would entertain such a thought. This is putting tho case plainly, pointedly and truthfully. The only gennine loyalists of the South arc the intelligent and educated whites—no matter whether they took a part in the war for establishing a separate nation ality or not. This class, it is true, are re bellious against the tyranny and oppression of tiiO Radical party, but to the Union under the Constiiu'ion and the laws of tho land, they give true respect and allegiance. A Glim use Behind thA Mask. —The North Carolina Pretbj/terian fays a colored Babtist minister at Beaufort, South Caroii* na, writes to the Chrittian Recorder : Some of your white ministerial friend* do more in the way of procuring farm* keeping our poor race in ignorance than anything else. They pretend, when they are North, that they would come down here and do something for our race in the way of enlightening them ; but instead of this, when they see the cotton bag, they forget all about Christ and Him crucified, and the saving of souls. Os certain Northern mer chants lie says: All they wish to do is to teach what President Lincoln has done, and pat the colored man on the shoulder with the left hand, while with the right hand they catch hold of his pocket book. And when they have got the last cent from him, tbeir friendship suddenly ceases. Then he is only a nigger. Changes are noted in the House of Lords this session, as follows ; Nineteen peers have died ; two have come of age ; fourteen have been created ; two peerages have died out and lour have devolved upon minors.— Among the new creations is the barony of Lytton, for ?*ir Kdward BuLver. LITTLE, SMITH A CO., Manufacturers and dealers in SADDLES AND HARNESS , ('A RRIA RE MA 7 ERIA L, SHOE FINDINGS, and Saddlery. Harness. Hardware, Leather of all kinds, Machine Belting, Trunks. Traveling Sat chels. and Wagon Harness of all kinds. pT Harness made to order. 102 CHERRY STREET, .Macon - - Georgia. rep*—liln NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Election Notice! AN EI.F.CTIOS f«r two AUerinen to All the vacancies occasioned by the resign.ti .n. of Heary Moor and John il. H hite, will be hei*l on SATURDAY. *Jd inst... between t, a. m. and 4 r. # at the Council Chamber. sepia—id A. BELLAMY, Mayor. Griffin Memorial Asscuiation. The ladies of Griffin sod its vicinity will please to beat in mint! that next Thursday* Sept. 13th., is the regular monthly meeting of the Memorial Association. It is also the day for inspection. We hope that those who hate not their lots in order, will attend to them before that day, as it is painful to the feelings cf tnc Executive Committee to report any one. K.t. Committer Sept. 10th.) flt. HOWE’S IMPROVED Cotton Picker! FOR PICKING CO'ITOX IN THE FIELD. A SIMPLE and compact Instrument weighing about two pounds—picks three or four times faster than by hand. leaving the cotton clean and free from trash. Price S2O. Orders can be filled by THE HOWE MANUFACTURING CO.. 31 Cedar Street, N, V. Or by our Agents throughout the South, sept I—Bmd EtUftlieShulfle Sewing .Tlaclii ties. SSC SLI’ERIOR TO ALL OTHEI'A FOR FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING PUR* POSES. Agents Wanted. Address. Empire a ai. c?> . sepl 1 dlyr 619 Broadway, N. Ys kIME & CIS STMUS !~~ TEA AND COFFER r.OILRRs, Ot,tlE POTS OIL CANS, 4c., Ac. All the Cooking for a family it-? rIT may be done with Keroscue it? tsr Oil, or Gas, with less trouble, JW tr and at leas expense, than by i*? any other fuel. . gl Each article manufactured by this Company is guaranteed to perform all that is claimed for it. Send for a circular. car Liberal discount the trade. Kerosene lamp heater co., sepll-dSw [nr] 206 Pearl St., N. Y. empiMe SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, Principal llfflse, file Broadway,.New York. BREAT IMPROVEMENT in Sewing ffitffihint's. V Empire Shuttle, Crank Mfitiou, Sewing Ma chine. It is tlitiS rendered noiseless in action. Its motion being all positive, it is not liable to get out of order. It is the best Family machine. No. ticC is tailed to loir new and improved Manufac turing Machine for Tailors and Boot am) Shoe Fitters. Agents wanted, U> whom a liberal dis count will be given. No consignments will be made. EM PI R E SEW ING M ACIIIN K CO. sepll d6m (nr] POSITIVELY THE LAST CALL. IN obedience to a resolution, passed by tbe City Council, I am directed to collect all Taxes due the City, (it matters not for what years), by the Ist day of OCTOBER. Unless those in arrears come forward and pay by that time, executions will uosrrtrEt? issue. TIIOS. NALL, seplO—td Clerk. JAMES SEYMOUR. H. E. JOUNSOR, A. K. FINDLAY. SEYMOin, JOIIXSOS & CO,, WHOLESALE GROCERS COMMISSION' MERCHANTS, Corner Cherry and Third Streets, MACON GEORGIA. KEEP constantly on hand and offer for sale at lowest cash prices: Bagging, Rope, Twine ; Coffee, Tea, Sugar ; Rice, Lard, Butter, Cheese; Flour, Corn, Hay, Candles, Soda, Potash ; White Fish, Mackerel, Blue Fisb ; Case Liquors. Whisky. Brandy. Bacon; Mess Pork, Canvassed Hams, Powder; Sheet Lend, Raisins, Candy, Nnts; Tobacco, Stinff, Pepper, Pickles, Preserves; Crackers, White Lead, Oils, Zinc. Copperas; Borax, Yarns, Osnabcrgs, Sheetiuga. Nails; Sardines, Soap. Starch, Vinegar, Salt; Plaster, Lime, Cement, Brooms; Blacking, 4c., 4c. UK” All l>rd“rs promptly filled, SEYMOUR, JOHNSON A CO. »«pS-3tn C. W. THOMPSON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries ! WINES, LIQUORS, LEMONS, See., 11l RAY STREET, Savannah, Geo. *ed7 -3m* Wanted TO RENT o R PURCII AS E . TWO No. 1 Plantations, adjoining, or near each other, somewhere in Sp*l fT n ß* or of the adjoining Counties. These places must be near or convenient to some Railroad, well improved, and adapted to the culture of Cotter:. Coro, Reas, Potatoes, Cane, Ac., Ac., Ac., and ha«e thereon a good fruit orchard. riaecs haviae w.ter (Grist and Saw) Mills, or sites where such may be built, preferred. Would prefer to purchase the horses, mules, farming implements, stock, <fec.. on the places. Apply to, or address A. JACKSON RODGERS, , Griffin. (Borgia. Hr OFFICE for the present at his residence corner of Broadway and 13th Streets oppose Marshall Cd| age, s-pTlm fin ib ii not PAINTS, 0118, TOIBET ARTICLES, &c„ At Roducod Prioos, ARE SELLING OFF FAST AT J. N. HARRIS* CO S sepl B—3m * DRUGS & MEDICINES! IST s 13 . DnBWRT, EAST SIDE OF HILL STREET, (Near the Poet Offic.j G-viffin, Georgia, IUS ON HAND A GOOf> ASSORTMENT, ANtl RECEIVES WEEKLY SUPPUp. OF ALL ARTICLES PERTAINING TO DRUGS, FRBSit A YD 125 GENUINE Also, a fine lot of FA NCI AND TOILET ARTICt.ES, 1A Ihdbtv r 'las 8 Oils, Lamps, Ac., Cooking Extracts, Tobacco, Cigars, die. PRESCRIPTIONS promptly filled DA A' or NIGHT, under the direct supervision of K a Drxwrt, M. D.. (Chemist Rod .Pharmaceutist,) who has been in regular and extensive p tlel j for over ten years, both civil and military, or Dr J. L. Moore sep4— ** W INSHIP St. GORDON, Corner or hill and broad streets, GRIFFIN GEORGIA. Wholesale find retail Dealers in Boots, ShtltS, Hals, Ltnbrcllue, Leather, bUoe findings, and READY-MADE CLOTHING. WE ARE REt'El\ ING atidtipfiiing cases BOOTS and Sll<»F»S of every style and description, which ffis propose selling as cheap as Can he purchased ill aht- (south ern market, TVo invite all persons rvnoeLprcl to wear Shoes to call and examine OUr stock before purchasing elsdtllicre: Our Senior I‘artner has had many years experience in the IMictC business, and is well acquainted with the manufacturers at the north, which gives them superior advan tages in getting up their stock. Every ar ticle in our line will be sold at a small ad vance on cost i We Shall confine ourselves strictly to the cash system. No one can sell goods on a credit at the exttemely low are asking. to- COUNTRY MERCHANTS wishing to teplenish their stock are respectfully in vited to give us a call. BOOTS AND SHOES MADE TO ORDER. jcir Repairing done at shout notice. • WANTED, TWO GOOD BOOTMAKERS. srp-t—3 m BOYNTON & DISMUKE, ATTORNEYS AT L A W, ■JRIFFIN, OF.ORG 1 A., (Office in front room up stairs in Almoh llall opposite Brick Warehouse.) WILL give prompt attention to such business as may-be entrusted to their care, in the counties of Spalding, Henry, Butts, Monroe, Upson, Pike, Merriwetlier, Fayette and Clayton. J. S. Bovxtox, ( Fred. D. Dismcke. I sep4—4m. Mrs. S. A. Jackson, (agent.) HAS just received a splendid stock of BON IN ETS and IIA US of the very latest styles, Also, fresh invoices of 4c., 4c., to which the attention of the ladies is respect fully invited. Slic is prepared to furnish country dealers at WHOLESALE! with Ml LI AKKRA , upon as favorable terms as they con be purchased in Atlanta or Macon. CALL ON ITER at the old stand of J A CnK 8O N A- NEW TO N which has beer nrwh fitted up and improved. sepi-lt G' EORGIA—SrsLm.s-G County.—Wheresj, a F kindred and creditors of Heniy Helms 1,1 of said county, deceased, neglects aod declines u sue out letters of administration on the estst, said deceased, ’these are therefore to cits admonish the kindred and creditor* of I, ceased to be and appear Ml toy office within It* time prescribed by law, Stake application tmj r , ! ceivesaid administration, or I shall appoint Ju 11. Connolly, Cleik of the Superior Court, Admin! istrntor on said estate. Given under my hand ii office, litis Ist September ISfifi. sep4 F. D. DISMUKK, Ordinary. (1 EORGI X —*SfAt»ING Or untv.—Whereas, Ju JT 11. Conn,oily, Administrator on the e»Uo u [ James W. Middlebrooks, deceased, applies to e, for leave to sell the lands belonging to said ann for the benefit Os heirs and creditors. These,,, to cite and admonish nil persons concerned to I. and appear at my office within the time prejoriVij by law. and show cause, if any esist, »ny,« „ t . der should not be granted authorizingsnid Admi-. istrator to Sell etiid lands. Given ttridcj- tny hand at office tills, f*cv,temWr Ist. I8H6; F. I), DISMI'KE, sop-! Ot dinary, SIIEBITF’S SALE. WILL BE SOLD before the Court Houseih<e in the city of Griffin on the first TL’En DAY in October next. One house nnd lot. knovn as the Middle Georgia Medical College, situate! on Broadway, near the Macon 4 Western R. R, Depot, levied on ns the properly of Kdward F Knott, to satisfy costs on several fi. fa.’s ismiej from Inferior cud Superior Courts of Spaldire County. John L I loyal vs. Kdward K. Knott, James M. Couch vs. Kdward F. Knott, and others! A LSO, At the*atne time and place, will be Olidtqtora tifty-si* (.VI). known in plan of the city of (.tiffin its tli" I’urndc Ground, loiituining four(4) m-rr, the same having been sold on t|„- liiet Tuesday, inrt.. Parties buying, and failing to comply „|j|, the terms of said sale, il will be re sold at tlmr expense. Al.Sf», At the same time and place w ill be sold tme house nnd lot in the city of Griftin, hounded on, tile end by Mnj. Sulley’s, on the south by »«open lot. and on the west by a si reel—known nnd |,. vied on as ihe property of Win. E. Wiigk*, ns satisfy costa on several fi. fn.s from SttpetwrSnart mid Justice-’ Court. Properly pointed out by K F. Knott. D. D. DOYAL a gttu-lm r-hei iff A !.S( >, At the same time ami place, will he sold mu grey HOItSF, about 11 years old, Irviedonsv the property of Hiram Sherman to satisfy mis 6. fn. issued from f-paldiug Cos unity Court, 'ihoma, l Byrne vs. I lira ui Sherman. D. D. DOYAL, sept—td l-kerift. Gt EORGIA—SzAi.mxG County. —Whsress,WrO f T. Ogletre* applies to fhr letters cf Guardianship of the persoa aud proper,/',! 1 Adeline C Colbert, minor, and orphan childet A. G. Colhei». deceased, in place of A. A. hi a a hi-' ing. removed. These nve therefore to cHS’isAI admonish all persons concerned- to he and apjrssr at my office within the time prescrihsd-ibcjjar and sliow cause, if any exist, "*-*y San] letWHUoff guardianship should not be grunted. Gives «n der my hand at office this 4th daw of ‘SeptrrtUtv lgfifi. if. i». t)i*MOT’lt(. sej -I Ordihary. Railroad Meeting . AT GRIFFIN. TIIIE Stockholders of the SAYANNAH.GKU FIN 4 NORTH ALABAMA R. Kt CO., and! the friends of the enterprise, are netp:os!dd It'-s*- sentble at Griffin, Ga., on THURSDAY, the ItP day of September next, to a.Wpt/ some plan ’W* complete the Rond. Tbia call bus been suggested by natnerotts stalk* holders, and cordially assented to bv C. It. JOHNSON. au2B— ld President.' POSTPONED. After cousulting with the lad/ . Management of the "Soldiers'Memo rial Association, ’ the Lecture proposed for Thurs day evening, in the basement of the Baptist Church, lias been postponed until THURSDAY, 11th ot October. This arrangement is made in view of the pr° traded meetings at the Baptist and other church es in this city. Persons who have obtained tickets will Be ad mitted on them at the time appointed in October seps-lw EX. COM. Nicolson ‘V McAleer, PLUMBERS AND COPPERSMITHS, SAVANNAH. 0"EO. Every description of Copper work to order. Haul Lamps, Chandeliers, Penda* l Lights, Fancy Glass Slimlefi, Beth Utb*, Lead and Iron Pipe, on Land and for saie. eepG —Otu* STATE OF GEORGIA— Spamuno Fountt- Wheroes Jacob F. Chapman applies to nts vr letters of Guardianship for the person and prof erty of Elizabeth L. and John Rogers, minor*, and orphnn children of Elizabeth 11. Rogeir, dr* ceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admon ish all parties interested to he and appear at <*/ office within the time prescribed by law. to she* cause, if any cxis*, why such letters Mioold if be granted. , Given tinder rny hand at office this S>l day 1 September, 18i o. I). L'ft; 1 KL. sept, «Jrdinar).