Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, September 18, 1866, Image 2

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%<r 01 !? 11 nlj trail). (imcuLcmjo# D ■ MARTI* DR rs &AfKMPOS.T. I » r f » » > .- GRIFFIN. HA.. HKHT. ti. !**»T" •ii i. ;.. I Bim.. 11 i . !■'*■ ■■■ Th Maajr M«m c»fcrfl»wi •• Mar* lrr». •fewarJ, l* k»* Uteri tpaeub »t th* laying rffalirwiiit atb*a of tk« l»o*igla« nrtiu taaat, which baa jo'l *om* off, rtted* •»« of ilia following, ia ragarU (o Uta decaaaaU Janitor: “h ia in the fact Ural in the molt fearful <*i»la which oversow* kif cotffttO, be (Douglas,) ruahtd forward to the rampart and ;/ure tip fl-i lift in (hr. rgvri to Hiaintdi* (tml sure At* ' rnUim, and sos po»- ttrity the biaaaiaga with Which it It will of ProviJcqp* w* ahall be endowed.” Tide idea of Doagla* bating sfto flfy bia life in hi* efforta to maintain and nave tbia t'nioa, wifi ha new* to everybody that tta# the Victory of that dMtm gaitbad roan, sos Ac la* twenty yean of Uia‘ lift—which period walUaigb. if not quit*, enibracaa the whole of the time be vn in the public ferric*. Mr. Dougina may have bean vary .patriotic, and, in hit *T. no douht was; but it will ha vary dif ficult to convince impartial lookart-on that hit patriotitm killed him. To blurt out the whole truth, the Senalor, With all of bia gifu nad power* of mind, was a very aspiring man,—hi* eye bad long been fixed on the moat glittering prixa tl.at lliit naliqn_ offers to the yearnings of the pfonUeet ambition; nad to win that priae, for ttfijlch' lid had been contending lor long years, ha moved, aa it tfbre, lieas'cn aud rtirth. The privation*, ami labors, and energies, lie put forth in tbc Presidential canvaas, speaking day and night, in every olime, ft out Chicago to New rtr'eans, sleeping but little, anil, like the troubled ocean, never resting, ever moving —eating Irregularly, goading-np his tlug' ging system with stimulant* or narcotic* — these were the potent' causes mat aggregat ed their disastrous’ efftets* tfpott him, and, no'tloubt, killed him. Ilk whs’ virtually a ddnd man by the time that'can vast closed and we are satisfied lie died no more mar tyr for'lils’cotfntry than mtiltlplWd thoufe- awls and thousands of other* that liave Worked theniselfes to dohtli, entry ing out their own plans of eelf-proinotion, or aolf sggramlizciiient, or aell'-mJvauuuinont in some way or other. il6ttjjl as was, literally, worn-out, cliafed dbt, r>ibbed-out, worked-out, ami his time Imd ioiii«; s»d it is doing, we think, hisloiy I rdin what tho Secretary says, If is to be inferred that Senator Douglas did the marly risingdeed* after tho South se ceded, or abemrth* time she did secede. It Wu not corrte to light—all that he did after Lnmsolh’s election, and up to the time of his own (Douglas’s) death. We have it, how ever, according to Seward’s own testimony, that Douglas helped Lincoln and his cabinet t« plan tlie programme of annihilating war against th* South; and it baa gone into history, that DSuglas after that, on his re turn to Illinois, over-persuaded the reluc tant Demooracy of that Slate and the Nmikweat, and oflhrEaat, too, to join-in, to a man, and subdue anj ruin the Souili hacking hi* appeal with the solemn muses- Bfition tbat the Sdntb intended, if auceeas* ful, to bar them all from the use of the lower Mississippi Hirer. IHAmijjlas rraliy believed this last assor dim about the navigation of the M.**ia*ippi audobarity wmild>«ay h# that vbry b«J lief proves that he had lost hVtitlnd, and that even then he waa a meninf wreck? Hut whether be believed it, or did nttt bblievc it, he inoat assuredly said it, aud that speech— say what w« will—sealed,-world without ehd, the doom of the South. It let loose upon ua the fiercest, bUwaMbimiest hounds of war that poured in myriads from that Nottbarn kennel. Had Dongles aever liv ad to task* that dirfortnrn*tur »j«»«ar—tiiifor innate for the South; aild intfbnuhate vft»r the whole oouotry—the war would have 1 IrUd bat *’little wWI«* #nd tbe South would wither bare bben allowed to seetde .juietlv, or anew spirit of conciliation been gotten up, and the North and South re suited on a firmer nnd bettor basis. Got Him—AiTARnSTLY—at last.— <Jcn. Grant’s tothor, it wems, is an Admin istration err Johnson man, nnd this fact may be cautiously put down m a premiss from Which to draw the probable, though not neo esearily certain inference, that the General himself leans that way. But this ever Uan iftg.this never-tolling,or this ntfvcfstrai-hten. iiig-up, like the noted tower of Pisa, we have no great fancy for. 1 roui an account of rteaident Johnson’s reception in Cincinnati as the boat on which he wa* passenger, moved up the river; We take the Mowing, giving Utt pwcnl.ua of him (*»• l*»e-idenl) and General Grant’s father “ Colonel Irrant, the lather us General (Prant, was on board, and was warnily re cced bv the President The Colonel i n . f«A-med the Preaidetrt be sUJvfforted M* pdi cy, when the President 'said he was glad to see him and such solid men standing by the Constitution and the I'nioii in the hour of peril. The President sard it WlnUcfVotbtug but the I oion of .Ibe entire States, when rttfonel Grant remarked, “ lam warmly with you in the effort.'’ The brother-in-law of* Gen: Grant; Umj llcv. 31. J. Oamcr, was present durint; the conversation.” An Attanfa eorfcspbndtmt says right nc gtoen left here rcceutly for Ywliington to sonfet with the authorities for transporla-' ! ‘iba-to Liberie for thousands of freed men. 4 - Anew HblutUa* > Every writer of chMuiclaa, angfiU, or fro tewffd history, Hal hH had U reftr eabitin. aN(ftta%, to ihi gr£t VrcMh jU*olu£n, £e«ms aorfichow to have labored under the impression that publib sentiment expected him to start up some new fangled theory to explain bow was brought about that great event. It eo happens, therefore, that no two tilorirfcn exactly agree in what it wan that produced that tremendous political con vulsion iti that unfortunate oorfrftry. Ww At** tlfct jfuat the aadie thing i4 h bont toaafc* place agtoog th* historians of the “ fhtrf eatlai. »*ya that Jeff Da vis'kilDd the *owth#rw Grafcdaraejr; t.Nith« aays it traa Jo. Hrowa, Aleck Stephen*, « 00., that broaght aboat the killing; while aaothar say* aorobody *Ue, or something else, was at th* bottom af the Swath's failve. , The last, which seems offered very obtrw- MTelf as solution af the reft* fetation, ly in th* Confederate State* Army. We are ia the habit of deferring to th* Doctor's where all parisaa, iriead and five, used whis key and tobnoeo alike, and bo excess, be it granted, it hardly teems pbilo-opbical to say thatthef* prtiwlca Uiyiad .*4* twain, us. In fact, tho Yankees used Iwice as much of these articles, especially as did *is a’ t|e Yankees, the rti ijority of them, hnu to do mailt) drunk' befbrfc they wotild fight at nil. 'Thera wore many causes that connpired to work the ruin of the South, but wbinkey anJ tobacco, we opine, if cauncs at all, were among the float insignificant, and scarcely merit to be ranked as causes at alt. A Dead Centra Shot The Macon I'lhjiiiji/i, that gencra’ly shook* very oUmc to the mark— Dover miss ,ing the hoard, much less the tree—occasion tally knock r the hull’s eyd clean out. liclow, we npf)oid one of hi* (lenlte-sliot*, maJc on the loth fteptcutber: svoui’UANcr. However the South may hake been crush dd in her*political hopes and' physical ener gies, there ss something yet left her with ’which shOfitd never consent to part. A war, unde'rtaYcti tor indi f«;mlerioe and a S' jmraic ilovekumcnt, has gone against her, and she is honor hound to nedept the result, and in perfect good tailh di-iharge every politieal nfui moral duly thui is iiicjmlieut unon boras ir rwrt of the rhvtordtl'iiuliuiia iiy Here, though, should fil'd lic'r vtftOe tor iiie present. W earn nut called u|«in —and if we -**T— >d«t ikhicitoTunV W”tL do any other act of self abasement. All such’conduct is unbosoming n'ui'iu whoso bosom palpitates with a Soufhcrti' heart. iMore than this, it is contemptible in the eyes of all right thinking people everywhere. From the very moment authentic informa tion was nccivcd id the suir nder of our ur mies, a lew .S mthern men in this and other States, became suddenly inspired with a con sciousness of their crime in having had any thing to do with tlm ‘ rebellion,” aud wete us suddenly gifted with a visiou through which all persons in authority, from the l’jgsident down to commandants of posts, became mar v> llously beautilul in th ir eyes. They hrm>t thetn-elvas forward on nil ocea-ions to porlbrm the duty ot homage, uu have seem ed to regard as among tlie greatest of per sonal calamities the slightest suspicion that they were not thoroughly reconstructed, liar inoniicd, and “dead in love” with the lln- ion. Pilgrimages to Washington and obse quiousness to all iu authority, have b£* the rcgnlar programme of their lives for a yoac or more past, and some have not scrupled by their conduct to scandaliso the Southern character und cast reproach on a cause which but a tew months ago they professed to re- Yankee tfnfthren, having dis, crimination as well ai ourselves, and endow ed with the same human instincts, can, and <!o, see through all this systematically prac ticed servility, and, what is more, they com prehend the motive. They can, many of them at least, appreciate a high-minded, while differing with him ih ftfelidae and opinions, and they know the value to set upon the professions and servil ity of the hypocrite. They can understand how a man can act with sincerity and good fdith ia* the circumstances in Southern people are placed, and they fcoru as we do, an homage that find* its origin in the hope “that thrift may follow towiong.” Something may be gained by such conduct for the time being, bus it i s dearly piij f or and in the end, like the fabled spp|,* of the Head Sea, will turrt to ashes on their lips. We would not be misunderstood in what i& here wntten. \\ e ran readily sec how a Southern man whu.-e soul was thoroughly enlisted in the la‘c unfortunate cause, can, ar.d *Wrf, yield-a cheerful obedience to the’ Gottstitutwi and laws of the Inion, and a becoming foverenee to those who are appoint ed to administer them, when' they show a disposition to respect bia rights as a man and treat him kindly; but there is a vast differ ence between such a man and him who loves whom he has fought butter than e-vgr be lute, whose real for the raion, after he has been thrashcrTblitflt into it, lias no parallel in alt the emotions of t e Y»ast. There is a difference between the patriot ♦nd para rite. The latter is faithless to hiru *elf, te every manly sentiment, and should be trusted by nobody. Th« ‘ Auld ulay biggiu,” whored)urn# wa* bom, and where he died, is to bo sold. 1 here scents to be not eoongfe nadvtfal pride in the soul of Scotland to treasure ibis relic * A is being prepared at :ho Tree* ury Ifepartnwmt, which is intends to show |hat there is no money in the Treasury with LFfcltth,*<» P*y thF bounties to author ized by Congress—Well, we don't care—hav a cent's interest in them. Telegrapliic News. 3kw York, lif. Herald’s VaMda corres pm deni sttj4 thkre ia no abate ment in the excitement cdncetnifwr the Fen ians. It is also said that the Canadians are organizing in squaua to made raids Upon the American border towns to revenge tor Fen ian raids upon Canada. The Herald's City of Mexico correspondent, of the Ist inst., says the crisis of the empire had evidently arrived, •fudging faom the tone of the Mexieas and F each Imperial press and the combined movement of the Liberate for an atteffc nprm Verge, (he teat of Maximilian's poWeVt'The Imperials now Jook imploringly to us to take charge of the destinies of the cation. The World make* the erfeitirfg dntttjunce ment that four regiments of negroes are baing organised in this city, and that a •ftnean ioyai icagnc are. organitiog and arm tug (a rvc-Vy wat 4. 'l ie suMiar* We be ing instructed in detail, etc., by Colonel Hawkins. The World asks, are we to have a taste of San Domingo ? Cotton fire), with sales 1,600 bales; Mid dling 31i(rtjii6. l’ork quiet and rather firmer Sf lard heavy at 17J4S j 4 Ni!w Fc[A. 16.—Baled oTCot ton to day, 950 bales. I<ow middjingk 63ftt. 34. ' Was lit.Ni iron, Sopt. 15.—The President arrived to-night, being delayed by the ova tion which the people ot Ualtimoi*/ insisted in paying bint Tens of thousands flocked around him there and would take no refusal. A vast concourse ot persons awaited fur hours the President’s arrival at the railroad depot here. He, was escorted to the City H*fl and aubscqicatly kb khe White House Notwithstanding it was long after nightfall the procession which marched up tjie uvenue was very large, consisting of military, ma rine corps, mayor mid common council, 'firembn, department and civil bodies. The demonstration was very imposing, and the Premdcnt was greeted with groat cheering by the thousands that thronged the Pennsyl vania Avenue. llAEUtism RU, Sept. 15.—Secretary Sew ark arrived here last night with every symp tom of a violent attack of cholera. Ho was too ill to be removed, aud consequently re mained in the cur all night, ilo is reported better this morning, and left ou the train for Washington. WasHinuton, Sept. 15.—Secretary Sew ard arrived here a; 2 o'clock on a special train lrom Harrisburg, fdnee his arrival he hag been gradually improving, and strong hopes are entertained of his entire recovery in a lew days. Liverpool, Sept. 14.—The cotton mar ket is steady, with unchanged rates. The Hroker's circular report sales of 70,00tf bales for the week ; middling uplands are quoted at Did. New York, Sept.—ls—A special dis-» patch to t.e New York Herald says that .Sect 1 ' tury Seward wa-t seriously ill and his condition precarious. He passed a bad night. iitui.i.N, Sept. 14. —The doubt having been expressed of the passage ot the bill authorizing the King to make a loan for me bill be rejected, the Chamber of Deputies will be dissolved by a royal decree. Pill la oki. Pill A , Sept. lo.—liy the acci dent at Johnstown 11 were crushed aud 9 were wounded Wakiii.xuton, Sept. 15. The President sent £.joo to the sufferers by the accident nt Johnstown, Pennsylvania. The Chines Umpire is now open to its very center to all who choose, to yj.-jt it. Napoleon TII is said to have a weakness of the lumbar region, which threatens soft ening of the brain. Seventy cases of yellow fever on ono gun boat at Pensacola. Pianos have been introduced irito the pub lic schools of St. Louis. Tho distance from Mobile to New York, 130b’ miles, is now made in three days and a half by way of Montgomery and Atlanta. White felt hats for ladies are very much worn in New York. The Lake City (F!a.) Press records the death ot Gen. Whit Smith, near that city. He was a bravo soldier and ail eminent member of tho Florida Bar. 3\ m. K. Warren, the only son of Rev. K. W. Warren, pastor of the Baptist Church in Macon, Ga., died at Cordova, in 3lcxico, about the 15th of August. . -Mr. K Mushet states, in a letter to an English journal, that one of his Improve ments will, in conjunction with liessemer's pneumatic process for producing steel or highly refined iron, retnrn an annual reve nue of one million dollars. He a) o stales that “ one of his patent processes i« at pres ent of more commercial value than all the latent processes (with two exceptiensy'col- Joctlvely for the improvement of iron and »U cl, taken out by others duringthc present century.’ " - M-i - _.JJ Fuel* vs. Theories “Give me a place to rest my lever on,“ s#vs Archimedes,'‘aud 1 will move the world.’* ‘‘(live me pure and unadutleinlcd drugs,” snvs medicos* of the ohien time, “and t will cure disease.” Iu one sense, both of these learned pundits w ere the veriest charlatans. They knew there was noplace to rest their lever on. either to move the world or cure disease. Mechanism was ia a backward state, and the medical profession was but another name for sorcery-, and all the adjuncts of magic filters and charms of the “evil eye.” Ac. But lliese latter days have borne unto us some thing more thin even superstition and its crew ever dreamt of in their maddest philosophy. In these days of practical science, ivtiat was theory ,of yesterday is fact to-day. and 111 the old time notions ‘become as babbles in the #Ur>. and burst aiidbreaft withcTCnr breath we draw- 1 bV Archimedes slfoul.ler kit and we w ill linU a resting place for it to move the world. Let mine ancient medicus pant and toil no more foi Ibe drugs he so sorely needs, for we have them at our baud, ever ready to serve them al hiaJ>eck. Refined in the laboratory of Dr. Maggie!, the finest materials known in the medical profession are nbtnifelde’% any one,* His bilious. Dyspep "e. and !**rrߧ* I'ills sUml unrivalled, aad bis Sab e o| #a»er with m age's I effect ujvon hums, scalds, and all sores and ulcers of the skin. * In faet. we think JlncgieLs I’ilis'.-.ti vo are ibe winder of tills ccnluiy. and vi u are ,1- lp|.\ in she tboiigbt tiiat nmov "tber? of our bretlirci. of the erntk agree with u*. We Would earnestly eonnsi I that all families provnle theniselvcs with Ih*. Maoffielft IVepr mtSars at- ulo e, Alot kcVp Uiem ready at band so a to use tluiu at tlu- n r-t oppOrtuar limi.ard i <>., 1; ,on ~-ivr \'aii.i -ruitui eepid Iv SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 3) A R B YI S j i 2 ) mPHYUCTIC FLUID i Foil SALK MY x .b. DitEtrnr. *• S*q>lß Just Received, A fln«r lot nf Choice Country B ACON, consist ' ir»g of Mam» <ir.d nUicli will n*.»ld low. »t «pIT CLOUD, SHEPHERD at CO.'A PEI ME WHITE CORN! A Urge lot just received, mid fcr sale cheap. iV *t ’ se,.ir cmUD, STIEVHERD A CO.’S. LARDSYRUP, U. A prime article of LEAK I. Alt I), OjtI.EANH S v iV.m.l’. UEAL sod GltlTS.snft eTery ll)iag els* io the I‘rovieion line, for sale at a low price, st »epl7 CLOIT),SIIEPIIEni)4 Ct».H X. XXX FLOI U, r pilE liE-tT that has been brought to this mar JL ket. For sate at se[dv CDOOn. BHEPHEHD * CO.'S. C l KOItCIA. SPA 1.1)1 N(» COUNTY.—'Whereas T Emory Wineliip. Adininiflrator of William A. Redding, deceased applies to me for en order authorizing the sale of u horttou of the lands be longing to said estate, for the purpose of paying dfbtel’lo-wiV. a hou e mid lot ill the city of tirif- These are, tlierefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to show cause if any exist, why an order authorizing the sale of said land should not be granted. F. D. DISMUKE, Ordinary, aiig'ii MM id Wanted to Exchange. VXo. i FARM,containing two hundred (2in:) acres, more or less, situated in tlie .'totli District, (J M., Soiven County, two miles from Ogeecliee Post Ulficc, nt Station No. IS C. I>. It, near tlie Ogeeehee River, an excellent rafting stjeam. This place is very healthy and in the midst of choice society, and is situntej centrally lietwcen I\so Baptist Churches, one Methodist Church, two schools, and two O’Ut and Sow mills, (unless the latter lias been destroyed hv Slicrman the vandal.) all within one and two miles of the place- The improvements only tolerable. Only forty (In) acres cleared. There is lightwood enough on the place to pay its market value, and ■shis article only needs to bo carted to the ltail road to he sold for cash lhe ltml--the soil is us good ns any m said county, and lm- enough lieuvy ranging, ship, and other limber, convenient to tlie Savannah market, per railroad or river, to turn out a handsome little fortune to an indus trious ami enterprising man. It is also conve nient to tlo Lest of inland fishing waters, from which a lover of sport could Iced his family’, how ever huge. ... ui.i.fti.oi order 10 ne near lier eluluren. wul sell or exchange it for a suitable farm some where in :qmlding or any on,- of Ihe adjoining counties, north of the Macon A \Vi stern Railroad. Apply t" or addless either Rev. Win. W. I.co Ogeeehee. 1»» .or A JACKSON UODGEUs. s. p |si, l.rittin. i.co. -i \Mis Hi.iMol ii. ii. t. Johnson. a. n. nsio iv. SEIJOII, JOHVSON & 01., W IF OL K S A I. K G BOOK li S ("*O3I3ITSSI• >N 31 EUPIIANTS, t’oruer t’lierry and Third Streets, .VIACU.N' liKl ILI.'I A . Kbi.l' eonstnntly on hand and offer for sale at lowest unshpiiees: Bagging. Itope. Twine ; Colfee, Ten, Sugar ; Iticr. Lard, Bttt'er, Cheese; Klotir, Corn, Hay. Candles, Soda, I’otn-h ; hi to l-ish, Mackerel, liiue Kietl ; Case Liquors. Whisky. Brandy, Bacon; Mess Cork. Canvassed Hams, Powder; Sheet Lead, Baisins. Cnndy, Nuts; Tohaeco. Snulf, Pepper. Pickles, Preserves; Crackers. White Lead. Oils, Zine Co|.|wras; Borax, Yarns, Oanahergs. Sheetings. Nails; Sardines. Soup. Starch, Vinegar, Salt; Cluster, Lime, Cement. Broom-; Blacking, A*e,, ,tc. LBT All orders promptly filled. SKYMni U, .luIINSUX A CO. C. U. THOMPSON, WHOLESALE AND KKTAIL HEAJ.EK IN Groceries ! WINKS, LIQUORS, LEMONS, «fcc., HI JUX STREET, Savannah, Geo. SedV - oil! ’ Eiii|iirr Shuttle Sewing tlucliiiies. SIIK SITKKIOR TO AI.L oTUKIIS C«»U FAMILY AND MAM KACTUIIXG ITB. COsKS, Agents wanted. Address, Ki’l'tF. S. MVCO., eepll—dlyr tiU Broadway. X. Y. JOHNSONS «t GORDONr~ Cum in in >• iunAlerr li <i u t a \N'» IN GROCERIES. PROVISIONS ALABAMA.STRUCT, FRANKLIN BLOCK •'liny A, to. WORK / y every description Crmted at the Sm rnrev llnKU'. ffiee, with n.-atness and d.sr.nteh orders rupecetfiilly solicited. if i VTlll>. A furnished '“•’•tUiti be rented bv making ii medial. ti|<|>iicd’i u at the ‘ Uerald-oiCct .mg Vl-ht ran rib a niiiK PAIXTB,OIIB, TOIBBT ARTICLBB, At Reduced Prices, AUK SELLING OFF FAST AT . J. N. HARRIS* CO’S. sepia—am . ‘ "**• DRUGS & MEDICINES! N. B. DRBWRY, HAST SID K OF HILL STREET, (Near the Post f Griffin, Georgia, ““ »* % i ‘ -■■■ • OENUINK fy ,\|so, a fine lot of FANCY z\NI) TOILET ARTICLES, Y\ indow Rla*g, Oils, Lamps, Ac., Cooking Extracts, Tobacco, Cigars. Ac. PRFSCR IPTIOMS promptly filled DA) 1 or NIGHT, under Ihe direct, supervision of S. }, Dauwat, M. 1» . (Cfcea.ist and Tharuiateutist,) who has Wn in regular and extensive for over ten years, both civil and military, or Dr J. 1- Mooar. ocpS-. 3n , W INSHIP & GORDON, I ookvix or mu. .van aaovn sttuts, GRIFFIN GEORGIA. Wholesale and retail Dealers in Hoots, Shots, ih,ts, l in lire tins, LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS, and READY-MADE CLOTHING. cases IiUO I S «i K i SlloKS cl every style and ileacription, which «e propose selling as cheap ns can be purchased in any South ern market. We invite nil persons who expect so wear Shoes to call ami examine om stock before purchasing elsewhere. Our Senior I’artner has had many t ears experience in the - s hoe business, and is well acquainted with tho manufacturers at the north, which gives them superior advaii tages in getting up their stock. Every ar ticle in our line will be sold at a small ad vance on cost. We shall confine ourselves strictly to the cash system. No one can sell goods on a credit at the extiernely low prices we are asking. ear L’ULNTKY MERCHANTS wishing to teplenish their stock are respectfully in vited to give us a call. BOOTS AN I I sil< >ES MADE TO ORDER. ■ i t*- Its I’A Hi IXO I>ON**AT SHOUT SOTH K. WANTEr , TWO GOOD BOOTMAKERS, sep4— 3m ’ BOYNTOH A* DISMUKE, ATT ORX EY S AT L A H; dBIFFIN' BEORffl A. (‘•Dice ill front room up stairs in Alnrah Hall opposite Brick Warehouse.) WILL give prompt attention to snoh business as may be entrusted to their care, in the counties of Spalding, Henrv, Bulls, Monroe, I’jrson, Pike, Merriwetber, Fayette and Clayton. J. S. Botntuv, ) Faisn. I>. TlisMt'K*. )' sept—4m. Mrs. S. A. Jackson, (agent.) HAS just received a splendid shn-k of BON NETSand lIA IS of the very latest styles, Also, fresh invoices of Ae„ Ae„ lowliieb the attention of the ladies is respect fully inviteth i-lve is prepared to furnish country dealers at W H O L E ."4 A L K 1 with Mil I.INKI-X , upon as taV*.ruble terms as they eon be purchased in Atlauta or Macon. CALL ON HKU i at the old stall.l of J A .C it S' O N X E XV JON, ■’ i wlml lis-bccr ntwlv titled up und 'improv.d, ; spt—lf GIKOh6iA- —Srsi.l'isc Coi. MV. —Where*,. H, I kindred and creditors of llemy llclmn of said county, deceased, neglects and dnliuet t, sue out letters of sdliiinistratioii on 1 lie eststr , said deceased, llicse a>c therefore to cite adnionisli the kindred and creditors of censed lo Ik 1 and appear nt ary offii-e within the time pte-crilied by law, make appiicaliuti and r, celve said administration, or I ahull a| point J (i 11. Connolly. Cleik of the fsu]>erior Court, Admin istrator on raid estate. Given tinder my hand it office, this Ist September 186 t». sep-f F. D. 1)1 SM I KK, Ordinary. (1 KOKGI I—Sr.tl.MM! Ctvxtv.—Whereas. J„ T 11. Conmdly, Administrator on tlie estate„< James W. Middlebrooks. deceased, applies Ut hir leave to sell the lands belonging to said estst, for the lien* fit of heirs and creditors. These art to cite and admonish all persons concerned lo Is and appear at mv office within tlie time prescribe by law, and show cause, if any exist, why an v ,. der phonld not be granted authorizing sai.l Admit,, islrnlor to sell euid lands. Given under my liand at offiee this, Septemlw Ist, last,. ' F. I». itl.-'MI KK, sept Oidinary, SIIKHIFF , S SALE. WILL BE SOLD before the Court Houseihsir in the city of Gritfiu on the first Tl E> DAY in October next, one house and lot, kimvi ns the Middle Georgia Medical College, «f»i,,, on Broadway, near the Macon ft Western H.H. I G |H»t, levieil on the property «.f KdwarJ! Ki.ott, to Bnt inly cost a on ffeveial li. fa. s d-sum j from lnteria»r and Superior Courts of Spal«lin; • County. John L iKiynl \<. Kdwnrd K. Knot •I miles M. Couch vt». I’M ward F. Knott, nn«l other* ALSO, At ilip f*nnie tin.e mid place, will ho Bold fifty-six ('Mi), known in plan of the city of f.rifh n* the Parade Ground, four (4 1 arre* the siiine Imving been sold on the liii*t ’luc'sUi ii»i*t. Parties •• uyinir, and failing t• • *-*«ui|»l\ wii i the tel (lift **r ;nid sale, it will re ■*«»M at tli#ir ! rvpense. At the same time and place will t«, ~J,j bouse 111,. 1 lot in the city of Griffin, hnuinfo.l „i, j Hie caM by Mnj. Siilley's, on the South l,i lot. and on the west by a si net—known' „„,| |,_ vied on a- I lie properly of Win. L. Wright, v i suti.-lv costs on several ti. la.s from Su|*rici (;, utV and .Insi ices' Court. I'roj.rlv pointed .ut l. v | F. ’)». D. DiiYAl.' « : g fO-lrn Miri-iIT. AIX ►, Al Ibe same lime and place, w ill I*. «,I0 grey lIOILSF. alMjut 11 years old. Inir,i„n„ Hie properly of Hiraiu f-liernian lo satisfy on* li. so. issued from r-pnlding County Court. Tlmnn. ! Byrne vs. Hiram Sherman I). D. DhVAR ] _ sept—td shfiiff. /~J.KO!fGIA— Sr.vuiiNG (V.imi,-Whereas. Win. T- Uglelrce applies lo me for bll.n ~( Giiariliansliip of the person and proiteHy ul Adtdine C. Colbert, minor, and orphan child "l i A- (i Colbert, deceased, in |ilaee of A. A. (isnhl i iug, removed. These are therefore to sits sis! , admonish all persons concerned to be and »|>ns»r at my offiee within the lime prescribed by and show cause, if any exist, why said letter* of guardianship should not be granted. Given un der my hand alufik-e this 4th day of Septetnhsr, ]BS ' ; - F. D. DISMIKK, "‘‘H Ordinary. yjTATK OF GEORGIA—Sr* LI»IN6 C<HNTT.- letters of Guardiatisliip ft>r the |»ers<»ii and prop* ♦*rtv of Klijnir If. and .lolin Kortr,* minor? fMid orplmn chihli ei, of Kli»il>ef li H. Itotrers, ceased. Tlie>e Gif, therefore, bo cite au<l adiiM>n i«*h all parties iiitcrcsted to be mol appear at 1117 otlice within the time prescribed by law. U» cau»e, it any c»fli | why auch letters phould not Ik? granted. Given under my hand at offiee this Sd ‘day of September, F. I>. DISMI KK, ***l**o i trdijiary. FOSTITtNKD. After cousulting willi the W< Management of Hie ‘•Soldiers’ Menw rial Association, ’’ the Lecture propmsed for Thoa day evening, in the basement of the Baptist <'burtli, has been |>oslponed until THL’IISHAL 1 lilt ol October. This arrangement is made in view of the pc traded meetings at the Baptist and other charclr es in this city. Persons who have obtained ticketi will tie sd mitted on them at the time appioiiitad in Oefobrr sepft-lw EX. COJf. Nicolson ‘V McAleer, I’LUMBEKS AND COI’PER-SMITIIS, SA>*AXNAII. GEO. Every description of Copper work malt to order. llall Lami-a, Chandrliekk, l’i;si)A* r Lights, Fancy Glass Shades, B»th Tab*. Lead and Iron Pipe, on band and for *afa -6epo—6m*o—6m* POSITIVELY TECH LAST OAhljI" IN obedience to a lesolntion, passed l r tbe City Council, 1 are directed to collet: all Taxes due tbe City, (jt matters not for what years), by the Ist day of OOTLGtKb L nless those in arrears come forward pay by that time, executions will I'osnivn 1 issue. TIIOS. N.UI-, seplO—td Glerk Election Notice? VX LLKLTIftJi for two Aldermen lo til' vaeuueies occasioned by the resigns!iv | '‘ 1 Henry Moor and .lolin H. t\ hite, will be he*"* 1 SATURDAY, ggd inst.. between .» v s'” l »i . nl I be Council Chamber. eepti—td A. BELLAMY, Mayor. M »iiui