Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, September 19, 1866, Image 1
SOUT HERN HERALD. t.|-jsI.ISIIEH DAILY ATtiKIFKIX.oBbtGIA, hY MARTIN & EAGAN, . , --rill:- H'lUlM, » VT*II'I HILL n. mu *• < Itsiirn of Mibwcriplion. * „i|tv one ynf W r,ij.y *IJt months, 3 o<> e«*pv three montli* 2 On i irdcr* for J< >1! WoISK and AI'YERTIS re*pectl»lly s«*lietl*il, *nd promptly attend'd to. Kriii: tli« YVilftiingUln Gaily 15th. HosKSTT Af»i» Manliness.—After the surrender of the Confederate armies, the po litical destinies of the South were placed in th« hands of that class ftf weak minded and timid people who had done itoti-h tr? bring about our defeat, and stood then in the irtor -1,1 dread of the ill-opinion of the Radicals. For all our sufferings, and lor every political iuisfortuoe, an unmanly submission to, and t, full propitiation of the llacicals Was the certan and in fall.able remedy, Pfopitiate the Radicals and <jn in —say your gottl’s yout own and ufoy out —appeared to be the rule of action. Flections were held and men elected under these influences, and the whole South; at least, by silence gave their endorsement; One demand after another was made, their terms governed more by the eagerness with which they were granted than the situation required, and granted with a haste and obse quiousnesi that told more of unmanly fear than honest conviction. Our political affairs, to satisfy these demands, passed into the hand, of tho-e whose influence was supposed t>b healthy at the North,and even the control of our corporations was taken from those who had been faithful to the South, and many prominent Confederates were avoided as if their touch Wile leprous. The grossest out rages Were borne with a quiet submission that furnished a safe assurance of their repe tition. Sympathy for the imprisoned at.d suffering living, Was not only suppressed, but expediency required the dead to “ rot in cold obstruction.” * *Ur women, whose geneio is natures and honest hearts were not susceptible to the insidious appeals of fear or policy, were censured for the open ex p:e si >n of their feelings, as the good of the South required concessions and humiliations; ( :tir gieat reward, we are told, for all this saciiticc would be reaped iu tbe immediate adn.i siun of our Congressmen Their mere ; tipearan*’e in \\ ashington, bearing the cre lientials of constituents, st) hUiflblc and “un n i.-takah'y loyal,” would be received with all the poittp and preparation that was prop er to honor the return of til ? humbled pro digal ; our contrite spirit and concessions would purchase for us a full participation in the Government. Sad experience lues now, however, opened the ty>-s of the Southern people, and con vinccd them tha* after all these humiliating s' empts to conciliate the I! tdieals, they arc !!o better off than if they had contented them-elves with an holiest obedience to the |\ l.ral Constitution and the laws. We mi t and believe that the splendid reputa tion they won during a tour y e irs’ contest against overwhelming numbers, shall no long er he compromised by conduct as useless as it is humiliating. Despair, which may over come the stoutest heart, and momentary and universal pattie, wh cli may daunt ttic brav <st, may have furnished an exc .se then, wmeli could only now ho regirded as cow ardly fear, when coif situation is too alarm ing tor panic, ttrul despair would "uly Invite an unpropirioti.s is.-ue. I lie prt.-s of i lie South has, by an out spoken cour-e, done much to relieve the peo ple from unnecessary alarm, ami invited in vestigations into official malfeasance wiih the most beneficial results, lln Id ness on the part of the press was resisted at first by men who feared exposure, and in order to satisfy o cowardly revenge, used official positions to punish us lather as convicted felons than as h brave but conquered people. Obscqui ousness of the press was vainly attempted to be purchased by suspensions, and servility procured by fines and imprisonments. A brave people could not give an approval to what they did not feel, or by continued si lence, suppress the honest emotions of their hearts. Such a course would not only have lost their own self-estecui, but while failing to propitiate the hostility of the Radicals, would not have won the support of the I’resident and the Conservatives. 'i hat candid action and purpose is appre ciated in loyal latitudes, we have had repeat ed proofs, and will yet win the esteem of every honorable man. Policy, when follow ed at the sacrifice of principle, is a bad guide, and unnatural concessions deceive I none so much as those who are weak enough to rely ou them. I'iTv or the Hot it. —Meantime we are like sailors la.il;eel Ur llio uiaat, wliilo the fiobt wliielt is to decide their lortuue, ragts around them. We share in tlie danger, but not in the conflict. Let us address ourselves to such duties as aro open to us. Let •as devote our energies to the advancement and development of our material interest, to the building up of our wasted places, to the repair of our fortunes, the rc-establishmonl t>l our prosperity ami the increase of our strength. And there is one thing we ronst avoid : \\ e must shun all sectional issues— issues on which the North can be inflamed snd excited and united against us—the North against the South. We have no oc casion to talk much upon politics. Our po sition is too obvious and too we 1 knoau to require it. The North which put down our 'tews and theories with the strong atm, seem no: to agree upon or understand -Jlieir own. Ihe present commotion is theirs. It tv a contest between conquerors, in which We can do little but look ou. Let us devote fur energies to our material interest, until yj® rama shall contain a part for us.— “'fAwomf Entj ii irn- , 11 th. Trance has had sixty-seven en where divorced; two executed; nine 'bed young; seven were widowed early; Riree cruelly treated ; three exiled ; the rest M ete either poisoned or brokerr-hearted. Ihe Aru/aiuhc, of Memphis, Tennessee, states that direct trade between that city »t"l Kurope, will shortly be inaugurated. Ihe closing sentence of a paragraph article ,n 'hat journal runs thus : -D tlrs time we do not propose to dis s it, hut to congratulate our citizens upon -- 1 I r, 'fect of m. arn V ,.l in- tbe hirf r.r t Mc .b s” t -• t!lt Moo DAILY SOUTHERN HERALD. VOL. 1. National Has* Clkhkncit.— As iherfc are at present so many ronntelfeit and alter ed National Hank note* in circulation throughout the country, we publish the fol - lowing list of designs on the hack of the gen uine notes t SI,OOO notes, Washington re signing his commission ; £OOO notes, sm rentier of Gen. Ibirgovne ; 8100 notes, de ei«: Alton of independence ; 820 notes, bap tism of Pocahontas; flO notes, Desoto i discovering the Mississippi; 85 notes, the landing of Columbits, in 14 92 ; 82 notes, j Sirj W alter Hal igh, 1585; 81 notes, the , landing of the Pilgrims. All National I tank ; notes, the backs of which do not correspond with the above, afe btfgus. The Di .nk.kus.— The annual gathering of the Ptinkers was held near Waynesboro’, I’enn , recently. Atiiong the questions deci ded by the Couve tion was the following: “Shall we receive Colored persons into the Church, and shall we salute them with the holy kies ?” It wits Voted that they should be received, but that the question of kissing was o' e for each member to decide for him self, w ith the understanding, however, that all wh > refused the osculation, we e to bj regar !* cd as weak. Amaurosis and Fobs of Memory.— Twenty-eight years of observation have con vinced Dt. Litchel that few persons can con tinue to consume (*moke) daily twenty grammes of tobacco without their vision of memory becoming impaired. There are many sftiOkers, he urges, who may resist these eflectSj but the pernicious consequen ces, though slow in manifesting themselves, arc however, none the less certain; A monster petition is being signed in Ma ryland for the release ol l»r. Mudd, froln the Dry Tortugas. A Neva null Grand Iqiiieli in Aledi* cine! 1 tit. M C:»m.i i# the founder of anew Medical System ! The whose, vast internal d*»#e# enfeeble the etoniach and paralyze the Im»\v • Is, must ft ire precedence to the man who reatory* I health and appetite, with front one to two of hi* | extrtorditini .t I'PN, Wild Hire* the ntoj*t virulent -iore?* with a lanr or so of* his wondefftil and nil* healing Salve. 'J'liese two great specifier of the Doctor are f »T-f superseding nil the stereotyped j nostiunis of the dav. Extraordinary eut-ea hv Maiririel s Fills and Salve have opened the eyes of the puldie t.«> the inefficiency of the (so culled) ! remedies of others and uiu.t* whit'll people have long luindly ii.>|leii.h-d. Magiriel V Pills nrc noi «•! tie* class that are swallowed by the do/.- n. tii.fl •>! w!»i -I. •v< ry l.<>\ fufl taken creates an ah so..ii«- in 1, -siiy for another, true or two of Mai; ; - »’l ' I‘illp. to place the howcls in perfect j order, tom* t.he stoninch. create un appetite, and j render t lie sj-ii its lii/lit and Imovant ! There is I no griping alu | no rcaeti. n in the form of consti i pat ton. if t It l * liver ilffctfed, ita functions are i rente red ; mid if the nervous is feehle, il iis invigonit-cd. *l*l»is Inst qualitymakes the nicdi i cl ties very desirable for the wants of delicate few males. l*lccrous and eruptive diseases are liter* ally extinguished l»y the dist*ntectant power of | Maggiel’s Salve. In fact, it is lo re annmineed that MaOOIKI.’s I* I 1.1.i 'IS, I)y*PM*-«». aN O ] >l\Ki:iloh A I’ll I* : cure u here all others fail. While for Hums. >«-alds, i liilhlain*. Cuts stud all ahrasions of tin* 'kin M \«a i •.!.’* Sauk is infallible. Sold hv .1 Mag i►.i 1 1 I'ine Street. New York, and .ill Drug gisfi, at Jd 4-tiits p<*r I hi x. [s< **4 — ly PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ' YIIMJIh (\ TOOK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, (JUIFKIN, G EUU (i 1 A . limy:: if I). N . M AITII N .i rr o /{x /; r -i t /. .1 ir, G 11 I FK I ;■? . ft F. OIIf» I A , Office next ilimr to ifie Herald office.* innvftt.f DR. M. J. DANEIL, IMJAri'ICIXIi PHYSIC IAN, OEKICK L'p-stalrs Front Corne. Koo.n Joseys’ ftailuiiig. 'March li* :im D. E P. KNOTT, Havinff returned to (Jriffin, respeetfully tenders his ?UO K ESSI ON AL SKR V 1 C KS To those who may desire them, t tftiee and rociT*»s in the HHIcK DHiI.DINU frtfttteCn tffe Livery where he may be found duy or ui gh except when Professionally engaged, april ly. Charlie Wright, WATCHMAKER AXU JEW EL El EAST BIDEUILL STREET, jFjH OVER CMORh'S; All Work warmiilod. Dec 27.1865. J. Q. A. ALFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GRIFFIN. GA \\ T II.L attend to inch professional business as I T may be entrMed to hfs care in t.be comu lies of Spalding. I‘ike, Upson, Monfoe. Hulls Henry, Fayette, Coweta and Merrjwellier. Ity piomptnnd diligent attention to professional duty lie will endeavor to please those who may en trust him with buyers*, lie is determined that the business of Iris clients, together ititli Irir- own shall oeeitpy his time and attention exclusively. Office on llill Street, upstairs, opposite libit I A hi) OFFICE. Felnuary 22. 1866. ly. DOVAL & NUN NALL Y, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. GRIFFIN GEORGIA; WILL PRACTICE IN THE COUNTIES OF ' Spalding, Henry, Fayette. Butts, Monroe. Upson, Pike, Clayton, and Merriweather; and will attend to the collection of claims against t!\ Federal Covernuieut; and also to tlic purchase and sale ol veal Ola!?. As we shall devote our whole attention to our profession, we Impel., I,e aide to gn e geneinl j satisfaetioii to ail wliomay think propel U.engage ' out sersires.- h T. ROYAL. A. I). NUNS ALLY. Dec 27. ts j. i. n ei.», t. w . tih’BV i' Hall 8c Thurman. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. JA< hSO.Y, GEOKdiA \\J\\.\. practice in tlie counties composing tbe U I ..vr.l;•i.i.+vfcCii:. .it amt attend to the '• :i m ..f Ci %n, ag .. ~tt!:- C: :.i.i: I. C ■'i.m t: •i> 1 - " “Thr Prk i« llishlirr than the sw«r«t. M UIfTI.V, CEO, W EDI ESDI! MtII.VIJG, SEIT. ID, ISIKi. oenbualj LAND AND EMIGRANT A as N O Y WITH HK A D-WL T A UTEKS AT GRIFf’IN, GEORGIA. i dial! keep a Registry in my office, where alt par tie* hnviug Isiinds. Plantations City, **r other prop 1 erty f«»r aale. rent, or exchange, are reapedfftilly to Ilegiater them f»ee of rhahge, whether | my aervit-ea are entiiH n§ Agent or not i am thomtighly Aefpininted with 8o«tl»ern Land*, and therefore amply able to discern Ih** quality and strength, a« well a* what they *rv j heat adaf»ted tor. etc., etc., whfeli will enable me to temler valunMe services to Ckpitaliets and - others wishing to invent or exthange. I now have several Plantations, Uts, and a 1 consi«leral>le quantity of wild land:* in different * parts of Georgia for sale, rent or exchange, mid will soon hare them mapped out on my Register 1 «o that all can examine for themselves. I am now making, and willaoou have perfected AtTHnjcments with patties in New York, Phila delphia, and Baltimore l»v which I idiill he able to ( advance money on lands, growing crops, etc. Kfettiiuci*S George N. Nichols, Esq., Bay street SaVaunali, Ga ; Uansom K«tgers. Esq. v No. IP.« South 4th Street, Philadelphia, and the burincaa men of this city. A. JACKSON ROGERS. I Office, for the pfeaent at my residence, on I I corner of Broadway and 13th Streets, opposite Maolial Go I lege, j July Ilf, Hut W anted. ;TO KENT 0 R 1* UIICII AS K TNYO No. 1 Plantation!*, adjoining, ( ii | sggE>v«*iy near each other, somewhere in Spal | ding, or one of the adjoining Counties. These places tmist be near or convenient to ! «wne lUilrond. well itiiproved. and adapted to the culture of Cottar.. Corn, Pens, Potatoes, Cane, «Ye., Ac.. Ac., and hu«e thereon h gcxx] fruit orchard. Pinos hnviug watch (Grist and Saw) Mills, or sites where such may be built, preferred. Would ' | prefer to put chase the horses, mules, fanning implements, stock. Ac., on the places. Apply to, or addrt'hft A. JACIfcSOX RoIHSFdIS, I Griffin. Geonrin. ZSF* GhTICK for the present nt his residence eoriier of Broadway and Ittth streets opposite Marshall College, sepTlm | NATIONAL HOTEL, j | Corner Whitliull Street ami W. A- A Uuilroa 1 ATLANTA, GEORGIA. This Newly .Freeted, Commodiuua, First Class Hotel, Ellegantly fifhnislied throughout, and complete in , hll its appoii.tmeiits. is m»w open for the recei»tion ! 1 of guests, and in successful opeinlion, j Attached to this Hotel is a tine Billiard Parlor, with Ph'-liin Toldes. A First Class Bar, fully and j j compteW-h sTiM-ked willi fliD'ce liquors, \\ in* s and Cigars. i The patronage of the public is re«pe«*tfull v so licited. ‘ PRAIT.PONDA CORKY" Pn»pi ietors. ! 11. I). Harris Clerk. Late of the •‘Blown House," Macon, (in. June ‘jsih. 3m. Remington & Sons .Manufacturers of REVOLVERS, RIFLES, Ml SKETS AND j CARBINES, for the United States service. i Also, Rocket and Kelt Revolvers, He* [ pealing Pistols, Rifle Canes, Revolving Ri fles, Rifle and Shot finti Darrein, and <*un Materials sold by Gun i >ealers and the trade generally. In these days of hoose-hreak:ng and rob bery, every House, Store, !!auk and Office should have one of REMINGTt >N’S REVOLVERS. Parties desiring to avail themselves of the late improvements in Pistols, and supe rior workmanship and form, will find all comb tied in the new Rom.ngton Revolvers. Circulars containing cuts and description of our arms will he furnished upon applica tion. E. REMINGTON A SONS, Ilion, X. Y. Moore vt Nichols, Agen's, No. 40 Court Und St. X. V. sepo-3m. mmi & GAS STOVES ! TEA AND COFFEE BoILKUS. GLUE POTS ( Hl* (’ A NS, (tc., <fcc. AH.Xjie Cooking for h family may !»♦? with Kerosene pT* Oil, or Gan, with lea# trouble, J 43 t#" snd at le*» expense, than by (fi ar any other fuel. JtA Each article niar.iifactureff By thi# Company i# pnarniitoeJ to perforin all that i« claimed for it Send Ufr n crr?ftlar. ar Liberal discount made to tlie trade. KEItOSENE LAMI* HEATER C< sepll-dow [hp] 2i»6 Pearl St, N. X. EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, I’lincipnl Office, 6ltj lirovdwny New York. f-REAT IMPROVEMENT in Sewing machine* D Shuttle, Crank Motion, Sewing Ma | chine. It is thus rendered noiselees in action. , Iu motion being all raniilivc. it is not liable to get mil of order. It i* the best Fuuiily machine. No* tice ir call'd to our new and Manufac- Ituiiug Machine fur Tailors and Root and Shoe 'Titters. Agent* wanted, to whom n liberal dis ctfUnf will lie givMS. No consigniueuts will be made. EMPIRE SEWINi; MACHINE CO. scpll dl'iin [hp] HOWES IMPROVED Cotton Picker! FOR PICKING CtGToN IX THE FIELD. V SIMPLE and o'nmparl limlrnment w. ii• h• iit twn poiiti«l-4—urfoiir fits tor thm l*v hand. Daring the clean and free from irash. Ft i«*e #2O. Oi !er*<an Be filled hv ill Elio VI kMAX U FACt UKV NG (5 1( ii r>t i *«• *. *•. Y (». . . v•• il.. qb.ju: :.ik. AWARDED A HOLD DEDAL AT Ift Am, Inst. Fair, tMfsre 10, IfRS. In direct with all the leading 1 mnkerv in the V. “I’ELOIiIIET" OHISA\B A Jill M E 1,01) EONS. m.OttBRT, dkltOx m o. Bes|M*ctfully invite the attention of purchaser*, the trade and piofesnion, to the full Wing instiuwikXts Os their Manufacture* PEDAL BASIS ORGANS, Five sizer. Five itctatc. one to three hanks of keys, three to eight setts of Leeds, Prices $250t0 SGOO SCHOOLORGANS Nine Rfyles, single and double Reed. Rosewood and Black Walnut cases. Prices 55100 to S 100 Piano style and l*«utidde. Twelve Yalb ti. *, j from hmr to six (teavcs. single null limbic RhM. Rosewood and Black \\ aliiut Cases Prices SGOto 312130. Every I nslt un cut is made by coti pctei.t work j men, ti«»m the best material under our personal supervision, and every modem iui|ioveinent worthy «•! the name, is intmdm «-d iu them.- j Amotig these we would call attention to the TEE MoI.ANTE, w hich has been so much admired, and can be found only in instrument* ttf o u , tuan u fact ure From atnottg the very ffatteiiug Testimonials ol eminent Professors and Organists, w e give the fol low ing extract* ‘ “Tin* pedals I conceive to be itnapi»roncliable in 1 their beautiful smooth quality.**- >Vm A. Kin*. “It is a grand, good Instrument, and doe* cred it ot the builder.**—ll. C. Foi.ger, Troy, N. Y. 'They are among the finest Instruments nianu faetured either In this country <fr abroad.—Wm Bkro. J. Mosextiial, Aptomos. “They have given tittlVersal sntiifhcliou.**—W. E Hawley. Fon du Inc, Wii. ‘There is a peculiarly sweet arid sympathetic tone whi«-h harmonises charmingly wit h the voice." W H Cdokk. ‘ T am particularly pl**a*ed fh* fffHtrfJfes ment of the ditferent register*.**—Wsi. 11. Br.vn 111 KY, “No other instrument so nearly approaches the organ.**—77/s f 'hori*t' , r, X. V. , 'TMs instrument ha* a (dear MperWity (ar«r , anything yet introduced among us. ln<Ui» nj> nt ’ A*. >*. “The tones and the action are excellent ** —Rev ‘ W. s. l.r.ATtrf, Nf'ir Turk “Tlie more we use it the better we like iL"—4. Tl Hague, Hudson, N. V. “Tlie Two Bank Organ Harmonium i< really a gem.’*—l. \V. Kisvkitt, Boston, Mass. “We have fotfnd them exeellent in all jM.lnte constituting a gornl inetrument.**—J. C. C*h»k. T. J. Co<»K. '*lt l(M»ks and sounds *r*lendidlv."—S. B. Sax ton, Troy, N. Y. “Tbe fff6st perfect toned Melodcon I t-vef mw." Grv F. North. • ilicy fall bm-k on sin-li snbstflnkial merits a superiority of w ■>, kinansbip. Wanly of lone nn.l reasmialileness of prii-e. Ami we must say tliut in all tlo-ir rrsports they are r-.1l worthy of l praise."— Piu+rer, Aay. 'So. rf* - F.very Tn«fr-Vrr,-r,t ?• f«fl|y rrarrnn(<•<). at;.l 1-,-f and ami N/b/./oy/in New York ,-ity trilh.,»t »/of rf/e. t'lo-ulai-s. f’n's. ai;A Pris - I.i.ts, A * sent rm ap plioalion to PKLOUIIKT, fklto.y K CO. 611 lIIUi.UIWAY N Y Or ts. any of our A<rent« in the prtneipsrl till. .- of the Ptiloii. | ICE! f I E subss-nbei-M. having cofnpl«*tc*l Ihet** ar -1 rangeinenU, are now prepared to furnish the sittzens of Griffin, and surrounding country, with CCJJOUU-AfimnUuiiLik U» suit, at new K’K 11(» SK *p|» mlc the Passenger I»**|M.t. ji«e pric b- pre.went i* ?s\e e.-i.ts by v rail, ami a . :-i • Di.s v lil I H.r.J. :r « ira-h* 1.1 y .1 MAM LY .1 *>> K UN TAI IfORING ! C. B. SMITH n'AVINfJ ffpene.f • TAILOR J-HOP inGriffin. up stair, orer Cherry's Store, on Hill Street, i. now .h.ing »!! kin.! "fwoi It i« his linest fifty per rent, lees than any other shop in Mhhlle Ceorgia. lie is siol will continue io be rereiriny the latest Ameiivan and F.ui'-pran Cnehions. Putting done at a moment's warning. n«sr*-l.vT JOS. ENGEL’S n\i' sums. The nnderrigned desires ic inform the puhlie that ho has rotarnerl to his old home IN GRIFFIN, Where he is determined to furnish them with OM<IDP as MAW as they ban poe'ibly be afforded. I have on hand FUBSrt est- NHW, A Complete Ktoek of CRY GOODS, (loAhiiijf, Boots, Shoes, Hals, Ac, i Jly well known Character as a business I man hr re in former days, is a sufficient guar antcc of Fair and Honest Dealing. ' Call on me at my NEW STORK, at the OLD STAN D, Went Corner of llill street ; and llroadway. JOSEPH ENGEL Aug. ‘2. Isr.fi—fan. Ul EENSWAUE, C/l/XA AXD CLASS WARE. McBRI 1 >K. IMIRSIHT A Cll. 1 Coiuci - Whitehall and Ilunlcr Strecta, Atlanta. 1 Full line* of C. <*. Granite ami (*laa!*ware ! IN THE ORIGINAL PACKAGE lor in lot# t«j pu t puichnM*r«. A SPLENDID DETAIL STOCK. A fine tnient of “ Assorted Crutc#” very In«t to the trade. t Dealer* are pnrticulaily requesb* l to call ami ; cxainiiie our #Ux-k . We feel confident that our Tl'.RM>- will compare favorably wiih BEST NEU YORK mica, and our »t(K-k in n» complete a* any u the country. North or South. M<BRIDE, DORsICTT »t I*o. July ID "m |II.M:Y BRY in . A. h. W . M. MM J BRYAN. HARTRIDGE S CO.. COMMISSION MKU( II \ NTS AM* Broltcra, SAVANNAH (JIDUCIA "X")l 7 I*. *Gli. if coriaigniiH ut# and make advance# ▼ ▼ 0:1 hhipnifiits to utioclvc*, N* \v Yi»rk and 1 .iverposfl eorrci*|*oiident *. HrPLANTKK.S* St’l‘l’Ll ES aug*23 —ts J. \TSEY3I OUll, CIIKRRY STREET, MieoN, - mum. KEEPS cm Immi a full Hl«mk of l. rocerit'* and i I’roviaion,. wt if -h he offers n - low a, any other home in tlie city. lie al*o keep, on Imml all (Trade, of T< lITAOCO, and deal, in lan illanl'* SNI FF, 4n/f SMOKING ! ToliACCh. «rs tarloh# (iraudn, an ß invite# a call from m«-idiunU, I’iautci#, und other*. aitg3o-d\*im J. N. SEYMOUR. AW IEL I’. bM.la. G. W WYI.IT. IIKXLV B *rfKl*n.VV BELL, WILLY Si CHRISTIAN/ 1 Cotton Factors and fiF.NKUAL COMMISSION' MERCHANTS, KVVANNAII, GEO. \DY \N( made on all consignment* to n* «;r t" tur In* lids in t/iverpoul, ffoi-lun, Mik. I’liilml- and Hal* iinure. If/" ntt»-Titi««ti given b* the sale of C«- I ni and h-ru hi-ling of iimrvhamh/.e. *cp| fU-n* EDDLEMAN & BANKS, WII<fL»OLK AM. mUL I.RALEKS IN IhuiTS, SIIORS, I.KATHKU SHOEMAKERS TtSHS, LASTS, l-EUJS, Ae. ; *<-•». WAMK.*CTvnra» or BOOTS est? SKOBS, K? --p«thc L\Rf;K.ST rnK*K ofOn.»d- in tti- ir line, that m to l*e foiin<l in any one H**us.- in Gcor gbt. tVrnntrr Merchant? arc invited "To examine o.ir st<H-k k- pureii tiding , Inc where. HII.RmKi;]; BLorK. I*l. v(*H 1 RFF. ST., . it* • SOI T/n:rt.V HERALD. bate* or HUftiran »>» ai»»rtiui'c. On* erq.y one year. f* ,lrt Onceopy ,»* uo.utli, • »* One eofj tl.f. e month*. * • • • 1"i IXViII.;fI.T la „ir»a K ejr All •lepnwi at ll>« end of the time paid for and !i---t prt*. i>>ti*!y renewr L Advert .em-rt. interred at the r-tea of On* liwllsr am! fifty Cent, |>er w|U*re of Ten line*. fi>r the firet inner*ion. and Seventy five Cent* for eael. aoteenuenl inaertio* payalde in adranee. 1 .il.r, at .JedivtU' |*» trade on contract* for advrt Hactnen'a running tlirea month* sod long.r CITY 111 vI.UM UIHBtTOKY. A IIEI.I.AAIY—Mayor —* 'ffiee at City Halt. Till IS. N A Ll*--Clerk an.| Treawircr <4 Ci»>' t‘<H,ncil. —office at Nall Jt Ranaan'iJliet. t;i;o. ft. JUII.VSON-tTlitf lilrdial —Office at City Hall. • - < Ati uviv —W. 11. C. Mi< kellwrry J. 8. M uv, A. |{. >. t'.haw*. J. N. Ilarria. C. EY>ewt<m. M D •■mith. Ileniy Mnotr, Mn 11. H'lsite. HUM N Kf* C« >M MITTI IX Fivivr*—Wi-e, Moore. Ilarrt*. maut* am. Ai.itrn—White, Miekellwrry.MaU, v, Oat>tVA.v<T»—M'“-re. Smith. White. - CEWKT.aia* ass CutK I*T»—Miekettierry lla; ri», diutli. her, am* Prtn.tr Wrne—Smith, Math*we, H' bit*. Sum Euinuaai vT*—Harria. Nrwtoa, Moor. Ni i.av*m —Mathew*. Jie*lon,Vtve. l’m..MT»—Xevrton. Wise. Wright. COUNTY OFFICKBS. F. Id. ItTSMTKE—Ordinary.—Office up **w»r* in Alnieh Hall. J. H. CttNNAI.I.Y Clerk of Snperhw CowrW ffice in Almah llalh J. H. LANE—t'letk Inferior Cowl—t'ffiee q •fair* in Almah Hall. H. |> IKtYAl.—Sheriff , t Tllos. glMoNToE—County Trvenir.v,— < f fice St 'ft 1 VV, S. Mitchell* SU*re. fioVF.KNMKNT tiFFICF.IIS. It. l'< iMITON—L'. s. Internal Revenue Tar. (Vdhu-tor --Office at the I’lnnter'* Hank Itnilding, Solornofi 'Strccl. ]>. A. JOIINH »N l S. Tax A#*cwor. —Ofßca n l*lanter> Bank llnih-ing. lIATfiS OF LEGAL ADVERTISING | Snlc. of I .nude l.y AdminiCraiol*, ijertitnn ! anil f .'tirtrdian* are reqnirefl by law l(> be held on ilbetii.t Tui'dev in each rniinb. lietwren lb, j hour* of ten in the forenoon and three in llie after noon, nt the court I inline in the county in which I the property ia aituntn). , • I Jioticeaof there rale* iniivl lie given in a publia ■ gnxette today* previona Notieer of rule* of |» i«in»l pmjieity inurt t.p given ill u public ga/elte to day r preyinu* to »alv. Notice to debtor* and erejitnr- fan ertnti niuat tie piildielied -to dnyn. Notice ilmt applientiiin will lie made to She Court es Ordinary for leave to rell bind uiti.l b* piilili.ln and two non llir. Cituiioiir for letter* of Adininiatra'ioti, ftinr.li analiip Ac., tun,l lie putilirbed So day*. Citation* for di.minion from udioiniatration, onee a montli for *i\ montli.. - Fin letter* of dialiuraioii no in Cuardiaiialiip 10 day*. i. I:»h » for the fnrei-loMire of mortgage, niuat Ia |ml>1 i.tied onee a mouth for four mouth*—for e»- lubll-long lo*t paper* for the full ,p*ee of three mouths—for coiopelling title* from Adminivtia tor*. where bond* have lieen given by the deeeaa <-d, for the lull tqoie* of three montli a. i*iitdicatroii<w ill alwaya lie continued to there, the legal reijuiretmmta, mile,, otherw ir* ol dered lit the tollow mg RATES. Sheriff,a rale, per levy ot ten lint .or le,a fa IM: Sticlllt'A liuntgngf fi fa *t;b , per levy 5 <Bl Tax Collector'a *n!r*, per levy !5 *a* , illation, for-baler* of Aduiini.ti nt ion, h •"(, , Citot 1.i.;« f a Klt r* id ti tird'amiltip. Su" Notice of application for di»mi*»ion from , Admiai-Vrntion. 6 OO Notice of application for di*mi»*ion from (iiiardinuahip 4 SM 4|.pli. latioll to reli land f» 00 Notice to ilebtor* and Creditor,, It **i Snle vs Land per eipiare, S IBt Sale of peri,liable property 1(1 day* 2 00, i Eatrm uoliefa, *.o ilnyr, 4 -at. j I'oreelo.ure of nrnrlgnge, per sjimre, 4 tt iI or man ji^vdjyUr l Og hi, wife, in advanee. 1o ,f M). 11. RAILROAD GUIDE. MVCOX AM) WESTKHN lIAIIJIOAD. A I W3IITK, K, 15. WALKKII, *iri. J,i»nv« Macon ... 1 ft A. M Arrive at f iriOiti II 30 “ ", ' Arrive at Atlanta 1 57 I*. M. : U'avf* Atlanta ft 53 A. M. Arrivo nt (Jriffin It M* " '* ' Amv. * fit Mu* on , 1 :i»f I*. >f- S<il'Tll \V KSTK.it N RAILROAIV. , WM. lIOI.T, I'ununn. VI 111 ill. IH i W KltS, Sn'r. Lenvp, Macro, 7 23 A. M.' Arrives nt Kmlii •• I» f» IM I*. M. Leaven Kufmila '•> IU A Nt. Arrives nt Macon 4 10 I*. Sf AI.HVST rk \ s,si. 1 '.eaves Smilliville 2 42 I’. M. ! Arrives at A Hinny 4 34 I*. M. | lauive* AllmriV 7 30 A. AT Arrives nt Sn,ithviH«aa r ■ 9 <e.t A. W MI'SCOCKK liAILIIOAO. JOHN HKsTAtN, PamtMfvr. OLA Ilk K, Srr't. Leaves Macon 7 23 A. V Arrive, at Columbus 4 21 A. M. Leave* Columbus . .7, A. NL Arrive* at Macttn 4 10 P. is. GEORGIA UAI LUoAT). J KI NO. I’ni-Vor*V. K. V 7 C< ILK. Srr'T. leaven Augusta 7 A. M Arrive* at Atlanta . .* w) P. ML Lcavea Atlanta .7 05 A. M. Arrive* at Augusta 9 So A. M. NIGHT TRAIN. Leaves Augusta .4 10 A. M: Arrives at Atlanta. $ 41 A. M. leaves Atlanta. 7 So P. M. Arrives at Augusta 9 IU A. If. ATLANTA * WWT POINT IIAILIMtAIJt, GEIIRCT - . 0. HI LL, Sir'v. I Lraven Atlanta . ft 'CT A. it. Arms* at West Point ii 4S A. M l,c*. <■« Katontnn IS :a |*. M. I Airive* nt Allnnla fi «n» I\ M. ■ 1 . ur PRIVATE] Entertainment MAUTIII II W. lilHOtX l«1c»s £T.ia me. Ili«»d <>( infm tiling fi"id frrend* lliai be linn o; * nod n h«»*!.*♦• for |»riCHte entertain-’ iiieiit in the iii v **f Ailanla. «m the corner i»f Him t- r mill IJ*vd rtred*, MMmodiately in front of the i'ailiolit* ihiirch, and alffiutone )nin«lred and fifty yard* front the t‘*i *liol. His term* are very reasonable. 1 angx«»—dvlyr ARTHUR W. BROWX. Daily Now Elray ATLANTA, GEO. ItltLKsT vity <-in nlnlion. Ijirgest country " J circulnll'in A live |«uriial. Iho paper for the tiresnlc and the counting room. ''uL*.-ril>c tortlie Krn. I’iice of subscriptiol in!. j .-r nun'.;:,, ,T,<ne dollar per month. . ,-i-ts PiIATULK a ' CRI'UGy.