Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, September 19, 1866, Image 2

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,§ o u t!) 1t n ij trail. tift'KltU'lTf AMI t’OI \TVJtH B\AI« D K MARTIN DR M DEAVENPORT. Kl>IT O « * . «fiimw. *• a . s ki*t. ii, iim. “Be not Klihlruii* Oirr .Much ” F.vcry body lsa» heard of ibe Fult<m S'rcet dai y prayer-meeting (bat started in New "York some several years before the war, and was kept up during the whole of that bloody atrujrsle, and, as wo have been tflld, fbr we Jo not know it positively, is still going on in that piuux city. AA’hrn that thing started— that I’liarisaical noon-day betiding of the knee, and that lifting-up of the sanetimo i. wLite eye, and tbote nicety-worded phrases of set prayer—as tastefully culled, and ns deftly re arranged, as choicest rauaaic of pearls and gems—even then, we were se cured, and by as good a man as wo ever knew, that it was'all'a wieked device of the Devil Satan putting ou the apparel of Heaven— nud luiscbiof, destructive mischief, was at the bottom of it. Many a good man or wo man connected with this Fulton Street insti in (ion, doubtless felt that he or she was do ing God’s service, and ira*; but make us believe, it you can, that such men as lJecch. er, and Cbocver, and Tyng, and hundreds of others not so smart, but just as wicked, the inaugurntors of it, went to all that trou ble of sending up noon-day invocations every day, simply through piety, or the love of God, or the advancement ol bis holy King dom. AA’iih that class, the whole thing, wo make bold to say, was nothing but a sacrilegious nisr, gotten-up to divert the great unsus pecting public while secretly and stealthily, as an under-plot, they (Beecher & C 0.,) were working out their devilish schemes of goading and harassing the poor Bouth till .die was driven to secede ; knowing they could lead the whole tame North by the nose, and make them believe that wc, the South lli it hml mi thilly Fulton llrrrt fii ni/i r nin linij —must be wrong, not wauling to live with such praying, sanctified, chosen .-afrits, as they, the elect Northerners, were. On one occasion, some •’ollego students, in one of their midnight raids, stole an arti san's sign, and secreted it in one of their dormitories. Ou tho next day the Trustees, l lhc tliell having beou reported to them,) commenced searching in tho students’ rooms for the missing sign. In tbeir rounds they came to one room locked, nnd within was heard the voice of earnest, loud prayer, 'll entuse, it was indecorous to intrude upon the sacred privacy of prayer, and so, the trustees remained ou sidc the door, silent, but attentively listening to the inside devo. ♦■ions. At length, the boy that had been leading in prayer, closed loudly, thus; “An evil and adulterous generation seokclh after a and there shall no u]/n be given to if.” It is probubly anticipated that while one of these praying rascals was loading the services so loudly and so devoutly, another of the wicked gang was buruing the sign in the lire When the door was opened, the pious assemblage of students received the tiustoes, but there was no sign to be found. To make tho application: During the going-on of this Fulton street prayer meet ing, much more than the sign of the arti sun has been destroyed—yea, a whole nation gono under, devoured, (literally, a portion ol ii, in the flumes of devastating and relentless War. PKRSONfttKI! OF TIIE PIKHAI.D Co.NVIN r*iiN.— A Philadelphia letter to the Bavan nah Herald, thus describes the personal ap |«earanec of “ Southern loyalists ” who re cently convened in the former city : *• If they arc the rrpieaentatives of the "nion people and Union sentiment in the South, it is ccrUinly a disgrace to be a Un ion man down there. They look like Jail birds. Some have necks on them liko the iwtrich ; others, again, legs — hoiiow legs like cranes. Such a collection of wo begone, dejected, used up, mutilated, ragged, un washed, sickly, hungry set of men were never before made. I shouldn’t wonder if some enterprising Yankee will, after they arc thro’ their delibeiations, takcand exhibit thi in in some museum, ns rare specimens ot humanity. * * * * * K*t-b man has a capacity for eating like the camel has for drinking, and if they are not taken away from hero soon the orderly inhabitants ol this puritanical city will be in danger of starvation. Private families have already felt the influence of their voracious appetites in the rise of breadstuffs.’’ Uitors in Louisiana.- Iq a letter to one of the editors of this paper, dated Shiloh, La., August JC’ili, lSOt>, we take the followiog: " ( '<ir crops in this country are extremely sorry. Wo w. re drowned out a!1 the spring, and in the summer had a severe drought 1 hat lanted unlit a low days ago, since which ve have had a great d< a of rain, and the crops greatly i jured. 1 don’t think it pos sible that we can make corn enough to sup port the country, and the cotton crop wdl be very short.” _■ _ a The Old Uabi k. —One of the really most a-toni.-hlng labors ever performed hv man consisted in finding the resting place of the old cable of 805, at the bottom of the ill most l>oulidhss Atlantic, and in raising it again to the surface in good wot king order lVoin a depth of two miles. Such a feat is a * ntitiph of human effort and perseverance,! a ini shows that scarcely any physical woik • n cm lb ia beyond our reach. "'ll - Frederick Isruce.it is announced has prop' sed on behalt of the liritisli Govern' ment to the American government that are* cipri'c.ii treaty he entered into by the two eoriiitru - lor tho benefit of seaman in if is-, i f'-ss. Each nation is to agree to send home .•aiiiaii tu tlieothcr country in distress in its ports. % 1 •SUMMARY General Butler, the Beast, sail in a re cent ifpen fr that the ratflesaakc was no brother of bit. Thia announcement mill go far towards removing the odium that at tache* to that reptile. A State CouvMftion of “Unmistakable loy-. alists’’ will meet at BulCighj * orth Barulin •, on the 2“th, and make a rumination lor Governor. Os all ihe impertinences offered to l/uecn Kmma, Frank is the moat outrage, oua. The knave aajsi “Ourportriit will .give our readers an idea of her personal ap pearance. Conventions are all the rage Jdet now. We see ther. is in uepsitm I National Segar Makers’ Convention. Igwk out for exten sive pbfllng in the newspaper reports of their proceedings; but their delibefattons will all end in smoke. The first Napolen used to siy that it was only necessary to get a lie believed fur 24 hours for it to become history. General l-or U said to be much bored by the proprietors of Northern watering places, asking him to spend the Summer at their es tablishments, free of cost. Thia is anew advertising dodge. The losses by fire in the United States for the Irst six months of |HG6, and where more than twenty thonsand dollars worth of property was consumed, loot up 932,1*76,0tH) Wn. Morrison, claimed by Canadian journals, to be the aisenverer of tho sources of the Mississippi, died in the Rroviucc last week. There is a rumor that two or three of the New Jersey Uuion State Senators will vote with the Democ ats, aud thus defeat a j >int meeting of the I.ogislature. Spurgeon is starting Baptist public schools : in )x>ndon. One of the attractions of the Universal Exhibition neat summer will be a prize ot 82,000 for the best singer. A man in Covington, Kentucky, the other day kicked another one to death. Outo 114 convicts in the Misaisaippi peni teutiary there arc only twenty five whius. The dry goods houses of New York are doing an iinmcnae business Boxes of goods are kept in the streets all night uuder watch for want of transportation The Alabama Legislature lias appointed a committee lo empiire into the expediency ot donating 320 acres of public land to cadi Confederate soldier who, by reason of w ounds received in the late war, is incapacitated from labor. General Grant has not only given arms to the cadets of the Virginia Military Insti tute, but has also restored to them the old “Cadet Mattery.” lie remaiked in doing so, “ that the rising general ion must be edu c.atc-l and the means for that purpose must nut he withheld." Colonel G. O, Dihrall, nfSpnr’a, calls for statistics for Foi rest’s envalrt.ou liook pub lication. He (s to he addfrs-ed at Sparta, "1 enne.-seo. Cai.miiiNl v —The election on ihe olh in San Fran- !*«•<» |i>r city and eounc idli.tr> resulted in favor of the Radical ticket. The Cleveland Herald afrftemnces that Mr. C. C. Hinsdale, aftm experimenting for many years, has discovered fire process of making Hursian sheet iron, which has so long freon a secret, and says that a company is to bo organ x-d in t fiat city for the pur pose of manufacturing it. The Selina ( Ala.) Messenger sacs that the factories are springing up all ovi r i's re gion of tho South. .The results of the war is throwing capital into anew channel ; the abundance of material ; easy in trrcomiiHi nication ; equality of transportation, and for other reasons will make Selma a great ninn nfaeturing dislri. t. Vicksburg is f»»t regaining it« old pros perity, and bids fair to oufgiow its former proportions. John W. Price, one of the loyal dele gates from Florida to the “ Mean White Convention," announces himself, through the Jacksonville Tinut , as a candidate for Congress at the election in October. Some squeamish gentleman in the Radical Convention at Philadelphia, weakened on the negro suffrage issue, ft Was too strong for his stomach, and inconsistently his “gorge” rose at it. ffe moved therefore to' sugar-coat it by calling it equal suffrage Under the ruling of the chairman, how ever, lie was too late. An epidemic lias appeared in Vienna, causing painful swellings on the faces of men who have nsed the new sharing paste, which had been highly recommended as a ‘ celan share' by ffarber Johann Guatier, Ilis paste rendered unnecessary the use of the ra'xor. The pasta was found to consis - , mainly of arsenic. Os course, it was confis csted, and tho aspiring barber subjected to legal penalties. ■Daily llkhai.l).—We are in receipt of several numbers of this paper, pub’i-hed at Griffrn, Ga , by Messrs. Martin A Hagan— the latter formerly of the Recorder. The Herald is a neat and thrifty looking paper. It is edited with ability, and deserves to prosp r, as it undoubtedly will, under its present management. May its shadow never grow less.— Ojie/ikn Reconhr. NkOROF.B RkTUKNIWO To TWF.Ut Ol II IltrMKi*.—The Planters’ Banner, Franklin, 1.0. , of the Ist rnst., says : | Many negroes are returning to their old homes all over l.iis Parish, and many have j been returning for the last year. Large ; numbers bow occupy their old cabins, and find after their »\.ary pilgrimage among strangers, that “there is no place like home.' I The kind fr clings of former days which existed bet we. a the two races are fast re lurniwg. We have seen many pro d’s of Shis fact in our late trips through the parish lhe longer the Brother Brainards and hypo critical meddlers stay away from them tin more happy they become, and the better sat j bfietl they are. An Atxstralian paper, the I.auno-Mon Ex aminer, states that theTe cania in the ice \ house with the fast shipment of salmon or-r fr om England, arriving at Hobart Tow n, in May, two bundles ot heather and a few shrubs, as an experiment. Six apple tiees and two species of heath arrived in the most perfect condition. There was not even a decayed leaflut on the I eat lie, and the whole of the plants are in as perfect health as if they had only just been lifted out of rfin nursery. Telegraphic News. Ll vr.Rluv.i,, S'-pt. l.i—-1 he cotton mar hot is unchanged, .ales 1 f.OOl* bi’os. Mil dling up) n.ds Lid. London, Sept. 1 u—There arc rumors of a difficulty between Italy aud Austria on the kubjict ol the debt of Vcaetia. Pkthhsiu ru, Sept. Li.— flic Atncri can squadron 101 l the Russian waters to-lay. The Mo cow Unzrttr exto's the alliance be tween Russia and tLe United States. Bkki.in, Sept. 15.—Bismarck has sent a letter to the United States Minister ac knowledging the kindness of American residents in furnishing fifty tons of ic« t“ the wounded in hosr>it»l. Prussia emphatically notifies Atlstria that she will not sufLr Italy, her ally, to be in* suited and defrauded, and that if Austria persists iu her present course, Wir must foMow. Paris, September 15.— 1 tis expected the Circular which Napoleon is about to issue to the powers of Europe will be eminen ly pa cific in its tone New A ORK, Sept. lo.—The Tnbnnr’t special cable dispatches arc as follows: Vienna, Sept. 13.—We arc ou the verge of another war, which threatens to vjual in extent that just ended. Austria shows bad faith with Italy and muk s unreasonable demands, to which Italy will not submit. Austria has overcharged the debt of Vene tia, and withholds Venetian | roperty which she Was to have transferred. Pit AisrfT,-Kupt, 14.—Tlic homeward inarch of the Prussian t'ffacps has been perempto rily arrested, and the demoralization of th army stopped. Drf.fden, Sept. 14. Everything looks warlike. There is no reply to the notifca tion of Prussia. It is now only u question o! hours whether the troops ho not again put in motion. Ci.»:vKr,ANi>, Ohio, Soph lib— Large ar rivals of offic. rs mid soldiers to attend the Soldi rs and Sailors’ Convention. Tents to accommodate from three to four housaud are being put up in Monument Square.- Major General AVool will probably be the temporary Chairman— Stccdmun putinanent Sr. Loris, Sept. I(s.—The number of deaths from eh leru for tho week is 272. Nkw V ortK, Sept. IG.— The advices from llayti re to August 25th. The whole coun try is in a state of rcvolott u. The city of Itonuaivcs lias been laid in ashes. The in- I ahitants had deserted it. At St. Marine there is a number of revolutioni t.s under Gene al Death. General S lnare will be executed by President Geofford’s order, but that, will not inipele the progress of the revo lution, which s again t Geoffcrd for assuin ing dictatorial power. It is bolieve 1 the government would suppress the movement. It is said there will soon be an important movement of the l’cuians belonging to the Stevens’ fatfion. Mr. Beecher p’cached to on immense crowd to-day, and disappointed them by ■miking to allusion to political topics. New York, Sept. 17.—John C. Br.ii.ie, a Confederate who headed the party that seized the Chesapeake during tho war, was arrested here, charged with the murder ol ilie engineer at the time. Documents were found on Ills person showing that he found ed a secret organixuion in New Orleans last nun h, called the Knights of Arabia. 1 e li sto i excitement is at a high point- Sales of tickets commenced this morning, and spec ilaftrs aro already getting from fifteen to twenty dollars premium on t ; eket-. Liverpool, Sept. 17.—The cotton mar ket i- active, and prices have advanced id Sales to-day > Laics. Middling tip lands, 1.7 (and. Southampton, September 17.—The mail steamer from Bio Janeiro brings the impor tant. intelligence that the allies have been badly defeated by the Paraguayans. Br.Rt.iN, Sept. 17. It is announced that Prussia will not allow the King of' Saxony to take part in tha formation of the North Gciiaau t'onfederation. Florence, Sept. 17. Advices from Prussia say that a difficulty in the way of signatures to the treaty of peace between Austria and Italy, has been raised by Aus tria iu relation to the debt of Vene ia. • Mir.- SCVSIoVR. |l. V. JOHNSON. A. 1C FIM.LA V. SEHKim, MVSOX & I'll,, ' ,V II 01, K S A I, K 0 it o ecus AND COM MISSI ON M KItCII ANTS, Comer Cherry and Third Street?, MACON IJKt >IU« 1A . KF.KP constantly on fnunl and offer for «>tle at lowest cash prices Hugging. lb»pe. Twine , O'tfee, Tea, Sugar ; I’ice, I.nrd, Hiritpr, (’hecss , l lour. Corn. Hay. Candles, Soda, Potash ; W bite Fi-dij Mackerel, l»lue Fi.-lf ; Case I.npDUs. Whisky. liiamly. Hacon; Mess INm k. Canvassed Ihiuis, Powder; Lead, Kaisin*. Calmly, Nuts I obaeeo Snuff. Pepper. Piekles, Preserve*; (’rnekers. White Lead, OiU, Zinc Copperas; Hornx, Yarns, ()siiaberg-*, Sheetings. Nails; Snidines. Soap. Stmelr, \’ii»egar, Sail; Plaster, Lime, Cement, 1 booms, nim king. Ac., Ae. All ord'is prompt.lv filled. SKYMorU. JOHNSON A CO. •eps-l»m JOHNSONS So GORDON, €' oin m i .*• ni o n .}/ crc li an 1 s AND DVXI.KRS |> GRO3EFIES. PEuVISIOtS &(*., &c. ALABAMA STREET, FRANKLIN BLOCK, .limy J. te. ~ C. 11. THOMPSOJf, WILH KSALK AM' UKI AII. DKALKR IN Groceries ! WINES, I-BBItAKS. LEMONS, .te.. 11l /MY STREET, Savannah, Geo. ied7—iiiu* XE W .1 DV E ItT ISEME ST S. EXECUTOR'S SALE r> V \btu* i*f ai- ordrr bv .. \ * «*f i’ike « *i»l r..iirt «l****r, in th* tour, cf Z« !»uWr. on tit. lir*f If K®f»AY !n t«. \V !,r» t!,. I»«*ur* «*f ai' l!i** brio . f Myrh W. Utccf #*«i I county. ‘l* -o. «»| |>arU <*f I**{i* '\n g 1 • li*,#- I* ‘I J'l, 104, aiul I<|, c*»ntaii.i:i:i a!! (iiioieor I****). >ui«] lan l lifin j in ilu- 1*: •* Ih*frirt of oritT'Hnl! v Monro*. (no\V com t\ ). Th* notice rr«|iiire«l by Imw Ii iviug Ihimi (lu* Mil* viill t*k* |*li%«-e as aliovc ft. r th* i»ui |*o*»* of |»A)inc debt* du* by toid estate, and a!>o tliv clmiiift us Icgatecft, Aii'l for difttribution. nnM.TXC iiarrk W. K. MV HICK, •*|»|J 4«*d* Kx«rU*Orii. hf,sh)H\ci: run sale? At Auction. MVVIj.L I*K<»F. KHEU Full i>AI.E, it auction, on tlic tir«l Timha> in Noiciiibt-i next, at the Court House in (iriOin, unb»ft jKiitl m iVAleljr before that time,) tuy hoii-e und lot ill .«jiid l«wu. now iH'cupivd by Kev. Mr. Jt iiw. Tilt- dvk L'bing is a collug**, coutuiuii.g six and live tire piuciMi, with « vud room and bath in/ room tltarli« and. Al»o, a bouse for ftervauta, cuctainiiig two looms, and n fire-pi nee in each. Th- lot contains one acre, with a variety of, (rnii 1 1 res. l’rtiics interested can examine for themselves. J, 11. ( AMl’liLLla, •epl9--tds Tlioniasville, (ia. SHERIFF'S SALKL WILL HE SOU), before th* Court lbnise door, in (he city of (irit]in,on (he lirpi Tl KShAV in November, one lot, eohtainii sr u n acre (more or less,) liounde*! ns follows: On jj l 0 sou’ll, by Solomon street; on the wist, bv \£j. s Clements j on the north, hy an a. ley, ami on |j lr east \*y street, known and levied «>□ « s t j l( , prMperty of 1). I). I)oytil,Aiid pi*i;r out. f» v |} lf . plainiift. I‘ripeify It vied ou by Coiistall,.“ a!l ,j turned over to me. ROIiKUT S. CONNKI j t sepl#—4od Deputy ,r. / x OK( IHOIA SI’AIJ >1 X(i C<IpXTV - -'A t V I a> James T. Eilii*. administrator un tliv K— t;it <* ofi'hilipj. Itisliopjate of said county deceased applies to me for iellersof dismission ns adminis trntor «•»» said Estate lie havii g fully ndiiihiist«-i ed the said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all peisons inUuesied or concerned to be and appear nt my otiice witbtn the time prescribed I>\ law and show cf»use if any exist why a?d letters should not he granted. Given nnder my hand at my -Iliee (his 17th day us September. lMhh F. I>. !»{SMCKE, p) * —in6m ( M dinnj v. / n.nß(ilA,srALl>|\*(; cnl NTV —U in lens \ Kli -lin T. Kendall. Adminis! i a’op of Mum ford Ketnhill, deceased, applies to im* for b*;iv.■ (o/edlhe land belonging to said e>tal» for the beneflt </f lieii t* and ere«li(.or* 'l'licse are, therefore, to cite and udmoft* isli all parties interested to be and appear : t my office within the time prescribed by law 1.. show cause, if any exist., why hii order rimlioi'ix.ir. the sale of the lands of said estate should nut be granted. Given under my hand at office,'this 17th day of September iStili. F. I>. DISMCKK, sepiy—Uud Ordinary. C 1 KOUG! SRAI.IH NG (MUM V.- Wiikih:\s T .laiiies T. Ellis. Guardian.of S. I*. Ilishop. | Cordelia Wisltop #i*d It. T. minor and or phan children (A ,f. Hisfrop applies It* me for left .-rs *»f tlismis* ion ns siieli Guanlinn. tin* w hole estate of lii9 sirM waitls lui« ing b.r.m lost in Confederate socui it Vs, S p*r cent t-omls. 1 hese arc, lher«*ft»re, to cite ami admonish all persons concerned to P* fifnA at my oHice within the ti ne prescr.bcl by law. to show cm:..* »f any exists, why said letters dismissory from said < imirdiaiiship slum and not be granted. Given under my hand at c-ft t , this ihe 17th and y te t ie r, isr , x*p. I'Jiiitim. F. I#. 1 i|S.MCK I’, t.**.' s '*- / 1 KOR(H \. SRAMHNi; CHI’ NTV. Wh. n.« s V J Janes TANARUS, Ellis, ad’i'ini>'rnt«*r ot :!i. ;; , of'ill *u a< Eilis, It- of said eoiinty do • ; s-•! plies to me for b iters of dismission as adminis if t'»r mi said Estate lir having fully adniini t• • I and wound up the same. These are therefore to city nnd ndimmi.-h all persons interested or concerned to be and appear at iny olKee within the time prescribed by hr\ . and show cause if any exist why said letters <»f dismission should not lie gnnnted. Given iiinb'i inN hand at my office, this I7th |d»iv «*f,S*pt 1 HGt* aeplytliinOin. F. 1». ‘iHSMI KE f t trdinarv. Just Received, V tine lot of Choice Country BACON, consist ing of Hams und Sides, which will be sold low, at »cpl 7 CLOri), SIIKPUEIU) A CO.N. PEI ME WHITE COKN ! V large lot just received, and for pule vhenp, at set-17 CLOUD, SIIEI’IIBUD* CO.'S. LAUD! Si HU', ,U. V prime article of LEAF LAUD ORLEANS SVULF. MEAL and I,KITS, and every thing else in the l’rovision iiue, for sale at a low {•rice, at sepl; CLOUD, SHEPHERD A CO.’S. X. XXX FLOUR, r I^ll K HE>T (hat lI4S been br<»ugh( t«* tiiis mar 1 ket. For ftnle at sepl 7 CIHU 1), 8IIKITIKHI) A CO.'S. Wanted to Exchange. VNo. 1 FARM, (-onfniidug two hundred (“"< i acres, more or less, situated in the : ,Vh Distrie*, G M , Seriven County, two miles from Oge.-ehee Pest Office, at Station N». (i It. R, near the Ogeech'ee River, an excellent rafting stream. This place is very healthy and in the midst ot choice society, nnd is situated centrally between two Baptist Churches, one Methodist Church, two schools, and two G’ist and Saw mills, (unless the latter has been destroyed hv Sherfnan ! the vandal.) aH within one and two miles of the place- The improvements only tolerable. Only fortyf•*") acres cleared. There is lightwood enough ou the jilaee to pay its market value, and this article only needs to he carted to the Rail road to he sold for cash The land -the soil is as good a« any in said county, and has enough heavy ranging, ship, and other timber, convenient' to the Savannah niaiket, per railroad or rivet, 1 to turn out a fran l-ome little foylune to an indiis trious aid enterprising man. It is also conve nieiit to the best of in land fi-!tfng wafers, from I which a lover of sport could feed his family, how ever large. Ihe owner of this valuable farm, now rcsidirg in Griffin, iu order to Im* near her children w iil sell or exchange it for a suitable farm somewn.'M' in Spalding or any one of the adjoining mu th opt he Macon ,t> \\\ |{ :l i| r . Apply addicss either Rev Win. \V 1,.- Ogeeehee, via .Os A .1 At KSON R( 'DtiEK- Sep Id St t.l tii Geo Umpire *liut«G> S t YY i„ s |,ities- ARK -l rs-lllol; |o A 1.1 ■ -Tlltlis !'"R FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING P l 'll. Pi i -liS, Agents wanted. Address, E.’LiES. M.CO. sepl 1 dlyr 010 Broadway, N. Y. .J< )\\ W < )\[\\ OF every jpTtgff L: ■■■■■ ] f] -• X TH? BN II» R\i rx»llt«T, w illi luatLc.'" aiul <b >p iU b is • wvll *!l\ t»l»v’lci!. • t PAINTS, OILS, TOIEBT ARTICLES, Ac., At RcclucSocl Prices, ARE SKLLIN'a Oi l FAST AT J. N. HARRIS & CO’S. SepHi Sill DRUGS & MEDICmE?! EAST sM* K f* F 111 L L ST R KET, tl.e lWt Office. ) G-rifEn, G-eorgia, HAS ON H AND A GoOl'i ASSORTMENT. AND RECEIVES WEEKLY SPpp|i K g OF ALL ARTICLES PERTAINING TO DRUGS, FRESH AM) GENUINE XC* Also, a fine lot of FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, Window GI RRS Oils, Latiqie, Ac., Cooking Extrarls, ToLhccp, Cigars, ifcc. ’ PRESC B IPX ION ftj.rnnq.tly filled DAY or SIGHT. Under the direct.snpervisin* „f y lim:\vnv. M. !>.. (('ficnii-‘t aiii ,I’liSttnweHrtirt.) »fi« I,a* been in regtilnr and rxtensK. pra C (i c for over ten years, both civil aiidiidfUitry, or Dr J. E Moottic CC WINSHIP & GOB DON, C-r.vrn <■, mu. am, nr.oAt, sTr.EKTs, GRIFFIN . .GEORGIA. Wlmtcsatc and retail 1 ><„!'*- tn /tools, >/lOI*, //ills, I mbn Ilos. LEATHER SIB >K FINDINGS n:,'J READY-MADE CLOTHING. WE ARE RECEIVING amlof'ening 17.1 cases ROOT Sand S||» >KS of evi-t v s:\ le and des,fi|itii,n, wi, i < -1 1 ptiqins,. selling as r.lienp as iaii be imu-liased in anv Soflli ern niaiket. W** invite all |>iT.«i,ns who expert to weal Shu, > to rail aad e .arnii.e 011 l stork hefole I till 1 Senior Pai.liirr -ris had maiiv t ears e-lpn ienre in the >hne Im-iness, and is well arquainted w ith the nianufaetni'ei s at the 1101 th, w hieli gives them siipci ioi advan tages in getting tfi, their stin k Every ar ticle in our line will he .void at a 'mall ad vance on cost. We shall confine outsclves strictly to the cash s\stem. No one can sell g*,ods on a credit tit the extremely low juices we are asking. ter C( >L’NTRY MERCHANTS wishing to lejdenish their stock are respectfully in vited togire rrs a call. Boots and SHOES MADE TO ORDER. X-t r lIKC A I ItlXti HONK AT Bft OUT NOT ICE. WAISTTEB, TWO tit.t< *D BOOTMAKERS. sep4—"m BOYNTON -V DISMUKE, ,1 TTUR XE V S A r L. 4 IP, 4RIITIN OEOKCIA. (</Hice in front room ri|> stairs in Almali IlnM op|K>site Ttrirk Warehouse.) XXTH.L give promjit attention to surti l.nsiness V V as may lie entrusted to their care, in the eonnties of Spalding, Henry, Units, Monroe, Epson, lhke. Merriwether, Fayette and Clayton. •I. S. ItoYNTON. ) I'iiKi,. If. Rismikk. ) scp4—4m. Mrs. S. A. Jackson, ( AGENT.) nAS m itc.i i\ r«l a splendid stock t*f I»()N .\ Ki*S and 11A I'S of the very latest styles. Also, fresh invoices of Ri tjpMoMeJJ <fcc. , ite.f to which the ntion-tinn of the ladies is resp. et fully iiivit♦»l. >h* is piepared to fuiuiah country dealers* at \Y II O L K S A \. K : avi»l l Ml 1.7.1 N I.TIA . upon as i ivop.ihS* as they eon b* purchased m At lanta or Macon. CALL ax I IKK at the old stand of •I \cK s«* N A Ni: WT< »\ . "Id,'ll has been newly tilted up and imp,..v.,l eg I It (♦KUlttilA —Si'OM.vi Col NTV—W hereas g,, X kindred and creditors of Ileniy llehiis. | n ( p of said ootinty, deceased, neglects and declines i f , sue out letfa is ot aduiinislraiion on the .-stnte „ smid deceased, 'these u-e therefore to cite and admonish the kindred and creditors of said J,. "eased to he and appear a! my office w ithin tile time pre-erihed hy law , make application and r „. oivesatd administration, or I shall a| point J«, 11. Connolly. C e.k of the superior Conn. Admin, i-t rat or on Sail e-tnte. Given under m\ hum! |t office, this Ist Siptember 1 Still. (“•pi F. D. DisiH KK, Ordirarv. (♦ ICOlStilA—Si-ALmso C< i m v.—W hereas. Jas T 11. Connolly, Administrator on the estate • lames W . Middlchfooks. d,‘eea.e,l. aj'|di, - to an tor leave t,» sell the lands belonging to .-aid estat* for tile hem fit of heirs and eiediloi-s. *] 1 1 , to cite and adinoiiislt all persor.s eoaeeraed to he and appear nt my office within the time j. ( , aid,,.,! hy law. and show cause, if any exist, wnv ~,, der should not lie granted at,,hci irdug suai Adnun istrator ,o sell said land*. Given under my hand at office this, Septeiiiher Ist, 18,“;. F. i> DISMI KK, S 'T* Oldihiuy MIKRIFF’S «* A U>. AV/TU. 11F. soldi before the Conn Itonse.lonr V T in the city of Griffin on Ihe liist 'l'l I»A\’ iu Oetoher 10-xt, one house and lot. known as the Middle Georgia Medical College, -iuialr l ! **n Rrnndwav. neat the Mueon A We-tern it. |; f Depot, levied on as the properly of Kdward K I Ivi.otl, to satisfv costs on several li. fa s issm I | from Inferior and Superior Courts of .'|'nldng | County. John 1- I royal vs. I'.dward F K not i James M. Couch rs. Edward F. Knott, and othsi- AI.SO, I At the same time and pluee, will !„■ sold iqiinre ti,ty-nx (.ill), known in plan of the cit\ i.'ntti,, as the I’arade Ground, containing font (|) iaa.. | the .-nine having heel, sold on the tilst |iie,-.l„r t i..-t. Parties ; living, and failing to eoni|,t\ will, !,lie t. irns ol Ulid sale, it will he les. ldut It,.u • expense. A I.St». At the same time and place will he sold nnc house and lot in the city of Griffin, hounded ,ni Ihe east by Maj. Salley s, on the south b\ an n|„ a lot. and on ihe west hy a sue— known and h ] vied mi iisrho propel ly ot Win. E. W'lighl. t„ sati.-t\ costs on ser eral ti. fa.- from Sii|,erioi t'oml and Just lees'Court.. l’,o|eriv poinfid out bv p. F. Knott. D. D. D.iYAI..' »• gd'-111, Sherilf A I >, > At ,h- .'me time and place, will UD.i.o -lev IlGl.-r, ,-h 1,1 llyeals old I.Viednltas I hepio j,t ~, .f* i • , I Sheilnanlo sali-fvoneK. hi. issued from Spahling County ' oml. I liuiaas Ityrne vs. Hiram sHerman. D. D. DiH'Ah. I sept 1.1 Sherff. (' Ei lltGl A— Spai.oi- ft Cor\ TV ._Whereas. W a f T. Ugletree applies to me for letters of | Guardianship of the person and property of Adeline C Colhel t, minor, and orphan child ot !A. G. Colhel t, and used, ’n place of A. A. Gaiild j ing. removed. These are therefore to cite and ■ admonish all persons concerned to he and appear at my office wii bin the time preswrihed liv law. and show cause if any exi-t, why said letters of guardianship slmi.ld not he granted. Given un der my hand at office this Ith day of September, i I Stitt. K. D.‘DISMI’KE, sep4 Ordinary. STATE OF GF.ORG lA—Sr.u.niNu ( Whereas Jaeoh F. Chapman applies to me far letters of Guardianship for the person and prop erty of Elijah 11. and John 1 Joffrl’ft, lliiliOlT, i iiJ orphan children of Kli/alictli 11. lb»ij»TS, <l<*« coa-t .1, These nre, therefore, to cite uiul ailmoa* i>h all parties interested to be aiul appeur at my “rth*e within the time prescribed !>y la"’. t«» show cause, if any exis*, why sued) letters should not be granted. (diven under my hand at office tliis Sd day es September, lssti. F. I). KK, *ei>H (ihlhiary. C'l KoRfJIA. Sl* A bill NO COIJNTt. X Winship. Administrator of William A. Redding, deceased applies to me for an <»rd*r authori/ing the sab* of a Mortion of the lands he j to said estate, for the purpose «>f paying debts: to wit . a hoti*e and lot nt the city »»f (n if rtn. | 'lliese are, therefore, to cite iwv4 fttl«arMr«di all’ I persons concerned to be and appeal* tit rtty office 1 wit bin the time prescribed by law to show cause | if any ‘*xist. why an order authorizing the sale of | said land should not be granted. F. i). IJISMUKE, Ordinary. nug*2o-60d Nicolson ‘V McAleer, I’LUMBERS AND COBBEIVSNUTIIS, SA\'ANNAIf. GKO. Every descrijition of Cojiper work made to order. Hall I.amVs, Chandeukks, Rkvoast Liiiitrs, Fancy Glass Shades, Bath Tubs, Lea,) and Iron Pipe, on liaud aftff for sale. Sept)—Cm* rosrnvELV Tllld LAST CA X>Xj j IN obedience to a revolution, jmssed bv | ihe City Council, f am directed to collect all Taxes due the C’itv, (it matters imt l' ir what years), by the Ist day of 0< T' * 1 > i. U. | l nless those in arrears come fotward ami pay by that time, executions will ro.-rnvhU is-stte. Tib'S. NALL, seplO td (berk, Election Notice! VN 1-7LECTION for two Aldermen ,o til! ’■ vacancies o, oasione.l I y the re-'_'n cioe' ! . lleul V Moor and John ft White- will he h. - 1 • ’■ , .'All lIDAV. ms, . between •: am! * ‘ ! m . at the Council Chamber. 1 -epr:-id a. iim \>;v (lip ■