Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, September 19, 1866, Image 4

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.s T AM I* l» I TIE* ini'u«>.n itr Art of Con "n it.*, Jour Affidavit, *<> o:. Agrri'Nirnt or rmlr*!, oilier Ilian those specifiesl l«en»w, "»r any a]*' praiseniet't, *• 05 Hank Check, Draft or or<ler, yaval.'e al sight or on deniaio! for amount HO, 0 02 Kill* ol Exchange, (Inbnid.) Nodes, Draft*, or for a *tim not n* reeding * 100, 0 ()•"> For every additional #IOO, or frac tional uart thereof, 0 05 Renewal the same rate ftill* of Klebange, (Foreign,) or Let ter* of credit, if drawn ninjdy or otherwiae than in set* of tliree or more, for a autn not exceeding •me hundreJ dollars, 0 05 For every additional hundred, or fractional part thereof, 0 02 Itilla t.f lading for floods, Merchan dise or effects exported to any for eign port (except Itritish North America,Yon evet v lull of each sot, 0 10 Komi to indemnify a surety, alien the amount recoverable thereupon is one thousand dollars er less, 0 50 Kwh additional thousand, or frac tional part thereof, 0 50 Rond for due execution or perforttX arcs of duties of office, 1 00 I'ond or other 'ban those required in legal proceedings and such are not otherwise charged herein, 0 25 Certificate of.Stock, in any incorporat ed company, 0 25 Ceitificate of profits, in an incorporsl ed company for a sum not less than ten and not exceeding fifty dollars, 0 I«* Exceeding fifty and not exceeding one thousand dollars, 0 25 f'ertdloatu of damage, or nnv docu ment issued by any I’ort Waideli, Marine Surveyor, or other prison acting as such, 0 25 Certificate of I Vposlt, f< >r an amount not exceeding olio hundred dollars, 0 tig Exceeding one hundred dollars, 0 05 tVrtificate of nor other description, not herein specified, 0 05 Contra-t, llrokei’s Note, or Memo randum of sale of goods by Droki 0 10 1 'eed of land where the consideration d.ms not exceed live hlindled and >l - 0 50 From live '-mulled to one thousand dollars, 1 tut For every additional five hundred or finctioiial part thereof, 0 50 Entry for withdrawal of Merchainl'/.i from liouded Warehouse, 0 50 Entry of .den handi/.e, for consump tion or warehousing, llot exceeding one hundred dollars in value 0 25 From one to five hundred dollars, 0 50 Exceeding five htlinliod dollars, 1 00 Onager's Romms. If for a quantity lilt exceeding fIOO gallons gro-s, 0 10 Exceeding 500 gallons gross, 0 25 Insurance police, on hiiv life or lives where the amount insured docs not exceed one thousand dollars, 0 25 From one to five thousand, 0 50 j Exceeding live thousand, l 00 ' Assignments or transfer same rates, lusiiracee, Marine, Inland him! Fire Kirks, where the premium does not exceed ten dollars, l> lo Exceeding ten am] not exceeding fifty ilollais, 0 25 j Exceeding fifty dollars, 0 50 j Assignment or transfer same rate. (.case, Agreement, Memorandum, or contract, for the hire, use or rent of any laud, tenement or portion thereof, where the rent or rental va'uu does not exceed three hun dred do'lars per hiiiiiiiii, 0 50 ! Exceeding thn sum of three hiui d'cd dollars per am.iiiii for each additional two hundred or frac tional part thereof, 0 50 , Assignment or Transfer same rate. Measurer's Let urns. If for a quan tity not exceeding 1000 bushels, 0 10, Exceeding one thousand bushels, 025 Mortgage of Land, Estate or Property Keal or Personal, exceeding one hundred and not exceeding live hundred dollars, 0 10 Five hundred to one thousand dol lars, 0 25 Cor even additional five hundred or fractional part thereof, 0 50 j Assignment or Tratisfei same rates, ?owei of Attorney to sell or transfer St cki, ltonds ci Script, to collect Dividends, Interest or Kent, 0 25 ; To vote at eleitioi.s in any incor porated company, or society, (ex dept leligfonx, charitable, or liter ary societies, or public cemeteries.) 0 lo To sell, convey lent or lease Ileal Estate, 1 00 To perform all other acts not here tofore mentioned, 0 50 i iVotnisaoiy Notes, same us Inland Hills of Exchange. Renewal, same rale. Probate of Will or Letters of Admins miration, where the estate does not tJxceed the value of two thousand debars, 1 oo ! F'or each addition..! thousand or fractional part thereof, 0 50 I I rolesl of Note, Hill ot Exchange, Acceptance, Check or Draft and Marine, 25 j Receipts, Warehouse, sot Hoods held on Storage, not otherwise provid ed for in any public or private warehouse, not exceeding five hun dred dollars, 10 Exceeding live bundled and not ex ceeding one thousand dollars, 20 - Receipts for the payment of any sum of money exceeding twenty dollars, g Writs, original, (except those issued by a Justice of the Peace ami those i-stted in criminal prosecutions hy toe United States,) " -,y ! When the amount claimed in the writ issued hr a Court, not of Re cord, one hundred dollar* or over, 50 I 'pen every cot session of Judgment Ibr one hundred dollars ot over, (except in those cases where the tax for the writ for the commences ment ol a suit has been paid,) ,x) 'A ijts or other process on appeals from Justices Court or other Con its of inferior Jurisdiction to a Court of Record, ,~xj : \\ arrants of Distress, w hen the ain’t claimed does not exceed one butt* ore J ihdlars, Exceeding olio hundred dollars, KNOW Til V DESTINY! A| a Kami: e. y riiuiiNTox. n.« sc at i:» gb*li A-lnd.-gi-i. CUirv»vaat waal l’»ye’i ouirtririiiii. win* has nst»"l-lird the wiriilifh llif Old World, lias now Pirated herself «t Iln.l-.Mi, N. X. Madame Ttioru o • |MNMe**e* *llrli won 1.-i f"l power* of rei-onil sight, a- to or at l«- tier 1 1 ini |-Ml knowledge "fI 'll- greatest un lairtanc -to the -ingle or Hail Me*! of either srr. While in a s'al* of trance, she tielineo!.— tin* \«-iy /eatnre* of tin-person you are to mart v. and to the aid of an m-trnim-iit ••iteion- |Nnm. known a* the I'mrt.oint trojie. gimrui 1.-* - to produce a life tike |.ielurc if the future hu-hai.d ..i wife of tliea|iplieanl, together with date id i.iaiiing-. p»- Hill'll 111 life, Icudil-p tl ail -of .doll art. r. Ac Tilt* i* no humbug, a* thousands of U stiiiioi.nils van a-scit. She wall aend wtivn desired. a rcrtitii"! certificate. or wiitlen woa'*aritee, that the picture ia wltal it purpoits lo be. li,- eu.T -sing a small lock of hair, ind staling plaee of litrfli, ntc, ill* position and complexion, and enclswii'g 5o *-ent* ant stamped envelope addressed to yourself, t« a ill receive the picluie and de-ire.l tiifni'iiutiion tiy relinn mail. All eonimiii.n ation- -trietlv con lldential. Address, in cotitidef.ee. Miidatne K. K. Thornton, I*, it. I'.uv get, Hudson. N. V. aeps—law I in IIV fHTSIUOSUNT, or "Sn.xs. ot (Tun.- Tm," as manifested tlirm i ff l. IcinjrfMallHlit Ulol LxUrnul sot iii», Min] i in the 'nniis i ut: mm.nk.” One vttiuiiM*, with nrnrly kmm ai.tl I ,imr» illu-trat ion*. I»y S # IJ. \Vri.i.«. Kdlitor Vhrenulutiicnl Journal. Fri»-c, 11,II, |5. A'hlil »itt lu A Wells. No. I»r«»n<i\vii» New York. “New IliyfiojjiMHnj'*’ i.< eminetitly |irncti«*al. folly ill''Mtrnted. mid \*«*ll m |«» the *r»nU ..f all. In tl»r* •twly of ‘’the face” the render mniii lenrii* lo lend eneh mid every feature. X<>*«*»ittt k clmnifirtl n» the ItOinrtD, U»e* k, Jv«i<*h, Snnh mid OlenVlnl. The ejre# e|»mlc nil \« lie tiler Idnek, Idue, litown or Imxel. In a like rummer cheek#, neck, enre, hand# feet, walk, voice, et?., are id town to l»e M aigiiß of character.” In no other work in noiiniali I the character and dentiny of rii.iiikind rw in tld* j or the distinctive trait* of nation* and trilie? <n •dearly pointed out. Poi trait* of di.stii jrtn.-lo tl perMMi* of ancient ami modern lino**, with hio ifrnphiertl eketehe* and delin* ul ion of ritai Hi ter. Ime Riven. Imvd .*, Orutor#, St:ite*nien, War 1 hoi*, Ariiftd, I’o«*{ *, |'hilo«op||»m. Inventor*. ' )>i*t*o\ er< r<, Aetois, MiM' i.mv *te . [ are included. |i i« ail dia*of !»»#•£? iMpliv, ii«'i|u lintino the read*> with the emeei J and eliaiaclei of riinn v gn at n. n and wotueu <.f ! I lie J*«st •J.uim \eni*, and of tj,.- pi— win li. lor in*ti»»iee a* \ri*totle, .Inlius l'ii*sar, peare, \Va#liiiik'!f*n, Napoleon, I’rank in, llan I eroft, llr\ant, l.oitgfellow, Irving. |t.*n heiir, i heodo.*ia llurr, <* »l d**n. Hi ight. Liiwrrnre. | Ihiliv u . U hatelev, Tlm-kei iy. l»ov» Km>\. l;i. I, ! s tis-1 . Ib'l'p. r. Itii. kle, I »i. k.-' l -. Vi. I .na, Wesh v. 1 I'arlvlc. M.. 11. V. Mill. S [ „.,»-. r, Th OIupHOII, ( lilt jl- I • ie, Alexaiidei, and hun lred-* of otht-i*. Amad I vV.tltfii. I he*; sent hy re um post or e.vpre**, <Ol I ii|.i ..t pi ice. ni"_r in- :!»• , lIIRI-v l». I l \I*I.A V • TH* •*. W MW-'IVM. II \ 1)1,A Y \ MV\(i||.\M, Wholesale aid Fetail Dealers in FA V( \ FA All I*l I. II0( FISIKS .un ritovision-s ci.m:i:ai.i.v. Wines. I ,it| mil's, ('igurs, T'diuceo, f’l nils', t'amly, Nuts. >le . Ae. Sl.''"M' s'lltUT. "IT".ITK IIUST MTIIIMI, HANK, Al At OK, (ihOHUIA. nin\ IO: p, M, RYAN,' MANI I'Atrri Itlllt -f t-r.-n. li l!.m Mil Slum- Mi'l -p>.„!l. *, Mill Ma. liiiii n «,f„ll 'h - 1i pi i""S . St!•■' L r| es. S"\v "".I t ; list Mills, Ih'is'itig SfieHs, Siiitil .M:h hints I **-11 i c and IT Itfuif Clflli. s. i. .n Wile Mill I‘i. I, - I'last, i »f Paris, nl wavs "" I. ii .1 "".I made I" .".hi Ad \V"|U sidlt t'V me will """led. I "!»" colltlllet f"l' the * i'.ll'iif Mills. I'.iliiec Ilf (’..liege and Itmad stie<ds, NAKII- V II.LK, TK.V \. \dir'" if. Atil’iN'lS WANTIT» IN I-.VKIIV ToWN, VAI.I \ RLE Mi| I 1111. \ Ills'll >RY S.I If.liel n llistmv nl On- Wiir, K. A. Pi 11.1. A 111, I .nl ..I Itietiiiain.l I’m,miner. 1 *"’s .XV" . all,ml id.l pieaeli s per t'..| M III' 'i" spl till Mill I'm I lulls. I 'this is the "ld\ i*"liip!e e unit Hill lien! ie iil-tnl'y : "IT lie I-lilil In" n side pi 'dl-lied, cxtcmling its it, dues, Irnm the lieginning "f the war In |lie linul slllTemlei' nf the Ciinl'e,lei ate iiilnii s. Ml. Pidlaiil s |irominent iinsititin in tin, ( unfed ciaey has ."milled him I" prepare a wmk line qiialed i:i aeetiraey and inletesl, and w hieh i“ ev ery whin e nckimwlfilged In lie the Standard smith ei li I llatory. It shiudil tin,l a pluee in every Ida nr, II soITIIKKN t! liN Kll AI Tll ['.l It |.|\ Ks AND CAM PA l(. NS, IIV t ilt. W. I II:Ki ll s.V,,w , VV itli 17 S|tleiiili<| (ate* I Hoi trnifs, 1 s "> ■ P«h"'’ 1 . *!."». ( ’ontaming |tiogrn|>lu<»# ot tlii tlidtiiigm-10-d S.uth tin (MMiernl*. mill fil l and graphic accuiinl« jof the various cainpaigiis mwliich they were t iigagetl. ll l * a important and mien s. ting volume, and Im* he* n pirpnred with the ulinoit earc and tProroiigluies*. 111. id r:: skryici;s and i ampak.ns OF STUN I W A LL *1 A(’l\S( liV \ v IVU.I N I \\. 1 vol., I*2 mo., :.*> | pa '«•>. <*io dollar and n half with Aiillmmilio I’otrait# of JAfKSO.N and In* tMirmsur hAVKI.L.on *fee|. Tlii* i# the only authentic history of thi* distin gnislied Irmlfr hn* ?*ern rrril’fn. It Ini* hern pr* pared from C Mlielal report* conternpn r»ry narmtivet*, nid personal in»piaintanre, and id complete und lull. IV. THK RAIDS AND KoMANCRS M 0 Kit AX AN L) 1/7 S MH X IIV ' mr*. sai.l ir i*«k*ii I!stk*i ford. W illi Steel I’otiait of (*# nt ral MOU(i.\.\, 1 vol I*2 tin*., 1 *l*2l pages. *l. seventy-live cent*, A eompiole Instoi \ of t Ids dainig officer." more tlirilling and interesting than tict ion. V. - iroi/A'.v oy the south Distinguished in Literature tin, V,d , Kiel. i. t"., Ki\ o'i until cl and < l.'v.n pa Tttrco (hdlats and a halt', lllusliatpd with Spic did Pittiaifs, mi steel, from Itle. of Jlvit. t ii-l ax 1 i W Ml". 1 t:\ta.r, Miss Maria .1. Melxs'sn, Mils |;..s\ \ Knrxtit .li'ii.Ns'er, Mas. Anmk C"’ia lilt, iiik, Miss An t stx .1, IN Mils. L. Vila IMA 1 l,tN* 'll, M VlllilN 11 VIM VM', And eunlainiiua fall l.i'-sraphienl shrtehes and spvcimen cxlraels frr>rn Die uu-M eelehraled will mgs prose and verse, of Till K 1 Y 1-1 \ lv DtsflNi.t fsllKD I.! IT.KAKY “WOMKN t'V THK sot 1 11 •' All the at-"- works are hating an immense sale, and agents me doing -plrndidU ei er\ w lo in ntany making from ten to ti,"teon dollars per dav \\ e want iiu agent in ei, ry lown in the .-unith ' eru States. IteUirned Soldo'is, l adies, Teaelo rs and others, w ill lind ll is uto-i piotiluble enqilov. ment. I Kxelusive territory given, and liberal ind ■ e- - 01!..,.'d i" .in', - ' ' -*o , •' , , ! NSW HARDWARE STORE . 11. C. HARROW, \v 110 l ItSAl.i: AND KKI'AII. D1.A1.1.t: IN / Inytllrorr, ( ’nllrrij, .Xnthtiis, fyc W ill I Kll VI I. «T. f rrtllXKK VI XI: am A ATl.a:;t.\, (,y, *|;<;|A II i- Just re.-eived a Large and >ji endid nssiirtiueiit i.f « Table Cutlery, I'm-kel Cullelv Slk.c Knives, ScisKois anil Shears Ra/ui» and Stra,.», Steels, Needle* Clnqi Axes, 11 atelieta, lout Adz, I’lanes, ('hiael.A, Axe*. Hi'iai] Axe*, Saw Setts, Drawing Knives, Angers. Itrace* anil Hits, Hammers, Monkey XX’retielies, Hand Saws, Cross Cut Saws, Anvils, Itellows, liutu-h Screws, \ ices. Wood Saws, Mill Saws Stocks and Dier, XX agon Luxes, Steel Squares Gimlets, I'ipe Loves, Liiggc Nuts, Cairiage Lolls, Shoe Nails, Shoe lacks. lion hi.il Muggy Findings, Shoe Hammers, Shoe l’incers. Shovels, Tongs, Fire Irons, shoe Awls, Shoe I’rgs, Foot Sciaiteis, Hinges. Units, Shoe I bread, S|i*ih s, Shovels. Forks, Haines, Garden Lakes, Garden Hoes, Screws, Hooks and Hinges, Tire Holts, I'latform Scales, Lolls, Latches, Sash Lullies, ('"iintei Scales, Rope Nails, Sash Weights Sash Cord, (idton t’aid.. Water Lm-kefs, Curtain Lauds, lied Casters CntTre Mills, Slates. Sieves. Well Itm-ket*, Tubs, llrooms, .lint Cards. Sifters, sad Irons, Tin Dippers. Cocoa Dippers, ('""kingStoves, ( Mlice stoves, D*eii», Pols, Tea Ketller, Sauce Pans, I vii'g Pans, 'tin Duckets, Tin Pans, l.ock Chains, 'trace Chains, Horse lirushc.v, C'jiry Coinl'S, Whitewash Lru-hes, Shoe Iteiishes, Caadlc Sti»:ks, (lit l.ainps, t.iind Stones, piles, Shaving Cream and Soaps, hooking Classes, Kaiieetfs, l'.'iitm.hv Ware, Te I Sells, (inn Caps, (inn Tubes, 'I l.adles, - Sand Paper, it-e. And numerous oilier nrtieles In (net. evert thing *i-n.illv k-pt in a Wholesale nl lielml III",I" are House. Older* respectfully solicited and prompllv tilled ■lnnmit v !. i',n. fffn. / VI It STOCK Op FAMILY AND FANCY (i u o ( E li i i:s, is Hexv cuiiiplet**. \S ,* invite nil exAiniiintion of Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Flour, and Rice I I . -|| jr| tlllll.i FLC UR. N I G A R - I! Or S E S V R rIT .Mi.cKftvl, (*« m 1 li ?!i , Hcniiur*. li.-cf Oy>!« r«, ' Sanlii: l’i»* Iniit#. Cun Fi nit*’ I *;itc-, I*i him**, .'in-1 Ni of .ill km.!*. Kci-«.1. limps. Wick*. ( l.itmiev*. an«l «: Can.ll,-* in PiUafli.o Wav. Star ami Tallow, Fa. ami >1 it k Camly in vri ♦at varirty. M<H\\ Ittiffrr, >Wc/, II K*/*/ tfnd ('rurk m er*i f risk /Inin/ if nil Slate Cheese al xvay* on liaml. Sntnkiwr aml ('hnrin<z I'ohucn in if i» a I vaiicty. In In let, it i*cMir aim to keep tlio*c tlia» tx.iy Hons, keeper Daily neeil*. I*or price*, xvt* pia ferour Cu-toiiD‘i!* to **xorci*(‘ \ licir own jmlif ment. Wc solicit a call from < ur friciuL*. a ol tin pul» lie generally / S. W. MANGHAM, &CO S. T. ATKIN, Wlmlcsale ami Retail Dealer in Stove*, Crate*, Tumps, Cut J»*t v, lo itaiiia ami Mate,l Waie, Woo<len am] With w W are. House Kiirnisliiiyr (inods, etc., etc., etc., etc,,* Manufaeturer of MN.COITKR, ANDSHKKP IRON WARK. No. 2 Wiiibliip I dock, Street AT LA ATI, (i i:o lUiili. ran(h». riN platk. siikkt iron COITI-:It AND ZINC. l.'»ii llratir.jf nml Cookinif Stove*, with Furniture complete. The Chilton Cookinif Raiure. the 'o wl Uange in If»*. Iron, assorted sizes of the best ijtmli ty. A NICK ASSORTMKNT OF F.nglisb nml Herman TnM<- Cutlery, Hi issors, Hriffdirr*' Knives. Shovels, Spades, Ae. ALSO, A LAIUIK AS.soRTMF.NT (»1 l'lain and l'inni.*hed Tin Ware, I •rtlama ami .lapam and W'arr, Wimhlcii and Willow Ware, House Fuj iiishii'o (toods, (in variety), Glass Ware. Lamps, H.v* Fixture*, Manilla Rope, lied Cold*, Twine, Marking. Shoe and Stt»\e Mucking, Ac. may Ul—‘hit SPRIN& STYLES MBS. .Ml k.MIU XFXVTOA, I ASIIIoNALLE MIJ.LINEL'S, •anyfix. <;i:or\;i i T ELI.T ARY INST.\ 1.1. M KN T AX ' HA VP THK I'hKAStliK up INPUb.M ▼ v ing our frietul* and putdie generntly, t hat we lotve just received from New York a beauiiliil e,dl»* lion of the most tishumahle goods in our li ie and would respeetfully unite the eitl«'»* of C t itlin. and surrotiiiding eomtirv to examine out sleek lietoie purchasing elsewhere, as we can and W. 11 sell a- l.ttW a< can he purchased iji the Slate. We Ti.rve also the pleasure of slating that we have trade at"lingeineutj, it#.New York to keep our selves supplied with t ie .Mt KP PASHIONALi.K fit M t|»S that can lie had, s., that we nutv he aide. -» <;>••••*. >" - e'y ot rfriet ; ~, ,j ; , 4i ROBACK’S b vo° and p a s SUGAR-COATED, (jj g PURELY VEGETABLE, g Free from Mercury £ * ni ’ £ g ILL MINERAL POISON’, g Aud are, undouhtedlj-, tbe ; M bee*, remedy extant j lick AMI MIVOLS HIADACIIt! <<? **<> yC * »P#r*f.h« , W . ** they »|o, by virtue \ Xy ®/ ol a «pee ml affinity f«.r tho / miH-ou# membrane of llm l«ovrel* ( / thereby removing the muse*. Am a g LIVER, PILL^g Wthey can have no rival, t«eing com- M po*e»J of the rno*t | Powerful Vegetable Entract* J? 0 which hsveaitireet action on ths Q W SPLEEN AND LIVER, W >■ Wthe happy effect of which can h« PJI seen after one or two done*. They %#* 1 Remove the Hite, Wl As.hl: t Digest ion , l_j Ciu'c Cost ire ness 9 j Bj In f;ict, they are, a* their nnmo I m ludicntes, the Ji o BLOOD PILL o Q ‘The Life-Giving Principle.*’ j Tli**r search out disease and >1 strike at it* verx root, leaxing thn *>.*n in m flic lull x ih'or of health: §1 are I*KKF Kt FI.V HARMLESS TO \ INFAN TS, OK I’Klv’SoNs nKTHK ESS ■TIONS ATK Cf*NSTITU SAFER, SURER AND BETTER P Purgative Pill r W than has ever t-et.ire t.een avaitalile •<> "ia"ki".|, ni"l, la-ins tliieklv HP- ' i.Vtt-i" 'ATKI», are '-1,... ini|y letajit. He.l as a HK.VtKI'V Fo|( I'll I I.I'HKV, M Bint |,ersou> who have a dread of L*J swallowing n|, 1 11. They are, "a- , l 'piesti'ioatily, one of our most F* \ satisfactory (‘ATIIA ItTlt 'S, , v\ un d no tio'i-eholil Av . shotil.l Is, with- / S V»v\ out them. v PRINCE, WALTON & CO., (S'teeessors to Hr. C. W. tlotiack,) SOLE PROrKIKTOr-S, Nos. 60. 68, 60 & 62 East Third St. Are Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Patent Medicines EVERYWHERE. SADDLES, MADNESS A 5 ft l i: a t n i; ix . Gr . BERND, (OTIOX AN ani l; /lettries Malherry <toJ Cherry Struts, MACON, GEORGIA, Full* the attention of Dealers and Hunters to lii*> SI. < k of Splendid tnhllcni and 1//fittest (lands* Consisting of the following (toods: I. (DIPS', i;PNTS' and buV’S SADDI.I-*, CAISI.’IAtiK, lit CfJY «{•'»!{ AI CUT IIAKNKSS, " •»«»1.. HAIIt mid-STU.XXV CUI.I.AKS. As well as l j H.xi:\p-s, b'ttiDi.K. sole. riTP.i; lpi,- I.OWS. Land and STIMNO I.KATIIKU, always mi liaml at llie lowest prices. ! HARDWARE, "I *ll kinds in It is line. *!y facilities for fiinmifrrtfliing all classes of, w ,|U. are unsurpassed tiy anv House in the State. All I ask is. LOOK AT JIY STOCK ISPFORP yop ncv. All Kinds of Repairing Done Aprii2o-0m HARDWARE CUTLERY CARRIAGE MATERIALS, TRIMMING*, I‘AIN IV. OILS VAUMSIIKS AND GLASS, j ( . 11. J"ll\SO\ is constantly receiving a: his old stand on Hill street, a large assortment ot. all goods in Ins line, which he is selling at " li'desale and retail as low a* they ran he bought in nnv ititPifor rkcj, 'I KKMS L’Asll. ~ l Insure ) our l y expert if ! ('. 11. JollNSyN is Agent for the >i't 1111-.bN Ml IT'AL liicuranee Conipanv, of Athens. (Li . Capital. ia-: J^Kt Tl.e 1 NDKhWbITF.US ACLNCY ’of ,\eiv V'. k ! >v '' r S:;,ihmi,iiihi ’ l!ll. lIOML liisurattetf Company of New near SI,O(M),(NNI 'Hd.NI X A I’t TNAJI Company of Hartford, Cohneetieiit. and'other itoihl (Vunpanies. -i so! .(•..! ,■:i C'-ti;..,, .'i, ~ 1.an.1:. ' , 1 Legal Advertisements. !/ iKfMtGf X SFAIJtING COt JltY.—Where** \ T Junto 11. i;|flk« to me for letter* «»| i]Hiii«#i«>n a* adniiinst rotor un the cStwt** of llmiii.l. dece•*#»•!. he having fd.ly ddmii.iftei«o and wound «i|» *««d »**t»te. IThc.-e i»r»- tl»* ref**re to cite and dir«*«-t #!l concerne«l to In- dud :*]‘pe«r ftt f*lV j tl»«- ti |»i >iM*r il»»-d hy law, nml jd»«»w cnu*e if any ! ex.-! xxliV «nicL I*-1 ofdh mi'"»oil -hoiihl not he I granted. f»iven under my hand at my office t hi* May 7th. is#;#;. * F D. KK. ! May 17-♦•m Ordinwy (* V Kola;I V- "I’.XKDINL ( 111 NTY.—Whereas I Win. M. Glanton mlmii<i*trator on the K*tate |of Julia l» I%ctd late of >ai*l fotinty Dcctn?*cd »|*- plie* to me for letter® of ditraiseiou a* ndniinisira' t»r on *aid lie having fully administered aud wound ii|» the enme. The*e are therefore to city and admonidi all person* intereeted or emxeerned to he nml appear at rny otfiee ttitlnn fhc thus prewrihed hy lawg and show cause if anV exist why eflld letters of •li#tni**ioii .-lu>iihi not he !rranted. Given under my hand ai my oftt.e, this the Ist day of April 1806 April 1 2tl» mOtn. F. D. hISJH KH, (Ordinary. / 1 GKttKtil A SPAMIINO — lirre \ ¥ as Win, M. ilianLon adminlstraiur On the hs tale of Sarah F. Held late of said county deceased i npj lie* to me for letters of dismission as udmiui* trator on said K*tate he having fully administered ; ami wound up the same. These are therefore to cite and admonish all pet son* inlet ested or concerned to he nml appear at my ollice within the lime prescribed by law hihl slioxv cause if any exist why ?aid letters slmtihl not hegrnntexl. Given under my hand at my office i this lai day of April lbCti F. I>. Dl-SMt KK, Ordinaiy. (1 F.OKGIA, SPA I J>! NG rol.'XTV.—Wlifreas M ticorge . While applies to me for letters ot dismission a* admistrator on the estate ufCharlea Ik White, dec**t»se»l, having fill!} fldlnfnislered and wotfud up said estate. These rti t?, tltcD'fore, to cite ami admonish all persons ii.teM:«ted, to he. and appear at my ofHee, within the time pfr*er»bed hy tn show eatfie. if any exist, why stleh letters slioithf ntif he tfrtfut.- ied. tiiven tinder my hand, at offiee, this 2">tfi | day of January, is»i6. F D DISMI KK, Ordinttrv. i*t n> Sri*i:uioit (Vm rt. March Term K. IF Kidgewtiy ) rft. [• I.ihd for Divorce. ! Mary A. F Kidgeway. ) ll’ appeurit g to tin* t’ourt that t!ic Iteffndrftd i* not to he found ill the County of Put is. nhd ?s not he foil ml in this Sfatr. If i* ordered that J the defendant he required to he and appear lit the the w.tt term t.*f the Superior Court of -aid Com • ■ ty to answer the IMai itill" in an action of l.ihel ■ for Divorce, nml that this order he published nure . a month for four month* previon- to the next term |of this Com t. J. A. 11l xM Jhellai.t’* Att'y ! A true extract from the Minutes of said Court. March I1 si»t», W U. Pankstom. Clerk, iprll*! I" llrdmary. / 1 F.OKGIA. SpAhbING Cl iCNTV—Whereas V I W. P. Maxwell applies to me for letters ot Adiuiiiistrtitiofi on the estate «>f Sarah Kiik, late of said county deceased. j Th e*e are. therefore. Incite and admonish nil person* interested ur '■ttneerned to he ami appear ' nl my otliee within the tim*» prescribed hy law to I i show cause, if any exist, why smh let If/*? of Ad j ministration should not h<* grant'd. I Given under my ham] at- otliee this 2nd dav ot July, ISOF*. F. D. DISMCKK, Ordinary. July 19-:tod 1 f iKtillGlA SPALDING C<»l > , VX Joseph N. JI ait sVTrxe'Mitor ot the lvtt.tr ot ; Jacob W. Andrew*, deceased, applies to me for ! an order to sell the Keal Kstate belonging to the Kstate of the said Jacob W. Andrews. 1 These are therefore to cite ami a lmoni>h nl! | persons h.Vresiod **r eoneerr •••l to he amt appeal •it 111 \ 'tii.-e within the time piescilhi- b\ laxv. to i *!iow cause if any exist why such order di >hM not he irrant ed. Gi\ t n iir.der my hand at oßieelhis 2nd dny of .\i:gG.-t. is m. F. D. 1 »I>.MI KK. t u.lmaiy. / irj»K';l \. SPAI.DING Cni'NTV. —WheVcas v,X 11. M Starr n.huinistmtor of \V. D Starr •lee* used applies t<» me for an order to sell the j real c* f ate heloitging b* said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all l persons court filed. U 1 he aud appear at my cilice xxitliin tlie timf pres, •rile -1 I* v laxv. t«» slew enu-e ii any exist, \x h_x un ord« > auiia»iiziig the sale ol \ *aid real estate should not he grunted. Given under my hand at otliee. C«i* the 2nd da\ »f July Mtiti. I*. D. DISMCKK. Ordinary. * [ | July I‘>-Gi»d / 1 IJUPiIA, sPAI.DI.Nt; C(»l NTV. : v Isaac A. llaisten administrator of Giitli i F. : Kavcinlet dex-eased m plies to me for an <»rdel* to * sell til? real estate belonging t. said c*tate. Thesft ntc, therefore, to cite ami admonish nil . P«tsoiis eoneerned to he ami appear ut my otliee within the time prescribed hy 1 »\v. to show cause i if any exist,, why said order should not he granted. Gix cm under in \ hand at. office this 2nd dny of July istiii. " F. D. DISMI KK, Ordii ary. Ju’ lu-tind ADMIMSTUATOKS SAKIi IX V virtue of an order from the Court of Ordi ) nary of Sp.ahling county Geor*ria, there will j 1 he sold, on the tirst Tuesday in September next. , helore the Court House door in the city of Grittin, the Lands belonging to the Fstate of Charles J. i Maddox. Irtfe of said county decenaed, tlie same ! Miiisis' iug of seventy five acres, about tour mil *s 1 from the city of Guilin, with ordinary improve* incuts thereon ; Sold for distribution. A. J. MADDOX, Adm'r. . July 19-4 Ot! ADM IXI ST/t A TOR’S SA I.E. BY virtue of an order from the Ordinary nf Spalding county, will he sold before the Court House door in tlie City of Gridin, between j tiie usual hours of sale, on the fust Tuesday in Oc i toher next, the Store House formerly occupied ' !’V Peter Farrar, deceased. Said House is situated 1 on Htll street in (he City of Griffin; the building ‘is feet witle by tttl long, two stories high, xv it Ii j a cellar same dimensions as the house. The same | is a recently erected brick building, and is one of ! ihe best in Griffin, building contains a store i""in tip stairs, together with other rooms that are very profitable for rent. Also, at the same time and place will lie sold I 20 acres ot Land adjoini'ig the Southern portion jof the City of Gridin, being woodland and well ’ situated for building purposes. Also, will t»e sold Isefotc the Court House door ir, the eottnty of MerlWC flier, on the First Tiles day in November next, one hundred and eightv | acres of laud known as the Dm ham place, adjoin ! iog the farms of Sheffield on the West. Jackson on ■ the North, Fears, on the South ; one hundred acres of said farm being in a high state of cultiva tion, the greater portion of the remainder in the woods. All the above property being sold as tlie Estate of Peter Farrar, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditots of said estate. Terms Cash. JOSIAII SHEFFIELD, Administrator of Peter Farrar, deceased. August- it, 18fit'.-Ufa / 1 EORGIA,.SPALDING C(JUNTY.—Whereas, V I James N. Simons, Executor on the estate of John Simmons, deceased, applies for leave to sell real estate of deceased for the purpose of ,dis» trihut ion. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ah persons concerned to he and appear at my office within tlie time prescribed by law to show cause, if ary exist, why an order authorizing the sale of said land should not be granted. Given under mv ham! »t office, this August !hh ISM. ‘ P D. DISMCKK, nugO—find Ordinary. ADMIN’iSTRA H »K'S SALK. BY virtue of an order granted hy the ( trdinnry of l ike county, will he sold before the Court House-door in the town of Zehulon, in said County, on the first TI KSDAY in November next, between tin legal bouts of sale, all the lands be longing to Ihe estate of Alfred Wiggins, late of Pike Comity, decease,l. lying in said County ml joining the lands of Giles' Driver, Jlatthew Cog gins, aud others, containing five hundred and five (555) acres, more or less, (the widow's dower cy ceptc'l.) cold for the benefit of heirs and credit or* of said deceased. Terms cash, unless cirenni •ni.e.-s should transpire pn . ions t„. 0 r on the " i"*' *' A-hiiitii-'rator. ( •u»i:< , !%,m ai.dinu Oit NTX -u VJ Tliofc S. Altai aiqtlies tonic for mu ion on the c-tato of A. A. p. A i|.. h j fully administered •aid pftnV. * * r U.f 1 l.nr tli»ref"Vf. to nt. arm s.li",, , [.crrtii.* (-oi"-rn>r<l to si«t Ht.fo-» r » ' siitiin 'lie lint- |iir«-r:taH| i 4 |, IW t<> if any exi.-la. why aai.l lell.-r* .1i.,,., not 1... graoto'l. Dir,,' m> »i tltlfl the lilt It iUy of Wittury.lilfs. '*** K'!>. J2i"f.m. P. D. DI>MPKP u.i: F.XYhTTK (X>l RT tiFoiiDl.X Al:" 'pitlx foregoing pelition of '' 1 It. P. I .la key aud his wife Mary p j f\’ J 7 Elisha Keii'tsll ,»"(! his *rifp Jlaitii* i "pit dal!. John C. bmgnmy. William M. V v"S and his wife I’enrry AMeXliillin. Kinorit; i,’ gamy l>y Irs Cu»t jian XX’. Jl. MeMulli,, yj,,, T. lilirganiy by l.is Guardian. William ’I. t; my, to set aside and revoke the l.eltei, T-m lr^ *' tary of Tilman I*. Btirgatny On tl.e Estate «f*?’!'' burgamy deceased, being read in P.mn, t , e J| nfth the evidence eonneeted with the .nine l • ordered hy the Court that said Tilman |* j; my show cause by the next Term ofihi, why his l etters as K.eeiitor U|.on t|„. |q,, t( " ,r ' , John Iturgamy deceased, -hall not 1.-ese! a-i.],' , set eked for llie eauses set «|mrt in lVtiti,,J ’ piieation for e iiuie Ni Si, and Hint a CopvoDh’ Order and Itnle Ni Si be served upon »aid Tilm * ! I’ Itnrgamy being a resident of the State «f hams, hy publication of this Itnle in Tetni.- 0 ( | " ! in such ease made and provided. EDWARD CONNOR. o r j„ Align-It SIXTX" day* after date. I shall apply to the i. r •liliai y of Spalding County for h ave t,. s. || t |,, Real Estate belonging to the Kstate >.| p,t. r i , rat deceased. JOSI AH Sll KKKIU p Admii i.-trater of Peter Knrrnr's 15t,,„ May 3t, lgtifi-Wnl / lEORGIA.SrAI.DING COINTv7-W|^_ * a David 11. Johnson applies to me fo r | r( , ' , of Administration on the estate of ,1. W. deceased. These are, therefore, to cite an.l ! rnonijli all piirties interested to he and J( ' i ftty oftiee within the time presriila-d h’v law to : Show eause.il any exist, why such letters tl", u q not tie granted. | Given under (iiv hand at office, this gt), (j,.. 0 , ! August, iM'li. ' F. D. DIsMl KK 1 | auoM—:S"d * 'rd Hairy , in KttRGIA. SPALDING COl'.N'l Y.— XVhersss, | Mary F. Martin applies to me for letter*«f J AdmltlifliiiHoii (in the estate of Zudin k .Martin (licensed. These are. therefore, to cite an‘l »s' monish all patties iuteiesled to t,e and oppe*, n l my offiee within the time presi-iilied In hm tn ! show eiitise. if any exist, why shell letters should not be granted. (liven under mv hand at offiee.this Atignsl sq 18(tO. * F. D. DISMI KK, ' , augU—Slid ( trdiimry SHERIFF’S SALES. ILL lie sold before the Court i I "to. (], ir . r N y Spaldint* eottnty, (In., (tn the first Tn-sd.iy ‘ ill SepretiTtier to xt. wltlthi the ttsfml l"."is of one litindi ed and titty nine (!.>!i| barrells , f plmte. levied on a- tin' ptopeity of C, W. p"i,| ~. satisfy ti fa issued froui .lodge ol the Countv Court "t tlo* County ol Spalding, Macon and Western Rail bond vs C. XV. Fold, {rfoperty pointed out in said fi fit. ALSO, At the s.'inie time nml plnee will be soM one tViietimi Lot of !.iin«l known in the I’lnn « 11liei'ii v . «*t GriHin, :i* Lot No. 11«*. situntcl in West (jpij. tin, n.ljoiiiing lots of S. W. Hl« o«lwotth. It. ||j,D »ml othef*. levieil on n.* the property of ,|. M Ltm<jue*t, to ratify cost.* on i\\n ti fn* i**iiij from Sjuihlii.g Superior Court. Cluu le* Forenmn A Cu. v*. John M. Lumpiest, propertv pointej ot.i h\ .1 M. I*l 1 worth. Aug 2-tJs 1). D. DOTAL Sheriff. Pike Sheriff's t ale. VVil! he *oM hetere the Court 11 u *e *!•..,». i n ▼ T tlie town ot Zelutloti. Like <.-uiit\ ..n t| lf first Tuesil.ix in Septe|nl»cr next, within tL»* Lgul 'hours of sale u plantation in the '.»th Di-’riet *.f 'iii.l county it being the In ml sohl l.y N. |\ Diiih'l to John \V. Fate, known in the plnn of sihl /MMnet by parts of lot* Nos. ‘M», 127. h :{, m..| 1 <*2. the other [ timbers not known, the whole «•<•».- tMining eight humhcil acies more or less, it being th** plantation where S. Ci’aiifonl now re.-iJrn h vie.l on hy xirtue of m ti fa from Fik'e I»• !eri«*r. Court .in favor of John Neal vs. Ntiihai.iel F. hun* ( iel —out li oi i'i.tit t its reijuii •••! umh r the >tn\ L<w tileil ami prop. 1 1 \ pointed out hv him ami teniuit in possession m titled. \VM. 11. MrCLLNDuX. A •?»'.' •• D Mtel iff. / 1 KoKCIA >I*ALDIN(; CGI N I V.—Wlieren 4 * IK F. Mann »»j plies to me tor letters Dismission on the estate ot Lliodu llHtiiil late f?f 'aid fi any. deceased. These are, therefore to cite and admonish fll persons Interested or concerned to he and appenr at my ottice within the time prescribed hy law to show cause it any exist why Mich letters of de mission should not be granted. I Given under my hand at offiee tins 15th August, 1866. tini ’ F. D. DISMCKK, .Yotin to Debtors iiiiil Creditors. VLL persons indebted *o the estate of Jamfi \V. Middlebrook*, lute of Spadling County, • leecased. are notified to eoine forward and *cttle immediately, rtnd fJu*«p having demands against said estate are requested, to present them duly authenticated in terms of the law. J. 11. CONN ALLY. auglH Administrator. G«KoKGIA, SCALDING COrNTV—' Wlifrmi 1 (7eorge W. Grant and K. \V. Heck, F.xecutnrs °f )l. F. Kilpatrick, deceased apply to me for letters of dfs/ffjsphm on said estate. These are theiefore to cite and admonish fill persons concerned, to he and appear at my oftiee within the time prescribed by law. to show cause, it any exist, why such letters of dismission should not he granted. Given under my hand at office, this August Ifirth. 1866. F. D. DLSMCKK. angl6—6m Ordinary. KOUGIA—SPALDING COCNTV.—Wlicrcas 1 David F. Klder. (•unroian of David D. Ma* lair and Klizabeth A. Gray, formerly Klizahetli A/ Malair, applies to me for letters of dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish alt persons concerned to be aud appear at my offictf within the time prescribed by law, and ahow' cause, if any exist, why such letters of sbowfd not, be gi mrteih Giten under my hand, at office, this the 14tff day of August, 1866. F. D. DLSMI’KK, augl 6—6th 1 Ordinary. Plantation for Sale. Li >PKKR for sals my place in Schley oottnff Ga., contniniiig 355 acres. There are it# acres cleared, the balance heavily tiinhereil w t onk and pine. This is one of tlie most desira! • places in South Western Georgia, being iM'th pi iliH'tive ami heal thy. There has not been aet 1 of chills ate] fever, nor any malarious sickness i three years, or since I have owned it. The phiss is eight miles from Americas, nml four nil It'S fro!* Kllaville.the county site. There are about lfioacr** in cultivation—3o in w heat ami rye, -10 in cotton, and about the same in corn, llnifof the corn and cotton crop will he sold with the place, if desirt* hie. Also, a few Hogs and (kittle. Titles good.—- Poase-rsion fst (Yefnber, or if the purchaser taW the crop, possession given immediately. I‘tice, with one 1 1 a 1 f the crop, pee acW without the crop. SD" per acre. Address I>r. A. t'. Uornady, on the premises, ft the stihscriher, at Atlanta, Ga. may li—ttin 11. C. HOItN'ADY , (• EORGIA—SI■ AI.DING COL'NTX'. — XVherein X J lin 1.. Moor. Administrator of the es(r-* of I.ce Strickland, Into of said county, deceased' applies to me for letters of dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish r-l persons interested or concerned to he and app» T at my office within the time prescribed by hi*, and show cause if any exist, why snid letters of dismission should not he granted. Given under my hand at office, this the 151 It *1 August. lSf.fi. F. D. DIsMI'KK, augl*' —‘io Ordinary, Cijf KOO.XI \VA\THI>.—A furnished flj [ ■ fetit.e.l hv ion 1 Saßr r :v''" ; ‘ 1 :1 at the • Herald ' otitec. ; ‘- u *s 3J hi