Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, September 20, 1866, Image 2

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%ou 11 cv n £ 1 1 111.,, omeuLcrrv a\d roi \t» j<n rwl D. V- MARTIN PR M bEAVENFORT tKIT a « • . nri ffi a. ua.. s kpt. *•, •«s brworalUalion on Ihc IntrfaiC, It would altr.oet sci-id that Diana moral ttkttfre ia, pretty mu -li, unJer tlic same sort Os fflfldeneea as arc the manses of physical matter all around him. Matter once put in motion, it is known, if interfered with by no countervailing, force, will continue forever in motion, and in the aamc direction, too, that was first given t*> It. l'ricirely of that char stter, seem the wicked susceptibilities of men’s moral nature. Hurt man wrong, and He will not only continue wrong, htttj ninety, nine times in a hundred, he will be getting thore and more wrong every day and every hoar of hi* life. The history of the Southern people since their surrender, we are sorry to say, affords lamentable proofs of the position we hare flken above. In the first place, the Yankees jotted every man South to take certain dc. moralising oaths —oa hs so diplomatically, or, rather, so double-cntr ndrcishly, as it were, phrased or worded, that cot one of us, in ten thousand, or even a hundred thousand, knew any ways nigh what he was swearing to.— Then again tho same uiodcl-con<|Uerors form! us to repudiate our Confederate debt, Nation* al and State; and in sundry other wily, we were furred to say things, and do things, which we all knew, and yet know, wore op posed to every principle of morality, and vir tue, and good faith, and honor, ami honesty, and religion, in the sight of man or Cod. These acts, howevor, evidently committed finder vile dure**, wo cannot, it is luqs'd, be Acit) responsible for. Hud the Houih flopped fight here, and gotle no further, she luiglit still boast nil escutcheon us unspotted and as untarnished as the very purest and brightest. Hut ulus ! for her ! —the wicked impulse that has been imparted to her by the suborning Yankee, has acquired, it would seem, a fresh momentum. What wc—many of us—were forced to do at fed, wc moc aie dbing of our own accord. For instance, we Went (o Philadelphia, sonic of u», and en' dorsad a doefiment virtually ( if nut actually, declaring ourselves “rebel* 1 ' or “traitors," and also thanking the Federal soldio.rs and sailors for slaying our hravu boys; we did this, not unr/cr dttrcstt — Would to Heaven, it had' been I In that assembly, wc there sat, Aid* (laid not a word in behalf of our poor, perishing, endungeoned, onrr beloved Jef fbrson l>avis!—wc did this, not under dure** —would to Heaven, it bad been. Hut the most appalling degree of dcmoral fat ion witnessed in thu land, is the spirit which is getting, every day, more and mure rift), of repudiating the common individual debts of the country, the debts that one man Owes another, whether contracted before,dur ing, or since the war. The Yankee has not y>l ordered us to repudiate our private •hibts, and so, if we do repudiate them, we have no extenuating excuse to full hack’on ; wo cannot say we were foroed to do it. To sum up, wc, ns n people, arc takimt a wrong notion about all this following-up Os the Yankee’s lead. Wc may swear to lies, and repudiate sacred debts, every hour in the day, provided we arc forced to do so, or pay the forfeit of our lives; and, possibly, f'htd Will not hold us responsible, or, at least, Will readily forgive us Hut to keep np all litis forswearing and repudiating, when we •re not forced to it, there is no excuse, and for it we should, and will, be hold responsible both of man and of God. W« IV'n’t rur.TF.Ni) TO G u r.ss.-*-Seward has had the cholera, and the dispatches re port that ho has been in great dinger. Some o." the papers speculating upon the probable consequences that would result In the event ol his death at this juncture, seem to think it would boa very serious calamity, especial ly to the South. As to that, we are mum. This thing, however, we do think, and shall •ay it, too— had Mr. Win 11 Seward died twenty-five, or even twenty years ago, there houlu, in all likelihood, been no such a mis chief-working, society-disorganising, and feud-engenderiug doctrine as that of the "ir repressible conflict between slave labor and free labor,” and had there been no such doctrine as this, it is almost a certainty that the war between the North and the South, trould not yet have taken place—nnd possi. l>ly, nay, probably, would have never occur e and at all. Sacrifice of I'uoptßTY. — A gentleman who has just returned from I’.arroll oounty, If) this State, stated in the presen o of the Editor of the I*Grange Keportor the other day, that a good lot ot land exposed to sale was sold for eighteen dollars. On sale day last, two hundred ami eighty Bores of land b, ing in Goshen District, Ki bert Oounty, were sold at publio out cry for twenlyiflvc dollars. A horse was also put up and brought in thing. Comment is uu necessary. B@“ On the 18th ult, 20,000 ounces of gold, valued at 11100,000, were deposited in the Hrancli Mint at San Fraiieiseo, the largest amount ever received in a single Hav. Memphis.—Forty nine new eases of chol era occurred in Memphis during the tweu- S -four hours ending with the 15th instant. tatlis seventeen. The Hoard of Health have declared the disease epidemic. A Republican contemporary says that the North has tried the cflect of kindness on the South, but it has proved of no avail, and only'serves to make them arrogant. This reminds us of the old woman who was ad vised to try the effect es kindness in her hus band, being told that it would heap coals of fire on his head. She replied that she had tried “ biiin’ water,” and it did not and > a bit of good. She was rather doubtful about the efficacy of coals. J. C. Ayer Cos., ol Howell, spends an-1 finally •?.’in advertising It pays, j Telegraphic News. Cleveland, Ohio, gept. 18.—The aol die:a’ and Sailor*' Convehtictt organised yes terday. General Wool was made tempora ry Chairman In the course of bis remarks he said t e sooner Congress admits the Southern Represents! rsa the a.xmer will be allayed ihe apprehensions of the people of the dangers which menace the country and the perpetuity Os the Union. Ho said the purpose of the Radical* was to plunge the Sountry again into civil war if negro suf frage was not conceded by the South, and leave tbevounirya howling wilderness lor watit of more victims to satisfy their spirit of revenge. Hut the war, he said, would not be coufined to the South, hut would extend over the North, and only close with the overthrow of the Uoverniut ut. He said that President Johnson was a patriot, and that the brave where always merciful and gflncr* ous. With the President, he too, said, we have had war enough : let us have peace. t hese sentiments met with particular c - thusiasm. The Convention is largely attend ed, between three and four thousand being present. The Pavillion was crowed to it* utmost capacity, and the proceedings were harmonious. WASHiNriTrt.w, Sept. IS—General Haird has boon formally relieved of his command of the Department of the Gulf, and assigned to duty in Department of the Lakes, and ordered to report to General Honker. WASHINGTON, Sept. 18.— During th* quarter ending June 30th, the rcccip's of Government front the sales of public lands, direct taxes, internal revenue and i cidcn tal soufct*, Were JI 2f1.0 10,102 67; front loans, etc, fil!>J ( :i'J2,H3o—making total re ceipts *321,483,092 67. The expenditures were 8322,443,701 12. Nkw \ tilth, Nept. 18.—Gold closed at L r >. Cotton 1 (irllc. higher. .Sales 6000 hales—up-lands 35. Orleans 37. Mobile, Sept. 18—Cotton sales to day 1000 bales—mid fling Jll(Vf 32. Active de mand, but little offering at quotations. Hai.ti violin, Sept 18. —The Grand Lodge of United States Independent Order of Odd Fellows, at the session to day, elect and tho following as officer* to -erve tor the ensuing tcini of two years : das. I’. Sanders, of N w York, M. W. Grand Sire; Kdward I). Farnworth, of Tennessee, U. W. Deputy Grand Hite; .fames L. Hidgcly, of Mary land, It \Y. Grand Secretary; Joshua Yan* znnt of Maryland, R. \V. Grand Treasurer. The attendance is large, nearly every State in the Union, and Canada and the Hritislt Province* being represented. Nt.W \ ottK, Sept. IS —The great p'uldie demonstration last evening, in Union Square in support of the I’resident's puliey, was attended by nearly one hundred thousand p rsot.s Gov. I»ix I! II I’ruytt, Alflyot ll'liman, Senator MoDottgal and others It is rumored that (bir hundred Fenian* ptopo e leaving Hos'on to.too: row for a raid on some Caiiadi' Rtfi*.*. President Rob ert* is taking fth itsf/ivs to Slop the expedi tion. i "VI Vll'Nir.iTKlt. Gin vein, (1 v , Sept, lit 1866. Mk. ill'lloit.—ln your columns of this morning, I notice under the heading,‘-Ho not Righteous Over-much’’ that you develop the spirit which prompted the Fulton street prayer meeting, ans speak of the phatisaie.il manner in which they offered up polished ascriptions to tlie Most High, Ao. It is no my into nlloti to diseu s tin; m dive which led numbers of the Christains of the North to unite, irrespective of church, in offering np prayers daily to Go I, nor the characters of tho vast numbers who attended ; but I would ask, are you jus'ified in associating the nartlc of Dr Tyng, with those of Deceit er ami ('ll cover ' These latter, it is we 1 known, were the chief trovers in the fanati cal spirit which drove the South to her glorious action, and were the constant goad ers on of the people of tho North to the outrages of the lour years of cruel war ; but l can assert positively, that the spirit which prompted them, was not tho spirit which moved Dr. Tyng, and others, who were prominent movers in the Fulton street pray er meeting; and the mere fact that Dr. Tyng and men of his stamp, in various denomina tions of Christains of New York City, were present in those meetings, is evidence enough that tho spirit of its intercessions were high and holy—'and the atmosphere too pure to admit of the rampant opinions of Rceelier Cheevcr, and tl/» like. Dr. .Stephen Ty tig’s whole career has been one of usefulness. Nor lias he meddled with polities so far as I know. Up to the time of secession / Dr. TANARUS., with all the clergy ol his ohureli North and South, kept aloof from the arena of political strife, and confined their labors to tho preaching of the cross. During the four years of hostilities the clergy North, as well as South went along with the tide, and al though there were a few radical men in the F.piseopal Church, as a mass they were con servative, as the proceedings of the‘General Convention show—nor need I say that Dr. Tyng, exhibited there as elsewhere only a spirit of Chris'iai love, and earnest desire for the re union of the Church which had been si paral l and only by eirci.instances of country, and not in doctrine ot discipline. V. V. Daily Papi;*.— 'The Griffin Herald ba boon changed to a Daily. H'c wish the proprietors success The Herald is a good paper. —Xcunou ll.rald ±>cj>t. B th. The Montgomery Advertiser estimates the population of that city at 16,0('tb of whom onc-half arc presumed to he colored, leaving a residuum of 8,000 whites. ASt Louis paper cf the 30ult, says: “ There have been only three ministers ot tho Gospel incarcerated in j dl or mobbed in Missouri during the past week. That’s mod crate.” The Legislatures of Texas ami Mississippi have made appropriations to jturehase arti ficial limbs for their disabled Confederate soldiers. The largei't seed garden in the world is on the Delaware river, belonging to |ih> ,| l.'in lreth A son--RIM' to te*. X fy~ Editors write some remarkably truthful paragraph* sometime*,' but ‘never jet ha* anjr Cite compressed to match truth in *o-ina!i a compass as the one who penned the f.flowing, which we find credited mere ly to an ‘exi hinge:” “ Editing a newspaper is a good deal like making a tire. Eveitbrufy supposes lie <*n do a little better than anybody else. \Ve have s'en people doubt their fitness for ap ple pe ldlmg ox driving, and counting lathes ; hut in all our experience vke never met with that individual who did hot think he could double the circulation of any paper in two month*.” Learn ills N.vmk am) Hand him Atot'.vt)—At the sinking of the Linnie Drown, a planter from Kentucky, boned to Washington county Arksu-JS, when awaken ed, sided his car|S't.-ack containing tight thousand dollars, and ru he 1 into the cabin, win re he saw a lady struggling in the watef. lie threw away his carpet-sack and money, and the lady carried her to a place ol safety. TI/k explosion of seventy five ton* of saltpetre of the Watertotth arsenal, M***., on the 2d inst., caused an extraordinary and singular destruction of property; About one million and a half feet of the best pine lumber was blow n to splinters, while several bindings rose and descended in the form of a shower of bricks, each brick being separa ted oy the concussion. The loss by the fire is estimated at 8130,000. Ten thousand dollars’ worth of crockery was broken in Louisville the other day by the falling of the shelves of a store. Heathen Ciiakitv.—An American mis sionary says, “I never heard a heathen com plaining of the amount lie pays for the sup port of idolatry.” An Italian correspondent writes: ‘ King Victor Emanuel is corning to he of as little account, politically, as is the Queen of England. Month after month he is wan del ing about in the provinc a, showing hint self to his admiring subjects, and his name is le?s often mentioned than are those of several of his more active subjects. Nashville. —The Nashville papers repre sent the cholera as on the increase in that >ity, though they state that tho disease read ily yields to treatment.. Jtavfl Is ffai'l the agent isl Eng’and of Washington College, Va.—-the same that Gen. Lee presides over—feports donations to the amount of 800,000 ; tho sgentin France reports that he is doing very well, but gives no particulars, a:ij the agent along the Mis sissippi river teports £s<>,ooo which is to he largely increased when the cotton crop is sold. All this, in addition to $190,000 now in hand. I’OSITIVEI.V TUB LAST CALL. IN obedience to a resolution, passed by tho Ully Council, ( afti fjJfK'.tpd to collect all Taxes due the Citv, (it matters hot for what years), by the Ist day of OCTQHER. Unless those in arrears come forward and pay by that time, executions will itosmvKi.r issue. Tilt tS. NALL, seplO—ld Gterk. ! itiismi: \ci ; for safe* At Auotion. t**|| WILL BE.OFFERED Ft)lt SAKE. nt - l&hqj next, ut the Court House in Griffin. unfoss sunt privst.'ly b* fore that time.) my house au4 ‘lot ill snnltown. now occnpi.d hy Key. Mr. Jones. The dwelling is a cottage, containing six rooms, and live tile-places, w ith a cook room and hath ine rnnm attached. Also, a house for servants, cuutaining'twi. rooms, and a tire-plane ill each. The lot contains one sere, with a variety of I 111 it trees. I’lirlics interested am i Vamine for themselves. J, If. CAMPBELL, sepm—tds Thonm-ville, fin. MMKS STYVoIS. U. V. JOHNSON. A. It. TtNULA i. SEYMOM, JDII.YSO.Y & CO., W lbO L E 8 A L Yj 0 ROC Klt 6 A Nf» COMMISSION MKItCHANTS, Corner Cherry ami Third Stre*»tf», MACON . OKOfUffl A . KKKP foristniitlv on hnnd and offff for sale at lowest cueh prices: l»H£j<in£. Hope, Twine , ( oftVc, Tea, Siig*r j Itice, Lard, Butter, Cheese; Khuir, Curfi, May, Candles, Soda, tVtauft \ White Fish, Mackerel, Blue Fish ; Caae Liquors. Whisky. Brandy, Bacon; Mess Fork. Canvassed Hams, Powder; Sheet Lfftd, Kflisitm, C«ndv, Nuts; Tfihticco, Snuff, Pepper, I‘leklea, Preserves; ('rackerw. White Lvad, Oils, Zinc t-oj*peras; Borax. Yarns. Oanabergs, Sheetings. Nails; Sardines, Soap. Starch, \ inegar, >jklt; I’lastcr, Lime, Cement, Brooms; Blacking, drc. All orders promptly filled. SfTMorR, JOHNSON A CO. spp.A-Sin JOHNSONS &c GORDON, (' oinhii $ s i oii Af cr rh an t s AM' I»KAt.KKS IN OROOEEIES. PROVISIONS &r., &C. ALA LAMA STREET, FRANKLIN BLOCK, .lain A, tc. " C. IV. THOMPSON, WIIOIiESALfi AM) BKTAIL DEALER Groceries ! VYINKB, LIQUORS’, LEMONS, Ac., 11l A’.4Y STRKhrr, Savannah, Geo. •ed7-tfm* *• '• HAI.U T. W. THURMAN Hall 8c Thurman, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ./.It ANtLV, UEOIitSJA ATTILL practice in the .munliescompoeing the I * Flint Jiumcial Cmct-ir and st.lend to Ihe e'Unction of Claim, agsin.l the t,i.MK.,t (,"vhn Ml NT arcli ht, \ r KE .W IDVEttTIS EMEX T S. BOAROINC! Al rATTKKS* is prepare lto r**ee Ire a Jfl. few I»AY at her fesMtnetoa the i-onier of and Ninth Streets s*-p<i»-2w Wool Carding! I WILL CARD WOOL left with T. J. Iltooo s»«ni, at the Brick Warehouse. Oriffin. into g'K"l Roll*, sn 1 return it free of enkrgee for trsns [Mirtstion, for 15 cents pel lt>., or 12 1-2 cent* when oil Is furnished me. f S. M. T.UXWWORTIf, sepil'lt High Fuji*, l-ept, IStli, 1888. Railroad Meeting. an final meeting *'f tlie Stockholders of ih* - 1 sa Vann ah. itrtiFFiN nOiith Ala. K. 11, CU , v ill be held at Ncwiian, uU 1111 lIS- I>AV. Octoiwr 4th, lKitrt. * The meeting « u!)ed for t7th September will, in ednsequence, be postponed. All the Iricndw of this enterprise are cordiallv invited Ui i t:«o«i the annual meeting, er*, especially, will be represented, as business of the utmost importance will be brought np for eon federation. tfy orJei ot C. rs Johnson. Esq , President S. W. NiANGHAM, 2w S<»c. and I reas<urer. J.C.KLNG&CO. (HOLLIDAY’S nril.DIN'G,) GRIFFI.V, - - GEORGIA. Wc have-opened in the above b.'ii’J IgJTJ* KfUjing,(nearly opposite the Brick Wnre-Btol PJJjfliouse.) s l»rge and well selected st.-ek WtVI Family Groceries! rLANTATM’N Hardware, cuockEKT, and wooden Wake. IIAGIifNO ffiiti UOI’E, OSNABEKOS And FACTORY TAlffr, FLOI'II, CIIKN, HaCOX, Ac! We have nl*o tt flit* Slock iff SHOES ANI) HATS (k«*U The above Miwk we Are dcterinined to s<»ll AS Low ah an\ Inidy, mid all w«* ;isk f to sutisfy ofir friends, is 'or ih»-m to (Vmu aM» ske us. “JoK BOYI)” will be in the house, ready to wait on |»i< friends »»t hM times. (live us one call, and we will be responsible for the rest. B pjti-tf .1. C. KING dt CO. MEDICAL COLLEGE 07 OEOEOI A, At -m. ugrustA. , FACULTY I L. If. roß|i, M. D. t I'ri'fnssor of Instittffo* and l’rH' ties of Mrdi.'ine. J'»S. A. EVE, M. D . I ri'fi s-nr of Obstpt rios slid Diseases of Women and Inf«ot.s. I.T. GARVIN, M. I)., l’rofessor of Materia Medn s, I’lierapcu:io*, and Medical Juris prudence. L. A. DUGAS. M. D, l’rofessor of the l'rincip'cs and I’ractice of Surgery. GKO. \V. MAINS, M. D., Vrofcssor of Cl cmistrv and I’harntacv. EDWARD GKDIUNGS, M. I).. I’rofissor b‘f I’hysinlogy and Fsthological Anatomy. DkSAI SSLRK FORD, M. L). l'rolessor of An atomy. W. H. DOUGHTY, M. !>., Assistant Pio fessor of Materia Medica. Jf»IIN S. COLEMAN, M. If., I,'emonstratoar of Anatomy. The S2d Session will be opened on the F \ lir'f MONDAY IN NOVKMBKU next, and continue four months. The Museum. Laboratory, and Ar rangementa for Practical'Anatomy are equal to any in the country. Clinical instruction regular !y imparted at the city Hospital. Vkl-S : Ti' kats f"f the whole course, in e.ntreuey (1105.fK) Maliieulalion, in currency, - . 6,00 I’Mscefton-, In eflrrertCV, -" - . l'd.fto Diploma-fee, in currency, • !lo OO sep2(i-lw* L A. J)UGAS, Dean. / A KORGIA. SPALDING COUNTY —Whereas v 4 Richard H. Stftis, irdbfifttstf-ator of Goorge W. Martin,deceased, appliee to mo for an order to sell the land belonging to said c-tate for the ben efit of the heirs and creditors. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish *1) persons concerned to tie and appear «< ttiy office within the lime prescribed bylaw, to sliow cause if nn v exist, why said order should not be granted. Gi> en under inv band at office Ibis l9tli day of Sept. 1566. , F. lb DISMUKE, Ordinary. "«T*' - Just Received, \fiil® of Choice Country BACON, eonsint u»Sf o| !iaii)B hid! which will he aoM low, nt *epl7 CLOUP. BUEfIIKUI) A CO.’S. PRIME WHITE CORN! V large lot just received, and for side cheap, at *»l>l7 CLOUD, SHEPHERD A CO.'S. iiAltll! SYIiIP, K. V prime article of LEAF LARD, ORLEANS SYRUP, MEAL and GRITS, and every tiling else in the Provision line, for sale St 8 low | lice, at S«pl7 CLOUD, SHEPHERD A CO.’S. X- XXX FLOItR, r |' , HE BEST that line been brought to this mat- A ket. For sale at »e|.l7 CLOUD, SHEPHERD * CO.’S. Ciupirs* Mint tie timing TJachiuffa. AKK SITKKIOR TO *|.|. AfttVRS FOR FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING H R. POSES. Agents wanted. Address. EMPIRE S. M. CO . sepll—dlyr 616 Broadway, N. Y, Election Notice! VN KLKCTION for two AMcrmen to fill the vacancies oec»»#ioned hy the of llcdi v Mo«»r an«i Juhn 11. White, will L»e licit] 01. SA I l K 1 >A Y 2.2*1 ii»M . he! wren 9 a. m. and 4r. v.. ui the Council Chun.her. A WIAVY, M«vr. M IB HU MK Piimolis, fOIEET ARTICLES, &c„ At nedubdd pjnooa, ARK SELLING OFF I'AST AT X N. HARRIS & CO’S, <to»pl3 -Im DRUGS to MEDICINE?) JST * W. Drh wn Y, EAST SIDE nF HILL STREET, (sfear lh« Lost o4 #) Griffin, Georgia, IlAs oN Hand a good assortment, and receives weekly sui>p ut . OF ALL ARTICLES PERTAINING TO DRUGS, FRESH AND M GENUINE Also, a fine lot of FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, Window 01a**, Pjjuli Oils, Lamps, Ac., Cotfking Eitfacts, Tobacco, Cigars. Ac. ’ ’ PRESfcK lt»Tl<>NS promptly filled DAT Or ftfOHT under the direct supervision of t n Datwav. M. D., (Chemist and .niarmaceutist,) who ftas bech in tegular and exUnsiv. ’ for over ten years, both civil and military, or Dr J. I- sej^—j m ” WiHSHIP & GORDON, CORNER OF Illl.f. BROXt* aTEßfrhl; GRIFFIN GEORGIA. Wholesale and rMs*! I'eitlefs (ft lillllfu, J>/ioen t lints, VmbreUaSi leather, SHOE FINDINGS. and READY-MADE OLOTHINQt WE ARE RECEIVING andopetiihg 170 c a<os HOOTS and Sll<>KS of e-eQ stylo and description, which we propo-e selling as cheap »s can be purchased isl HffF nuttth em market. We invito all persons who expect (ft ttMf- Shoes to call and examine out slock before purchasing elsewhere. Our Senior Partner has had many years experience in the .>hoe business, and is well acquainted with the nmnufactufets at the north, which gives them superior Advan tages in getting up their stock. Every ar ticle in our line will be sold nt a small ad vance on cost. We shall confine ourselves strictly to the cash system. No one can sell goods on a credit al the extremely low juices we are asking. HaT COUNTRY MERCHANTS wishing to replenish their stock are respectfully in vited to give us a call. HOOTS AND SHOES MADE TO ORDER. XfT REPAIRING DONE .tt i»f!Oßt StnlOK. WANTED, TWO OOOH HOOTMAKERS. sep4—3m BOYNTON* DISMUKE, ATT OItX EV S A T tA W, ■JRIFFIN GEORGIA. (Oflflee in front room np stairs in Alma!) Llall Opposite Brick Warehouse.) Wild, give prompt aftOitffcff 1/1 strch btisinw* ns may be entr'tsted to tHetr case, in the counties of Spalding, Henry, Dfftts/ Mftfitoe. I'pson, Pike, Merriwether, Fayette and CUytffn. J. S. Boistos, ) Fred. I). Dismcke. j sop4—4m. Mrs. S. A. Jackson, HAS just received n splendid stock of BON NETS and HAD- of the very latest styles. Also, ffesh Invoices of nmmitn Ac Ac. f to whrrh th« attantfftn of i.« fit fully invited. Sh** pte Jiared to furnish country Hcaiti s at VC II OL ESALE! wifti MMJJNERT, tipnn It* favorable terms as they con fc'e pWrctissefl in Atlanta or Macon. CALL ON HEH at the old stand of JACKSON A NEWTON, which lias been newly til tel up and improTf-rl .-•pi It C3 GEORGIA SPALDING COUNTY -Hh„, A as .tames T. Ellis, administrator on th t tate of Philip .1. Bishop,late of said county and »(>*•.( applies to me for letters of dismission as a()tn?tifa trator on said bXdte he having folly adthiiiirtsru the said estate. These nre therefore to cite snd adhifinlsk ,|| persons interested or concerned to he and anne., at my office within the lime prescribed bv U» and show cause if any exist why said Utters stwnld not be granted. Given under my baud at niy offi« this 17 th day of September, 1866. F. D. DISMUKE, sepl9—mßm Ordinary. SHERIFF’S SALE. ~ ' WILL BE St~»LD before the Court Ifotu, door, in the city of Griftin, on the first TUESDAY in November, one lot, cohtaining acre (more or less.) bounded as follows : ()„ g,, south, by Solomon street; on the west, by Mrs. Clements; on the north, by an alley, and on ths east by Fourth street, known and levied on as th. property of 1). D. Doyal, and poin'ed out hy the plaintiff. IVperty levied on hy Constable and turned over to me. ROBERT S. CONNELL. Jepl 9—4t»d Deputy Sheriff. EXEC UTOR’S SA LE. BY virtue of an order granted by the Ordinary of Pike County, will be aold before the Court House door, in the town of Zclmlon, on th* first TUESDAY in November next, belweeu the legal hours of sale, all the lands belonging to the estate of Richard Myrick, late of said county, de eeaacd, consisting of parts of lot* N„ log’ ||/ D>4, 120, U>4. and 121, Containing in all 893 acres, (more or less), said land being situated in the Dili District of originally Monroe, (now Pike county). The notice required by law having been given,, the sale will take place as above for the purpiee of pay ing debts due by said estate, and also the claims of legatees, and for distribution. BOLLING HARRIS, » W. K. MYRICK. sepl9-—4od* Eieco'or., SHEKIFF’S SALE. ' WILL BE SOLD before the Court House door in the city of Griffin on Ihe first Tl.K> DAY tn <>ctotter next, one house and lot kimwa ns t tie .Middle Georgia Medical College, situated on Broadway, near the Macon A Western U. 11: Depot, levied on ns the property of Kdward K Knott, to satisfy costs on several ti. la.’s issued from Inferior and iSuperior Courts of t-paldii)* County. John L Doyal vs. Kdward F. Knott, James M. Couch vs. Edward F. Knott, and others: A I>o, At Ihe same time plate, will he sold squarfl fifty—(s6). knb'wii in plnn 6f (he eity 6f Griffin ns the Parade Ground, containing four (4) Mti; the same having been sold on the first Tuesday; inst. Parties buying, and failing to comply with the terms of said sale, it will be re sold *l their expense. ALSO. At the same time and place will be sold one house and lot in the city of Griffin, bounded ok the east by Maj. Sulley’s, on the south by aaopeff lot, and on the west by a st reel —know 6 #nd le vied on as tho property of Wirt.- E. it tight, t* satisfy clists on several ti. fa.s /rtwi Superior Court nnd Justices’Court. PfOptftv pointed out by I. F. Knott. ‘D. D. DOYAL. a"g80-ffo Sheriff. ALSO, At the same time and place, will be aold on# grey llOftSF, about 11 years old. levied on a» the pWipefty Os Hiram Slid man to sat iafy Mr* ft. fu. issued from Spalding County Court, Ihoma* Byrne vs. Hiram Sherman. IX D. DOYAL, sept—td Sheriff. Nicolson A* McAleer, PLUMBERS AND COPPERSMITHS, SAVANNAH, geo, Every description of Copper work inadff to order. Hall Lamps, Chandet.ff:ft•, Pendast Liohts, Fancy Glass flliades, Hath Tnba, Load and Iron Pipe, on band and for sale. sej>6 —Cat* Wanted to Exchange. A No. 1 FAftJf, containing two hundred (200) acres, more or less, situated in the SStlf District, G M., Bcrivcn County, two mile* from Ogeechee Poet Office, Ut Bttftion No. 6 C. R. R , near the Ogeechee River, an exeellent rafting stream. This place is very healthy and in th* midst of choice aociety, and ia situated centrally between two Baptist Churches, one Methodisf Church, two schools, and two Grist and Baw mill*, (unless the latter haa been destroyed by Sherman the vandal.) all witbiu one and two miles of the place- The improvements only tolerable. Onlv forty (4b) acres cleared. There is light wood enough on the plage to pay its market valae. ana thf* article only needs to be carted to the Rail* fosd to be sold for cash. The land -the soil is as wood n- any in sold county, and has enough heavy ranging, ship, ami other timber, convent* l '* to the Savannah market, tier railroad or river, to turn out a handsome little fortune to aifindus triOus and enterprising man. It is also conve nient to the beat of inland fishing waters, from which a lover of sport could feed his family, bow ever large. The owner of this valuable farm, now residing in Griffin, in order to be near her children, will sell or exchange it for a suitable farm somewhere in Spalding or any one of the adjoining counties, nefth of the Macon A Western Railroad. Apply to or addtess either Rev. Wm, W. Lee,- Ogeechee. Ga„ or A JACKSON RODGERS, sep 15-31 Griffin, Geo- JOB WORK OF every description Printed at the IfML*i poffice, with neatness snd despatch. rd"r» re|a"', tfnllj solicited. and