Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, September 22, 1866, Image 1

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SOUTHERN HEBALD j t M.UI.Y ATDUIEIT.N.OrIOUGIA, IST MARTIN & EAGAN, iMi'ia 1:1 n.bixu. r \«* •ill* mu ir wl NubM-ripiiMti iUff'l'T >'«*• ♦•) 0«i on#*®;*)' s in I uue «.uj*y three niuntlm 2 ouj pjpOrliT* for JoB WoKK an.! ADYEKTIS |S(f reepectmily solicited, and promptly attend**! Wendell l‘l)iUi|t». A correspondent or the l’etershurg (Va.) Jhilcj sends to that journal the followin'' carious sketch cf Wendell Phillips: I see h'.in often - pass him on the street, and alwijs look hard at him, though his fea tures ail are to me. His features sod bis gm b, his elotfchod gfe| felt hat,its sUK'piii j shoulders, hie cold, prying, observ ant eyhs, his belly tilling ojat, well m tdj, hut placed on a badly shaped body, his i springy gait, ete., but better Tor me to fulfil «uy promise to photograph him. In stature about 5 lect 11; in ago about i fit). ilis face is bloodless, more than bloodless —puttyisii grey. John Randolph had a | withered, bloodless fice, but it was of the yellow corn tinge and texture. I’lullips's face has grown out ol a diet of peanut-paste, putty sauce, and popcorn pudding. It is j livid. For eyes, a pair of sharp dots, oh liijue in expression but not iu fancy, icy and . tricked, very wicked ; and yet with a Icar running about, their glances that would be pitiless upon a wench, so far as usual couse- j i|uenees are concerned ; a Hubby agility, glu- , timiusly amorous, like the hidden passion enveloped in the largely productive folds ul an oyster. Spite stamped his crabbed foot upon the would in which he Was hatched, and every, where about the upper portion ol his face, you see the old devil mark. .No lucid in terval ol sympathetic humanity could eradi cate that paste ; and when We come out to liis nose, we touch the sign of all—ihe para- Inouut p!i)sujue ol It is nature. It i., desti tute o! muscle, and those gallant apertures through which coinage snorts iu battle, are here hut eyelet holes. It droops, it turns, it lilts, it v, I cullies, it shifts, it doubles up and down, and runs backward when anybody of fers him a hand, fearing a pell. Thank Heaven, I hate no liiend alive who has such a nose as \\ emle 11 wears; nor would 1 ever stand sponsor to a brothers baba who li t ! on his lace a tiling life that. 1 remember once seeing a picture by Uctseli, the great German devil and goblin 1 Bketchcr, in which was the portrait ul .Ucphis topheles. Ihe face was tui uej pnrtiuliy away from you, and exhibited the ear ol the dis tinguished and diabolical litnpcr The convulsions, the twists, the spasmod ic gutters ; the flab, the fury, the malice, the genius, the expre *' ->ll fiendish, in that ear is ever pn.se. „,u>n , I look at the face of \\ endclr ,a to w' c ; " >r\iev' both scam ; n.stle of the saintff' \lUpS* ( p,\yed with the 1 fame nature a <jS** .irert »» c ''' a v ivulanl nn.-chief, a subtle \u ■ k wicket ' 1 - j o pravity, that is ail ol the new’ (j, ~,, 0 y ihe per strata. "tile,,, - Overall thi:d /.uaj Haiji “' d Ju *' J f*'»e a . With , l > over f.- . I so hitler ui.r ./ .' l<g and hi, ° u ' seoruful, " e with lips 1V V - *•>».■ t *-&*'*, ycl ; weak lor auiilif b c i. MmJ o«»vpress thoughts ! of pir-unnl nobility physical dell nice against individual assult, presides a forehead • of no va-t dimensions, yet well enough and - for the purposes of the phrenologist, and a head badly shaped and badly covered with, as L said, broom se lge colored hair. On each side of his temples he cultivates u , love curve, known to scientific explorers of tile Howery as soap locks. These are ever in place, not a hair loose and as important to him lor his purpose as the big organ in Music Hull is for the bluster and greed ol its directory. These curls seem to be the final make up of the decaying beau ; the j last resort of the mongrel nature of gallant ry, and many a negro wench, and many , a woman wearing “bloomer” has been able j to distinguish his sex by these phantoms of masculine coquetry. '1 he size of a letter is scarce full enough ] for the man’s full letigU . You must see it ] as he jerks it over the pavement; as he j slides it over the platform ; as he wheedles it at the lecture desk. You must see it its Ido when he dives through the passage leading I to the box delivery at the post uffi :e, greedy j lor his letters, and when he gets those let ters, you should s e him glide along, holding I them tight, his keen eyes, his smill keen J eyes, watching everybody he meets, but speaking to none, (1 never saw a public man 1 with so few people to speak to, and in his j own city, too). Then you see the animal before feeding time, quivering with greed, eager to get into some dark curner where, in silence and unobserved, he can gobble down his second-class garbage. Thus looking at this man so single yet so plural; this one, so of a majority; this creep)- 1 tag white, so black of purpose, so full of' 1 art; this terrible unit, wielding so many Headmen; this subtle brain, conspiring against tin very purposes of tieaven, and the wisdom and good intents of men, against things sacred in humanity and obligatory in law; this reoresut kpight with ample weapons Tor alf good and gracious purposes, turning those weapons into assaulting means against the ii&ed foundations of our father’s edifice; this (Jatahne, without the courage of the Roman brave, and know that daily and hourly he is at work in his nefarious way, still to keep fresh the wounds his coun try bleeds from, I wonder that Heaven has net. ere this, or even now not too late, strip ped its great arm of justice and bhi-ted him in his course. And he is the leader of the leaders. lie 1 rules the Sumners, and the shoemaker turn- i ed statesman, heroic Wilson; he rules the 1 John Browns and the Jim Rants, the Sharp rifle crew of political cutthroats; and when ever he thinks proper, even Fessenden, the Cato (Heaven save the mark ! p of the lllack Republicans, bows to the “silver tongued” i dictator. Ilis facile eloquence plays around old Tbad. Stevens, and illuminates, guides and controls even his rugged .plunging*, and wide spread over this dreary Massachu. setts, over this dull, this hollow, this treach erous Xtw England, for treachery l eiv is of private and pubiie existence, as l will prove hereafter, he has his host, of followers if not believers. He whom l have drawn may al not only of the < -.>uth lutt »MM- ••mntry. DULY SOUTHERN HERALD. VUL, I, Jluw to Gut Km or Ants.— A lady writer says: Some ten years ago I went to my closet to get a sponge cake, and f.und i covered with those liflc pests the red ants. Not knowing what to do with it, i laid it down on an ol I walnut table c-! s.< by, and iu , less time than it has taken me to write this ; the ants left jilt cake and table. I immedi ately took the bint, and put walnut shelves |in my closets, and since that time there has j not been *u insect seen. George V. Moody, late Colonel in t.e | rebel army, ami ad *herVe from Miss., 'to the Johnson Philadelphia Convention, was shot deal in his office at Port Gibson i ou li.e tih uist. 1 he poopio ol Egypt, who are very much troubled by the swarms of locusts infestin'* ; that country, have discovered that anew and-easy way of getting rid ol them is to eat them. I hey are I ecoming one ol the most fashionable Jigyptiaiv dishes. The Washington Pnion says there is no doubt but Ccngre.-s, ft its short ses ion, will endeavor to arm the blacks of the South, to protect the b' iit/n rn .1/'ss nihill It S who will go South for the purpose of endeavoring to </"'"!/ •mrut. This is the pro tectum asked by -Jack Hamilton and others. A New iiiirt brain! I'p.tch in Muli -11 ne! ! 111!. Moa.u!. i« the founder of anew Medic id i-ydcii. I I In- 1| ei.it,l.o lan., whose va-t. inlenmi doses elite, hie the ttutii.nli and paeulyze Hie l***w t ls. inUst isive iii-ecede-iee to tlieiiiiiu who v*. r *ores ; health and appetite, with from one to two of his -'ordinary I‘ilN, ami inn-s the most virulent sores with n box or so of his wonderful and nll h* .'tlieo Salve, these two-pent, speeities of tint lioe'or are last supei selling ail the slefoot vped nosi i 'ims ot the day. Extraordinary eiues by , M'lJ-'go I » ills an ! > lie.* have opened the eves of the public to the iiieiii ieney of the (so called) t" a die* of others, ami upn: whi.di people have ■so lofio itliudiy depend'd. Matreird'K I'iils ar>. I:et of (!:■■ Ii I«s that ale swaii-w.- I by the do/., n. lamlofwiii liev.iv box full taken creates an ab solute in e. ss.ty tor allotliei. dm oi two of Mas .gi.-r- i’lii- siiffiees to place the l. -.v. is j., t, et I or.h r. t ill., -loimleh, el . ille mi npj.. tl' .■ and I rend. ! the S| ill - ! : irl,t ami I ynnt! Tl,. |.- is Iho giij .i.o. a: 1 reaeti. uin the form of consti ! ration. J f tin- liver is all.-cted, its functions are j restored ; mi l if Ih- lo rvous system is f, ehle, ii j iis iiivigor::*,--!. II.:- Inst ip .tii'.y makes lh.- ire ii- ! cities vert and siralde for the wants o! delicate fes I iiiales. I ic- oils and eruptive diseases are liter- i | ally extinguish. Iby Ihe disunion!ant power of I Macgiel s- live. In fact, it is h ie aiiiioune. 1 that »V txo 1 0 \l:;.„ v p„,s ' l U, T";, all o: liei - latl. While tor limns.; .' »! •• ..-'Lilli:;-, t 'I.-- .01,1 al! akrasi. as ol I lie ! i.... , II I'>.u.v,. is infallible, t „!.| l.y .1 j *■ r=rs- -i—li rsc CARDS. I i"*-|u i i;i; l L ('. < ’(>i >K. ' ATTOH NE Y A TLA \V , t; it if fin, i; r. ui; ala . may K '■ I I). N . M \i: I I N j ,\r rn a v A )' .1 •/’ I.A !>', (1 i: lFf in. ■; i: olt <: Ia . Office i.f\l to otiitM'.' imiyatf D- . M. J. DAN El L, : pi:a<Ticim; imjvsuman. I (M‘Th | I{uilJii:g. MnMi D. S F. KNOTT, Ilnvii..: t “Mi* i f,l Oi iffin. re*|H*ct full y tcii'Vis liis • :• nnv rv S ion a l !•: it Vi u i;s 1 To i lit; \v!i • may *l* sire t horn. Office ami rooms in t!i.» KJtICK LUILDIMi hftwren tin* Liv.rv iStaMos, wiiHro lie may !>* found day or rii irh ! 'except when Professionally engaged, april 19. I Charlie Wright, j 1 WATCHMMCI'.Ii AXD ,/A’ WEI.EI , al-IAST si DEHILL STREET, OVER CFFORirS 4!t VFofk wttfiitnlctl. Dee 1 ' Q. A. ALFORD, ATTORN KY AT LAW, GRIFFIN, GA ' \\ r 11,1, attend to such professional business as » in av be entrusted to bis car" in the conn. ! ties of Sliding. I’ike, t |.-« ti, Monroe. Butts i Henri, Fiiyrtte. Coweta nnJ Men i wether.. By pi oni|>t and diligent attention to professional duty , l,e will endeavor to please Home who may en- ! trust him with l.usieess. lie i- determined that ; 1,1,e business of his clients, together with his own j , shall occupy his time and attention exclusively. 1 Office on Hill Street, upstairs, opposite HER ! ALO OFFICE. I Fehrnnry 22, 18**6. Iy. DoYAL «v NUNN ALLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ! GRIFFIS \S7TLL PRACTICE IN THE Col N’llES oh \V -pahling, Henry, Fayette. Hurts. Monroe j Epson, Hike, Clayton, and Meni.weather; and t will at tend to the collection of claims hgniust lit . Federal CovCrnlucnt; and alsu to the purchase and sale ot real rstac?. j As we shall devote our whole attention to our ! profession, we hope to be able to give general j satisfaction to all wbo may think propel to engage our services. L. T. DOYAL, A. L>. NUNN ALLY. I Pee ‘27. ts j 7. I, iisu- T ‘ v. rnORMAN Hall 8c Thurman, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. I J A CKS r LX , aEQU GLI • ■it rji nrn* •! i *.* ein t lit* comities eumpos n* t lie \V I 1 iNT.b-im t.u Ctm-CIT aud attend t « the e dieciiou ofCi.At.vls agmust the UssiotAl Gov tux- , VENT mcii 1 st. ts. ! BOYNTON *V DISMUKE, ,1 TT(>RX F)' S -1 v L A ~r i ilillTlN ...GEORGIA. (Office in frrtiit fbom up stairs in Alniali Hall, opposite Rock Warehoused Tvruj, jjire prompt attention to su.-Ii btlsinesa VV us may be entrusted to their care, in the • eo’jnttv* .«f Spalding, Hoary, - Rutts, Monroe. • ••. .... v ; • inf ••**•''’•. Fevvtte tt I Clayton t. S. r.-v» ■ p, , . . P , r*pl -1m 41 rill- l*rn i» Ulalillrr Ihaii (hr Sward. 44 tuimv, iiEii, 'inmm mm\i\(i, seit. ism. GENEXIAL LAND AND EMIGRANT A G 33 IVT C Y WITH 11 K A 11-yi A KTEIJS AT GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. I i*!irill k.-. p 2* I’. _ri>!i V m r: \ *•, u lien* a!! par tir« l;n\ :nir l.iu -U l*,n • . o,s. ('ifv, «u .flier j.ioii ♦ rtv L*r mi!?, it*■ t. ii »■*: l unge. nr« tfully to Kifgi.'t. r tlirjn li*f of • |i« ther im *»**rvic<*« nr** * - Al*. nt «*r not. 1 mil I.an ts. nii.J tlicipfoie «n.|»!v hl»!o to <iitcein ti»»* «|tiu!it\ anti as w*-li n< m hat they «rr hcFt utlupfin! lor, u hifh will ir.»M«* iih to reiuhr ViitimMe f -riiot-% t<» (’i.j)italij.td an«i oth**!!* wishini; f.» inv. -t or oxchnngg**. i now 1 1 u\ ** several Plantation!*, Lots, ami a considerable «|nantity of wild lan-L in d.tfereiit ' parts of (..■©■pin for rent or exchange, and! will ssiom have them mapped out on my 1L gLter i so t! at all « an « xaniii.e f»>r themselves. I am now making, anand •irrsngcnient-* wit!: psrtu** in New York. I’hila u**lpli!ft. mu! llsltimorehy whi -h I sh ill he able to advance money on lands, plowing crojen. <le. Ki iki:n« i> : ( f.»oi ge N Ni’diols. lyii., I Jay street Savannah, (L-i ; Kansom Kop- i*s, IN.j . No. 1H» j South Itli Street, Philadelphia, and the 1 u-im ss | men of this city. A JAt'K'SoN ROiiLRS. j < diiee. for the presen♦ at my residence, on , corner of'Broadway a..d l:jth Streets opposite Mar?fml (’allege. July ML Hiii Wanted. TO UK N T <) K VVRC II A S j;. TWO No. 1 Piantaiions, adjoining, or 2^s^very near each utluT, A»m4*whe ,, e in Spal ding, <»r one ol the ndj lining Counties, i hese places mmt be neur or convenient to some Hail road. v*e»| improved, and adapted to tf»* culture of (Vis v Corn. I*ea>, Potatoes.Vune, ite., j Ac.. A-'., and ha»e thereon ji good fruit i/rclianU i Placs having water ((Jrist and Saw) Mills, or ! sites where such may l*e built, preferred. Would j prefer t<» putelu's** the horses, mules, farm in tr J linjdemeirts, stoclx. dc..on the places. Apply to, Mr address a. iACKsON K(»fx;i:ns, <!riflin, (>eoigia. ( d'l- It’L for the present at his residence I corner of ({roadway mid streets Marshall Colley ’ sepTlm NATIONAL HOTEL, Cl'tiiV'r Whit!, ill Street mi l W. ,t A Huilrua) ' U’LIM’A, (HIUKbIA. lhin New!v«Freele.l, Commudi.ius. Firot Class Hotel, LllegantU furiii.-heil i loughout, and complete in 1 all its appoint im nl s, is now open for H»e reception i of guests, and in snn-essful *>peiati'*n. Atijn !o*d to this Hotel is a tine Billiard Parlor, | wi’h ITi inn iabh s. \ I’iist ( lass Jiar, fully am) j • ■ *ml detel\ •'tofUcd \vi:li cl.o’ce liquors \\ im-M j and Clears. i I 1 lie patronage of the publie is respoeffully so -11. 1). 11 aisu is Clerk. Lit* of the “Blown House/ Macon, Gn. June Miii. Remington 8c Sons M ill!’/ 4* ’ 111 I*l* IS of REVOLVERS, RIFLES, MUSKETS AN!' j CARBINES, for the United States service, j l Amo, Pocket and Pelt Revolvers, Re- i 1 peHting I’istoG. Rifle Unties, Revolving lit- 1 lie *, K lie ami Shot (Jut) Barrels, and Gun ! Matcti.ds sold by Gun Healers and the! trade generally. In tlii-se .lavs of house-br•■alftig and rob , lierv, every House, Store, Rank and Otlice j | sbotlid have one of J REMINGTON’S REVOLVERS. Parties desiring to ava l themselves ol I the late fnprif. eim nts in Pete's, an 1 stipes } riot workmanship and form, will find all I eon lined in the new lbitningt.tn Revolvers. (hrelllars containing cut's and description of out arms will be furnished upon applica tion. E. REMINGTON A SON'S, liion, N. V. Moore Si Nichols, Agon's, No. 40 Court land St. X. V. sepfl-R n. kbltOSt\E i ti.iS" STOUS I ‘ TEA AND C< iFI'EE TOILERS. GLUE POTS (>ll. C,\NS, Ac., Ac. ’ p-it' All 1 lie Cooking for a family JjTSi inav be done with Kero-ene 3 Its" Oil] or Gas, with less trouble, jpg- aud at less expense, than by any other fuel. Each m tiele manufactured by this Company •- j guaranteed to perfunn ail that is claimed lor it. ! Send for a eitcutav. - ' l.ibeiul discount made to the trade. KEROSENE LAMP 11EATl-.U CO., sepll-daw [nr] 206 Pearl St., N. A . I HOWE’S IMPROVED Cotton Picker! for Picking o>iton in the field. V SIMPLE and compact Instrument weighing about t vo [Hiutids —picks three or four limes faster than by hand, leaving the cotton clear, and free lion, tra-h. Pii- e C‘2o. Orders . an be filled by TIIE lloWl-i MANUFACTURING CO . >1 Cedar Street. N. V. ! t\l IRI»:il A KOI.D 'II,IIII, 'I AT TUK I Am. Inst. Fair, . Otoio.u Its, lSt's. In dire, t competition with all the leading make*-* m the country. “ I* ELOU 15 ET” OHIJAXB AND ]>l E EODEON S. I’UEOt aKT, I'IILTOY S. i O. Lospeetfully invite Hie attention of purchaser*, the trade and prolesMon, to the FOI.L wix<; instijumknts j < ts their MnutffactUre - ■PISDAL MSB OIUSAXS, Five sizes, Five octnLe. one to tliree batiks of keys, three to eight setts ol Keeds, Prices 533530 to 29*000 SCHOOLORGANS Nine styles, single nnd douTdc Herd. UiMeWood and Black Walnut cased. I Prices SlOOto 9400 Piano style and Portable, Twelve Varieties, » from four six (leaves, single and Double Uecd, j l!a«.>wm ••• t lllu-l- \V til tint ('uses | I'v. ry lu-lruii vnt is by imirpoti'T.t work j m.." from «b« best iiintM'ial un<l*r our pvramial . Mi1,..,-.-.-,,.", evoiy mo l-rn im, rovrtfi.-nt I w..nhv of Ihe mime. i» iiilrixliiceo t" Am..'.i Ihi-e Wl- wmilil vail attention >o * lie |; .M< lb W I I-; wbieh Inis been mm:h " l.mi. •! j f.iuml „:,ly i« iintrumenlo of "Hr own , manufacture Ernm ainong the very flattei ii.g Testimonials ot eminent Professors nud'Orgtinists, we give the f.n --i lowing extract-: “The pedals I ct.IU-eive to be unapproachable in i their beautilul smooth quality.’ —Mu A, hiso ! ‘-It i« a grand, g'>od Instrument, ard doits ered jlt ot the builder."—ll. C. Fomikk, Iroy, and. • They are an ong the finest Instrument* manu factured either in this country or abroad. W m 1 limit. J. Mnst.NTitAi., Aplomas. “They have given universal satisfaction. —W. E Hawi.kv, Foil du lae, \\ is. ‘•There is a peculiarly sweet and sympathetic tone which harmonize*eharmmgiy with the v. iec. ’ —W. 11. CooKK. * I ant particularly plea-ed with the arrange- . rr.'nt of the dilii: ent registers ” —Wn. 11. Rttvn 1 hit. t. "No other instrument so nearly appioachea the j organ."—7V,r f,7ior/*fer, A. ). “This iWimmenl has a clear superiority over aiiTthing yet introduced among us.—/m/qeW.-nf, ' | “Tlie tone., and the net,on are excellent. —Lev. W. S. I.rwriT, Hudson, New York | “The more we use it the better we like it."—l. : ; P, II *m k, Hudson, N. V. t “The Two Rank-Organ Haruionium is really a I gem."—J. \V. KtxXicirr, IJo-ton, Musa. j “We have found them excellent In all points ■ constituting a good instrument."- —J. l\ Cook. T. .1. Cook. “It locks and sounds splendidly."—S. R. Sax-j ton, Troy. N. Y. j "The most perfect toned Melodeon I ever saw'." ; Gi v F. North. "They fall back on stieh etibslafntiaf merits as superiority of woikthanship, beauty of lone and reasonableness of prfte. And we must say that in all their re-pert* they are well worthy of praise."—J/iooVaf I'vnfcr, Any. *6O, jy Every Instrument is fdlly warranted, and Hostd aud Sfapptd in New Yoik city atiri char qt. ("ierttlara, Co's, and Prire List-, A-- sent on np plication to l’lil-tM'RE I", PI-ETOY kft». ml RItOAI'iWAY, N Y, Or to any of our Agents iu the ptincipul < iti■ - if the t 111tl'. \G E t f Jl runj:etn«!i!t!«, aie now |*reimrcd U»furu».*h !ht* . itizcns *>l (»riliin. aud surrounding <uunti) . with £OX3 iu quantities to suit, at their isew ICE IKtUtsE. opposite the Passenger DepttL Ibe price for the p-c-eti' is tRc cents by re'ail .*“d » . ::!--ra. drd.: r:i will be ! ad, to 111- ’ad. , .Inly otf M \M.HV A 1 \CKo*ON. TA I 1.0 KI M G ! C. B. SMITH II \ VlN<* opened a TAll.t Hi "-flop inGtilfin. I I up stair a over Cherry'# Wort, on Hill *?*• *t. is n«>w doing #1! kind of work in ins line at tifty p. * t»« *. lcr*a titan any other ahop in 51 i*)«l!•* *. He is and will continue to be receivin g t the lateat American and European fa-biers. Cutting dune at a rnoinent * warning. oug9-lyr ~.IOST ENGEI/S The U!>dcr>igncd desires to inform the public that lie lia* returned to his old home IN GRIFFIN, 'A hero ho is determined to furnish them with COOPS as I.OW es tliry can jtemibly Jbe afforded. I have on hand | PP ISSII cfc NJSI "W, A Complete Stork of CRY 0000$, (lolliiug, Boots, Shots, Hals, &c. My well known (’haracter as a business man here in former days, is a sufficient guar ‘ antec of | Fair and Honest Dealing. Call on me at my NEW STOKE, at the .OLD SIAM', West Corner of Hill street | and Hroadway. dosr.l' ll KNGEL j Am 4 , f. 1 4,1 1’> —:<m. UVEENSWAIiE, C///.V.1 .1 .VI) GI.ASS WAIiK. I Mccnim:. itonsn r .t co. Collier W hitehall and llimt. i Streets, Atlanta, lull lint« of C C. Granite and t.lasawai-a tn 'CH R ORIGINAL PACKAGE at iti 1 -U to mi t purclmAcr*. A SI'LKNIUD RETAIL STOCK. A hue assortment of “ As<oi tv*l Crate#" Very low lo the trade. i * *•*>«'*.. fh-titmU pHHYff NKW Examine our * . v Y'OTHv rut* -*, and our ntoek i- a* complete as any n the country, North or South. MelllMlM-:, POjtSITTT A CO. .Inly If. -Rm „ t x,;v inviv. X. L. II.MUTIImI .1- «. s. MU' BRYAN, HARTRIDGB A C 0„ ((Ml MISSION MKUCiIANTM I •Mil Bx’oKcrs, I SAVANNAH.. GEwUGIA l j \\/ !•! eniifit fOi!**«gnnn*n»* and make advance | \V on pliiprnenti* to ouravlven, \ <»i k and Li\crpool ci»rrei*|»ondenl*. I PLANTERS' SUI’PLIEd FERNISIIEI* ; >J j j aug‘i3- ts j J. N.SEYMOI It, 4 CHERRY STREET, I lUOOX, - GBOHGIi.I j V- - I Ki;i;i'S on hand a full utovk «»f and j l’roviyiotm, wl icli he idh rs aa low at nhy other house in the e»ty. 11,. also hoep-* on hand nil gnwl*'* »>f TOI?Af*CO. • jind dfjil* in Isoiillurd’w SM’FF, and SMOKIMi roliAVm, t,f vHi-i'viiH hrand*. ufid invito* a call from merchants, i'l&iitcrs, and other*. nug.'o-dyrim J. S. SEYMOUR. amvkl r. itKi-L. g w. wfi-i.r. iifcsitr iu csiinufi BELL, WILLY & CHRISTIAN, Cotton Factors and GENERAL COMMI-.-It ‘N MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GKO. A liV ANCES mode on nil cmsignmelits to us or j . to e“f friends in lav, rpool, Ro.-too, New j Y,,tk. I", . Llpl.ta and RaHimort. Tjg~ r i attention given to the sale of U. M. TANARUS! and forwarding of merchandise, sep-t —d’2Dl* EDlibliMAN ArHANK.B, W •l >UKAt.K AM, l.nrAH. UXAtEBS l\ ItOOTS, FlloF-S, LEATHER. SHOEMAKERS tools, LAs'fs. Pegs. * c . : al fur*, SAxrrArrcstw «»• BOOTS tfc SHOES, Keeps Ibe L ARGEST STOCK of Goods in their line, u.at i» to be found .h Ay one IJousWln Geor gia. Country Merchants are invited to examine our stock V-trrs purchasing elsewhere. CtILRHKiX RI DCK. PKaCHTUEJ. ST . Atlanta RsflUid Maybltl SO I TUltt.X HERA I 11. lutf <•» a •Mtirtias »» ii>< artma, °»' v*PJ J »«r H 06 i <*••• •ipf »il On, .th« S SO (0«a e--py thle*montha .. ..tot P 4 lIUM.I u M<*»l tir A'S paper, ai.m.-d at the «m! aftlmtune paid for if not pr«. mu'\ reneweA AJrart.taiocEU intuited at tli* r-t«a of Oat lx bar and f.fiy C»nU per nf Tm I inn. fur I llie fir«t h.»er'!'>n, an.l !<e«riit\ fir* <>»t» for eaek Mt>.anMtt ir.*er!!.m —pat able la adraaef. | Üb-ial d.Ji clion. mode on cuatrocU for adrw J tiaement ruin in* three nun the eol longer. tl rv RIhHKM niKM TOKY. A lit 1.1. AM Y - Mey»r«—office at ( »ty Hall. 1 H*S. KALl.—Clerk and Treeeorrr of (Sly t o'ineil —I Ift, rat XeU A ttananHi'. Wore. «aiO. I». JOIIXM »S—Chief ItartbaL Office et City 11*1! J A:: I»»ia—W J( r. Makelberry 4. #. Wieo, . A. i'. .V i‘hswe. J. N. llvrri«.C. F. Ne« t.. 0, M I). smith, Heiiiy Moore, John 11. N hile. BI.SIXKSS ( <iMMITIIIS Ftetxca—WS»e, Mm*rs. Ilnrri*. SmaiTs axi> Ai-i.i.ta—White, Micktlberry.MeDt ■wo. o«tin*x<*T.—M.v»re, Smith, WhitA CauMilt tan i'ciuc Jxrrv— Mu kelberry liar i lit. inilh, l’i vrt a\o Prm.ic Wmx—Smith, Mather* Shite. I StutrT F.m ir-tinKxTs— Harrit. Nerton, Moore Nr».»M-m—Mathew*, Newton, Wife. I'tnuMTt— Ne.rton, Wiee. W'rijht. 0)1 STY OFFICKKS. ' F T> ItlSMVKE—Ordinary.—Office ap itaft* in Alm.h lfall. .1 M. COXXAl.l.Y—Clerk of Superior Conrlt- 4 - fiiee in Alinth ltall. J. 11. I.A'K—Cletk Infer'or Coait.—t (tee »f etaira is Almuli lltlk It I> HOY A I.—Sheriff. TlllX-v SlMoN'foN—Ouiaty Tieaearee,—(4 fice at Mr J \V, S. Mitrhell'e Stole. • »\ Kb.'MKNT OFFICEIW. It CItMUoN—U S. Internal Urrrnue Tax Coilcftor—Office at the Planter# lienk Ituildinf, Solomon /Street. 1* A. JollNsoV- F. S. Tux Antcteui —Office n Planter’# Monk linilcimj, LEGAL ADVERTISIIIO Sale# of fert-idi by Adimiiiatralort, Kacctiiort and (fUardiait# #re required by |#w l#» b# hold on flit* fii>t Tu«*d#y in each month, between th# hours nf ten in the forenoon and three in the after* noon, at thy < art b«»u#« iu the county in which the property i# cituated. Notice# us Uo*c *ab • muai be given in a public ga/.»dl»* ii) da}# prckioua. Nt»tiff»* of ib # of pofffonat property mini b# given in n public ir#y**f!c |«) da\ % prcvnui# to tale. Notice t<» fb btom #ml creditor# of an estate Vllllet be pubildict) -Id fla\ff. ffoliet* that application will bo made tn th« Court if OrdiuiH) f*»rlea«t; to sell land mu-1 ba pul>ii-ti‘ »l 1 wo month*. < iUtiona for letter# of Adifiiui#tra f ion, Ouinlk miehip *Lc. t min' Ihj published KO day*. Citation* for dinnindou from #dmiui*tration, •Mice. ?» month for eix month#. \o. 1). 1 or btu rn of distninrioti Horn Guardianship 40 j *U\H. iinlcH l«*r the foreclosure of n>ortg#ge« must l»# ! published once n month for four monlb#—for e»- tabli-lni gb 1 paper# for the full space of tliree mouth#—f »r compelling title* from Adminietra tor**, a bare bond# have Im*«ii given by tba deceas ed. f»r the tui! space nf three months. Fahli rut ion# will #lway* be continued according to these, the legal requirement#, unless otherwise ordered at the foliowing RAim * SJienff,* snlca per levy ol ten lines or lees $3 00 "‘ntr# tn«»|tgMge fi fn “al**# per levy A 00 \ ax ‘a *alM, per levy* 8 (Mr { l, *l*hna for lelttr* of e\lJmiv’»•l ,tt| 4on At#) N’oticVt ol application for aisnossion from (Dmrdmneliip 4 Jj*!' \pplicat»o'i U» sell i.aud 6 Notice to l>cbiota and Creditors, J Sab*cf Land per square » 'ale of pci tehahlc pr* pet ty 10 J»y» K«f rnv nolit-t*. BO 'leit. * F.ircclo-urc of mortgage, per wjuarc. * JJ | ir.tu* w«lv*-rti»i mt hi* wife, m a»)v»i"-c. 1» 0 railroad otjude >lA CON ANI) WESTKKS lIAILROAT). A. J. WHITE, I'ao‘ii'Knt, K, 11. WAI.KI.iI, Sii t. Eeave Mac. n ‘ ™ A ; “• Arrive at Griffin 11 •“ Arrive at Atlanta * Eeave Atlanta "!, „ .' Arrive at Griffin Arrives ot Muon * 1 r M s. d'TlI WESTERN RAIIJRJAD. WM. HOLT. I’hksh.kxt, VIRGIL POWERS, bti t. Ijeavew Maeon. • JJ- Arrives at » u leaves Enfrttila ® •* „ Arrives at Maeon 4 10 '•* aiiiaxt rttAXin. j lxa-M STftthville ? p'm’ ! D ot,.* Albany 1 *« A. M i At ff«< at smithvdie J UJ A. *• M 1 SCOG EF, RAI LROAI). ■RillN MUSTAIN, PttBUPKXT. Clark e, Brr'r. I-eaves Macon ~** JJ* Arrives at Columbus * -* *- *• I-eave* Columbus 1 Arrive* at Macon ’ I. *• GEORGIA RAILROAD. .1 P KINO, Ptucnnrrr. E W COLE fb r>. Leaves Augusta T A. M Arrire* at Atlanta 50 r ‘ *• I-caves Atlanta * ■■ Anivel at Augusta ® A. M. MtJIIT TRAIN. [-eaves Augusta * JJ \rrive* at Atlanta.. 6 41 A. M. , Leave* Atlanta J* JJ* Arrive* nt Atigustn 9 >0 A. I*. ATLANTA A WfiiT PUIST RAILROAD. GFORGE 0. HULL, SrrY Atlanta A 00 A. ML 'Ai i Hfij* Wttt Point... * R4SA. M. • L* av.f Etttouton It 35 P. M. • Airive* at Atlanta ® W P. M. PB IVATB Enter tai n ment. M ARTHUR W. DROWN takes Ibis me tbod of Informing bis old friends that has opened a house foe private entertain ment in tbe city of Atlanta, on the corner of Huo -1 ter and Lloyd sire, tc, immediately in front ol lh« ! Catholic Church, and aU>ut one hundred and fifty i yards from the Car-shed. Ilia terms are very , reasonable. I aogJto—dylyr ARTHUR W. BROWN. Daily New Sira, ATLANTA, GEO. | LARGEST eity eireulalion. Largest couutry circulalinn. AUvejourasl. The paper for j the fireside and the crunting room. Subscribe for tbe Ura. Price of eubesripttoU ont v «7 |. r annum or one dollar per USOUth. , '*. -t ts PRATUKR* YORUiB.