Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, September 25, 1866, Image 2

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-8 ou 16 fr n 35 trail). ftffICHLCITV HD COIVTVJfU UWL. » W MARTIN DR X DEAVENPORT KDIT » * • . griffin. <ja., »ki»t. DtcUlvc llattlk tiroitml*. Bennett and Raymond have, both ol thcui t yieldVl the victory, in advance, to the Had idmU, being persuaded, or. rather we should Say,being more than willing to be persuaded, that the elections which have ju*t come off in Vermont and Maine, are a foreshadowing of what will be the general result. They may be right; for one of them (Bennett) is the best guesser in America, and the other (Raymond) is the best trimmer in the uni verse. The great States of Pennsylvania and Ohio, however, that hold their elections about two Weeks from this date, are deemed by the most knowing ones, as tho decisive national battle-fields of this year. It is tbotight that if the Radicals retain in them the great majority they now have, every hop of changing the political character of Con gress within the nest two years, may just as well be given up. The result of the forthcoming elections, in our opinion, settles, perhaps forever, the destiny of the South. If the lUdidals suc ceed, and Johnson does not “gracefully yield” he will he impeached, tried, and con vioted, and, if Jo Holt’s awearoLl get a chance at him, ho will swing a* high as Ha man. Seward will certainly manage to get on the strong sido, and will not grieve him self to death, if his friend Andy Johnson,and his triend Jefferson Pavia, are both permit ted to tread the atmosphere. St inton is al ready on the strong side—tind 8J is Bennett and Beecher and Raymond, and so will be •very Republican that came halfway over to conservatism. Then the poor South will catch it. Everything that Johnson has done, will he undone; no man that at all fa vored secession will be sale in shewing lii face, —confiscations, proscriptions, hangings. Rutlerix ngs, Hh rmanizinga, and Hrownlow isings, wil be tha order of the day. Tho Radicals havo this tremendous ad vantage of programme. They havo the greatest prospect of winning the victory peaceably—knowing that th i Conservatives and Democrats will either yield gracefully, Or turn-over to them gracefully —and besides If they cannot carry their measures peacea bly, they have openly avowed they intend to dairy it by lotco of arms, being also assured thkt the other patry have no Idea of fighting at all, let come what will. Our assurance to the President would be this. Stand up sir, to your “ policy ; ” the Radicals say if they cannot carry their meas ures by the hallbt-box, they intend to carry them by the cartridge box. Why not you, sir, feeling that you nrc right—say just tho same thing? Straighten up to the majestic, tow ering height of the chief Magistrate ol this mighty nation, and say that the right murt And thallprevail, by one minus or another Say this, and every decent white man anil every decent tdaCk man in the South, %ill stand to you, and see yoir through, let Some what may. A Series of Queries Ist:—Why cannot the South he allowed so go on ami pty her part of the Federal debt, without being compelled to swear (to the lie), that she looks upon it as “a .< irm/ dcur 2nd :—Why cuntio: the South just obey I the behest* of the “powers that be” -anil not pay or even ,try to pay her Confederate debt, State or National, without being compelled to swear (to the lie) that she repudiates it aS ffot binding, or not sacred '! 3nl : —Why eauuot the South, since she Cannot help herself, sullenly consent tlint the Federal soldiers and sailors be pensioned, rkitbout being compelled to swear (to the lie), that she is very thankful ami grateful to said soldiers and sailors lor killing her sons, devastating her lands, stealing her property, aad burning her houses and churches 7 4th; —NY hat good can it possibly do a Conquering nation to make a conquered peo |kle git ear to lias, wilful, palpable lias, every time they are suffered to open their mouths, Or put a pen to paper? sth: And last—Does not said conquering nation know that, ia the eight of God and dun, the suborner of perjury ia a thousand times, yen, infinitely more wicked,' more driminal, jfibfe pdnishment-dcserving than the poor powerless victim thrt has perpe trated perjury(?) under Ole durcu f fgr The poor Southern Radicals are in a Vrunl i*—judging from the following seti t’enfce in their Philadelphia address : ‘•■(V e may fly from our homes, but we should fear to trust our fate with those who, after denouncing and defeating trea son, refuted to right those who hare bravely assisted them in the good work.” The Government ought to do something for the poor devils. They can’t remain in tho South and are afraid to gc Uortb. There is a bureau for abandoned lands; cafc’t a bufean be established for the bene fit of abandoned politiciantf —Lagrange (-Ga.,) Reporter Sept. 21. Titk Dah.y Guipria Hckalo. —We have deceived the ffr»t frtfmber Os this new daily, published in Griffin, Ga. TL(s is decidedly au interesting paper. We w»l. Messrs. Merlin & Deavenporl that great success which they so well merit.— RaKkintvUlt jyhpatch Sept. 1 Sth. Radical authority six negro soldi jib #ere recently rturdt red tte. r Ji-ffer son, Texas. Telegraphic N e ws. Nxw York, September 22.—G01d 148|. Cotton higher; sales il.t*oo hales; middling Floor firoii r,Bll 16. Wheat 2 cents hett-r. Corn 26» l cents better— ■nixed Sltfo *!'} Pork steady at g.'id 06. L*rd firmer, prone l'ljfir,lffj. - Sugar and Coffee steady. • Jam s R. Hood, formerly of the Chatta nooga (I'u-.ettr, has been appointed .Secreta ry of Colorado Territory. A New Orleans special ycster-1 ly, says another riot was expected last night. The 82<1 regiment of negro s .Idiera were ni aster ed out and threatened th* ir nffisers. (Jen Sheridan promised a*si-tanee to kci p order KaS Fit\M isi'l), Sept. 22.—The election in Montano Territory on the 'th Instant it reported to have resulted in a H.-m-ieralio victory by a majority of two thousand. On. City, Sept. 10 —Bishop .1. M. Young, D. D. oft hu Catholic diocese ot Erie, died suddenly at the pastoral residence here. He had been 111 -hop of the diccc-m rint’i: 1851, having been consecrated in April ot that year. He was an earnest latlhlul la borer. Moiiii.k, Kept. 22.—Cotton sales to-la) 1,00(» bales at dlo Market firm Cincinnati, Kept. 22 —-Tho Cincinnati and Louisville Mail Packet, General Hud, was boarded at Nassau, Kentucky, night be fore last, by two or three hundred men, who forcibly seized C. V. Ferries, I’. S AI ai I Agent, and took him ashore. Ferries was Provost Marshall during the war, and was instrumental in tho execution of two gucr rtllas by or ler of Gen. Herbridge. The Cnmnoreio.) A t,a.elfr says he was arrested without a warrant, while the h’lopiln r al turns that a tin- hill had been found against Miin by the Grand .Jury u! Carroll couuty lor murder Nkw Oitt.KAss, Kept. 22—The officers of the 82J Colored Infantry unanimously as si rt that tho regiment was peaceably mus ii red out There is, however, a riotous spir it among the negroes in the city, but no out break looked lor. Cotton linu; sales N.VI hales. Gold ft!. A Ills (iltii Al, tilth k. — l’mlessor I Tiger, in a paper communicate 1 to the Imperial Academy ot Scionuo at \ ictina, shows that Egyptian bricks are and high archie .logical iu- U-rvsl, for tlu-y contain a variety of evidence, preserved, as it seems, in an imperishable form. In his latest reseatchea le lias -ex amined u brick front the py r.t'itii 1 of Da hour, wtiieh and iti s horn between llirio tlii ii aud and three thousaml and three him-Ire i years before Christ, ami among the Nile mud or slime, chopped straw and sand, of which it is composed, ho Unind remains of vegetable and annual forms, and of the luanulaetui ing arts entirely unchanged. By this discovery we are made acquainted with wild and uncultivated plants which were grow ing hi the pyramid buildin - days, with fresh water shells, fishes, remains ol insects, etcT, which lor the most part are ii .ii--.oi cl without alteration in Egypt a' the present time.— ISesld s two sorts ot grain, wheat and hat ley. he found the u fi, the li -id pea, and tin- i--. M int >ii II s, Ilia hotel having b ell 'o' valid, in all proii .1,, lity, l-.r the t’ •• I from it, seed as welt as lot' spinning. The weeds are of latuiliar kinds; wild radish, corn, chrysan themum, wart wort, nettle leaved goose foot, bearded hare’s ear, and the common vetch. The relics ol manufacturing art consist of fragments of burnt tiles, of pottery, and a small piece of twine, spun of flax and sheep's wool, significant of the advance which eivtli zat on had made more than live thousand years ago. The presence of the chopped straw confirms the account of bricknuking, as given iti Exodus and Herodotus. I’rotessor I ng'-r is of opinion that, by a c-irelul exam ination of n large number of bucks, some light may be thrown on the origin of Egyp tian civilization. M MM ARY Judge Hunter, formerly of Al.th itiui, a noted patron of the turf at breeder ot line race stock, died near liai dstown, Ky., recent b- It is suggested that Hrownlow he appoint* ed a special coiiimiitce h r the mulatto Con vention, on damnation, whose duty it shall be to curse Andy Johnson, and all, who sup port him into the bottomless pit, whore burnetii fire ami brimstone. Also that he open and close the meetings i t the I'otneu lion with prayer. Norway pays the ministers of the Gospel larger salaries on the average than any other nation —average ; I .Tint There is a general anxiety in the Paris public about the health of the Emperor. 15 th friends and enemies ul the present dy nasty look with awe at the probability ol a general upset. Napoleon the Third's Gov ernment has been one of such a personal character, that it would seem that he once away, the w hole machinery would come to a sudden stop. G. \V. Woods, who attempted to assassi nate Col. Galloway, editor of the Memphis Avalanche, has been arrested and bound over in the sum of §IOOO, charged with at tempting to commit a rape on a mulatto gir! v encaged as a chambermaid at a Memphis' hotel. Tired ov the Durkai . The T>»rling ton (S. 0.) Southerner says that there is a movement on hand atiioug the freedtuen of that place to get up a petition to the I'resi dent for the withdrawal of the military, the abolishment of the provost courts, and puts ting a stop to the interference of the Bureau with tho affairs of tho blacks. Florence, Sept. HE—The mission ol General Revele to Vienna led to the belief that the difficulties about the Venetian debt is near at an cud and a compromise is to be effected with the result of a lasting peace. Mr*. Samuel Hear, of Concord, Mass., the hist surviving child of Roger Sherman, died recently. She was eighty-five. Jo. Holt, Judge Advocate General of the United States, has entered upon tho task of delcnding himself itgainst the charge of sur borning witnesses. Poor old Holt I His stns have found bun out. lie gfoaus heavily under the burthen of outraged public senti aien. lie h s " murder” written on bis hands. The "damned spot” wilt not out. It will haunt him through the remainder of « misspent life, and attend him to the gates of Purgatory.—Actc AVa. Potatory ? The ladies of the Ursu ine Community, of Co'umbia, S. IV, whose convent was destroy - ,ed by fire during the war, hove, vpm the solicitation of the Rt ller. Bishop of Mobile, consented to looute in Tuscaloosa, and open »» academy for the eduemtotr-of young fr.- dt< a. Ray imuiml follow * Bounett- The New York Timet, say* the Rich mond Di*)>ah h, is a rare journal. Whilst it has a belter reputation than the Jl-raid, ist editor is no less & weather-cock than Bennett himself. Raymond follows the lead of “the thjstlc-fi- i Scotch scoundrel” so far as the State elections are concerned. Upon the result of these depends the sue e< ** of the President’s policy. Raymond, therefore, in refusing to support Hoffuian, does, in effect, refuse to su-tain the resto ra'ion policy of the President. We wire apprehensive that sirli would be a sequence of the uncompromising spirit evinced by the Democrats in the State Convention, though the provocation is insufficient to justify the defection of the conservative Republicans. Alter refiling the action of the State t'onven'ion, and specifying the particulars in which it was objectionable to the He- übluans, the Times announces its intentions in 'he following language: “ There are thousands and tens of thou sands of Republicans ia this Kuite who long for the restoration of the Union, and who ihmand that it shall be effected by a 1 jyal adherence to the letter and spirit of ihc O institution, and by the admission to their seats in Congress of loyal tuen from loyal States who can take the oath prescrib ed by law. Hut they will be quite likely to prefer taking their chances of securing this result from the action of the Repub lican party, modified a* it may be by re fl-ction and moderate councils, rather thria «e.-k it in the way marked out for them by the Albany Democratic Convention. If Nor Tilt i , it OtofiT to he True.— One «>l the convicts ot the Western (Pa.) Penitentiary, mnled Holmes, on Thursday morning, indulged in the most blasphemous language, cursing everybody, cursing Christ, cursing God, and pronouncing God the au thor of all sin, and ridiculing the Hible. While uttering his blasphemy he was sud b-nly struck down with appoplexy, and re mained unconscious until he died at 12 o'clock noon on Friday. The New revenue law imposes a stamp du tv on all canned fruit “ made, prepared and sold, or offered for sale, or rumoved for con sumption in the United States, on and after October 1, 1800.’’ Any person offering fur -ale ->teh fruit without tho stamp attached is liable to a penalty. Noei iikiin i.’F. No. 999.090 th. —'The i itt.-iniiati Gazette of the oth made a state ment lb it in 11 a I villa, Louisiana, a Union -ol iier was hung bv a mob, and his wile and tin-ej small children driven out of town. There is no sucii place as Ilarvillc in Louis iana. J(.l\|\h\ni. (ii< *i LiD.w’sßt it. King,) Solomon sr. CKII FIX, - - (iVX)RGIA. y Wo lmv*» oj.GiM «1 in tho nl:ov*' LuiM t«Sii»ir. (nearly opposite the Frick Ware i ArL.' - II11«1 well Keleetcd Jill of Family Groceries! PLANTATION HARDWARE, l i:orUI.RY, uml WoODI-.N WARE, 11A«: 1;l N1 i mill RORE, OSN.VRKRCH ami K.UTORV YARN. l- l.i It*lt, CORN, R.U ON, Ao. \Yt- have r.Uo a fine stuck of BHOBS AND ILITS (mu iiu i.i-mkn.) Tin- at,m e slock we me di-iei-mim ,1 to sell AS t,< l\V as m,vt)"ilv, mot nil wei.sk, to s. tisfy our frif'i-ls, is tit- till-ill to Comi; AMT si:k is. • -.1 ■• 1; ItiiVli' will be in tbe bouse, ready to u ait ~ii bis IVii-u.!* a! all time*. i*i,,> us one cull, nml we will be responsible for tb.- i ---t. |.v•,-ts .1. (' KING a- t it. I'nißin' *>liiiltle bruins Vlaclilnes- AUK SITKUIOK TO AU. OTIIKK* l-’oR l AMII.Y AND MANUt , 'ACT*'RING ITlti l't i-l>v. Agents wanted. Address. EMPIRE S. M. CO., sepll—dlyr 61P Broadway. N. A'. JAMKS 8H M,n it. ii. k. johAso*. A. a. trssi.xt SEHIIII B, JfIHXSDX & CO., U 11 O 1, F, S A !. K 0. FIT e K li * AND ' V COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner Clierrj aiol Tlsiiil Street*, t . MACON GEORGIA. KEi.l* constantly on hand and odor for sale nt . |o\v»*st uasii |»t ioos : t'Mirjin. 1»i *j ■ . Twine , Cnfh-o, Toa. Sugar ; Ric«, Lard, linUor, ('!»•■• sc; Flour. Corn, flay. Caudti-s, Soda, Potash ; W liito v 'i>h, Mackerel, l»lue Fish ; (' tso Liquors. W hiskv. liraiidy. Bacon; Mctfs Fork, Canvassed Hams, Fowder; Sheet Lead, Raisins, Candy, Nuts; Tobacco, Snutr, Fepper. Ficklea, Preserve*; Crackers, White Lead, Oils, Zinc Copperas; Horn*. Yarn#, Osnabergs, Sheetings. Nails; Bardines, Soh|>. Starch, Vinegar, Salt; Flrt"t« r, Lime, I’ement, Brooms; Blacking, Ac., etc. tar All ordsm I'rntnptly tilled. BKYMOUK, JoftNSOS it CO. •epS-Sm Wool Carding! 1 WILL CARD Wi.OT left with T. J. Bi.w.p wortii, at the liriek Wiircl."u«e, (Iritiin, mtn glHld Roll* and return it five <-f eharge* for trims jxirtation, for 15 cent* j -r lb., nr 12 1 2 cents -vtbea oit ts furnished me. T S. M liLOODWORTH, «ep2o-lw Iligti Kail*. Scpf. istli, 1 Mil'.. Just Received, A fine lot of Choice Country BACON, consist ing of Hams and Si-lts. which wilt be ««Sal low, nt ecpl7 CL'Un. SIIKPIIEKD k CO.'-. \i: \Y A D \ EK TI SEME!I TS. KUKRI KITH BAi.SU \\riU. IJK SOLI* tetor. Cottfl \ l r, in il.< rity (iritiiu, the ii«nu! lioiitM of on the fii>t in N'ovfmlfer ne*t. ouf house an<l h»l »«» t*le efty "ot <wiixi eontaiiiii-g hro n.-ret (mo: ror liM.)keowi? in ii.«- !•»» whereou k. I*. Tyson* Sr , i»oe rtr-i'Jes, (tin! on lhe South I* V u street, on the west Ig nn s!l**v, on th*» itoiih by n lot n Mr. llackrtl now lirts. Also 1 w«rrln>be 2 nmt!! trumlle hetlsteaJa, ! work Inrnch, 1 SUmjl, 1 lot •riHp luinher, 1 lot ItHiiher, 1 srimll work ,l u ii*l i lot cans in<ljn«£4 psint-ciiM iihl ItriahM, :»!„• 1 wtoVf a:iJ Levied on the pi ty of H I*. Ta son, Sr. AL<l>. one lot of lan.l* enntainine ooe half (|) Heir,' o»*»»e or less.) with two worWmpi thereon, on the north by an alley, on the aouth l»V •*» lift trotitinjf on Solomon street, on the east f.v |tt and on the ♦e-l by E. L T f* fold s nn.! Henry Hanka’i |U»t , e-r«»om», situated in ihe eit yot Grid V.. Levied on es the property of A W konhain Jk Cos., to satisfy a ti, hi. issued from ?!»e St’pprior Ot*irt »*f Sl»ald!h*s County, (ia Sifnoii I! >ni.*i. rs \ A. W. ikintliiu tk Cos. I*t*o» iM'l’ty jM*iulei! oUI b\ S. H. ftfilub !«. •epiA-td * I>. I> !>< »YAL, Sheriff. REMOVAL! JOHN H. WHITE & CO,, I > K'lTliN* their grateful thank* t‘) the citizen* JIV «'f tirdn,, and surrounding eottutl-y foi the mhfral Patronage Extended to them for the la-t fifteen y ears, aud it i* witi, regret that they leave Gritliu and tlo-'r old friends and customers, for an untried field of business. They are now opening on Whitehall Street, Atlanta, - G-eorgia, the test stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Hoots till thatthey ever brought South. They wottld le happy to see their old friends when they visit Atlanta, and show them through their stock, as they are satis fied they can sell as ch .ap and as good (i o<s, ;ts rtnd House in the tiilv of Atlanta. .1 IT WHITE, se23 (I, W. Wit IT H. CANCERS, and kindred disk ASKS CURED ! r llAVfecnlKU H nMiiiliPr of Hid above d*.A .1. rases heivtofore, imd desire ti» state to t.lio cilizuns ol (iiithn that I ran he ftniiul :ii tho store of Messre. HKKClll.l? A CO . on the 2Slh «»f September. Irtf« r oersoim to Maj. Nall, Dr. Tyson, .hi W(dl. Address me at Grid* . »e*2d :;t. % s. M. HAIjn.vWAV. - MAGCIECB Pills & Salve! Fuf salS by J. N. HARRIS CO. se2l-2 \. MimiA.VS JVew Store! I fill Street - - - Griffin. r VNI>KHSIGNKI> desires to inform hi* JL old friends, and (he public in general, that lie has returned to his old stand o'n Hill street, where he has opened a large lot of flAjltjc'lYd AM**! l)rj Ciioods! SHAWLS, CLOAKS, and ali Ladle* arti cles, in general. Also, CLOTHING, HATS, HOOTS and SHOES, GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS, and Valises, hlankets, ami notions. of all kiuds. REMEMBER, That this 4tnCk of Goods has been bought under the l;ut heavy decline iu good*, ffnd that lie fcnn sell them, accordingly, At much lower Friers than they have been sold for during the last two o: tin ee months. COME ONE! COME ALL !! jnd buy your good* of ASHEU SUI'LMAN, Hill Street. ur Two doors above Engel’s corner, Griffin, Georgia. sepgg—oiu PRIME WHITE CORN? V large lot just received, and for sale cheap, ■it *rpl7 CLOUD, SHEPHERD A CO.’S. LAIU)! SYRUP, &C. V priu.e article of LEAF LARD. ORLEANS S\ UUP. SEAL ahd GIUTS, and every tliii.g else in tiie Provision line, tor sale at a low j rice, at s'-H" I'I.OTP. SHEPHERD A CO.’S. X* XXX FLOUR, 'T'MIE REST that has been brought- to this mar 1 ket. For sale at sept 7 CLOUD. SHEPHERD A CO.’S. SCHOOL NOTICE. rill IK uudersigued proposes to open a School in A aW Ltitiding known ss Knotts College, Au gust h:h,. Terms from ; t«* J.V j«dy ts M K MOR O\V. COTTON! COTTON!! AV* are prepared to make liberal Cash Advances -To Planter* or Buyer*, on Cotton shipped to our corieapondentr in New York er K* r a nah, with whom we have arranged to sell Colton shipped through u.', on the best ter.-. We will also "• Sell cotton for Planters, in this market, icho rib not intend shippino A. MERRITT k JOHNSON, Bankers ani> Cotton Hkokei<3 will receive Deposits and pay Checks on demand. Buy Gold, SiU,r t |{ Note*, County Scrip, Stock*, Bond*, and other securities. Collect paper nay able in Griffin and vicinity, and make prompt remittamea. Will endeavor to keep with Sight JZnchange on Jtew York in sums to suit. (se2l-lrnj A. M.dtJ. Office in Italliday’s Building, nearly opposite the Brick Warehouse. PAINTS, OILS, TOILET ARTICLES, AC., A.t Reduced Prices, ARE SELLING OFF FAST At J. N. HARRIS & CO’S. *epl3—Bm DRUGS & MEDICINES'! E A ST SIDE O F II I L L HT II K ET , (Near the lost f tffi,-».) Griffin, Georgia, ii\s on H and a good assortment. \m> recEivek weekly supplies OF ALL ARTICLES PERTAINING TO DRUGS, FRESII AND GENUINE fTT Also, a fine lot of FANCY AND TOILET WiTfCLKS, Window Glass, Paints; Oils, Lamps, djc., Cooking Extracts, Tobacco, Cigars. Ac. Pll Ei»C'RIPTIOXR promptly filled DAY or >'t(iHT. nrnler tlie dii.i-t *n|,ervi.«i»n of N. ]; l)r.i:\> KV. M. D.. (LTiemist aid rharim.i.-elitist.) «bo has bu n in i-.guiar and <xtci -;ve | ,aetiee for over ten years, both civil and military, or Hr .). L. Mount: sept—am WINSHIP & GORDON, CORNER OF HILL AND BROAD MliMT', GRIFFIN GEORGIA. JBM Vi’ lioh .•• ilu nn 1 retail I>eah i> hi Hoots-, >hot*< Huts, (’tnbrcllas, LEATHER; kip>k Findings, and READY-MADE CLOTHING. WE ARE KECK I \ INC andopening 17.', cates BOOTS and SHOES of every style and description, which we propose selling as cheap as can be purchased in any South ern market. We invite all persons who expect so wear Shoes to call and examine out stock before purchasing elsewhere. -- Our Senior Partner has had many years experience in the SliSe business, and is well ai-tpiainted 'Villi the manufacturers at the north, which gives them superior advan tages in getting up their slock. Every ar ticle in our line will be sold at a Small ad vance On cost. We shall eonffne our*elve9 atrii-tly to the , cash system. No one can sell goods on a ! credit at tLe extremely low prices we are ' Mskii'f*. u t tseir COUNTRY MERCHANTS wishing ! to replenish their stock are respectfully in vited to give us a call. BOOTS AX i) SHOES MAI >K TO ORI >EU. j i-W REPAIRING DONE AT SIIORT NOTICE. j — I WANTED, TWO GOOD BOOTMAKERS. sep4—Sul ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE IN JACKSON, GA. . BY viHne of *n ord«r from the Ordinary of Btftt* Couuty, will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Jackson, between the legalbonraofasle.cn the 1 IltsT TUESDAY rn November r.ext, two hundred and forty (2t") acres of Jaad, (widow’* dower excepted.) said land be longing t* the estate of John E. Giles, deceased. JAMES W. DARKNESS, m 2 - Administrator. BOARDING: PATTERSxIN is prepare! to receive a iYJL fiew DAY BOARDERS at her residence on the comer of Broad ami Ninth Streets. pfpW-'iW Mir.itiff’s si \ i.i:. 'liril.lt 1»K SOlJ) hpfmv thcOurt Iltumotlnor ▼ ▼ in tin* cit yt f (irilliiion t li%* first TUK<- i in October ii- At, (me house oixl lot. known ! n:' tlr- .Nii-M?'- \!uji«*ab roi.rgr*, situstr.? •m J d'cibl \\ ay. near the n***»ii tt \N < i , 1 l. viol on n-» tlie j*iity «»f l\lvs»rd F. Ki.ott, to satisfy costs oil B*-vcrnl ti. fa. *• isi»iir<f t vt'fii lit ft*i i• •i* aii'l M; ] -•■» iop ('em-ts <>f foilnly JoTin I I’",-. '- v 1 Knott; ! ilaniH M. ‘’ouch v«. K'lwatsl I’. Ki.ott, nn«] otliers. i Also, j At tiip -m* .?* tin.e m?:«1 }»]ih■«». will be s«*!.l «qn«re j tifty-six know iin j l.m <*t t* »• city of (iiiftin ! p- the r.«:it- l!i< in <l. t • iitainipf lour (4) >ci>n, j ilk* Kan:t* !ia\iug b• i sobl on 11u* fiift 'lidmlnv in-i I‘ tv’i-s :u\ - c'. nii'l fa id xto «oiji|< \ mt}. •l.f f. : offnTTl -ab-, it will be it mII i,t t)y*i! r cN].t;n-c. ALSO, At list* «atio* time nn<l pla* x. will be pool ont '•"l'm* nml lot ii• the city of (.lifiin, boutideti on I lie by M.ij Siilbv’s. on the south !»y an opfi.* • »t. :t: -I i'H i!o w• si by n■' r< know n nml I#- % if'! i :is the j ioj.fity of Win. I'.. Wiitrht, t« | -nti'l\ (■ 0.-toii >t-\ i :»l ti. fsi.s fimil Mipci im Court ami Just c ’Court.. l*poj>ei -V |*«»idt out by k'. V. Knott. !>. I>. ImA'AL," h g:;o~iin >hciifT. Al>< O 1 At t!i'• mi• 11 c '!'•.»* fii ’1 |*!.i.• c, will !»e nohl on« ,re\ Il< about l! ; d> >|«l. levied on ihc jipo• M'pt\ ofliipiiui sati-fv one fi. fu. i-siD tl fr«>fn i-pnMiiitr Comity Court. I lioniM I * \ n it* \k. Ilinuii >bei!mi!». 1 >. 1). DO't AL, t.l Hicrf;. / IK(»UGIA Sl’ M.DING COl’N'l V-'Vl.frr V I as Janice T. Kilis, mlmiiiistnilop on th<* Ki tute of I'hill j» .1. I’>ishop,lnto of sni*l county deceawo Dp; lies tn mt* fop leti ••!> of di-mis-ion ns ndminis II atop on mi hi lAtate lie lmvii y fully administcrec tlif siii'l cstat e. 'l'll< mc are iherefnrc to cite nml ndmonieh *ll persons intei* >’» 1 oi ronccrncd to lie ami Hj-petr itt my oftiee within the time proscribed b.V i« w ami show cause if any exist wby .-aid letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at my office this 17th day of September. IST.6. .I’. 1). 1)1 SM C KK, sop I—mCm Ordinary. (1 !’.o!i(i! SI'ALDINt; C( l NTV -Whereas J .lames I ii*, (inardian <»f S. fli'liop* I ,ovoitia Bishop. Goi ilflirt Lhslmp and 1» T. 15i*h op. minor ami orphan children of Philip -h iSishop, jipplif- to me for letti/rs of dismi* ion a* eucli i Guardian the whole estate of his said wards ha*’- ' inc bfcn lost in Confederate securities, 4 per c«ut. bonds, ike. These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all | persons concerned to be nml appear at, my office I within the time prescribed by law, to show chui« j if any exists, why said letters dismissory fn’® i said Guardianship should not he granted. ! Given Under my hand at offc , this tha lAh I day c*f September, lß6fi. i Sep. 19 F. I>. DISMUKE. Ordinary. l'osrnvELY TIIH3 LAST CALL. IN obedience to a resolution, passed by the Orly; Council, I am directed to collect all Taxes due the City, (it matters not for what years), by the Ist day of OCTOBER. I'niess those ill arrears come forward and pay by that time, executions will I’OSiTITKLT | issue. THUS. NALL, ; seplO-td Clerk. Mrs. S, A. Jackson, ( M.KN I.) HAS just, received a splendid stock of B<o- NETSand HATS of the very latest style*, Also, fresh invoices of tmmmsa • Ac., Ac., to wliicli the Attention of the ladies is re*pee|e. fully invited, Edie is prepared to furuish country dealers at \Y II 0 LESA L K! with MILLINERY, upon as favorable terms »« they cun be purchased in Atlanta or Macon. CALL ON HElt at the old stand of I JACK S'ON <k NF.\YT oV , i which lias been newly ffHtd up and improved -1 e.v t—ts