Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, September 26, 1866, Image 2

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& o utb t r it ij 11 aI i. «moami«Vc¥tt!wriML D V MARTI* DR. I DEA?t>r«RT «nlt o » I . <7iT kV in , aa ~ skr t re~: muT” The Peer «f Jrhaioa. That Wtt a Boat beautiful light—that, hfcaa thirty nine awtfot little Maiden* in Ltmiiville, during President Johnson’• re aaat ?iat to that city, seatttered loten 9ader his feet, as he was passing to the stain of Willard's Boast, one ct tbe*,—the represents tits of the little bead of alsters, — heading him, in the mean tiiae, a beautiful petition praying for the release of “Prisoner part" - •• <*»• ‘hiag, however, ia the petition we Mgatd as unfortunate. Mr. Deris is referred toss << onee the peer of Mr. Johnson." Now, this is more than true; Mr Deris, la oar estistation, is the peer of any body on this continent, ot on nay other ooatinent j bat the tailing ol this to President Johnson, wa are sstisfed, did no good ia sdranciag the claims of the illustrious prisoner. It is mis fortune enough for Paris to be “the noblest Koman of theta nil," without pushing the ttoweloome Isct np before their faoe, sod forcing them, through courtesy, to stamp it anew upon their minds, when they would forget it or ignore it, if possible, end gladly would make the world and posterity also forget it or ignore it. Could that patent truth—Paris’s immense superiority to the rery best of them—be prudently kept in the back-ground, for the time being, and not be obtrusively blurted slap-dash in their fhces, tra it was done, unwittingly, at I<oui*rille, We bare ffo doubt the illustrious Prisoner's chances of release from prison, or acquittal of the charges against him, would be large ly increased. Hue he Furgotlem I At a Confederate Soldiers’ Mass Conven tion lately held in Memphis, Tennessee, Oen. J. K. Chalmers, one ot the orators of the occasion, made u->e of the following, Which we clip from his published speech ; "We sre here now to bring about that £ood old feeling that existed before the war, when there was no East, n> West, no North, no South." Now, we would like to ask the Confeder ate General, when was it, and where was it— all “that good ol i feeling,” about whioh he talks, “that existed before the war, when there was no East, no West, no North, no tSouth t" It ia worse than idle to be prat ing such absolute silliness as this, when every one’s recollection tells him that the North and the South have been quarrelling Kkc oat ond dog, ever aincc the formation ot fAe Constitution and before. The two seo cSvu* naietr eacir ovuet as iuu very uegiu nhtg of their first alliance—which was brought about aolcly from polioy and inter cat, not from love, not even from friendship— they continued to hate each other all along, slacking occasionally only to rest, and get new breath; and, aay or swear what wo will, they will hate each other, as long as water and oil are immiscible,—as long as the East and the Wcbl, or the Austral and the Boreal pole, are the whole heaven* apart. We liko to see men get reasonably “reconstructed"— hut to get so fur along in the business as to refer back to ante-bellum times as halcyon days, abounding with “good old feeling” we must think Is running the reconstruct ing concern plumb in the ground. i'«rmp«ndriicr. GiurriN, Ga , Sept. 24th 1860 Mr. A. J. White, Bres., Macon A Western R. R. Siß:— Your very kind favor of 17th inst , was handed mo to-day, to answer as Cor. Bee., of priffin Memorial Association, Yonrnoble and generous offer to convey, free of charge, the appointed committee of Ae Association to Jonesboro and back, with %e remains of she honored dead under their care, to this place, is fully appreciated. You will please accept the sincere thanks of the Association for this willingness on your part to assist in gathering together in a suitable resting place, the remains of our brave soldiers who fcllinour late struggle for independence. Kvery act of this kind will be highly prized by all who have lost dear friends in the lata war. Though the bereaved may never know those whose hands and hearts are engaged in this loving labor, yet every person who lands a helping hand or a willing mind to the work, may rent assured that great will ba the oonaolation upon reflecting that he has dona for others what ha would wish to have dona for his own dear ones, had they fkOen far from home and (Heads. Very reapectfhtly, Mrs. lltow Bfefenow, Cor. Bee. M. Association. Mrs. Isaac Wisship, President. There ars ParaerkThe Boston Post says : The abuse levelled at President Johnson reminds us of the caluaini s uttered against Presidents Jefferson and Jackson President Jefferson Was called a coward and a libertine ; accused of having a black mis tress—“ Dusky Sail”—and beidg R® infidel; he was denounced, also, as a traitor, in the interests of France. Jackson was proclaimed a usurper, a tyrant and a murderer; a duel* list, horse-racer, debauchee, aud charged with stealing and living with another man’a wil’c—a hero of club law, by the power ol Which be accomplished bis purposes ;it was asked if there was no Brutus to rid country of inch a tyrant. In the same ex i raragiat terms k President Johnson assailed by hie political enemies. Telegraphic News. Na.h Ville,'2B.—rill, li.'dnth. froth cholera sot the 24 hours ending yes terday. KHetybdd/ who is ftble Is leaving the tity. CmcAoO) Kept. 23.-«*-Tbe failure of the prodace Batik, with attehdant developments, eausei great sensation. The liabilities are atatsd at nearly two hundred thousand dol lars, liabilities one hundred and eleven thousand, including four notes for twenty iv« thousand each, given by Doolittle, the owner ot the bank, and some ol his relatives WasHisoton, 28 —-The difficulty between the U titled Stales, llratil <tid the Argentine Republic, ia refereaoa to Mr. U’asUbUras, our Minister to Paraguay, passing through the military lines of the allied army, has been adjusted. The United States Gov ernment notified them if they should persists ia trfusal it would be regard and as a violation of international custom and courtesy. The representation of the United States had the desired effect, and Waehbnrn waa allowed to proceed WASHipKiroV, Sept. 28.—A large num ber of prominent supporters of the Presi dent’s policy from Maine and New Hamshire are here, urging the President to remove certain Government officers In those States Whf are Utterly opposed to the administra tion. , New Itffiß, Sept. 23.—Vera Crus intel ligenee to 12th bts been received. The French are erecting fortifications on the land side of the city, which U seriously threaten ed by the Liberals. New York, Sept. 24.—G01d 44|. Cou pons of 18C2, lilt; ditto of 1864, 10S|; Tens, 98{; Treasuries, 1051; Carolina*, 651. Cotton buoyant—aalea 35,000 bales. Up lands, 361(^371. Musesvado sugar, lOlbh The blacks of the Union I*eague to-day celebrate the anniversary of the emancipation of tho race at the South, by a procession on Broadway, and an address in Myrtle Park, Brooklyn. Washington, Sept. 24 —The President haa appointed A. L. Snow-lon chief coiner of tho Mint at Philadelphia. Ha has been con nected with the Mint many years, Secretary Seward la at the State Depart ment in the discharge of his official duties. Dr. IL 0. Yarrow, Poet Surgeon of At lanta, has been appointed an Examining Surgeon by the Commissioner of Pensions. The Oregon House of Representatives has parted the constitutional amendment by a vote of 25 to 22. William Byers, of Arkansas, ha* been ap pointed to the Southern Superintendency of the Indian Agency. New Orleans, Sept. 24.—Cotton firm—- sales 1,200. Low middlings, 33 35. Gold 42. Matinmras ad\i cs state 'hat Canales had imprisoned Ix>pia, the new Governor np pointed by Juarex, deposi and and as sumed commas I under < Irtega. Maximilian was in Sun Luis P t >.-i, where Vidunarri and Mrjia had 3,000 utn. There was great constvru itk'U among the T.ib rub at M nte rey, who wcr<- ex* coring then; there. Mouii.k, S- pt. 24.—C'tlon sales to-day 300 bales. Middling, 31 cents and firmer. Liverpool, Sept. 22.—noon—Cotton market less firm. Middling uplands 131. Vmftlpremftor! anlmt L» »!•»«* AAAfI Kalaa Itromrl. stufft ntmer. Lowno!*, Sept. 22 —noon —Consols 80}. Five-twenties 721. Dresden, Sept. 21.—Peace has been con cluded between Prussia and Saxony. Vienna, Sept. 21.—Austria has sent Charge U’Affairs to Berlin. Behl.in, Sept. 21.—The King has issued a decree of amnesty for sundry off. rises. Paris, Sept. 21—Nspolcon has gono to Biarritx. Louisville, Sept. 23.—Eleven cases of of chelora and four death* yesterday. LinerpooL, Sept. 21.—Evening.—Cot ton advanced a quarter. Sales 16,1*00 bales — Middling uplands 13}. Breadstuff*unchang ed, Mixed eorn 275. Od. Beef advanced 2s. 6d. Pork inactive. Bacon and cheese low er. London, Sept. 21.—Evening.—Consols 89(; Five-twenties 721. [COM MINI CAT Elf.] He lief for die People. Ah ! that is the rub—all want relief. Will atay laws give it 7 Can Governors give it 7 Can Legislature* give it 7 (’an Presidents or Congress give it 7 If so, how 7 Is not the oppression in our own hearts and actions? Are we not all guilty 7 Kvil cannot remove evil. Men noy restrain each others' actions a little, bat cannot change each others hcarta. Therefore, while the heart, from whence ac. tions flow, remains unchecked by its owner, oppressive evils will continue. When did stay-laws, bankrupt-laws, or any movement of that nature, give relief to the people 7 They hate formed a slight barrier between the debtor and creditor for a time, only to let the evil intensify wheD it breaks over its barrier. If men do not control themselves against oppressing their ne ghbor, nothing but the just judgements of God, sweeping them from the earth, can give relief to the oppressed. God has often swept portions ol the earth almost clean to relieve the op pressed—and his threatening* stand record ed, that he will sweep the oppressor from the face of the earth into a lake of fire aud brimstone—and yet, we refused to be warned by what he bus done, aud threatened to do. God haa visited our oncc-lavored country with fire and sword, famine and pee tilence, and overflowing (foods; and a* these judgements increase/ oppressors increase, and we hear the wail from all quarter*, from the oppressed, going up to HeaTco kt relief —*• and J.vera ] lrom our creditor* P<"«kl the hand of God is still stretched OTCr . °?> and yet we will not be warned. The evil is in our own hearts, and among u*» ™ turn from our evil ways, and God’s judgements will be taken off, his hand withdrawn, and no wail front the oppressed wiU be heard. The law, which exempted a part of what • man had, fton. levy and salt, gave some relief, and drew a smile. If a part of what a man has, may be exempted, wny may not all be exempted, by abolishing ail laws for collecting of debts: Aa song as there are laws lor collecting debts, debts will be mado, and collected by these l*v s--abolishmg *ll laws for colltcCjig of dibis does not impair contracts, nor (feTigatioos, hut selling a mao out of the world,before he hr dead, does im rtkir contracts, aal destroys obligations. We plead fbr humsaityjif we are r» error, it is a o Me srmr. L IntErutinu to Bacueloms—St’asmvTC Wives —Among the saw inventions is a button which is fastened to cloth without thread. It is said to consist solely of a bu'.ion with a wire, tt> be inserted into the cloth with a cork tefaw, and then pressed down flat, so as U) form a ring to hold the button to its plain. As ibis Invention will enaule every mail to keep his buttons on hi* shirt himself, it is calculated to do awav with wive* altogether. Be aviso Them. —At last advices the cit izen* of Evansville, Indiana, were burving their silver spoons and other valuable*.— Beset Butler virits th*t place in a few days. Nrw Daily. —The Southern Herald, at Griffin, is now published as a daily. It is gettea up in good style, ably edited, and promises success.— Daicson Journal Sept, 4, 1866. A Paris letter stales that General Beau regard has declined every offer that has been made him abroad, and that it is Lis in tention to raluin to New Orleans as soon as the titisoion upon which he wae eent Las been completed. Aksanbas Cotton Chop.— A planter from the low lands of of Arkansas, reports that the cotton crop is very “spotted” in that State. On some large plantation* the crop is almost a failure, while on other*, immediately adjacent, the prospect is all that could be desired. Our informant states that the indifferent crop* are general ly those of Northern persons, who are mak ii.g their first eiperiirtent in the cotton cul ture. He mentions another singular fact: He says that the freedmen do not work as well for the Northern men as they do for their former owners.— Memphis Commer cial. Greeley after Bennett. —Greeley does not give Bennett a very warm greeting as a “ man and a brother,” on his appear* ance os a Radical, He says : There is reason also to fear that the editor of the Herald will presently announce his adhesion to the KepubLcan party. “ And at last Satan came also.” Here is another solid shot from the same “ son of a guo “ Might and Maine ” arc very powerful, but Maine and money are still more so. For proof, vide New York Herald. The City Council of Springfield Illinois, refused to have President Johnson to visit that city, but passed, by a vote of seven to five, the following resolution : “Ordered by the City Council of the City of Springfield, That the Mayor is hereby instructed to ex tend in behalf o ( the council and citizens, an invitation to General Grant, Admiral Far ragut, and the distinguished persons accom panying them, to viait the capital of our State, and the tomb of the late President Lincoln, whose memory we all bo much delight tohonor.” J.C.KING&OO. (HOLLIDAY’S BUILDING,) GRIFFEY, - - GEORGIA. §We have opened in the alx>Ve hill'd j/fjhi ing, (nearly op|K>site the Brick Ware house.) a lirge and well selected stockP7"T of Family Groceries! PLANTATION' HARDWARE, CROCKERY, Bl.fl WOODEN WARE. BAGGING and ROPE OSNABKROS and FACTORY YARN. FLOUR, CORN, BACON, Ac. We have also a fine §t**<.*k «*f SHOES AND HATS (tod KKKt.pWtN.)' The above stock We are determined to sell |S LOW as anybody, and alt We ask, t«> satisfy <r friends, is tor them to Conk aud ske cs. JOE BOYD will lie ii.*the bouse, ready to wait on bis friers at all times. Give us one call, and we will be responsie for the rest. Bep2o-tf J. C. KING tfCO Empire Shuttle Sewing Ylacliina a*k MiVKHioK to All, oT'iras Fon FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING HI POSKS. Agents wanted. Address. EMPIRE S. M. CO., sepll—<llyr . 616 Broadway, N. Y. JAMRS SKVMOt'R. 11. K. JOHNSON. A. R. TINSLE SEVMOIR, JOIIXSOX & CO., w II OL K 8 A L E G II OCK It I AND COM MISSION M KRO H ANTS, Corner Cherry and Third Street* MACON ... GEORGIA. KEEP constantly on b—» aud ..(Ter for sJe at lowest casbr-‘ ce * : Bagging. t*op«. Twine ; Cone* Tern, Sugar; Rice, Lard, Butler, Cheese ; Floor, Corn, Uay, Candles. Soda, Potaa. , White Fish, Mackerel. Blue Fisb ; Case Liquor*. Whisky.Brandy, Bacon; Men* Pork, Canvassed Hams. Powder; Sheet Lead, Raisins, C* d 'ly, Nuts; Tobacco, Snuff. IVt>er. I’lekles, Preserves; Crackers, Whit- Lead. Oils. 7.ino Coppe«,. ltoraz. Yarn--. Osnabergs, Sheetings. Vails; Sardines, so*p. Starch, Vinegar. Salt; Plasler s-i Cement, Brooms; Block 10 !?- Ac., Ac. s-*- id orders promptly filled. SEYMOUR, JOHNSONk CO. pj-ilm Wool Cardins ! I WILL CARP WOOL left Witft T IWn wo.™, at the Brick Warehoit*. >s r " (r *fo' #oo.l Rolls, and return it free of ehf^ a , , porUtion, for IS cenU per lb., V - i When oil is furnished me. iI>W*RTJf T S. M. lull. | A6,; *ep2**-lw Mryb F*)‘ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. i. o* m o. f I'll K BL W: Grand Master will vi.it Wnrren IsMft. Ko. 10. 1. O. O. T.. THIS EVEN IKO. tiat”' irtSl..) at 7 o'clock. DrelhrVti will ro.crll tb*iu»el*£l accordingly. se jti-l t J. 11. OWES. N.«. Al)Ml.\ ISTKATOU’S SALE. BY virtue of an order fioin the Ordinary ot Spalding County, wilt be sold before the Court House Joor in the city of Gritfin, between the legal hour* of sole, on the first TUESDAY in Nov. tuber next, on* lot of land, containing imt} acre*, (more or lest.) lying on the road fror.. Grif fin u, Zebu on, and ntuated three miles from Griffin. About sixty acre* are cleared—the balance iu wood*. Also, a good frame dandling. With necessary out building*. There is a fiiiK !>ath Orchard on the place. Sold for the benefit Os heir* and creditor*. TeMrs^-CASH. se.fi-4bd ISAAC MtHLROY, Aflmr. Notice. THE .itixensnf Pike County, who are in favor of nboli.hing the County Court, and there by relieve the people of unneeaMry taxation and trouble, are requestcd to aiweful.le at the Court licusc in Zebulon, the FIIWT TUESDAY in Oc tober, to take such action as they may deem proper. A'OXFiPUU. Si ar copy. se'6-2 REMOVAL! JOHN H. WHITE & CO., RETI.'HN their grateful thanks to the citizens of Griffin and surrounding country for the LIBERAL PATRONAGE Fstended to them for the la t fifteen years, and it is with regret that they leave Griffin and their old friends and customers, for an untried field of business. They are now opening on Whitehall Street, Atlanta, - Georgia, the best stock of STAPLE AND FANCY PRY GOODS, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Pools aud Shoes, that they ever brought ?o«th. They would fcc nappy (a see their old friends when they visit Atlanta, and show them through their stock, as they are satis fied they can sell as ch ap and as good Goods, as and House iu (he ell? of Atlanta. J. 11. WHITE, se2s G. W. WHITE. CANCERS, AN!> KIXMtEI* DISKASKS CURED! 11IAVE CTHKI) n nmnlfrr <*f the nbove <ii« eu*es h* reuifoi <*, mil wocMdcaire to sidfp In the ot (iiittiu that I can he found at the •tore of Meetii*?. BKKClJfcUal* CO., on the 28th XhTi, i#r. *1 ygoti*.l rorter. u!i«l Judge St*U well. Addresr* me at (iritfi i, Oeo. s. M. UAUhAWAV. A. SHILMAN’S New Store! Hill Street - - - Griffin. t NTjEKSKJNKU desires to inform hie A. old friends, and the public in general, that he has returned to his old stand on Hill street, where he has opened h large lot of nmm mm mmm Dry Goods! SIIAW LS, CLOAKS, ami all Ladies arti cles, in general. Also, CLOTHING, HATS, HOOTS and SHOES, GENTS’ KUHN (SUING GOODS, TRUNKS, and VALISES, BLANKETS, and NOTIONS, of all kind*. REMEMBER, I hot this stock of Goods has been Ikought under the Iftfft hrftty deeline in goods, and that he Cnn sell them, accordi At muck lower Prices than they have been sold for during the last two or three months, COME ONE ! COME ALL !! ind buy your goods of ASHER SHULMAN, HHI Street. or Two doors above Engels corner, Griffin, G sep23—3m PRIME WHITE CORK! lot just received, and for sale cheap, **lO CU)UP, SHEPHERD A CO.'S. MHD! IfHCP, U. Ajplme article of LEAF LARD, ORLEANS SYRUP. MEAL snd GRITS, and every thing «lse in Ihe Proviso line, for sale at a low friu«, at seplT CLOUD,SHEPHERD 4COS X^XXI’LOUR, mm.' school no i ice P ' <,P " ,o M° 'T ?n - School in eurt oiuMing kntwn a, Knott's Coiewe Au- U Termg frtm 15. ’ V H E MOR OW. Just Heceivedy V ( b ice BACON, consist low. at u,f Hi,m * il,,d Mdes, which will be wdd f plt CRIM'D. Sill-TilEltD A 1.0.'A. COTTON! COTTOIt!! We are prepared to Make liberal Cash Advances To Planters or Buyers, on Cotton shipped to our cdneSpondents in New York o r > nah, with whom we Lave arranged to sell Colton shipped through us, on the beM t ' We will also ° ter nu. Sv// cotton for P/ontrtfi, in this market, trhu <ltt not intend rhi/,pi Ug A. MERRITT & JOHNSON, m m Banhrrs bku Cotton Bhozm. JtW We will receive Deposits and pay Checks on demandi Buy Gold. Silv« r |u»t. Note*, County Serip, Stocks, Bonds, and other securities. Collect piper Griffin and vicinity, and make prompt remittances. Will endeavor to keep siir-ju with Su/ht Hnchaitff* on New York in sums to suit. il Office in llalliday* Building, nearly opposite the Brick Warfelißilfce. KB MR 11 Bllli PAINTS, OILS, TOILET ARTICLBS, U„ At Baduoaa Prioea, ARE SFLLINO OFF FAST AT J. ft. HARRIS* CO s. sepl 3—Bm DRUGS & MEDICINES! 10*. B. BB.BWB.'r, EAST SIDE OF HILL STREET, (Seat Ihe Post (iffi,,.) Griffin, Georgia, HAS ON HAND A GOOD ASSORTMENT. AND RECEIVES WEEKLY SUPHIFS OF ALL ARTICLES PERTAINING TO DRUGS, FHESH AND GENUINE £3T Also, a fine lot of FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, Window Gla,*, I>,i nlg Oils, Lamps, &c., Cooking Extracts, Tobacco, Cigars. Ac. ’ 1 PRESCRIPTIONS promptly filled I)AY‘ or NIGHT, under the direet. eiipervieton of N |t, Dkewrt, M. D., (Chemist and I’harmaceutUt,) »lio lias been in regular and extensile pnietir* for over ten years, both civil and military, or Dr J. L. Moons «ep4—g„, * WINSHIP & GOBBON, Corner ok him. and broad sthotts, GRIFFIN r.KORGi a Wliol«*salp mi's Infers ?n Hoots, t'ftitr*, lints, I othrellns, LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS, and READY-MADE CLOTHING. W E ARK RECEIVING and opening 175 cases BOOTS and SHOES of every style and description, which we propose selling as cheap as cau be purchased in anv South ern market. 4Ve invite all persons who expect to wear Shoes to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Our Senior Partner bas bad many vears experience in the Shoe business, and" is well acquainted with the manufacturers at the north, which gives them superior advan tages in getting Up their slock. Every ar ticle in otlr lifie Will be sold at a small ad vance on cost. We shall confine ourselves strictly to the cash system, No one can sell goods on a credit at the extremely low prices we are asking. ter COUNTRY MERCHANTS wishing to replenish their stock are respectfully in vited to give us a call. BOOTS AND SHOES MADE TO ORDER. SW DONK A1 SHOUT JCOTICK. WANTBIS, TWO GOOD BOOTMAKERS. sep4—Sm ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE IN JACKSON, GA. |3\ virtue of an order from the Ordinary of Batts CirUi.ty, will be sold before the Court Mouse door in the town of Jackson, between the legal hours of sale, on the IIRST Tfj SSDA Y ft. Novembel' nerft. two hundred 1 and*forty (240) acres of and, (widow’s dower excepted.) Mid land be longing te the estate of Jobrr F. Giles, deceased JAMEBW. HARKNTSS. B<2 ®“dOd Adimtoistratoi 1 . BOARomc: til corner Vk' U , UA, . I,^ ber residence on i tl.e eorner ofßiva,i and Ninth Streets sep2o-2W ‘ SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL HE St *LD before the Court House Knar in the city of Griffin on the first TI E-. DAY' in October next, one house and lot, known n* the Middle Georgia Medical College, situated on Broadway, near the Macon A Western R. R Depot, levied on a* the property of Edward ¥. | Kr.otl, to satisfy costs on several li. fa.'.« issued I from Inferior and Superior Courts of Snnldiij j Comity. John 1.. I>t>y»l vs. Edward V. Knot* l Jfttlie* M. Couch vs. Edward F. Knott, and otlier,! ALSO, At the same time and (dace, will la- sold opini-e j fifty-six (»•>). known in (dan of the city of (.rittin ( as the Parade Ground, containing four (4) .ere*. I the same having been sold on the lust Tue«la\ 1 Inst. I’nrties buying, and failing to comply with | (lie terms of said sale, it w ill be re sold at their expense. A Lfif >. A f lfif ?*l t ** n . n,,i I "111 IM* S|,|,i oilK ami l**t in the eitv of f«ritlin. hnumlf.] the east by Maj. SulleyV, on the son'll, |,v aiM.ne,, - lot, and on ill,- west by a si reel—known' and le- Ged On a- Il * property nf Win. E. Wright t„ satisfy Costs oil several ti. fa s from Superior Court and Justices Court. Property pointed out |, v g. *• Knott. ), ], |„ ,y \| ' “’ B Sh »“‘»‘ sh.-riff. A I*o, At the same time and place, will be sold on* grey HOUSE, about 1 1 years .Id. levied on M the property •'( Hiram Sl.eruiai. lo -ali-ly one ti. f*. ineffni ff/ml Spalding County Court. 'll„,ni M Uyrup vs. Hiniin SheiHmn. I>. I>. l)ny.\l.. Sheriff EORGIA SPAI.DINfi COUNTY-'\ l„re. as James T. Ellis, administrator on the IV late of Philip J. Bishop,late of said county decease.? "PI lle,! R> •»« for letters of dismission as a.huii.i* liator O" said Estate he having fully administered the sirtd estate. These are therefore to etc and admonish all pO SCOTSinterested or concerned to he and appeal 1 at tiif office within the time prescribed bv law and show cause if any exist why said letters should not bejfrnnted. Given under my hand at tin office this 1 7 tb day of September, 1866. , " F. I). ItISMUKF.. Ordinary. GI-.OIIGI K, SPALDING t’ol NTY.— Wiikkiur Jamc* T. EHFs, Guardian of S. I’. Bisho** Lovonia Bishop. Cordelia Bishop and B. T. Bisfi op, minor and orphan children of Philip J. Bishop, applies to me for letters of dismis ion a* stick Guardian, the whole estate of hi<r said Waibfs har ing been lost in C'oufeJefStc securities, 4 i>orc«nt. bonds, Ac. These are, therefore, Itv Cite and ndrnortiel. all persons concerned to be Hr id Appear at my office within the time Proscribed by law. to show came any exists, why said letters distnitsory front said Guardianship should Hot be granted. OiveD under my hand at offs .this the Gtfc day of,,September, l 8««. Sep, lit rn6ni. K. D. DISMUKE. Ordinary I’OSITIVELY TUB] LAST OALIj. IN olM>uience to a resolution, passed by the City C'ounoil, I am directed to collect all Taxes due the City, (it matters not for what years), by the Ist day of OCTOBER. Unless those in arrears come forward arid pay by that time, executions will rosrriVKi.T issue. THOS) N.\ LL, seplO—t(J Glerk. Mrs. S. A. Jackson, (asxxt.) HAS just received a splendid stock of BON NETS and HAIS of the very latest styles,- Also, fresh invoices of pi Ac., Ac., to which the attention of the ladies is re«pcct fully invited. She is prepared to furnish country dealers at W if 0 L E S A I. E ! with MILLINERY, upon as favorable terms a» they con be purchased i-n Atlanta or Macon. ( AfX If* HEK at the oM-Haed of JACfc S<7 N ,v Nft\YT 0N , wliirh lifts l*eer iicwl\ iib iuiJ miurovi'J > . Ftp I If m IliUi