Newspaper Page Text
ft r a >i «* i> i r ilk
iui'nsttt nv
Act of Congrt**, June I Nil.
Afß-lxvti. fcu 03
A gr. tflKunt nr I'.ihtroct, other tl «n
f r|**cifi.f«l IMiU«, -*| Hl*) Hp
■MUhiumi. () 03
Clieik, I >r-» r l nr nr*|rr. pn\-l. e
Hi wight nr mi <l«*n■ itn I fnr .i.noiii.l
axco-sling * 10, 0 0V
HilW ot Ex h, (Inland.) N»|M,
I'rafts, nr order fnr a sum n«*l •***
reeding SIOO, 0 O.'i
"For Fvrfv HdditonU # I Od, 1 r tiac*
(filial |itr( llineof, 0 Cf
l-eiirwal ll.e •»»*«• r»U*
Wll v( Kn'hs*^r.t^ <r ft| n <) «*l I el
* l*#» <*( eradit, if drawn sin ply of
»»tlirrH:i*c than in nets «>f t litre nr
Minr**, fnr a sum Dot exceeding
one il dollars, 0 O.'i
Fnr every H.lililiunal hundred, nr
I'rntlional pari llitrmf, 0 02
tiff. i.t Ulit.g fnr liond*. Mrrtliin
iUie or effo.!» exported to ans
etgn pori (except Itr it .V nr lit
Atnert.w.) on even - lull of e icli set, 1 1 10
) and lo indemnify a surety, when the
aninUnl recoverable ll.eletipoii is
Wire tln»U«aii4 dollars nr lex*, 0 50
Each »<l liiiniisl thousand, 01 frac
tional |uirt tliureofj fJ 50 '
Rond fnr it 11 H execution n|- |•«-1 fulUl
ar-c* of ilulii-a «f ulfi r, 1 00
Komi of n‘l:tr *lian tliiwr r<-i|>iired in
legal proceedings ami such are not
otherwise chargm herein, 0 If ft
I' -rlilii'slr ul'Sln.-L, in any ini-urpnfat
eil < uin|>ai|l ( 0 2.i
Certificate of j.rofits, in an incorporat
ed coiunniiY fir a sum net l«-s> l loin
ten anil not exceeding fifty ■lo'lai>, 0 lo
Exceeding liliy ami trot tm i.Trng
ur.e tlinni iinj dollars, 0 ‘?5
Certificate nf dahi-ge, r*t >mv ilnrii
meni m-iir.l l.y mu I'nit,
Marine Surveyor, nr other person
Meting us sin-li, 0 25
Jeritficatc of J'.-posii, f.*r an amoiOit
hot rxcnedlbg one hundi >*l dollar*, 0 02
Eteet'dlng one li 11 rilri*i! .1 dints. 0 05
Certificate of any oilier <li-m riplion,
ant herein specified, 0 05
Contra I, limkei’s NnO-, <>r Memo
randum of sale of good* I,v 11 1 •>U -r 0 10
Deed nflaml where ll.n i-nnsi.lei alinli
rlne s not exceed lire liumlieil .1 d
lars, 0 50
Frviu five 1 mi'lluJ to one thousand
dollars, 1 00 J
For every additional five linu.lre.l
or find tonal part thereof, 050
Entry for withdrawal of Met chan,
from llonded Warehouse, 0 50
Entry of Merchaud/e, for con-ump
tion or warehousin';, not ex.-ueding
one hundred dollars in vali n 0 25
From one to five hundred dollars, 0 50
Exceeding five hundred dollars, 1 00
(imger’s Utturns. If for a ipiantily
nol exceeding 500 gallons gross, 010
1..,„ r.nn Mullnns 111*1.1.1 0 25
Insurance policy, on any life or lives
where the amount insured does not
exceed one thousand dollars, 0 25
From one lo five thousand, 0 50
Exceeding five thousand, 1 00
Assignments or transfer same rate*,
Insurance, Marine, Inland and Fire
Kinks, where the premium does
not exceed ten dollars, 0 10
Exceeding ten and not exceeding
fifty dollars, 0 25 I
Exceeding fifty dollars, 0 50
Assignment or transfer same rate.
I.easo, Agreement, Memorandum, or
Contract, for tho hire, use or rent
of any land, tenement or portion
thereof, where the lent or rental
does m»t exceed three hun
dred do'l us per annum. 0 50 .
Exceeding the sum of three hun
dred dfclfars per arm HI for each
additional two htiudied or frac
tional part Thereof 1 , O 5o
Assignment or Tt an-fer s tine rate.
Measurer’s Ilelunis. If for a <pian«
tity not exeredillg loot) hush els, 010
Exceeding one tho.isaml bushels, 025
of I and, E-tata or I'ropcrt?
Rc*i *1 IViaonal, exceeding one
guidrtjd and not exceeding five
I | dollits, 0 10;
Five hundred lo 0110 thousand dol
lars, 0 25
For evei v additional five hundred
or fractional part thereof, 0 50 j
Assignment or Transfei same rates,
fh.wer of ‘Attorney to sell or transfer
s(*<%*, Hoiuls c» Script, to collect
lfividends, Interest or Kent, 0 25
do vote at elections in any incor
porated company, or society, (ex
cept religions, charitable, or liter
ary societies, or public cemeteries.) 0 10,
To sell, convey rent or lease Keal
Estate, 1 00 J
Topefform nil oilier acts nut lieiu
. fciforo ttK'lii ionm I, 0 50
Promissory Notes, same as Inland
Hills of Kxoliaujje.
llenQtvnl, tyun-s rale.
RrMiafie of Will or Leiters of Atlmin
ltfralion, wliere the e&tato does not
l exeefed the value of two thousan I
dollars, 1 00
For each addition;.! thousand or
fractional part thereof, 0 50
Protest of Note, Hill of Exchange,
Acceptance, Check o: Draft and
Tbiine, 25
Receipts, Warehouse, for Goods he’d
OB Storage, not otherwise provid*
6d for in any public or private
Warehouse, not exceeding five hun
dred dollars," 10
Exceeding fivahunJted and not, ex
ceeding one thousand dollars, 20
kecaipts for the payment of anv stun
of money exceeding twenty dollars, 2
Writs,'original, (except those issued
by a Justice of the Peace and those
issued in criminal prosecutions by
the United States,) » ' 50
AVlien the amount claimed in the
writ issued by a Court, not of He
cord, one hundred dollars or over, 50
Upon every confession of Judgment
tor one hundred dollars 01 over,
(except in those cases where the
tax for the writ for the commence
ment of a suit has been paid,) 50
Writs or other process on appeals
from Justices Court or other
Courts of inferior Jurisdiction to a
■Court of Record, f>o
f* arrant* ofDUtret*, when the ain’t
MahreJ does sot txeeed one bun
ired dollars, 25
'%s€e?')ing 0;r hi' red dollars, 50
KNOW 1 II Y I* ll STI XY !
II Al>.\V ! I’. K I'lItt!; ih# gnat Kn
* I
l ;i»i*. u • 1,. :ii.i ‘iw f •*»#
<4 tli«- I• <i \\ . i-l. im* •■ s - li»mf«*«! Ik » If
at ISin. N V. >!.*» ' «»«• TI.Mf .tovi
•»*!••» *•! | \«t« ,* **“•»!.(} a t<• #*ll
| all** U*r t* i* ..♦ * •'!.,!,* .(»♦.*• gr.' ii.i
--}'•»»’»:»«•• f.i ! .1 ‘»l -f • * !t»-r |t« A.
■ ' »•».•»*ii*•• .f • 1• f. r!f- 1 • %f*»y
j r**lln#** '’f ili« | \hi «• to tr.nny. r.»•«! l»y
111 Wl«i I#f nt» •» -• 1 »!fM' l*t *;f .1 • joAT ►•!*»%* II
I . ,
j iif*T llkr j-i.'i i. t its Jut jr* v. .f«* ••(
I tVr nj.j,’ :»!••!. '■ ;*1 • « 1 •! .f m .1»i y ;•«»•
•lti**n It . ! ll mill ’ » «. •! ’*. •• • «» I I
:-«M »•.;■. I * _• H- lii<K.«nli i • »•! t. r.«i
jn jf him «ill »* nJ Ai'fu <1«'» e#l. it
<•«*• i»t'**. «m w 1 ;tt« n u-a •! ♦*. *l»r ’if*
1a it j»ur;nf t.** t#» f» 1.. I*• £ * n?nil
Im k ol Itdir, I.IJ y |*lj- • ui 1-nth. «)?♦*, A * '
fx **lS i-u nidi' h wp!' tii'ii, ! fin lwi> if ‘Vntk
Ittl I . Mk. li.l ls.—.- I !•* \«”
v ill i> « r lilt- J l « l«*•*! 1 «*.| ii.f.'i iiinllof.
• l»v rit ura tii.ui \U r«»'i • • i»:. - *«- - -♦«.!!; «*•*•*
(ill-iltml. if« r.«f»t-I • <•*. Mh'liftn* K. I'.
, Thmi.lun. IM*. It. V .. -. lit.-:■■•II. v.
lu« I Ml
j M;ir rir/>K)';\<»vv, 1.1 -1. >♦... ('*mv
I o« nin?i'f -#J ! tlroi.gli 'lriiijit idiii* id im l
S&ttxnA forma,an4 *»*Uy io min mi k
mrixr.” Oiif t v»*iu»n*\ wifi, t.f.irly himi
j «f 11 By S„ IC. Wwjji. I
I Kilitttr J'h J.'Hr,..' Ptif«\ |*ai«l, j
1 f:. Address 1...»:• r .'. We 11... N«. ::.-0 I'l.m-lsav |
j * V ”' k
' “Xew li.i ■ ■ 11 imath prsetie 5 I
; fully 111- si ini' .1 and ".ll - it.-1 l.j 11.- want- ~f
nil. li. tl»*» *»ii U of i».♦» fi.-r Nln* r.-.i I. r t... it,
i Ifitrnf tn rt u lrj.rli i»m| nfry f atm*' ni«* I
j CI Aft.4l h'-ll ftf 11..* It. I l |c. k. .IfftMll, ltlt«!
i (V|»*ftlinl Tin* • \ fft -jt. :.k fill ItU!
It'nt-W, Im»*ah or l»:if.**l. in a iik*?
j Check*, lock. iMla, l.iiinU ft .l. Uii'k, \ I.»i’^lt,
ft *., are h||.iWii It. Its ‘'ftii'n* nf rim: n I»*f."
In iin.itlirr work !» *on. i.-li I rlit ll»!»\\n i:;mn
! «»t »»»*• I .’%i» <i at. in t!•«.-,
«*i ih* ilfutiiifl* i trull ol lu.t j**,. - mi | ti.!*. > >.»
«l* asl\ ) uiir.ol ■ *i»t I niluiiU if .li.-Vp j ..jisj.. ,| ,
■ wf ntMM**t:l "Trn J pn Ti:n*v' r.T‘!i 1
a* sk* !' I «’ ’* .I*'; * l'i*'!l of <* 1, ;t!' i t »•»*. j
, arft given. I»Ui <tiati»r*«, v t t!«»n.. n. War
iloiiS Artiftt*. IWU, I ■;I. » In . •- i
' SllUJfVltf*. IVi-•** \. r. re*, \.?.|s Mn-r •Ii n ft. id.- .
J ui.* iiM-imi’-il It ii an ‘I!- i\ i li»| ~ ifin'i-f hiuu |
rnpliv. ni-f j ti:»i nt ii _r I hi? r< •*«I. * with tlo* c:n f• r i
| it in! ci.i it 'tr "f diiiii\ p-iil iniii tint] uiiipcii o|'
; y* r»t mil f»l |*i • '
lor iimtanci* in Ari ' •, hill.- t'.'f-nr, >li*iu- |
[‘fin*’, W ,i'! i 't**i». .% ;i| ii.'t «mi. Frank in. I kin j
croft, llryn .l. I .*v h\ h Ilniu 1;..n
--lli ur, ’] 11. n.].* -1.1 I '.III r. ( . I !. it. 111 Ij'ht I ,u\\ 1 ill'. •
IfoliYiir, \\ hal*!t*\, Tit . lv*r»\. l?ou K i «*\. I * i**l i I
< •»♦•«, ll*»t»pi i. F.M. kh*, In. k“M-. \ i**l*o ia, Weil.-v. !
.t’mlxlc, M**tl.’V, Mill. >j»«*ii.*i r, l lintnj»-.iMi, (lull.- 1
I U >.:• I 111 ll :■ f -■!*l - ’a,., m-s
"\xm*. ii.i ui I* y return |»o.4t or i\jh**iw. kii
i ci'ript «*f [u ice. firpin- :.w
I < Uftl l l». HMiHY. Til* U MkMollAM.
| FI V hi.A'l A M\ Mill AM,
Wholesale nud Retail Dealers in
FA\( \ l nill.V f.H<M FKIKS
AM) ril(i\ I> 1 * INS <. I Nla: A 1.1. V
Wines, I.i i-i.ii •*, ('l'C.iis, T»#t-nc**f», li i.ils,,
Nuts. .I** . Ac.
**!.. *.Mi -110 1.l . "IT* **•! I I I JltSt N ..Tins >l. nMi,
.11 Al OX, Oi.OiU. .1.
may 10;
(>, M. KYAN,
VI ANI'KAtTI'IM.I; of Kr.'ii.-h Murr Mill
I Stone,*. Mill -| t- ih -, Mill Murl.inery. ..full
d..-'.I ijilimis , Steam f gi Saw and Mfist V. li-.
H-.i-ti. g Ser-.v-, Suit I Mn-hiin- Mi lling mid
Uniting l loth, - U ire Mill I’i. k- rln.t, i of
1 '.li is. r.lwiiv - on i ni-i .i 1 r. ad- in ..rdor. A'l
wink-..1d !•-, ii. v m u..! 1 Ia o i-.mtiact f-r
111. ,'t e.- inn of 1 |,.mini' Mill..
I• .-r of foil uni lb oh. I tr.-rts. \Aftll
\ i 1.1.F., ti-: •> s. \ug’.i if
-AIIi.NTS WAV: ;1 > |.-V r.VKh V I. I W N t
Ti. i*. 111 K 1..; i w im;
VAI l A l LE - Tm; !.\ 11 is i t ili Y
ft, u h iti ! 1 i-l tit I, ot tile \\ nr,
li. A I’. 11 I.AI.’M, V ... ii ■ ’ l-'xau.inert
V\ 111, ■ - pi. I. ini - ■ ,'t I .Items
’li.i- i- th. oid-. |-1.. . .-id it i.t li.uit to hi-turv
of th.-: ot.ih-rit m!.. pitl.h-h-il, . Mending ... il
does. In-t th- he:-".,. .• nf tint war tn the final
ein rr: !• : -t the t .*i-1- deruie mud, t.
.Mr. I’. ii.ird’e pi,.n -nt i.i.titioi. in the fonfeu
eia.-y ha- . id h-d him ... ; rep ~ vv..ik line
.j mill’d :;t :.. -nt in \ and 1 1 :. ■t. - -1. n-d \. !. o], j- ,
e. yvv het e:n httovv l. a- 1 ..» he I lie Mmula. and 11 j,
era History. .It -Imul.l In. I a pl.nin . very I.l>■ n. y
nv o.VI-'t. vv Iv KK > K SNOW,
M idi IT |)l<-!iiliil Me | I'ortraiM,
! ’..1. It vn . i. 'nl |"i >'-- 4 1,, ft,
(’..mail ing Ih-vf.iphi— * •*;u.gushed South
.‘it. t ~‘ti,a ni-, with It I and ginphle aocnuiits
of the vunoiit . I-j sign- inutii -h they were
I "gaged. i: la a "put la at and inter, s.
ting volume, ted : K. • n |.. pmed will, the
ut.nor t care and lliui ouglin. -*.
i lit:: ski; vice.*-•and cam bad ins
Sl( >M V. \! 1. .1 Ax K-t >\ t
1 "-T, 1-mu• •-1 1''■ ■ .e 1 •.I!a 1- nn.l n luff
1 \\ I ll Alllliei tic I 'ol 1;i 11 - u| ,l.\, |,-||.\' (IT ,| |,|4
I'AVI 1.1 ,011 i-te* I.
i Hus i-i the only mitboii'ic liist >1 \of this .listin
I gui“ln'll lender '-v! ,-Inn 1,,., , «, ,l
I has bfen pr. pn red I i-iuim 'ili u| i, j> i's euni eiiu ',l
| rsrv nnn ntivi-, ft I !I . 1 aripmiiitauci' und
; is complete mul full
I V.
TIIK RAIDS A Nl l lt< i\! ANT MS
; V 011 O .1 X .1 X 1) 11 / .S' .1/ KS'
mil- SAKI.IK RUCHES'! K'i I'oKf).
Willi Steel Botrnit of tJenernl. MoKCAN. t vol
l'Jni", IJI pnges, *l. seventy-live cunt*,
A complete history ol’ t h's daring officer,
more thrilling und int. resting than
\rn\n?x of the sorrn
Distinguished in Literature
i h e \ «•!.. Kighi v.< . I'ivc hundred mid eleven pa
1 £•'*. Three dollai - ami a half. Illustrated with
1 >pic .ii'i TotraiU, • : s i «•«•!. from life, of
Mmk. OCT.VVU \V VI f- >N I F. VkCT,
Mn<> M VKIA .1. M<l**r*V-*H,
Mi*. K*>*v \ kktnfk .f.tiiNKoy,
Mi*. Anmk o»r\ Kiniur,
Mj-ns Al’fil>TA .1. KVA.NI*.
Mk> L. Vmf.iM A Fl.l \« ji,
Marion Hap: \m».
| Aud coutaiuitig full k>:« graphical ►ketches anti
*ptciuien extracts from the most celebrated wilt
rig? pro;*? ant\ verse. of
••\vomi:n < v ihi:s<n m.”
, All *he above wor!;* me having mi
j *»lc. ttii’l t«» «ro d.-i; - -plea, lidiy everywhere!
1 many nmknipr fr« m ten t.» ff.tcen «i«Altirw per day 1
Wo w ant iin ag*nt in every town in the South
| «*m State**. Returned Soldiers, I.adie**. Teach* n»
and other!*, will find this moat probable cuiplevi
’ nient.
Kxcluaive territory given, and liberal induce*
monU offered t«» rnnvAbSere.
Tor full particulars add^s*
C. F* Rl( II AT I ‘wo> , Publisher.
r SIQ Broa jj nv, y
i/y n.-!• au or
t; i; o c 1-; i; i i:s,
in n-.w c*/in|»l*t Wo liivite ail. Ckkinii.alivii ••
Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Flour, and Ric*
’ I - 1 • I. if*
1 I*;au-ii ou s e syi; ir.
*I".A.-r. 1. CwHlsli, Herring*.
ll****f t*»ngUf.ft. Oy*lfi»,
I*i*r liuiti*. (an Ti I
IT ' 'll*, I*. IMM Mini Ni
*.f all k.u.U
K. ** **»*i.** I«n j***. Wi. k*. ( iiiriinci - m.l <
r«t. J|. < in Part, ft in- Wax. Mar mul Tnllow, l'n
mu! Mi' k t ' in ir»fut vari**t\.
M /l\ Hatter. S'fht' H’tUf, A;/// Uh'l
I'Utin Craf 9 trM , Frr*k JJutry
4 1 tt Sfatr (7* rr.vr
ii r»y*» l
Smut;in « nml ('/niring ’/'olnicct
in ir?• tl \ mid v.
, In I •rift’, il ii**iir aim t<* kern tlu*-*f tim
iic.y llnu-fk* rj.**r I'ally m • •
I **r i: ui-ft. we j»rffi*r «nr tu rxcrci-*
1 lt. ii o»• int.
We f.tlit'ii a .-all from « ur fii* ni]>, a .<i the pult
lie tr*m i A(ly
| I'ff
8. T. ATKIN,
W l-"le»:.le an.l ltMuii D. uler ia
>t.*ve*. h inige-i. tU :.i. s rum]... I'lilViy Tl.
MTI/I I'lAt.'.l \\ j.l-e. W’o.elel. Sl.ll Wdltw
Ware, ll.m-*. j; Oimhl,
rl*-.. etc, etc., it.-„
Almi, Mni.iifa.-liii.-r ..f
; !i > '.'* *• » I’d. AN!) SH |-1 T I *•■ ■v w M-l
F<>. 2 Win.-hij. li!<..-k,
l*« nelilrre StreH
A 1'|,.l .XT I, (iIIOIM. IA.
>Ti.V!,B, UAM.I'.s, TIN I'l. \TK.
(um;n and zinc.
t fto ll'-s* ii if B!nl o«'kiii<jr SI m will. I'm nil in
I ~.,
"I’ll*- * Inlt.'ii I'.mking llange. the Kang.’ it
Jinn..** ii 11 *s. Itiiui, uvsnitc) -izrs nf the best ipmli
I'mrlisli tin.l (..-rnmn Taf*h* f’utlery,
S.-is.-nrs, Uiitcfiers' Knives,
Shovels, Spades, ie.
l’hiin innl l*inni-hr*l Tin Were,
l'i itnion mi*! To, Ware,
VV ... ..1.-li Hii.l Will.txv \V ur.*,
I i--.*-.- l‘*iii*ni«hr p *.. ■* !-.
(in vui i. t\ ).
r.lnu *..«, l tiiiij*s,
Os- Fixtures,
Mai i!!n il. j*.-,
I- -t r*„is.
Twine, I tin. ting,
s! o * an.l .-tot .* iZa.-king, ,lc.
. L.\Kftf.U.'M MATKIM.U.s
< I(. .** iM\S< > N is constai tlv ic* • .in*
a' hi- "1.l st an * l .*.* fliil Street, it foe- ns - it ,*■ i
of all g"" l- in hi- line, vs 1,.* is. , 11 ;g a'
wl l "l.'s/il .* and : .'tail as low as tin j . an be boi.gln
in imv lulei iur iniii k. t.
•jt'kms r.\sii.
//isure ) our l*ro]u i li/ !
<if. ,11 UI \St >\ ?s Agertt. f**r !:■
sol lilt UN MI TTAI. Insmaii*. (.’on ~t
-* *I " i.s. I.a . t’a j.ital, . ■
11. 1 SUI.hU UIT 1.-US AidM V ot N.-
Y* tk over 55:f...... , ,
111 I* III.MI’, helm: ('<-in | *:i o" * f \- v.
Kll'l.MX A I’l TN \M Con | my of'l lai: f.o and.
I’.'l I.e, lout, mill olio I- good 1 "111 | allies.
I:.ek - ar.* .soli.-iled oil rollon, M.-leliai.di-.
l'*t. *iit hi ,*. ... I I '.ii i .ding >.
:W i-Hy a*lji*-t .'J.
I'**- .0 ts
U \: A T ITER.
cottox ,\\ IM F.
/<<7«•»•»■« and Currty Stnrtu,
• 'nil-the attention .iiC Dealers und I’l.mters I"
hi- Stock of Splendid
nifllrrif and I farin'?.* Hand?.
Consisting of the 1.1 iowi lll* fioods:
CAUKIAOE, Bt'OOV ,(• IMtAt’f.’HT HAftNlss
As well as
on band irt the lowest, prices.
of all kinds in Ins line.
My facilities for mtnnfarlaring all classes
work, are misurpn—ed Ay any House in the State
All Kinds of Repairing Done
A prints -tini
or YOUTH— A gentleman who
X.J Mitfcred for yean from Nervous Debility.
I’remature Decay, ad 11J the effect* of youthful
indiscretion, will, tor tne sake of suffering human
ity, seud free to all who need it, the receipt and
directions for tnukiig the iinlple remedy* by
which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit
by the advertiser's ope fence, vac do so by ad
dressing, iu perfect . uofijeoce.
no . o JOHN® OGDEN.
sec.f) ifta.mi* —No « C-dar'CT” New York
a vO° D p 'O s
Free from Mercury
£ asi '
And are, undoubtedly, the ;
beet remedy extant
%> o.o°
t* the y do, | . v r? t:o
/ of a ipo .nl ftffin ty f r the
/ miifotiß mcmtmiDc of the !x>irei<. (
/ thereby remoring the causes. Asa
Wthey can have no rival, tiring cottv BS
posed of the in : ”
Powerful Vegetable ExJracts
Q IVll t:je,-tac-t.*-n f.U tho ”
*. .
W' tj.e hsppy effect of «h ch ran tie If.
i seen after out* or two .loses, Ih.-v VI
Wslssi.vt Diffentiou, LJ
Cure Cotstieeness, j W 1
P In faet, they are, ti« their name I P I
0 >he Q
"The Life-Giving Principle." I
Thev search out «1 sease r.n l i
striU**:.! its v* rv re.*f, I. . • t!...
9 ■*> st**m in tin* lull \ _'.»r « 1 I.* i tli ;
r, die I’KIITKCI I V IIA RM Llv-S Tit
►j INFAN i S •»K I’llli 0 * •?>" «*F Till;
Tic NS, an.l an* a
P Purgative Pill p
hH than lias ever t*. r-re t*ren nvu ' .!.!*• rj
to mankind, au*S, l«- ny it. . i.’. st’
SAIM "M Ilf. *i. . , .. t *1
Hedasa KEMEDVKoK. 1111 i'l.’KN W
-and |.ers *ns who hare a dread es h 4
. . s»:.i:.*»ai< a |ill Tt.ev are. on- a-d
W | *l*.* -ti', nil*. ar most OS
W 9 N s.itl-':l*'t. I V C.V I IIAIO ICS, /r»
. ' and ,1.1 tn-i -.-tiolU *
X shout.) ta* with- .
vdv out them.
% '4?
(Successors to Pr. 0. W. IlolNick,)
sole Proprietors,
Nos. 60. 58, 00 & 62 Enst Third St,
Are Sold by ail Druggists and
Dealers in Patent Medicines
li £i il £\j£s%LJ&. UxL,
like Greatest Discovery of tie Age!
3. W. CR O F T ; 3 EURE. KA OI L
L l -if g.-i.rl, moil, ntid at . u it
Atleiiai.’l i.i I’aiii. I’ vd, ct ' „ 71.„t
I ■ ■ »(•(,,/
• > eough# it i-.lf r </»••. In I'.ilm 11 ty ( - ...
knuwledge of <'liei.:ietry. I.j lm- been ' 1
at I lie at ole vs an; mn : ill i g
up .I- -in;, t ri i *•” al l ic ■ ■ i fill, -ume kind lii
| " l!ri.t . (l|. " I fore t! e w. t'.d.
I '■[• Tit - I'll or .!.:::.u its it it t:.» or/nil.
But \.. ! : if :he j >eo\ i.- will try it. they will
I <1 lie by a : ill f!in pal 1 ruggi-ts even
i!ur »:i Oil MaiiU'. i tini g I'ovp.n \ at Atisutu,
Mipci teudent
l or sale by ‘ ■
N. B. DUE WRY .t CO., I
Druffeists. J
Ea t side lii:: stre-1, Orillia, Ha. "I
|P ;tu order grantcJ by HieOrdinarv
mX ol like County, will be -..1d before tin*
Court House door, in the town of /' bulor. on the
first it I.SDAI in \.n ember next, between the
legal lo> u- of sal... i. liic lands belonging to tlie.
' 1 ■ 1 Myriek, late of said county, do
™ -* 1 : I < : ' 1 t lots Xo 8 ] 'll, 119’
11,1 1 - ' T ; Jli ffl, o nt lining in all :i93 acres,
'.' ' r ’• ! “g situated in the 9th
r '*" ’ mi!!\ Mott roe. fn»w Bike eonntv).
P*' • l By law h iving givm,,
t! esiir,' win i ace a« above or the purpose
ot pi.-, -g Kt-: v estate, and also the
■ latnis ot legatee-, and for di-tribu'i ut.
w. K M VKK-K.
: l ■' Executors.
- t'MIMM -T.M.DIN't; COI'N'TY. Xviier-a
\v xt ’” 'V" 3 ' " !mini "'ralor of tloorge
",mL‘ i'“'.]"r 1 ” ' '■'• lo m*‘ for an order to
rl ‘ ‘ • lid '.-late for the ben
* li! vs ill«* heirs ami *"i t‘<]iFor»*.
riles,. are. therefore. to cite ami admoni-h all
person* cone, rued to l.e and appear at tin* office
within the time presenb-d by law, to sbo’w cause
it any exist, why said order should rot i.e granted.
'•"• n '-'•’de; my hand at office this J9tb day of
b£ F- JBow*- r f k DT'MI'KT, OidHm v.' '
Legal Advertisements.
.Vo!ice to Debtors and Creditors.
% !f - ltd. Ideal <*.<!. r -.late ,la. ,
. Y W. Midi!.! 1.1-.f >|.ioll,g t'
j. i i■ • 1 •i ’ * ••••im* Itint ur*! an*] si tll**
.... .i. I .!...-» In'll,' and. t ... ds -gaiii-l
-a ■: ’a. 1... I • .1.; rt.:.l ... J.!. -r.i lk-rn dulv
I autt.. j i. .1.1 in teimaof tl.e *,».
-I. 11. I’IiNXA! 1.1". j
.--i i. . •- r.
Pike Sheriffs >ale.
\ \ 'ill t»* r>*!*! L* f**i • t!)** C «n:rt
j \ f t u. aii «*’ Z* • i’* ii. Pike wMiiity. on ili«- i
fir-f , v til >,•**!■. ini * r » i \», w tlun tJ»e I* jjml 1
liotii t* »»f -wjl,. ;» ii. tl#*- I Tslii* t if
'I l flit;:,t v it f -‘ill £ til.*' I:*!..! «»ld !.y N. !*.
I**.’ .hu W. I’.t*. Lwwn in the plan
i *is*f ri«-t I »v j-.trfft i*f l*»t' !•*>, 1“7. 1«•:*, nml ,
Urj ill*- ..till I lillH»]t**! - !* j.“t kt "XVII. Ill*' w li«*le I (*n
liuti«l r f*l HFM-- **r l«*ft>. i» It* iug
1 !»** platitat i**ii where S. a 'r«*t• f«*•«I now rc«i*lert-
I*-vi —l on bv virtue of a h f.i from iTke Inferior,
(«ui* in fa*/«»r of John N**a! v<. Nailmi-it-l ]>an
j, ’ —«»?irl* of p»ui;:tiff rcfjtiir* *! «:r 1* r i!i«- Law
i **l ui.*! |*io|.erty |** iiii*-*l i-ui I*v hitu a. «i
n |-o n. titled.
WM 11. i. CI.IIM C.\.
• I* >heri!f.
/ 1 luKl.l* SPAUMM. COl \ TV.—
* I *•- 11. Logrill JJTplh 8 to It*? ?ft B of
* «!:-mi->ior. as'iimst r.4t<»»* on llie * state of ll.»trli i
ii aim!. «i •• 1. lie having fti.Jy Hiliuii.istei e«j
*• i wmiin! ur* <ui*J • • tU*.
i !.•■-«* s.i *• !•*« ref re **► cite ar il direct all perrons
**oi’e *1 to ]»*• uhti appear at ri.y o , il*-*‘ witiiin
?i .*• pi-ex-■; ihe i l.y la a . mi .i sh**w ea»ise if any
*\ t v. hy ■suit! !ett*rs **f«li minion shotih] not he
j ii - * ; i i*j\' !.at ! a? # n v office this
May Vth. l-'-ri ~ r It. ])]- vru IL
Mr. 1 , :u (triit.ary
/ i )a>;h, iA. mwumm; c<!\ s iy.— \vi...e..^
\ if c-.rg.-w Whit.- !i|.|.li, f,„- 1.t1.-i-.d
■}i:tii ivm* •!» 'olmi't i ator mi t lie estate of (’I .u los
I;, whi.e, i!■■.•••as having fully adii.hd-sU’i**d
and u : ■: estate.
1 In* -m >*>, '. ii.-i -i*-F- F*' »4U- ho*] a«]»u**Tii*»h v.}\
p*H'in»i»!* n t* iv* t *l. t** h* *, an.l »pp< ar n* my < 11 • •.
w i»i:::. tit*' time j.reser.l 1 l.y law. to >!i. *\v cause,
;f m . v exis*, wl v su< h ifttet’s rs*ioi:!.j no? he *r»*atit
.l. "(.r.- ll ll!.*l’ i - my I. lit oFsiee. this 2*"th '
!av •! Jan • ary, i ; lh i'i'Mi. t\ 1..
P*. rrs -ri'i.i.i *i: r* : ii . M.rvh Term; I
| IL li. Kiilgewuv
• .N. k !.i *. If tI h voice.
Miiv A. K did/, vv tty. S
It ti, i.-;i |-i -g In tli-* r..*it-l thnt 1 1-.* I >*-f< ii.h. i
in.l i.> 1... b.ii-nl in lh." l'nui tv >.t 1 ii■'i-. Hud I*
11 ~| I ... • t-.tit-l in tin- >1 mV. it ..i'l* 1..1 I h:. t
th.. drfi r.druit In-, .1 t.> h- «i.d ti|-|-. .1 1.l tl.e 1
ti.- i..-xt t.-. .1 iif tli.- »i|>.: i..r t '.mil «l'M»i.l t'"'ii -
v 1.. . th- l'i 5 .off it. 111. 11. 5. Id.. I
Inn.l thill 11 ' 1 ■ - 1 '’ r 1..- pul.: s-. 1 t.n. ,*
ti in....tli f.-i sum-.-ii' 1 ’ h- t .i. ii."i- !.. lh- \l »<*.*:.
..ftlii- t’.iui-f. •!. A- *l l v *l d' .in t’ tl'y
A it-".- trtiot IV'.ui ih. Mil .*f -i5 1 I uiirt.
I \I ,- 1, i:'. l-i'-'.. W K |: ok-: m t Ink.
m.r'!-: I'l ' )tdi'niiy.
/ * i *«;.*. 1 \ H”.. •'! M. ' < i MY— W;-t v
( t V. I’. Ma.wv. 11 .1) |. ;. - I" for T - t.-1-v . I
Ad i.i i-l I:.-i"ll nn ti"- .and 1. K t:k, I-1-
I- ilt —i -d . 1 1" •-—l—-1-I>. —i I— I . lit..;
-J.5. •-■ -x r - r. i- I : r; . .
/T* K'H.’t.lA i'.i MINIS O ' ■ . Vi’h'-ri-ii.
Vl.'- |>li N linn•? 1 iv• • .nt..i
-111. .'i. W A- -v. .1. .-.-1.-. .!, l.j i'. !- - li'll-t fnr
..I ’ • -• I til.." i:-,.i 15 tat- "I'giitg toll.-
I. i . ’ ti. ■ -ml -l . "W. A: dr. vv.-.
-' ' '!■ ' i dKK. t
'i :i- ■ t .-it mid nd
shi i.i. t ' j'.r, *
if any . x win mi .i■!• ~ut ii-: ~:t ■ a the
j -.5 Ir. it! .-I -. i l -■ * ■ i
' .In'-, l'i. . '.I '
KXM N ! T . XT' i.!■.."
ITT lil - :f.: : 1 ' i I ' l ' ■ ' "f ' i’ll.- t'oiirt lbelse .]• ■'r in ih- tv ftKiffi: .
* lie I li'.d- Wdoi,/,. a lo ibe ! -late . f ( bur!. -
tolieis'il.g of Velit I live , Ii .. 11l to 11 I)
: men!.- I' .'m ; Soi l !..r do ; dm'cii.
A. •!. MA 1 1i < Adtu’r.
_ 1 -4. and
.1 //.!//A7N/7.M !(.■!;'S SA /./;
V <■! a i• i f»* • : lltf' <>nl: .u v •■!’
> -|- ; • .u.l U . : !.. 1 ! -
I '«Dirt 1 •! •■!■ in tln* l’ity '!' < JriH.:.. b* t u t*. n
. ms - • ■ • . <luy in Of
* tb. ! i•*■ \ t, t.. .-!•:• 1 !«>!:>•• f<*: Jiit’il y .rt-mi.-i
|by ! v i! in r. .b.-n-Ml, S.ii! sU' V..i
. "it Ih. si i. *’t 1: 11,.’ : 'ity • I bill ; tin* I’ljiibi; ••
*is :r. bti by bJ tw«. .-t..i irs v. r.!,
\ rf'l! fir s?tru. *. in*-n-i-'ris n< fit*- »»ou.'l i ni• i * *
~ ■ ii u :
! t iie* Id s! in (ii iHin, 1 •*:•!«ii nlt coiitnii H n st.nn i * >. in
i uj * sbtirs, foEt.tli r with otlur roonid that arc very
1 j it.fuii!,! • l<ir re: r.
; .\b". at ti.Ps*:nr,ft tinier,id] [.lace-wMI bo -•<•]]
I ]j 'll • - hern |
* A ho » "v «•! < i riU:n, b<*.i 3 wimmU.i >*J WfSl
’*’ " l 1 r ' "'l’ l '' e I !
. A Will l.c s* *HI ')•■!• ro fli« % (.Vurt. H.niso
ir- t. • -. i.nty of M**i i\rc* thfA on t!. • • F'b-t Tu--s
'lav in Niivffnln r io-\t. one hu.'.drr 1 an.-! I’iu'hty
: of ' >[ii] 1,. nw:i as tin* ])u- bam place, ri•'j •ill -
. i’ ir f! . I anus "I'Sio !:;.!'] on th.- \\\ s!. J ; ,chsoi. t.M
tin* North. Tenrs, *»n llio *tt}• ; 01 0 hundn**!
.••crus of said farm bii ia a
'1 • ■ 11. tin* irront.or i«*:i ofliu* r*-m »11 .*!• 1 in tho
w " ]s. Ail the aiiove property )■< inir ****l*l as tin*
i at. *..f I’cler 1 in ar. *b ■ .1- 1 for the heu* :.t
>. llie hoir* and *.':•*••»:■*»?s <*t .-nii isiato,
Ter.ns ( .»s! 1, 1 .in-1 All >ili !Kl i l l).
Aurnini-t rat or of I 'ot •• r larrar, tlv* • asv«l.
August 1 hYO-tda
/ < tb'UniA.sP.M.OINf; iViT-NTY.-\M»t*iv -
' * dill state
o; dob:i simtuo: -. and. .-ell-, and. applies for leave to
-ell real estate of deceased for the purpose of di-«
1 he.-e arc, therefore, k i tr am! admonish ab
persons concerned to be and ap, < u or my ntViee
within the'time prescribed by law to sh .w' . ■ •:ae,
it ary .-x.-t, \\!iy an order authorizing the sale of
said land -' "iilil not be granted.
Hi'on under mv hand at off T-e. this August 0:li
IB iff- * F. P. fIISMUKK,
ang9—6ud Ordinary.
( ' Et)RBIA—si’ALDIM; COI XTY. Wheret.
- * d-'lin J. Moor, Adirii; i-t i a tor of the estrt
of bee Strickland, latent said count v, decease.
applies to me for letters of dismission."
The** are therefore to cite and admonish t B
p-'.'s"f>-' interested or concerned to be and app<
a* my office within the time prescribed by law.
ami -how cause If any exist, why said letters of
dismiss ion should not be granted.
• even under my hand at effiee, this the 15th of
August, istjg. " F. I). DISMI’KI*:,
nHgp*-‘n» Ordinary.
\\- ILL BE SOLD, before the Court Ilou.-e
V ▼ door, in the city of Criißn, on the first
I l I-.SDAt in Noverniier, one lot, onhtaiuing ore'
acre (more or less.) bounded as follows : On tin
south, by Solomon street; on the west, by Mrs.
Clement.-; ou the north, by an alley, and cm the
oast by Fourth street, kno’wo and levied on a- the
property of D. D. Duval, anil poin edout by the
plaintiff'. I’repetty levied ou by Constable and
turned peer to m. ! ——
M pltl—pel Deputy Sheiili.
i' i fIU.IA.srvM.MIM; i;OFNT, -In
l I IJi-l *'l Km.'i.ll, Ailnijoin,,, .*«?**'•
f..,d K-i.uM..! i.
• ' U tl. Jr-..-? «.’ :gh ? ... -m.l .... X'
i».n« iit of Ilf in r* lift H’s. lU
i ti•**•*• are, lt»ei* ]••!•*, !•» *%*»«] , ?
a’l t'l.lti— jlit'ln-t-d tl. n , ,1 ‘*.l^r.
•ny.Ti Ihe Tn -
bi.i-vw « at.* •. il in y win an,-r fcl '. ”’’* k.
;)••• ■' '•'*•• -..1 Vrt..«
f.n.n lii l.rn.v linid at . ffee |t,i, .
AI 'MI a i> lUAHtI; s s.\ l l
/■ * M I.’OI A—hr.» 11 |V<; (5.1 IMV JSv T
* * ..II 01.1. r li. 11l tl.r t null ’ "
said* . city will l. r.d.l
I h.oi in M.iti I i'Ui iv ' rltveri, it,
-ajr. on ,I.*- hi-t 'I i1 - day iM Nnv .L'X’'
eighty-wx m-iee ofl D.l of lot Munln r . |e.!f "t!
)t I lloiillu-tiiel .Uoiiginally Heniv ,
it t r count v. » i ** iitilfs tioi th*A’e»t iu t »
ji.ini, g the 1- . a- of .!. II
ami Lionel i.. I Id. r. li..- -an.,- '.,••*«»*,
ofl at. ..I W h.Mtirr. dn-fH- and f.,f **_?**
.he 1,1f...,.du..1.1...-, II
M,-t rfW J, s l!in . *•
/V 1 I lilt.l -1’ \ " t. t 111 vn \.-y V
V I Ja-im f. Kill-, .oh. ,'i-t,a’.. r V;"
~li- ... f.,r 1. sos di-tuifkiwn*«,
1-.1-...1 said Idtate he haviog fully ud,ni,.i„*i
ami \v< uml i;p tl.e Fame.
Those are liien fore t.. city and «.lmoi,i«f, ,ii intoiesl. and nr . ..Heei ned tn |,e ail ,j
at 11-y ..11’... within th.- tin.e |-r.-<r;t.,j 1.-'f***
nn.l slnivr a-aase if any exist why fni.j iji "j
distilission rlmiiW not be granted, t.iv.-n „ i
• x. 1 - ”
t.-j l’.ul.atida. K. M.
1 '• 'h nr-,.'
f* Kt illOlA—Seximx; . .iviv V. J. ,
VA kntiire.l 111 .1 ei-. dii.-r* .-f lleno l!.!a.»’|J*
o. '.! ty, a- 1 . fflt -I- at and. dn.'fj j*
* "'l' 1' "••I* ”!■*■ : i.inr-ii'll ton on the <-st„ e dm-a-. and, V, -■ me to ,i„ , ,
„ hii..i.i-h t"" kti h.d at- el. .ht.-is „f
. !tu an.L nj j . aat ty . IV.-e wi11,:,, ,j
turn- |„, , ~l l.y law-, make l it, mi..,.
: ; : ■ j«.
11.1 • II" » of lh- ./■!•<• I !..|- t mill. Adtoie.
.-ii.c.r .... ■ -tn:.*. «..»ei. .in,!. , „.y j,, iu
ohc'. tl.i-tel Sj.t.iiib. r Is.’.ii ’
. F" UISMCkk, Ordirtry,
'* ybmMstrab.ronihee.MUrf
‘V*'T *” L" ' 1 KH C to said e-tax
1 l!l 1 ‘ -at litors. 'Jh.-e ate
5 .V' •' ' "''hint;., ; : ,. : ..|..,. ir j M
V' a ". v ' ' “".Van or
■; -■■' •' •' a i/i i g said A.hnic.
! n r !t,m ) -t*> *: her
.'-I to n. 1 . I), ln.xlil KK;
’ * * M iliumv.
/ * it ii;t; I a .vh.5,-.u’m
V? I. < "let,. - u|.].lt- In me fnr letters of
.5: lidi.,:-: ; |> ..f th- I'. I-"ll Al‘d property of
A . ?*■*’• ' ' I’li I nr. and orj.huu , l,i|,J ot
1 ■■ thdi-it. .; I. n pi ice it A A tJaillds’
Di, ■ tu.* * 1 '* l-i.. tn cite and
i it ~! i . !■•!'■■ h ai.,l Ojijifar
tl! tv • til. - .- v. i' iii*t the tin..- pres, tih.-d by lad.
.. - .- ..ny . M-t, .. it- ; i,.m*.ms ~f
"i' -i ' ' I 1:1 ■' I " 5 tdven 1111-
"■ i ;nt .•I't.'e this I’h ,!..y of S-p'riuker
I 1 tii.huary,
Air. i 1 l-i ’■ I...TA—-f.. ty.iMv.—
* Vl !.. t,- -K.. •• 1 •!■ t ’hi. j.innn up pin-- to me for
1 ' ■' 1’ '"f Ht<* l*”I'"'-I 1 '"'-I I'O'P
•i?v •! i ; .ii I! ji ii* i .1 'u I!<*£<-!«. minors
iu i «•. j*l,.-,*. cJiiiilren f Mlirahetli 11. P.^ew.ile"'
'■‘mi !. i ]ic*sf are, tl.ei * f**re, tu «iti» un«l ;ii]i«»n*
*•’ |• ; i - . -i•? •■ i •••*<* It.. I.* ;t 11 • i appear at iny
i . ;.• y * \»a‘, w t-.\ . U • •vcis sii’ i-M not
• I •:•!) of
r .' *). Ml Kk,*
- ; (T*iifii.,y,
/.*•'« i.* I X S]’ AIJ*I \•» (M[ MY. \\Ur,m
* I K • ’ 1 i 'A lliafii
' ’ ‘ - ; • * 1*» r■■ loi hji urilef
• ' 1- he.
-.u i « .t«'. for 1’ ■ | p •"f |*ny inr*
'.•1,-:;- \m\ m a l.oii-*' ami iol m llic city us Grik*
• '?• ■ ' ~1 * I - a? 1 Xi:..’i;i.|. fill
■« *•:.*] t • !.»• :•: »1 r; *j"’.ir at my office
uil n» : • t j - .:i 1 • •■] hi a w * *» *iio\» ue»*
.•ale ot
. K nrv.
n'l m
A DM IN is'! ii vTt >li'S SALE.
* > i x *.* ; !".** :*: u ' .1 liv theordii »ry
v f • : Tike «■•■’''.* v v. ii! lie >ni.l before ill-'
’"" -t ii the t,■ xii of Zei a.lon, ill iai«l
i a 1 1;.-tl,-t FI i'sl'.’.s'in N’m. lrlier next,
h •■Ac'eti t !,.■ [.gill . .of -n>. all the lands hr
-1." ’_*i■■ : * t•• 11 •■ - i-'ate.t' Alfr-d Wigsinn, Into of
I 1 i: ( • uuty. and *t •i. lx a;; i -r.i.l i ounij* ><]
j.'ini * ■ land-of I.i!. - Jaiver, Matthew t'ug
•• ' . ! ''l. :-.eo '.da; live huadr.d and five
’ I’e- ’ "f left-, "he XV idoXv’s doXVSr »»■
• p> !' Fo!.| for 1 lie ben. (it . f heirs and emlit
' :e, e 1 ’1 erti's cash, unless eireuin.
-la ei s-!"•;. | tiniispire pre\ious to, or on the
r o! - il- , th c would make " m *e--nry to self
a i'll tale. CADE-MAN I’OPE,
sc -! I* Administrator.
7 f >p;iloi: 3 ciip;.' v fi.i ,on the fu-t Tn* n\ny
ir '•••; • ■r ■ \t. w i'.iiin tbe u*u;il Id*iii ;* nf Pile *
in. dr* : -1 t*:lty nine ( 1 ) Ibrneli- «*fFho§-
I'li.’i!«“, i*’\ i* •i • as the J i Opel 1\"1 T. \Y. i'old, t*>
- ui-fv li In i>M;» *i i’hmu Judge «>f the County (’f*urt
ib * ('ounty « Sj ;i!tlii g. Mnc«'ii an«l astern
Ib’iil I!'n i\s (’. \Y. Turd, property pointed c® l
in said ti la.
At tlie same time and place will he sold one
fil 1 .«•! if I.k; <»wn in tin’ Flan rs the City
.f ( ;*iii<. ns Lot No. 1 1(». situate lin WestOrif*
r. :t ;. i g lo!-. of S. \Y. lih-odworth, I>.. Hickt
and others. I* vied on ns the piop**rty J. M.
I.a .ncNt.-tn Saitify costa on two fi fas issued frora
>p;b<in.g pt. j ier ('uni t. ( ’liarlea I'oreman <t (. w.
\ -•. •luhii M. I iiii<iuc*.t., j'-roperty pointed out by ••
Aug ii-ids I>. I>. TOVAL sheriff,
j’ i< 1:«;! A >TAI.T>ING COt-NtT.—Wlicfrti*
■ I It. T. M ': Uj plies t*» me fur letters of
.t'.-i* n nil tho (3tate ot ithoda ilfliuir
la!* us said ' :ny. «ic<*t>a«ed. _
'ilii-B are, tlierclure to eit'* admoni.*'
ji -i: !**i -ted or concerned to hr- and wq
■ * my otHee within (he tifne !•}* iJq,
-1 i.w cHi 'c if any exist why such letters of ut-
should net be grant'd. ~
(iiveu uuderniy hand at otlieo this!. r »tli Angiiit,
1566. (>ui T. I>. I)ISMl lvt,
/ ' ■ STAJ.DINO t’OUNIY —Whereas
V 3 George W. (,rant and V. W. lU»ek f Exc«otolJ
"f 11. P. Kilpatrick, deceased apply fo'ffrtlW
!«■-ts’rs us disiiii->ioii oif said estate. _ *
These are therefore to cite And ndmoi i*l» *u
persons concerned, and appear at my office
w ithin the time prcscrib. and by law, to show causG
if any exist, why siHi biters of dismission should
not be granted. A
(iiv.’ii umh*r mv hand at office, thi* August
15‘th, lN.»>. ‘ T. D. IdsMTKE,
auglO—''in Ordinary^
f 1 !:• >iv(* I A—sPALI»I N(i ('( »TNTY.—Whereat
I Ihivid i’ ill• I♦ :'. (xuaitiian « f Thivid H Mi"
ijir and Klizabetii A. (iray, formerly Klizaheth A.
Mal.-iir, nppli*> to icc for I*■! t« rr* of di^inissioii.
These are therefore to cite ami admonish**
persons concerned to lie and appear at my onw
within tin* time proscribed bv law, ana show
cause, if any exist, why such letters of dusiniasioff
should not he granted.
(>i\ eii under my hand, ut office, this
day of August, lsiij. V. i>. DI6MI KB,
auglff— 00l t»rdinary.__
Just Received,
Vfine lot of Choiiy Country BACON. cou*'»«;
fug of Bias and Sidds, which wifi b« »*"
low, at
1 n't-r CI/Jl'D. A CO. k