Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, September 28, 1866, Image 1

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SO U THE BN HE BAt D. ] i islmikuv»aily at GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, #v MARTIN & EAGAN, i rsT uki ihii.dixg. r .~t >TT*r inn. Hut*-» of Subtrrlplioß. One copy on, year ?'» On On* copy *'* '""“•fi* 3 £u On* ropy inoiitli* . 2 CM; 1 UP Order* f->r JuIJ WtiUKan.] ADYERTIs ISO reapeettully *' | l>cileJ, und promptly a'.tendrj . 10. ' j A Tallapoosa Gold Streaked Mountain A correspondent of the Columbus Emjiiir ftsays; I noticed an article in your paper in relation to a mountain of gold in Talla poosa county, Ala. I have examined that mountain. It is a ui.xt extraordinary shew upinnatura. I tested tor three days the ore with mortar and pan, and found no rock on or about its Imae that did not make a good show of gold. There is one rein about nine feet broad, which I denominated Ihe jugular', in consequence of its so far exceed ing all others. There are other rich mines in the immediate neighborhood that prom ise an abundant yield when Skillfully worked. , Tallapoosa county lias been explored and P'ihtd for gold in former days, for I traced for miles a range of pits, showing great la bor and perseverance, and I learned from she Indians that some of the bottoms of the pits were <overed with gold. Tallapoosa is the field for speculators in gold niinas, and pill be found on trial one of the richest and jniost productive in the Southern mining regions. ■A*V!3 a.M) Ltos fur tui: Georgia Sol diers. — We learn that the contract for sup plying the indigent Georgians who lost their limbs in the Confederate or State service, has been awarded to Mr. Illy, of this city. According to the act under which this con tract is made, only those are entitled to its benehts who make oath that they are not Worth enough to buy the limb desired, and under this strict interpretation of the law, v> ry many who, though po-sessed of same little means are unable to spire the sum re • piired to purchase -t leg or arm, cannot tn j*y its pr ivi-i ns. We know not the inu i t of the bill, but it w.s scarcely their purpose to confine its bciicfi s to those who had abso lutely nothing with which to buy a limb. There are many who may have an humble • omicil, but for want oi a leg or arm cannot follow tb ir usual avocation, and who, of course, will not sell the ro ,f iVoin the heads of their families to buy one. Such persons ought, it seems to us, to receive the bounty of the State, but under the oath required are debarred therelrom. We tru-t Jie Legislature, at i's next ses sion, will give the act tins consti uctain.— Those entitled to legs or arms under the act should make application through the Ordin ary ot tie ir respective counties, and as or. ders will be filled in rotation, as received, 'ihosc who apply first will be first served. It i« estimated that there will be from Soft to 1.000 beneficiaries under this act. and that it will take a yt-.ti to Imfil tiie e.intract Therefore, those who art; tardy in making application may have to wait many months on the contractor. Ruder the provision of the act. the limbs are to be furnished at lie most, central point in the State, and wc r gr. t to learn that I>r. Illy contemplates tie nnmval it hi- fietury to Atlanta nr Macon A >;■>«* ('.'■rvii'i/v. A I’aiiat.i.iti.. A histoihul cv.'iit has Leei» found from which it. is supposed ting S'epliens drew the inspiration of his bloo.lv programme for the Son lie, It •-■■t-I in a little obscure island Ivieg td!’ tl.e coast ot North America, little known to lame, and rejoicing in the euphonious name of Nova ! Scotia. Twentv thousand Fre «-h Arcadi ans, the original owners of tho soil, were butchered, their houses and churdhes burn ed, and the people men, women and child ren htirnd tip in them, transported, and en slaved by a brutal I’oiiish soldiery. The reader is doubtless familiar with Longfel low's story of Evangeline. If be will take the trouble to read it again, lie will find 1 something similar to the atrocious program me o ( the Radicals towards the .South.—At hiiita lutrfli'jrnccr. A t loci*le or Fools 1 > kau. — 1 An e'ccen- j trie Englishman, jus Istlead, left a large sum of money, the interest of which is to be paid once in five years to five voting maidens, who in return are required to dance round 1 bis monument. 2. A foolisli young Frenchman undertook, or, a wager, to drink twelve glasses of wine while the clock of the Tuilleries was striking j twelve. On emptying the ninth glass tie fell : dead upon the floor. Tube Extirpate*!. The Philadelphia Press of Tuesday morn* lr *2 contains a speech from John W. Forney, at Lackawanna, Pa., on Saturday, of which the following is an extract : “If the Southern people do not ratify this (negro equalization) amendment, or if they defeat ft, what then ? L think L sec hy the slitter of your eyes, and i know bv the; throbbing of my heart, that if they should ever be guilty of this new infatuation, the 'f ar that would ensue would establish ti is fact, that that winch has passed was but as shaWs play, or as a picnic to that which will come. The army that will go to the ! Southern country will go there to stay : it will not be an army of invasion, but an army of migration ; it will not go there to revenge, i p'cff to extirpate. lirownlow’s remedy will . indeed be tried j there will be three columns, the one to kill, the second to bum, the third to divide the plantations among the men that go down the second time to avenge the insulted flag of our country. I see this j sublime resolve in the glitter of your eyes, | snd I feel it in the throbbing of my heart— ! I feel it everywhere—l hear it in the trumpet Toice ot destiny. That we shall not prevail •gainst these men is to expect that God is dead.’’ Hon. Hen. Loan, a I Indies I Congressman from Missouri, says no Southern State should represented in Congre?' ‘ until every dollar expended by the county in ilia late war was taxed out of the Southern people. Tammany Ifni!*, one of the landmarks' of the democracy, and a building with which are connected some of the pleasantest rem iniscences of men and things in New \ *-tlr. will be sold to’ flic highest bidder nev month Tiie '• rLmU -T-ivf Hr-n-d Ae "°ilf a laiger wigwam.” DAILY SOUTHERN HERALD. VOL, 1, Table of Pount.a »*u«i fiVshels. bushels. rot AOs. Wheat, CO Shelled Corn, ,yg Corn in the ear, ;o I ’chs, Go Lye. mi Oats, 30 Earin', 47 Irish I’otaMtes, go Potatoes, jg White 1 leans, gg Castor Leans, 43 Clover Seed, op Timothy Seed, 4 j Flax Seed. 54 I limp Seed, 4 j Elite Grass Seed, ]o Euckwheat, 52 Dried 1 'caches, 33 Dried Applet*, ' 04 Onions, 57 Salt, 50 Stone Coal, 80 Malt, 38 Eran, 20 Turnips, 55 1 'bi-tcring Hair, 8 Unslai kud Lime, 80 Corn Meal, ■ 48 Fine Salt, 7,5 .Ground J’eas. 22 A lu-'Pdt by 16 inches, 02 deep, coutai: s 1 but l cl. A box 10 by 16] inches, 8 deep, contains 1 bushel. A oox 8 by 8] inches, 8 deep, contains 1 peck. A box 4 by 4 indies, 4 5 deep, contains J gallon. A box 4 by 4 indies, 2] deep, contains 1 quart. l’«n gallons I’ickled Onions, 83 pounds. I en gallons Sour Kroit, 81 pounds. Nonrimts lib I,ooo,oooth —The voting men ot ILitnbridge, Ga., are said to smoke in dintdi. A*. )’ San. _ PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Charlie Wright, EM TCIIM. 1 K Ell AXD JE WE LEI JeTf ~ EAST SIDEUILL STREET, over CFFORirs. All tYudt wsu-raiited. " f *l. Q. A. ALKOIII), ATTORNEY AT LAW, GKIFI-IX. GA 1 U’ 11.1. attend to su.-li professional business as v ▼ niflv I" t*n»**4.l t•» i; care in the cmin. tic-* «»f S|*.i -liiihf. Kj: mi, Monroe, Butts: litifA. Fav* ’’l’mvi'U jig I Merriwctlicr. 11 \ ; |M 4»t:t j»l it *!• 1 dilig«»’.t attention to professional lit- will fii-lt iivor to those who may en ti ii- . ' vltli !. i'i- • ll** is determined t*’ •*t 111Iiii-iiM*'» ; !ii- client.', t■ •her with 1«i- i •-•' shall o*-ctq*v I** -* l'tii jtin! attention «**!•!•- tv: ; < ‘!li ••• it lib! sited, up sfttin, opposite HER a:.i) ni l in:. ! r\ 'l l. ! Si*f. Iv. BrrrYYt, M’NXALLV, Ai loRNEYS AT LAW. GRIFFIN GEORGIA \ V r n.i* i’ll \<'l lri: in Tin-: cocnties oi ▼ ▼ Spalding. Henry. Fayette. Butts. .Monroe I p'on Bike, Clayton, ami Merriweather; nmi | will attend to tlie collection of claims aeamAt tit . J Kc.Fnnl (’ovrtrnnn’nt ; niid also to the purclias«» ' Atiil sale ol real otai?. • A' «c shall il**vote our whole attenlion to our profession, \ve hope to be able to yive general 1 s.-iti'lnet ion t«» all who may think propel to engage our services. L. T. DUVAL. A. D. N CNN ALLY. 1 Pee 27. If ; I, 11 ALL. T. w. tiilkm a.n Hail & Thurman. ATTOKNKVS AT LAW. JA ('/{SOX, GEORGIA. "IT/'II.h practice in the counties composing the j ▼ ▼ Flint Judicial Cikcvit hiu! lUteiul to U»e e illection of Claims against the Clnkkal Govern* ment arch Ist. it BOYNTON DISMUKE, ATTOII XE Y S AT L A W,, GRIFFIN GEORGIA. ! 1 (Office ip front room up stairs in Almah Hall, opposite lirick Warehouse ) "VXTILL give* prompt attention to such business ▼ ▼ as may l»e entrusted to their care, in the , counties of >pal«li»g, llenrv, Hulls, Monroe, , l paou, l*ike, Mem wether, Fayette and Clayton, i tl. S. lIoYNTON, ) Feld. D. Di-mi kl. ‘j »ep4—4m. ! VIRG44* (\ (OOK. ATTORNEY AT LAW. <; K l F FIN, (j EOU G 1 A . tnnvH if t>7b~t7knottT Having returned to Griffin, respectfully tenders his ?KOFESSI ON A L SERVICES To ’.hose who may desire them. Office and rooms in the BRICK BUILDING between the Lively Sfa’jles. where be may be found day or ni jili , exempt wbuu IVi'ffcssioiially engaged, npril D.*. I). N. MARTIN, A TTO 11 VE Y A T l, A ir, GII I F 1 IX, GE O It GI A . Office m-xt dour to l!te Herald office. tnny3lf DR. M. J. DAN El L, ' PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, OtT'IVE I'p-etair.-r Front Corner Itoo.n .lu=t-,.- DctlJiiis;. March l!*-3tn Railroad Meeting. f 1 E a tit-mil meeting of the Stockholders of the 1 SAVANNAH. GRIFFIN it NORTH ALA. R.R CO , v ill be held at Ncwnan, ouTHCRS DAY.>October 4th, 1 SGd. The meeting called for 27th September will, Ai consequence be postponed. All the friends of this enterprise are cordial!v invited to rttetid the annual meeting. Stockhold ers, esp, ally, will be represented, as business of tbv utiid»>t importancc will be brought up for con* riderntion. By Jc. u l kh 11. Jubn«te»n, Es** , S. W M AXCtUAM. - V 2>v 5- c an*! treasurer. “• Tfcf I’m i* HiclHlrr ihsattr 1«w4.« GRIFFIY, CEii, FilllUV lIoEMYi, SEII. 28, 1806. G ENEH.A Ij LAND AND EMIGRANT A. Gk E N O Y WIT II II E AD-(il AKT EU S A T GRIFFIN. GEORGIA. I hb:t!l keep ft !!<*«*i*ti \ in my «-ffie**. üb. real! par ties having Lands. rhu.tati«»ns. t ity, or other prop erty for sale, rent. < r exchange, are icspeetfullv solicited to R**gist« i them lice of charge, wb< tlier my services are engaged as Agent or not. I am thoroughly ae«piaint«*d with Southern Lands, and thcidorc ai.»pl\ ub . tr* direct n the quality ai.il strength, as well ns wlmt they at** best adapted for. • to., etc., which will enable me to render valuable services to Capitnliata and others wishing to invest or exchange. 1 now have several I'iantution*. Lots, and u con*i*lerab'e quantity ot ui'd lands in different partb of tieorgia for sub*, rent or exchange, and will soon have them mapped out «*n my Register so tl at all can examine for ihenieelv**#. 1 am now making, and will soon have perfected arrangements with parties in New* York, Phila delphia, and Baltimore by whi* h 1 shill be able to advance money *>n lands, ylowing crops, ite. lh.KKr.Mis: George N NiehoU. Esq., Bay street Savannah, <ia ; Ransom R**g. rs, E?<p, N*.*. llyt South 4th Street, iHiiladeipiiia, and the bu.-iuess men of this city. A. JACKSON iJoGEI’S. 1 ffiice. for the present, at my residence, on corner of Broadway and 13th Streets, opposite Marshal Go liege. July I*>ni ■Wanted T O 11 ENT 011 PERCH AS E . TWO No. l l' untfttions, adjoining, or very near vnch < * li i*r, som-wb. re in spa! I *Y C ' ding, or one of the adjoining Counties. 1 “ Fhese |»lae* s must by near or convenient to some Railroad w* 11 in.| rovod. and adapted to the culture of Cot’ * . Corn, l’eas, Potatoes, Cane, Ae., «ke.. etc., and ha»e thereon a good fruit orchard. Blue* s having water (Gii.*t and Saw) Mill*, or sites where such u:a\ be built, pi« bind. Would pr«f«*r t<» puichr.-e the horses, mules, fanning implements, stork A- outlie plac-s. Appl\ t*», or a-hlresa A. JACKSON RODOF.IN, (• i iffin. < i i-oi gia. OFFICE ft»r the present at his residence corner of Broadway and Bllli streets opposite Marshall Ctdlege, s.-pTlm NATIONAL HOTEL. Cot tier V Bit hall Street ami \\. »fc A Railroad ATLUVA, GEOIIGIA. This Newly»r:reeled, Coininodimiß, First Class Hotel, Ellegantly furnishe*! throughout, and complete in all its appointment*, is now open for the reception of guests, ami in successful opeiafion. \ttachcd t«» this Hotel is a tine Billiard Barlor. wit’ii l'lndan 'Fables. \1 ii .-t l ias- ! >;4r, fully and compFclr■)y stocki 'l with clio’cvi li'piois, Winep and Cigars. i’he patronage "f ih>* publi.- is r* spe*-tfi 11 y st» lieited. BBATT, BOND »t foilKY. Broprietor•.*. 11. D. II Mims CKik. Late of the “Brown House ’ Macon, Ga. Jum- 2sth. :.m. Hemir A gton & Sons M itttlf.t ' i vrs KEV< iI.VEKS. lIIFLES, MESKETS AND CAUImN'ES, for iltu Uiiitt;tl Slates set vice. Also, Pocket an.l Pelt li.-volvevS, He |>e»ti11u Pistols, little Canes, Li lies, Liile An.l Shot Gun Parrels, an<! Gun Maletiahs sohl by Gun Dealers atul The trade i;eu6; hii v. In tliesfl d-ava of Itottre-lire'iHng; and rub bery, evert House, Store, hank mid Office should have one of HEMINOTCN'S iIEYOLVELS. I’arties desiring to avail themselves of llte late iinjiroveiiieiits in Pistols, and supe rior workmanship and form, will find all combined in the new ltomingion Revolvers. Circulars containing cuts and description of our arms will be furnished upon applica tion. K. REMINGTON A- SONS, Ilion, N. Y. 'Moore ik N irhols, A gen *B, No. 40 Court land St. X. . sepO-fijn. kERIISEM \ I, IS STOVES ! . tea and coi'ii:i: boilers, gixe pots OH. ONS, Ac., dc. All the Cooking for a family 11T may he done with Ken.sene * rt'" Oil, or Gas, w ith less trouble, and at less expense, than by :A 3 . rr any o' her fuel. Knell article turn ufattured by this Compm y is guaranteed perform all th.rt is claim*<l for it. j Semi f<>r a circular. £3*?“ Liberal discount- made to the trn-lc. kkhoskm:lamp iii:a i i:u est.. < sepl 1-df>\v [up] 2<m*i Pearl St.., N. V. nowprs iMriiovED Cotton Picker! FOR PICKING COTTON IX TIIE FIELD. V SIMPLE and about two [m»u;. A-—pick, three or four time? faster than by hand, leaving the cotton clean and free from traab. Priee o. Orders can be filled by THE HOWE MANI FAGTL RfNG so . ' • fn stn. y 1 Or bv nur Agents thioughout the South. -PV- 3n,d IWIRDKD A HOLD MEDAL I AT Dll Am. Inst. Fair, ChT**Brß 19, 1865. In dre. t competition with all the leading mak*r« hi the country. “PE L(> U BET” ORGANS AND I 31 ELODEONS. !‘I:U)HIFJ, BELTON A*. CO. Rej«pectfullv invite the attention of purchaaera, the tra«lc find prote.ssion, to the FOLIi \VIN(i INSTRUMENTS Os tlidt* Manufacture: PEDAL MSB ORGANS, Five Five octave, one to three bunk** of keys, three to eight situ ol Recdn, Prices 82GO to 53(300 SCHOOLORGANS Nine «tylo*. single and double Reed. Rosewood and Black Walnut casco. Prices SIOO to 94,00 I’inno at vie and IWtnble, Twelve Yarietie*«, from four to t-i\ (leaver. Single and l»oub!c Reed, RosuWood and Black Walnut Ca.ita PricosSQ3to S2SO. Every liiatruirent D made by eotrpeter.t work men. t’i« »iti *he b«-st mateiml under our pcraoiial supei vision, and every modem improvement worthy of the name, is introduced in them.— Among 1 h***»e we would «•«!! attention to the TEE- MoLANTE, h hich lia» bfun mi mudi u<lmired, andean b«« found only in inatrutueuU of out own manufacture Frr.rn among tiie very datteiing Testimonials ot eminent J’rcfess*»r* and Organist*, we gi'e the fol lowing extract*: “The pedal* I conceive to be ur approachable In their beaulilul smooth quality.*- \Vm A. King. “tl is a grand, goo.! Instrument, and doer cred it ot the builder.”—ll. C. I olgxk, Troy, N Y. ‘They are an ong the finest Initrumenti* rnanu factured either in this country or abroad. Wm. Bleu. J. Moskmiial, Aptotnae. “They hare given universal satisfaction ”--W. E lIXuLK V, Fon dudue, Wia. “There i< ajeculiarly’ sweet and avmpaflietie tone which harmonizes charmingly with the voice.” —W. ll.Cuokk. I *I am particularly pleased with the arranee* ; ment of the different register*."—Wm. 11. Bn\i» iui:v, “N'o other instrument so nearly approaches the organ.*’— l'ht f.'horixtrr, X. Y. ••This instrument tin* a clear superiority over .tnjtjrug yet introduced among ns.— lud* p‘ ndmt, “The tones nod the action are excellent"—Kev. W. S. Leavitt, Hudson, New York “The more we use it the better we like it."—J. B 11a<;i k, Hudson, N. V. “The Two Han* firgnn Harmonium is really a gem. ’ —J. W. Ki.NMetTT, Button, Musa. | ,l \\ e have found them excellent in nlf points ; constituting a good instrument."—,!. C. Cook. T • Coo*. [ ,f l { looks and sounds aplendid!\'."—S. B. Sax ton. Troy, N. Y. 1 he most perfect toned Melodeon I ever saw." Hrr F Noktii. j *’ 1 hey fa!! back on c.uli *ubst#nt»f*l merits as superiority of workmanship, beauty of tone irn-5 | reasonableness of price. And wc must say that jin all their r. fpe v | B they ore well worthy of praise. --Must> al l l ion»:cr t Any. ’fld. ZW* Every Instrument is fulUr warranted, and Bolt'd and Shipp'd in Xiw York city without char<je. Circulars, Cu*«. and Prie* Lists. «fcc. sent on ap plication to PKLorfIET, PELTO* & C O. oil BKDAIAVAY, X Y, Or to onv of our Agent* in the principal cities y of the Kiiion. ICEt subscriber*, having completed their ar- J rangeirrents, are now prepared to furnish the citizens of hriffin, and surrounding country, with X OB in quantities to suit, at their new It'E HOUSE, op)H>«ite the Paaaenger De|>«t The | nrio' for the preaenf is RCe cents bv"retail, aTiiT a ’ I liberal deductiou will be tr.adetii the trade, j July stf MAbLF.V 4 JACK-OX. TAILO RING 1 C. B. SMITH T T AYISG opened » TAIIX»H -‘HUP luGtiffin. j If U|> «»vvr < l.vrtjV Siute. on Hit! I .tii-ci, j, ii.-w 4,-it-fr ml ki.,4 »»f v.-oik in l-ia at fifty pel <-<i.t. Ira. lion at.v tittirf »iH,p in MMtlla Georgia Hr i« and will <-'..i,Unu« la In- rt««lvu f? j llir Uir»t Ann-iiran ami Uur«(iM» fa-Juuna. C utting dour ala uiomcnt a warning. «ug9-Irr ,IOS. ENG El/S \i\\ mm The Jesircs to inform the' public that he has returnnl In his 01.1 home IN GRIFFIN, Where he ja deti-nuincl to furni-h thotn with GOODS aa LOW ■» they cau jKtthibly be tiffiirdcl. 1 have on baml FILESH db NEW, A -Complete Stock of DRY GOODS, Clolhiiig, Boots, Shoes, Hats, &r, Afy frrll known (’hnractrr ax a business 1 man here in former days, is a sufficient guar- ' an tec of Fair and Honest Dealing Call on me nt nty NEW STOLE, at the . OLD BTAN D, West Corner of Hill street and Broadway. JOSKPII ENGEL A iig. 2 ,1800 —3 m. UUEHNSWARH, 1 CTITX A A XT) CLASS WATT 1 MvIiUIDF., IKtnsI.TT E C<». | Corner Whitehall and Hunter Streets, Atlanta. Full line* of C. C. Granite and Glusawara IN THE OFIGINAL PACKAGE ut in li'U to suit ptii’cliurer*. A SPLENDID RETAIL STOCK. A fine a«aortmcut* of “ Amoi le«l I’ratcs” vervi low to 1 lie ti acb\ Dealer* are p irticiilai ly t r<ptc»te l to call and j examine out- stin k . Wa feel confident that our J TERMS will compare favorably willi BE> 1 NEW Yt »RK rate*. an«l our stock i« a* complc'c a* any n the country, North or N nth. MtBRIDE, DfthsKTT <t CO. July 18 -3m IIEMIV IIRV.W. V I- IfAHTRIDGK. . K W. H. X):»K j BRYAN. HARTRIDGE & CO. . co.a.mssioN mekciiants x-xi Broilers, i SAVANNAH GKOHGIA I 3kX / E soli-it c # »nsignii»« r.ts and make advances ▼ ▼ O i nhiptiHmt* to ouriclvev, N**w \> i k ami l.kfrpotil eorr* .pondents. HTBLANTERS’ SL'ITLIES ITRNISUED. nng‘23 -ts J. N. SEY MOUII, ) CIIKHHY STREET, MACON. - GEORGIA. Keeps on lift s *1 a full 4lp*-k of Gro**eriea an*l Brovuiom, xv! ich he offirs us low nt any other house in the city. ID aDo on liand all grade* of Tb>BAGC( >, ' mid <I,-al» in b.rillmd's SNCFT, aid SMOKING Tf)BACTO. of \n r i'***s brand*, and invite* n rail from m- rchanta, Blantera, and o’,her*. It «uf?3o-<ly3in J X. SEYMOLH. A MILL r. UKLU O. W. WTLLT. tJBXUT R. < URI»TIA'- BELL. WYLLY l CHRISTIAN, Cotton Factors* and GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GEO. VDYANCKS in 1<- on uM cuti«igntr.tntx to as or t«, cur In-i d* in Liverpool, 80-ton, New i Yoik. I'limi l*-lp!u i «ud lisl'itnore. iir i Vi-w.t ;,J H’t*'iition giv*-n fh* «nle of Cotton and f**fwarding of rnerchan lizc. *cp4 - dim* EDUtEAIAN & HANKS, wij*>li>al* and nrrAii iii tM'..r.r.- w 5 HOOTA, HOES, LEATHER. SHOEMAKERS TOOLri, I.AaTH, BEGS, Ac. ; ALSO. MA.MTACTI'KUa Os BOOTS tb SIZOBS, the LAHGKST STOCK of Goodt in their line, that i» to be found ic ail) one IBmc in Geor gia. Country Merchant# are invited to txamiue our ato* k l» :f »r-_* purchasing eNea herc. cm ERt ik i rcTmtfx wr. ! Atlanta. iftorsiu May :;itf SO V TUER.Y JUiUAJJ). ** ktbw •rmrttrrm ivuniw, liftmijid . ...... IM*m\ 0 M»plf »ix B. -utl,. .M Ou» «o|«y Uiim avatlM, U U tSUKI r*“ Ad j ’Up; rd «• ft,* ml gl the tfm« A J»«rti« ■»ml« inaeitrd «t tb, ‘pA; | I>ulUr »u-i fifty I'.iili |.*r ut T-i» Ot« the fir*! ill**, 'ion. aud Sr„nfj'-fir, *Vrt»a A, «ar2 «ul,.«|ii,M marrtiun —pa>4t*U»n «4y»n»n. j IJljaial ii'd- i-i"iM a iH- un <-r«)ir»<-*a fur adi er C»riiiei.*. runiiirg thr« month* and lonfar - * \o. a. « ITV BrUSEM DIHKI Tom*. A LEILAWY-Ukj-wi-v-fiAo, ■* rn,Tte». TlKn. N rlr ai-d T-ra*.frr -1 ity l>«iu« i! uti.i-c at Nad A liaiiMw'.niiiN. (d'.() T> JOHNSON Chief Mttahnl «4 City Halt -, ' A-! uuux—V. H. C. Musk.'.ittsrr J. $. Wi^, A P. .VjM, w*. J. N Uurit.C T. t> Vnitli, J M Patri'-lr J <1 Soars ■ I I;PSINL-« iTijlvlflYc Fmjni—4'i.* Patrivk, H*n4* •* v " situ in un 4i uu«Hk*rt, Mickclhnry ,!'*.«* . < iimix*x-r<—Patri-k Smith, CutKTt.am *>l> I’tUK Mithrlb'-rry lUf- . ri*. -until. IVwr* ,*n Pi »uo B\’klia—-SmiHt. Vi»tt«*i S«»ra. Ftlfrr Km r- u ii«imv-Ilnrri*, N**U>*, T*t- Hr-k. Kiwi* k*—Mathew*. N- wlin , Wi*«. l’*TiTiux>—Nrwiim, Wnr, Xickelbcrry. CiM XIY OFFICERS ' ” ' F. D, DlSllUKK—Ordinary.—Ollls* np iWn iii Alut-.fi liall. J If. OONNAI.T.Y—CIwIt «,f gnpminr Canrt.— Hive in Almali Hail. J. H LA E -tint tlifl -.Ca Ui Pit** nf atairaT.i Almali Hall. It. It. IJOYAI "hriilf. TIHtS. SIMON’IoN-Cuuntv Tirnrtirrr - tK fioi-atln- .1 W,S. Miirlu-ir* StLr*. I t:«iu;i. \ment orFiccna. B. foMl’TbN—l’ S Internal ftevetiae Tax t , 4>ilect4*i.--‘>ffic*f ut tl.c I‘liUit'ra Bank Build«ug t j Solomon "St i t D A. JOHNS4I\—!’. S Tax in I'llhU'O Bank Bulb ll.g. RATES OF LEGAL ADVERTISIIfG - Miles **f I Hrtdi by A<lniinirtfrmU>ta, Fx»*efitor# and f>tmidiun* ftp itNjuired by law to h< held on tin* fu t Tu«-daf in cadi r ontb, belwet h (hf haul * »*f ten in an«l three »a thi» after t 0«» u, nt the (Giirt hou.-e in the county in ahkki tin- j rop4-ity i« aftdate<!. No* ieea <»f ib* ae iiiunt L* git*i\ in a public tga/.cfci4* 4u«bi\- prgvioua. N«iti«‘«-«tf with •of peiiorml pro party mti«t t»e given In a pul li.* gacette Dt dux* prevmua to aele. Nu’i* « !<» and hlora and « n«lito|» of fin 48)tak« ! must lie pu!di»h*'d 4<t i!a\ *. Notice that iqqdt atom v ill l*n made to the | ('nurt <>f Ordinary forlca\n In> aell Inikd uitirl be pltlt!i>hed two inoi tha. : • itet ioiia for h-tteiA of Adminratration, (ieird*- ' ft|lH Lip A-.. IDU’I be publi*hcd *odu\%. . CiLftlioaa fur di-mls-bru Ux*m , «*nc** a month f«»r eit months. • 1,1 For 1* tt»*i id di.-uii-* 'on u-fjTi) Guardiauftlui' U 1h V i. j Rules foi the f.*redosiirc (ts mortgnges must be i publifthctl um t* .‘i uiotilh f r four month a —for »•- tabli hii.g loat papers for the fulf »r>A£C of tliree' irv-MtliM—fur rourprlling titler from A<bbiuifttna« | tors, where IpoimJb have been given by the deceas ed. for the full space of three months.* Bublnations will ulwnya b«*continued a- eoidtiqf to the***, the l**gul requirement*, uuksa utlftrrwiee ordered nt the foil awing Ual ks. s|i< riffis ?ales per levy • t t n lipetoHese w . niorfgag** fi la aaß per le .y 8 ; lux Oollector * sales, per levy l \*s • Imitations for letters of AdinmiKtintion, 5 t)0 t/itatioaA for letter# -f flnardianstlip, 3'<>o Notice o/ application for duiulaftiou frwui | AdminiHrahon, 6 60 Notice f.f application for dismission from GuardiatiiJiip 4 5U 4i.pl; catiop to sell Barn] 6* 00" ( N»»tiee to Debtors and Creditors, 8 «MI a •'ale 4-f I and per sqnara, v, no Sale. perishable pi poi ty lu days 2UU Rstray noti< <*. r,o slays. 4 Od' Foreclosure sjf mot tgage, per square, 4 it forgiftti adverlisinybts wife, |0 advance. lo 0 RAILROAD OTTIT3 E_ MACON AND WESTERN KAII KOAD. A. J Will TE. r«r-ir.K>T, K, B. WALKER, sti r. Leave Mnenn t Sfi A. M Arrive at Guilin 11 50“ " Arrive at Atlanta 1 57 P. M. Leave Atlanta t * 35 A. M Arrive at Grinin 8 80 *7 Arriv.-a at Mr-con ff and I*. V. SOUTH WESTERN RAILROAD. WM HOLT. PtaMitnr, I VIKGIL POWERS, an t. fearer Macon -. 7 23 A 11, Ariio- at Kufaula ........IV Jg P, Al. Leave, Lubiula. .5 111 A.‘lt. Arrive, at M-v.,n lb B*.- V ’ ai.a .Mr r r ..vri. Leave* Sinithtille ... ....2 fg T. M. Ainve* at Albany 4 *4 P. 51. 1 j.eaiea Albany ........7 X<) A. M. Arrive, at Smitliville *. *t 08 il. MLNCOGLE RAILROAD. i JOHN Mi sTAfN, PsKeimtat CI.AR vE, Bi p’r. if I.eave, Maeon ...7 23 AVI}. Arrive, at ( ulur bn* 4 24 A. 11. Leave, Columbua .....7 A. M. Arritat Macon .♦ 10 T. Mt GKoR'.IA RAILROAD. J V KING. PkiainrxT. E. W id ILL Sit’t. Auifiieta T A. W Arrive* at Atlanta 6 50 P. If. . Leave* Atlanta .7 05 A.M, Arriveg at Angu.ia 0 go A. M MtfllT TRAIN. ytnu i. Leave« A n«u eta 8 lfl A. If. Arrives at AlUlita f 4) Ali. Leave, Atlanta 1 an P y At rive, at Ang'uta 030 M. ATLANTA A WEST POINT RAILROAD. GUOPeOr. G. Ill'Ll., prr’r. L ’are* Atlanta 6 00 A. M. AtTi »aat We,t Point II 48 A. If. Leave, iVitont'Mi |J J 8 P. M. Arrive, at Atlanta t tiO P. 11^ PHIVATD E n t or tai n ment MARTIII R W. DROWN take* thi, sae thod of Informing bu oM friend, that be ha« opened a ii uine for private entertain, ment in tiie city of Atlanta, on tfie corner of Hun- I ter and Lloyd »treelt in front of tbe Cathidie Ghnreh, anaabntftone hundred and IMfy yard, freu tie Car-abed. Hi, term, are very ~:aaooable. i augxo—dylyr ARTiIL'R W. BROWN. Daily New Era, MLANTA, geo, I" ARGENT city uirrulotion. Large,l counlrjr JL, circulaliou. A live journal. Taa paper for the fireside and the c* unliog rcitHg. trflbicriE* for tiie Em. Puce of aubacriptme ouly | *.r am um or ene dollar per month. .■■pi-If PRATHER & t^CRCGGS.