Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, October 03, 1866, Image 2

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»T a y. i* h ii i »: s Wru>tli i » Act of ( 'any i't ys June I »I. Alti Uv.t, / >0 Oi AcirHWO.t or (' nl' t. i «.*!.. rtl in ilkmw p|m« ifii-tl ly • , -ir m.'. *j>» |ifHi»'-ii>*i.i. 0 <'6 l(»uk l 'ln-, k, IVi t m l**r. l v >!•-« ■i ftifKl or on *H ir*-'Jii'i; ?10, Hil 1 * <>• hxliaiige, (lii'.ii. !,) \u!. i, Dinft*. •■ i if.l | !-»I .i- :iM'l r.i Kiir *wn H-l'tii Hi. . ! ,< : ft liimal 'emt tliri.nl. 0 05 IImII#U 11 tin' | I u»«* r«!e llilUof in I,i*l. tec* of rr~>!it. if it ino »i!.j 'v <ir • thcr» i«c limn ii --i. «.f 1 1■ ir.» <.r morr. f..r n *mi iml ex, ••cliltg nbit l.lllnlr. . i|ril);i i, 0 05 Fm rii'i v N'l-lti <*i. i! litii.'lrvl, or fmctional |i»rl thereof, 0 02 I ill* « f la-ling for ( |r, Mn itl.Hn*- •lire or rfleet* export,' t to inv fir rilfii port (fxei'i't lliii -h North Ainrrti H.) on fin \ In i of I'.'ieh r. t. 0 10 11on•( to iiiiieiiinifi h Min ty, when tin, amount recovers!,!,, l|ierrnpo:i i* mir tlioii*ai A ilol! ir* or IcM, (I 50 Km h ail lilti.it.il (hoit-ainl, oi f;*c tional pnrt thereof, 0 50 r.<.i..l lor ilaa #x«N-alioti or perforin urn of ilmim of nflit-o, I 00 . PohJ or utlitr 'linn those rnjiiiie.l in legal J.roreeiln gx ami siti h am not rlliert* i*« eliiit jji’ii herein, 0 25 Uert.ficatr of S:.k, in alit ii.cnrpornt* nl I'Oinpanr, 0 25 Certifieato of profit*, in an Incorpnrnt n! i oiwpan vi>r a- >in net lews than ter. ami tint i\. er linp fifty •! i n*, o I<* F.\| ee.lii e i!:'", am) m.t ivco.ing inti* thou* m l doll it*, 0 25; Vert ifii'Ht e of tiamaee, oi atit ifo.eii* inent i*e-m .1 |.\ him Port Wni.leii, Mai me Suit. -ter, or other per*oii *i lino a* •neh, 0 25 Orllih’i-Mte of I>. p. -if, f.ir an aninunt not exceeding on»* iintolreif ~,tilers, 0 02 Exceeding one lint..lie.l del' us, 0 05, Certificate t.f a• t otl < * i ji'ion, not herein spe. lie.!, o 05 ColdlH I, Pl-'kct'*> Veil., nr M 'lirn ramlttin of p.i’e of I.y I '.ml. w (i 1(1. Deed III' lam! while the coti-i-liU at :ntt do"* tint i\i. e I fun h in, le.l il.d* I at*, 0 .>() From fivo ' iimlie.l to o!'f thon*nm| ■ loltai I 00 ! For et.ov n.l.liti.um! five | ttmlred or fractional put thereof 0 50 Entry lor withdraw i! of Met chaipliza ft ion Ponded W arehouse, 0 50 Entry of Men hamlize, for cittMimp tioli or w nrchnu-ilig, not e\e • e*. 1 inm one liiiiidre.l dollm* in \al « 0 25 Front one to live hundred dollar*, 0 50 Exceeding live li'.unlrod dollat *, I (Hi Guager’* Returns. If for a ,|ti.iniilv not exceeding 500 gallon* one*, 010 ! Exceeding ,‘nO gallon* pro**, 0 25 ItiMiranea po'icv. on anv life or live* where tl e amount insur I doc* tint exceed one thousand dollars, 0 25 I F’rom one to fivo thousand, 0 ,50 j Exceeding fivo thou-und, 1 00 [ Assijjnmei'ts or transfer same r ites, Insurance, Murine, Inland and him ~ Kirks, uhet a the pin ,.tuio not exceed tcu Davis, no refined, inslYhctively polite people could by possibil ity. be guilty of such grossness. So you have demolished your own theory.” At this time we saw a slotnler, shadowy, tottering form approach tha doof. Fhmb thing in my heart told tnc ft was Mr. Davis. Strange mystic human heart, with its divinations and prophecies! llible of the | true 1 IntalliabW God-word to every human soul that has ever been magnetized with j love! I had known this man at a time when his word swayed an Empire composed ( of as noble inen, and as glorious, God gifted j women as have ever appeared in the title of ' time, I have obtained at, his hands the j sparing of the live of forty sevon Cottfc lor- uteaoldiera during the war. I got oil I >ur- teen Federal soldiers coudetuncd to death I got his written permit—no order —to allow me to visit all the Federal prisons and alle viate, in all the lawful ways, their aalToting. I have prayed at this good man’s bedside for a blessing of God upon him to enmmen * urate to' the mercy ut? might extend to others, and that Tie might hope for himself, should the changes of time ever mako him suppliant for his beneficence. And now he is beforo me a prisoner— f?ofild God ! How changed ! The last time 1 saw him his brow seetned decked, not on ly with a crown of intelligent glory, but with a sort o f “primus inter purrs” —halool all the kingly chivalries of tho past ages j Now ho was bent, broken, reeling. Hut oh! that voice, its timbre, cadence, tone ! “ It s am glad to tee you, Mr. Kcilcy; your hair is tfliitor than it was that beautiful autumn morning when you prayed by iny bedside in lUehmond. Your heart, too, has been ■cared. Well, thank God, amidst it all, and by it all, we arc ripening for the skies " ! “ Mr. Davis, has it not occurred to you ( that not victorious but defeated causes, when foundad on truih and honor, are finally vie toUoos in the flow of the ages 7 Saifl Mr. Davis: •' No good came ever dies. Whatever was true in our theory of State rights will live, and be yet adopt -d en tirely by our Northern brethren. The American people are eminently thoughtful and practical, assimilating to themselves (ruths from every point; witness their won derful. improvement* in the practical arts Iftju Ifn'dtv bow the Nurraans conquered the Saxons at Hasting*—how they oppressed and wronged them ; yet in the course of tlircc centuries, the ideas of the conquered subdued their conquerors and led the Uni ted Kingdom to the conquest of that very France whence the conquerors came. Cen turics in the past were no more than decades in the present. I have no fear as to the it'.- Shiatc triumph of our principles, purified fretn whatever was wrong or selfi-h in them as you and I have been purified by sorrow." «l>o you remember, Mr. Davis, that duplet of Lady Guinn’s, translated by ‘fowper 7” •‘"Die path of sorrow, and that path alone, ; Leads to the place vrliere sorrows are iftiknown. Yes, I remember it Whll. ft ii the Cfttlv pend of Christianity. The world hns never yet fully appreciated that aspect —the b«vk homo of Christ. I have read more in - the , otyl books probably than you have, Mr. Da vis ;~let me reede to you an iiibt-nee in tho: life ofUulinn ; lie had oppressed and thwar ed Cyril, of Jerusalem, in various ways ; at last, on going lo'lhe Parthian war, lie met ' 11-, distress un *<. i KNn W 1 II V I* M s I 1 X V ! MAlouf. !’. K 1 ili »i:.* D *\. if- zi.vln p! -<*l ' *» j! t i *d‘ ! ! -•»*■ ) ' «»fu» fii* inil. «||.i I.?'-* «#!< i !» I ti. • ofi'.. (i .; Hi.r!-!, U ■••»!* !f a* III! !•«»:.. > V V. V• • -.#* !. vr- J- l | x .n I H - •„ Inl lu*r *. i- 1 o ‘ 'j *f' *. *» „ I l««Mtanrr t«« t?. ■ t. • ’ »- v\ latlc* ill - Cl i . ; . t jJ* Mlit r« *•! tl j»«*t i. ii.» ■ i • * ' j .*- <!• • I'.vcfc* . ' ; . i '•‘-‘•I P l "“ , ' ! * ’*- * • - I -it Ilf •. :<mil • ~ A - .. I 1 [ * r -vriit* '•»*.»* r. I 4 * lm* | • n * it j-iu;••»»*»» ’* *» I . « 1 ■tf' *i -ii ■ Iml, ,t !•.*,;, t -i i-i. f, !j • ..f l. i ti i.* . •'». 1 . 4*-i .. , - In i- -Mr. *■! ».>-G '■ill *• v«* t !»• |». • • • itl «!« -t • ! ). t« >nii nf i*jM 1 I» \ rH"rii ii-. til. M! . -»•«..« ■■•'ii «• • j Ifli! «!. l ‘ I ■ • •. '»■ <•* «»»■• I. i , iiiiirK-ori, I- o.i, . .. ii-..:*-m. :*. ■i. i Mitt l -r ft ■ j .*«,- n- man l .t- . tl.. !. ti. „ei.t u.ml I lixter'ial '• *ii■ ■ s I **p. .liv i . tl.e "i.i s, , ,:i. I III* Ist" 1 111 fr! -_'nr i \ ■ . • 'll rest .V Ml , p:lt:.’» 111 *1 1 1; ' 1 ■ - 1. I*. .V. * ! i.v I Kditur thrm-'-yr 'll .1 -lirii.i.. I'm . p.-';• ii.l. .... A.1.1i. IvxVf .. A. • V ■ . i.,.n New i <n lt. I "N.W I'! til- I l.liv J.! is.-11.Til fully ill .tint. I r I l'., ii « ill'll 111 till. |.| elssMti. .1 n- llie Itiiiiiri'.. i.,. .k. .1 ■■ .. . - (*..). -lint Til*' <■) •* -| . I-il!i i.i!« . wltelli.l l> ». k. lilit*. In-.,ui, in* l.n/.l 1 1, ,i ,nr. i li- . k*. fli i t.. e.il.’. li.ii .1 - l-.'t »■ .I , 1,,,,..',. *'t are hlii.wii t*i In* ".-ieiie nf • n.-l.'i In ini nili.-r .v i■ i L i* -ii 1.1 in li li|/' ii li!'. >w n ii|.t.n , the • Inirai i. r«■ and and stinj- •.f niai.i.i ,| :i« in <t,i --j i.i- ii.- .li-t in- '• i x trail- *..f a I u 1,. < -. ,■I.«. lx |~.ii.'..'ll .mt. I 1 1. aits ..f ,!.■ i L" .1 !'••) "I ' ..f all 111 ..' I■ I In. |II I n|.., w nil 111.1 | '.I )' -1-' III" ad and. : a a of I'liai Deter, life pi) ell. 1 11) i I t'a' I-. Mil .Tin.:, W-.r i Aiti'N. 15" K. fin! I'■ In 'I '■ I Surge.,MS. r. ,e. Ar., . M|| line Ini'lude.t. Il i* HII 'lsi.-\|.|..| .. ilia nl ln,,n | lllpfiy. D.'ijilililll < A I •! I' Mill, t||. Die. I tlie I Ist 2,11 Inf 11,.. | 1,1 '", I, fur id-fat in' \ii t-.tl , .1 I ~ ,r S|,„|„ |.,':i re, \\ ,-lli: N,i| .■ | , .I. In. [I , ■ loft In li. i. I 'si • llmt I * It.i , Ill'll Til- In ii In., I. . ..| , I,; | I;»ln nr. WI, eel-.. Tl- •«...> : . K, , , l,!. I, • " . li. tip r. Hllekle. ||„ 1..-;;., I ,et’.i la, We-ley, nrrtrte, ,i" Alev il I 1i,.. I 1 1 . ir„1 1 , ; ~f ,„| ' . Amm- W\l I ) 11. 1t..,, . -elll In, let ,11 I, |n r.-«. „r I ‘ 111 ! Fl\|)i.\V \ MANf.IiAM, Wholesnle and Retail Dealers in r \\(\ miin gk<m s;i:ii; AM)ll:i>'.| li iN-v I. I5 I ,|: A I I.V. .fCCt Wine-. I.i.| . .|", t lgal.l, fniia • ... I mile, • Nut-, it.' A.- . , , - ineervi, „ dispatch tl \t (ft, x.iAiltt. V .'ernment ti i\ 1; nations un Government 4 ' . iii*~i H rm , l2Hjl)ih and Sj.ain \ Hi 20.—Telc t'> '-N’w lon ml la ml . Jpfinrnd .'di I. .iml pTo.-Si a xvir.-> lor in les l Uj AZAi-A."-Co 1 lie 0 ties iiiorn:ti 2 from left the Terrib 1 !' and Med Way sos Northumberland, engaged | dtrxinganew -able between New llruns wick and I’rince Edward’s Island. London, September 28.—A meeting of the stockholders of the Atlantic Cable tele graph leas been held, nt 7,’hieh it was resolv ed Jt» raise the capital of the company ; and it was pront'sed that the tolls lor messages should shortly h' reduced. It is expected that the treaty of peace be tween Italy and Austria will bo in a | dav or two. f.t t finTen'l . Sept, ii.Ler 2'*.—Cotton sales for the week l'—t up Hltf.OOO bales at about jlljd. lor middling uplands. Sales to-day - 25,000 bales, chafing at pi advance, “took I on band -10.000 bales. Cincinnati, October I. —The Mu kitigum river was higher on Saturday than it has been since tli • great Ho > I ol The Cen tral Ohio r.ii road has been broken over since Wednesday, and the crops along Licking and Muskingum rivers are seriously injured. Louisville, October I.—Tlie municipal and legislative cl •ctions whioh came off on Saturday resitted ill the choice of tho entire Conservative ticket. Sr. Loris, September "o—Forty miners from Montana Territory arrived at St. Jos I eph yesterday, having in their possession j inorrly a nfillioti dollars if gold dt.fjtf i N KV? Yt'ITK, October I.—Gold closed at | MJ- under rumors of a heavy decline in bonds In London Cotton active ant? udvanjirTg Cities SOOO bales. Uplands 12 to »•> cents ; Orleans 44 1 to -I b ents- Flour higher at sl2 20 to 10 2.). The pork market is heavy and the ruling figures are od .40. Washington, October I. A dclerfition representing the original Union men of Al -1 exandrla. \ a, called on the President to day, and presented a series of r. solutions 1 touching upon the political questions of the day, which had been adopted at a recent | Conservative mass meeting held in that, i place. The President made no speech beyond express lig his thanks for the respect pm 1 him, aiuT reiterated nis determination to : stand by the principles which have hereto ' fore guided his Administration. New Oiu.ka.ns, October K— Cotton lax j advanced Ito I } cents. Quotations nominal. | Superfine flour sll 25. SirJ 21 to ?<5. I Bacon 18 to 21. Other article's unchanged Mobile, October I. —The sales of cot'on to-day were 1500 bales.- Eivcrpool mid idlings HS cents Advices from Liverpool repotting an advance h.ik catfscd an advance here of 2tv S cents. 'J be market closed I active at tho quotation* above. Railroad Meeting at NbwN V N TO MORROW.— We trust the railroad fever has not so far deolined, that any one has for gotten tha‘, to-morrow (Dot. 4th) at Newnan, Georgia, the annual meeting of the Stock holders of the Savannah, Griffin, A North Alabama Railroad Company will be held, puisuant to order 1 of the I’icsideut, C. 11. Uihnson, Esq: Let all the stock be represented, cither, preferably, in person, or by proxy. Hen. Frank tin waa tirand'Mastct of the Grand Lodge ot Pennsylvania. 1734, and that year he priuied the first Masonic bo*»k ever pubbshad in America ( k' « l ’i'. F.\M!I.V AMt FAXit (i iiocki: i ks, I* u . '■ V' .! Il.xili* mi iXBI .lliati . . ■.g ,rs, Ci i'Ves, Tea*, Flour, and Ricf i.U KWHT FL UR. s t :. i; - ii «* rs k si i; i r. ... . .. ... . ' • 't:- ! !:• I 11. I. I- savinji • • f t- \“sid~n t •'*/, I»( F , . . .... I Tall.* * 7 / ■ "in! H/ate 17ttr.se I ... line.l 'n- I Suml.iti•; null ( llt trinif lot uia I. .. . ii ...ir aim 10-. p tile-.- g. ' ' B "l in. I A I . , I enly in. .1- -"XiiIUH i r| i- . ■ |.i . 1.-r<.ui I 11-1..11 -r* If.-ndaliOa t!.« i ;il I-iii.-i t. V. ■ » , .' .1 .-.ill ): .-I) ■ 11: flil-1..!-. ,|-,il ..e .• 11l mil;, the fol- S. vr. MANGHz\K. & t mexns . y on the V * 4 t 4V 4 4 no co "di- I rights of \\ 1..•!• -ali- nr.l K-taii li-aliitinction of 11 ion on any I .:i- I, nl. - I’lHhi -. 1 u, ,| dishonor, ni.d I'U,-I \t di p. \\ I. i. * . , \V a, *• II Jobilck 00 tll,s elf., es • t »t<* , *ok ut UI. A!*,. Miiniifal t' j., j., yj § i • ''ii'., VNl> Sll,j er by 11"* ty, will he sol 1 Lelore . hi the town of Breen •T.. 2 111.,,,, t| „. firjl Tm-d iy ill . the legal l»‘»urs of sale. i’.JU IlllTC . Ittiil (more or less) hen g the upper Ninth !>istrict «*t .V 1 Ll.N'l’iif tl»‘* lanls of Me Knight, is, known ns the .Stole place tateof Alfred Wiggins, late of *<•<l, anil sold n* ti.e property of It |\ j s \{ \\(, 5,,e benefit us Ihe heirs mol cred ’ . 7 .ised. Tet rus ea>h, CABKSMAN PorK. .. ,9m. —l'»l* A'liniiiie' inter. -Fr-tT-dt^n*ii g I* ' ),' ** * M- T. i«ll\jM>X # A. U. TINSLEY . ffIOUR, JOHNSON &C. I fjJrocers and COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Clierry anS Tliirtl s*s, Mwiui, On. ATT K luivi! j nst rri.i v i-.l large addilions toour \ V sti-tt of (irouei-ns. mid we now offer to \f.,i fimi.f ■+. dleiir. One Os the largest and moat oomplvte assortment of Groceries brought to Macon. CDiMeitiiisj >•* pnrt of ;»0o Snckn Liverpool Salt, *l«»<> I*’l<*ur, r *Li Ilog-livatN of liacon, *25 j f»«' *» 1<»0 BLN A. B k C Sugar, I*2.'» Sii. kfi Rio uiitl Java I’off.'e, 400 Boxes Tob.icc.o, all gru«lv0 t 125 Boxes ( niKly. , :>0 Boxes StMOk. 7. r » Boxes rnr*Vr ( 'rF, 1 50 OrozN Matches, :too (-<»ils Hope, Machine atwl Ilnml nift'L*. 60 Boxes Soap, *25 Boxes Lngtish CoiLfisli, 50 Kilts Mess nii«l Mio Kciel, ;,0 Cases < )}stcr», Ac. ite. I Ocl *>-*2m J.C.KING&CO *floi7.ri>A.V’S KI IM'I.-D:,) SOI.OMON ST. URIFFIA t - - UtiOlUUA* \V,* hnvo o|M»nctl in tin* nbovo ldil\] e the I* i i»* k \Narc In’use.) a Urge mill well select. cJ a luck of Family Groceries! PLAN! AttON HARDWAUK, CROCKERY, and \\ 1 1 1 'WIN WaRE, 15 AGG l N<! amI'ROPE, Of»N ABERIK? and FACTORY YARN'. • it.oi it, corn, Bacon Ac, >Vc Lave al'fo a fin* stock f( SHOES AM) HATS (FUR KItKKt'MYN.) The nbov* stock we arc determine H to'?•;! A* 1/)W as anybody, ami all we h«»k, to satisfy our friends, is ior them to Comk and ske us. JOE BOYD witTbe In the house, ready to'wa, (on Ida friends at all times. Give us one'Cuff, And #e wffl Ve responsible fbr the rest, st'p2o--TC 4. C. ft ING ufc CO. CT EORGIA, SPALDING COUNTY.—Whereas J 11. S. Glass applies to me for letters of tGunvOiahsldp of the person and property of Jo seph It', ntfd William I>. Lewis, Rliudr children of Win. 15. Lewis, deceased. These are therefore to cite and adihoiish all persons ooneerued. to b«‘ and appear at iny office . within ule time prescribed ’ey 1a..", to show cause if n»v exist, wbv said leHers of Guardianship aholiid’not be granted. Given under my band at office, tj,is the Tnd day of Oft. lxfiti. f. D. DISMUkE, Ordinary. Oel2-3od NOTICE: GENTLEMEN must tome up and pay their Tickets, ami from this date ask for no rftore. as if Us im|>ossit>!e to get them mad e. Send in yonr nanus and onr goinls will be sold as low ax' at any interior town in the country. Oct 3 1 8t.fi.tf N, B* DRKWUY VIRGIL C. COOK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GRIFFIX, GEORGIA nen s if R THE DAILY PRESS IKW I'ADKII Foil TUK I'KolT.tC. •ri|>t*>’ii' * ill 1..- iveviiej f., r tUe I»ah t tlie ! .I.i,wing ri'ct: . ~r. ia ndvanee i.-.ntl . m«oths. In ndv.-u <•# ihj lir. <• tnonth*. ii a Iv-im-.. ... 2 I*l . I’--'", i-'i rs -tl- autlioii/i .I nl.il r. .pi. -t. .1 to «.-t J ill ra.nli,;/ Hlt J I . .U . ig ■i :II •I-- 1-. Ii- Oil . „,„j .VIiI !.„ lili .wel t'.. 11 nil) '*-r . .• 1. 1 igi- In silrti Im.itii-—. i: ii n uin:. t D llaily Dr* J O-l I— I* \ugn-t*. »■". HAIGHT & CHAMBERS' ' | Colossal Circus I AND EQI'E CITIIB ITIIOXi FK'iM CONGO S'./IJAKK, MiW OItI.KAN'S lliej.- idi g l .jue-lii..ui Confederation of llie Ag.-! lA KRYTHING NEW, KYEKYTIIING (ioiME( r.s: ovmt i ii 'M ps riFoit.Mi it . - will Exi.n.it in tiuin :n, tiii'k.sday, Ovtober lit): 1 5(10. 1),...i- . j•• t ::t l and r, 1-2 r u. Admi-sion, f1 ; ( l.il lio .Ml venl-. Tilt I’tiiiy I.iiitiie, hi- ‘t ! iili-ftlie Air. * Will at ..nr I5 1 ck r.n 1, Du. f-•f.< in her Tl.rilli. g A -i 15- .* on tin . n'of'tlio ou'ilion n !i"(-i. a!| in-tv r-i'i:r-i li, ft■••• «.| , Uu-tre. For f?-t of M.'l do r/..f tin-i- npi,-„l.!v InA" mid t ('li.’p.o. y, ■, jiv*.,:;.i! p, pro gi..lll in it. • ’ .-. p2!'-2»- K£slOVAld' JOHN H, WHiTE & CO, UETPIIN tli- ir cn.tvfiil tlui' 1.-tii the citizens vl lirilHu in .1-OTI-,...... rountry for tlie LIKERAI. I'Ai'UONAGE Ext. ti•:T loAiii f’t ;!te f-i t f?'fe<tti ' ears, and it i* « it’n regrfft (but tb**v leave (irillrn .and their 01, 1 frond- ami «-*?-ti,meftf, lor nrr i.fftried o'-Id if bn-’iin-’s. T!.i at c iiuw npetHTg '• i Whitehall Street, AtlaiUct, - Ooovgia tlie lest stock of STAPLE AND FANCY 1 >vjY GO"DS,- Clotliiiig. lln vs and Caps, Loots and >'ovs, jlliattliev ever 1 fought Smith. Tl ev would le happv to * a e their old friends when lln v visit Atlanta, and show Itliem through their stock, as they at* s-fi* lied they call .'fi! as cli .-ap and ;t» g.ind tioods, as and lloo.>e in the eitv of Atlanta. J. 11. WIII I K. si 25 (~ NY. WHITE. sjii i.mans iYcw Store! Hill Stm t - (iriffw. r irNIiKRSK’SNKb desires to inform Ink Jr old m-.d tin* iiublic in r» , iu rid, flint liu.hhs returned to hi.-v'ld etnnd on Hill street, where he has opened a laige lot of Dry (xoo(L! SHAWL", CLOAXS, and all Ladies arti cl, >, in Ais >, ( \J ) 1 111 N(», HATS, LOOTS M.d SIIOKS, CENTS’ Fl UN IS II INC GOODS, TRUNKS, amt VALiShS, ULVNftKiS, and TACTIONS. of all kitul?'. REMEMBER, That this stock of Goods has lionrfht ‘lidCr 1 lie last heavy decline in goods, an 1 that lie can sell them, accordingly. At much hirer Prices than they have been sold for during the last two O ' three months. coSir one : come all no buv your goods of A9IIER Sftl LMAN, llill Street. £3T" Two doors above Engel’s corner, Griffin Georgia. sep22—Sin Wanted to Rent For 1867, fMIIIRKK comforful Ldwelline pnitaMe ■- for small fu’nilu*. situateti near t!«e central t»ai t of the city pieferred. :Apply \ ■- ' A J. C'lsOlTL i>ct *J tf. ( AX KItS, and Kindred diseases curi:d: 111 AVK CI’HKI) a number of the Above dis ea*e;» lieretofoir, and vAnild dea*re to state to the citizens ot that J end be found at the store of Messrs. RESCUER <h CO., ou the 28th of September. 1 refer persons interested to Maj. Nall, Dr. Tyson. Judge I’orter, and .fudge will. AJdrc ■ nu at Giifila. rte'«. sfs4 St* s M HARDAWAY. COTTON! COTTON!! We are prepared to make liberal Cash Advances l«» J'i-*iil<>r* or Buyer*, oil Cotton s!i!ppp«J (n our cono«p«»n l<-nts in V<»rk or nub, with udioiii \re ha\c arr»"<* J •*' '* tlirougli u«, oi» the best t r We will also ° rollon for I’/aitlcrSy in litis tnurkrt, ir/io do not intend slii]'p : TANARUS! Ai Merritt & jouxsox, RaNKEKS *>•» CoTTOSI HnOKXM J d*' f wnl receive Deposits and pay Check: off cletuand. Huy (iold. Silver |t Notes. ('ijitnlif Strip, Stock*. Honda, and otlo'r securities. Collect paper tiaiah!*" (•tiffin and vicinity, and umke prompt remittances. Will endeavor to keen . V* with Si'jlit ft 111 hniii/r on N’idr \Orkim suths to suit. (se2l-ltn) \ \j Oj)ire in Ilalliday’s Itmlibnc, nearly opposite the l*fic?{ Warehouse. PAINTS. OILS, Till LET ARTICLES,- &C„ At R c clixcecT Prices, ARE SELLING OFF FAST AT J. N. HAHRIS& CO'S. -•D'"- i>iu:bn a E A ~ T S I I> E O F II I I, L ST K E ET , (Near the Post (iffice.) Grxiffin, Georgia? . f. HAS ON HAND a OOOD ASSOHYVENm. AM' RECEIVES weekly SUIT Lit? OF ALL ARTICLES PERTAINING To Dl' , (iS ) KPESII AND GENUINE Al-o, a tine lot of FAN* Y AND T<d II I’J All!( JIS,V. in 6m G a* s I» r.t-' 'bis, L imps, Ac., Cooking Extracts, 1 obacco, Cigar*. AY. I’IS IX'H 11’ riOAS promptly G li.fi DAY or NIGRT, tnal-r tl’ie direct supervision ..f R. T. ItimwiiT, M. !».. (Cfidiiist ai.d Dhnnmiccutist.) who has Keen in regular and extensive practice till- over ten year*, hot li civil and mi lit ary, oil >r .1. 1.. Moork sep I— 3m 1?/INSHIP & GOEIOxST, Cor.XKR OF llll.k .I*l* rr.OAlf -TKIKTS, GKIM’IN..., .-GEORGIA. U.*«:i*T rrl'ill Bonier:* rn iSitols, » s /ions, J ( fillrcllax. LLATHKty SIP >E FINDINGS,. and READY-MADE CLOTHING. WE ARE RKCRIYINt; nn.lopening 173 ; effsos HDf/l'S mid SIR' KS of every style i and desefij'tion, w hich we proposi selling as' cheap as can be imichascd iii any Sol’th- : cru uiaiket, \A'e invito aR persons who expect to weai Shoes to r.l! aiid examine ofit stock la-fore purchasing' els’ew hefe. Our Senior Partner has had many years e-fpiTisnro in the Shoe business, and is well i acquainted with (lie at the ! north, which gives them superior advan tages in getting up their slock. Avery ar ticle in o»:Y true will be sold at a ttnall ad vance on cost, \Ye shall confine ourselves strictly to the cash system. No one can sell gc’ods on a ciedit at the ejfuciiieiy low prices we are asking. fca> COUNTRY MERCHANTS w isliing to teplenish their stock are respectfully in vited to give us a call. HOOTS AXO SIR »K 4 M.\l>F. TO ORDER. tflT .Iki AI.SING DONE At SHOUT NOTICE. TWO’GOf >D BOOKMAKERS. ner»4— L, 11. BItEWLR, COTTON BROKER, AND G EX ERA R COMMISSION M KKCIIANT ■\Vill pay the higl»»st market price for COTTONv Or will make liberal UANiI advances on Colt"n Consigned to Ins correipoudeuts in Liverpool, j Now York, Stiv lituah, or August*. New York Exchwtpe For Sale (■tiffin, Georgia— Office i,i Almali Hiitl. n|>po- ' •ic Hiivk Wai v llotiie Uct 1 MU ADMIN IsTItATOK’S S.\LE. j> V virtno of nn ordn- from the Ordinary nt 1 > Sonl.t i y Cotinty, will he before tU Boiirt I Inns,. ,|,mii in the city of (niftin, between tlu* lejr il iionrs of «ah», «fn the firet TI'KSDAV in November next, one lot of hind, jici os, (u toe or loss.) 1 \ ii.tr «»n the toad lion* Brit tit to /.Lulon, and situated thiee miles fn*in Britliu. About .-ixty nere3 are cleared -tl»« halntii-e in wood.*. Aim. n M"' and fnme dxdliiif with i)*'ce>sat v nut hiiildit.g*. 'l'll* re :« a fiiir I'. -h Ii Or. bar j mi the place. Sold at* the Kitntr of 1 bfftrz. r 1 tavi.H, tor tl.e Kin tit of l.eiis and' credi o j*. T* r:oe— V: Sll . "•-•f -lO'l ISAAC McI’I.KOV. Adnir. i 1 I ' SI Al TjIMMOI MY.- WI erra# V .In.! •* T. J. li*. io!u ii i tiuloi on tin K»tnff ■ I.- T. -. I « t raid eounty deceuFed plies to in,' fm I. Hers of dismission ns ndministra* t*»r nn sai l Ls’rit* In* fully and wotind ftp the wre. These are therefore to city end admonish ill p« D'd.s int* rcstt .1 or « ••i.cci n« and t.. I.» :*i .1 *| »*raf f :‘, i uy otKec within the tiiin- pn scribed by '*"• ,‘u I 't u tause if any exist why mi*' lettetii'f dismission should not, be planted. Biven uixlrr m\banc!ai my ouTee, Hits 17th *-la\ of yttnnbm. Y. B. BI.^MIKK, Ordinary. / sßai.bino cor.MY - wiifwax V I .lames 'l'. Kliis, (iuaidian of S. I*. bishop, Bovmi a Bbf./p, Lord. I,*;. Bishop aid BT. Bisl. • 'JS .mi. op and .in ehfldren of Philip .1. Bblmp. applies to roe for lett -dp of disrni* i* n n« mrh (i uardian t In* w hole estate of Ii is ani.l w nrd» har i• tr been lost in Confederate seeuiitiea, 4 percent I (»ird*, *fce. Tlu .'V* ifre, tTrer. oTc'. to eiL* ami admonish all persona to be Ar»at n»v effia within tli? preaci^b\* 1 Vvt - . tn allow cai* 4 if any exist*, why aaid d?4tniaaoiy fr*Dt said <tuardiauship should not hep;anted. (liven under niv band ut bfFc , tTifS thelßb dav of September, IRF.R.' Sef>. F. B. DISMCffR. WJn9tJ UOSUIVELY , r TUB LAST OAT'"*' IN ohedlalice lft H the Citv Council, I am directed to collerf dl Tares dte the City, (it mauers Rot fnY what years), bv tlie Ist day ot OdOl . , Unless those in arrears come forward am. pay K' that time, executions will vosiTlVElf issue.' Till)*. NARK. seplO—td (!lerk ’ Mrs. S. A. Jalckson, I (.ICKNT.) f fAS just received a splendid stock of BOV 11 NETS and IIA TANARUS« of the a cry lat" l ' »t)l<s, i Also, fresh invoices of GtKwlsisU Ac., Ac., to which the attention of tlie la.ll'if* "T'.'y fully invited. She is prepared' to furnish "7 dealel i 111 \Y II OL ESA t E! with MILLINERY, tipon n» favorable tornu they efiu Se purebase«T in Aflantn or Macon. CALL O* HER* . at the old »tau J of j JACKSON <5 NKW i 0 Y". I\ . ... .1 which has been newly lilted up and eep4—lf Wool Carding ? I WILL CARD WOOL left with T. J- L w . u:tu, at the Brick Warehouse. Griffin good ftolls, aud return il free of charges f portation, for 15 cents per lb., or I when oil is fun.Hhed me. blooi)WOrTU sep'2s-lvv Iligfi Falls, Sept 18tM»»_ HOUSE TOKENT HALE Mile from business fwition of Eight Rooms nevfly plastered , * .cre* ,! complete, htsblcs, Ac. One i Und , ob. ut Thirty under ciilti'a' o . ' -Vjiplv t*» n f > i y ■