Newspaper Page Text
• TA M r Dl’TIE*.
juroaen ar
Act ms J"ne im>4.
imUrH, * s* *0 I*
Vgreowent or CSntfart, other lI nn
:lwM .Jw-rilird beiovt, '«r ai«J *p
rilxrl, 0 05
XankOsewk, IVafl «vr order. r *v»l> c
at sight or on • leuir.tnl l<»r amount
•top-ding #>o, 0 <'<*
.lilt* ol Kvdiat •», (Inland.)
{‘raft*, or order for a sum not es
se*, ling 1100, 0 *’•’
7<>r esrery additional SIOO. or frac
lisnal part llian-of, 0
Renewal the Mm* rat*.
Itilla of F.icbanro. (foreign.) or Let
ter* of credit, if drnwn aingly or
otherwise than in aeia of three or
marr, for a *lllll not exceeding
on* hundred dollar*, 0 05
For every additional hundred, or
fractional part thereof, 0 02
Ilia r.f tailing for (fooda. Merchan
dize or effect* exported to any for
eign port (except Itritiah North
America,) on everv bill of each *et, 0 ID
,* «nd to indemnify a purely, » hen the
amount recoverable thereupon la
ana tbeusand dollar* or tear, 0 s<>
Ka. h additional thouaand, 01 frac
tional part thereof, 0 50
Pond for dne execution or perform ——
ai-ce of dulie* of ■•ffica, 1 00 j
Mend or other 'liari thoae required in
legal proceeding* and auch ar« not
wlltwrwiae charged herein, 0 25 j
erlifieatt ofStock, in any incorporat
ed company, 0 25
Certificate of profit*, in an incorporat
ed company fir ajoiin not lea* than
ten and not exceeding fifty dollais, 0 10
Kxceeding fifty and not exceeding
one thousand dollar*, 0 25
Certificate of damage, or any docu
ment issued by anv l’ort Warden,
Marine Surveyor, or other person
•cling »* such, 0 25
Certificate of deposit, for an nnmutil
not exceeding one hundred dollar*, 0 02
Exceeding one hundred dollars, 0 05
Certificate of anv other description,
not herein specified, 0 05
Contract, llrokei'a Note, or Memo
randum of sale of goods by ltrok ;r 0 10
l)red of land where the consideration
does not exceed five bundled dol
lar*, 0 50
From five hundred to one thousand
dollar*, I <1(1
For every additional fhv hundred
or frm-tioual part thereof, 0 50
Entry for withdrawal of Merchaudiz-r
from Bonded Warehouse, 0 50 1
ntry of .derchnndize, fin ccn*uinp«
non or warehousing, not exceeding
one hundred dollars in value 0 25 :
From one to five hundred dollars, 0 st>
Exceeding five hundred dollars, 1 00
riuager's Return*, ff for a quantity
not exceeding 500 gallons gross, oln
Exceeding 500 gallons gross, 0 25
haurance policy, on anv life or lives
where the amount insured doe* not
exceed one thousand dollars, 0 25 j
From one to five thousand, 0 5u !
Exceeding five thousand, 1 On
Assignments or transfer same rates,
Insurance, Marine, Inland and Kira |
Risks, where the premium docs
not exceed ten dollars, 0 10
Exceeding ten and not exceeding
fifty dollais, 0 25
Exceeding fifty dollars, 0 50
Assignment or transfer same rate.
Leasu, Agreement, Memorandum, or
contract, for the hire, use or rent
of any land, tenement or portion
thereof, where the rent or rental
Value doea »**t exceed three hun
dred dollars per annum, 0 50
Exceeding the sum of three hun
dred dollars per annum for each
additional two hundred or frac
tional part thereof, 0 50
Assignment or Transfer same rate.
Measurer's Returns. If for a quan
tity not exceeding 1000 bushels, 010
Exceeding one thousand bushels, 025
Mortgage of Land, Estate or Property
Ke*l or Personal, exceeding one
In adred and not exceeding five
kufidttd dollar*, 0 10
Five hundred to one thousand dol
lars, 0 25
For every additional five hundred
or fractional part thereof, 0 50
Assignment or Transfer same rates.
Fewer of Attorney to sell or transfer
St •cla, Bonds ot Script, to collect
I tlVidends, Interest or Rent, 0 25
Td vote at eleclior.a in any incor
porated company, or society, (ex
cept religions, charitable, or liter
ary societies, or public cemeteries,) 0 10
To sell, convey rent or lease Real
Ext ate, 1 00
"W form all other acts not here
tofaro mentioned, 0 50
Promissory Notes, same as Inland
Bills of Exchange.
JMpwjiffsatu* rate,
robat# flf pViM or letters of Admin*
t*tr*tion, where the estate doe* not
exceocl'tne value of two thousand
dollars, 1 00
Far each aJditionul thousand or
fractional part thereof, 0 50
Proteat of Note, Bill of Exchange,
Aoooptance, Check or Draft and
Marine, _ 25
Receipts, Warehouse, foi Goods held
on Storage, not otherwise provid
*) for in any public or private
warehouse, not exceeding five hun
dred dollars,
E*ceeding fire bundled and not ex
ceeding one thousand dollars, *q
eceipu for the payment of anv sum
of money exceeding twenty dollar* o
Writ*, original, (except those issued
h/l J uitice of the I’ohoe and those
issued In criminal prosecutions by
the United States.) ’ 50
"V* Pen the amount claimed in the
writ issued by a Court, not of Re*
cord, one hundred dollars or over, 50
T’jlon ev&ry confession of Judgment
M one hundred dollar* ot over,
(•leapt in ttM*« cases where the
tax for the writ for the commence* 1
ment of a suit has been paid,), 50 1
WrltJ-or othfcr probes* ibn appeals * 1
from -h»strees Court or other*
Ooorte ot tofarior JurisdicPcn lo a
Court'of Record, 50
Os Diitrere, when the amt
I doei tjr t exceed one him*
ir-jacHt- rs ih YW <wr*rv *
MADAME ft P TIIORKTOjr, lb* mt fit.
gfun Aa4r*4*-«i«c. him! Bmc •-
•niFtricifii vh.i ha« • taaMlil **h
llir <>U VttHJ. IwrwtoJ li*r» If
«t 11 a.I*0(1. X. V. Tl*orr»t#w. |»(MW**r«
pit.4* Woa*frr fnl pnwet* «f am! a* to *-«•-
*1 . imyxrt know mu*
|uiriaw« l«> (Ik tfftgl* or i«i«jri**el *-f H im ir«
While- in a *»f »r •» re*. iK'Rh*tiv« »E*- \n \
, faftfttrrii Os «lao- p«*-.n» V* »1 atv l-» «»* -cr* . io.*l l.y
m HP | —«i«rf t.f»n
»• ii*«- I’ •» !.c*r *• r- am* t. v n
lift- *, |4rltll» « f f#in»ro* liti*l «»r %» of
lie aMiliiHiil. (• K**llurr ni»|» «|»te «,f ihni i »*;?• . (*■*•
»iffe*n ill life. Wntlu p liall* of . liaiftfte-r. 11 »*
j« on if. n« Mi'ii’wii'la ul l.*tim*d-ial< ifi'i
n**rrt. will am *1 »lt«i %»• •*«! a *•« rtiti* <1
riTtirti’alr, «»r untt*i *r a“A'it* v, lUn*. tli«* j-i*-* a f
ii* « Imt if
l»n k ofltair. »im! #♦•*!.|.!d. sos ap« . An
|»Mitltifl IIhI Mnt|«lnßrii, Ai-*| aiifitiaji g .#»• Cftl« i
■ I I ilntnjfl • ii«<4**|*« ««lxirev«r<J »o %«*ui*tlf \«• t
ill ret rive ittr pw lnre ni*<l tlralrexl ii>f*«rfiintioli
l» reV’irn mail. AH r*MiifHUi-i« «t»tinj* afiM lly c«»»
U leitual. A«lur«*»*. in f;e. Mi**!niiir K. h
'I l»t»n.l*. O. |l«** 11 utl*t»it. V.
a- law i ill
MktV I’M VsMh.Ni *M V. or "Niivi «*» i'huu* -
n mnnif\**te«l Toni|> <> n»ineut h».l
Kltitnal f«»init, mil • »j*et iail\ in the “hi man r.tcv
I*i\ink.** One rlr.'iiiit Y»#iu*i»e, aiih i rurly
Ql J l.ijQll li i n’io sty K 'Vhd,
hlitnr I*kfrnol'<jirnl Journal. Prien. potfpiii'l, 1
A»!tlreig Fooler A Well**, No. llrondvt «\.
New York.
“Ntw I’hyw-'iCfittitiy” U eminently practiral.
fully ill •*raietl. an<! u «ll nclirtl to lire want* «»f
•11. In tile ilutly of ‘the f.-u-e’’the ree lrr (Mhxi
to I* B*l ♦a«. , lr itrrrr-e-rei \ -4< ntnrrxr ftT«e*^aTV
it' the I*«M||«H. (treek. Snub |in|
t>|e*ti(il 1 lie <\** «|»« nk all whether
It*A«*k. I»!tie, hrowfi t»r haz* I. In h like ntAiuirr
x*li»*rki*. ln*x*k. eai w. fret w;i!k, voire, laugh,
et • . are rliowij to hr “•i£H« ol’ chaiacter.”
In no other w<»i k i* •«* raueli light llu«w u upon
tiir eliHi utter biml clriatniy ot nitukiiui ;n» in tlii.-a,
or the xliptiiK five ti aitr* of imtioiiff mol f*<»
eleo'ly pointftl out P«>ttraif« of «limii |fish*tl
|»ei>OltS eef fllieielil Miol III*•«I Til tl new. \% |t }i hjo
griiphi* ul wUx'lx Im*!* ir <1 tlelioeniiou of elniin« ter.
are |»m*n. Jhvi'e*. ( iinlur*. Stntr«inru. Wur
li--rF, Alll-tl*, I’tots*. Il.lh.ft.pll lw. lil Vriits-I s.
Surgeon-*, ] hucov »-r« i«, Actors, Mu-oiun*. etc.
are iiu iihletl. |t in nit *li « \ cl"| B l»iog
r.ipliy, •<*4|iißintiiig the r«*.v«l- r with tl»»r cmeer
mol t libi urler «>f iiibi-v ifi-ni men un«| %» omen of
the past *J,im*(| year.* ami «»f the pre-eot—*ueh,
for iiißtnnee bm Ari»fotl.\ .lulnii* I'rtfsar. Slhikh
|>eare t \Vnehi'igtoii. \np*«!»'on, FriinK in, ISan
croft, llryant, I «»i plVllow. Irvinif. Ih»«a !h*n
lieur, Tlie«*-h»«ia Bun . t 01-Ifti. Bright Litv\i<
Bolivar. Wh.itele\ , Tha«:k« in \ , I»o* Knox. |.i- l»
diet, Uoi.per. Buckle. Ihekrn*. Yieto.iii. Wesley,
t'arlyle. Motley, Mill, -r. 1 ln*inp-«»n, ti-itli'
I tl* Ah x.sit'let*. iin-1 l»tin«lr»*tlt* of others
%% %NTKI*. I’m: sent I \ ret til it | KM* or e\ j»re*t*. oil
j receipt «»f price. a* g ;«»-:’.%%■
i IIHI* l» FINM.AT. Til"'* H \!\Nf.l|AM.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
AMi l‘Km |s|<i.NS i. l-.NKIt.M I V
WillCß, I.ll|UO|», I’lgHlß, ToKhcCO, I'lOltA, CaiiJy.
N ut.-*. Ac . lie.
• MUM) *IHU.T, o|T‘*Mrr I II;*! N%Tlo>'%l. !S%NK,
.MAS O.K, AalAllU. A.
niftv 1 •»*
MtivJ \ifK
!>. M.
MANTFACTLIiKIt of FVoneli Burr Mill I
Stoiw-H. Mill ISpiiolleß. Mill Machinery, of all
(leeuriplions, Steam K» gine.<. Saw mnl %i»i -%t Milln,
Hoisting Screw*. Smut Mnchinct*. |L Iting nn-l
Bolling Cloth. Set Wire. .Mill Pick-. IMa t.r. f
Puri a, nlwav* on haml ami male to < i-l-r A I
work IM hi hy me \* 111 i ante.l. 1 a %-oi.litic! for,
tl|»* ••lfc*lon "f |‘'|oiinnL r Nil ‘^
t’ornerof Pol log#* alt i Bi o;».| etn-et-*. .\ X -* -
VILLK, >• Ms
ABKNT- wwn.h IN I VLi:V Tn\VN (
iu >-i ii mr. r«*t imw ;\t,
VALi:\r.L«. S<n Illl.BN IIIS ! i »|;V
et u llistoiy of tilt* \X ar,
HA. IMM.AIH), 1.-iit-w Bichit toi.l Ln,im i, ,-r.
*i voU ,?<vo . mI»• *ut ti” > juikf- - **aeh *' t i>ii jn i \<»l.
W ith *i«» Sploiitli-I >tx»el P<otruit!f
Thin i.-* the only comj I.- *■ him] uutiientic !ii**t*»rv
<»f the Southern Bide |»* .1, cxlending it
•loet*, Ironi the hcgitmini' of the wnr to tin* final
fftirremler «»f the t 'onh-ilenitr ntniici*.
Mr. Pollnr I'b prominent position in the Conf.-il
critey hna ennhh*'l him to pre|*arf ,i %v<ok line
unle'l in nccunicv nml interest, and which is « v
cry wheiv a<*kiu*\% le.lj/etl I• ■ he the Stamluril >.<Mfli
eru History. It. shouhl liml a place in ever> lihriirv
nv r \rr. %v, imrkku snow,
W illi 17 Splemilii Me. | Portraits,
1 ml. h vo . Aon png* 1 * o.
Containing Biogi aphu sos tlo-•iistinguiehed South
ern (ienernls, wiih tu l nrul graphic accounts
-»f the various campaigns mwi.i S th**v w ere
* ngjigctl. It is a most important ami inlcree.
ting volume, ami has Been prepare*! with the
utmost care ami thoroughness.
nr;: skuyicks and (\\mpak;ns
l< Y A VlltOt N I AN.
1 vol., 12 mo , .121 p« m > one tlollur an.] a half
with Authentic Potrain c*f .lAt’KsuN and his,
su«c.*ssor LWKLL.on steel.
Tins i« the only authentic history of this tlistin
guished h*iitler whicli has M-en writ’en. it
lurs hecn pr- pared from Official reports conternpo
n«ry narratives, a id pcrtoi’fil aetpiaintance, and
is complete and full.
ur« ft.VLUE ROCtIESTE'i FuKl*.
With Steel Tolrnit of (Jencrnl. MORGAN, l vol
12 nto., 421 *], oeventy fivo cent*,
A conq.lcto liistoi y of th'« dariug ortlcer,
more thrilling nod interesting than
Distinguished in Literature
One Vol., Eight vo.. Five hundred nnd eleven j>a
gea Tdree dollar* and » half, illustrated wnh
Spiei did I‘otrait*, on steel, from life of
Max. OcXAVtA Wvims i.r Vkkt,
Miss Maria J. Molxtosii.
Mrs. Rosa Vc*t*er Johns,>v,
Mrs. Anmx Cora Ritchie,
Miss Acocvta J. Evans,
Marion Haslant
; And containing full kuogruphieal sketches and
sptciinen extracts from the most celebrated writ
j nuts prose and verse, of
j AM the above works are having an immense
sale, ami agents are doing splendidly everywhere
many making from Sen to fifteen dollar* per day
We want an tu e'-ery town in the tioutii
eru State-. Returned r-oldiera. Ladies, Teacher*
and others, will find tbi- moat profitable employs
Excluaire territory given, and liberal indue*,
mettt.s offered to canvaaaers.
For full particulars address
(' P. DIGIT \RDPOX, pitUiaher
S4« r vdw - ' •,
hT«»CK t*E
«# |i b V «*fl*|*ie*ir We IliVile ah elßlul i.*l l«*i, ••
••ur -*
Sngvr*, Coffees, Teas, Flour, and Rice
Prva#» l-l'-MI-l
S l •; il; - I! -» l - s K s V |; I |
Mutksfrl. \ o*lfi-l». Ileirinjf,..
|V. f tongiira. ttYfi. ri, "aidii
|*i*- Kr«.i»* <an Pi oil*.’ Io*»«--.
huf-to*. |*ig< aii.l \|
of kind*.
Ket.«v. . f **oy*. W'is ks. lliimitey«. c.l •
i at i! -io Pa*» dn- XV-\. s t«ir hh i li%!l«*w, 1 ,
Ul.l *ll. k 111 £••:%* %•» •*■!%.
T/'/X. Jiullrr, .VrHi, M tut. A*'/-/ <//»»/
J*l*f»n f 'rnckrr* % h r**U
•i to/ Shite (Vniir
n! * ■* ••• linn-1.
Smohinz niift Char in" ’/’nlnicri
iu great % aiirt v.
In l-ru-i. it taotir aim t«> keep thoae lit.*'
f * cry Housekeeper l»ai)> iirrxi*
P»*r we prefer our ( ustumeir to exerns*
their x»wm judgment.
W e •tdh il b r ull from Mir frivii l*. a*l the pufi-
Be C *t»ei ally
Dee 27,
Hardware «c cutlery.
il .!< Ml NS< in <*ohMmii|U icreiviiij;
-a* ! (** -w-*! Tri’ and to- Hill fts-o-t I met t
of all in liia line. *hu h lie i* selling n t
w!»ole«ale nt-d -et*il aa low ns tin ) can he Bought
i anv i»ite- i**r Hint k**t.
TKBMS (\\>ll.
Insure Your I*ro\nrhj !
C. 11. JnIINSOX »a Agent for tin*
M>l 111 I UN ML I t AL Insurance Company, of
t liens, t »« . Capital,
York. o\er
1111. IBhME Insurance Cotnpany «*f Neu
\o. k. near *» «*<m» trim
PIKKMX A PI TRAM Company of Hartford.
Connecticut, and other go«*d Companies.
Kink-** ate s«ilieited on Cotton, Merchandise
p »iinifii**, dud Buildings.
Loss*-* proinpllv ndjusteJ.
Dec tl ts
A. SlimiAN'S
New Store!
Hill Strut - (Irijfin.
r pifE rXDERSIC.NED desires to inform his
1 old fiiends. and the pul.lie in general, llr-t
h*- has returned to his (d«l stand on Hill street,
w here he has opeue*l a large lot of
t’AMcM Mv}
Dry (woods!
Sll WVI.S, A I\S, and all Ladies arti
lies, in iTi*HHrat \!si>, CLOfIIINU,
of all kinds.
That thi-* j»turk of Guo*D ha- l» cn Imuglit uinb*i
! tin* biA( heavy ilcclim* ill gu«»»]-., an l that- In* can
I sell them, aceotilii gly.
1/ ninth /nine Driers
; Ilian they have been sold for during the last two
I ■> thrie months.
nd buy your goods of
Hill street.
*|T Two door* above Engel's corner, Griffin
Gem gin. sep22—Sm
I ERRORS OF YOUTH —A genii •mail who
1 j Mjil* r*'.l lor \ cur* from Nervous Debility,
Eit-matuiv Decay, a «1 ill the of youthful
iii<listr«'ti<>i», will, for the sake of suffering human
i ity, send free t«» all who need it. the receipt uiid
directions for making the . imple remedy hy
which he wa* cured. Sufferer** vvinhing t«» profit
j by tbe n<lvertii*cr*H experience, can do •'» by ad
' dressing in j **i I* *-t confidence.
x«v2<»-law.lut* No. 42 Cedar St, New York.
A Xeiv and Grand I’piK h in .Medi
cine !
Dr. M.u.oiei. is the foumler of anew Medical
Systen.! The qunivtitnrianH, whose vast internal
tbises enfeeble tlic stonuich and painlvze the bow
els, must s*ive precedence to the man who restores
health anti appetite, with hum onefo two of his
e.\inordinary Bills, nt■ • 1 cures the most virulent
sores with a box or so of his wonderful and all
healing Salve. These two great specific# of the
Doctor arc fast sunetseding all the stereotyped
nostrums of the day. Extraordinary cures by
Mnggiel’s Bills and Salve have opened tlic eyes of
t he public to the inefficiency of the (so ciil ed)
remedies of others, and upon which people have
so long blindly depended. Maggie!’# Bills are
not of the class that are swalUvvod by tlic dozen,
and of which every box full taken creates an ab
solute necessity for another. One or two of Mag
giei’s Bills suffices to place the bowels in perfect
order, tone the stomach, create an appetite, and
render the spirits liirlit and buoyant! There is
no griping, and no rcaeti* n in the fu*-r».
pm ion. a i the liver is affected, its functions
rostered ; and 11 me nervous system is feeble, it
is invigorated. This quality makes the medi
cines very desirable for the wants of delicate fe
males. Ujco.ous and eruptive diseases are liter*
ally extinguished by the disenfcctant power of
Maggiel'sSake. In fact, it is here announced that
Magoikl's Billous, Dtspeptic and Diarrhoea Bills
cure ahere all oibcis fail. While f**r Burns.
So aids. Chilblains, Cuts and all abrasions of the
-kin Magoikl's Salve is infallible, bold by J
Maggiel 11 Bine Street, New York, and all Dr ug
guts, at 25 cents per box. [f»ep4—ly
# Railroad Meeting.
T*IIE annual meeting of the Stockholders of the
R R. CU ~ v ill be held at Newuan, on THURS
DAY, October 4th. ISHO.
Tbe meeting called so 2"th September will, in
consequence, l>e postpontd.
All ’he friends of this enterpriee are cordially
invited to I trend tbe annual meeting. Stoekbold
ers, especially, will be represented, as tuisiuess of
jin utmost importance wid be brought up for eon
Hr orde. ot 0. H.’ Johnson. Esq., President
•*|>20 —2w Sec. and 1 reasurcr.
Wanted to Rent For 1867,
THREE. >mfortalb dwelling Houses, suitable
for sm sunlit*. THo»e situated near the
central part of -h* eitv preferred
Apply fv A 5 f T.r.rn
r,. , .u' * *
*,V° 0D P, U S
Free from Mercury
And are, undoubtedly, the
best remedy extant
sick and xmors heahvche i
« they do, by virtu#
/ of a apeciol affinity for th«
/ mucous membrane of the howeI« (
/ thereby removing the causes. Aia
they can have no rival, being com
posed of the most
Powerful Vegetable Extract*
which have a direct action on the
the happy effect of which can be
seen after one or two doees. They
Remove the Bile,
Asttuif Digestion,
Cure Costiveness,
In fact, thsy arc, ss their name
indicates, the
“The Lifb‘QiYing Principle."
They eearrh out *n»l
strik. st it* Very root, le*Mng the
system in the full of health;
TIONS, »Ud *re a
Purgative Ell
than has ever before been nvsdable
to msnkind, snd, t<eing thiekly SU
OAR-COATED. sreespecislly adopt,
and persons who hare a dread of
swallowing a pill. They are, un
questionably, one of our most
k satisfactory CATHARTICS, )
X and no household /JL
\ should be with- A /
-.v-vV out them, /
* *
(Successors to Dr. C. W. Roback,)
Nos. 60.68, 00 St 02 East Third St,
Are Sold by all Druggists and
Dealers in Patent Medicines
aThe Greatest Discovery of the Age!
The Suflaring Bui li- will L>- t: «•! to know timt
I'PPii u rpsle.l fn m "l-iivix»n l -y »
of philtuithropic gviitlemen. mu«l ut an ini
tnwise outlay 4»f capital. Imsj l>e»-n pliu*«*d Be
fore the people. We do nut claim it turns a cure
a/l, like Mime of the nostrum* "f the day arc Find
t»» be; hut we do say that it p >s*et**esadvantaiiKes
over any other ki own compound fur the cure of
1 iifiimiiuafory and Lleerative dis>on*c§ and as an
Alleviutui of Bain. It will nut only alleviate, hut
will curt a wtfd majurity ol the following diseaaei*,
Ptich us 1 iithiiuation and L leeratiun of the Mouth.
Throat. Stoiroch. and Colic of an i/ kind.
Di/wnUri/(or Fiujc) Piurrham. " I'ih*. Ihpthcria.
In ftam ot a tort. / I. h'nwatixm ; and is also an nival
liable remedy for A "turttltjia. ('leer* of on*/ kiiul
(not malignant.) Hrupfiov*. ilurvn Scald*, Jiruitc*,
Cuta. Bone Jel/onx. Swollen Claud*. S f oe Ktc*.
Ear and Tooth Arht*. Spinal Ad* el ion*. »te. And
in Cough*, %% ehalleng-* the world for ng equal.
Ordinary coughs it will cure, in Bulmoucty t‘**u
sumption, Asihnia, mid Bronchitis it ia the l>e>t
palliative known!
The Superii.Undent of this Company is a flrsd-
Urtte of the M«-di(*.il (’ollege of Nasl-ville and
fn>m long experience in his pr«>fcssioit, nn-l a good
knowh dgeof Chemistry, he has h. « u ii.tiiirted
with the selection of chemicals for ilie nmuufae
ture of the inedieine, nnd han been and will In*
e a refill to select the very finest, materials to be
found in either foreign or home ninikets, and we
sue sntihfied that tin* article we are now put Mi.g
up excels any forner article ofiln same km.’ i«r
purity of chemienls. and n tist be more eflieucious.
We place the *• Kci.rkx < Mi. before the world,
am] upon its n.etitsor d**merits it must ri*e or fall.
But we know if the peoyle will try it, they will
be more than nahtfa and.
For sale by all the principal Druggists every
where till aughoiit the country, ronipoiinded by
(». W. CuorT. tbe oi iginnl tun mi f.xc turn*, for tie
Furekn Oil Muuuftictuiing ( otnpauv ut Atlanta.
l’ricc at retail $1 ij pet IttiUL-. Liboru! Icjr.e
Lous niauC to ,i,c trade.
h upc: lei. dent
For sale by
N B. DREWIiY .t CO., I
Drilf-gists, te
East side Hill street. GritEw. Ga.
BY % irtue of ati ord* r granted by the Ordinary
of Bike County, w ill be sold before the
Court House do**!\’m tHe i.varn Xebnton. on the
first Tl EShA\ in N«*vemht r next, between the
legal hours of sale, ull the lands Udungii g to tUe
estate of llielinrd Myriek. late *4' said county, de
ceased, consisting of parts of l«*U No’s Ha’s 119*
Inn, 120. 104, and 121. r»niiHiiiiiif in all KCtli acres,
(more or less), said land being in the
Lb strict of originaliv Monroe, (now Pike county).
The notice required Ivy law U iviugUeeu given,
the tale will take place a# shove rr tbe puiqsise
of paying debts due by said eatnye. and also the
claims of legatees, and for distribution.
w. lv MYRK’K,
seplti— 4tui* F.vccu* nv*.
/_t EORGIA. Sf'Ar.IHNG COCNTY.—Whereas
V.I Richard FI. Sim*, adnunistratnr of Goorg*
W. Miitiu.deceased. .v| plies to-am fcm an or<ier to
sell the land- belonging- to said estate for the ben
eflt of the heil-s and Creditor-.
The** are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
persons concerned to be and appear at inv office
within the time prescribed bylaw, to show cause
if any exist, why said i»rder should not be granted.
Given under rov liand at . fftce this l<nh .lay of
ept. I'Rb, t ft lrt tit ft- rv.lh ar’i
r ep n.
Legal Advertisement a.
.Yoticr to Debtor* and Creditor*.
C l i lUG I-X—>r*u»iw CoTxtt —By virtu* of
f an ord* r ft«*m ttie < ourt «*f Ordinary t*f
««idf\*U- IV ail: la a**l*l l.*-f»*l<* fit*- L'«*«trl iltM.rf
•! **»ru» «ritl l «*uiilv. brim*** i» tb*- nxiial h« ura u{
-a!**, oit tbr fir*l Tl F>D.\Y ill Novrti»l»rr i>**xt,
-ii(litv-dx a--re*ofl n.| «»f l«*t tiumb'-r rls vrn (N«»
Il )Tlii* J I »i-*t i i«-» ol originally I Bury. t<**m *«pHbl
n.g ongiifv. nii «• nn**-® north %••**»! of Dtiffiu. «and
j *inii g tl»r laiuß of J 11 Simrr. Kola. Andrews.
i"d Snmorl K Kld**r. Ih«* •anir bring *»»M a-* The
•■‘tflt*' ol VX' D. >fnrr. <!ecri»#rd f**r tbr b*-nr tit of
ih«* hrita.and errditoif*. II M. STARK
•fi , p4 Alm’r of XV I) >t.irr. d**c\L
/ 1 KOKiil.V >, r ALDIMi CCHJ M Y.—Whrrm*,
V J T Kendall. Admini»ira*or «*f Mum
ford Kondall, and -i-riLird. rtpplirs to mr for
t** irll tbe land lM*longing to »ai*i rotate for the
brnrfif of heirt »ml creditor*.
Thrsu are, therefore, to cif*» and aduion.
i*b nil pmtirs to h<* m»d ap|*«ar at
my “ffite within the time prescribed bv law to
#liow couac. it any exist, why nn order mu luu izii.g
the %ale ot the land? t f ?ai<l ehtute rhoubl not br
Given under my hand at office, this 17th day o
Srptrmher F. D. DI>M( Kt.
- K ’ |• 1 '. 4 —B4d i>t dinary.
Jowph T. Benson, Ct lift I dial! of Uil’iAm T
Aakew, abplie? me for Irtrrrs * f Dismie
sion fr»*ni sai<l guardianship this said XV.ird hav
ing arrived t« the age of Twenty-one years and
had h full ar and final settlement with him.
y riie«»* arc therefore to riie and admonich all
prisons corcerned, to be mnl appeal at my office
within the time prescribed by law. and- show
cau!*e, if any exi?t. why naid lettersof dismission
s'oub] not I.** granted:
Given under my band at nffio*. this tbe 22*3 dav
September, lt*6'i F. I>. OISML'KE, Ol’y
Oct. 1 —4'»a
x T R. F. Mann aj plies to me for letters of
Dismission on the estate of Khoda llauiil
late of said cotiny. deceased.
These are, therefore to cite and admonish at
persons interested or concerned to b«* nnd appear
at my office within the time prescribed s»y law »o
show’ cause if any cxi*»t why such letters of dis
mission shouhl not be granted.
Given under my band ut office tins 15th August,
18fu>. bm ’ F. D. DLSMI KK.
\T George XV. (irant and E. XX’. Beck Kxeeutors
ot 11. B. Kilpatrick, deceased apply to me lor
letters of dismi.-.-ion on said estate
These me theiefore to cite and ndimu ish all
persons concerned tt. lie and appear at mv office
within the time prescribed bv law, to *||«>w cause,
if any exist, "hy such letters of dismission should
not be granted.
Given under my hand at office this August
15. h. ~ F. D. DJSMI KK,
vl David I*. Elder. (iunrui>m of David D. Mn
lair and Elizabeth A. Gray, formerly Elizabeth A.
Malair. applies to i::e for letters of demission.
These are therefore to cite ard admonish all
persons concerned to be nnd appear at my offi. »*
within the time presyr’bed by law, ami show
cause, if any exist, why such letters of dismission
should not lie granted.
Given under my hand, ut office, this the 14th
day of August, lififi. F. 1) DIS.XIUKK
1 fi—*.o.l (Ordinary
VLB persons indebted Nitlie estate of .larnes
\X’ Middbduo *ks. late of Spadlirig ( oitntv.
deceased, arc notified to come forward am! settle
immediately, ami those having demand* against
said estate are requested to pre-ent them and ilv
authenticated in terms of the law.
4. 11. CONN A! I.Y,
flUgl fi Administrator.
/ 1 1.4 >KGI \ SBAI.I >1 N't* CoENTY. —Whereas
x I lames H l.ogan • * • f«.j- K-ttets ot
dismission as adttiiniffi t »*o> "*• Inc esttnc «■» nagu
Ham 1 *!e.-eased, lie having admii.UUrcu
and wound up said estate
These aie tlicrcb-re t«» cite and •lirect all persons
concerneil t«> be ami appear at my office within .
the time prescribed by law, ami show cans*- if any
exist why «nid letter* of di-mission -liould not be
granted. Gi\ei» under my liand at niy office this
May 7tb. lKfifi. * F. D. Dl>.Ml KK.
May 17-fim Ordinary
C 1 KOKGI A—SB A EDI N(i O >UN TY —Whereas
X Joseph N llarrs, Executor of tbe Estate *t
Jacob XX’. Amlrewt, decease*!, applies to me for
an order to sell tbe lt**nl Estate belonging ti» tbe
Estate of the said Jacob W. Andrews.
These arc therefore to rile and admonish all
persons interested or concerned to be and appear
at my office within the time prescribe by law, to
show cause, if any exist why such order should
not be granted.
Given ur.dcr my hand at office this 2nd dxy of
August, IBfifi. F. I>. DI&MI'KK. <’rdinary. *’
]>Y virtue of an order from the Ordinary of
e Spalding county, will be sold before tbe
Court House door in tbe City of Griffin, between
♦ iie usual hours of sale on the fiist Tuesday in()c- '
toher next, the House formerly occupied
by Beter Farrar, deceased. 8ni»l House is situated
on Ihll street in the City of Griffin ; ti e building
is 88 feet wide by 90 long, two stories high, with
a cellar same dimensions as tbe nouse. The same
is a recently ere* ted brick building, ami is one of
flic best iu Griffin, building contains >\ store room
up stairs, together with other rooms that are very
profitable for rent.
Also, at the same time ami place will be sold
‘2n acres of Land adjoining the Southern portion
of the City of Griffin being woodland and well
situated for building purposes.
Also, will iye sold before the Court House door
ir. the county of Meriwe tlier, on the First Tnes
day in November next, one hundred and eighty
acres of land known as the Dm ham place, adjoin
ing the farms of Sheffield oil the West. Jackson on
the North, Fears, on the South ; one hundred
acres of said farm being in a high state of cultiva
tion. the greater p< rtion of the remainder in the
woods. All the above property being sold as the
Estate of Beter Farrar, deceased for trie benefit,
of the heirs nnd creditors of said estate.
Administrator of Beter Farrar, deceased.
August 9. 18Hri-tds
il EOKgIA.M’aUH ,\g COUNTY.—wherens.
\ I James N. Ninons, Executor on the estate
of John Simmons, deceased, applies for leave to
sell real estate of deceased for the purpose of di?*
Those are. therefore, to c'te and admonish ali
nersoa? <?oqcerned to be and R n,i *;«r at mv office
within the time prescribed by law to show cause,
if ary exist, why an order authorizing the sale »»f
said land should not l>e granted.
Given under my hand at office, this August oth
18:tx F. I>. DISMUKE,
awgfr—B»Kl Ordinary.
f^JFAmO I AEDTNG COU:lrY.—Wlicret
VX J*<hn L. Moor, Administrator of the est**
of Lee Strickland, late of county, decease
applies to me for letters of dismission.
These are therefore to cite and admonish r"
persons interested or concerned to be and app*
at my office within the time prescribed by law,
and s&*w cause if any exist, why said letters of
dismission should not be granted.
Given under my liand at office, this the 15th «f
August. lßbd. K.iX DISMUKE,
augD - •'ip Ordinary.
WILL BE 80LD before the Court House
door, in the city of Griffin, on the first
TUESDAY io November, one lot, euhtaiiiing one
acre (more or less,) bounded as follows: Ou lh»
south, by Solomon street; on the wist, by Mrs.
Clements; on the north, by an alloy, and on the
east hy Fouriß street, knrnm and’leried on as th*-
pronertx' of 1). X> Dbyaf, and l poils'erfout by the
phtiuiift. F. I<% Wei den. Prcperty levied on by
Constable and turned over to me.
seplO—4fXd Deputy Sheriff,
OFFIPF. ITp-ai»ir j I ront o*rn.; Koo.n Jos.vs'
!': linin'-.
Mar.h l« Nm
/^LOMGIA— Sr.i»i*o Cotm —W.
v* iitd er-*lilor- of Hem, Il | •
r» *,M eouiitr. m|, u ,i r 'T*' *^*
Su- *l*l* lelte-s of l,
»..i'l .l.cHii*.! !»!«>.,•« It..r-f. „. *>
K' Ihn ti-ilhert ~,J «r.JH. r . of *
-H- nn-l a , , t .y . ft;,., 1,1 <l*
tin.. ciiin-d l.j i»». nmk. •M lir.ti..,
e* iv**-aid adriuiietraliou. or | !i .. 1 r «
H ' '.n'.lly. < 'e.k Us fr ,s, •*-.
i>lialor on >ai*J estate. Givei. inuk r „» ’»
• •ffii-e. this lot Sffptafuber iSf*; • >mi *t
ki „..,, lrv
/ > KOBTJIA—Krsubo, C> ■ si, —, ,
\ X il. t'-oiinwlly. Adminimrul-r ik, • J **
Jamcs W. Nii.l.llyt,ro..ks. ™* 1 ' *(
fur irav.- to r.ll ihr I,m]* b.lui ui,.» ' , 9 “•»
.for th- twu. fit ofli-i.s sn.l cr<Uit..| K -jJ rM * ! *
t..eii*.nd a imuhi.l. »I1 I-.*.,,, c. *"
■nd •ppritr at my utfice williin thr tim, . ” * u
i'V Ihw. and slinw i-ausr. if anv rxi.i J, " ri '-d
d-r rhoiild not be granted auihoiiu, ~ .„„j ~r- istrator
istrator to said lands. A «aaL-
Given under my baud at office this
G« Ki.lUilA—Sesi mx,. w 7
r r. Hglelree s|q>lie* to me for I.h,' " '
Guardilintilip us ihe •„,! . ’’ r * •*
Adeline C Colbert, minor. a„d ur ‘IV7,
A. G Culi»ert. dee-ased. place of A*7 , B'
ine removed. Tile.* are !h.ref., r ,
ndmoriTati aii [<»-:-<m. concerned to b-‘ B and
at my otfiee « Illlin tl.e time pres- rit..,)
and show can*.- if any exist, why „id letr, r ,*;
guardianship si.oLid not be g aute.J (;„ °*
der my band at office this 4th day of v„' , . U “'
>S«C- K I>-lil.SJIi Kt Wr
SiTATK "K <;K« >RG IA (•,, *
O Whe ten- .laeub F Clu.pman applies
lett-r.s ut (» un> dial ship fur the peis..,, „„| r
erty »f Klij.h If. «u.l John R,, (1 ,
Mill .-rpliaii childien us I! I’.up.r, 7'’
eea-ed. I hese are. therefore, to cite a„d a-lmo','
■sh all parti*, interested to bs and Appear at m .
ufnee wiibm the time pret-enbe*! b\ law. J
cau-e, if any exis\ why such leit'ers should I*,
be granted.
Given under my hand at office ibis sd ,l nv / 18>i«. F. I>. ItlSMl'Kt '
( 7 F ' ,U(: '-V >I‘AI-IMM. t'OIMV. Wt,.,,,,
' * hinory W inship. Adlninisl.nlui Wi11,..
A Hedilii g. deceased applies to me fur an or,b t ‘
authorizing Ihe sale of a Hurt ion of the lard, »J
longing to said estate, for the pinp-.5,. ~f p„ v - '
debts: to wit. a hou-e and lot in the city of ('.if
tin. J r "'
These are. therefore, to . ite and adin-nisl, ail
persons concerned to be and appear at n.v oftic,
within the ti.?,* prescribed by Inw to sln,«-
if any exist, why an order authorizing the sal,of
said land should Hut b*- grant. .].
K I>. LUrsill KE, Ordinary
AI>MI\;STK' Toft'S S.M.K. '
I)V vil tue of nil order gi-a- t.-d l.y the (inlirarv
J of I'ike county vs ill be sold before the
Court House door in the town of Zel.ulon in ,ani
County, on the firslTlT>l*AY in N,.v.|, b-t
between the legnl hours of «nle. all I In- lands be-'
longing to the estate of Alfred Wtgni,. |» t , „'f
I ike County, lying in 9n j,l toumvad
joining fin lands of (iiles lim.-r, Matthew CW
g'ns, and others, c.n,tinning five hundred and fit,
(505) acres, more or less, ( the widow's duwer si.
eepted.) bold for the h-nefit of heirs and credit
or* of said deceased 1 erms cash, unless circiun
stances should transpire previous to. or on tint
day of sale, that would make it tie.-e-sarv to sell
it on time. CAiiKS.MAN I'o'l'K.
sept,- -tod- Adtninistrstur.
W"i liefore the Co«r; Ihaisa
» » door, in ti e city of (triffiii, belw.- n the
usual hours of sale, o,i the first TlKSInVin
November next, one house and lot in the eity
Cnftin containii gtwuaeic*. (more or less.) knew a
fts the lot w liei eon iv I’. I \ sori. ,fr., now- resides,
and hounded on ti c South bv a street, on th,
west In an alley, on the north l.y a lot whereon
Mr. Hm ketr »•«*«*• |jvpg AGo
tit one -afe, !t*«» IPCfs* I*, oi,*- w ut(ji'i !••*
small trumlD b'-'bleadi*. ’ w«*tk bcndi I sf«M.l, l
lut semp lumber, 1 lot' lumber, 1 small "*'ik
staid, l lot cans aid jii M j> iint-cii|*s nr.«l bni»||tg t
atd 1 atovc niifl ] »i|»**. Eevie«l ini as ll*c |*ro|>pr
ty of K l’. lysou, Jr.
•MaSG. *»i»c b»l «»f l»ml. coi.faiiting one lmlf i• >.
act e, (mo*« « i b s*.» w itli two w «*i tliernm,
buiiiultd oft tlic i.orlli by an n!)c\ mi t #* pouth
by i lut fruiitiug oil Solomon at red. ui» tl>e *m»t
by Bubelt Bilkert*•»». niul oil the west b\ E. IT
fonl s anti Henry Bank*'.-* store-r«mm* situiitpif in
tl»c » ity ut Griffin. Lcvie«l on i»s the i»r«»|ierty of
A XV Benliaiii A Cos., tu salisfy a ti. fa. ia»u«*«l
from the superior Court of Sn.nltling ('utility. o*.
Simon 11. s» is v* A. \V i>*-t.h»m k Cos. Brv*.
|>eity put Uteri out by S. H. Snmleis*.
e|»2s-til D D I) YAE. Sheriff.
\\7ILL BE H >«»rc tlie Court House door
w ▼ in tlie city oi (iritfiu «mi tli** ti»s-t TI’KS
DAY it; (let* her next, **ne house atul lut. known .
os the Miihlle ifeorgin Medical Col.cgc, aitvatedi
on Broidwuy. near the Macon A Western It. K
Depot, levied on ut* the property *T id ward F., to snlisfy costs on aevernl ft. fa.’s issued
from liifeii-T an<l Superior Courtb **f spnldtrg
County. John L Duval vs. Edward F. Knott,
James M. Couch vs. Edward F. Knott, and others
At tlie same time and place, will be soM square
fifty-six (SK), known in plan of the city of Griffis
as the Parade Ground, containing four (4) acres,
the same having been sudd on the first Tuetday,
mat. Parties mix ii c. ami failing to comply with
j the terms of rnid sale, it will be rc said nt> th«ir
At the same time and place will be sold on*
house ami lot in the city of (1 t iffin, boun«*, e J 0 n
the east by Maj. Sulley’s, on the south b’, an open
lot. and on the west by a street—kno-,„ M nd le
vied on as the property of Wni. Wright, to
satisfy costs on several fi. fa s fror, Superior Court
and Justices Court. Property pointed out by E.
1' Knott. '!>. I). DOVAL.
a gSD-lin Sheriff:
AIX >,
A! the same timo and place, w ill be sold ous
grey lIORSI-’, s',out It years >ld, levied on a*
the property of Hiram Sherman to satisfy oee fit
fe. issued ft -,in Spalditig County Court, Ihouias
Byrne v-. Hiram Sherman. 1). D. LRJYAL,
sept—td Sheriff.
as James T. Ellis, administrator on the Es
1 late of Philip J. Hishop,late of said county deceased
| npi lies to me for ir tiers of dismission as aduiinis
: trotor on said E-tate he having fully administered
the said estate.
! These are therefore to cite and admonish tl
poisons inteiested or concerned to b* and appeti
at my office within the tisne prescribed hy la*
and bo w cans* if any ezist why said letters should
! not be granted (liven under tuy band at my office
: this 17tli day of September. 18*4.
seplO—mCm Ordinary.
G 1 E< )R(il A. SPALDING COUNTY.—Whereas
ff 11. S. Glass applies to mo for loiters of
Guardianship of tbs person and property of Jo
seph H, so l William R. Lewis, minor children of
Writ. B. Lewis, deceased.
Thes* are therefore to cite and admonish all
persons coneeraed, to Ire and appeal my office
within the time prescribed by law. to show esu-e
iif any exist, why said letters of Guardianship
: should not be granted.
| Given under my hand at office, this the 2nd day
; of OeC 186fi. F. I>. DISMUKE. Ordinary.
I > I HIE i itiz-ns of Pike County, who are in favor
j of ahoiisliincr the County Court, and therw
I by relieve the people of unnoeaaary taxatiou and
- tronhle. are reot e*».-d to assemble at the Court
j House in Zebnlon. the FIRST TUESDAY in Oe
i tober, to take soeh act ion as they may deem
j proper. VOX POPULL
I Star copy. se‘26-2
RKI'-rn, f E HG f A
nays ts