Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, October 10, 1866, Image 1
SOTJ THERNHERALD. li -|;LI.'ll!:i»l»A!S.T ATMIJIMN GEORGIA. •T MARTIN tc EAGAN, ir*»Txir* irok*’** r» iLinvi. uilj. m lCa!>*% 01 snbtcripiion. ( CBPf OWC YtAf i >u*» copy tiMuttho 3 ,>u One cupy three lumitli* 2 «)') Orders for J«»B WORK and ATIYKRTfS. |\ii rrqxctlilly solicited, and promptly attended t* SUMMARY. Ca!i. ( "rn:;i is coining gold twenty-live cent * pieces. Gold lias been discovered in con i lerable quantities in .Mercer Cjunty, Missouri. J. ( . Ayer & Cos., of Lowell, spends an* nu.ally !i>r advertising §IOO,OIO. A popular toast: President Johnson and Chimborazo;of the Andys, the mast res nowned. Albert I*.k>, of Arkansas, writes a letter denying thvTho enlisted India.is to fight the North. i The ,: )si*tori Hat"—of green velvet with J.-ose .tii-i-dngs—is the last novelty f r the ladies. Already the b. - ar: are h iring Uistori, (olicitiiig contributions to send flannel abuts and moral pocket handkerchiefs to the Fee jee Islanders. Col. Edmondson, a friend cf Gov. Wells, of Lo isiana, states that he, the Governor, is 'determined to support the President sf liey in the fat ire. General Moody, of the late Confederate army, died of yellow fever in New Oi leans on the 1 Stli nit. The man who lends an umbrella is a real philanthropist—he sacrifices himself for his inends. If ladies appreciate the beauty of their feet as they do their necks, shoulders, etc., they would probably go to halls barefoot. .V tract of thirty -quare miles of peat, four to six feet in depth li iS h<-en discovered in liumbq dt county, Nevada. The population of New Oi l ans is double what t was during tin- war, an 1 one fourth bug' r than ever l> tore. Wha 'ever o'her people may think of th o je igion of our lir>l mother, .ld.tm thougiit iher l.u angelical. Tba«l. Mi Mbs natives ail sorts of atteli 'iioii troin Ids radical coii.siiiu<-nrs. lie is fluted and filed an 1 ftclid.— 2 Vcntier. A cutei ferahie sens it on his been erea'co dn meelianie circles by tin discovery tfi.it •sheet iron will serve It belting in p.ace oi leather or ru iber. Speaking of po'iiieal seritn. s i to on • cotei.iporary say*: Ihe Htetv at Wats Iv.i* la tuKe a fa. k seal when the negrr is under diseiission. Go'i. !'. v -II isrusti • I'ing it Capon Springs • si* i C and ll irry G.iui ire, w.io is .stn nnpar dornd. Mostly is pi n tiring ia.v at War ir.ntoti Juliet on, near Maita-sus. To Si'"!‘ l!i,i:v:tiinij ritoxt the Nose ‘ Just pit a pie. e of piper in your tmi itli, ■chew i. .a, i ili , and tl wall stop the bleeding .from t c nose.” The Virginia papers state that a delusion | rev ids among the ii-gru s where attacked bv the chol ra, that it is not a disease, bit •liat they iiiv : I', ..it ;> » s ■ io.I by th.i whites, flie result is, tiie nog i refuses to take ill • ,tir*diered remedies —and dies. It i« pMriosp.l to establish a f<-ra:ilecollege ■it Mullb Mountain tllo oi l liOtol Kt till' toot oi lliu M iiatiiHiii to bu fitted tin for the •lint-ise. Uev. II (J. llmn.-ulv and .Mr. \V. ]!. feab, are to take chai 1:1: of it. The London Times, aHudit;" to General Bank-’ ri j ort of th-: neutrality laws, sneer inglv says : “There is a martial ardor and fierceness about, his sentiments, of which we find no tiaco in the record of his public acts.” The report of the dca h of Ex Governor Morehcad, of Kentuekv, published a few days ago, was incoirect. He had a serious attack of illness a week or two ago, but has now recovered. It is said that cx-S cretary Harlan, who te r . years ago was not worth £«>,olM, has ac cutnulated a fortune of nearly half a million of dollars. A l’itEMUM.—The editor of the Southern Cultivator offers a premium of fifty dollars for the best original article, adapted to his columns, on the culture of the Suirar Cane. An editor out West says: “ If we have offended any man in the short hut brilliant course of our carter, let him send to us a new hat and say nothing about it.” Mr. Davis himself is said to have stated recently to a friend who visited him, that <h r*!i was the only “ release ” I e should evet know from the impregnable walls that sur r'ounded him. lion. Ben. Wood, of New York, so favor ably known to t lira people of ibe f'outh as proprietor of the New York A nrs, ands n« a {gentleman of genuine and unbounded bene’- ole nee. <as purchased Long Island, an es tate in Princess Anne county, Virginia. j The freedmen at Hampton. Virginia, have been notified by the bureau 'hat on the first tf.J "vnuary ensuing they must emigrate to l lorida. as the oniy riicarts of escaping want and starvation. There is a negro in Philadelphia whose ie t measures 2f) inches. The Lynchburg Republican thinks the Radicals oug t to se cure them for a party platform. They might do if cased in Brownlow’s dirty stockings.—- La Cross Democrat. “Oh, Dear*” hhibhered out an urchin who had been soft-ring rnm the application of a birch. “ Oh, tnv ! they tell me that for v rods make a furlong,, but I can tell a bigger story than that, f.c’ ’em get -u<-h a p’sgnv lb k'tig as I’ve had. and thev'll find that one rod makes an aeher.” IT. Bsves Pollard had a di[Tenby at the loun'.rn Hotel. Baltimore recertly, with one Frederick Hopkins, about a foma'c at tic hotel. Polls' u slot. TTopkins The wetp dis not scrieus. Pollard has been ar rcsf< and. Y e find the word hlicdad Pc in the new c lit ion of \\ ; b-u r s D'c i<m rv It i« cin as a colloquialism prevalent in tbe I i’< and States ; but., it adds, it is said to be of Swe dish and Danish origin, and to have been in common us- for several years in the Norfo lk ost, in the vicinity of itnuTttrsntj from 1 UC ;9 ll'JtVjllS. DAILY SOUTHERN HERALD. VOL, i, The V> ,rlil’s Merlin coi resj ondeut shit: s that nearly every German prn.re ha r a' leist a hundred thousand dollars invested in American securities, and the king ol Han over, who lias Leon notified that he canno' return to his throne, has half a million in our loans. The Break Hone Fever —This dainfu! disease is raging to a considerable extent in our city. We icarn that there a,e nut less than two hundred cases of it. The disease, how.-ver, hi n.v dangerous to ife but paitifub in the extreme. [ .l/o«A/. Miiif , 3d. Mrs. George A. Ilntse McLeod, of the Baltimore Southern Literary Institute, of fers to donate one full scholarship, with hoard and tuition, to her native State, I'lor da, and one for tuition to each of the other ten Southern States. Applies! nns to be made through the Southern Belief Associa tion, IS iltimore. A woman in Charleston. S. C., begged f,,r Ski) to bury her husband. A benevolent lady visited her home to take her the mon ey. In a darkened apartment lay the corpse, the widow was erying and everything look ed very melatfeholy. She left the §S(J and departed, forgetting her parasol. H .turn ing, she found the corpse carefully counting the ttioney. The Sin I’raii-i'snjf’al.) Kftmlntr. re ferring-to the speech dc)ivcred by \ye. Sen ator from Nevada, at the last session, rc» eonimending a genera! hanging of the Con federate leader sio s * " * f enipen etavat would be an appropriate ornament to the nei-k of any wretch, who manifests stieli bru tal blood-thirstiness as is shown above, and would be (itpecal'y becoiiiing to the burly throttle of the Senator from Nevada.” It lias been stat'd that the venerable erd lege. presided over by Gen. Lee. is erowdel to "Vi isl .wing ; hut the Lexington Gazette (■"urr-idio's the statement and «aj-s thnf eom b r able accommodations can be vet furnish ed to two or three hundred more stnden's. There are n, w over two hundred and sixty S’hdents there and one hundred ands. r‘v at the Virginia Military Institute—ltich -711'mi/ .ryri.ee/-. B*.Su Th I’at s corresp.it denis still e ’in) p rpti-x ng. e. n’l'i ITToiy, an I. if eiTTime-, Him.a eg hi I'omits of t lie state of the Ivi p,- ra *’ :u'a ' ti. A ei.rr -p in eit oi the London Morning Shi Witten, Septeinoer (}, tiiit* s M ijesty is aide to ri :e, but not lo trot." I ll.s i- lu.por'ant ;at we 111 |V aid I li-hI in tin* * vent of another revolution, be would i probabiy trot. V. hxt Siifi'tiEttN Gnus Can I>. >.—Th,* ! 11l >; t'» •• "i tresv eottoti s 1 i at Afar . n . v '.t-s to , Mi**., wa brought to tlra'. plane fasti Int iy, and so .! • - M - •- <*....* ... <- j K'i.-rts for ;n.-tit v-s'-r• ti and a • j ll niter : ecu s p"i jponnl, 1 h ■ pur h.asor. paying tl o tax. Oi ll'is hale, the l.aud r t.-de Tinrt ( published at M. riot) Station ) say s : It was planted, cultivated and piek.-d bv ; tiie daughters of Mrs. EliZi I’aikelte, near i Bush tit ata l a, Ala. No danger ot F'rurmg I'nen ahjeet p verty while our women dis play tins sort of industry. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Charlie Wright, WATCHMAKER AXJ) .TKWELEI ; Iv OVER VFFORD'S■ til WorU warranted. Dec ,1. Q. A. ALFOIU), ATTOUNKV AT LAW. (, KIP KIN, G A % \ ' ILL attend to such professional lu-iites.- as it rnnv In: entrusted to ins care in the emu. ties of Spalding. Pike, Upson, Xlmiroc, Lotts Henrs. Fayette, Coweta and Merriwetlier. Ly prompt and diligent attention to professional duty iic will endeavor to please those who may en trust him with htisieess. lie is determined that the business of Ins clients, together with his own shall oeeupv his time and attention exelnsively, Otliee on Hill Street, tip stmts, opposite ill.it- Al.il OFFICE. February 186 G. ly. DOYAL & NUNN ALLY, ATTt>ItNIAS AT LAW. GRIFFIN G EORGIA \*ri!.l. PRACTICE IN THE COUNTIES Os W Spalding. Henry. Fajetlc, Hulls. Monroe Upson, Like, Clayton, anil Meniweather; end will attend to the Heel ion I's eh.itns afninst Hi federal Coven.in-lit ; and also to the jittrchnse and sale ol real r ■ lai As we shall devote our whole attention to our profession, we hope to be aid’ to give general satisfaetion to all who may think propel to engage our services. 1.. T. DOYAL, A. D. NUN.NAI.LY. Dec - ;7. ts . !, ItAI t.. I 'V " " US.A>. Hall & Thurman, ATTORNEYS at law. ja r raso x, a corgi a. \STILL prnetieein the counties composing the I V Flint •IvDiotal Ciuccit and attend to the c rliection of Claims against the fig* krai. Oovers- MK.NT ' arch Ist. ts. BOYNTON * DISMUKE, irror xe v s .1 r i. i v HM FFI X CK« Office m room up ‘tfiir? in Almah llnH opposite I iris, k Wav* h'ut-#*.» II TH.I. p-i\ ,* prompt nt ten ti< n t.. hhu -:: 1 \\ hhm.my W (Mrntft*'.* to thi-ir nnv, in the ••oMiiti ■* iT >puMu r, Henry. Monroe, lps« n, IVk *. .M* inw* ther, ?i»yett«f a:« 1 Clayton. J. S. ImvvroN. ' i'iiK<». I>. Uhijukk. r \ ecp I . 4m. D. E F. KNOTT, Having returned to Griffin, respectfully tenders his V It '.I F Kte S 1 O N A L a Klt V ICES To those who tufty desire them. Office and rooms in the BRICK BUILDING between the Livery •abler * sen U at., hi tn and day or ni go F*< ‘ e . ill* anjjdged ipftl l ' *• I l*«‘ 1*« h *«• tlieklirr lima thr Nw ortL'* aim\, i, eh, weuiesdiv miiuiMi, on. in. inm. LAND A D EMIGRANT iV G- 111 NT C Y WITH IlKADk'l AKTKIiS AT GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. ! I kf’ji a \ i” my * x% i *it ai! par* tl. ? Imvif.z I n 1“ l* • : { ;Jy. «•! <»:*h r prop •»<»1 1\- to \l> _ sVi :!* i» li.f . t . I, i» u-. a lit liter j inv »«f* at*' > it; ■; b- 'j • f «•» Lan«l> i tl.-i-i f. jit, tiincem th»- 'J'lalil'. n 1 -11 •• • ii \v r*l I what li«»*v ar** in st tiitj.lftl f.. . ts., . , which mil me t»» reii.is i v*li»?;*»!i* a iff> ' a uiul _ others v\ i * i!.fT t iit a »t f*r 1 tn»\v have PfVfial lMar.tati«»n<*. |jit9, And a con-ii.lfquantity of u thl lai.il*» in different paitaof for t*ale, rent or e\* lianpe, and w ill fs.Hin have them iunp|»*d «*ut «>n my Kegi^tcr , so tl at all can examine f«»r themselves. I am now m iking, and willt*. *t» have |>crf*H*ttd arrangements with partif* ia N.*w ► df!phia. and Itnllimore by whi -h I shill beahlc to advance money on httuls. growing crops, do. Kkfkbnces: (i vorge N >ii*-*lir)ls. K**p. I lay street Savannuli. (la ; Uaiisoni St*. 11.* South 4’li Street, Philadelphia, and the bufii;« .«s men of tbii city. a. jaci:s<u<k;kus. * hVico. for the present at my residence, on corner of I»n»ad\vav Hud 18th Streets opposite 1 ! Marshal College. July H», tfm Wantoci r O K E N T OH IT It CI! AS E . TWO No. 1 I*m»ita»ion«, ndioinimj. or f *^cfe} y, ' r y ue.tr fio h other, somewhere in Spa! j dints. or one of th»* a<lj >ining ('oiiritica. ■Ui* Tio-.-f i»Ia«-f> im;*l he near or convenient to llailroad well in. | roved, ami adapted t • the < t;|t:ire of (•■!?' *:. ('oro, Peas, Pot at 0f.4, Cane, <fce., ,A-’ . tt.*., an ! I..i«e thereon a goo«l fruit orchard. Piuc *s having water («it and >a\v) Mills, or 1 sito where shell may be bui I. pr «f» 11 •-«I. Would .prefer, to pU fhrse the ln*rst-s. mule.’*, fariniitg < 1 implements. -t«M k. .Cv on the places. ! Applv to, or address A JACKS!)N ItOWil.ltS, I (4nftiii. (• rorpia. 'IT OH lClifor the present at his ivstdcnee ! e. im-rVi Hroa lway uud J:;ih streets opposite Marshall College, sef»7lm : | NATIONAL HOTEL !C 1 • 11 ■ -r ’Vftitli.dt Street etui 'V. A A lUilrnnJ ULUTA,. G 111 lltb I A. This N. w iyillrii t' and, fin :.*. F'ij.’st Class Hotel, Kllsgai.tly f'tt nisli.' 1 t .loiigliom. »n«l coinplete in id' it- npp. o too iit.- i ti"w for tiie reception '»f guests, me! in -ui £ni op tnii'in. Mtiodii'd to tl.is If. 'el 1* n fine I'.'.iliar.l l*iirlor, . with I'lielnii I id' 1 . *. VLiist Cla ■ f’.Hr. fufly mi.i eomi'let. !y s'.,. 1,, .1 with e.. . li ne,is, Wiie-s ; and ig .i i The put. lug of the publi in r- • :f !) ygo > iiciied. I'UATT, i'« i:xi».l Cult i; Y, 1 l'roprlet.-rs, i i If. f>. but- oi the "1 vn II Maeoi .C \ I .tune "Mil 1 . 1. Remington 8c Sons M innf.u turers of j REVOLVERS, RIFLES, MUSKETS AND (WUIUNKS, for the United States service. A’so, B'eket mid Belt Revolvers, Ue ipeatirg I’.slois, Rdlo (bines, Revolving Ri* tb->. R ile tit, ! Shot (Ctn B n re's, and Gun , Mut'iii's sold by Gut! tfenlers and Ute I trade generally. In these day- of house-break’ng ami rnb !bn v, every House, Store, Ba'tk itud Olßce I should have one of ! KEMIX'UTOX'S EKVOLVEIH. Parties ibsitiog to avail theUiaplvea of tbe bite itnpi o-. emeiits in ILstolsj, ami stipes rior workmanship and form, will find all combined in li e new Untnii gton Revolvers. Circular!] containing cuts and description of our arms will be furnished upon applica tion. E. REMINGTON k SONS, Lion, N. Y. Moore k Nichols, Agcu'.s, No. 40 Court lam! St. N. Y. sepO-dtn. BimirKMAX k BANKS, Wll» *!.KSA LE AM* lIKTAIt. DEALERS IN li(>UT.S, FlinFs, ]J;aTHKU. iSIIOKMAKKRs 1 •>(.)!sS, ],A>i*S. n;<;s. Ac. ; ALS“, M \ NP P \t T^'ERS OK BOOTS cfc* I^IIOTiJS, K••j -s t li" LARf«KS in T(H/K of t• ■ 1 * in their line, tliat i* to be found in < :iv OfiO I t'»iis«*.iri por gia. Country Mncliants to tXaicfue our ptock 1. «st u- • purchasing else where. ( : ilia>Ki;i: l.Lot K. RKACIITRF.KST.. Atliiuta Citoixia M., IluWirs IMI*R‘ tYK! > Cotton Picker! FOR Pit RI NO t O ;T')N IN TIIK HKM). 4 >1 !•’ «i c l/paot Insitri*fn•*n t w« ,ii.cr -s 3 it ‘ • |k»i pi hi thre-* or fo;.r ir i-' I sicr ihiM \ I.m. V >i ving >no cotton clean and I. • o frodi t rush. l*i . Ordsr.*can b** f.lh- Iby TlliiHuWK MANin-’ACrriUNC; ro„ o 1 Cedar St. . N, Y. ; t;r by r »u; .\z- A* tilltbe cSo.i ; lj. feij-lJ -Sind Vic. < <h)K. atto rney at law, i GRII’PIN, G EO J* G I A □j n \ a t f IWUIIIED A COLD AIL 1)11, /T :..t Am. Inst. Fair, i OiTOBtP. ly, 18»'*5. In direct competition with all the leading maker* in the country. “BE LOU I> ET" ORGANS ANT* M E HOD EONS. pkloi' hkt, pi:lto.\ id. Ib'«pCftf.: 1 1 y in\ ite* the attention of purchaser*, tiie trade and pr'dcssion, to the I'OI.L WIX(I INSTUrMKNTS Os their Manufacture - PEDAL BABB ORGANS,' five si/.e*. Five octave, one t»* three hank* oi L* \ r, three to cit'ht setts oi Kecds, ■ ; . Prices 8200 to 3000 SCHOOLOiIGANS Nine sinsle and do .Me Kccd, Rosewood' and ltlack Walnut eases. Pricos 3100 to 3-100 I*iano style and Portable, Twelve Variolic.*, from four to six Oenven. Single and I’ouble lUtd, j Rosewood ami Black Walnut ('uses rriccs Bor> to Bar>o. i T>efy Inyti ufi.ent is mndt* by con peter.t work \ nT’i', fmii; »|je l «‘sl mutei ul under UUl‘ personal j supei vision, and every mod' in } rovciuent j Anii'iig I tVL''«?, yWHwdlVimi W , Alf'l'f .r. j M(>PANTK u Idcb li rt, > Irftm so much admired, I ami can I *• fovtul oidy in iiiitrintients cf our own j manufacture j i From amonp tlie very flattering Testimonials ot j eminent Professors and Organists, we the fol lowing €xt i acts ; “The pedals I conceive to }>«• nrapproio hnble in their bcaulilul smooth ipiabty.”- -W m A, Kino. “It a grand, good Instrument, and does cred it ot the builder.’—H. 0. Poloku, Troy, N. V. 1 They are a - : ong the fujest Instruments manu factured either in this country or abroad.—Wm. Bhio. J. Mo*i;mh.\l, A glomus. "They have giv.n universal satisfaction/*--W. K llaw lkv, Fon d'l-liu*, Wlb. “Tbon* i-A a tone which cli.iriiiinifly with the v« ice." —W. 11. Cooke. ‘ I am particularly ph*as«»*l with the arrantre ment of the different registers."—Wm. 11. B«ad lIfRY, “Xo other instrument *o nearly nppiCaches the ! •■'vp'/in.*' —The ('j'.t,ri.-tcr, X. “Tl»is instrument ha« a clear superiority over . nnTthintr yet introduced among us.— iHrfrprfuteflt, • i-Y'r. “ “The t'tne-; and the action are et^ellen*."—Rev. W. S. I.KAvm. Hudson, New York “The more we use it. the better we like it.”—J. T* Halve, Hudson, N. Y. “The Tro Orjfftn TTardu-nium is really a i gem.”—J. \V. Kinmcutt, Mass. ! “Wo have f**urd thoni excellent ip sli points : constituting a good instrument.'— J. C. Cook. T J. Cook. '*lt Inokp (ltd sottndi) splendidly.”—S. 11. Sai- T'.v, I’rhy. N. V. I lie most perfect toned M clod eon I ever saw.” Hi v F North. “ 1 hev fall back on sneh substantial merits ns superiority ..f workmanship, beauty of tone and j reasonableness of price. Aiul we hum say that in «!l their respects they are wit Worthy of praise.” —Mimical Pioneer, Any. ! k». Every Instrument :g f.'dlv warranted, and ; Jiojred and Sfi>)>j,rd in New York city wit tout ' rhorqc. Circulars, Cu l ?. and Price List®, dc. sent on ap plicat ion jo PEL.OI:IIKT, pel ro\ & CO. 11 :Ri i.UIWAY, N Y. I ‘Dr tr, nny of our Agouti n the principaj ' itie* ; '.film Union. rdlimtU A I,IS STOVES’ ; TEA ANI) C< 1 FEE Ii<HLKR>, GLUE LOTS OIL C »\NS, »kc., «tc. Cooking for n family * may be done with Ksre«t*n«* 'i ff' Oil. or (•»<>. with less iroul-l**, iJS" er-4 at ey|>eu*e T tba» Ly nr»\ oilier fuel. Each at tide luanufaetured by this Company is guaranteed to perform all that is claiOicd tor it. j t*end f.ir a circular. 1 Liber 111 discount made to the trade. KEROrSFNi: AMP !! LA ILRCO . 1 .-pH dsw lirr j 20* I vail V.N Y. jos. ench: /s M STOKE. The utiiUStgncd desires to inform the ptthlie tiiat he has returned to his old home IN GRIFFIN, Where he b determined to furnish th<m with GOODS «s LOW m they can possibly be afforded. I have on hand FP33SII Cb NEW, A Complete Stock of onv GOODS,' Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, &e. My well known Character as a business man here in former days, is a sufficient guar antee of Fair and Hoiiest Dealing. Cal! on me at ruy NEW STOKE at the i OLD STAND, West Corner of Ilil! street iand Broadway. JOSEPH ENGEL Auc 2, lßi'.fi— 3ni. m EE N s\v Ait E, (7//AM AXD GLASSWARE. Mi-BRIDK, DOItSLTIT A C'<>. i Corner Wliiteliall and Hunter Street*, Atlanta. | Full line* of C. 0. (irar.it.- and (tlaaawnra IN Tltrl ChICINAL PACKAGE or in lots to su.t purchaseis. A SI'LKNhII) UKTAIL STOCK. • A fit *«• nssortiuGut us “ Auorlod Cratea'* very I low to the trade. „ . j nre pr.rt cilia; iy rrqueitel to call and eye.tnine ur stock . We f»r»*l colifi-lelit tliftt our TKIIMS will compare favorably with IJBST N KW V( >RK rates, and our Mock i- ai complete a« any n the country, North or Smith. McBKJDJ:, DORSLTT it CO, j July 10- am | j I!K\IU III: V AN*. A. L. Ili RTB toon. K. W. H, Nllir | I mm mtrTdqe k co7 COMMISSION MtIHCHANTS A Xl> Brolccrs, SAVANNAH GEORGIA WJ P solicit coDFignrocrjtfl and make advaneei ▼ ▼ on nhipment* to ourselves, New oik and Liverpool correspondent*. HT* PLANTERS’ SITTLIKS FLUNTSHKDj^I ang2^—lf J. N. SEYMOUR, CIIKBRY STUKKT, MICOX, - GEORGIA. KKKPS <*n hand a full stock of Oroeerics and Pro' •■dons, wt ich he offerp as low as any other house in the city. He al*n keep-* on hand al! gra«les of TOBACCO, and deals in Loiillard’s SNI'FF. a* and SMOKING ToIIAOCo, of \Hii'*us brands, and irnites a call frdm merrlmnts, Planters, and others. J. N. RFYMoUR. AMI Kt. !’. HELL. n. W. WYLLY. HENRY R. CHRISTIAN BELL. WILLY 4 CHRISTIAN. Cotton Factor* » nd •M'.NF.RAT. COMMISHION MERCfIANTS, SAVANNAH, GEO. VDYANCES made on all consignmenta to aft or to our friends in Liverpool, 80-tun, New ’ York., Philadelphia and Baltimore. £s?** PerthnTil attention given to the salt* of 1 Colton and forwarding of luefchonline. •ej»4— d2m* ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE i IN J ACKSON, GAL Y I *t fcc erder !Y rru th® Ordinary of House do'.j m the ti w nos Jaek««m. Ut wr« n the legal ’• * ■■r sof »a>, on the \ IlpsT 1 Y in : Novel, her r ♦•/} 'no tiuu ■lre-1 ntir f/.rty OIu) -ere« nf and. (« id"*’- dowr «xr epted.) ftftid land ire lnngit.i; to the «s‘ate of .lulin F. Gib s. d-|.f ased. JAMRi W. If A RKN'KiiS, —4'*d Admitnfttrator. 1 * FuIU.I A'—l'llCE COUNTY—WiII bt* sold V X fort- tbe Court Hon.,- door of raid County, on the first Tuesday in Nuyemlrer next, between th* tuu«! h-.ur» of »s!e, ibe following property j to wit : (hie BroWn Bay Ware. »o<l on. epeekled . euw and elf. levied upon as the property of Isaac Junes, to s-nliafv a ft fa in my hand, issued from the County Cunt', of said county, in fafor of Wm. (i. Dewberry vs the astd Isnau lores, property ; pointed ml by l’Uf. W. IJ MK'LmnoN. Oct ", t It. —SrtJ tfttfS*. 1 SO r TIIEM.Y S!ERA LD. liTaoraarrimra **» • >n««npy *i|t year. UN One eopy uwnth* • M <>n« copy tt.r,. north* .. .. tOt nriumn* *»v*sr« 3T All p.p.r* *u pp»d at the end of lha tin* paid for if M p»«-. u.ur'yrenewed. Adeem..n».rl. iM.tU-4 at tJUa r-te* of One rVb'ar an 1 fifty Ceote per .quare us Tw Line*, for the fir«l inwrtioft, and Sev*nty-flv* 0.1. foe eaefi .ut.arquenl ineertioo —payable ia adeaoee. Liberal Jedeclioo* made on eootrart* for ode* tUemc#arJanlag tkre* cwntha and longer. XO. 32. city nr»nEM dih^ctohx A KKU.AMV— Mayor —4XfoO at City nail. Tilts. NALL—i In', and Treneqrer of City Council.—< iffic- .i N.Il A Kaaaofii'* Siora. GEO. I>. JOHNSON*—Chief Manl.al —OfHee at City lla’l. ,• m ’ Aiujuum-Y. 11. C. M' h.ll.errr J. ». Wi** A 11. y.a'hew*. JN, Harris,C. V. Newtns U 1> Nn.ilh, J. M. i'at nek, J. G. Sear* , committkea F-Swhc»—Wi*e. I'*lnc<. Ham.. SriuST* asp Atra Uickelberry.Hatir :*rs. i OtpisAVcn—Patrick, Smith, Sear*. (Tvnuia »M> Ttauc Lun-Mdickrlherry H.r ri*. ilmith. IVian wa Pteup Wtu*—South, hiathewa. Sears. STaarr Fvrao» rim rent—llarri*. Newton, Pat* riak. Ni wsm ra—Mathewn, Neirton. Wiae. PmTios* —Sewton. Wi*e. Mlckelberrr . COI NTY OKEICKIts. F D. THSMl’KK—Ordinary.—Offle* up Malm in Alm.h Hall. * J. H. Ct A> N Al.lA—Clark Superior Court— Hi'.** in Altnali Hall. J, 11. I.ANjB-rdeiV Inf-rior Cooit—OfSea af •taint in Afoiali 11 nil. 1) 1). IKJYAL—Sheriff. THOS. SI MoNTl*N—County Treaewe*'.—Of fice at I»r J. 17, ti. COTKK.xMKNT O^FTCKP.S. 11. iJUIITIH--V. H Internal Revenue Ta« Colikstor.'—(>' , ’ee at the Planter a Bank lluildiaf, Solomon T-treet. I». A. JOHNSON- U, S. Tax A^araoor. —Offiaa in Planter - * Ilank HniUing. * RATES OF LEDAE ADVEHTISIHCt. JSnlea of I .an da hy Adnuniatralora, Ki'oiUn and Gitardiaua. are required by law to b* held oa tin: Diet Tueeday in each month, between the limira of ten in the forenoon and three in the after noon, at the court bouae. in the couaty in wldab tAic property is aituated. Notices of llose sales moat be given in a pnbtla gazette to days previous. t , Notice* t>( sale* qf pciaonal property raiiat b» given in a public e;r?:sit« 111 day* previous to sale. N'ntlcn U debtors and creditor* of an eatata must be publiel:ed -*u ilaya. Notice that tipplierttion will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to a«U land must he ptitdidird two months. Citation* for letter, of Adminiatratioa, Cutrtfl atislup Ac , mint be published 81) days. Citation* for disuvisrioti friwn nilii.ulrtrati:*, once « th»nth for six months. For letters of dismission trora Guardianship 49 itules for the foreclosure of mortgages mutt be published once a month for four mouth*—for ea tuldi-liitig lost papers for the full spare of threw months—for compelling titles from Administra tors. where bonds have been given.by the diceae od, for the lull space of Uirce months. Publtcalii i.a will nltrays be continued according to these, ihc legal requir .’Blent*, unless otherwie. ordered at the following HATES. Slieriff.s sale per levy ot ten lines or less. $2 yo SheriQ"* moitgiiAe f! fa sales per leTy * *0 Tax Collector's sale.*., per levy 8 Ou Citations for letter* of Administration, i 00 Citations fqr.Jetfrs of Guardianship. X 00 Notuui oLapplicdtion for dismission bom Adtn'tl'*'.ration. C 00 v * : .r*n/r *nrtitr»i»ip #!•/•» | 01# 4(>plicttt.'on to tell Land 8 M Notice to DeaUirs and Creditors, 2 04 Sale cf Land per square, 8 00 ■tale of pvrblja'ule property 10 days 8 00 F.strsv notices, (lo Jays. 4 OH Forecioeure of mortgage, per square, 4 Q For man advertising hi* wtfp, in RAILROAD GhTTIlDja. MACON AND TVFNiTEP.N UAILUOAP. A. ,t. WIIITK. pRSSIBIXT, K, H. WALKER, Si r’t. Leave Macon. ? #0 A. M. Arrive at Griffin.... 11 Sn " ” Arrive nt Atlanta 1 S7 P. M. Leave Atlanta. A 54 A,CM. Arrive at Griffin 9 M) " " Arrives at Macon i 1 itO P. M. SOUTH WESTERN ItAlLfeOALb WM. HOLT. Psßwi/tvr. tl roil Powers, sirv Leave* Mscou ............. 1 25 A. I, Arrives at Kufaula ~..t 14 Hh ! Leaves Kufaula >......5 IO A. M. j Arrives at Macon 4 IV I* kk AI.BAXT MIAXCn. I Leaves Srnithville 1 42 P. Ml A i rives at Albany .4 84 P. M 2 (Leaves Albany A 7 *0 A. M. Arrives at Smilliri'ilb ......9 04 A. ML j ____ mLsCogeu UAII.ROAL). . JOHN MUST AIN, r«*sia»ww CLARK IC, Stef. Leaves Mscou 7 23 A. M. Arrives at polumbua ...,.4 U A, It. Leaves Columbus . .7 A. R£ Arrives at Macon .'..4 1# V. M. GEORGIA RAILROAD. ,T. P. KING. P«*m>rvis K. W COLE Sr r'T. " A V Leaves Augusta .7 JL M Arrives at Atlanta..,, .* ao; v. 4 leaves Atlanta 7 05 A. M. Arrives at Augusta ,’.....9 30 A. li. NIGHT TRAIS. Loaves August a f 10 A. U. Arrive* at Atlanta t 41 A. M. Leaves Atlanta. 7 SO P. M Arrives at Augusta 9 SO A. VL ATLANTA A WEST I‘OI-NT RAILROAD. GF.ORC F. O. HULL, Scr'r. I. ?a~rs A‘.lnula .... It 00 A. if Arrives nt West Point 11 46 A. M. , Leaves Ea'onton 13 35 P. M. Arrives at Atlanta a OQ P. M. PIiIVATH Entertain ment. M ARTHUR YT. BROWN takes this *K thorl of Informing his old friend# ifcal be lias opened a lusue for privata MttSrtsio luent In tile eity of Atlanta, on ibe corner of Hun ter ai»l IJ' >4 streets, immediately in front of the I Cat Indie Church, and ab"ot one hundred and fitly I ytrdi front tl e Car-shed. His terms am very reasonabl e. : augSO—dylyr ARTHUR W. KROWN. Wool Carding! I NULL CARD WOOL left wrtli T. J. IKoon vsoarii. at the Biick Warehouse, Griffin, into good Rolls, and return it free of chargee for trans portation, for 16 rents per lb., or 13 1-J rente when oil ie furnished ?ie. T. A M. BLOOD WORTH, * t<pg*wiw iTyh