Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, October 10, 1866, Image 4

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    8 T A. MP I) I Tltfc
imi om.ii nr
Ael of CV»H«T|>'5, /*Mr
AlTidarit,. > fco 05
»>r C '.i'uer ihau
(x>it>^ a t vi.y a;--
pn*i-wit*H», 0 0. r »
Bank Cliwk, Draft ,inlljr _ f>v
*»**V l "" j.jr anoui.t
eicd*«uT'£ *1 (*>, fj p.x
(lr .*„d.| Xnir«.
<>rafi», or orJ*r l»c •. llf , t * x .
ffnlhip tloA. 0 OS
’ " r « Vt '7 ""Miliz l)n . Jioo, or fm<-
*iWH l>*rt thn' mi 0 05
kalfl f.V? ' jmn rr je
llil'ra WE-W -
lrri of rre jit t if jirtwo snulv or
*f**i'tm\*r tltwn in set* of llirra or
tor a sum not exceiolilto
Ip* 1* tlU'jr- a dollar*, 0 05
J® . evei j ».|.Jilional hundred, or
.ractio,nl pait thereof, 0 OS?
ill* <-f lading for Goods, Merchan
dize or iffeci* exported to any for
eign port (except British North
America,) on every bill of each aet, 0 10
t« olid to indemnify a »urete, when the
amonnt room eri*lse tlx-rrupoti ia
one th»U*and dollar! or less, 0 50
Each additional lliousand, or frao
titMial purl thereof, 0 50
Bond for fine execution or perforin
arc* of duties »f office, ] 00
Pond or o'hor Mian those required in
lecal pun-end irq-s and such are not
ot her wise char geq heroin, 0 25
erlificate ofSiia-k, in any incorporat
ed compunv, 0 25
Certificate of profits, in an incorporat
ed company fir a sum net less than
ten and not exceeding fifty dollars, 0 10
Exceeding fifi v and not exceeding
one thousand dollar*, 0 25
Certificate of damage, or any docu
ment issued l>» any J'ort W oden,
Marine Survey or, or other person
acting as aiicli, 0 25
Certificate of Deposit, for an amount
not exceeding one hundred dollars, 0 02
Exceeding one hundred d.dlais, 0 05
Certificate of nnv other description,
not herein specified, 0 05
Contract, llrokei's Note, or Memo
randum of sale ol goods by Urol, m 0 10
Deed of land where li.c consideral on
doe* not exceed five htmdied and >l
- 0 >0
From five ' undreil to one thousand
dollais, I 00
For every additional five hundred
or fractional part thereof, 0 50
Entry for withdrawal of Merchandize
from llouded Warehouse, 0 50
•dry of .delrhaiid ze, for citi'iimp*
tumor warehousing,not exceeding
one hundred ilollars i:> valce 0 25 j
From one to live hundred dollars, 0 sit j
Exceeding five handled dollars, 1 00 i
Fitißger’* Returns. If for a quantity
not exceeding 500 gallons gross, 010
Exceeding 500 gallons gross, 0 25 j
(isuraiice policy, on any life or lives
where the amount insured does not
exceed one thousand dollars, 0 25 j
From one to five thousand, 0 50 i
Exceeding five thousand, 1 00
Assignments or transfer same rates,
XhanTiifcc, Marine, Inland and Fire
Risks, where the premium does
not exceed ten dollars, 0 10 i
Exceeding ten mid not exceeding
fifty dollais, 0 25
Exceeding fifty dollars, 0 50
Assignment, or transfer same rate.
I,ease, Agreement, Memorandum, or
contract, for the hire, use or rent
of any land, tenement or portion
thereof, where the rent or rental
va'ue does n-t exceed three hun
dred dollars per niitiinii, 0 50
Exceeding the sum of three hun
dred ilollars per nnt.um for each
additional two hundred or frac
tional part thereof, 0 50
Assignment or Transfer same rate.
Measurer’s Returns. If for a quan
tity not exceeding 1000 bushels, 010
Exceeding one thousand bushels, 025
Mortgage of I,and, Estate or Property
Real or .Personal, exceeding one
hi idred and not exceeding lira
hundred dollars, 0 10
Five hundred to one thousand dol
lars, 0 25
For every additional five hundroj
f*r fractional part thereof, 0 50
Assignment or Transfer same rates.
Fewer of Attorney to sell or trsnsfer
Rt eks, Ronds or Script, to collect
Dividends, Interest or Rent, 0 25
To vote at elections in any incor
porated company, or society, (ex
cept religious, charitable, or liter
ary societies, or public cemeteries.) 0 10
To sell, convoy rent or lease lioal
Estnte, 1 oo
To perform all other acts not here
tofore mentioned, 0 50
Promissory Notes, saroo ns Inland
Bills of Exchange.
Renewal, sain • rate,
robale of Will or Letters of Admin
istration, where the estate does not
exceed the valuo of two thousand
dollars, 1 oo
For each eddition.-l thousand or
fractional part thereof, C 50
Protest of Note, Bill of Exchange,
Acceptance, Check or Draft and
Marine, 25
Receipts, Warehouse, foi Goods held
on Storage, not otherwise provid
ed for in any public or private
warehouse, not exceeding five hun
dred dollars, jq
Exceeding five bundled and not ex
ceeding one thousand dollars, 20
eceipts for the payment of any sum
of money exceeding twenty dollars, 2
Writs, original, (except those issued
by a Justice of the Peace and the\«
issued in criminal prosecutions bj
Die United States,) 50
When the amount claimed in the
writ issued by a Court, not of Re
cord, one hundred dollars or over, 50
l’pen every confession of Judgment
'or one hundred dollars ot over,
(except in those cases where the
tax for the writ for the commence
ment of a suit has been paid.) 50
Writs or other process on appeals
from -Justices Court or other
Coniu of iufiiior Jurisdiction to a
Couil of Record, 50
i*’*rr*i , .x of Ihstreta, when the ain’t
5 «wsi ' dots act exceed one bum
i’td !\ liars, I
b t: VwJ Jollerj, of»
,11 ADAME K »' TiiwU.t M’S'. ll«-irreii lii
ifiAt*, Will • «•* fi-tni.t • h***f lit'* <1
- !• »• s’* ti * w ,f
r»l Ilmboii.N \ Mn. h 11.11- in. |m. *«• -. 4
• »i«?h p-'.ne-f a i.j *1 and ’•»
|r lifr I» it ia» • kft*-•» • '••*f ,, >»* a ,*■>■*: iv»-
pnrii irt* lo *?!•• rr r»r*l *f «» l. i r
( H’hils* in a •*( «r • •!*•!■ « ?*-»li- t • v
- f«• hi 1 v •»».1 y
i ll.r ni<l »fl J'i-! • '’’ it* • »*•••-. I. v 1
I«« »l- IVv !...r. ‘
* Ilf. liU pic’s:- *I f I!-. Id?• he .•!. • u . f
j lh. ftp !:. » • 'll* • * • - • -
►I I ion it! lilt*, i- .It! » •/ ttK -• »\ • ! 1 *
10 I 0 Itlllillft ** * l.« -
>!»• V 1 I *’* «1 VI • U *1 . t it i
rciiifiv :*•. «r • •: » * * .. tj . -
it w lint it jMirj •!*To ' • i.. 1 a' ►' *’•
l«k •» ■ ■ i r, •.J r | • • •
I it*i. u «! • • ’ J • •
111 l r- .
J will r«< >•
i l»\ r«*tlt luni). ‘ r s ; . < -
j IH+niiiil Ado -v 1 • • •:* *: •• ! I
I lioruto i. 1* «*. i. •\ j j 1! • i.
I Nnv FI . V’. w■ • nix. 1 ius.v
nit," mm. 1 fv-1 *• i ttuo’.j»!i *T n|» 1 :> 1
j Kxfi'rnul lit. I * -»• : i?; 1:1 I”::i uc. »
IMVISIB.*' Ons tlfi’iiit %<•'. ini.- Mi’lii.jilV *
ar «1 l.tntti if tut?rntHy li Wlll>
j tUiitor I’h mini**, »• ul Jfirnml l*t 1 • |»o*tp.i.l,
j |Bt A-Mreiis FowSt-r %L Wells, No. lie.• l>r«»n l*n\.
Ntw Voik.
I "N«*w lMi)f«ii*gi,oin v” i* rinirifii! 1 \ • >.l
i ftiliy »H R« •«»«*.i aid *rll 1* »i. .l to tt,.» vktuit-4
ail. In the Musty of 1 th** vn i. i >*.Hm
•It nrii* to rs-tnl «*»•*!• n:ol et»*i\ frittut**. N* **'- :»•**
cliMiiifs] n- tlu* Koiiiao, Snol* »»n.l
I CVleMinl Tin? f\ p< »|" uV nil l iriir’i.i*r«*». wloili- i
i l»'nvk li|t:e, bn; tn or It s/,. I In n iiks* iiu.mium
| ol«<*t*k»», fulfil I Dltsi* f»*r* wulk, tt'lo*, iuilgil.
et » . nrr eliowu to !••* J t*t »•!»:»rn«*tn "
| lit no ottis-r w«»rk »•» «f» tniirli Ii if I»t tiirM'.vn up«*'i
the tl»»iri*s-tfr iintl «)«■ -*»»:• \ •*! in kii.! :\* 1. tls is.
■ of the s|l*t tlicti Vt’ tl.'tlt* s.f luit 'oD-s 11 j] • 1 11 11 »• •» so
j cKmly |H»int**d out rtutrnii* s.f tl vi» on -l»s <i
|t*ft*«M« <»f Mini ll* • I 111 t|:i:sw, villi I,its
> |C.,.|.h..V skstfl.oA n-.I tis-ii citlion of r 1.1,1,0 t.r.
j nrr 1 >i\ i* s--. Orntors, m#*n. Win*
( 1 isAni-tF*. l*o. !*. | 1-. luvsMitov
! 4*^ol IT♦*»»»!••. Jliieotnt if, Aft.’iß, M*j*is*iiiin*. rtc .
{ his iMchisis tj. it M ii » *2 '* s \cloj ;i(lin'ssf Iriotf
j rn| -It v. Hss|H»ii»f iutf the is.oh r with 1 1». *«*•? ♦nr
ihi.l slut im*i»*r of maiiN pint' it . u u> I .Mn#*u «*f
(the }»MSt I'.tHMt \ s*lt»o flllsl s*f tils- |.J s-s Ilf «Ul<-!| f
1 for iii-tinis*#» 11.4 Ai visit! *, .It.liui* « r, nlhiKs
I pinrs*. \Vn*hiii£toi.. \*.| h!,-oi., |*Vn«.K id. |;.m
croft, flr\ nist, I.sm-of.-ilstw. Irving. K*ou fhm
lieur, TlM’«»«lof*if» Mur*. ( ol «|. 1. I i\\ 1. n.
| ISt.rivs.r. Wlinl. l. v, Tin..--Di-iiv 1 Ki,c\ li h
I .-lie. . 1|..|.|,. r, Knelde. link. • Vi.-t.niii. We-1.-v,
.('jirl\!e*, Mot!»*y, Mi I .S|. mi.r, "I loiiii|»-,» i, (.t.’li-*
Af. i nol»*r, nroi litu.(lrt*<hs of ~'loms A.ikmx
, " CNTF.D ll.Hi Hfiit hy rft-.iu |.nc or . xp*. -w. 011
| mifipt of ii »«*#*. mi h • :‘.w
niIUA l». HMH.AV. Tlls*S. V MtM.imi
Wholf'.sale and Retail Dealers in
Ft IV tv F AVI in (. KtM i; RIMS
AM* t'lmvislox* 1.l M h' A1.1.V
U’ino#, I.isjuoiH, (*tgin«, Tol»us‘< a o, i’i *utTmislv,
\til4. *V*- sk.*.
RM.'OND siHFrr orpstsfTK HiWT NAIIONa!. BANK,
AI \< la I A > K(« k A .
MA.MT.Urri Ui:lt «*f i v-n. h Itmr V "
stone. Mill -| :• MCI M i-l in.-, \ . ,-! ill
de.ei iptim.s, Steam t’i -,| w and iit-; -1
lii.i.tiag Ser. ws. Sn t Via , - I. < 1
Iloltlti'. I loth, Ser. e. \\ re. ,\ I-iek-.
Paris, alwax • on 1 ... and a .1 n '■ ' der \ I
! we. k af.nl I. y me v.ninc'. 1 | .. ... .-. . t 1 f-c
! the eire'imi ..f Klmtnm.
f-..rn*’t’ "f t’i*l! .■:! e .ml Itina-l stn-et-, \ tX't.
1 \ I 1.1.1n, TEN \.
i At;ENTS WANTId) IN K\ 1 !;V Tu'VX,
1 VAI.UA!!!.!: "' *1 IH! n' l!!-;. RV
Fid ii i 1;. in ll.dmf of (tie U.. r,
: r.ain it t . \::: • iris ■ ' rv. - • ■
Uvnla.s vo.al - ' in ■ . per x
1 With •■-|'i and and "t - I•• . c
I Tills i- the ... :I fi ... .1 a. • ti !.,.t„rv
;of the Smith. i ; 1 lied. ext. g, as {i
does. trim. lh. h-gin / r tin ivat tin- final
j .tirremh'i ..l it.e t 'nnfe.n . .ite aimi. «.
Mr i-..: ’.I i.' i ■ me i : , •:. , r, i
.-racy I :i- cud lei I.m t.. | . ~ «. ■ L ■ ...
, qurfletl ill aert i md wlneh is ex
! cry where »,.know !•■.'. iI ■ he<|...-. -I
| era 11 i-tmy . It -In>ii 1.1 lii .I a | !a. .- I:, en-i \ 1,1. . v
i 1'
! soi tiikhn f;F.NKiiAi.' : -'rm:n: i.ivr.s am*
li Y r 111 w. iM Ks i; SNOW ,
Willi 17 M♦*. | l*'irlr:kiis,
1 'ol. H VO . .Mill j I.C’ -*, 11,
J Contniuing Itiogni|»liis*** •-f t It.*«li **( i*_ .i~ 1,. South
! t-rn (i«*m*raU, with fll I itn.l y it | *h:»* n«-t ftimts*
»»f the vat-ism* in win !i lit* \ \\ «*i*»
1 It I* a iwo-t important or *1 i.,i
ting volume, misl Ims !»•»« n j • ]■«!. ! wi;ii tl,«-
utmot t care and t hoi oiiglnit-M.
ii i
Id I”. I ShltVU !> A Nl> I AMl'iUli N;’,
» or
STU.M.W Al l. ,!.U K'« >X f
| BY \ Vil'f.l N I v\.
j 1 vol.. Iti me, li’ii I'ii s ;-: or.o t] iM.ir iinrl n !mlf
\\ >ll l A1111 1 s•: 11<* I*otruit< of JACIv-M'N a.ol his
j fiUC'f'MT IAN i I l-.s’M
I This ih ths* onl\ Mtifli iiii»* 1 :e-1 *r\ -*f t! i.« ili-Ci t
jguirsltsil lt v :isK»r \yhich h.-m !*• •i: ivritVn. It
lias Itrs-ii p • paresl froiit t ' IV• i.. It < ; *«>i ts » ont»*mj «*
, rnrv unrtutivs < h v.i j.« im-i «s .*;%ta«:cr, uiul
is oomjsUto ui s] full.
Af ORG-4 X A XI» l! /.s MK X
mr< sai.uk nociii>ii:'{ ford.
i SVithSt**«l Potrait of (ft*nrrnl. MtiKt*AN. 1 vol
12mo, pages, sl. venly.five cents,
Ai o - .ph-tc history of Ih'tt daring officer
more thriliing enJ intire?lmg tlmu
tis •' ion.
Distinguished in Literature
| One Vol . I- gi.i vo . i iv»* *»u> sirs .1 ai.si cloven pa
tfr*. Three dttllai!* ami a half, IlliMrati <1 \v uh
S|tie' did Eotroita, on ateel. fnun liio. <.4
j MmK. OvT.WIA \V ALKt.N i.i \ * It r.
Mia* Maria .h V* U...5,i.
; M r.h. 1 -OS.X Vktt.Ml JotlXfi.N,
Mas. Annie Cor.x I’rrnut;,
Miss Aicvst. J. la \ns,
I Mas L. VtKiUNt.i Km.nch,
j And containing full Iccgr.tphienl skx tdv * and
sptcinicn extracts from t 1... nmst celebrated writ-
I .ags prose and verse, .f
naiav i tvi: i*!>!ixm isiikd literary
••Wu.\,i:x • ! Till - ; li!.-
| All the abo* e xemk- are !:r.\i gun immense
-sle, milngnts are .loirc -|. i .-n. li. 11 x everywhere
many making front ten t ti.liars per d;.v
We want an ag.-i.t in . v.iy t.ovn in the N.mti,
•rn State-. Retufwe-l Soldiers I.ad Teachers
and others, w ill find this most profitable cnqilox t
men t.
I'xcltteivc territory given, au.l lilieral induce
ments offered to Canvassers.
K«*' full particulars ni .li.ss
c. R iaciiAßTwny. ruWifhcr
o Ji. - . C V.
O ' ! ' '
: <; ROGER I b'.S.
. Sugr,r«. r 'T «. T -a*, Flour, a;.J Ret ;
i!u ‘IV.’ II TI L UP.
: sr *. A R - IDfl’s Y. s Y R I I*, i
Tm ! . . Emit |
. f l. . -
i , -i.... j.* v. • y., * :,m i. x-. .•
< .x .- -- • .• i . . , j
M r. 5.7,. ii', /.;. ! n „i
J /-w-Jr-U-r,*
Sow/ ttr un! ( liii' iiy I'olott t--
111 t.Me ISIS. - aim I h Ti. . .-. . 1- ii. : I
« ■ I • eUVr-r l adx .......
1 ■ t 1 - - .we | 1t..:. !....- • V !•I
the, . v ■ ..l.V'Mtei.t.
V, - - ,i . .-nil from .u- f .!-. a-I th- | - I
S W. HANG *1 AM. & CO
cARRiAt.K materials
I’AI NT - dll.s. VAISNIsIIKS AND Cl. AS-. !
• FI J» >ll NS* *\ ■- ci.i -tartly Ic— :x itig j
a 1 1..- ■ld land oo Hill St I ret ala. Ye s.—rtme t j
of all L- is ill I■- line, whirl. I.e l- .el .ee at I
W hole-ale find 'Hail ns low as Ho X eai. he bough: !
i ■ jir.x Intel mi teal ket.
j TERMS < .on.
hi soi '' / nor Vrojo i /// /
' G. 11. Jt'll XSi *\ i- Agent for the
-i *t I II I:RN MIIT'AE Ji.sUtunee Is.ni|,:my. ,*t J
.* (liens. I.a . X'apilal. yi.,•!n* j
, The I M*EI.WRITERS A'.i.NCY ol New
!Y,.,kox_-e .;
I ill. Ih »M h luiurm.v** ( < i»i|»ai \ "t N«v. j
! Vo k. nvr
;*li(];\l.\ «t I'l f.\.\.M t'o*t puny Ol liam'oiil.
Con 1 1 «•«*(!< Ut. HD-1 Othfl tfooij ( ••Dtpill.i* s.
Kinks hi* s«.liiTt*'i on Cotton, Mi-:tint.•li.-*-
I m riitnn-. ..i .l ion
j Iff 1, -• s jc.n.ptlk itdjt;.'• < .1,
j if
///// Stm t - - - (.'rijjht. !
f | N! I I NDRRsKi NED desires r.. inf hi j
I t.i.l ti ietids. find th- |. lit.lie in -. i. -rot th 1
| I.e I.a- i.firm,l to his . • 1 -'ami on H.. 1 , t,...
wh. lt i,e h;e- i.j.i l.vd a julg- lot of
j'/J A-.xCjpl
sll WYES. ' Id ■ ■ b>. :,u I I ■ " - -.r!
clcs. ;n genera A -•>, ( 1 I 11 lA■ >.
II Ms. I ""Is -i .1 sll"i*,S,
(.E.vi s' I r I;\ Is 1 1; \t;
t.<J' I LI NKS,
YAl.lsi.s, I'.l.AMxKi's, STM \ , and Ms.
a., kite-—.
That lh.- -f..-h efi; Is has ! . -i-ht n X ,
the las te av . .1. .- .1.- 11l go,* I-. a:, i toil he cat
sell tie m. a llii - 1 \ ,
it wnr/i /omr /’/iris
. 'lian they have hern sold for d-uing the h.sl two
o .time 11 • * ll li.
G« 'ME ' 'Nil ’. G< >.ME ALL 11
I "I Imx ■.. air -fids es
Asiii;; siin.'iAN,
j ’ Two .1 .ers a' uve 1 I'.- emi.-r. '.im
I,'BRORS OF YOUTH A • - ■-' ■
1 I ie I . I , X <■: 11 I
I . . ■ 1 • . ad . I: • ii'-e'-i ..f \ -I .I.l!
It • i ’ ' ' ill xv! :I • -
dir-etiei-s In n.al.i lh- ..111,' l-'iody he
w li:-li lie xvas em - I Si.:!. , i- w-i (.. | rotit
hy the adv.-iti... : < expen.-nve. caii do >.. hy ad
, ' .i"ii\;i'.
; -1 iwli No. 1J U-d:.i St , New y,:!;.
ANi xv iiiil! (i l*;i iii! Epach iu 31 1 <1 i
I'ii. M o.i, in is the founder of anew Medical
SX - * ell. ! ll,r (|i! letitarnins. whose vis! inter nl
I .lose- et.fr* lde the st, m.l paralyze the h..xv
el-, must tie,, pr-re !eu-- te the n.ii-. who rest ■«
j liealth a-.d appetite, with Em two ..f his
] .'V "id ..aty I’ll!-, ir i -u-es th- mo-t xirnlei t
j "on- xvitii n l„ x c r - ■ . This xr f.fi ~n ! all
110 alii g Salve. I hes»v two greal sjw'eift..* of the
I‘o.Mor are ta-t suj.eisedmg all tlie store,'.typed
I to-ti'im- ~f the day. Exit aordimir v ernes by
• M. y tteis Ellis an ! Salve have . T t... . ; ,'f
(' he I'U t- the in.'fli -iei.ey of tile (*o eal . vi;
j rein, and., s ofoth.-i -. and up, ii vvhi,-It p-oide have
Iso I"c blindly dependevl. Jlaggiul’.s Tills are
not of tie el l— that 111 - -vv illevvel hy tllC do/ 11.
I HI .1 of XV! i -li eVv'-y 1,- x full taken creates aq al>
soltite necessity for nuulUei One or two of \|-io
j g.el's Tills siltlie - to plaee the bowels in ya.th el
, ordi r. ‘ iic th- s'om veh. ev-nt e an appetite, ad
.render tl« api>ifs Tgbt ni.,l l.unyant! TTi-rf is
Ino oripiog. and no reacti tT in the form of ceisti
, pa* ion. If the liver is alfe.-ted. its fm etions lilt
Ires'i red ;anl if the nervous nv-teni is feel.'e, it
i's.r, d»rat.",|. llv i- la.-t quality makes the modi -
I *it • v. rx lies :1 • for the xv nuts m viv liente
nudes l ,as .t* auvl crnptirw iliaensea are liter
ally extn gui'io .1 I V the dlsv-i leetant power of
Mnggiel-salx e. ii act. it is he! • announced that
M .uk.ikl’s ii;u., ts, Dv.-rzni, .xv, ilt vßr.uotnx Ttu_-
cure xvhere all others fail. While for Burns.
Scalds, v Uilhinias, Cuts and all abrasions of Bu
skin M.u.(lira's S.xlvl is ir,fallible. Sold by .!
M voutt.L. 11 Tine Street, New York, and all Drug
i gists, st 25 ctuU per box. (><-j 4 1 y
Eailroacl Meeting*.
ri Vli: H'iPu! ,ti C ..ft! - .(•!;! . :,i, - 4 „f
I rvWWNNAII. (.Htl KIN ,t .NOi:ni U.A
11. K. CO , * ill I'c Ju-Kl j.t N. wi a , on '1 UI‘US
! K.'.V. t*ct..l.»r lt'i isr.i'.,
| Ti.n nu-.-tii.".-ji!!.-.l f. vTtil »>[•'..or ~ u!, i.,
< u ' l V/*, r '**' * 1 ■ * **‘ 1 *
i All 'he friends of t*i; * enterprise nre cn V .!!•»
| invited to i tvnd-the aumnl n-et:: -g. S. . M
1 or.', especially. will he 1 # pr» s« iitt* !. : v < |
I ;ht •1 ’' --st importance ni.i be brought uptbreon
i liv orde ot C. H. Johnson, Esq . President.
S. W. M AN till AM.
ici‘2o- -2w Sec. and Measurer j
Wanted to Bent For 1867,
rjIUKKE r -tnfortnl h dn-oHing Houst-s, en.tahi..
j I. for smnll fa’mlirs. Tlio»p situated n»ar the
•'pntral part of flip pity p. < icn< X
! Apply *<• A I CL'H’I)
0 -1 2—ts
*V° 0D P 'U S
Free from Meicurj
i And are, undoubtedly the i
j beat remedy extant Iyj
<0 o o°
°0 <N°
xj *
f! - spe sffimtv f. r thExF
/ nuieous membrane of the bowels, \
/ thereby removing tlie causes. Asa
Wthry can hav*» no rival, com- { Q
posed of the mo.-t |
Powerful Vegetable Extracts J
C3 which hare a direct action on the
Wttie tisppy effect of which can be fJk
seen after one or two doses. They j K#<
| Rewove the Rile,
Wj Assist Digestion, lj
j Cure Costivencss, ! ®
P j In fact, they are, «s their name j P
iiidicaU'S, the .
“The Life-Giving Principle. 1 ’ ;
Thoy search out disonse nn l I
>BtriU**at us very root, leaving th« i
system in the lull vigor of health; 3*
■5 must dklicate constitu-
Tlu NS, and are a u
r Purgative Pill p
hH than lias eyer before teen available j '
to mankind, and, b. mg thickly Sl’- 1 j
UAR-COATKI*. arc c.-iHvially adapt.
and persons who have a dread of I L J |
. . swallowing a pill. They are, nn- k_s
D questionably, one of „ur most I
F* \ sati-fiu-tory C.XTH A KTI, N, )“ I
x and i, . household
X A . should be with- /TV '
Tt#k\ out them.
(!?ucccssors to Dr. C. IV. Roback.)
Nos. 60, 68, 60 & 62 East Third St.
Are Sold by all Druggists and
Dealers in Patent Medicines
.The GreatcM, DLcovciy of the £.ga!
C. W, C irt 0 Fl' SLUi? ii K A OIL
L I A ‘ i my
a" i>.*l tit tin im
■ vet- 111, V !■.<•» Tl the clue f
:■ tin'll! 1 . -and as an
• . • ..'I ! M
N-..' - "■ /. ~,
; ■ / , .
I >i ~. ' Iu I Minion rv t '.:i
-nnij.’• i. . ... ~! TANARUS...;.. • :•> it ; thi hc-t
pa.;."; ,- k:,-v.
1" wuperi . lent .1 c e patty is tft rad
mile ~f the V. 1 V . ■ ... ! , ill, .1
from o, R experi. ■ it 1" pr.-f ■ ~ . , .. „ e !
knew'. Os t -I V I ii ■■ I. -ted
XX it I ' !i„ selec 'ton of chemicals for the mil rnfac
j, vi‘i' v, f ' . ui 1 -. aml u' i- .-I, ions.
\ 1 ■ ' ■ 1.l x 'i. ■ t :,,I e tile XV.,rid.
Hut XV., k-irnw if 11 lo XV l i try it, tl,. x will
b, ' /.
• ' ! V ■' 1 I ■■ : !■ f» fvery
" ••• . a "'"er, for U e
' -XII , . Oil M i IUI t . . , At!al ta
1 " ••>* G • i f!,‘. Liberal :■ due
t«• tl • trud..
M* A. >U ACKI'I.F* l ßr>. M. !>..
• u| m rt-«*i ’ut
I*OI fail l*Y H
N . L-. I»KK\V liV it CO., 5
* «*t. side llill ;>!ivel. (.‘riiiin, 'in. S
executors sale.
I>A \ . • _ v ;nted bv the <_>idi.iary
* -n:ik. V. ■; XU.I oe s/dd l*-f«»lo the
Court 1! L. ’ Itiwi of Zchulnn, on the
first T > KSIIW in N-.\ b. ,• hot w. on the j
h*ir.» * »•' -i • 1 ■•!- •;! the !
■:' . U
u K. '.M V Itl V K.' l
* ' * • * KxiVlt'O! <.
( j MY Win reas
"/ tor of (*oorge
' 1 :
‘ -
li;* -*• . r. ■■•-.tOfi'e nud admonish ail
per »u* coir.','; : . 1,.» •» j appear af ;av «. dice i
u|t,lln xU * i?r f 1 and i.yl ,xv, •.»' sh„W cause
■ , • :«t thus I! th diy «f
**!'*• *' '■ i D. 1 i'Ml’idi. Ordi.a:
.Vo in to thhtors und i.'mlitnr*.
A DM! \ !"l:> S Mi-;.
■ !
: : ■>! ! -. t< . 'X. I • tl.e -iiol 1,1 ura
i -'I b •" i DAY ill Nov-,:.'" "XT.!
j obfx -vi "fl of:, turn. 1.-r .1. • eu. (
| ‘ t (til !!'!-'! !.-• <•' o- 11. 1.,X .I ~w Npubl j
! ' i li Xr. 1.-obt,
| of Sam... I !,ler. the leiuM -ol as th.
-tal. ..* W 1 > r de-eus. ‘ |. r the belt, lit of
• li- 1.-!;.- a II \». .- I .M;f:
s.|l A-li.Tr e-tat- of W I* >•„: r. .1. --L
/ *1 ■ .. - v I V ■. -real
WI-1 K : .
, .id K- nduM. <1 .--a-.d. u|,p!i-s to iu- for !e av<; ]
t -:i*l e Ill'll I . ei. If to Mild .state for the,
l„ m fit of h-dra and er dit-.ri
Tl. - arc. tl.er. t„ cite and a-it. • ’
i-' nil parlies interest.-.! to be anil npp.-nr at .
mi , tli-c wit bin tlie tiro*- pr—er i>. and to. law t
- • ■ - -- t ary exist, v. by nor. U-l i lioriziug
th- - ite of !he lands ol M.-dx-fnle -iiould nut t*.
Ii v. ii *;■ ,1-r tny Laid at «.»r.c .'! ■- ITtb .lay <• :
S-j.tet l-r »«1 I*. Di-M! KK. ' I
--pi ~-—" i % * 'idilOU V
('<!'."!;i,l '-)• A 1 .1 >IN.; CfIENTY—-Wh- iriiD
Vi 4,,-epl, l\ Benmn, film ban of Wilf-am I
Aw . 4* 1|• ii*** jo no* t**r if Ihr-rni^-
-i*Mi fr* in said "nunliair'liip this s»ni.J \Y mi hav
i•;ir arrival t* the ng** *»f Twf-nty out* \t nrs and
had a full Hi;d final ri*tt 1* no i t u i*h hii;i.
TliCwo jut* tin • ••!*»?** to « ii«‘and nil
|n isonr* corcorin-d. to hr un i appeal at my ofiir»»
wi'hi i tin* lino' hy law. a»»d* fihcM
••H De, if any » \i-t. uliv *.iid letter*of dii»iiii'>ic'ii
sVuld i.ot i»* granted:'
f»iv* n undrr my hand .i\t ifi!*•*•. thi-* thr 2-d day !
' »'j*trisiht r. lsfiti I'. 1». IM.4MI’KK, t'l’v ;
Oct 1 ! "1
/ 1 I'.OIMMA SPAJ.OIM; rol NTV. wii«rrn«
* I !!. I*. Mum aj plir* t«» ii «- t»i loiters ol
1 Emission (*>i th** nbtatt* ot Klio.la Jimnii
late of said coiiny, <i«*eea-rd.
These MM*. t!n*i« fore to 4-ite nod a hiHUiir-h al ,
persons interest* *1 or concerned to'he nr*d iij-prnt
it inv u iilii.Gthr time 1 »I.«*«t hy aw *o
show <•!!!•:.• any exist why Mich letter# of dis* !
rni-sio i. >s!i"i!!*) not hr L r »aiit**d.
, (siven i.i.der mv'hand at office this 1 ;,th August t ;
1 ISf.r.. ‘ r li ih>mi KK.
/ 1 HlihlA. >I.VLMNt; rot MV—Where.o*
\ I ~-o.w w. (tit,lt aol K. W. I Jerk Kxreu-or?
I 11. I*. Kilpatrick, dn-ea-* and apply to me lor ’
!*-i'ri sos di<tr i sion f*n sni.l e-tate.
1 In so are thrtrfor** to cite aid adnio: is), nI *
prlso s ret ;<•*•! 1* *) t*. ho tl ft •1»Y p p**;l rat ID\ «fl.or i
it hit. •! .■ time pr*#eiih»*d h\ law. !** shou' ra*. so j
if any r.\i**t, \ih\ such letters t*l'' distius.-iim #ho.*iid j
( Ii you uV'l *r in v hard at "thro this A'o»,,i(
h r oh. 1 -on. I ]) i»iS\M Klv
injilFi— 'i’!i ( »i..il.n: y. ;
/ 1 1 ■ : 1 ->»* M.I)INf» COrN I'V—\Y i
v i 1’ Vli l\ ) Mor. (i nil rui , f !»av..] \!a
lit* and liz ’ iA. < Ir•»;• . formerly 1 /h« tl» A..
Mil lair r.|*p ••* t*» r.-e for I M •r- ..f «! : *•
prt-S": S*■ .ri *-1 •’» 1.0 nild appr-.u a! n. \ « fV;. *-
within the-time pr* .‘f ' : J '*l hv law.' a. u show
; rausr if n»:y r\i*-t. whv.<*Ueh Id t. is of ,! vnh-:. m,
•hoilhl »;*** } L 'G ?o*l.
d..Y ot At \> .*'. h il id.'V, Ki
* I :
. \ W V 1 T-' i. : Sj ;!i - u
•I■!. ’ Hi" i ' ■ e'l.tl ,•!:.> id II I Set:!,
-. J est I e re, ■ .... d' ■ pic'cM 1 ll.ein’ du!v
lilt lie l.tliu.ied 111 tellu.- eft'.- ! ixv.
•i. u. '■• •N'\.',r i v
/ * 1.1*;;, a -TAi.DiNi. * * rv; v w: - , .
VI - a*., ? »,» my
i {.•'!, i. K- . I.H ),ax mg fu Iv a i VnT- > '
*d*l wound lip >a *l . state
"i 1 »» * 1 ’« ’i F.ppr.ai Dl .TV of;! G hi!
w "... -■ : 11 \
Max 71 ! * F. I>. 1)1-illKi:
Ma\ i 7 tini tJrdinnr\
/ ‘Vl.‘*ih’lA ->r.\ 1.1 'I \(f ('(){ Nl v —W'l,,l, c
' * .i< '• ;!i N lian s. * I ilm ]•> ta!*• « |
Aid *.x>. ih .a .i-od, app' r . s to me f-*r
an order to so i thr I « i.l i.-ta’- i.t '■«*: - r.g to the
listajr of th* - : 1 .1.1 -oh W. Andn-ws*.
These are thri’t f *se to cite and a.liuoni-li al!
fit my <»fi; within t!,»* time preserihe hv law, I"
-lu»w r. w ;! :my exi *: xvhv tueh or l* r >h uhl
!!*•! hr -IMI.V .1.
tiiv.-n ui.ih r iny hand at ofil -o ihis ‘jt-d *1 .■*v < f
\nj£’.;st. 1K,:,. *F. 1». hi'.Mi Kh. t r i 11 ..t 1 y.
|)V xii;i»* ot ~ oi del from iho t > *1„ ,»»- v f
I > S|.uh (-: .tv, will he sol.l before the
t'• nr? 11..u5,? and" in t!;.? ri' yof I t. h? n . n
’ usual In * urs of sale, oil fid* fii st-Tm .-day iuO,-
foh' i next, tlo 1 Store House fonneilv or. upini
l ; : Fnnar. d*-*>asfd. Said IhoiM* is situated
oil il.i -Mr.! ;n the (’irv of < • riilin ;* t e 1-mi.iii o
i< : -• • • xv ;ie hy '.•'* hu-jr. two .t..,i •> \ r. rl,
a* lai ii • dinn-ii-. *ns ns th - ioim*. 1 In* same
ai • !y nr*t* and hri k1*•1 1 * 1 it;ir. aid is one of
• t!"- I*, -t i.. (iiitlin, huildiug eontaina a store room
'ip s’airs, together xvitii other rooms that are ver\
profitable f**r lent.
Ais •, at the same time and place will he s*dd
A" acres of Land adjoining ll>e Southern portion
of the Citv of (Jriftin being woodland and well
"itu itrd for building pm poses.
\ so, will he sold before the Court Ilouee door
i:. th- county ol Meiiwe ther, on the Fiist Tu«*s
dav in November next, one hundred and
a*- 1 •-s of land known as the 1 hi: ham place, adjoin*
i'lT the farms of Sheiindd oil the West. Jackson on
th- North. Fv.irs, on the South; ore hundred
a. ». s *> f said farm being in a high state of cultiva
tion. the gr* at-r portion of the remainder in the
xv**. *)s. Ail the abort* property being sold ns the
F.-tate of IVter Farrar, deceased for the benefit
of the heirs and ertdiUosof said estate.
Adniiuislrator of IVter Farrar, deceased.
August lixio'i-tds
/ 1 l.nif .I A . >i’ Al.ltl M. rui'MA* Whereas.
\ I James N. Simons, Kxecutor on the estate
«*l .bdin .Simmons deceased, applies for h ave to
sell real estate of dreeafeed for the purpose of dis»
'i h-se are. theref*»re. to rite ami adrnoni#h all
prison's 6 niTornetl to be ami appear at my ofliee
xvitliin the time prescribed bv law to slioxv cause,
it a' v exist, why an order authorizing the sale of
said laid should not he granted.
Hiven under mv band at office, this August Oth
“ ¥. V. DI>MUKF,
: nug9—oftd 0. linarv.
f < COUNTY.—Where.
VX ,1 hn l. Moor. Administrator of the est i
of Lee >ti iekiai.d, late of said countv, decease
applies to me for letters of dismission.
These are therefore to cite and admonish 1
persons interested or concerned to be and upp<
at iny office within the ti~:e prescribed hv law.
and .-how cause if any exist, why said letters of
d : «mb-"?o: «h«TiM not*be granted.
G.v.n tr and« r mv hand at office, this the 15th of
An- M. IMA. * r. [>. dismuke.
■ * 'u* < Irdinarv.
\\/ ir.L f’E SOLD before th-* Court. House
X v door, in ihe efty of (Iritivli.on tli* fir-et.
i ' LSI>A i in Noven her, one lot. eobtaining-one
acre :• :. i-o or lesj ) LoumK-.l as follows • On tli*#
south, by Solomon street; «*n the Hv Mr-s.
Cb-n'.nrits- on the north, by an alley, and mi the
by : v 'h sti-'et. known aid levied on the
j• t*.>» • r*t \ . j ]). J) I)oya!, ind poin er] out by t!i?
j I •II,! iti. I* Iv. Wehlen. Prcpci tv levied on by
Constable and *urn* and over to me.*
FeplO—tod Deputy Sheriff.
D <. M. J. DAN El L,
pi; act 1 (;i x<; pi 1 vsician,
HUM p-.stairs I rcDt Coroe; Kooai
t>mi :n (?.-
57nreh 13-' f m
* kii »* ■*4 »*. *1 • i *"i of jt. ... * ’ lw '
. | m .l cunt - Uegl-, ;. ; .,',J ‘ ;*»•
i • - A li-lUi t it id in ..
' ! V-- - 'I . . ' '" ■'
~• - • •
e»« v I to be :.,t »»r :.t nx . j .. . #
. ■ in - - ff'
C-i\r-.ini ulmi.ti-tii.il.... , r I *♦ ..«. a * r *
H I'o|»«.*''l\ t eik »*f |hc M:p«*ti«. t ( ,, t Jt
.-Trat» r *>■ >a.«] t -jx. », ~ f ’ :i *
I-i H-e. >bi- l t»| t,.b,’ "7 l>t r. - *'** »t
; v '“"
/ 1 KOR -I >—ft , iss -
I' * 11. t oitiii'lly A*!f.. ni -, r • t.j- ~. ** •**.
'"* e.- XV Mill »!cbr....k . fie-. ; ,L.,) ", »!
•■■l let><« t- sell th- lsi .!- beim pi -T ' J*• M
fur lb. be-i.fit r'.-bf ; „,.l -r' ,i:ii- ',p "'*•*
|u. cite aid > -isl, t ',| i„. rv .., , *•>
j "U«l I»*-**i "ii u'r-e w übi . thei • „ •-*
Iby law. ai..! »l <>w -n :e. if«u v . jj.." 1
• -i-r -le-üb! Te tnl nntlioiizi; G,' ,, ‘-
| i-;intor to k.ll M.i.l liv, Js. ~ "‘-'"ml-
I I'ixeii uie.iei my kai. *nl < Hi. .(i j,
M - E. I*. i/i-M!
1 “* ‘ *>":*',a'rv.
t * 1 OlKil.v— M-.imm. ( . e, —A |
Vi* i. <ol,.|ie,. B| j |j,.. t„ i.„. . , .4, ,p ' : ‘-j
15 .11.Ill,nsbi|. ~f ilie |»m.|i >,,,,1 f . "
•v! rue U 45 q„ i-: minor, am] „i .J,*.,*,. 1 Tof
ue. r«ii'-xe 1. IU
I-ll nil |.l I j"l,-einieeriieil t>i beni '
|„t my ofliee w itliin t lit- lime |Te> -i i!,«,l a ''|"* r .
I ami-bow cause if any 4-xi-t, why said',**;*
v-'lurvliui -bi|"|,.| |<l put R,. yHUI y, j ' 1
der my bauj al ~filer this -t'li «l»v ~f s.L , ' ll '
T. l).'l)I.-Ml ki;"""
_ ___ _ Ditlvnarr
State or gioroia—Sf* L i,.. V) •
XX li.-rea- .III".!, F ( b..|,n,un ar,,.),'.., ,
; l-tter-.,, (i,u„vli i ,„-..i l .fi.r l .be
eily of Klij.b 11. and M;i 1 D
. n.i *•' | I'l'li ebildien vs l.iijnl, || l.<
; ,*h ad parties interested to Ir* an.] |M lir 1
. • ll:e»* xvilhin I h** time pre*ri ihr-i h\ 1 ,xv ••* •! '
••• if - v "’' v li - vsi '« >* •*■•*-»» )Ui!“’ {
hr irrni;ted. ‘
I.iven ui .i-r my band at r,flier !1,,, -,1 .
. .'rjiteinber. Ifviii. K. D. DlSMl'KE*'
1 *'»•*> Onliiin--
/ 1 I-.ORCIA ST.XI.I IM, fi.INTY, v. ■
V I Ei, .XV I t > Adi. ini , lof \V,| f
I X Is-,kin g. ■! used iq.Ji 1 le- !„ me f-r , r ,|
. iint Imi izit.g 11,- Mile of a fiortinnof 1 j,.
' Y - ' u " T’"P ■•'* "1 r»xi,‘r
• :rh.t. to witj. a liou e K*t in the «it x of j, n ?
: Tlo-eM-e.l’ -i0f0,,, ,0 , it , a: ,1 mb:.
j„ ' e"l"-. i;* >1 I e »"l "H -141 «t , M „()•
: I 1 '» t-t'llj-.i l.v ,:.vv ... -ileiv Ch^r
‘I »"V ">■> »» niiii.oii/i: pH,,,,] f
, Nijd land shou.-i in t I*. urni ted.
K. I> Dl.-.XU Ki: Oidkarv
, a*tpzi*-f..(d
ADM IN INK T< -i; r- ‘ ~
[>Y ' "f"" ,„d„r ri.i' !.,.l bv tl.riirlj ■
1 > 1 ik, , ~ti tv vll 1. . i„.,,,,,,
: foi.it li do ,1 i. if. t.,i VI , of Z- 'ml. ~ ~
'!•«* ki-1 Tl I>l».\Y ir N..x. „ 1,-,
be'wren the I 1,01,1- ol M 1!,,, "li 11,.. „„ , Mi .'
! loi.ieiftl to ,!ie --•iiTe ..f Alff-d W 'irtri' lata of
1 Ik, 1 ,IO ,!• e-n-e.l lv i .| , „ mlv „j
"II r U- in Dll a- 1 'liver. V:tl - u
n< r-s. "lore or |, . (I e w . 5 ,j,, u ,. r
■ - j,I ed.) Md.l Gl lie I, -1, fit of hri.- ~, a
• ~r* 4. f said and , ‘D-rti-s e,-l,
' ;l ' !l " '■* **•«"-!• '-| lex 0.1- '•>. or 1,11 Ik*
: ‘V i-MTV !„ Sril
, '• " ' U- ' .M'l-.'-.Xi.xn I'|,'|,|,
—4 > --l-« i-: valor.
W";! ::: :: ZX V
■- : - « 'j -1 1 ' ES! > AY in
■ N »eie, ,
- • 1 W ~ K P i'l- I ■
,•: •' " ••• '•"'■'li 1 a r". • i|,,‘
w • }■• an alon f li-* :.d :! Ii ~,* w hereon
Mr. Uas-k. It n.» Hv.-- At " «■» rr-cr. v„f
" • •*"•■• " .'ll ill, la
- "!' ■ ■ ' •■ 1 i"' :•
-i'* : -d. 1 I" ea - I'' |,,i a, and b.uskra
i J". u- ,1 >■ | .<q r,!
oflx I' I'x l r.
A!'". S..t f bn,!. r.ai ii..ir nn. 1.-.lf, i',
. i ■■ ■ - ' l ie-- vx illi I xv o vx 01 k lnq.a llverri.ti,
1 I' ts" "1 11 - , >• nmi si reel on tl .. .~L
, I'X U-l„ ' lbikeit,.,.. an I the vv --t bv K. I f
t' d■* "'id ifni", Bank-- -t,,i e r,„>iii- -;(mjtr,l in
: lie city- ol (irirtin leved on t .j„-i t y *f
\ XX ];, ni 1,111 A- to sati-fy n li f, i-ucl
ill.- Mi|i.-r;,,r I'o-.it of Sniiid .in (on ,tv;. («».
:i, nn H >i,i.d.-r- v- A. XX B I. iiii ,V Ii r„-
; \|„ :::,evl out by S. II M.i d-i-.
' 1> 1 * D I) [> Y A 1.. SlierilT.
\\ni.l. I'd'. >ol.l* before 1b,>(•.,,.it lb„i-e H-or
X » in to- ■ itv "I lii ;tlin or, the ti.Tl i>
i'AX in ( »e!..|,-r r.. n' . liou-e "ini l-t. known
11 1* 11" 1 Vi nolle , eoreiiv Mi dual foi.eo-. -i:u»te,l
mi I.■< n,lvvv licitr lb - Macon vk XX e-t-rn li. I!.
1),- 1 1. .t. i. v I* .l (, 11 11- the property "I Edward F.
lx not ■. to -a,i-fv costs on several ti. fa.'s is-iir,|
troin Irleri-r and Snpetlor C’vnuTs of Sonldirp
'('"Hilly. John 1.. Poynl vs. Edward F. Kr.ott,
' .lames M. Couch xs. Edward F. Knott, and others
At Iho same time and place, will be sold sniurs
lift-si\ (.Mi) know 1: in plan of the ei'v of l.riffm
as tbe Parade Brottud. ennlaiim - four (4i m-res.
ihe same liaving been solvl on Ibe lost Tnesdsr,
iiisi. Parties Vnyii,j*. and fui'inc to comply Willi
I ibe terms of mid sale, it will be re .-old at their
i expense.
At the “nme time and pliid xviil be. sold one
I house and lot in the oily of (iriflin. bounded on
j the east by Map Sulley'a, on the so it!-, by anopon
lot, anti on the west bv a s; vet—known and le
vied on as live properly of XX'm. E. XVlight, to
i satisfy Cos's on several ti. fa.s fromSupevior Court-
Mind Justices'Colli t- Property p-intrd out by E.
F. Knott. ‘i>. I). DUVAd,,'
a 1 gSO-lm hlieiiff.
Al the same time and place, will be fold on#
grey lIOKST, about 11 year? >ld. levied on iw
j the property of Hiram Slicrinm. to satisfy one fi.
i fir. issued from Spalding County Court. Thpm**
Hyrne vs. Hiram
sept —td Siierilt
C 1 1 < 'bn,l a SPALDING ( ()UN i \ -'Vliet#
X as .lamen 7'. E!!»s. a«ln inistrator «*n t!»e 1> ,
late of Philip, 1. Di-.hop.lHie of said count x deceas#c
apt ii«s to 1110 for iettersof dismission a#
t trtttor on baid Estate he having administered
the said estate.
Theae are therefore to cite and admonish a
pci sons u tcrested or concerned to M and appeal
at my offi c within the time preset ibed by »* w s
and show cause if any e.VMt why said Mtt»
not be granted Given under my hand at niy office
! this nth day us September, 1 S(U>.
j seplO—nubn Ordinary.
j\ X II iS. (-•!«?.•* applies to me for letters of
, Guar .lanship of the person and property of Jo
si ph 11, an 1 Will in m B. Lewis, minor children of
Wm. 13. Lewis, deceased.
I These are therefore to rite ami admonish al!
persons concerned, to he nml appear «t uijr office
within the time prescribed bv law. t«* show cause
if any exist, why said letters of Guardianship
I should not hi* granted.
, Given under my hand at office, this the 2nd day
of D t M'W;. * 1 ii. DISMUJ* K. Ordinarv.
*. *• : rj»d
Df j 11. i'• t s ! v • Con: Iv, who are in farar
A f -t ■ Counly Cout t, and there*
hy r*licvc the ; ;f un o<*ssary taxation and
tv >uh!c. arc rr+v r • and !•- i ; • rn’ le at the Co'irt
M'-use in 7cbuh»o, the I'IIM L' TUESDAY in W
t"hiT. to take such action as they may deem
proper. VOX POPULI.
Star copy. *e26-2
I>. X. martin.
1 A TTOR XK Y AT L A ><’.
GRIFFIN. frEOß'i! »
m ** drw.i to tb* ITtrald * ff. •* •o»’ f '•