Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, October 11, 1866, Image 1
SOUTHERNHERALD. published daily' at griffin, georgia, •T MARTIN & EAGAN, ernes if" »m.'» m ilpixo. iwi mid: mill st Half* of Sukwripliiiß, One copy one year *C (to One copy ei* mouths 3 50 Ooe copy tiiree months 2 (Bi Orders for JOB WORK and ADVERTIS I NO respectlully solicited, and promptly attended m. The (>eic. Mho would believe that the following was penned by that arch cynic himself, Henry NY aril Hecchcr ? It is even so. Waa an auto photograph—if we are allowed to improvise a word —ever so faithfully and artistically sun-painted and sun finished '( '1 he cynic is one who never sees a good quality in a man, aud never fails to see a bad one. lie is the human owl, vigilant in darkness and blind to light, mousing vermin and never seeing noble game. Ttie cynic puts all huuidu actions luto two classes— openly bad and secretly bad. Al! virtue aed generosity and disinterestedness are merely the appearance of good, but seltish at the bottom, tie holds that no man does a good thing except lor prulit. The effect ol his conversation upon your feelings tsiochill and sear them —to seed you away sour and uio* •r. se. liis criticisms aud luuen Jots tall in disoriiniuuiely upou every lovely thing, like tkest upon flowers, it a Ilian is said to be t me and chaste, he answers : “Yes, in the day time.” It a woman is pronouuced vir tuous, lie will reply : Yes, as yet. -Mr. A. is religious: Its, on Sundays. -Mr. ii. has just joined the church Certainly, the elec tions are coiniug on. The minister of the gospel is called the example of diligence : ft is his trade. Such a man is geuetous Os other men's money. That man is ohng mg : —lo lull su.-pielou and cheat you. Tins man is upright : —Because he is green. 'lhus his eyes strain out every good quality, and take 111 only the bad—as >lie vulture, when in the highest heaven will sail oy liv ing tiocks and betas, but conies like an uiruW djwu upon the suia.lest Carcass To hiui religion is by pucrio_,, honesty out prepara lion lor lraud, virtue only a want ot oppor. t unity, and undeniahlo purity, a-citieism. The livelong day he will su wan sneering hp, uttering sharp speeches in the quietest lnaiiner, and in polished phrase translixiug ev ry character which is presented. •• li.s words softer than oil, yet they are drawn swords.”—i's. 5, -l. All tins, to the young, seems a wonderful knowledge of human nature. 'J hey honor a mau who appears lo have found out man- kind.— J hey begin to indulge themselv es ill tiippunt sneers; and with supercilious blow, and impudent tongue Wagging to an cmpiy bra■ ii, call to naught the w:Sj., the long trieJ, and the venerable. Mr H EEC 11 Kit AT THE {SOUTH.—The Washington Chronicle makes the billowing extract Iri'in the late article ul the Mobile (JuitiUt •• lieury Maid Hoccher’s regard fur the {South, as expressed lu las recent letters, dues not provoke a very cordial re-pons.. For cxauip e, the Mobile (.iu-eUe remarks in the Course ol an article uu his conver sion : “This obscene parson of Plymouth Church, who tiauuts a musk-seeulcd ker chief before his congregation of W all street moralists, is, however, the same who, not ten months ago, belore the same congrega tiou, was preaching k* ur o lv ' ; u » Christiaus, lor Using that word, as applied to that ’.hail I j (he beauties ot amalgamatin'.;, and his sweet silvery voice, with his oily countenance turned up to those heavens he kept lusud mg, telling Ins hearers that when mat uii;ou jiiuiii of huinati perfection should arrive the world would witness its Iruits, ‘Crystal moie pure, jewels more rare’ than could over be dreamed ot. That mau, whose every thought has le n a blasphemy, whose every act has been an insult to that Cod' whose gospel his prutune hand has polluted, is also the co-laborer id a woman—his worthy sister —whose infamous slanders of the South have done so much to shut out the sympathies of the world from us, aud it the hand that traced the libel known as ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin, is not actu ally that ot the ilev. Henry \\ aid Jieceher, Ills lying spirit la that w hich liisp.red it. — A more contemptible, more sclhati being never disgraced a public or private station ; a more bitter, more venomous, more lying foe to the good amt great men ot the ooutn never lived than lieury \\ ard Keeelicr, who dcsecratiug even the tomb of the saint ed woman, the mother of Washington, once devoted her memory to the tortures ot hell, though afterwards, alaid ot Ins own pros pects, he set out on a crusade to abolish that place, where his soul shall liually be lashed. The Cretans’ Appeal to the Presi dent—The people of the Island ot Candia, p.r Cre,c, having revolted from Turkish rule, have addressed an appeal to the President ol the Ui jed States lor aid. In their memorial they implore the '* intercession ot the Creat Democracy” with “the vain nets of the great European Rowers. 1 * After reciting the fact • bat their natural and proper p a„e is with fte Kingdom of Greece, and asking to be annexed thereto they detail their grievances, and ccriainly succeed in placing the Turkish Government in an unenviable light belore the Christian world, if they do not secure a sytnp; toy which will aid them materially in the accomplishate»t oi the purpo e. (Jen. ButleP wants to keep the South out of t'e Union until the heavens uidt with fervent heat. Jits idea is, probably, that such a eat” would melt spoons into ingots, and “the South” be unable to identify its property. It w ill bo hotter than he wants it oue day c* another, we are afraid. Ilii.iiT I'iuscu’LE in I)ukss.— The tru ■ atid light principle in dress is the same for a voikiii"- woman as lor a duchess. To v.tar such clothes as wc can pursue our ae> eusiomed occupation in. Without spoiling them; to look like what we are and not tike what we are not ; to be comfortable in and out of doors ; and to have a pka-aut, and, if possible, a pretty rpp arauce. The Bichtuond Times says Ben. Kutler has been put in command o the Masrachu setts militia, w hich he has divided into three corps. The badge of the first corps is a sil ver s[xx>n, the aeooud a gold watch, and the DAILY SOUTHERN HERALD. VOL I. SUMMARY. 'l'wo thou-and panes of glass were broken in Westminster, MJ., by a hail-storm on Fri day of last week. A Uadical paper in Michigan calls Doctor H. F. Duller "the Hero of New Orleans.” It must be a misprint for .H c ro. The strongest irgoment in favor of allow u:g marriage with a deceased wife’s s stvr 8 tiiat one will thus have only one mother-in law. A guillotine to be worked by steam and capable of cutting off six heads per minute, is one of the contributions to the Paris lvv position. •Jenny Lind contradicts the report of b. r domestic intelicitirs. She assures hei frieu. s that Mr. Guldsuiidt is a good husband and father. An armless shoemaker in Cincinnatti does the finest kind of sewed work, wuh bra toes, lie is said to be quite haudy at “fooling.” A mode! house, consisting of ten stories, besides collars, is being built in Paris. It will have no stair-ease, but instead, a hy draulic lift. The greatest commercial city of the world, i.ondon, tends out no mail aud has no postal delivery on {Sunday. Estimate of the Cotton Cuoi*.— The Agricultural Duresu at Washington (8 i mat s t e cotton crop ot this year, at 1,500* 000 bales. A thousand persons have arrived at Gal veston Iroin the interior ot Texas lo escape the pei scent ion of guerrillas, who rob ami murder on b »th sides tor plunder. A Canadian newspaper contains the fob 1 lowing plaintive advertisement : “Will t‘ e gentleman who stole my melons on last Sab- j bath night be generous enough to return in* I a few of the seeds, as the melons are a rare ! variety.” At a bigamy suit recently instituted against a young woman, it turned out that one of her husbands was named Little aud j the other Long. A waggish voung lawyer, on h aring the ease, sail he could imagine the woman addressing h.-r brace of husbands thus: “Lovt n e Little, love me Long.” “Have you no tncrcy tor the South?” asked a Georgian of one of the delegates to the Flesh-poi Convention. “.Narv a mercy,” was the reply. “Come away from him,” said a friend ; “he’s one of those radical in rcy n.vjs. He’d go through vt uin a min- : u:c. ’— tl tistriinjl m lajmti i' mi, Wr: kind in an exchange a poem “Ilow many weary p lgrinis lie.” Can this rtf r to those pilgrims headed by Prowulow, who I went 'hrougli here the other day, “dressed in curses like a garment,” and lying in a manner to shame the fit'.cr of lies himself ? , ltustun C' ini/f n“'ll. I’oißev, in his stock stump speech in Pennsylvania, says tiiat if the President con tinues firm '.b his opposition to the llutnp, the '7',ends of the Hump must rush to his “immediate impeachment, or, rather, lu sw A inc« (its us it i/I rentier liis imin tiehnu ut »n --iirt' ss'uy.” This means, of course, that the I President is to l>o disposed of by violent ! measures. ' PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ’ Charlie Wright, IPJ TCIIM. I KER AND JE WELEI 04 - EAST SIDEIIIId. STREET, OVER V WORD'S -411 Work Whrriililt'd. Dec 27,15t>5. J. Q. A. ALFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GUIKFIN, GA tt T 11.!. attend to such professional business as ' T may be cut rusted to his care iu the coun. ties of Spalding, l’ike, Epson, Monroe, Hulls Henry, Fayette. Coweta and Merriwether. By prompt and diligent attention to professional duty lie will endeavor to please those who limy en trust him with bu-ioe.ss. He is determined that lhe business of his clients, together with his own shall occupy his time am] 'attention exclusively. Office on Hill Street, upstairs, opposite HER A El) OFFICE. February 22, 1 BC6. ly. DOYAL A NUNN ALLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. GRIFFIN GEORGIA VI/"11.1. PRACTICE IN THE COUNTIES OF W Spalding, Henry, Fayette. Butts. Monroe Upson, l’ike, Clayton,’ and Merriweather; and w ill attend to the collection of claims against th Federal Government; and also to the purchase aud sale o! veal t Finis. As we shall devote our whole attention to our profession, we hope to be able to give general -aIL-laeliou to all who may thiuk propel to engage our services. L. T. DOTAL, A. L>. NUNN ALLY’. De. 27. ts J. I. HAM.. T. W. Till’llMAN. Mall & Thurman. 1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW. JA CKSON, GEORGIA* TTT| LL practice in the comities composing the ; VY Ki.iM -ImtciAl CiacDlT ami attend t" the <• dleclion of Claims against the Gt-vec-u. Govtr.x- M KNT arch Ist. if. BOYNTON -V DISMUKE, ITTOR N E Y S AT LA\ U, JUIFFIN, I.KOUGI A, Office in front room up 'tail* in Ain.ah Hull opposite brick Warehouse.) Y\riLL give prompt attention to such business VV as may be entrusted to their care, in the counties of Spalding, Henry, Butts, Monroe, Lpsou, Tike, Merri wetber, rayette and Clayton. J. S. Boynton, ) Frki>. I>. Pirvui KK. • sep4—4tu. D. E. F. KNOTT, I laving returned to Griffiu, respectfully tenders hi* v u<j i i:sd ion a l heuyices Tv lhose who mav deeire them. Office ami room* j„ the BRICK ISUILDING between the Livery tsta)»!es, wLcre lie may be fouud ilav or night “Till- Pf» la VllKhtlrr IhaN (hr Snortl." MIFFIX, tin, TUIRSim UHB\I\G, (K'T. 11, IM. GENEIIAL LAND AND EMIGRANT I AGENCY WITH II E A DyU ARTKRS AT GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. 1 rlihil a IL-jridtry in my office, u liere all par ties Laving t ’itv, or other prop *»?tv f*H’ pa!<*. rent, or t-xclunge. are rvapectfully Dolic;te»l to Uegietcr them fiee of charge, whether iny *ervieei are 'ngaguti as Agent or ut»L I mn thoroughly a*><jt!ititiled with Southern I.ands. and tlicicforc amply aMe to diai eiu the quality and strength, as well as whai they ar** adapted f«»r. etc., etc., which will enable me to render valuable serxict-s to Capitalists and others widling to invest or exchar.go. 1 now have several Plantations, Lots, and a cons dernbie quantity of w ild land* in 0 lici tnt parts of Georgia for aab* % rent or exchange, and ! will have tl»«*m mapped out on my Krgi&ter so tl. at nil can examine for themselves. I am qow making, and willsoon hnve perfected arrangements with parties in New York, I’lnla ( d**lphia,aud Haltimore l»y which I shill t -able to advance money on lamls. growing mops. etc. Kkkkkk kk: (ieorge N Nichols. i Savannah, tin ; Ransom Roger*, No. Hf, ''onth 41 h Street, Philadelphia, and tlie business men of this city. A. JACKSON ROGERS. | tfffiev. for the present at my residence, on ; corner of Broadway and 18th Streets, opposite Marshal College. July Hi. 8m Wantocl TO RENT O « FU HC IF AR K. No. 1 Plantation*, adjoining, or ) near each other, somewhere in Spa!- I °r c-fi? of tlie adjoining Counties. : , Ibese | lae< - must oe near or coiix • nient to ; some KaiTroad. well impiov, «1, and adapted to the i ‘ nlture of ( ott'' r l. Corn, Peas, Potatoes, Cane, »tc t ! »fce., Ac., and lo«'%e thereon a good fruit orchard, j i Plac e having water (Grist and Saw) Mills, or | ! -ites where sm Ii in ay bo built. |. referred. Would j j>tvfer to pu» chase the horses, inules, farming* : implements, stock, Ac., on tile* places. Apply to, or address A. JACKSON RODGERS, Griflin, Georgia. IW OFI-’ICE f«*r the present at his residence' ! eoiner of Dtoa lway and llith streets opposite , Mai>hall College, *ep7lm i NATIONAL HOTEL. I Coiner Whitliall Street and YV. ,t A UailroaJ ITLWT.I, GEORGIA: Ibis Newly*Krected, Commodious, First Class Hotel, Ellegantlv tnrnished tbroughout, and eomj»lete in j of guests, ami in successful opeiation. Attached to this Hotel is utinu llilliaid Parlor, w ith Phelan Tables. A First Class Bar, fully and | comjtlctely stocked w ith choice liquors, Wines and Cigars. The patronage of the public is respectfully so- | licited. PRATT, POND A CORKY, : Proprietors. | 11. l>. llaubis Clerk, l/ite of lb* “Brown House,” Macon, (in, June h. oin. Remington Sc Sons . Maiuif- turers of I ! , ItEVOLVEIiSt, RIFLES, MUSKI'-TS AND I ' CAKIUNES, for tbo United States rorvice. Also, I’ocket and Kelt Revolvers, Re peating I’islols, liitle Canes, Revolving lli \ tle x , R ile anil Shot Gun Darrsls, and Gtm j Materials sold by Gun Dealers and the j trade generally. ! In these days of liotise-brealving and rob -1 berv, every House, Store, Dank and Office j should have one of REMINGTON’S REVOLVERS. I J’arties desiring to avail themselves of j tlie late improvements in Pistols, and supe rior workmanship and form, will find a!! j combined in the new Remington Revolvers. Circulars containing cuts and description [of our arms will he furnished upon applica -1 tion. K. REMINGTON A SON'S, Uion, N. Y. Moore A Nichols, Agents, No. 40 Court land St. N. Y. sepo-3m. JSPDWSMX A BANKS, WHOLKS.U.IC AND lIKTATI. HEALERS IX BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, SHOEMAKERS TOOLS, LASTS, PEGS, Ac. ; ALSO, M.VXIKACTI'KERS OK BOOTS cto SBOBB, Keeps the LARGESI STOCK ot Good- in their line, that is to be found in any one House in Geor gia. Country Merchants are invited to examine our stock bet >r - purchasing elsewhere. | CHEROKEE BLOCK, PEACHTREE ST., Atlanta GetiiKia VavJ-'.ltf HOWE’S IMPROVED Cotton Picker! FOR, PICKI 'G COTTO.': IN THE FIELD. V SIMPLE and compact Instrument weighing about tw i pounds—pn\stlu e■ or four Uu»e laster than by.ilianJ. leaving the cotton clean and free from trash. I’i ice jtiio. Orderseaai be filled by THKiI JVVL MANUFACTURING C<>.. u t Ccdat Street, N. Y. Or by our Ageuts throughout the South, sept)- -3md VfIIGIL C. C(K)K. ;ATTORNEY AT LAW, GRIFFIN, G F.O K G 1 A . I maws tt [AWARDED i HOLD MEDAL AT TMK Am. Inst. Fair, Oti>bcii 19, 18rt5. In direct competition with all the leading makers in the country. “ri:loi r,et" oik; ays A.Nl> . MELODEONS. PELOI BKT, CO. Respectfully invite 111* attention of purchasers, the trad* and profession, to the rot; WIN(i IXSTUUMKNTS nf th«r Manufacture: PEDAL EASE ORGANS, Five sizes. Five octave, one to three banks of keys, three to eight setts of Reeds, Prices $2SOto SGOO SCHOOL ORGANS; Mm- «tylrs. single and double Reed. Rosewood j and Black Walnut eases. Jt- * 4 .01 3 SIOO to 9400 1 iano style and Fort-able, Twelve Varieties. \ from four to six (leaves. Single and Ilouble Re, d[ I Rose woo/ and Black Walnut (’asca Prices 303 to 8250. I.\*i\ 1 ustrun.ent is made by eorrpetei.t woik j men, tiuni lie best material under our personal supervision and every modern improvement "ortliy ol be name, is intiuduevd in tliem.- I Among tiles we would call attention lo Ibe f IvE Ml 11. AN 1 E, w liieli Las been so iiiueli admired, and ran be fund unly in instrunuiiU of our own maiiufaetura ( loin among!,* very flattering Testimonials ot eminent l’refeairs and Organists, we give the fol lowing extract ' I he pedals k Onet i ve to be unapproschalde in theil heaulilulmonth quality."- \Vm A, Ktxo. “It is n it ot tlie builder—ll. C. FoLotn. Trov, Y". They are ainig the finest Instrument* mm n fact "red either ill,is country or abroad.— Bcuu. J. Mosextii., Aptomas. “■nwy bare giy, universal tnt'cfaf-tym.” VT E liawlev, Fon due, Wis. There is a peeiarly sweet and sympathetic tone which l.armoies charmingly with the voice " \\ . 11. Cook e. ' I am particulal pleased with the arrange ment of tlie dilferei registers."—\V M . H. Braii lIIKV, “No Otbcr in-triiu,, s-, nearly approaches the organ. —I h* ( hurt* \ y “This instrument h „ ~|f ur superiority over “'.'.T'hing yet mtrodul lllJlUilg u,.— lndependent, • TTie tones and (hc, on are excellent."-Rev. ». Lkavitt, 11id1$<.)\,. w Vork “Ti,e more we use i ke ~c lter we ljk , iL -_.j I) II agi k, Hudson, N. "Tl.eTwol;.i,k ‘leg Hnnnoi.iufn is really « gem. -J. W. Mu „ i ■•Ws have found t-I.L - Cooa, T. ToOVoy k N. v!' y."-S. B. Sa\- l ° n^ I ever saw - *• i Hey fall back on su<* % . .. . superiority of workman.!.^'', ,n * rl '* « reasonableness of price. A ton ® in all their repent, .hev?” "T* «T that praise. ”-J fuAcal /Wer? WOrU ’> ot IVTi 'SPk L n,t^” en w‘‘'"Wanted. and ‘"-‘•I and Skipp'd lit Jew Y< ~ ckarijt, C "J '’•Uh.jHt C ° U ' “ k 1 Price sent on ap PEL.Ot aET , PEbx&co «1I ; T*) Wav v Y t Or to- any of our Agti, , . j of the Union. principal cities ktROSt\E vV i)VtS’ TEA AND COFFEE BOlins ; t.n.oss.ik.te J*- AH the Cooking ha fat't( kJf" may be done wilb Oil, or i]**. with and ai lew* exi>cn*),haß ' :tH\ -St* Kacb guxrantto j>**rforni ail that* u. S««Mi for a circular. 1 Lilnsful mad* © ll»a KgROSKNE! LAMPttEATKt, ! sepl 1* low I ur] 200 l’e«tl y JOS. ENGEL'S \u STORK. The undersigned desires to inform the public that he has returned to hia old home IN GRIFFIN , Where he is determined to furnish them with GOOHS as LOW a» they tan poCiblj be afforded. 1 have oh hand FRESII oto NEW, A Complete Stoek of DRY GOODS,' Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, &e. My well known Character as a business (nan hi re in former days, is a sufficient guar antee of Fair and Honest Dealing. Call on me at my NEW STORE, at the OLI> STAND, Weat Corner of Hill street und Broadway. JOSEPH ENGEL , Aug. ‘2, 1 &♦»♦»—3m. QUEEN S W ARE, C/IIXA AND GLASSWARE. Mt BRIDE, DOUSKTT dr CO. Corner Whitehall and Hunter Streets, Atlanta. Full line* of 0. C. Granite and (• Unaware IN THE ORIGINAL PACKAGE nr in lot ii lo .uit pureliaaers. A SPLENDID RETAIL STOCK. A fine BMortiucul of “ A..ort’d Crate*” Yetv low to the trade. Dealer* are particnlaily rerpieete I to calf and examine our »tock . We fe*l efiftfidoht (bat r ' ti ~ TERMS will »<-—»•- *»,orat)iy frith BKST NEW < i ihK rute*. and our flock if a* complete as any n the country, North or South. Mcßride, dorsett a co. July ii-rrfrt iikmiv iiuvan. a. £. I! Aurmrx.i a. w. *. Nrrr BRYAN. HARIRIDGE & C 0„ COM MISSION M EKCII A ATS AID Brok.ors, SAVANNAH GEORGIA 1 YV/ I- solicit contigiimeiits and make advances I ' ' 011 shipments to ourselves, New Y'ork and J Liverpool eorresjioadents. CfTPLANTERS’ SUPPI.I F-S FUR NI SITED. (JJ | aug2B—tf J. N. SEYMOUR, C’ItERRY STREET, MACON, - CEOHGIA. | ELI’S 011 band a full stock of Groceries and AV Provisions, wl ieh he offer* as low e* any other fronse in the city. If* Also keeps on hand all grades, of TOBACCO, and deals irt Luillard’a SNUFF, and SMOKING TOBACCO, of various brands, and invites a Call Irom merchants, Plauters, atid others. augßo-dy3m J. Jf. SEYMOUR. ami i:l r. nr.LL. w. w ru.r. ukxbv u. ciikistux iBELL. WYLLY k CHRISTIAN, ] Cotton Factors and GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, HAVAIVNAJI, GKO. ; A ANCRS made on all runaignmentH Ui us or 1 to rUr tricmlx in l 4 iverj»ool, New | Ytrk. Philadelphia and lial'.imure. I tw Personal aUention given to the ,ale of j Colton and forwarding ol merchandize. | sej'4— dim* ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE IX JACKSON, GA. I> V Vivtue of an order from the Ordimu-v of 1 * Ihi l U County , will h* s v ld before the Uurt ; How..- door in the t, wn of Jackson. V. ween th ■egal hour.of sale, ou the f IRsT 1 L'ZSDAY ia Novemb. r next ,wa hundred and forty pM't) acres jof and, ( a nlow a dower excepted.) «td land la» i l '’ u ß 1 'tg ‘he estate of .John F. (Ll**, deceased. . , JAME-, W. MARKS'Kiss, | _ W ~~ Administrator. f« KOROIA—P»KK COUNn-WHi be sold bf f«MT tti« Conrt Iloiixe d<»or of said (Bounty °. n l “ c lwea-lay m November next, between tin; Usual honm of axle, the following property. to wit; One Brown Bay Mare, and one apecklad eow and calf. levie.l upon a* the property <* iaaac iff*- *° “tisfy a ti f» in my hand, isaued from jG. ft? 1 ; I .' L'*Ull of said county, in favwr of Win. ("anted 'K n i~ v * th* ...d- I»aa* Joaea. |*op»rtj’ Get. 5, IjO tW-, * fl. HOI THF.R.X fIKRALD. oarater annMn *>» Mmamc, On* copy on* year ft M ! • »• ropy mx month* M | On* copy fhre* month. ..I*C |l»v until la IIKIHI JIT AH p*|H-r» M<,.p*d *t th« and of thalMM paid for il aol pra . louaiy om.ui. Adrcr«'**m*pta inMrtvd at th* r-tea of On* Ihillar and fifty OnU p*r equarr of T*a Lib**, fo* tb- lirat inrertion. and b«vtnty-6ve t'aela fur each •nh.eouent insertion —payable in adranr*. dedoetiomi mad* on coairact* for adrw ti*ein«ni. ruoomf ibra* mnath* and lonfar. CITY Bl bllEMi DIKELTOHI A. RF.LLA3IY—Mayor —Offe* at City Hall. TH) is. NALt~a«rk and Trcaenrrr of Gtr Uouacil.— Offii-e at Nall A lUi.aom', tUor* 1 OEM. D. JOHNSRN—cbiaf Marabal— ofß*a at I City- llall. Air raw r. —W. 11. C. Mi«ketb*rry J. 8, Wia# A. It M .-hcw*, J. X. Marria.C. r. Newtoo M. & kmith, J. M. I‘atribk, J, G. Stars ' oosmtTEai Fi-ixsea—Wi-a, Patrick. Marria. a*t> Apthta—i»«ara, Miclrlbarry.M** :»i , OanißAxeaa—Patrick, Smith, Seara. CaArrlbtta I*CBUc Lot*— Mickelhcrry Har ria. • •■nilb, Plwr* ask Prauc Wxrx»—Smitk, Matbtw Sear*. Stbxjct Kwinuunn—Uarria, N't* tea. Pat rick. , Nl MAxera—Mathew*. Newton. Wi.e. l’*tulowa—Newton, Miaa. M.ukeiberrr Cl H' STY’ OFFICKHS. F. D. DlSMUßK—Ordinary.—Dfßee op aiafcw in A!m 4 b Halt. J. 11. *f Superior Coarw flice in Almßb Hall. J. 11. LANE—Cletk Inferior Couth—U®«a aw aUira in Aluiaii.llall. D D. DoY’Al—Sheriff. 1 HOS. S!M<lNTON—County Treaaurar —#f fice al Dr J. IV, S. Milchell’i Store. Ml. 33. < ; OVELs M ENT OF! fefelW. j R. CoMITON—I S. Internal Rcvenua Tax Collector. - -Office at the Planter* Bank Buildiag, I Solomon "Street. I D A. JtIIINSON- U. S. Tax Aivoor.—(Mß«* | in Planter'* Bank lluiicing. RATEB OF LEGAL ADVERTHIHG. Sale* of Ixind* by Administrator*, Executors and Guardians, ar* required by law to b* held on till' flirt 'l'm.day in each month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and three m the after noon, at the court house in the county iu which the property is situated. Notices of these sales must be given in a publia gauette 40 days previotia. Notices T rales of pcisonnl property must b* gie/m In n public giyrette 111 davs previous to sale Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate til list be published til ilays. Notice that application will he made to the Court of Ordinary fur leave to **ll land oiD*t be published two months. Citatious for letters of A ’ministration, Gutrdl ensiiip Ac., uiuit be |>ub!i*bed "M days. Citations for dismission from nuimnietrstioa, Fncft » fnonth for six months. For letters of dismission irom Guard inn. hip it days. Vr'i" f” *** ,ofc vlt>!Uirc of mortgage* must )■« published once a liiolitli for four W’Ultie—dor r»- labllshiug lost papers for the full spnee ofth’rt* months—for com|>*ll[og title* from Adminirtr*- tors. Where bouds have beeu given by the deceaw ed, for the lull space of tiiree months. Publication* will alwnys be continued aoeowlirg to these. Ihe legal requirement*, unlee* otherwiM ordered nt the follow ing KA3 IN. Shei iff,s snlcs per levy ot leu lines or leu 04 Sheri It’s mortgage fi fa eales per l«y a no F» x CoJleclot s enlc*. por lev* gO9 (jitatiafis for letters of, Administration, 800 l 'itatioaa for letters of Guardianship, sot Notice of application (or dismission from Adniinistrntion, g Qg -\otie* of aiq,'ica,tioa foi dismission from Giiatdlansliip jg 4;iplication lo sell Lahd g gg Notice lo Debtors and Creditors, g gg Sale cf Land per square, g gg ■sale of perishable property 10 dajs J 00 I'Utrey notices, CO days, ’ 4 gg Foreclosure of mortgage, per equare, 44 For man advertising hie wife, in advene*. Ift 4 KA.ILROAD O-TJXTDE. MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD. A. J. WHITE. P.tvinxxT, E, B. WALKER, Btrr. Leave Macon A. M Arrive at Griffin ’ jj 30 •• .. Arrive nt Atlanta .. j 67 P. M Leave Atlanta fl 65 A.»BA Arrive at Griffin 9 60“ •* Arrive* at Maeon, . . .*.-*»... . j 80P.lt. SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD. WM. HOLT, Pr*mi>«*t. VIRGIL I’OAVERS, Sit*. ~ Macon gj A. M Arrive* at Eufaula gjg p' gg* Leave* Eufaula... j,, x. M. Arrive* at Macon 4 jy p ALBAXT BBAXIII. Leave* Smithville S 4J P. M Arrive* at Albany 4 J 4 p Leave* Albany ..7 A. 2’ Arrive* at Smithvrile. 9 09 A. II MUSCOGEE RAILROAD, .KHIS MUST Ary, PxnnfeW CLAftKE, Si rV. • Macon 7 gg A. li. Arrives at Culumbua. 4 M Leave* Columbus 7 A. M. Arrive* at Macon f# P. tt. GEORGIA RAILROAD. J !’. RfNG, I'x,:*ioxxt K. W. COLE, Scr’v... - y Leave* Augu,U 7 A * ; Arrives at At1auU..........« Sf> Ih X. G-mve* Atlanta Y M A. M. sVrrjve* at Augusta 9 30 A. M. KKJHT TRATK. " heave* Augusta 6 10 A. M Arrive* at Atlanta 8 41 A U* IseavfV A'flanU ..1 SO t. M. Arrive* at Atigu»ta.., 9 44) A. M ATLANTA A WEST POINT RAILROAD. GEORGE 0. HU Li, Str’^ L :avea Atiauta g .jo A. M. Arrivss at We*t Point 11.44, A. M. I-eaves Eatonfou 12 35' p j£ At rives at AtlanU # («} D M! PHIVATJO Entertain me,3s; ARTHUR W BROWN take* Uia m«_ Pj® (hod of tnf.vrming in* old friend* that be H l '*’ *pe"ed «I' >u»e for'private entertain, n,cm in the city of Atiauta. oa tß#Mftier of Hon ter and Lloyd street*, immediately io froot of the Catholic Church, and about one hundred and dftr yirdt ftuu ti e Cabbed. Hij, tenia .r, vney reasonable. * * angno—dylyr ARTHUR W. BROWN. W 00l Carding ? f WILL CARD WOGL left with 1 W 'urru, at the Brick JU of J"’ 0 rs ™ • in ‘*> good Ron*, wui.-rwu ,^.* 'rtfJfM !, furuuiied m, ’ * '* * * ««*«»