Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, October 11, 1866, Image 3

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Or Southern ijrralb. i,riffiii, Georgia i)ti. ||, |K«M>. O BIFFIN PRICKS Cl’ltltEXT. cor.REcn n haii.v nv o. n. ntt C<J . Cotton, 32c. Big_'ing. -iiffri 30 ; Hope, 2(.'f/i,?o ; Corn, yellow, 1.45; White, Meal, 1 50 ; Bicon, e'e ir .-ides, 24; rib bed, 22(i/-2d ; Hams, su_ar cured, n U ; Country Uau-, 24(«,2.> ; Lard. 24 ; Rutter— Market well supplied ; dull at 25t<ri’>** i Eggs. scarce, quoted at 2*l; Chickens, 2U(o 25 ; Dried Peat lies, rough, 3.00(5/ o .iO ; jieeled, o 00(u,(i 'ft bu. Fodder, 1 00 (a 1.25; Kye, 2.00 ; Harley, 2.50 : Oat-, Bof</ 1.00 ; Flour, good Coilh try, R>. i’sc. ZX- Rev. Mr. .Mallard proa. In« lui l.ire well seimon to t ight; let all attend. tees" Mind, to-i!»y (October 11th,) is the regular monthly meeting et the Ladies’ Memorial Association, also the day lor in spection. We hope to lind ail the lots in good order. Kx. Committee. ‘‘Gram) Oi’EMNi;.*’— * n alh'din" yestef day morning to the biiiiiant attractions over at Mrs. Jacksotis’s rooms, it e Caned us to draw special attention to her new Advertise ment, headed a.- above. It will be seen that on Monday and Tuesday nest, — October loth and ltali—there will be a grand opening at her establishment, to which “every holy and his cousin" ate invited. Ali.usia Ufsi.Nttss 1 MuKCTbuY.—We feel it our duty, as well a< pleasure, again to invite special attention to the series of Ad dress cards, cr out-line )dvcvtiscilients, un der tbe above heading, which made their first appearance in our columns, about a week ago. We have the satisfactory assur ance, that every one of the houses in this Augusta list, is in every way reliable and trustworthy. You vil find almost every accessary branch of common business there represented,—at least, by one house, and in one or two instances, by several houses. — The renders of the Herald, therefore, we ad vise to keep these held-out inducements in mind, and set k ti e first opportunity—or rather p urposely m tka the opportunity—to rest them in fu! . Cilters.—This is the day for the bi show. lle-reud—or rather read lor the hun dredth time s tne of you little children and grown children, —the advertisement of Haight *’handlers’ (VI s-a! Circus in (In appropriate column of our piper, or in the wagon-sheet posters that cover In/ sos one of tho side', >»r l"**i of the brick waic lumse. This Circus compan’y (.2- si; h a growing weak in ss ail ng it, of oce.i.-i mally, or rath, r, rni/ ,/oil giiii g the wlidc let June/ eds i of all t xhiintiull tn some ehai'italoe lnstitu- | tion or for tlic b"in lit of tin- suffering poor, j iliat we almost half-foigivc any erne who, i instead ol goiio* io.-.10 1 efore last, and liear il’g (VI. i’leplis - -]■!» ndid spei eh and. pay ilg for it li.-cned that -uui to deposit it sum i g gi iiuous ht t rtnl mt n, who may— it ■ is not impossible—have spell of that ■■weak ness" conic over them belure they leave the good city of <ll ifiin. Tut; I.Errri in: on Tt ; si> \v m<hit. — \Y« attended on the occasion of the above Lee- j lire, and felt disappointed at seeing sos’oali | in audience : especially so, as, from the •' t 1 i known ability of tbe Lecturer, wc went with [ a kind of confident assurance that v*e would ! enjoy a rich and rare intellectual tieat; arid 1 we were not disappointed ; in'deetf, our ex 1 pcctations were more than realized. The subject was one upon which Col. Peeples seemed to be at home, an) in bis native (de ment. llis tribute to out heroic men upon the battle-field, and our heroic women at home, was decidedly the Ho st it lias been our lot to hear or to read. Indeed we do not see how t could be improved. After th ■ Lecture was ended it was proposed that Col. Peeples be requested to repeat it, at a more suitable time for getting an audience ; this proposition was unanimously carried, and Col. Peeples Con/Votcd to the r quest. VanP vLTSM IN' Ajclixoton—Rkstou V. fioN of House Hour Eft'iars to Gen- Lee.—The household effects left at the Ar lington mansion by General Lee, or rather the Iragmfcnts remaining of them, were yes terday delivered to’the party authorized by G’eribral I.to to receive them. This was done, the National Intelligencer says, under an order ol the President. It appears that riearly everything- of any value liad been f’tolen. Many valuable heir looms, including ol the family portraits, hei been ptrr loined. The portraits were taken from the frames, packed in boxes, and stored in the Mt of the mansion lor safety in 1801. These iJoxes had been broken open and everything of real valufe taken away, and the letters and jlriva'.c papers of General Lee scattered over iie loft. Terrible.—Philips threatens the block sad axe; Brownlow, the torch and turpen tine ; Forney, impeachment; SherwooU, Murder ; Stevens, the penitentiaryof hell. A' Boston tourist lias found iu Dome a penial gentleman of sixty, named. Signore Columbo, iho only liviug descendant oi Chris:.iplier Columbus, lie possesses many interesting relic- of Columbus, among which are two til paintings otehim. 110 has wi it— ten life a of Columbus. 'i’hurlow Weed announces in tho Times that he supports the Democratic nomination f>r Governor of New York, and ire prefers 'o act with the D.hui> r itic party than with the Radicals, lrout whose ascendency he fears the worst results for iSic cutitry IIoURIFiEi' Hen Wade, of Ohio, is horrifi. dto hear tiiii Gem ral (/ran* would shake hands with General Lee. If’says: * *■ tt osliiugtou would not have done it.” A .viter from Fort uu I’iiacc status that the city was nearly destroyed b\ x *n expl - non t-i the arsenal"Y * ' an djvv el .*l-e -** m iiHitni sum smi. pm PATRICK Si BRO. I ' El.i* *■■! litt.al at ail tne -a In,, a-ci tir.et t *>| IX- Men iid HINT IIoMK MAI*K SHOES 1 all fines, uianrOi-'uiv.* and **atTente.l t,v tli.un. T‘.-v liav \ and av- k«-r;. In »t.>re f.-r mV a I li. .. 11... ie nf m.-s-L'l f, NlPasu COI'XTRV* siii.i: leatueu. JOB WORK AND REPAIRING put rp •r. order aud *«rrm>ej. ’ ff~ Patrick <C iir pay tlie hiirli- -t mail. I prn-i-in c-a-li in Larti-r fur lirceu auj l>r\ lh.ira, iaiiovv and |!p*wwnx. LITTLB, smith a 00., Manufacturers an,l dealers in SADDLES AXD fIMi.XFSS, CAh'L'/AGJ; .l/.l 7 ElU.ifj, SHOE riXDIXGS, nnd Snildlerv*. Ilariic-s. Hardware, T.raUier of n . kinds. Muc’liine lln line. Tranlis, Traieiing >ul elrels, anil Wagon Harness of nil kiuds. l» il»4i ut#s ina«lo to «»rder. ; l CIIKKIU STREET, .Macon - - (trorffia. I=ol*B—Sin Something New UNIDEII THBSuN A new era in medicine: J.ot tiie BufT*n-iiitr an.l <li- e ensed r :\J the follow II g. r Let all v. lip have boon piton * p by 1>« ■. for aii'l ►pokeii of ns l oad tite fall >u in»r. Lot nil \vh«> enn bflifve facts nnd cmi ha\e faith hi evid- i co, read the foil -wing. Anor ell mtp. hp.thefc That on thi?, theTw lit'h .!,iy ;»f .bine, j:: the yvur *»f oui Lord (tne Thou.*iiiid l ight 1 luii lit-.J /Wic* td’xtv >=i.\'. came .1* soph Havd k !<» mo. known as Audi. ~!,*! I> «ii.lw d* |,o I as thel’i.iftd Stnte?. iiidl u**p*iideiieics thereof, for preparation* or me iieinos known MAt. .il.i.‘> i’ills and Sam *■:. an«l that the Xoltb'wimt cei tiii catefl Hh- verbali n copies to the best of his knowl edge and belief. «1 A MI :.S SMKITK IC, [I >| Notary l*ubli<-, Wnil street Now York. Jttllf 1, 184W*. I)R. M Miun:—l take my pbn to w rite vott of my tfreab relief, an ! that t hi* awfol pain in my 1 ?i<!*’ has left no* at Inst lliank? t«» your niedieine. oh. d**< t**r, how thankful T am that t ctin pet ‘ s«**m* sl- cp. —! ran never write it enough. I thank yon niyain and >itrain. an*l am sure tliat you are rciilly t!i • fii.o;.! of all sti!f. rrers. I could rn*T h*dp writing to you, and hope y*U will not take JAME.S MVKUS, 11 (I Amlauil I>. '/ins is I*, c-itif’. that ! AAas di chau-1 from tin aim> wtl, Chim.i Di.,n!m u, an i have tm. W I il-oN fIAKVEY, N. ?. 'piii 7, K ' '* k!7 , I‘i't ‘ Feet. Tli" f.dloMir.o i- a:i interesting ca-ofa man •*nip!*.\• lin in iion I.wnl? y, who, in j» .ii. t- ; in. Ited iron i;i'll u nark that was damp nnd , i • an-e.l »n e\p:o.don. 'I he melt * ■! iron \\ as I l.r*.wn around ami on him in ap* 11* ’ shower, ami lo was burnt dfeadiudy. 'J toll *nv injy *•■ i ttf, was g.von to me bj him i*'Dmt eight weeks aftvi the accident. New York, .Tan. 11. Mv name is .lae«*h Hardy; I am an Iron F«»urt d* i; 1 was badly burnt by hot iron in November la-t; my b'.u na lioab*d, but I had a running s *:* on my won! ! not heal; 1 tii***l Mr g^i•!*- Salve, and it eiired mein a few wetks. Th i < nil trim and any b'*dV can nt'"’'* see me at JackFoi.'s Iron Works, -nd Avenue. X ITAUDV, 111* fioei i sfre ?. Extracts from Various I/ett^rs. I had no appetite; Maggiel’s l’ills gavt me a hv;n»y one.” ‘ Your PAT* tue marvelous,** “I sci*l for auoihcf o*v'T, an] keep them iu tuc house,** “I)r Maggl* l has cured my hoadarT.c U.;;f a -is chronic.” “1 give half of one of y«>«.r r>ilI~ to rny babe for cholera morbus. The dear little tiling got well in a dav.” “My* Tin. " a a Sf n morning i? now cured ‘ Your box of Magghls Salve cm. 1 me <»f noises in the Imad. 1 rubbed some of your Salve behind my ears and the n6i*e left. v •‘Send* life box' s 1 want one fra poor family.” ‘ I enclose a dollar ; yonr pri<*c is 25 cents, but the medicine to me is worth a dollar.” “Send me th e boxes of your pills.” “Letnmhnv* three 1 »-*«'< c r Vonr Sr!* ■ 1 y : f; tr.rn mi.'E” 1 HAVE OVItU 2f)oSrriT TESTIMONIALS j r.s thbs, but want of space comp'd* m*Ao conelude ! J. MAHOIEL, M. I>. rn.i/S and salve: Notice.—None srenuine without the engraved trademark around each pot or box. by I>r. J. 11 Tine street, New Voik, t*> counterfeit, w Idcti i.- f* lony. S«*M by all rrsj'ectjd lc dealers in M‘*di.:i:ics in the Knifed States and Canada —at 2b e*-nt> per or pot, scpl-lyi* For sale in Grifiin by J. N. Harris & Cos f. T. JENKINS &; CO.r WIIOLK SA L K 1> II uGGI ST 8, VNIX DeaWm in Paints, OiU.„)Vitvl— t . ( . njjpafatu*, ntntioiiaiy. Patent Meiliciues and a complete assortment ol A FANCY AND TOILET AIITICLKS. I. All AM A. >T ATLANTA, HA. 1--18U5. Special No:ice. i 1 li;*vo rT'sed um my Cowni«’ n » Lusi m “ and will !;;»ve in slur/ at an early d-i> j very Select Stock of v« latest styles oi and LADIES’ FU PUSHING GOODS,* ail ewtirelv U*w. 1 During mv absence, p* friends ar« tnn«t respectfully requeste) mNM on Mrs. T*yl« t ami sett’e tlie little < !,s/ 4Tickets on liauJ, as we wish to ' 0 stock ttf any CROCERIES &G. | | |||| | Bt'-HEi.- I'iime lilllTKCV'i’S, | ~ j J UAiillPT - A i .-..1C. I or saV l*y t..U.Mu.\S \ ' Atn-t Ga. ‘ **h ill" r>r;n;it|: - n ' 1 '* iu. UErr r"s* ii ■». For -air by Salmon- a av \ r, > LAlUli.L> Ff.i *L L, nil grad i. | FM\ fcM CA ND! E^, ;^jRt.G.-iMAvr.r.r. P-r solely : M il . NS A WAUIb - / | n.\l.r= miMETTMuTIIV lIAA*. IX'ZKN . I A.--TI.UA, :;\L ’ # 1 For Wile ly SALMON'.- it WARD. j Atlanta, (' *. Just Received. ! tm iim>.-. clf:.' *• .sums. '•?) 'J icrec* (’hoic<* IJib Si*!* «, “ Shoulder*, 10 “ Cui *1 II uu# j ÜbN Sup'linc and Eitia : .nutty Fl* i;r. JOnO liu*h< \* Coin, *is Sfl. ks .70 'T.arryh A and C Sflgar, ! .500 I >ricd lb** f, *4O l»arr«*l.<.syrup, * i 100 Sa<*ka Yiiy.nic Salt, *SO J)l»h. Yirudiiia Suit SALMONS \ WAlilb W# hare rc*T**'V *.i t• * LYNi'H fiIfANITK Fiji )N r lil.orK. corner Whii.h.li n- 1 Ab.br . j -li. • S- where wc me fuepar- 1 U» serve t ael 1 • .». as wt iiavr a liugt tu"k * f Groceries. Provisions &c Am»l <*ip- h<*ii-’t b i: lt us i::i/ r:ip:i* ‘ty, and 1 v* \ i*cd, b-» will hlli. 1 fur the storn^ SALMONS A V. A!!I), Otnumiv D*n Mor<*hnnt*». (’••I 'u r of V hitchii.i and AinbMun >ir» done If \tlantn GREAT INDUCEMENT!. W; respeMi’nllr invite the attention t. f n'l p i di.-'in- In puivlin-r 1 uioJh lit pi ices Mir pa-s. i-lj l v. , to our -toik of SriliXG A\D St lHif.ll ti o tillS. TO TH F. LADlta, W. ofb-r a P-vnilif.i! ao i P :-hi aal-’.v * ’ •■> ■•) I ,a * Pi. fcatu. Pi* ; ill .In. I; *!,*■»-. V. .mol !■ ,i !i, t ulicoH, et . AIM. it 1 true «> of W In' •• 1.1 I.J-, .-ii. !i Hl.' ', —\t i-- :.:*■* Or ■ ii* M, «, \ ru.k; ook. Pin in amlMiij •1 P: I 101,1, 11. - . f ,!. -mi * 111.-, with n I li o- vu! i It ; of 011. r l . I.:l :ii,.| I 'u. y u.ti. !,-. T HE G E IN T L E svi E iN V* i foul a Sup. i.v Stork ot ll.e Lulest and : *sl READY - MADE CLOTH 13(1, T-getler with I*ri'i.i-h nr.l S.ot li Cn n lliloi Co'ti -, ami m y ol tier m: ivle "f J in oi.li if : Goad- ne»os. ; arv *<. r. •pi. to th. : r Wnpi: ■ 1 • P..-iil -, < :i- STOCK OF JTOT/O.YS, I Cgti-iMing in pait., <*f IK.mli v, (»h.*\cs. Hand 1 .-r j chiefs, Luces, Lima iu;d .Ja- omt Ldg rg a «i In j .soi ling. Hair Drusbej, Toib l .\i ...it a. ~ are uu- ; dUlpa-SSi-d. Ju luidi l jtiji to lh<- ohovo, v "her alfirg*' a-.sn*l ' menl ol L *’./!>, SIICI Sand i b t *MJ>TiC*, from ■ llm best uiaiiyfacltnivs in o;*cia’.i*.ii. | All of lhe above articles will be *M at a small i ; advance upon pi ne cost. W e enn luouie lh* | public t . it <*ur gcfr' l' wire purchased for cu-h. } uj»on u.i good terms a? tim ; can be b and xv * are di b imined L> sell as low a» any oitu r liou-e ; n Griitiu. AV * will be p* a?r ’t - t iirn-.mt ment to purelmslu is. « iini; eoiifi.b i»t in m.r abili ty to give suit si; etiou Lo evui tne most fastidious. I.Ol’i \\ I’.NS’llll N A i’FDII'EII Gi: rt 'n, r 'a. .‘q'ril l'.l, •• t. ts i MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA, At mu^usta. FACULTY ; ; L. I*. I'OHD, M. I*.. 1 ‘rnf.-Mor of In titr.tM nn-1 IVa tion of M. lk-ine. JOS. A. KVK, :.L I'., iYofcsoor of 01.-ta li,-- and i '- i-.-? of Women and lulaiits. I. I’. * > AHV IN, M. I*. J 'rotos- r< P M:i(-t, i Medii-n, T'.cr qvuHrv, nnd M 'd nrd Jurir jirudence. L. A. TH’GAS, M. T>„ rri.fi.t-sor of tl.c f l'rincip'ca-a-ud I'rantife of Surmcry. GKO. \V. 11A1N, M. 1* , Vrufewor of ("I chii-Irv and C'ri-itt- J .f-T. j Kfnr.YUl f"t: LI »1 »IN<M. D., or * of l‘ V'!i*'(l-J a'"l IG' !• o', All a t O’ll V. Di.SA! S.T'l'.lth 1 OKI *. M. D ,‘m:* :■ of I A .:i» r «n»v. tt. if. DO’ * a; '! I’to 1 -'Ktg I *'■ I I. ' ■>■ 'IIN < ! U.IA N. A; ■ • 11 .. mtor if \ i J*t ,||. t '■ * - * ■ ■ » '* ■ ■ ■ ■: ..... I llvVi -ilU.AjiAi i v A'< > L.diiKt. in >;l ami mie tour uiuiiii..-. ilie ii.,--, ii,. i .tKjiau.nv, m: I i*. iuiurßiueaU fin- l*i i tir ii ,\i*R' itnn.re .. i„ .my ui Ut*: *‘oii* try. Liimcu .i --illKi..n, i iim imp.utr I «•„ rim vilj lio-pninl. F’KFH; I’ii-lcpt -f r ts- tvfl.J.* . •t-.e Iq aar- •• • t;o v) . t Mir*• ie'ih’Mir, ffj estrrt-ne, . . ' : '.G [>—• .*,..it>np. . • M.rr»nev, ... - -, . Dh'inWa f»i' l in enrr* ur'*, k _ *‘ , rp-prlw* J. A TJTCA**. Iwen. i AD.MIX LS I II A TUB'S SAI.K. r>y vi. tr.v et*aa«*4*r t the Cwurt ofu'bii y nary .4 -oa .im- r..n i v , will t-a ~ lorpihei mirt H tiw.w.'.i in .he .-try- ~f timfin on thv '1 I iS 'tA in N >re«.rt>er iy.l, i» l* ■ Irtra! 1,.>. ■* >1 wi>. one nr.itje .nn.t I.V -it'inl. it in w**t (fn.fie. ••••wta.rir » B . r »* (he aanre h« w? soti a* the .ntaie of Mr*. Pmilv'P Mnli-ry 1 , ifrnLen»«.l, mi- :li* t,. tt.e hei*« ■talnnjA A.rt,. ( ~n j . j yjaihTy DANIEL k RUCKER, G ! GI.V! .' VL j a Grocers, Protluco 0 -i c Ccinmissioii Merchants, E i'Alli; L - < ’ > : T.-.NP, a un i. sit;inm>. <;a. O k I India at it lit.- .*. id i .* I I \M.MJiI k Mth. Vt ,i eall *:il.l Pe 'M.il/11l htt t#f alfl Mn V*J ■’’ *■ t /t .'.it I >Uy z*. l.iiwil TJMP'J'P f (*'' o*ALnn' Hr., id I h biinfiiiD^np Colossal Circus AND KOI Kill I’iUMTIIOY) J a rU-«M * >v •; i- ,•! \lt 11, NK'.v OR LEA Aub 1 i,; ■’ :v,a ' iol » ur F LYKUY'I him; NK\Y, HYKIIYTIiINH DVi.i: i (nv ur.:fi‘on \i ;;nv W l«i:xl,i: it in GItIFFIN, THURSDAY. O' 1.-r I ltl: 1 so. linariiifii if I m. ; f, I■> r »: Admis.-ion, ■; ; ; * ‘hi! Ji o 1. If- k’a ir v !.»«• I <*, «j; l, ( hil !< ( i Jse * 1 ■ , "> Tit at el.r , ,•;•• ~. r.v • lay. ...... j : ii *:: A«eei.-i',n li-sis mi tlie .'ii!>-:i|« of the | In wit it. five of < linrg. . For i rahiy l.r"i MHIJ ! frlltl’, AG. 4 !•: ■-*- - ..1 * I.:.AL LV.il, i *J{ LEAN \ SYTH’I* MEAT nd lifflTS, nml • * ij 'ld O.;. L, iini', Lr ut aj-.v -i’lT Cl IM’D. si; I’IVHEIU) * ( I r < lucclson V‘ Me A leer, Ii CMI’.KPN AND ('* iITKINMITIIS, fr \ N AN \ A ll OVA). Evert- A** ■( tij.t’on of (• ; trnrk ini*!e lo order. 11.v1.1. I.AM S. GllANTiri.i: ;m, I’emj.vnt U .ms, 1 time Gat Sliii.it Tufa, I .••ml av rirnti Ihjre, t>h i aft I and for -ale. sej.il f, . * fAiiuu; S K WIN < I MA* 'll IN K < tMUANY, Utfd ■ ••)', • New Yulk. | tilAl .Mi .i.y l i;i Sewing uaemnw. ** ) ui|* .e ."n ii v. i r : «i . Molio’t, rSewmg Yla- I cinne. li is ini' re «l i« *i nointd*ss in mcliuii. i u i*/u being dl (** iii \«• >t is not liable to g« t QUI ut <n b i’.. li i- u«- i*t *t. i -iri'ly T^eJtiy A . N I ti<* i." *• Mis , ( < w ne-v «ind i* piaivid Mnnufae i n h *»!.".l»». . lor and L-.»ut. at.d hln#€ i LlL* Ay- .t - wui L'b to whom n li* « ul din* <N»unt vi ;be g'lveiii No eui itfumei.’s will bo rii.-idt*. KM I•li;Mjni, W!N t; MA< iIJ N M iXK »• !: i ■•*•*»*» iju-i JOHNSONS GORDON. ( oin m i>■s in n V! crrha nI >* Giccrt ibs. pit \Tsior S' &a, &c. .U.AIJAM A EfilL'i.T, FIUNKUN BLOCK. Store Hrase For Sale. I-,!.] 1 MEEK" • 'P* . • to rcniovc tofl.c y St<*rc row ' , 1 \ y .f. 11. Wtiite <t C<> l u- v • ?•.■ .* f»*r f.i:-- me Ib*u«c* occnpi. and by il* J;.. It i* cm*-i !r<.l 1 ; many the I * ‘an * ... t h«l«;ilv cx'o pting tl » to, b'-iug n <• rtl r 4**u«c, Uof**et ! .. ‘ b-,-. r*int cf,,rv. *’■ per fit frrtefcst on I iuv•• thrue I)tt it*g heuni for #..!• . -b-ts r .v rn.kN a: roiz s 1 u:: At Auciion. f. -Wr and i»aE iiiii k/i , ».. vi*a > i*' l lv at <*muf »*ip.M|«yM f I,;, |i Jt * trl i I , Fit KoVea I **^ -I <’ ' ■ . ii!Un, judos * j>rirai«iv r*»j e i».»», u.iH *tny au i lot • and town, n<nt • cel \ !:. \ . Mr. .ho,* 1 Lt- o*«-ih')g #-a *h uitaiiiinKsixmatN-*. <*'*d h '•’* « p r - with a *;«». k rovni and h%Hi i-gl\ ■ - • WhJ Al" v a .D* rv »nU, u_i-, i*»hl a tire-f tee iiu enc-li. Th I • • .i.ains 5 iif acre, with a \ iritty of Jruit tro* * fMI JbuOv# ; cir • \ iiofMC lor«c.»«r» >#«. - Ji, H ( AMPUEfj septfg. ’* lla t f lavitb-. U4L TUB MAN WHO FAILS to buy WHFHE THE REST HATICrATX CAJTW IIAD, IS IN TUIy VERY NATI RK OF TIIK CASK KITHPR *9XII. TORN IGNORANT. OR CAURUwSa. rill! QUESTION: WHERE CAN TIII’SK BARGAINS BE FOUND? TRY THE NEW FIRM OF UIFJUIh.DiH, • • ♦ rwi Who Offer their he«t S-rricta, with a LAUGH anl ENTIRELY NEW STOCK of I AM Y & STAIT.K DRY GOODS. Among Mlii'h tF.trJ- "hsmcHt* LttcltW Brcoa GuoJ* in every rarxety. r “ , UUi.N ADINJX KHLfvRHUS I'idSTS. * Ml SKINS E.U’KAIkN, - I'ffFN’C!! JACONETS; M<>/AMUUjEES, ludccd everything liiat tlie must I’.ndidioua eould dc-irc. WHITE (^OOI)S. i.l A CO NET, MVRvS, nIH/ A N DIES N WSOOKS, . , LONG CLOTH-■ lUtsn linens; * INEN LAWNS, 1 < )’IT<)N vV Linen I>IAI?KIiS, StIKEIINOSi Shii#lhj(a. i E-peeial atfc*n*ion D e.illed ♦.> the St nit us LACE POINTS, aud LACK i GOODS generally In KMBItOIDHKIES they cannot he t-urjiamed. The ondLau* vb iit ty of KANt'Y GOODS and YANKKENO'i IONS, forhidu even a partial enumeration, in their diq.arlinnt dcvoteipto €i ILYTI/E.HILYS' WEAR, ’ /.I . i if'-, , , Tl.ay take /••••'fflaj ptide hclii ving as they do, that they offer a stock far superior, in ]■ ! it ! STV* K,b» A I.l'l'Y and *iU ANTITY to auy c\ or bufore opened io Griffin. lo ROOTS AMI SIIOI/S. ’ y •** " -:•«»»« . l or the Million, we simply throw onrsi ives in the fmnf, as neeond to none, erthat in ITii-e, (Quality, Style, or any other particular. The Ladica especially are otfliiitecl toex iinirie i sir stock of we claim to have superiorly in that line »• *• Connected as wo are with tin large.-yiyiiou.-es in this seotion—-wltK <t,.Vew York wholc -a!c house to tepreaent our interest in pun-liases —buying as 4c co for cash, and i.. "■ - / ■ • » ‘Rpcome Permanent In t/iillin, wc think that the trading public will reaijiiy .ice' (hat wo have not n, »V »be M’.iLTIY hut tl.eDlSl’ospnoN and. INTj;,V |'[ON to re*l stfih terms aa , eannut lull t > give at ti-lacticn. I’eiucmbtr '' « ’ Scheuerman, Bro. & Daniel, \t thc-ir . ‘ore, \\ r est side Tlill street, North of "Berks A Stillwell, and opposite (I. If. Ji.hiir'iiY' Hardware tore—Letter hiown as SUIIEU HUMAN’S OLD STAND. Juno 2 i, l v tjti-tl’ ’"■ " -**’ '* » a-'- *0 • Mgav Fli’UOl. I ft #V W. H, G. MICKELBER V »e f ... i* l-t-s l- f- ) ■ r ■ ij WITH SUCCESSORS OF l •»»■. .mJ *vß lr.<*o,».•'•-{-s fWW» REIS, MICKELBERRY tt 80./ ? Tl till «a • H *rf ■ 9 OFFER L'OR SALE AT I'KIGKS Krn ABLE TO r!IFTTMKS ‘ •'* -l-v,nt ms *u!i 1«; tt« *Jc-v oT _ . M „ KK ,»n» »q Kio Coilee, * —* ?■-. Sugar from 16 to 26 cts., per iff., Mackerel, in bbls tl*2s, l-4s and Kite A LARGE LOT OF ! " ; CROCKERY,- IIAUDWAM, NAILS, KNIVES and KORKU, HAND SAWS, SHOVELS aud TONGS, AXES ’ANTITTm'NS, 1 CTOI'ANKF SADIRONS, VHIfiKI/i, BUTTS and SUflCI?!*, TRACK (’MAINS. Brass ltrH'LrS, BAD LOCKS, SKU,LJSTS, AUOERS. OVBNS, BUIS, ETC. HOLtOW WARE, ID. t •- llO(*1'Kl> BUCKETS, ( HORN , BROOMS, painted buckets, tubs, x-e., &c., k< COHN, COHN MEAL AND FLOUH. II ACOJf &c . , ' ' , ' . -,n ■ , V: ttim IIAA4S, PHOHLDERS, SIDF.S, ' ir .. S,-i.- LUn-TTOOL SALT, CANE SYRUP, CUBA MOtASpfB, IhV* Si„-k.i \ IKGINIA SALT, 2yo Bunches hWIFTS and AI/COVY T.cforfr 'I niti'AD. L UIGE L<)T of A, B, and C SCGARS, WANTED. * 4<l » » ■* f?fK*t* Busheli of WHEAT delivered in goo»l M 'K'.dj;** The high eat nurk ct price r r»id Cr C\CON, LARD, PORN, »EAL, hLOpR!rhLVS, Ao„ Aa. Sonihuru Bauk Notea, Gold fc Silver received for (try us the above artielea at that Bisrkct value. _a , i*a -Me -i, s - bblSohWb **■ cc>