Newspaper Page Text
(C. —, - . IMI OSUJ BY
Act of Congri s*, June IHi 4.
Affidarit, fO 05
Agreement or r.iotTV-t, other than
those specified be.ow, any nf>"
pmlsrmont, 0 05
Boult Chock, l>raft <»r order, r arable
nt sight or on demand for amount
|*kde4ing 0 02
ITißwtnt Exchange, (Inland,) Soteo,
t>fcft% or or>W for a Burn not tx
■ I rw 1 * * lo< * 006
f * Wr eterjf amiit’onal fIOA, or frac
t'onal part thereof, 0 05
l{@new*l the lame rate
Hills of Kxc ban_>e, ( foreign,) ot Let
ter! of credit, if drawn singly or
otherwise the* in net* of three or
wmre, ie a turn not exceeding
_ one hundred dollars, 0 05
Kot every additional hundred, or
fi actional part thereof, 0 02
ill! of lading for Goods, Merchan
dize or effect* exported to any for
eign port (except ' ftriliali North
America,) on everV b*»l of each eet, 0 10
end to indemnify a surety, when the
, imeunt recoferahie thereupon is
p Bite thetraand dollars or less, 0 CO
Etch additional thousand, or frac
tional part thereof, 0 50
%ad (nr du# execution or perform
fire of di*ti«a es offi e. I 00
, A! ftr other 'ban those required *,ii
legal proceedings and such are not
other*iso chargeu herein, 025
ertifieate of Stock, in any incorporat-
ed company, 0 25
Certificate of profits, in an incorporat
ed company far a an in not less than
tan aad nqt exceeding fifty dollars, 0 10
Eaceeditig fifty and to t exceeding
one thousand dollars, 0 25
Ciftylifroate of damage, or any doett*
» merit issued hv any fort U'jnlen,
hlaiinr Surveyor, or other person
acting as sin-h, 0 2 6
Certificate of Ihijvosit, for an amount
rrrrt exceeding cno hundred dollars, 0 02
Exceeding one hundred dollar*, 0 05
CjortificHte of anv oil er description,
not herein specified, 0 05
i'•wnrt. Broker's Bole, nr Memo.
-•>infl«tif of sale of good » hr Broker 0 TO
Deed of lain! where the consideration
does not ex. <e I five handled djl*'"
lars, 0 50
From fivo hundred to one thousand
dollars, 1 00 I
tot* every additional five hundred
_ _of fractional part thereof, 0 50
xntry for withdrawal of Merchandize
from Bonded Warehouse, 0 50
ntry of .den haml /•*, for consttmp
lion or warehousing, not exceeding
one hupdred dollars in valuo 0 25
From nno to five hundred dollars, 0 5u
Exceeding five hundred dollars, 1 00
Witsger’s Returns. If for a quantity
not exceeding 500 gallons gross, 010 j
IfxeiV.ding 50(1 gallons gross, 025 j
tusuranca policy, on any life or lives
where lj;u, .amount insured does nut
**n»» iLo'i'-anri dollars, 0 25
r rooi rxtio to five thousand, 0 50
Exceeding five thoi. vnd, 1 00
Assignment# or Ifaiis, r same rates,
liibiii si ce, Marine, Jiiisrte' and Fire
Risks, where the tuecniv’ ,u does
not exceed ten dollars, 0 10
.?xi ‘Hing fen qml not excecu'
fifty doiiair. 0 -5
Exceeding fifty hoHltra,
Assignment or transfer same rale.
Lease, Agreement, Memorandum, .s
rortract, for tho hire, vise nr rent
of any land, tenement or portion
thereof, where the rent or ranta.
va'tie does m-t exceed three huu* j
dr<-1 do'lars per annum, 0 50 I
Exceeding tlie mm of three luin
d'ed dollars per an'.utn for each
addition and two hundred or frac
tional part thereof, 0 50 i
Assignment or Transfer same rate.
Measurer's Returns. If for a quan
tity liot exceeding 1000 bushels, 010
RUfceeding one tlnrsatid bushels, 025
Mortgage of Estate nr l’roperty
Ileal or l'ersiiiial, exceeding one
In ldred- and not ex ceding five
hundred dollars, 0 10
FnC hundred to one t! ■ us.m l dol
lars, * . 0 25
For (■ riMv additional five hundred
-or liai tional part thereof, 0 50
Asxtgjumont or li msfet same rates.
Power of Attorney to sell or transfer
St cks, Bonds ct Script, to collect
"Xnrfdends, Interest or Rent, 0 25
U vet* at elections in anv incor
; poeatad compstir, or societv. (ex
cept religueua, charitable, or liter
arv societies, or public cemeteries,) 0 10
To sell, convey rent or lease Ileal
Estate, ’ 1 00
To perform all other acts not here
lofbrS mentioned, 0 50
promissory Notes, same as Inland
Bills of Exchange.
* same rste.
* rrfbate of Will or Letters of Admins
* istration, where the estato does not
" Bxeeed the value of two thousand
* ’MolHrs; 1 00
•• tor' eaclr addition.l thousand or
fractional part thereof, 0 50
Protest of Note, Bill of Exchange,
* Acceptance, Cheek or Draft and
* MnHne, 25
Ofteipts, Warehouse, for floods held
on Storage, not otherwise provid
ed for in any public or private
e warehouse, not exceeding five hun
dred dollars. 10
Exceeding five hun lied and not ex
ceeding one thousand dollars, 20
tfoeipts for the payment of anv sum
of money exceeding twenty dollars, 2
W rits, original, (except those issued
1 y a Justice of the Peace and those
..-sued in prcx-ci,utious by
the fctflte*,) .* 50
When tho amount claimed in the
writ issii®d by a Court, not of Re>
cord, one hundred molars or over, 5b
Upon every confession of Judgment
or one bnn.dre I dollars ot over,
•{except fn those cases where the
„ l* x far tVe writ for the commences
•neat of a suit fine been paid,) 50
* IV ritsor other process on appeals
*from Justices Court or other
Lotrttsof infittor Jurisdiction to a
oiCß«x Old. 5u I
♦vXilEtlv of Ili Uretr, w hen the ain't
Jot; t.i txcee-1 one hum
•HH* *V*n if ]
U>* -d - 'itd iJcltar •,
M adame e. r TiioKNTr>x. ts« ei r.tK n
iriUlt Clrfrfoyi»l nr..|
otnetriciin, wl».* h«* i«u>iii>hr<t tl»*
t-liMf t ll»# Old World, !»*• now J
•t IJudron. X. Y. M*d*nv# Tlturnlon
*u* h *ron<l#rful of *#-#«»».<! *iglit, a* :« #*n*
*i i# li#r to imparf im
|x>rUiir« t*» th*» Aif.iri# or •>( #i’h#r di.
WhiU in a *i«t# «»f *l*^d#liT.e-nt#* tl»# \#ry
fcAtur#* «*f lit** y*»u *r# to uitrty. *ii<| l*y
th# aid of an «fi-T»it o' |Ki»er known
*• tl*# P«\rhofn< t r*#j.# phara’ Up* t« !«.*# *?
h(« |»k# pleturoof th# future huaband *r m f« of
th# •■ith data of in at ring**. [>••*
rition in lif>. Iradit tiaila of #hara«:t#r. i%c ll*i«
i# no htifohog. a* tiiouiaO'lt of U«Uin»niti<
aa#*rt. will *«*nd when drdred a cartifird
! eerUfiente. or wrilt*-ii {*t.a- that !!** f>ifto:e
li* what it purport* t« !»-. Hy #*■• I *»' ts "
lofk of hair, »i.l <atii|f plw#** *>f I* »*i». 'i : *
position and#o»»»pi*» and if •'*«* <
an I atampad envelope add»r.-** l t** \<* jrs*-»f. you .
will rernv# tl»# j iclcrr ai J de*ire<! »fif**rro.itioll
hy return mad. Aii *ea-i«M;t atiicily con
fident iaL A«!drra#. in e*»r.*.d#««ce. Madame h. t.
Thornton. P. O. Ho* *j:t, lludawn. N Y.
| NKW PfIi’MOGNOMY. or ‘-iun-■ k (‘harm
tak,*‘ *• man»fe*ted through Temperatneiil tnd
Kxtrrnal foima. auj **!»•»«■-ially in th# “hew as vacs
m%isr.** (>ne t v«»!nn»e, titli rifarlv 80*)
Kditor Phrfnnl'-ejtml J■ rnai. F'n ’c. |w**tp*»d,
th. Addreaa Fowler »t Wells, No. Broadway.
I New York.
folly ill' strated. * 1 well * it- and t<* tin* want* of
all. !ti at tidy of the face” t'je rea*hr n
learn* t«» read each imd ftrrv fwat”rr. at #
clarified a# the notuan. (ire*-*!*, .Ie *i#h. Snuh and
('alenlia! The eye* #p«ak all languni:*-#. w hether
h’a«k. blue, brown or linzd. In a like manner
cheek#, neck, ear*, hand* feet. wa k. voice,
et?.. arc *hown tt> b# • _;n** of ebaractcr.”
In no other work . ■*«> much light thrown Oprt>
the character and dcMiny of mankind a* in thi#,
ior the diatiiu live trait# of nation# and tribes »o
clearly pointed out. Poitruit* “f distit.(fir*hcd
j peieous of anient ami modern time*, with bio
graphical #k» U'be* and thdinen' u»«» «>f character,
j nre |pven. (tr»t<»r*. Stat«**rn#n, *r
| lifts, Artieta. Poet*. Phil* 1 | b I-. !nv*nt4*i«
'Surgeon*, rt|*cov#*rc r*, Acf«*i#, Mu-icinn*. etc,
1 nre included. Jt is an ‘Knryrt»>piedi«i , «#f biog
raphy, tJje with tin* career
and chatacter of many gi* at men and women of
the past 2.0U0 years. st»d r s the present—sufti,
for inafance *■• Ari*toth'» t .luliu# (Vsar, SbaK*-
pearc, Washington. Napoleon. Frank in. Bun
croft, Bryant, I ongfellow. Irving. Ko*a Bon
heur. Theodosia Kurr, Cobdcn. Kl'irlit I.awiciice.
Bolivar, \Vliat#b*v, Tliackcrny. I »ow . Knox. l»i#h
eliei , Hopper. Buckle, I>icken*. V - toiia. Wesley,
Carlyle, Motley, Mill, Sp«*ncer. Thompson, Guih«
tie, Alexander, nn I hundreds of A.-kst#
a STY.v. 800 t sent by return j> or expres*. on
receipt of price. ar.2,ti»-3w
(mm r*. nxouT. tik*.< u manmiam.
FINDhAV & M A N<;n AM.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
AM' rUOVlSlt*.\< i.I NERALI.Y,
Winis, l.jqnors, t’lgars, Tuhacco, IT nils, Candy,
Nutn. Ac.
BitxiMi -lliu-r, oppnaiTß fiust mtiovai. hank,
XI A t o.A, t; KuUUiA.
J>. M. RYAN,
t | ANTFAtm KKU of Ka rtell Kurr Mill
aVI Stoiu*#. Mill >|iin(lleH, Mill Maeliincry. «»f n1 i
<le#f npiMuia . Steam Krffin##. Saw Mill#
Hoist'r.jr Scr#w*. Smut MBe!iin»* Bdrinpf anti
Holli*iif 4'loth, Screen Wire. Mill H-nstlcr of
Pari*. nl'VHVtk on hun«l n»wl riiMtle to frefer. A 1
ir kirk still f'V nie u-nrniiitt tl 1 ,t'm» crntr.lct for
«'i ec’ion <*f PltMli ii'iT Mill*.
4a>, orot !1. Oil * 1 »t re#t .*. \ \ S\l
t IU.E, '«'» •>>• A f
AGENTS wanted in every TOWN,
So tit tier u 11 into! v of the "nr,
E A poI.IARD, Kit.b'r Kiclintond Examiner.
2 tub . s to . ulunit 67 5 pages each ?",&u per v-d.
With 2" plendid Meel I'oitiiiUs
This is the only complo •• «"d authentic history
of the t-nuthern side puliln lied, extending ns it
does, tmin the OTgvnning of the war to the final
surrender of the t onfe.lerute hi *iue«.
Mr. Polhir.l'a prominent |iosit.'.ll in the Confs-l
eiaev Inis eimhled him to prepare -i wink line
qmile.! in aecuiai an . interest. ;»r. 1 winch is ev.
~| V w heie aeUnowledgeii to hethe Si'Uidard .*-oiit|,
erti History. It elimtld linn a place in vt ery lihiar v
With 17 r-plcmlht Met I Portraits,
1 >ol. S vii . .Mm pages, s4,f 0,
Containing Biographies of the distinguished South
ern Generals, with fil l atul graphic accounts
of the various campaigns inwltich they were
engaged. It is a most important and l iter, s.
tire volume, ami has been prepared with the
utmost rare ami thoroughness.
1 voL, 12 nto.. 324 pa-es: one and dlur and a half
with Authentic Potraits if JACKc-t'N and his
successor 1 WELL,OiI steel.
*ll,is 1- the otilt ill .** * his! ry f this listir
guid ed leader 'which has been ti J"-" It
has been pr. pared ftomOffi. i .1 reports content) o
rnry narratives, atri j.frsoi:al, and
• o complete aid full.
With Steal Potrait of General. MORGAN, 1 vol
12 mo , 424 pages, f[, so . nty-flve cents,
A complete history of th'.s daring officer,
more thrilling and int. —ting than
Disticgnished ia Literature
(hie Yol . l'u»iii . Pi\ o 'it! <Jiv*! iimi «‘lev#n |<a
£***. I hro# flollar# and a h .ls, Mlnstratpti u ivli
Sui# (ii<l I‘t'trait*, «»n iteol, f-urn life, of
Mmv Oa.WI l \\ ALTt)N 1 1- \ LIU,
Mi## Maria J.
Mitfu Rusa V tiros eh J-)linß*ym p
Mn. A nxi k Cos a a Htt ime,
Mm Arc.rsr% J. E\ ana.
Mr> L. Yitojim.% Fuea ii,
Marion Haulasand.
An 1 contaii.iiikc f'ji! bioifriiphical skeT«K#» anj
•(Hciinen extrav'ts from th** most oWebratfU writ
it pT* pros# ami vorte, of
All the ahure work-* nr# having an rmas#ns#
snl#. aritl ag#nts nre doing ?| '**odidlv ever} wher#
many making from >e:i tv» ti-teeli dollars per day
We waut an agent in ever} town in tW S#«tn
ern State-. Returned Soldiers. I.adse*. Teneh#rs
and others, will find t!"> u.uat profitnVlc employ*
Kxe4«k»ive territory given, and l:Wn>4 m.iwe
menlA i tc» eanvaf>ers.
hr lu.’l nurti-.’Oiwra iit'Ju^
(. L- VRJ)S‘ »N FtiWieher
5 <0
/\CK >TvX-K OP
in now ewmfdeTe. vW invite au exwminatiou n
Sugars. Coffees, Teas, floxlf* and Rice
r ' K T UR.
sr <; A it - II ot s k *yr vr.
Mackerel. Codfidi, lierms*.
li##f tonguvt, Oy§t#rs, Sardis
lie FimU, (' an Fruits’ f*ate«.
Kai*ni§, Prunes, Figs and Nt
«.f all ki oK
Kc-. I.a oj*. Wick*. Cliimneys, and 0
C*:i.lh« in Parnrto# W»j. Ntsr mi*l Tallow, Far
a: *M>k Candy •*» 2r#at variety.
Mi He. Butter . W’ine. Eqtj and
/’lain Crorker* Fre*h Dairy
atul State Cheese
sNfavs o-* hand.
Smoking and Cht icing Tobaccu
in ?rN*nt vaiiety.
_ hr is,-., i: uut aim Mi those gr.r.di ikai
Housekeeper Hady need*.
h«jr prices, s** preferour Customers to exercise
th* ir own judgment.
U • solicit a call from our friend*, a:#d the pub
lic gnet ally
Pee 27.
Paints, oti.s and «».ass.
i\ ii. Johnson •.* fou*tHntw receiving
n .d.i s-ni;'* 'll. Mill Street, a large assort melt
of in his line, uhii-li lie is selling at
» Imlesale ami -etHil as low us they can b« bought
iu any inter ior market.
Thi!Ms CASH.
Insure Jour Property!
C. 11. JOHNSON is Agent for the
Sot TIIhllN M! TVAL Company, of
Athens. < .a . Capital, **^35,000
HIK H‘»MK Insurance Company of New
York, ncn:«
PIitEMX A PL’TNASI Company of Hartford,
Connecticut, and other good Companies.
Ki*k* are »«>!: i!ed on Cotton, Merchandise
Furidtiite, and Buildings.
proiiiptlv adjusted.
Pec 27 ts
A. Sill LMAN’S
j\ T cw Store!
riill Street - Griffin.
r rm: l .\*PF.RsK;NKP desires to inform hi*
1 old friends, fihd the public in general, th*t
be ha* returned to ins old stand on ilill street,
where he has opened a large lot of
rlAlitjcM aMM
Dry (toodfi!
Sll \WLS, CDT.IKS, and ali Ladies arti
rivs, in gpni-ral AM so, CLOTHING,
h a, I
«| all kinds.
That thi* stock of Honda has been Sought under
th** last heavy dee’ine in good-*, and that he can
sell l icin. aecoidi: gly,
At much loicer Priees
than they li.ive been sold for during the last two
*.* thi ♦ e moii. h*.
t.d buy your good* of
Hill Street.
C4T Two doors above F.ngel’s corner, Griffin
tieoigia. eep‘22—Brn
OF YOUTH-A gentleman who
I a ru*h r»-d if»r \ crti'i from Nervous Hehility,
I’iemiruiv Decay, a 1i il t lie #ff**ct* of youthful
iudiffifft-tion. will, for the *«k# of Miffering human
ify. free to all who r il it the receipt and
directions for making llie imple remedy hv
! which he wa* cur»-«i. Sufferers wishing to profit
1 \ the ndveif isvr ■< experience, can do so by ad
• iie.-sirg in perfeet conti !
jchn;i'.. ogdex.
opJO-l iw3rn* No. 42 Codar St . New York.
A anti Grand I'pacli in Medi
cine !
Pr Maooifi. i* the founder of anew Medical
System ! Ib# 4pi;mtitanaMS. whose vast internal
doses enfeeble ti e stomach and paralyze tiie bow
els. must £ive precedence to the man who restores
health ftiid appetite, with from one to two of Ins
extaoidinnry Pill*, and cures the most virulent
sores with a box or so of his wonderful and all
h* i!it.g Salve. These two great’ specifies « lie
llortor .ire* fast superseding all the stereotyped
.nostrum* of the day. Extraordinary cures by
Maggiel’s Pill* and Salve have opened the eyes of
the public t« the inefficiency of the (so eal'ed)
remedies of others, and upon which people have
*n long blindly depended. MaggielV Pill* ore
not of the el i** that are swallowed by tiie dozen,
°'“l of which every box lull taken creates an ab
solute necessity for anolker. <.>*»c or two of Msg
•;#P.* J’il!.* «ufiices to place the bowels in perfect
urder, tune the rtomaij., Create on appetite, and
render the spiiitsl’Vbt and buoyant! There is
no griping, and no rc&utb n in the form of consti
pation. If the liver is affected, its functions are
restored ; and if the ifervous system is feeble, il
is invigorated. This last .quality n hes the medi
cines very desirable for the want® of delicate fe**
i males, rieerorr* and erupt rre oh senses are liter
ally extinguished by ihe disenfeclant power of
IJiLLors, asi> Diabruoea Pills
cure where all others f«rf. While for Hums.
Scalds, LUilblains, Cuts and all abrasions of the
-kin MAtGiELft Salve is infallible. Sold by J
M iticiiu. 11 Pine Street, New York, and all Drug
g sts. at 25 cflits per box. [s«p4—ly
E ail road Meeting.
riIHE annual meeting of the Stockholders of the
U. li. C(> . v ill be held at Now nan, ou Till'Hij-
P*\Y, October 4th. 1 Stub
The me**:i« g called f». 2Tth September will, in
consequence, be postj*oned.
Aii the fiienda of this enterprise art cordiallv
invited to fitted t!;e annual meeting Stockhold
ers, especinliy. will be represented, as b**ir.eas of
jht uttnosi will be brought up for eon*
l U orde. ti C. IL Johasofv,, President.
S. w. manguam,
sei 20—2 w Sec. and I reasuret
Wanted to Eent For 1867,
fpilREB conrfcetnl 1 ? dwelling Houses, suitable
1. for small fasnilrss. Tho*e situated near the
central part of th# #it\ p. cfvne-L
xppi v to * a .t cr/>ci>
blood ot nnn | pills
blood Bhuui# dills
Blood - n pills
BLOOD -pv-r -j- i" r| PILLS
Blood Purifier!
rom rratM
Brrofnla, Syphilis. Skin IMa
ca*e, Oltt Sores, Suit Jiheuui,
Dyspejtuiaor Indigestion,
lAver CottiplalnlSf Rheumatism
JTever anti Ague. St. An
thony's lire,
tlrysipeias, Tntnorsf Eruptions,
I-'its, Scrofulous Con
sumption, etc.
m <M H M
ONE person writ#*, her daughter was cured
**f Fit* of nine j ears’ sUuidiug, kh»l bt V.lus*
dan< e c*f two )#ars.
ANO'I II KK write#, hi* «on was cured *Her
hi* flo.ih had almost waj>!el away.
Th# dp.*ir»r* pronoiirued the ■ a*e incural»!e.
A SOTHER was cured of Fever and Agwe af
ter try ns erery medicine .n hi* reach.
ANO'IHKK was cured of Fever Sore which
ba«l es:*ced fourteen year*.
ANOIIIKR of of eight years.
Ch*c# inmimerahle of I>_v>|*ei*# a and Liver
Comidaint co»jM be mentioned, in which the
Purifier and Pills work like u charm,
Are the most art ve and thorough pills that
have ever txen iptro*lu<*ed. They a*.t so dj
rsctly upon the L ver, excififfg that ortnrr to
such an extent as that the svstem and *e* not re
lapse into its former condition, w hich is too a; l
to be tiie case » ill simply a purgative pill.
They are really a
and. in conjunction with the
Nt ill cure all the aforementioned diseases, and,
of themselves, will relieve and cure
Headacbeff Costivenesa, Colic
Pains, Cholera Morbus,
Indigestion, Pain in the Bowels,
Dizziness, &c., &c.
Stomach Bitters!
Bhould be used by convalescents to str ngtheo
the prostration which always follows acute
Try these medicines, and you will never rs
irret it. Ask your neighlxvr* who have used
mem, and they will say thev are GOOD
MEDICINES, ami you should try them t>e
ore going tor n physician.
Successors to Dr. C. \V. Rchock,)
ffos. 60, 68, 00 & 02 E. Third St.,
Are Sold by all Druggists and
Dealers in Patent Medicines
9The Greatest Dlwvery of the Age!
Tho Suffering Public will be glad to know that
HAS been wrested from oblivion by a company
of gentP~;en. and nf an in outlay «»f capital, has i gain been placed be
fore the pecpG. W# do not dni^> : t tr» be a cnrir
aU, lik# some of the noptihYma of th»* day ar'' said
to be; but we do say that it possesses ad vantarges
over any other krown compound for the cure »»f
Inffaftnnatory and Ulcerative diseases and a* an
Alleviator of Pain. It will not only alleviate . but
will cure a vast niajorby of the following diseases,
such as Inflarnation and Ulceration of the Mouth.
Threat, Stomach, ami Bowls, Colic of any kind,
lht*enterij (or Flux) Diarrhoea. Pile / 'iptheria.
In ffamutaturw Rheumatism : and is also un inval
ualbe remedy for Xenralpii. Fleers of an j kind
(not malignant.) Fruption*. Bern*. Scald*, Bruise*,
1 ’nt s, Bone Fello *, Stc Hen (Hand-, Soie Eye*,
Far and Tooth Aches, Spinal Atfec'iout, d:e. And
in Couyhn, we challenge the world for its equal.
Ordinary coughs it will cure. In Pulnroncry Con
sumption. Asthma, and Brouchitis it is the best
palliative known!*
The Superintendent of this Company is a Grad
uate of the M of Na*t ' ill# . and
from long ex;wri«*nce in his profession, and a good i
knowledge ot Uhemistry. lie Jra«* been intrusted
with the selection of chvtriic&ls for the manufac
ture of the mediciiie, and linn been and will be
-.•areful to select the very finest materials to be
fmmihn either foreign or home markets, and we i
are satisfieti that the article we are now putting
up excels any forner article of ih# same kind mr
purity of eheniical*. and must be more efficacious. 1
We place lire “ Elwkka On. * before tiie world,
and L,*«»n its nr.ei its or demerits it must ri*eor;'all.
Rut we know if the peoyle will try it, they w ill
be more than satisfied.
For sale by all the principal Druggists every
where throughout the country. Compounded by
(U W. Caorr. the original manufacturer, for ti e
Eureka Oil Manufacturing Company ut Atlanta,
Plied at retail $1.25 per bottle. Liberal Jeduc- !
lions made to the trade.
For sale bv
D.nppists, 11
East side Hill street, Griffin, Ga, g |
BY virtue of an order prarJed by the Ordinary ;
of i'ike County, aid t;e sold h®fore the
Court House door, in the town <4 Zebulon, on the
first dl ESDAT is Xovendicr next, between the 1
legal hours t»f sale, a'! the lands belonging to the
estate cf r.Tritar-1 My lie k, late oC sail county, de 1
ceased, consisting; of parts es |..s« No's 10ft, MS* i
IDS, 120. 104. and 121. containing in all 393 acres,
(more or less), said land being situated in the 9ih
District of originally Monroe, (rctw Pike county).
The notice required by latv having been given,
the sale will tak-* place as aßrve or Ihe purpose
of payirg debts due by said estnie, anti aria. Ihe
claims of legatees, and distribution.
bulling Harris,
»epl9—4otf* Executors.
I Richard H Sims, administrator of Goswire
W . Mar tin,deceased, a| pbes to me for an order to
sell the land belonging to said rstate for tbe ben
efit erf the heirs and credittore.
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
person* nemniw to be and spiear at mv office
within the time prescribed hy l .iv, to show cause
if any exist, why stsai order should not he granted.
Gi' *n under ray h tnd ot office this IQffTday of
e«l*t- IK D. DWMHKK. (Vdit ary. ]
Legal Adyertltemento.
.Yotice to Debtors and Creditors.
AhMlNtsTkATolfs SALE. j
C - * EOiiGlA—SPAUine Coc*tt—By virtM ,f!
V til Drd«r from the Court of Ordinary of
•aid Cobnty will I* »old hrfr-re the Court Boom
door Jn Miu Couh'.J, between the oShal hotlH of!
•ole on the fiiat TCESuAT lh November neat,
eight \ -mx oere* of Und of lot number eleven. (No
ll.) Third In«tnct o 'originally Henry, no* Spoil-
county, nine mileo north- »e*t at Griffin, od
joinine the lurid, of J. H. Slorr. R .bt. Andrew*,
and S.mnel El Hide,, the lame being aold a» the
e.’ote of W I). Starr, deceoTed for the tienefit of
the beira.and creditor*. H. M. STAR#.
*cp4 Adtffr c.tate of W D Starr. dec'A
\ Y Kli*ha T. Kendall. Administrator of Win I
neford Kendall, and aj-plie. to me for l-ave
to .ell the land belonging to said e#t sit tit tte
benefit of heir, aud creditors.
These are. therefore, to cite and admen,
isli all parties iutercated to be and appear at
my office witbin th* time preaertb-d Rr la# to
.how cause, it any eilft. w?iv ail Vrtttt aiithoriring
the »a!e 0 f d,e Ui.ds of said estate should not be'
Given under my Rati? *t o*l«e. t6ia 17th dt*y o
Septemtier iS«6. F. D. MSMLKE.
s< p 19—SoiJ Ordinary |
( f EUP.GIA. SPA I.DING Cttl'Ntt--*hei-cSa
T Joseph C. Ban.on. Guardian of Wilaam T
Askew. nbplies to fr.c fcT Riter, of
siou from fiiid gtiardiamhifc this said Ward hav
ing arri-ed tc.the age (4 Twenty-on* years dud
had a full and finSf SMtlefnenl ♦ith hiffi.-
w These are therefore to ciie and admbniah all
persons corcerned. to be and appeal at my office
wiihin the time prescribed by law. and 4 show!
cause, if any exist, why .aid letters of di.hfiaaibn
ould r.ol he granted*
Given under my hand at office, this the 119 Aiy
-eptember. 1566. F. D. Dlr-MUKE, Ur’y\.
Oct. I—tod
T R. F. Mann applies to me for letters of
i Dismission on llrtT of Rhoda Hamil
late of Mid couny, deceased.
Tiiese are. therefore to cit< and admonish al
perwsns interested or concirned to iff and appear
at my office w ithin the tirne prescribed It* to
show cause if any ejfttt Why iutii lelfifa of 9it
; mission should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office this 15th August,
| 186 ft. Bin F. D. DI9MUKE,
yT George W. Grant and E W. Beck. Executors
j"f 11. P. Kilpatrick, deceased apply to me for
I letters of dismission on said estate.
| These are therefore to cite and admoniah all
; persons concetned, to tie and appear at my crfttt
within the time prescribed by law. to »boss ca-frec.
if any exist, why such letters of dismission *fi(Hild*
not be granted.
Given under thy hand at office, this August
15th. m» v F. D. DISMUKB;
angT6—6m Ordinary.
T David P. Eldfr. Guardian of David D. Ma
lair and Elizabeth A. t?7nj, formerly Elizabeth A.
Midair, applies to me for letfer's ~f <v.sritTsSi?b)'-.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
persons concerned to be and appear at my office
! within the time prescribed by law. ana show
cause, if any exist, why such letters of dismission
j should not he granted.
Given under my hand, at office, this the 14th
Jay of August, 186 ft. F. D. DISMUKE.
anglft—ftrtd Ordinary.
VLL persons indebted to the estate of James
W Middlebrooks late of Spadling bounty.
decea«ed. are notified to come forward and settle
immediately, and tlio-e having demands sgainst
j -aid estate are requested to pre-ent them duly
authenticated iu terms of the Vv-v.
suglft Administrator.
/ 1 r.t'Rfil ftp;iLMS'rt COUNTY.—'WKeren.
" J -Limes II Logan appl'.s to me for letters ot
dismission ns administrator on the estate of Hugh
Ham,l, deceased, he having admtrtiYYereg
’ and wound up said estate.
■ These ate therefore to cite and direct all persons
1 con-m-n-d to be and appear at my office within
the ti- ic prescribed by law. and sli..t» -sttw rs any
I exist why said letters ofdisysse**# sHotibfindf be
granted. Given under my hand at mv offide this
May 7th. 1866. F. D DIsSIUKF..
May 17-6 m OrdhnFy
r Joseph X Harrs, Executor of tne Estate ot
! Jacob W. Andrews, deceased, applies' to me for
an order to sell the Real Estate belonging to the
Estate of the said Jacob W. Andrews.
The«e are therefore to cite and admonish all
persons interested or concerned to b> aud appear
a* my office within the tirne preserve hy law, to
I show cause, if any exist why such orefe? shots-d
J not be granted.
Given under my K.vhd at <rSft'e r rtiJf 2nd day of
! August, 1806. F. D. DLSMUKE. Ordinary.
BY virtue of an order from the Ordinary of
Spalding county, will be sold before the
Conrt lleatse door in the City of Griffin, between
1 'he usual hours if sale, orrthe fiist Tuesday in Oc
totier next, the More House formerly occupied
by Peter Farrar, deceased. Said House is situated
on Hill street in the City of Griffin; the building
is 35 feet wide hy 90 long, two stories high, with
a cellar same dimensions as the house. The same
is a recently ere« ted briek building, and fs one of
the best in Griffin, building contains a store room
tip stairs, together with other rooms that are very
profitable for rent.
Also, at the same time and place will be .-old
*2O acres of Land adjoining the Southern portion
of the City of Griffin being woodland and well
situated for building purposes.
Also, will be sold before the Court House door
in the county of Meriwether. on the First Tues
day in November next, one hundred and eighty
acres of land known as ihe Dur ham place, adjoin
ing the (arms of Sheffield on the West, Jackson on
the North, Fears, on the South ; one hundred
acres of said farm being in a high state of cultiva
tion. the greater portion of the remainder in the
woods. All the above property being sold as the
Estate of Peter Farrar, deceased, for the benefit
of the heirs and creditors of said estate.
Administrator of Peter Farrar, deceased.
August 9, 1866-tds
/ ' Et»ilG lA—PALDING COUNTY.—Whereas.
VT James N. Simons, Executor on the estate
of John Simmons, deceased, applies for leave to
sell real estate of deceased for the purpose of dis»
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all
persons concerned to be and appear at my office
witbiu the time prescribed by law to show cause,
if ary exist, why an order authorizing the sale of
said land should not he granted.
Civen under my bond nt office, this August 9th
1856. 7. D. DISMUKE, .
aug9—6od Ordinary.
John U Moor. Administrator of the eaUt
of Lee Strickland, late of said countv, deceaae.
applies to me for letters of dismission?
These are therefore to cite and admonish t v
persons interested or concerned to be and appv
at my office within the time prescribed by law,
and show cause if any exist, why said laftias* ft
dismsaskin should not be granted*?
Grveti under my hand at olttee, this fbe Mth af
August. 1866. F. D. DfSWtTRE,
trrgl —*u> Ordinary.
'VV’TLL BE SOLD before the Court Uouae
v Y door, iw lire city sf Grifiht, on the trst
TUESDAY iu November, one lot, cohtaining one
acre (more er less.) bounded as follows : On the
soreh y by Sotcwaoo street ;on the west, by Mrs.
ClrawnU, eu tbe north, by an alley, and on the
east by Kcnrtk street, known and levied on as the
property of !>. Ik" IknaJ,and poin'edout by the
piaimr*. P. R. Wridanz Prtperty levied ou hy
Constable and turned oWr to me.
ee]>l9 —lf»d Deputy Sheriffs
OFFICE I p-staifj Front Orner Rood Joaevs'
Unildit g. ‘
March 19*rm
Georgia— srsiDixo Cova-n
--kindred at and ereftltbra of Beat',
ct said county, deceased. hegiecU and decline ,
sne oat letters of admlnit!rauon on the .
Mid deceased, thaw. Uerrfb™ i
admonish the kindred khd creditors of aaid a
to be and appear a. rvy oßcc with,, J.
time pre-enbed by law. make application ard
eel** *a»d administration, or 1 Shall at lean. P
H. Coohotij* ble.k bf the >hperior Courl^td„' , • ,
latratttr tjh hid estate Given under tnv'l... n”"
Office, tbll lit fwptemLer IMS *J haad at
■T 4 f. V- DISMUKE. Ordh>my
/TEORGU—sraLCtrt C* l-trrt.— %bZitTiT
, J ”, Coimotlv. Admmiatratnr ou the en.iT:
James W. MiddtkfiHfVks. Bett«u*d, W
for leave to sell the land* h*4oi,gin* to7aid
for the ben. fit of heirs and creditors. 1 b*„* ,4t *
to cite and admonish all peHbns concerned t
and appear at tn> bfflce witbiu the tim e
I by law. and show can*, if any exist, wny mn*
■ der should nqt be granted authotuine «.„( * j
' Istratbr tb tell mi.T lands. 8 Adu “ a '
I Given under By hand at office this
It, 1866. F. D. DU^cloT**’
, . Ordinary
ES EORG I A—SpsLiuxo Cocxtt.—Whereas Wn
I *■ *^ —Tv—Itgletree—applies to tne —fue lettww —f
■ Guardianship of the person and nrotven. .
Adeline G Colbert.* minor and orphan chiM
j A. G. CMbert. deceased, in place ot A. A. GtuM*
ing. removed. These are therefore to cit* ./l
admenish all persous concerned to be and inn* °
at my office #ilb)n the tin.e prescribed by |»l r
j and show cause, if any exist, why said lett’er, i
SuardianiWp should not be granted. Given a ‘
er thy hand it office this 4th dsy of Ker,t.r»iJ!?
'l***- F.D. DISMUKE
9e Ti Ordinary.
State of Georgia —sfalmno cyuxtt
Whereas Jacob F. Chapman applies t 0 m« U.
letters of Guardianship for the person and n.J
-erty 6f Elijah 11. and John Roger.
| end orphan children of Elijah 11. Rogers and ’
erased. These are. therefore, to cite aid z.iPT
ish all parries interested to he and appear at ta
■ office within the time prescribed by luw to s!
tause, if any ens', why such letters should 3
be grantea.
Given nn.ier fny hand at office this 3d /
September. 1866. F. D. DISMUKE °*
_ _ Ordinary.
* Emory Winship, Adniiuivt.alor of Witii IB v
A Rc-»ffii,g, deceased applies to me for an order
rfuthoriztng the sale of a fiortion of the Unde be
longii.g to said estate, for the pm pose of pavicr
debt#: to wit. a dome and lot in the city of Gris.
These are, therefore, to erte and admonish a >»
persons concerned to be and appear at my otfi« 9
within the tiaie prescribed fiy jaw to show cause
if any exist, why an oY#*r sraWrlfing the f ,t. J
Mid laud should but 6e granted.
t. V DISMUKE, Ordinary
Tjfr virtue of an order grai ted bv the Ordinarv
JJf df Like county will be sold before th.
Court House door in the town of Zehulon in « 0 W
County, on the first TUESDAY in November next
between the legal hours of sale, all the lands be
longing to the estate of Alfred Wiggi,,., ) tte
Bike County, deceased, lying in said" < on'ntv ad
.jbihtng the lands of (iiles' Driver, Matthew Cn*
and others, containing five hundred and fik
(BfRT. itifFes. more or less, ithe widow's dower ex
cepted.) Fold for the hrnefit of heirs and credit
or* of said ilec eased Terms cash, unless circi.m
stances should transpire previous to, or on the
day of sale, that would make it neee»sarv to .*5
it on time. CADESMAN !*(i'PE,
sep6--40d* Administrator
BE SOLD before the Court H-tt* e
v * door, ill the city of Griffin, hetwee* tl lc
usual !#.«r* df sale, on the fi ft* Tl ESf'At iw
November' one house aid lot in theeitv»f *csex. Srrrire or less.) know*
*** '** Tot whereon KP. Tyson. Jr._ , : „ w ]e «idrs.
and l.oandeJ on the South hv a street, on the
west In an alley, on *V non I, by a lot « hereon
Mr. llat kett now lives. Al-o, se.en'eiti eof
fi-s. one safe, two tressels. one wardrobe
• mall te*<ndl» bedsteads. 1 woik bench, 1 stool. |
lot setap Iwvber, T 1 rtt lumlier, 1 siniill w. r*
stand. 1 lot cat s aodjttgs p-iint-ctip* aid bit:»h>«
and 1 stove and pipe. Levied on as tl e proper-*
ty of K-. V. Tysttm, Jr.
A One let of lard, eontahttng one half (tv
acre, Ilnote or less.) with two wmk-sln.;.s thereon,
bounded on the by an alley, on t ie south
hy a lot fronting on Solomon street, on the east
hy Roheit Pilketton. and on the west by E t)(f
ford's and Henry Banks's stoic rooms fitJsted'ia’
the city ot Grifirn. Levied on ss the propr*ty J of
A. W Benlinm .t Cos., to satisfy a t-; 6v. issued
from the Superior Court of Spalding County, Ga
Simon 11. Facders vs A. W Benhatn’k Cos. Trow
perty pointed out by S. 11. Sanders.
cpPr-Vi _ It B » YAL, Sleritf
WHA. *P. *■' r>V tv S-A>r- »he Uonrt' H'JttW does
A flie c-.t-f of Griffin -n ths first TtEB-*
DAY in fsek-ber rse;st, one hoitse atnf lot. know*
as the Middle Georgia Medical Col.ege, situated
on Broadway, near the Macon A Western K. R.
IJ.-pot, levied on as the property of Edward F.
Knott, to satisfy costs on several fi. fa ’s issued
from Inferior and Superior Courts of Spaldttg
County. John L. Doyal vs. Edward F. Knott,
James M. Couch vs. Edward F. Knott, and others
At the* jtwne fin.e and place, w ill be sold square
fifty-six (56). known in plan of the city of Griffis
as the Parade GroSSid, containing four (4) acres,
the sAnwe hwvtog been sold on the first Tuesday/
inst. Parties huyinaf, and failing to comply with
the terms of said sale, it will be fe »*hd at their
At the same time and plae* w3> he sold one
house and lot in the city of Griffin, bounded on
the cast by Maj. Sulley's, on the south hy an open
lot, and on the west by a street —known and le
vied on as the property of Wm. E Wright, tot
satisfy costs on several fi. fa s from Superior Court
and Justices'Court. Property pointed out by E.
F. Knott. D. D. DOYAL,
a'ig3o-lm Sheriff.
At the same time and place, will he sold ona
grey llORtsF, :.!-uit 11 years dd, levied on ar
the property of hnara Sherman to satisfy ons fi»
fs. issued from bpaldiug County Court, Tliomaa
Byrne vs. Hiram D. D. DOYAL,
scp4—td Sheriff.
Georgia spaldixg county -'VHer»*
as James T. Ellis, administrator ontheEs
late of Philip J. Bishop.lnte of said county deceased*
applies to me for letter* of dismission as adtniais'
trator on said Estate he having fully administered*
the said estate.
These are therefore to cite and admonish »!
persons interested or concerned to b* end sppett
at my office within the time prescribed by la*
and show cause if any exist why said letters should 1
not be granted Given under my hand at my offics*
this 17 th day of September, 1866.
F. D. DL*Y3fCfv l?,
sep!9—m6n» Ordinary.
H. 8. Glass applies to me for letters of
Guardianship of the person and property of Jo
seybH. aul WHliaaslt. Lewis, minor children ts
Wm. B-. Lewis, deceased.
Tbeae are therefore to cite and admonish all
persons concerned, to be and appear at tny offics.
writ Win the smre prescribed hy Isw. to show* cause
if any exist, why said letter* of Guardianship
should not be granted.
Grveft tmder my hand at office, this
of Oct. 1866. F.D. DISJIUKE. Ordinary.
rjfkirX , jrhten* of Pike County, who are in fcvbf
Jt ofahwiistiing tne t’onnly Court, and there
by relieve the pcoide of anneessary taxation ana
trouble, are requested to assemt le at the CoJM
liouse in Zebulon, the FIRST TUESDAY * n 'J # *
tober, to take staeh aetihn as they may deem
proper. VOX POPUU.
B*«r copy.
»r R e X ART IN .
G R rF F 1 N , GKOR oT A .
f'-ilicw m*al door to i!ie HtiMJ oftirt *