Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, October 18, 1866, Image 4

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SIMM AU Y. lUiooi* hat called a cv>tr*«tGoa «o t«ke ■*u ‘Trt to eauLltak of«« miSctme ia (Lai Btatc. Wi t<eUcv« it waa tha Boston /*.«/ t! at »aid that General Butler can ini on war like little boja warmed .hemaclvca :n ,p.,jn faal-ion. i \ iff Tlie P r '4nt po| uiatiah of t|« tJa U and Sutra ia exiiaated at StLQIiO.OO#, from r-urM r* a. it ad at fit cm, 9* depu" •rot. t ' * iT « \\ btreter ba goes, the Ilidieala give Butler a alirring reception. Os r igr-a, apoona are in dnnand on ail *• stirring ” 0.. a aions. Mr. t’barlcf OCona.tr, of X«w Y.ieV, atatra 'bat gfr. Barf> a pretra. ted imprivo ment has l.ren and ia slowly wearing bit life *waj. till new tl ere ia bat IklU autngib and ritality left m bun. A young man recently wrote to hi* *we. t htart raying: “There ia not a g'obue of blood in my heart which due* uul hear j.,*ir photograph.” lie had it T*rv had, hadn’t be. I Salem Dutrher, former Editor of the An guaU Constitutionalist, haa .toua..oted to tie U*er a leotwre jn that city otw t >a klßili in*L Subject, “ w*® #f * •Mrs. Ponl, 0f Men roe *<.«nty, Kept*. Ity. gareUrth, on the 16th ult., tothr e chi!- iron, a'l boya, weighing aeven and a half pouoda each. Ad are living and healthy. Names—George D. Prentice, General laig. and Jeff. Davis. Kentucky -Weleant tbroogh tb'c I, iuia rille paper*, that the Court of Appeal*, the highest tribunal in the State, lias de< id>-<i that the law* enacted by the Kentucky L-g --ialature, eapatriating so call' and rebels is un constitutional. The Sheriff of the larjgp ( :iu<l Wei fPr i county of Caluoun yeo«ulJ\ irsi*:n*ji l/«-« he could not collect fees enough to pay the eipenees of his office. The < tti'e has fur-! merly been worth in that county between two and three thousand dollars a year. At the banana* by tire Mayor in honor C/i the ceblc, a message watt 'ccjived from the Queen, conferring knightliapd upon (’apt ‘ Anderson,Profess ir Th<jWi|w<ih, 4r>«r <;U h ,| and Canning, and u baronetcy upon Messrs. Sampson alld Geiclie. The Queen says iliat her reasons lor nut conferring .list ngu shed marks oi her iavor upon Mr Cyrus \V. 1 Field is from an afptohctiai.n H.at it might 1 encrnaoli upon the province of his own Guv eminent. , Something New UNDER TIIE SUN , A NEW KKA IN MEDICINE ! J.3F" L«t the toflVfig *nJ <4i>ont h? 1 following. tW* I nil w l»o lmv« bet* * |jivfn up h\ Pot ior •ml fjM ken of *9 li.cuiabl**, read ll.r iV.llowi: g. \IT Lr* nil alio t’fin ln»IDv»» f. * t niul can Lav*- faith in 4ridei.ee, road the following. IST <;fli.-o, far the present at Jft.var.S' V/lfCs/fB AUralml College. July tit, am h note all non bt/Ik'tt prttenlt. Thai on (hi*, the 1 » t'litie'li day of June, in the yeiir ~f ~,,, laird tillo lhou.aud bight Hundred an.l Sixty six, personally came J< Seph Hay dock to me. known ua *ueli, itn.l being duly sworn, .1 j .. . I ** follows: 1 lull lie is the sole general a . cut t.e the United Slate*, and d< jn nd.ncic* lliei e..f, for preparations or medicine* know n a* Maumki. a I’ll.La and Sm.vi, and that tlie following certiti rales arc verbatim copies to the Inal of Ins know! edge ami belief. JAM IIS SMKITKK. |,h SI Notary Public, Wall Street New York. June 1, 186*. Da. M u.oirt :— I take my pen to write you of my pent relief, mi l that* the awful pain in my fitle 1 1 aw left me at Inns tlinr.k* to your innlieine. Oh. tloctor. how thankful I am that I cam f •oim* sleep. I can never write it enough. I thank you again an.l again, ami nm *ui e that y.*u are really the friend of all Mitferior*. I e.Mild not help writing It* you, and hope you will not take it ninisi. JAM lis MYlCi:s, 116 A \ onue l). This is to certify that I waa discharged from the army with C'hronie Diarrhoea, and have been I cured by l>r. Maggiel a l’ilia. WILSON IIAUVF.V, Jf. y. April 7, 1866 27 Pitt street. j Iho following is an interwting cs*« of a man , employed in sn iron Foundry, who, in pouring me.ted iron into a flask that was damp and wet caused an explosion. The melted iron was thrown around and oo him in a perfect shower, and he was burnt dreadfully. The following certificate was given to tnc by liitn shout eight weeks after the accident. New York, Jan. 11, lsfifl. My name i* Jacob Hardy; I am an Iron Komi I der;l was badly burnt by hot iron in November j l**t; my burn* healed, but I bad a running noie | <m my leg that would not heal; I tiied Maggie!'* Swlvo, and itcurcd me in a few week*, lliis is all true an J any bodycau now see tne at Jncksoc'e Iron Woik*. 2nd Avenue. J HARDY. 119 Goerrick street. Extract* bom Various Letter*. * "1 had no appetite * Maggiel's Pill* gave me a hearty one.” “Yoar Pill* are marvelous.” "I send for another box, and keep them in the house,” "Dr. Maggiel has cured my headache that w*» j chronic." "1 gsvehalfof one of yonr pi 1f« to mv halie for cholera morbus. The' dear little thing got ! well in a day.” “My nausea of a morning i* now cored." ‘ Your box of Maggiel'* r-ulve .ure.l m* of noise* in the head. I rubbed aonie of your .waive behind my ears and Ihe noise left." •'Send uie two boxes 1 want or.e for a poor family.” "I enclose a dollar; your price is 15 eenr* but the medicine to me is worth a dollar." "■"'end me live boxes of your pills." "Let me have three boxes of your Salve be re turn mail." I HAVE OVER 2AO SVCH TESTIMONTAIS as this, but waul of space compel* me to eon. lude J. UAGGIEb, M. D. XJAGGIF.L’S PILLS ANO SALVE! Nonet—None genuine without Uie eugiaved trade mark around each pit or box. signed bv Dr. J. Maggiel, u Pine street, New Yo. k to : counterfeit which is fclouy. s>oM by aM reapccUlife dea'ers in Medicines in the United State, and Cauada—at lb cent* ~c r l,o; ‘ or P < > t ‘ scj>4- lyr For ss!c in Griffin by J. V .< Cos. ' " I K N OAV 1.1 ) DESTINY! XIADAVK. E ¥ TU> ■!: . DyN, „ . f •*> Aetr-.‘ g «*. i, , r-. 1 •* r< rt<3aaa. wf ■ i*. • •• .-wihA -atvotife j rlsMc.of the 0! \t ori.|. , .'-dTct*. if a' Hod , ) :»ori. •*»***,, f I a'le her t > Impai' l _• .f i , c I|>ortanr« •» the ». coot rod <f .id,., >'• I hf- t ) ?0 fl f, s* ilf iirtrarir I’' 1 ’' v*..; \ h ! I *l ■ ;• O-o ‘cp»!„ a 1 !»*..»« ta«t »• f •!,. f. u I ,i.4,.| ,W .if, .4 .wwith siace r- I •itioii in lif *. li-iuli g t i* »V .ism. humbug. ». 11, •-« .f , , 1 •«*rt eh« mi send at , ...,[ „ j eerliCcate. or writ's n g i at i: .■ p.-tuie j is what it porp. is to . . ) n. g a *n.„ll . ba h vs a: an g pU • •,( t »g,-. J(, . P°**6or. •i.dgoufjd.-X.cni, t'J -r ■ ..-ng/d ..at* tan t stamped owv.l ape * Mar.* i ij.„r*el: yo I sill reea.ve the j..| ,r a desired :■ a by return mail All con mu' i. a'ioi.s stnrtlv eon Ilidgfit.al Adpev*. »n s-ofitb 1 u ce. M.tdanie k. F. Th.rnton. P. O. Bov i!2J, ffudson. .V. Y. S»ps—las lm NhVV in i’-l<i.. \• y.y, ■* er i 'iiu.. tvs, a* ataa ffsked Temp -ratnent and Efttrnal fmm» and r*.p’.-fatly in the • kcbxx r*<a j wstve.” 0&a/ag*.Tt Volume, with nearly f>oo pag*« ardl.WKi if u<tr'atio.,« p.y S, U. H't.i ia. j Editor PArewoi ayico/ Journal. —Prtcc. po-tpaid, Ik Address towier A *t el.a, No. 059 Bruadwav, j Nlw’York. ‘•.'few Phy|ogr,*r»y" is eiAientlW prsedic*!. fid y til •»*,. ed and wail • ne j to life w tt *t* of all. In tbs study of 'he fa.^V the reader soon learns to read eaeh and evarv f.ature, N. serais slsasiHe.l a* Ihe Roman. Gieek. Jewish. Snub a..d Tt . ,e f}r ’‘ ‘I uli " ll binguagee. whether o •<•*. brown or lm/* I. In a ilk** niLHiirr check*, neck. ear*. 1.,-in.l* f.,|. „„ L. voice. Uugh, el ■ are shown to l.c “sign* of chaiac'er In no other work i* souiu.di light ihrewn ups.n the character and destiny "f ni .iikn dn* i„ this, or Iho disliii. uvc tnui* ..f' i■■ • aud tribes so clearly pointed oot. P.utraits of distil giti-lied per-opa of aueietit and modern lime*, wiili t.io gr*phica'. sk. l. tie* at and lit l ien! ion of character. ! are given.* Dis«• e«. Oinl. r*. Mntciiien, War i 10l S, Ai , j t*. Poets It;. 1 - : .-urg«.-tjc;V rrr*. A« .i| Mo„i* , pl( . a,e Ito. lu.l. .li |t it >1 t' C ' .rdm-.-f' l.o'g' mphy. A"I ...Tffli.u? fl.e W* i?. r wulh the cm . .-r and uhgiact. r of rnuuy men gi.d ~f the past. y.ilUt) ; tnr*. and of the pn-sei.t u. h, for Instance a* Aii*t*> l l • . Julius Ctesar, Shake \\ Ailiiiifftoii, NnpolooH. Friuik in, |Jiin ‘ foft, Dryunt. J4»i itfvll.jw, Jr\ u' Loh hpnv, P»wrr! Cdtdf* n, lii Luwr« lie* Holivor. Wlial.l.-v, Thu k. r iv. 1 Knox. I i.-h JW**'. M**|.er. Hu. kic Jiickuwe Vi. t.oii,. Wo.lev. r aiitle. Motley, M i.6| Tbotnpso- , tj.m,. lie Alexnnd.-r, and ho. and. d* ,<f 0i1..:* A,i st* ""Till. 1-" ' *' 111 by r-'t'llli pus-, o; i xpic**. oil rvcv.j.t of |«ice a. g:i . :tw ' CIIBI* l». HM-Mr TtlO*. \V XI 1 SOU X M FIX 1)1.A V A- M \ Null \,M, Wholesale; and Retail Dnalers in FAX V FA MIKA (, EMM FIJI KS /Nj9ylTft)Vl!?ll»N ■ ' I N! I! 41.1 Y. W'inVt,' l.dqnni*. rfgats. 'I 01. i.-, <>. Ki ir:*, Cati-lv, Nut Ac , Ac. aioo.NU arttfi-f. orri.stfx rtnsr v.ino>AL msk, .’IdtOY, (il.t UU A. | wa\ 1 it: l F. M. BY AN, \ JAM I'.MTI'IIIT: ..f p,Burr Mill A I lon.*. Mill -pi,"lie. Ml!! M, hinerv of:,I! dcs -rip I ion* , steam lu gme*. Six aid ;: list Mill*. 11ui*tlog Screw*. Sill, t Mild.ire* Belting and ! I Boltin.- t'i. .til, s, ....... W be, M,' Pick*. PI:,-ter of I j Part*, alwiiv* on hand a-d in do to older VI I work hid by me warr.ii led I „ ... contract f r . tlie etc.'ion of Flouting Mil!*, i Corner ..f College and B:oud ktr. d*. N \S|{. VlleleE, '! Id.NN. \ng9 ts. Alii.M's WA.NTr.D I N l.\ l.i. Y TOWN, T'» SI 11. 11 IK I l I tiWJNfJ VALUAI LE SOL 111L1IN IILSTOIiY Nout ltd n I lisftit y of jht- War, ■ F. \ I’OI T.AUIV. I .'lit..i- Richmond F lUmir er I- *•••’» ■« vo ■ | • each id.Vi per lot. I j it it 2“ SplnulM >tt ♦•! i't tntiu I fii-* >•* thr tn.lv corn! If «.t ) iinYhontir Lutory ' I of lie >out hern • ide pul. .■ lied. .Men,lug a. i't I dnc«, Irom iiie l.cgiuning of the war to the final j surrender of the Cpufedernte attni.'*. [ Mr. Pollard'* proniineiil t . ition in the Confed eracy has enabled him to | iepaie ,i w-oik hoc : goal'll in accuracy a: and 'nteiest. and which is . y | cry where acknowledged to be the standard >oi;t|, ■ eru History. It should find u place in every library i 'I j -SOUTH KrvN GEN ERA I>— THEIR LI YEo AND CAMPAIGNS, tr art. w r*tKi it axow, ! W ith 17 splendid f*f.., | Portraits, 1 'nl. 8 vo . Min pages. £4XO, I Containing liiogntpliics of the di,l ingnished South | «rn Generals, with fu i and graphic accounts ; of the various campaign* inwhi. li they were -engaged. It is a nio-i important and ‘interes. j ting Volume, and lias been prepared with tlie j utmoitcare and thuioiiglmuss in LIFE BLRYICES A ND CAMPAIGNS i or STONEWALL JA< K^oN, tV * VIRUIXI.VX. 1 sol., 1» mo . :-:i pit •. .me dollar and * half with Amheutio l otraits of Ja< Kr-uN and h ; * suee.wsor ! WELL,on steel. 1 ins is tile only authentic l.isf -rv of thi* distil, 1 I guisited leader which has hen wut .ii It lias been pr. pared from Offi-i-. 1 rep-ut* contempo rary narrative, aid | er»..i.al ac.j uintai.ee r.rd is complete and full. IY. THE RAIDS A Mi ROMANCES OF .1/ OItG .1 A" A XI) Hr S ME X BY MIW. S A LLIE ROCHESTER FORD. WithSteel Poti'uit of General. MORGAN" I vo] 12 mo . 421 pages. sl, aeventy-flve cents, A complete history of th'e daiiug officer | more tiiriiiiug and interesting thau li '‘l ion. V. ICO VEX OF THE Distinguished in Literature Oi.c \. i . !v*i.|. vo hi, on at, i 8,,,i e ;-v..|, p„ . » ■* Ti.-m "doUst* ami a" b lit 'DTußtral. and will, | •"'pic did I’otraits, no at eel. f:..in iff* u s Mutt. I ><.T WU WalTii\ I 1. Vuir Miss M ,ui .1. Mi Ulo-.11, Mils. Ko»A VriITMH VIINSON, MllS A\MB 1.. Km II IK, Miss Aioi.-ta J 1 v i\. Mite L. \ I liol.M A i *.U»CJI, M.lftTO> HaSI.AMi And containing lull bmtjni) Ideal sketches and sp.cunen extrude fi.mt ion most celebrated writ itißs prose hinl verse, of THIKIYKIYh lUsllM llsllEji LITERARY “WOMEN VHK Si it I'll " All Ihe shove works are haring an immense 1 sale, and «*»nls are doing splendidly even where many making from ten to tiiteen dollars per day \V« want an agent in every town i„ the ,'otdil ent stuto«. Returned Soldieis. Linlie*. lerchrt« and others, w ill find I", mo»i pio -'able emiilov. meat. 1 i KxeUwv* lain birr giv*n, and .ibern! induce inputs offered to cam asters. For full particular* m. di* ps B Kim \KPSO.V, Fublifber c fO .. t '• v — "f'*3 O : >T, <K F.XM'I.Y AND FAS' Y (iiior kri i:s, I# id * U «?!▼::• nu ciMiinttiuii o • ugar», CcfTees, Tea3, Floor, and Eire it -I* t'rt»'.i! I . EIT KWH* 'T FL UR. K lAG A K - 11 "T S h f» Y I; rJ\ Mi«hrte‘ ( .-dfrsli, Hrriirgs. Beeft>- ; "raters. 'ardio |t|e Fruit.. ian Fruits* I 'ate* Nni-t .*, Primes. fur* and Xl «.f all kln.U. K ' *e..* | ; .a p* \\ i. ka. (Tsifr.nevs. ard f’»t. Met I" I'atati. e w *x. OUI anj l*!low. F'« aaj 'll. k fan Jv 1,1 gr* at variety. I Mtik. Jit'!', r. >../■/, H int Kuo and /‘lain < r-trirrf. t • C*A Jjatry ani Hiatt ChtMt s vivr .is hard. >nu i f;in j r.nti ( 'ln irin" To tarn• »:i gr »-»t t»: *v. blit *. . :«f»nr ». ::i !• k« *p goodaiiu' J 1 l*H*- • tyrr l>*%: ry u*-# ds. Per jr-rit • -x.» j>r<*£rour Ciutumerf to | their on r W« it a- <*.l fr -ra cur frieo«K a.d tbq)ub Leg net ally t 6. W. MANGHAM, & © Wo 27. H RDWA E &, CUTLERY GAi.KIAfM! MAIKLf.VLS I HIM MIN'.S, . I’APiTS. f>l Ig>. V AKMslIFt' AND a.Aftp. ' 11 JuIINkO.V is . (.nstai.i y rd tiving a 1 :» sttud • * Hill !>tft*t a !h t -I ail • 1 • nljj, || he is n\ nir fit whole-ala and el all ns low as Ike, u in anv intefior inuik^t. TfchM» CA>II. Jn <urc i our Property ! ■ • J ( Ml \S< t\ if, \i*rni f.*r tli«- , >"l 111 ilt N Ml Ii .*.l, Insurance Ccni.any of | .* then*, "a . < * S-'SAiaa. | T |‘«- 1 ;.d;jUvIUTI.LS AfilNcY oi New • ' : i:. ,»v. r > JS.Suti.O.lu 1 HI. IlttMK Insurance Company of New | Yo. k. near ' ft ~,.u . .... [ I'l'tEMX A pFTNAM Com pany of Hsrtford. t oiiriticticDt. ai.<i uil»**r c r *»u*l fvi-V-) me f»« lit.»i»*tl iin Cwttou, MocLm.'ii^Q Fui i ism <• riii : H'n tlii um. I .'Mrs. -4 prolujjtly ttdjlistcd. a. sin'ui.vrs -\nv Store! [Jill Sin cl - (r'rifjin. 'IME I■NDFK-K.M I) de-ire* to inform hi | 1 old friend*, a.d t i.e publie i:. g. neml. that lie ha- letunied to hi* "Id stand on Util street, w hcr« hr fin* opmed n Lugo lot of f).£f£c}Y) AirfipJ Dry €h4nmSs! •• SII \'.\ LS 'L' >A K >, .-in IFI l. i ls• «ii: • i , <• "*, in gorier.il Also, LL' 'Till NG, HATS. TOOTS rid Sll< »ES, f’KfiTs’ KLKN j s 11! N(i GO' »l is. '| I.LNKS, and of all kinds. I!EM EMBED, ! * fiat thi * B*of*r' of iJn.'t’m I»r* F»en hr 'icrl»t undev I tin- I.tic hfiivy c!iii*‘ in good", an 1 that lit* cun nil thrni. uffordii giy, At much loner I J rices tliA i tlo‘3 - li.ivr been sold for during the last two liu ve .liuntl'.s. COMK < >NK : COMi*: ALL !! r*d Luv vour good# of A>ilLit SUI LMAN, Hill street. *“ Two doros abova F-ngel’s corner, (iriflin gin. fiep22—3rn j JAS. Si.llli IT, 11. T.JOHNSON, A. a. TIVSLtV SEY SIOTJR, JOHNSON &C. €«trot*ers and COMMISSION MERCHANTS > Ip t ry nuil Tltiitl sts, Macon, Oa. i UK have just received large additions to our t V sto-k of Groceries, and we now offer to Merchant dealers one of tlie largest au.l most complete assortment of Groceries ever brought to Macon. Consisting in part of ■MiO -k* Liverpool Salt 3-." lib!* Flour. Su Hogsheads of liacon, I2A i'n ks Ham ! l.'O I'bi* A. Ii Alt Sugar. ] J.i ra k* Rio and Jam. Coffee, Hugos Tob .cco. all giadcs, 1 1 lb r.oxcs ('andv, 60 lJoxcs Soda. ' 76 R.-x. s Crnckcr*. 60 Gross Matches. ! 000 O il* Rope. Machine and Hand made, JO Boxes Soap, I 27> D.-xes I.r.giish Ccd-fish, 1 6'i Kot -V< s* *■ ! Ma Kcrel, I 60 Cases I Hs'.eis. Ac. Ac. | Oct 2 2u> HOWE'S I.\irUOVED Cotton Picker! FOR PICKING COTTON IN THE FIELD. V SIMPLE and compact Instrument weighing about two pounds—picks thi-e* or four ttrues Ds'er thin by hand, leaving the cotton clean and fiec from trash, price S2O. Orderscon he fill'd by THE HOWE MANUFACTURING CO.. SI Od.r Street, N. Y. | Or l>v our Agent* H •'••hm.t the South «•!' i,.l OR. ROBACK’S blood dt nnn BLOOD DbUUU !> ILI^ BLOOD « PILLa BLOOD Pli.i.S PILLS * BLOOD iiUhO PILLS. BLOOD _ PILLS. BLOOD BLOOD PILLS. BLOOD Tx r-r y " 1’ I L LS. BLOOD rILLo.PILLS. BLOOD AND i PILLS. Blood Purifier! AUE UNEQUALED roa craixa Scroj’uiti, Sif/ih ills, Sl,in Dis ease-, ni<l Sans, Stilt Rheum, Di/s/tejisiti or Indigestion, SICK HEADACHE Liver Complaints, Rheumatism, l'ever ami Ague, St. An thung's 1-Ire, FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Erysipelas, Tumors, Eruptions, Lits, Serojatoas Con sumption, etc . H «! H H f ? ONE |-#rftou wr.U“*. Lrr and ui«ti!er was cured t»f Kitn of irioc yrara* atonditig, ivnU Vitua* f>f t«Vo YFUIS. ANo ii; w. liv r io-«, hi A son vr*i cured atter his fl***h tir»d Khiiost vi «>•!o.l tivray. The thftors pronouif r l ih#* ta-F aciir»iV*lt*. A Noll IKK euiosi of fever and Agfic af ter try nu every tneilu-ine in hm resrh AN6tHEK w-.ns < ur««1 of Kever feore which ha*l existed foniip-n vimm. ANOIHKU of Ith. MMii.t ‘•m r.f ♦ ; R ht years. Com*-* innmnemhle of I*yt«j»* ps fi >vii• i Liver B*>inn!s.ut M he tnvMt:' > i ••<!, in which tl»w Ftrtihor :.i:d i' . ■» worli lilie u cLuirnv. THE BLOOD FILLS Aro ti,« n ->st ik< t \ c un i thorough p ile that have ever Been ini r..di.ee \ They n. tso di r#**tly upon t'li L • -r, o\f Tug tl.at or^A n to •Uch an extent as tfi »t t’ e s>Ktcm I es u rt re lapse into iU former esm l tion, \*hi< !» s to"> npt lo tai Uie cn.se w :!i *•:n. j-Iv a purgative pill. They are really a BLOOD AND LIVER PILL, find, in cotij tmetion w th the BLOOD PURIFIER! Will enre a!! the nf frementioned diseases, and, of the«u*e!ves. will rel.cve »u i cure Heaclache, Costiveness, Colic Pains, Cholera Morbus, Indigestion, Pain in the Bowels, Dizziness, &c., &c, DR. I foil A CK’S Stomach Bitters! Should he used by « •riva!e j « , enta to atr cgthen the pr>j«tnition which alwnys follows acute disease. Try these med r einc». and you -.viii never re gret it. Ai*L yotir neighf*ori who have tiiem. and tliev w ! any thov are GOOD M EDICT TV EM. »• and v u should try them be* ore going tor fi phVMoan. PRINCE, WALTON & CO., tflucceseors to I>r C W Robwuk,) ttOI.K PR')pniETuK-S. Nos. 68, 68, 00 & 02 E. Third St., CINCINNATI, O. * o.i.i u,, nit nmmniats and Dealers in Patent Medicines EVERYWHERE. rza'wfss.'isj J OIL, JIT.3 Grva’ejt Discovery of the Age! The Suffci : g Pul lie w i.i 1* glad to know that G. W. CROFT’S EUREKA OIL MA s been wr>- ‘ I fi<‘-m* -1 avion 'v a company "I : . I:-pi -g. ntlrt^en, and at an ini in.-i.se (oil! . b.-irain been placed be - ■ • , - 1 do not a:in it to tie a curt' "V.-i nny other ki.. vv: . ■ po id f- r the - ure -f I u tin in i.:i 1 toy ui. -1 li--ra 1i v e .11-•a* e* an. la* an Alloviat. lof Pain i- w ill not only a!let late, but npi-.of tin Mouth. T!,iStomach, and /■ •■■lt, '.'die if any Ilyx, nUrutnr J-’lu.i Idan hri. • i <Us Ijiptheriu. liiriiiiirmaf rti />/,<: ,n n ...( ; and i* also an nival tml.'e lein.-dy n r A-.-ru-’ I leers of anti End (not realign III.) Eruptions Id trim Smith, Lruixes. ('ills, Horn Jr no r<i, >, (tlauds, dote 1:1 u• * Ear and i'■■ah A,U i, SpmJ Ajeclions. Ac. And in Cour/ht, we eha,.- i.g-- 11.- world for i:s c.pml. Ordinary coughs it it. / cine. Ii l'ulinoiicrv ciiti* sumption. Asi in, a, and Ji:ot„.-l.::is it is the best palliative k' ..w u ! 1 lie s. : p,: '.tend.-'it of this Company' is a Grad Hate of the Medical College of Nashville and iroru long .v . i- i.ee i:i hi- profession, and a good i knowledge of'Chemistry. lie bus been n.tiu-t-di with the eel.*.-! i.ti, . t cbcmi.-itls for die manufac ture ot the nse-ln-ine. a: ; lm* b.-eu and will be •ar-Jul to-elec’, the v.-i y tiuest materials to iu> found in either foreign or home markets, and we i are sati-ti. ! t-.at the ar! vie w.* are now putting lip cxee!* any t.-i :.•■!■ ai t ich- <if i !,* same kin.' . r p"'"y of clien.. -a'* sr-Fnitt !-.’ more ..ffieaoioii.- We p'a.-e tin- • lifkF.K i Oil " before the world, and upon i' * - 1 : - r .!--:n. ii'* :t mu-t rire or fall Dut we Aii 'll- ptoyie will try it. they'will lor sale l-v -> piir '.pal Lii-goists every where thri-ug'i-mi t u try l o npoumled by W Ci. ' Hr "Mg.- ." nunufr.i'luirr. for ti e l.nreiia I :i liar, e'.'.u g Company at Atlanta, I til ■Ei a' - * ,j i per bo tie. Liberal deduc tions made in : e u "!■•. -M. A. cHACKELFORD, M. In, opener,dent Tor sale by g Nal3. DUE WRY i CO., | Dmggi'U, I East side Hill street Griffin, Ga. I Bwaai QUEENS WARE, CHIXA AXE GLASSWARE. .V LlHl'i:. DOKsETT A CO. Corner Whitehall ll,niter Streets. Atlanta, h n., in, -idi . t (i: i* ite a:,,1 i . lassw are IN TIM (I,IQ UAL PACKAGE or in lots so Mi‘t pu; of .s. A SPLENDID RETAIL STOCK. A fine usditm'nt of " As-,u led Crate," i,rv low to the trade. Dealers are paiticulaily re.jueste I to call and examine our stock. We feel eonfideut that our TERMS will e 'spare favorably with UEXI - \- EVI " A C'KK rates, and our stock is as complete as any n the coui.liy, North or South. , . McLRIDE, TORsLTT A CO. Jmy 19-oiu HL.M.I n.W W. A. L. H kfiThirUT .E. V. S >"EfT Leg-il Advertisements. A PM l \ISTK\ loli^ (t KdUdA —‘ p-LDiw C’oi NTY —By rirtt e oi ;»:» order Loin the leurt vs Oidb aiy ot j Mii*l t'vt: tv * ii. t-c ►- Id I+i ie she Ci 'irt lKiiief . *1 • M*t i sfJ t viu.ty b t »>fn th** u-tjal hours of! tab "ii thtiiM in>l)\Y in Noren*ber nett, j eikthtN -six Arte* Ol I 'Od «»f !«jf eleren . ll ) 1 hit«l l»u»riet j urtinnallv ll»-nrf. r tv ' i p t l'irmii''* i.*ef th-ve-t «*f (iriffiti, aJ • j iiiii.gflk la' J-iuf J. 11 Sffirr, lL*bt. Ai-lrew-t, J H' and >*u • ei L. KMei. tYe eaine l*eii.g **o!d ■* »?»r * ♦—:**•♦ «*! VV I>. M-irr f-r th- liH.efit of he hrlr?.au*l rrolitorp. II M. STAIIK j •ep4 A*lui'r e tat- Tt* Stirr, deed. j i ' F.i'KGiA, SPALDING ud'NTY.-WIH-rei, < >\ M Klielia T K*i.‘ ail. Adn u ims’or of Win nef'jrd K**r.vf«!l, Jvi-h-'ml * to me for l»nr« ; blithe l.i .1 hrl« *i .|fi:*g t » said ettitc f*r the J i benefit ofhciri *iml cr-diLore. , Tli»P*t are, thdefvre. to cite and ajr or>„ . iah n!l parti*'* it.lereefed so be and appear at ' ■my « witliiu tl*«* time preweiibsdLy Uv tv *, o\v (•• ><* i» any why an order nm honzit g ; the vale of the lut.de of et.id eetate tbouid iot be • gi ai»*ed. t*:v. n ni der n.y hand at otYe**, thi- 17th day o Septeiulier ix»*6. F. 1». MfiMIKK. wtpl.«—ood * tdtnarv. i VA »B*.l COLM Y—Whcreae 1 Joeeph t'- Ben-*»«», (itiaidtau of ’Viliam 1 I Aekew , f Fp!i• io me for letter* of fsinn fi-'tn said guardianship tlt ia said Ward hov j insr arrived t. the aurof i wfuty oi e yeaie and J had a full and final settl«*n»ei.t with him. ! % l'be«e are fherefete to efie and admo'iish all persons Cot cerned. t** he and ar-ye»j t? rry office ! wiiliin the time by law. n* d* b*i<*w cause, if any exi-*t. why «aid letter# of diamitsion j s’ ould not be granted: • (iir. nmi del my hand at ■ ffi. *-. thi« ’he 2?d day September. F. D. Dl.-ML’KE, (.»f*y ! -Oct. 1 —4od SPAI.IMNO COUNTY.— Where** I It F. Mann a{ phea to me for letters of i Dismission on Lite estaU* of Kboda llami! i late of said cotiny, decea-^d. These are, therefore *•* cite admonish a! per-ons inter->ted or concerned to be and appeal at my *»tVn e within the time prescribed : y law »o diow rffiw it any exist why frUoh Ullc;s of die tit/saiau elioilhi not b** trrin.t^d. 1 «.iveu und**r mv hand at office flits 15th Angusf, ImX Om ' F. D. DISMI’KE. / 1 FOHGIA. S?!'AI.DIN(i Ci>lSTY— Where** \ J Georee \V. Grant and K. W'. k Fxecnmr* t M. I*. Kilpatrick, d.*.ea cd apply tome for ! Irt’ers «.f d?st::i--?io’n on sold estate These are tli. ieforc to cite and admonish a!1 i persoi s coMicmcd to he and appear at my office wr.liin the time prescribed by law. to >h« w cause if my exi't, why such letters oi dis’uissiiou ®bouliL | Given under my band at office, tide Augnat M.Vh 1866. F D. DISMLKE, • acglC—6m Ordinary. / 1 KOHf; IA. SPALDING COUNTY^.—Whereas ! V7f I’iuhard H >ims. ad mi ni>l: a' •>r of Gooigc W . Martin,d* *:eased a| plies to me Jor an order to j ‘ell the land belonging to Kaid eatat? for the lei J ; cfi« of the h. is -and ci ediiors. [ 'I liese are, th**retbre. to .t e and admonish ail i persons c«*t.cerned to be and appear at my effi’e ! within the’.iire prescribed bvl »w,To t»h"W cause I if any exist, w hy - .id order bhou-d rot he granted. I Gnc:i under my hand at oflice thi** ]9th day of j sept. v>6. F. D. ordinary. | Sscp 0. 1 (t 1 , rtt .! \ —1 * itmxti col -'1 Y —Wb. al* j VX .hts.-ph N Uuits. Fxe M.tor id the INta’** < i !ia • b W Aud;e w*, dt ceused, applies to me f t *ti or 1* r so se,l the Rea! i-Ntnt*- to the ! i:--..;.- Ilf ill.- - .1.1 Jn.'ub W. Ai .li.-w-. ! T 1...-0 mi :t. i.-f.i'.- tr. . ni.-i n-!r,.VTni*li at! | persun* i- 1 1: i 1 • -i or .-or." r.,ltol,an :ajj , .. -atin v - -:!i wi'iii •' •• •. jue*.- tKe l,\ law t. ;! ; nv exi- wlii iuvl; o: -..-r .-.li- ~.-. I i.-t ‘ •• g! . ' - 1 Oiv.-n u •-!* rmv 1 ---1 at .-Jli-.-o t!:i* and-. of ; A gust, is- n. ! . I>. Dl-i!L ix i.. uy. / 11:<*:: ia, mmm.ding coun .v - • • \ 1 Ju'.’-- N. >i'i."-.*, FxcL'Uti.r or. 1i... estate j"f •'"ln M'-.n,..' a. • as. <l, S|.;. ie* for 1.-ave to - 1 ii. estate o: *,l for the perj-ose of t: l.ution. I !’.'*._• .tie f-: r-.- to eta neti a i-’i al : i l "'' "' :i ' ■' f ‘ l l ie be ! ai-pear a iny otiiee ! ••'•''bill tlie tie e p.l,v la v to *!...w c-ausa | ll y w!iv ao. !■■:• ii'i':.-,: g :ii<> sine j -"i'i l.n .1 »• oni-J t.-.t be g. autej. f• i.rn tu-der ray kauri at office, this August G'D ' V. v. DI'VFK.-:, j —G")d Ontitiary. s( ' F'lß'ilA —■ 'l‘.M DIN .C 0» N'TY Wl.er* t ;VJ Jho Moor, Aflmit’istia cr of the estiti jof Fee Strickland, late of raid count v, deccast j applies to ire tor letter* of disinissioin These are tl.erefure to cite and admonish t persons ii.tere-ied or <• .nceni. and t,, be and app. at tin otlie-e within ti.e time prescribed bv law. - ■*•»«*• cause if any ex <t. why said Ict'teis of i di*llii-sioi. should not i e granted.' j Given under my hand at, office, this the lull, o' ! ! -Auen*t isms. F. D. Di.-MUKK, ! nug;* ‘‘ u’ Ordmarv. I sheriffs salu. ILL i E Stii.D before th- Court House . |... dour, in the city of Grinin, on tlie first ■ I UESDA ill X- -"Ve Her. "lie lot. cohtainn g 01.1 1 a-ie (more or b-.-*.. bonded a* follows: On tlie i I aottlli, by Solomon Greet; on the w.sf, bv Mrs I Cb-m-ni.*; on the non 1,, by a-i a.ley. and on tlie i -a*i by l ourih street, known at and levied on a- she i ! properly of il. D Dovul, and poin ed out bv the I f>l»»i iiT. I» H. VYeldeii. PrcpVrty levi.-d o'n bv j t'onstable and turned over to me. ROBERT i>. CONXF.I L. ; "plti—4"d Deputy Si.eriff. /tr. RCIA SPALDING COUNTY—n here j ' " a* Jam. .1 T. Edi*. administrator on th. Es i t tite <d 1 hi .ip ,1 rti.-li-.p.ia!.- ol said count v deceased i I.p lies to me tor letters of dismission ns adn.ini tiator on mid Estate !.e having fully administered : the .aid estate. I lit s»- are th- resin e t<» e.te and admonish a! i pe. ,*.. :i -i :.t et es .- -1 or cot c - rued to be and appeal ! at my office wiriiin the time prescribed (.y ,aw am! -how cause if any exist why said letters should j lot be grantee' Given under my hand at my office i 'his 17 Ii dnv of September. 18'iti. F. D. DIsMUKE, j ; mom Ordinary. f~* Kt'ißiilA, SPALDING COUNTY.—Whereas i V* H S. Glass applies to me for hitters „f j j Gunr tiansliip of the person and property of Jo seph 11. an! William ii Lewis, minor children of | W m. li Lewis, deceased. These niv therefore to cite and admonish all pri -ni.s concerned, to be nnd appear at my office within tbc time prescribed by law. to show' cause j it any exist, why said letters of Guardianship , j should not be granted. Given under my baud at office, this the "nd day ! of Oct. 186 b. ‘F. D. DISMUEE. Ordinary * Oct2-Bod {SHERIFFS SAi.ES. \U ILL DE SOLD before the Court House ! TY door. In tl.-a.eity of Griffin, between the! i hours of sale. on the first TUESDAY in a« \ ♦■ii.lht nt‘.\■. o:.e lioust l and lot in the city ot ; t'l llhli.eo: titl-ill gl » , a.-I , s (more or less.) known I s- toe lot wl.i-rei I. KI- 1 I-on. J, r ,..w , c -i,L s. I ad hojnded on the smith by a street, on the ! w,--t hi a , aLey, mi th» t.oith by a lot whereon M,. I. nk. 1 1 mw lives. Abo, se. en'oeh eof h • one -afe. two tresscls, one wardtobe il tin• bedsten Is. ; wot k bench 1 stool, 1 ■ H G-iap .umber, 1 lot lumber, 1 small work -hr: 1. ! lot cans and jugs paint-cups and brushes, and 1 -love and pipe. Levied on us the proper 1V I't K. I‘. l‘ \ son, j r. ALSO, ou« lot of hind, containing one half(4> ac e. (mo*c loss.) uith two wo,k-shops thereon, bounded on the north by an a!lev. on t.e south by i lot fronting on Solomon street, on the cast by Kobeit Fiikerton. and on the west by F. Vf tw>: i h and Henry Bank* 2* store rooms situated in tlu* city of (Jriflnn. Levied on ps the property of A. H liennam ik Cos., to Bat idly a ti. f.t. issued from the superior Court of Spalding County Ga ; Mrr.OD H. banders vs A. W Benham it Cos Fro- • \ ■ ,, r # y poiutfdout l' S. H. Sanders. ru?} ti T > 1) D Y\l r kc-r : * r' n i.f. i \ —.-. - :>o Coi v-v ux. 3 . ., tu4 , f r;“af L ;T^ nr 01 “—y .. -»,t|e...o.ij.a«M»e«l. u.»i%i*. l .ddevli t « l! -ee oot letlervol adtt.iM»u»., Ol , on tL< *• *-i! -t-f. Ibeae a-e tl.ervfer. u t.:rb the Ult Jred and ci.Jitlii of k c.a-ed to be and appear •« ny . ff. a . ltk :" f e ‘ "n.e pie . l.y law . make ~..,livo . ic n , nJ ceive said aim . 1-lral! <r 1 al.all a- , 11. Oono-.lly r’eik of titc .M>]>«rior Com! wtrator.u aid »ei*fe Givci, uodov |ln J*“ office. t|,ia 1,1 Cl p, :.h«r |K( ® 41 M» DI-MFKK. o,di rt * ( 7- 1 'I 1 : 1 '! r." ? » 'h i • tm.-V b*i77~j7~ H» < "onolly. Adtaioialralor on iht tnLt *» J itne-W Middiefirook. d.-. cav,l. for leu* e tteteil t* ‘ I»V J- b<lo. g lr - Io u , ‘ Ul * Hete n. fit of heirs at,d tieditors. 'U„ to lie and ediuonish all persona eoneari-ed , 'L* V ,<i appear at tew offi«* wuMli the tin, pr by law and *b.-w cause, if ai.y rxi-1 *uv ao ”** der should not be ppanted aathfiixii.g said istiaior to *. || mid ianda. ® l4 ' Given u" Jcr my band at rSe* this. Ist. F. D.DIakiCKtTT u.d^b; 1 OT ATF. DP GYDRf: 14—«r*tetN 0 Coom— -1 J W ferea* Jaeoh F Ch*po an applies to e,, f, I'tt'r* of Guardianship for the pcaoi. at«i erty of Fiij h 11. au-l J.d.n Rogeis. uunofT •od ctpba child:en of Elijah H Rogers cea . i. Ih. -e are therefore. U. cite and sditioa i’h ai) parties interested to be and appear at n,v office within the time prescribed bv law, to shoW cau-e, if any exis , why aucb letters ahoald n, t be grat.ted. Given or,der nay hand rt off: iMlii* Id day of Sep'emhJr. *B«i. F. D. DIFMI KE 1 •'•f'” Ordinary. J 1 FDRCIA. SPALDING COUNTY. ’ J Einoiy AVinebip. Adtrinirt, ator of Wdli 4n , A R.tidiig. de. raced apptiV* to tne for an »vd„ : nut hot in: g the sale of a tin" ion of the land* tie. ) io gi. ft lo said estate, for tlie purpose of paying i debts 1 , lo wit. a tiuu e and lot to the city of Gii* I tin. j These are. therefore, to cite and admonish ,]j p rc-ss rnaeeroed to be and appear at mv ofriCe witGiti the tit:.' prescribed bv law to show cause i it any exist, why ao order autfiorizii g the „i e 0 f said land should not b- eiantrd: F. D. DIsMUKE, Ordirarv. t a.:g2o-prd AI»MI N i»i I; T'IKSSAI-E. 1)T virtu.- of an order rra> ted by the Grdurar* ) of l’ike county will be sold before the j Court House door in tlie tow nos Z-t.nlon, in e „jiJ County, on tlie It ■ st TC E’-I'A Y in N o\ -nktr next i between the legal hours of sale, all the land* h«' • longing to the . -late of Alfred Wijp.s, l s t« t Fikc County, deccnsed. ly.ngr in said County ad ’.lining lb** lauds of t.iie* Diiver, Matthew Tog n-. mid u tlvi -. con‘u l.i tig t. vc hiindred and £va .5) acres, inora or less, (the widow’s dower ex |. ■ pled.) ro!J f.<r the. benefit of bei.s ard credit i or* ol said de.-ea-ed let tna cash, unless circnrn .stances should transpire prev i.-us to. or on tl., j dnv of sale, that would niukfl it necessary to sell ‘ it in trine. C»ADESMAN FORK, sep6--t!.d* Administrator / < EORGIA—SPALDING c. UNTV.—Wlierett " « David P. Eider, tiuaioian of David D. Ma in': and 1. izabetb A. Gray, foiu.nlv Elizabeth A. Mainir. applies tome for letter* ./dismission, | Tb. se are therefore to cite and admonish alf l pei *t» coucerned to be and appear at mv office ! within the time prescribed by law, ana allow : cau-e, if any exist, w ky such icllet s c*f disttilsston I eln ui-l liol be Plante i. I Given under my hard, at office, this the 1-llb •lay of August, 1866. F. I) DIfMUKE, atigid no i Urdinarv. /J '■’ '■! SPAI.DING ( niTNT Y —Where*, -dimes 11 l og in applnato me for letters of -ii.-'i -111 us I'-iirrin.i-t i .toe on the estate of Uugh 1 ..11..1, dc i. lie Imu.ig lu.iy adiuiu.teieo I a ! w.» -nd up sold e.-Tate E .rl.* i t-f.i cto cite and direct all pertoni otwe-tie-l t.. b.- «• .I appear at mv otiic withia i lie -1 .e p:-.- .-I ibe l.y law. ai-d sin vv cause if any why -aid let t * of din shouid r:.; y hard it n ;kn . May 7ill, ISc 6. F. I». ]»!>SU’KE * a - ‘ ,nl - Ordinary EXECUTO R’S SALE. J>Y virtue O* an o:-! r gran-e lby theOrdinanr 1 I•> .di.se C-iinty. wiii o- *•■':■ i 1.-fore the : 1 ' ' i" the tt.w -of z.d ulon, on the ’.'.!*' il E.-I'A \ in Xoven t.rr next, between the • . hours ot ss’-, an toe iar.ds belonging to th« *--tuie f Itt.di-ird Vyii. k ! > .-f sai icuunty.de 'G* -1 - -n-.-'i .g oi pur *of 1.-t* No’s 106, ll»‘ • 12". !■ 4 * I 1 dl. ( oiitaii.ii-g in all 393 acres, »: !*--*'. -*:.i !a 1 being situated ia the Jtl, D -tt ict ol 01 tg tutl! . M me, (now I’ike county ). I 1-* I. ■ ■ t -ye 1 .apui 1 c-1 by la vii .ving been given, ,; e mi!- w:;! take place as ai. .ve t r the put j-ose -f payti g d.-ht* due by said estate, and also the .'iaitas ol leg-itees, ands r distribution. lit'LLING HARRIS, W. K MY III' IF sepia—4Cd* Execu'or*. ADMIN ISTK \ roll’s Sale. . virtue ot an order from the Ordinary of ii 8 paid t g County, will he sold b. fore th* oti- t House -10. r in ti.e cPv of Griffin, between -V v. tuber t-.-xt, one iot r-f lad. contai. irg 202} .. I.- ( --"t'o . ; ---.I ly o.g ..- th.-road froiw Gris . a to Z.-bu on, a-ul su Mated three miles from Ruffin. About sixty n.ies are cleared—ti*4 i.alaiue in woods. Also, a go. and frune and veiling, witii 11. . 1 --hi \ r-'.-t bn 1-. c-. There is a fine I’ea.-ii t.n ■ i.aij on tlie pluce. sold as the E*tato of Eb.-nczer Davis, for ti e benefit ol heirs and creditors. Terms—CASH . <>-40d ISAAC McKI.ROY, Admr. (J.K iG County.- Whvrear, Cath ri.ne lv.l app :r to me for b iters of Admin* titration on U.eestnt** of Walter Bell late of said ! county. ihese are therefore to cite and admonish al persons concerned to be and appear at mv office •vitliii. tlie t me piesctibcd by luw, and show cause if ny t-xist, why r*aid le tersof adnuniitra tion should not be grauted to the applicant on. j -aid e.-tate Given under my band at office tins the 11th ; day of October, I6OG. F, D. DIsML’KE, Get. 1 ii—liio Ordinary. V HU w and Grand I'pncli in Medi cine ! Or Maggibl is the founder of anew Medical ! ih* quamtitai ini s, wbuse vast internal and« .'e*- enfeeble the stomach and paralyze tlie bow i ’ds. iiiiet fcive precedence tc the man who restore* health and appetite, with fiorn one to two of hi* ! exiaordinary Bills, and cures the most virulent sur«*>4 with a box or so of his wonderful and all healing Salve, these two great specifics of the Doctor are tost bupel seeing all the stereotyped , 1 ostiums of tlie day. Extraordinary cures by Miiggiel's Bills and Salve have opened the eyes ol I the public V the inefficiency of the (so cal'ed) ! remedies of others, and upon which people bava -o long blindly depended. Maggiel’s Pills ara not of the class that m e swallowed by the doaeo r a,, d of w hich every box full taken creates an ab solute necessity for another. One or two of Mag ; giel s Bills suffices to place the bowels in perfect 1 order, tone the stomach, create an appetite, and . lender the spirits light and buoyant! There i* j no griping, and no reactb n in the lurm of consti | pat ion. If the liver is aifected. it* functions are 1 estored ; and if the nervous svsteni is feeble, it •is invigorated. Tlii? Inst quality makes the modi— j : ' v vcr\ desirable for the wants of delicate fes males lic ous am] eruptive diseases are liter ally extinguished I y the di>enfeclaot power of Mngg !'•» >alve. In tact, it is h* re announced tbal M w - BiLLofs, Dyspeptic and Diahruoea PnXS '•ui>- «!.«_•: e all others tail. While for Burna, > \ hilhlaine, Guts and all abrasions of th«* -kin M At.i.i 1 l',-4 >al\.. is infallible. Sold by J Maogiel. 11 Biro stix vt. New York, and all Drug g ; GS, At CtTilA |>il Lx. [sep4 ly TERRORS OF YOUTH —A gentleman who 1 J Mtlluri'il torveHi'B fruni Nervous Debility, l'lemuttire Decay, aid ill tin.- wif.'cts of youthful iadievretion, will, for the sak e of tuffering huraea itv. send free to all wbo need it the receipt end directions for making thy i imple remedy by w hich he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by *d» dreasii g, in perfect confidence. joun:r. ogdev. <T2O lowJtu* No. 12 Ciditt & ,Nt" York.