Newspaper Page Text
JBoutbrrn gj t r a I k .
um«ucim\n cm \ivmhml
•JKIKKIN. CA., (lIT. 22, ’.81.«
That in tic all-vital q cation for every
■man to ask himself, snd to answer it, too, so
far as lie himself is eoo< erned. Yes, that i»
UWill the poor South, driven to tho last
corner, hopeless of malting anything by
standing firm, grdually g**t more and more
weak-kneed, till tin: wearied tendons and
muscles shall give way, and, at the last, she
will have to fall in supple genuflection to
tliC ear h— voluntarily adopting that “abouji
natiun of abominations,” the Constitutiona
Amendment F Yes, will she ever do it F
Will the South Just defer to u» for oner ,
and permit us to answer the momentous
question ? Then, we hasten to reply, ami
reply, too, boldly, fearlessly, unreservedly :
Never, never, should the South adopt it
never till absolutely, literally, forced to it—
forced to it, yea, as wore forced the manacles
upon the shrivelled limbs of the illustrious
prisoner at fortress Monroe. Were we
delegated, too, witli the law making power
in the .State* of tl.c South, whether as in
Convention or in a Legislative body, wo
would, ns far as practicable, repeal or ignore
ovary single act that ha 1 been passed under
dnrtss, or at the capricious nod of tho coti'
queror. And, then, if the Yankee wished,
let him make a clean start on us; and it he
chose to re-enact what wo had repeal and, let
him do it as conqueror and oppressor, — tho
?outn 10 v. .,. missive in the transac
tion. Let tho Yankee declare m. - -« . I
erato debt repudiated, and the Negro lreu l,
but never let it go out to the world or go I
down to posterity, against us, that we did \
these things, or even helped to do thorn, o\
our own accord.
Suppose the States are thrown back into
Territories, Jet it bo done, rather than thai
thoSoUtli should oOn. r .„ lu ise awiiy.secming
yor really, a particle mo>e ot .ir. i.«..-
-Mjpty, or truth. She has tried the t-aperi
-« enough, ol just doing, stiaighi-oft,
ordered .
’ ' 4lynnn»*cn«4 corn j u ror ana
obligations, f O , th. most M-red of
gratitude to Northern s./v4 rt - irjing h.r
Lir butchering her son«, in.lfyV'* sailors
daughters,burning her dwellings and tetn„: r
and devastating her l.nds, for uno.lj-.j
reeing the ilaves and thereby tuniii.g- then,
into vagal ends, murdere-», thi»vis, |i -*•
and luwloso It outhens, for n thi'-’- AH
this has been done, —yea, «•«<! infinitely
more -and what has the Sou h gained hy it
and what will she gain bv it t 11 ith r, i.i.-
sho not, —making due allowance lor all th.
jiTt?. w Miro of ifur*•ss
ttnnso —-.i ,y much ! and, alter all, the
price for which she bargained lor doing all
this, though promised to be lurth,om;ng. K
not, up to thus good date, paid, nor will ii
over be.
Iti view of this perfidious meanness of 0 e
conquering oppressor, we say: Now let the
South rub out all that she has done under
compulsion; wipe her cscutc'ieon i of all
the vitriol stains that are rating away ii
lustrous sheen and pristine purity, and
make no more l a gains or stipulations with
any branch of the oomtmrors —be they
Democrats, Conservatives, Radicals, or what
nut. Our policy now is,—since all have
more or less not come up to their p o< lg,S
to he sullenly and doggedly reticent—to
say nothing, do nothing, swear nothing,
promise nothing, and expect nothing; for
they have agreed upon their llell-i oncocted
programme and are sworn to do us tln-ir
fiendish pleasure mav dictate, what we may
rny or do to the centraly notwithstanding
So, if we are to be destroyed by the blood
thirsty, insatiate arch-oppressor, let it at
least, ho esid we went down, having n clear
bid of shrift fioni the sins and enoiniitics
we have committed, seemingly or really,
oitiee the surrender.
To sum up, our idea is just this : Since
vre have l(>sr, or are about to loose, all
liberty, property and perhaps life itself— let
it not ho also said, wo have lost even tram
of truth, honor, and honesty,—yea. ami tie
very manhood that tho tain, st ii.siinc's n
our nature) bid us to adhere to, under t very
tiiroumsfaneo. Up to now, wo have Lon
trusting far too much to Andrew Johnson,
and to the promised fiuitsof our selheon
<J* timing ami self-stultifying deeds. Suppose,
we trust more, yea, solely, in One tint is
mightier and truer than Andrew Johnson,
and inaugurate anew set and ■* new kind of
deeds, in which there shall bo no seeming or
leal compromise of truth, or hoo r, or hon
rsty, cr virtue, or pool lkith, — not the sem
blaucc of i‘ even, voluntary or involuntary,
under duress or not under duress. If to
Uod we ajipc 1. and to Him a'onc, wiih
dtawing icii.nce upon any other agtncv,
human or devil, and the dectsiou .-til goes
against ns. then, indeed, must we and will
submit to it as llis righteous provnt-. uee
.1 Waa' ingfon special of the Bth to the
St. Louts />< mnerut, says :
“General Grant, today, in a conversation
with Colonel R. S. MiCalhsur, speaking of
the election in I’ensylvani t uu>pliotie.,( v re
iterated his published statement, that m.y
avl licr who votes for Uh mer disgraces him
Either General Grant «iv* a gr’at many
olish things, or the Radical newspaper
rre*podents write a great many false one*.
The Missouri river is navigable for the
cgc«t sired catfish, even this early in the
ason, as high up as St. Joseph. Thcv
pf tired one there last week which
1 one hundred and fiftv-fpur pounds.
dog rctut ns to his vomit, snd
lie sow to her wallowing in the mire.” Ray-
I'onrl and Beecher 1..iV0 lap<ed into I’adn al
i rr|
• .. *
Telegraphic Wev/s.
NkW York. <i tot r HI —Gold one hun
dred ltd lortlj-fcvrn and three quitters
(117|( Sues lI3J. l ive Tw< i»tin 11}
C-aron l.e»v\. witti sites <-f 2AOU h .tes, in
eluding a Governin nr m'c Mi idlings 1 1
»0 LI fl-rnla * nfl.**' till el, will, hales oi o')
bag- Ligmyraai I'-} to 191 ceils
Havana dates to ttiu 1-5 ti lu.u been r*
A terrific liurri -ane e nino Rid in 1 a.ha
on the 39th nit., whi<-h la-u-d t >. n days
About half tha town of Na.».hi, N. I’ , wa«
destroyed. Trmio Cluire . w->- d< ii.oUdted ;
i port ou of tha root ot the G "VUlnn.e l. l
house W.. 8 La rud away, "Idle that id the
Miiinc 110-phal »iu en ir-ly and. stroyc.i
The neighbor ug island in tl"
same manrer.
A lage numher of v<--. !■< were Dt an i
damaged. Jt wra-. the t- var-at hurricane
since Ihl3.
A deputation of MexietU cit z nr fnun
Ma'aiu.iras arrived in the city ot Mexieu,
begging the —Imperial — 11 HVerofii.-ot t-( K 1 *
(SB-eMnoii of the form r es y, slating tint a
large iiuuilcr ul tr sips woul t n u hn sen-s
--sary, aa the whole population won and riso tn
fav.-r of the Liiq.ii e
I'll 11..\ l>r:l. I'll i a October If).— It is pro
posed that a Con Venn, ii of o-»lored solilten
and sailors be held in lh s city on the 8m ol
next January. The 01-j. et is to lay the
claims ot i heir race before ungress.
VV AsIli.NclTOS, Oet. 19. The State I).-
parlio. lit has a communication trout oni
Uonsul at l’eru, iuturiumg the Government
that a native t'hiMan, Ttaiding in Linn, h.s
lelt for the United States with the object ot
Contracting lur two thousand iit-gna-a loi
that euunlry. Tl ia speeillaii..|i is und r the
i ulur ol tree colonization, but in (act the oe
groes ar« to ho sold in the same manner ns
the Uhiuesu coolies, lor the term ol eight
The State Department bsees a circular to
the Governors of the several States, suggest
ing thut all Iw-giil and moral meat s he u-t l
to prevent tho consummation ol' such a
eeihSTb4\!H-"litf..W«»'*b<r Id o t«o
MolllhK, l l.uotn-r 1 ‘d.— Ih-- '» '
to-day Were 3,>d bah - -Mill O'o " 1 '.' 1
Sale/ for the week J 100 ba'< lh ■' , l ,u
lor the wo I; Tag, do-’ - '
tor the week • '«.ek on h md '
DlTt'IUMi lfoois.— Splehilt 1 stork <d
Diteiiing Hoots for sac vcr -' 'I
I, . 1-. C,, .lo ir Ii I- store on tin- w
~a. vi Hill street, 1. - k- . n I sUml.
(icii Wil l.- lh iniititn
From a speed, drl.v. r- I hy thi di ’
ui led getillcman at A a hall ', >• * •" * 11
oo,„i September, we m. he the ’. . <
tracts : ,
Hut, I. !! I v cit ,vnq wis toe > 'tin IV.
disloyal -» the (-'on.- - « ■
States ! I deny th .t i- o r
■ ynaitr ii.. ■lirmi s' t- 1 1 • 1
f] j, r,„st"' I’ l ' istahce fi " *i" , i
govern n-, i. > .me «•„ ; > -> ‘ r .
u.dit. It it .-ini t v i p! q • - . 1 1 i ii gj n ;
Did she i-vor d-no in. -- it. .et 't Ii; • vi■:
nII and a fi. cn i.i. »e 0 u • -1 • J
w hen she IVaii tat'- -'-it.' h---■ ..
|, I . ■ ." e l I .0 ; o'. I 1 c
almost Wold lor woi if i .cl lh •\ Jt , 1 0 ~
Out. half as loyal in the So ii i,, , ,
no War w.'uhl rJ.-s.Ojia I cur . ,
■ lid the Union m uld he w , ' n 10l i !
tut. nih-.1, one of iqi 11 and « 1 _,I ,-t ,
hi.uiol togeth. rby ilv ■■ tie- ■I o ■ r<m . ~j
mil, instead of tvlt t u now i-, , . u,..m Inr
despollsuiot I lie v Mi-., r i 811 . s, i uling vv ii
a ru'l ul iron i lie; w. ak r o - to. S m
is and has ever b--en I>y it iu id- pr. . i
sense ol the uoni.
I am -tw.iro tint tho X rlli Ii .- g'vi -i a- ,-w
meaning to tl i-r \vn r d win n a, ; i Ito tin
.s.iutli l-'.ir tile S nit ito Ire |..yd 111 tin
eyes of tho Nor'.fi. slio inu-t doe ar • ilia' sac
has sinned. a:nl Ilk a lei-cntant child sin
iiitl'l sue for turg veil s. >hi e.u-l jf-i
no Hire State Kignis -in I n ir■> S-r.oUgii y
hillaeies, and she must 'org.-t the t< tV-h.i
nl I’airieK lleiiy, old, litis mi and Marti u
You, men of I t. kr us, in-.-t t-.rg'-t ti.e il ;i>
iilmi-sun you gave t . nur State, and y.-u
must brand ailmuu as a ira-tor. I'iic names
•>l Me Dlllfie, t In ves. 11 a\ no, 11 a tin tun, 11 a r
per, must no longer be It,-id t. i , r - e.' :n
their own State, a- those ul gloat statesmen
and j ire patriots, hut the men »lu bore
th< m, their immortal com; ati i t.aie to
ho called 11 a tors, an I ill. ir uoeiriu.s sell
lions. You will not be loyal until you im
jiort, along wuh evervtning else, your poli
ties your morality and your religion 1 rum the
North. * * . *
For four year, the North waged war up- n
us,, as she - I onnly. and eland, to (ring
us back it to the 1 niou. XI re than a year |
ago the South expressed her wdlmgriess to •
return, and yet si e rs n<nv a, r Her: ii l\ out
ot t'iV I nlun as il slio had m-vt r firm rl a
part ol i.. ‘1 lie North prolcsscd to fi,lit Idr
the Uonstituiion. As soot, as she had the
power to do so, she changed that f n.stiiu
lioit, and she violated its sacred pruvi-inis
The North protested that she and il not light
lor corqucsi, or lor plunder. Y lie SeiTu rn
States are at this nn ment pr.ietn a'ly cou
quired provinces, and of their move
aide property i* now in th - hands of North
ern soldiers, who stole it, than til tluseut its
rightiul possessors. The parole which |
Southern soldiers received promised, as l
have) already said, that they should not, be
Intel let ed with, so long a- tin V obeyed th.
laws of their own State-. Amt yet on their
return to their tvatis they sere not allowed
to i x.-reise any right per to tree citi
zens, until they had, under oath, endorsed
all the Acts ol Congress and ...eland the
abolition of slavery fixed, in evov„blo and
Amnesty lot the j ast had been repeati l'v
promised to ihe Siouih y*-t how main , f I tr
citizens are still,in the brotherly Imga ._/■ ot
the Radicals, indy “uuparduucd rebels,’
whilst her most honored and best l.elove.l sou
languishes iu a felon’s cell denied the stereo
r-ght guarantee I hy the Oeui-iitution. of a
•‘speedy trial tv an impartial jury.” llk
Bouihern States wet- r., he r, e.-gn z and a
equal melid-eis of the Union. T.m-y are s m
exclude i from iltu IX in; and ov. u iu il,.
lint, sil ton ol taxes, i lit r, is no r quaiity, f. v
the eotU.n of the South has to l , ar a I e.iv>
diserimiuatitlg tax, hr the hem fit of the
North. All the rights ol t'-e '■'noth ueieto
be 1-cld sa red. Bi.e has only t* c rip-ht to
live, and to labor, perhaps t > complai ~
'hi ugh to do so many b< tria-on.
1 Hrc z' V .f r "r I of'hr*
s ii hoi' ufll-e North. \/Oi the w rid
den-l- wt.i It » eiillf «tl to honor; which to
-bamn. * * * *
Tt,i -e virturs, I wonhl fain hoj,e, arc not
total y I'*.t net among that people, and.there
arc ' i >v>* men tlierc, •to* «'ii hauling t-.r
Tt*'n -, fo' i ..I sfu onr.l libcifv, At the
i,:in • t ril the Sutc.s. and for the ri.h -
I tin- S i .til. The only h qe*, trot amne f->r
ihe S nU, * lit t -r t'leuh.ui ii-*-!f. ou tins
• oitii i m. li-s m the *ncei -s, of ih - piny
\\ r are tin tr ii it-.ul ali i«, and I would So
tifi uel. w 10-re honor ami principle arc
n t invad' and, ami then I would not \i. lJ one
j >• c r tittle —to *tr -ngihen their hands in the
rut content, which is soon to <|. e de ti e
I . eof ('on ti'uiional ih.-rty and R-publicao
insii'Utio ,s in the I ni'e I '•-jiw, I'hc
I’ll si |. 11l of ihe I uited S jios uas cut. tin
great ii.fl ci - o wl.:<-!i high posi'ior,
U'o.g 1.l li< 01 pu.; ,n- ali i hi- ill.
dou.itjble vvij give to this n ,v consirva
tive f.arly, ati-I to his support every tionlla-rii
ii,a>i elioiil i r cmduliy.
We may p.-rh ips feel that he has not g in
to the cxt.-i.t of h s power qi of our cxi-te
tsl ot.> io cairyii-g nur. 1.l- poiicv m ns i. gi i
mate ends, t-m we . a-mot i >rget lie Ins
},— n the on!, hulw. rk ter stand b.”iw* <-n our
unhappy c Uutry and certain, irret-i i-v.tbh
nod > ieilasting ruin. Hu' lor him ’li- Inn we rml ii red during ti.e war w.u1.l have
h.-.-n far surpassed t»v those of p ace. And
thoiiirli dill-ring wuh i iin tn muiv pouts, I
eheerlullv accord to him the higtu st prai'.-
lor ihe brave ad pair oile sand I. has ta
ke:i in detenco ol ihe Sou'll und ot the tain
-min ion. There is ou- o'h r p not on w i Ii
I here should he no nrr uudersiainiliig as to
mil p-o-ltion, no loop in which to hang a
po--H l»- ini-ei nsi rue! ion as to oar views
an I that s tin- ah. liiion of -Inery I hi,
Ir.-.idy ii.ii nuipil that mode by widen the
North sc. uicd :In >i< qa:e.-conoo of the Sou'h
in the enn-uuimation ol this puiposc was u
|.r. aeh id faitti on her part.
(»; all the ineousisteiicies r.f which the
N t li has he.-n guilty —and their name i- Le
gion—none is g eater than that by which sin
I'.ucid tin- .Southern States, ri.uhly ex
.In ling them fr.uii In- I nimi. to rat ly the
ennst:i ii i ion a I uun-ml tin nt abolishing slavery,
which fluyenUld do legally, on>v as Slat -
at «i l lor Ol 0. QO lfT»nrr*vvv» W.S I
never wish to .s- eit r- voiced. Nor do I be
I 1,,-ve that the ] Ople nf i In- South Would now
i, n, orl '.he in gro m slavery it they Ii nl the
■ owir t" do so ui qui slioned l I der our
nit.-rnal Care, liom a nn-re hutnil’ul In; gr.-iv
. lie tl ml • 1 tv hod. 11" c min to us a
|. it 1,.-IU vei* ale a Cl.i --'mil I I--.
otl<, m, a iu his u„n i o-l try ; ii.uu -
ho b came i hi-iri: tts gci.tV, it iiz
1.1 Ii- his‘rt-y a- a slave he comp il -o In i
af , r »iti lh at v.'liieh In: sl.all make tor
liitils, I s' a tieenini. ami by ’ln l r-sait nl
- at eiuiiti .ris . i We a e w idmg to li ji lg I.
\ are vt i .--| o>;s ~i ity hi- tl. I e iit - 1 II -m
uirolmul .eis by Mus culm Ip.iti Ul, and „
, ,-.i ling’,* . emi t dv-'t-ny to I.i s o.v
ila ■ t-, i.p ng tliiit he m.y prove
\,,ril,v ui nie no.v position in wl.icl. lie ha
lien 11 e and ce, he ,va- lattiilu
,u-; s , ('. 011111,, 1,-t os treat its .1 file , .
■- 1 • 1 t ia. 1 o.!;t>. j..., g,.
nv w.o i :.c ir f . «•; :. "i ... -a ki I
■ • . .-to gng t, 1. ssV.d ~ .. ■ , „ .
,1 , sin) I. sf e in- r i,;.l*e's. I. , . , ■ ~.
se h! o .ml -nli-d, in: ,- i . .. : . r . ,
•. ■; 11• .:: !1 - tfi r'l
■ iVI !'/ ■•'on, am th , li . ~0l 00
to I I joy tie- bll-sstng of Ireudotu, hut 1 ■
qpi ee,a 1 .. its n-s.
The New J--IS. V L'-l !!.e I,ls ,-i ,| C !
ii o •“t ' 1 Imv IW :1 ;•<■! . \ .
• a i is hi .1 r nfu-'ii, Th- Lx.-.Ui-'-
ne 1- ,)j,. sere; 1.1 oft’.. l gre-v.
■ A V " ‘"'"".V. r, iled Hood, is to t '’ s i
tiboslnd ,11
1 in' “ W’ .11 is if >- ,-ern at tl 1 I
s'-oi' 1 f J li.U'll i\; (T>. . .-f side |>,-
il II si'-et. bv i'll ing sor,
At A ii it I Vv
In If- city, a! tire redF'sy<if Hi" In-ido*
'lnl (l lellli g >l"h|i>v. M '1 ll'll'-d IV 5}
a M . 11. del'l l- iMI), 1 F'jl’eV I'. Wit C-.viu
Mr. I ■> I-ITI'LC mil Mi s i.MA MOULKY, all
afliii' phicu V,'
"t*' 1 !' ieve'- :1i• - gift, which. I ,id hath given,
I,* nn l id,on- t nn. till* the i qlen
■| li lel li. k. die cilkelhs,
Wi.l I. h.--*ii to hem t,-s'i.l nnj to rnind,
la nn.l in .- ul cm bis"
Tl i,ml »OH.* H (.f she "■llerul.l'-
li* : fy ikTi i.wli ,tge i lie idpiiment fun, l!o
Inq-pi I'< 111 le . fV. •nl g J sp.eimni;.
li e -Mi.-ii.ns \M,Miig iak
I \'m-i ieu«. I::i.. on tiie Fnii.g of the 17■ h.
nt tlip i.’-ideio-e of the In idenithei'. At-. Tumiis
A (tain i m. fi.i-ne 1 1 yof IlnntiM" A'.d .. i. mol
V ' OI.IVIA li. el I -I ihll’glltaof I'. W. IiINCOUH
Ivlin " of he S-mpti-r Rep- |
j I to- !lii K g lentil .r, mulish'd in the
.**'<)•>7cr» V/irv l 'im Aduttc, June I>', we
trails!, rto nur columns !• r jt. -t. ’l b
deeivi-ed is a .-i'tnr of Mrsl- ia - Win-I.i;.
nf this city.
Ml'.S J.lN'li B'ICIKS died, 01-'
Atig-i-t. 1 Hi. ill Puny i;!e( X i", wi lidi-
C IS" li I lie t 111 oat. site L »s tin' dniglir I
of thu late M j u - I’l.iiiip t -k, of j’w iggs eo.
Ga. She j une I the M LN uicli, inl'o
luuihii-. (ii , Soon niter mg iiv. -I
tbvo.dly e! ~| until Ii ii, c, -o Sim
h ft lour children anil inauii ietuis to mourn
her less.
i he died cahuly, and wi perfect peace ol
mind, and was conscious like lust, .uoiueUi
ut her Ide. I lur is *Tw»-!;nt ineuior,
—ii inspirit] no luTror ms. re and as stnh
scenes often do. Sue liadjij po I'ogruphs
ol lmr brothers and sistem mugl.i t > Fu r
lor tiie list lime and clj.nd them to he:
l.roast., anti said, *■ how deal l ime th.-in,’’
ulld spoke many words oi cfifoid Ito j .id
the p. ivilvge of tx wellf-rjuiin ed w.tli
si»K r Sturgis in C'^utubusjia. jin- w.w a
tieauiiiul mode. olHChns i; Cl an. ter, in
e.dgt nr ,ue- omp:)al*e-l .ludttklJc, and over
I was thro* n ti.e graeolul tiitle o: a Chiist
like humility. 1 witness-a very severe
'e.-t es her Juithand pa ienti.j the ifflietion
and death oi a lovely child ad. r unusually
:iy:n 0 oircumstancm, hut s} only gathertd
strung' h troui the eoi.ftot wd' purity and
lustre liom ihe fiery ordeal 'May all our
lives I c as pure and tlus emls peace ul as
1 f" C.
' 1 iv s" evt to hear the liuna-l voii -log bark,
liav deep iiiuuih welcome •« *a qne i,*»r home
tie sweet to know iLeri ie au eydwiti mark”—
Ihe sjdeidlid itoi kof Guo..s oitii kinds fu r
- ,!e ivw by J. Hint .it Un , on Wycyf 'i !**
f iltT aircot. , »**
MeTr.oUlc Nnowa.m —The pro, >l iu -
teorie-j-hower, ii w-ll be remeiul er 1, has
been fixe.l for the lUh ol Novemb. r. Ai
writer in the i.'hatlsitim TV/i-rier - 1; g--e-is
arrnng' m nts hy which li e whole | opula
• ion of that . ity ntay be aroused *r. 1.1 their
alomb-i* when the or m l ph-iiouicn 1 shall
. out- <-tT.
AT l. ...\eii Y.vliS —A go"! sh.ry •»
fo'd 't ali ambitions young man Ir ■ " the
rountrv, who, on a r.-c- nt vi-it to i'.-s'Ofi,
wIS .IIS til S. 11-I a -.i patch over ti." At
lantic Gabel— jusr for Ihe sk" ol the thing.
(i «tl.. riu gup ah his loose cl >• g , In- 1 ut. r- i
-d the .111 « and ixpioscl his wish. Hav-.
i ; og w: dt.-ti Ids mcssige ami bamled 1' n, he
I iid is • -pile” on '.lie counter, <\ tn ng,
••[|o»- far wi lil ia mnnev pay !or ‘i iick
lv running uv»*r the niouev. the operator
r pin I. “About fin inch.’ The won d-bc
-. inier d.'paited a sal ! r .ml w'.-cl man.
Itl.t Go ti) J 15. m ii kCo *», nn ti.c AV'i-t
-ide ol liid street, and g- 1 ya.ur Diy G0.,1-5
rllK. h. *** I
VK \\ A[' \1: KT!si:H i: .Ni S !
(• rfti / 1) istribit tio 11 !
Depots ; 37 <fc -)•.) Nassau, dt, .") i vk
1. I.«riy S. , New Yotk Cliy.
<)t L'o-ewood I'laln.s ill! : M, odeor.s, l ille
t il I’.nntings, Eiigiaviiigs, 'Aat j
t.-. and and *s. vcr \\ alcti s, and lei’
g tit J w. m, 1 oi.-g-tdi.g • I i> 4-
m .11.1 1 ‘ us, D annul 1 lings,
Go and lit e«- CIS, Cil :. , I- ■ i
1-11..11 -, Mo , e. .! I, ,
and Vi L.oi -s' >.-ts,
Got ) 1* 11-, ',.! , Gold
ami Siner Lxit-n-
S I! id rs,
D allot s, Seta of Miuf*, Y« ,-t aid
Neck ' O .Ills, 1’ : 11 and ' . 1 . .1
V. u is, ike., ike , , . Ui l
U l 01l ox i; I.HLt.Mt !
which tln-y lie.--; not pay in il u;» known
. ,u I, gs , a lie. yo.ii .a, i.n *u V c-ihi Kits’ A, i lon
mo g, si ai l most p Jewelry'g
. ..ation m ti ( nd. and S:„ ,s. 'J'. ,'„ >s
is and aiw.iys lias l-iett comi.u-ted in ihe
oio.-l . -it l( d and honorable u. n.n r. < 'ur
lapioly tic , astng .1 n; is a sure g , a at.tec
ol me qqit'i-OnttlOU niii,.i,s i.j- ,j is
‘ 1 " ' : ”.t:nuig t ."i o : t a.-.-; e
i guu-ts. Jno suit. ton , ago.diou ol trade to
i-.nrope, " , ,n g f. I :e . w „. alu |
i ecu it I Ui.-. ,s l nils il in.iielal ii . , s Ki.-la,*., Call t 111 : f.ifufv. ol a lar- n-.
.lew cry lloi -in!. ii .on ad l’.-n oh
HI, Go Ul to s ~ |i. a- g. . - .' -a ll
li; C, I'l some in-' ,n, , s e-s ! ... vl.e till -. 1
tue lost ol lUjti'.dic; .i!i:-g \\ i- !.;ivi’ ate.,'
pureii ed ,er> tug v m tiicse D.nkiii| t
Mood-, at - '.. i xt. en.. y I-,,- i tecs, .hut
„e , oi shoid to s ml v.v iv Finer Gihxl-,
•I'd :• r cl. II; e., to dll V t*:»■ most
[ • toe .( ./ ... J ...II anv other l' ’ i'-'I-I.s
, ' : ' ' ‘ -"'"i and bus ness: i), - uxi
( ' " 1 1 I ‘ It. y - Mil
j y } " : IM"' l * '.k'', ' s V." 1,1- • , onfi.. ; v .
j 1-g li e tit -I s.'i-f, ! : ,
ii» oL Jvar 7Z bj.vo lot „ar- 1 a .t. .
“"I va • '! e p / s id -!i ■ , .'
I u, ‘l'k- 'I "se „Id | atrnl.'Z" 'h, „i I ie-
I I; e
I Dot, .. r, I tda1 1 , and then* le no
i ,rt , n gelid .Il
' '" g WI. -| ||- ||| i- •
ill V •• r ii * . i• U ti'C fil'tl* it*
r .».i
i , ’ 1 1 >■-'W i’ g | i'i have re eiilly
I.' ■ " »-••«*•* -e■ pr s from lh ■A m r.c.u j
i J ""' , r '' • •'*■* - *'>■ 1--!
j ii'»li<l lit iim- i. t r l ini'.;
‘li"' l '- -I . lli.'-r, L-.J , fii-asury I*— j
jp •: i in-:, i. \\ i- rng ion, Ii I' ,IV \-a a-'. |
■'•j; M-s vuu i il. Y lie-, ol >i. Moksl
t hv, N 1 . > wing Mic mu , ii u-, -sTo ; I
Loll' i .Milskaleni 1' 0i.., r, Al i-k m. Mm. , '
La-:ms el. amel- .1 U ,~, , > | :,i ■ \\ ,
>. ll .i .s, ■_ i7K ig • i- .I. 'ln |. -ion, v. 1
1 . s-iv.-r \\ tiu", ) tin -. :- . I ; lh j
IVkll.rl f . 1-0 1 | n All l, ". I'l s , .rr, X .1 . j
I>. 0111)11.1 Pm, i hn- !i) ; i; 1-. I- \ ~, !
1 >uzur, '. .x. Y., Go I1.)•: Di ug |
> -i, » due -T:;<IIJ.
AG.!I \ n iiir.-s eoul.l be ptaee.l on t. .■ u-t.
but w,-Viili i- , , J
'• >ur Pil l "iis.s :.| • ... .re i t l s ~ - Cm-, I ;
•'toil '.nily win i: It :s . ... v uienl.
■'Alii lit. LIST ot AUTK'U:- Io BK S. Li) I oil
os i; not i. t. mi. *
Without, legnoi i , U.u,. a, and le t o l.e paid ho-
U'.LIl gon k.m.v w eal \ oi-.u i-lo r»a-t i\ i-:
J a ih-giint itosi-w oo.| I'iiit.op worth ham (eoo
t" ji) l ;-a i-.-gaut in . ~.- Rose.voo.i Oases.
1 :.)l•; oil fll .-l . .... - il toe i; e !i: r-; 7 -
.r no- inl Tui-.-i : ’:... ti...- t, ,-| K m oi:.g-.
raiin-.l; io i:-io I, \ Iji i; - v-li i:.g Rat - l
L.isloo, SiO't-t; Ji) . i ill.! .. 1■ ii io- Iki.-kr!-;
I ".-v!s o: I". and 1 it. .- Voo -; i.v lh 1,1 11.n.u
:..g l u-e W -. wi. ia:. Nl. ;o , fit.imu and
Ul : 111, ! .‘la I, '-one; i. ~ (.. ;.| \\ |„
-.IM) Lit 11-.s" V. uti-lr j 11,11 Waco.--, i'll
II on I I'l -. 15 1, lU.a, I, ops. ~,.! vs .. -
1 ‘■••el at. t, r , l 11, I 't •:, • , o
X.iL v In" •-. Rl -Io int.i .1 Uoht 111. gs. 'I
i tuuillll-s. L„i k ts n.W -!, ie Hell loil-kie-. I . i. I
l V.,s ap.l R.II. II , Rail,-, w ,1, K Ron. -, 1.01,1 R.-ns
Will g.l.t tool Sl. vvr ext e, - h0.1,-is, nt„l ~
• a thn',,l ol tn.c Sil t-r W art* ;ui»i Jt \v ciT\
Uosciipu ii ■■{ Hi - 1,.-t n-iikc uiid latent
t a! i ftmtrr tn any nj t/ir nf.nrr
-i rt""-* jor oxk Doll Au, i,. f
,"J >jv -tlr.t , ,U< o.j„ J. r >.J .Culti
,it Rive sen lid envelopes will he sent for §1 ;
hh veil tor ; 1 Lilly foi ; sixty tive for -jt. ;
Due liuuit.eil lor sj."sj."
Utiequalbii iiotue,a,-uls otleied lo Indies flie.l i
gents who will act a- ~ i. Our ilcaerij live e.-ua
loglll-s Will he -■ ,i on u|.[iliif.itmu.
I'l uibitilu flier ttnule in 'he to'lowing miniu-t:
Cei tine it,.-.-inn,ii ■■ ;o :i-!, a: and its value are
placed In sea 1 , :-|„ - w liicil itl'e Wll inlX.-J, !
One "I tin— ■i- ni.'i' • a i g il,e ee, liliente
or. order lor . rr. win I.- d.-uvuied at I
our other, oi i.l hy ~.;i ; , -any uTiIV", willrout
regaid lo eli Lie, on ivi-i qu rl Zj enns.
■ tin I',-eoi v ll , g il- ii. . .it the j i-i-h-er will j
see wlraiurliei. r drn\i a ,1 u-i ~.ul can
i.lieli seed O.m; l',n:\ , trial rev,-ire the .mice '
tiuuied, or cun ilio- Il \ , ; u 1 on oaf
list ot iFie.-unte lulu,-.
Rill eh is,-i sot our - -al s,l e o Vitopc- r.i i\ , in th • -
muLiie a.i ailu, w.,: .It a, one to live
Uoi.drid I^ .ll. is.
long lelieraare in.tH e-surv. I!uve l'.- k ■ 1
neas to write plain iiirraiuui-. iiud in ehoo-i:.g
ilittireiil «rtu-h-» Irom those drawii, tneniioo tue
sty le desired.
Oiders for *c,x cd envelopes mu-' in evert iti-v
bw eeeompaijiiu »im H. t i-a # b. w„li a- .. i of
•# ttu person sendi: jj, anu '(own. County and |
State |»t-osfy win ten.
l.eucis should !>e addressed to th- Manng- rs.
•a follow«:
KI *3? Nax-i'i S' N- •
oetTiifte* ■
BlilGS & }li:iH€l3fEN
■■w, w.
I have on hand a lirge and we!! si'e.-tcl stock of pure Drugs, Medicine*, and Toilet Articles, Sponges, Brushes, Perfumery <&c., &c.
Tliesc articles have b—n select and with great cue, both in European and Ainarievi
mark ts, and will he sold on the most reasonaclc terms.
net 29—^n-
\ffl Fill i'l»Ml! lift
Aid! ever y vaiiety ot I*K!N 1 ?>. A ;.> ui limut ot
„\VI-s .IM ki.NKT v; 1.1. Mi s: IN. NASSOUK MfSLB
EMIHt‘»II»LUIF.S, all JeHuit/tiou and "t every slyie.
' A large !ut if 1’.1.K MdllED and DROWN D< lilOTTt'S.
'ir (stDcx <f *di • ,i . j . . t iii* Us
.. ~ . , . r •’ il- -s in v iro»fv, iM(i not t) bo exeelie-i in
110 sery, ' * oves. 11 nn: k♦ » eli'ut-, I .iidmi. w. , t , • , , . ii ■.* .. *
. ■ l* not lvltr! it? ■'»■» Inwrtinjr, tia i r Hiuvl*« r
I«i -1 \I 1 1 o!* s, Oc . >J». vi:. - j (*K Os
Tl'OOtS. «?lIOOS Tw-icl JULatB.
TTHae of Slra<f>.
Eiia«lt‘. ever brought
<t-v dsrsflaßs. Tlse aecom.
Bsi-»d»fhis? always in
Thank I*11!>li i'ii I'.irmci mlutii |> n■ • • wh invite Specin' attention to our
i. iv ''.ii. I; ul l io • I'. in-_r t!u l’ni.i c t it! we e>n niie ms
,rJ r r r \ r r r r \ \rj f rJ j t \
\-: i' ; *.«•:•! t.) !•■• !.il in Ili or hi v o'!i rM r !<••• nih * interior of Ili« State.
1.0, NS , ..\hTtl.V &. I't’Klt LK.
O' t lm
We ;ir« ; repute.l !ti n nk" 111. i .1
CasEa Advaaiccs
|• j’ , : 1 ,-rs ~ i iX ',,.111'-." •: m* ilo *nir <<»i'i rt ill .\.*(v \nrkor S*mn
-11.,wi11, HI ..111 \Vf i Os .HI , to set; Codon shi| pe.| through us, on llm bi-St terms.
\V" will Ills'll
S/7/ attic n for Vie. tit fir. in ih is nunlnt tr/io do not intend shipping-
It if W. vvili.r v- I) ts I.ul piy <: —t son .Imih .11.1. Buv Gold. SiU-r, Bank
N ... t,, S> rip. ."M.-ks. li A. -iii.'l oilier s. rin Hies. Cos left |i»|.er uavabla w
(il f|j , v ,1 tWe (.1-.. 1I1 •.f nil.lll 111, es. Will en.'i-avor lo keep suppliw
w i 1 > l t "'ii N w York in Min, to son. (s. iil-1’") A. M. &J*
S Ofib ■ I• II :t \ I'll ~1 .. I I 111 l ol'p.'S!!.' I I lil'll; W Ml'elionse.
At AE" 5 , cclucod. Prices,
- r,?n Ml
FAST S I t> K OF II I L L ST R E ET , (Near the Foist Office.)
Griffin, Georgia,
Also, a fine lot of FANC Y AND TOILET ARTICLES, Window Gl»«*. T*'*"
j Oils, Lamps, if., Cooking Extract*, Tobacco, Cigars. &o.
i . ' . of N E
I'R ! i*TS ONS i.nciii'' v filie.) HAY oi HT, under the direct snperri,' 0 * ' .j,.,
, M. i. .i a', I I'harruaceUlMt.) wli« ho' l.c . r ovl»i an- eaten,.
1 u i.„.J 1.. IT ■' I.Mv«| ' 4