Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, October 25, 1866, Image 2
n t b c r n Retail. omaacm «»rormwim, D N MARTIN DR M DEAVENPORT. tl>lT»||. •» ni r! in. <• a nil. :i, ; ant. **-M**•»«.■ l»ti»ett* Mini buuiU < .«ro liiia'* How min-L g.H.d it to ilo one of thi?e halfway men, t*.e>c mi’k and *at.-r *pCciuitn* <| ii ate Inn unity, to jt.a..ciate South (. hrolii.a »it h M*»r •chuar'ifs, iu> if th. y w*-re in thesnue ca‘( .•••ry —at it they were both equally to be b.vi.il, an I that tha Southern Stata Waj not a [.article letter than the Northern State. lt«fore, am! rluiug, nnil since the war w«- have, not unfi •■[ iciillv, seen or hear! these tw Steles lim- in.'utioue.J logrtber, os a sort of >iatnetMs Twins in wit k< dn«-nj>, j>nr ii/ntJ.i/c fratrvtn — and we ran aho say,of all those thus linking tlo-tu, we have found that nineteen out of every nineteen of such, arc thcmsclvi.t no better than they should be— T\ e arc no South Carolinian, having even never out foot in that glut ions old State; hut take hir all in alt, we are proud of her. \\ c are proud of the State that tir-f r. *• nte.i the aggression* of the North, albeit th .se ng pres-...ms were in the dim distance, “no lar ger tlun than a man's hand.” It wm not «lie forwardness of the Palmetto State, or its over fcUJMt.w i < •.- In t> al or imagined wrong* that preeipitatril the Smith into seee-simi, aid, through eeccssion, into the late di*.ci trous mr; —it was the cow tfdly Frg gafdmF*, the obtuse and unexr ifahlc sensibilities ol too many ol the oilier States, that caused them to diiJy-daily t. »> long, to hum and haw, till the North got too strong for us— when sc'-ession tv is tnipr.ieticahle, or prov. rl no, at least, on a emat, mainly, of our nutneri al weakn s. Hal even Sou iiern State loon a South Carolina a third of a century ago, having no 1 one particle ol conft I.ne< in the North, seces sion would long h nee have been essay, and, and wmod have ca-i!y succeeded — mid bo- I-ides, there would hate been no war. The 4 atikeo only fought us hc. au e he knew lie had three or lour tin n t.■ our one, to begin with, and that I . c.o.'d bambnoz .. and brine - l>> make tho ratio five 01 fix to.oiie. More than tliirft y arsago, whm South Cal < ■ 1111 n, wi i! i her Sentinels liigb pos ted on the wuteli-towei ll a* saw the insi ii.iti u.tuiy a/iir isl witli masked batteries, and tlio black tligtl ii.lv hid by the Stars am; Strip, s, pro] os. and then to prepare for bis e mi ing, wr. .! an im. ..nlily how l was rais.-d jy.*t vnvrt !y through the North, for that was natu ral am! to lie exported, lif we tire sotrv to •ay, all through th 3 South ! Every tru Soutlii rn mm is convinced mo c that South t. ato Ilia wa* fii‘ 11 i ght—and had her lead lorn followed up, the South today would have In in to in mlt tree, happy, and pros, pering. .Vi Ii: nor, then, wo shout, and shall ever sloear, to the gloi ious oid Palmetto St it. at Ict.-.1, l. t 1., r Ini aut past. For what she now develops under Yankccism and Orristn, we ho'd her not at all responsible. The Cry is sin, t., Tin y t oyie.-Tt is hard to kii]> rp with the candidates for Congress thst tire i. mil g cot, or arc brought out, al Ii oat cvi ry day or two, in the lb me district, t. ti 1 tl.c racat.oy occaiioncd by the resig nation of (ieneral V ..fiord. We blame no oi e for getting nny re ] ectab'o position that p tysin /n. my,- lut we can not begin to unde island, 1 w any n an oft ice feelings i fobeiti us to go to that Yuukecized Congress, where a South rn white man is not respect <d and never will hr again. What h ■na-Jvh white man, with one grain of sand in his gizzard, ran sit up there in Washington— say that be is ever admitted there—and hear himself, and his wife, and his children, and l.is neigh) . is, and his anct store, dead or alive, and his constituents, and his State, and bis section, abused from week’s etui to week's end, and he, like a grinning fool, or a re-constructed.cur, compelled to t ike it a!! v Thk Cotton Cjihi* Full 186(5. About tho best estimate, in our opinion, we hive seen of the crop of cotton that will be real ized this year, is as follows : Term, 250 000; Alabama, •_ > _ , 0,000; Louisiana, 140 000; Mississippi, 210,000; Georgia, 110,000; Arkansas, 100,000; iSouth Carolina, 70,000; North Carolina, 50,000; Tennessee, 70,000; Florida, ii*, 000. Total, 1,300,000. Os right, this ought to bring— eYery pound of it—net 45 cenfa to the planter— aggregating to £231,000,000 for the whole country. It will turu out, however, that Mr. Yankee, some bow or other, individu ally, or corr..'.rationally, or collectively, or nationally, will g.t the* bigger half ot all this e 0 , am) the poor South will have t'> 'l-b the remainder, reconstructing them .elvis afresh to thank the generous eonuuer or f, r allowing them even that m ich. W; *r Yiiuumv. —On tad ay (October 25th mi ci i lion is to come off in this bogus State for Governor, three members of Con ere?', arid number? of Legislature. Presi de! t Johnson, in sutultv proclamations in which no nt.'iit; m is made oi'W.st Virginia, has thereby ignored tho existence of such a State. Vhy ho permits the people of tlu s i»o called State to go on, and hold an election without even a protest, strikes us as sotne tl ;ng a little strange. Lewis Lew, an ree l and highly merito rious eii z m of AugiuD, tl.vu Uioro on the m Jtf, Os t>«4V* - t... hoittHKH? I’im.k t A N rth.-rn . ■». in rny n mark- that ‘ there i» a >.in.. i-.in i.g when the South, to be r. «!ly and tru y in <fep. iident of, and free from it- pj.rcsaors, niu-i be fumiitrrri.irfy «*./ _/i.|.i«< •■illy s.-ver nd from all connection with those »ii > w..u!il humiliate and degrade h*.r. She r:iun..t eternally le a hc^ p.f'f wood and a draw-r of ; Water for New, M' V( , 1 and the North. W- Iki o» that, u ,, .«l,e i* at [•resent, she i- hound ban., t . . Hit to capital and e»;.i --• listi here, t.ut in the ni'ure of tiling* I —it she 1... hut trim to herself that e.n | dition cannot lout. The pres fit m i-t t.e j >• nd.ire.l, hut there aro etuaneij.ition and | lid. pind nee 1. onm.g uj. in It •• 1 . uie. a- I the fl uils ..I h< r II In noil le’iir eg -*-t. ill, the creation of a S..ijrh< rn hlii|.pin_ nur.—', j the f. «f.-tiug of the m.-cliaiin; ar s l-y < i.- • ouraging Europ.-an em.jfr iti Ml, liiee'tah li-l.iiii-nt of .pr et >n !«• w ’li 1.. - go n I'loa*, l f.i* I ran-act ion of h.-r own b..k.ri_'.' and C lllllii--l.nl hu-in. *s, t e eni'o.irageiiieiit of a w 1.. >b some nat ve Tferatur.*, a.of of al other lltlll.-llls »l:: h go to constitute »uf|. n'aoi: it iti<ifpon.h-n :.nd enahlo a great |.»..|.|r to liv.- ii|«!i th< tr own r<—our.'. -, and ri .t ? in ply upon tho f.rb-araii.e of their enemies. .li.iiii.-iiv lie vis.— l lor.- i- mueli con eurr. nt tea mi my a- toilet lilting liyalth ol Jeffers in Jiivt-.. ll> lia- the List treatment and , and -nff rs I t n >tfling, |,.|t is, nevertheless wasting away, not now “low iy, hut with duly increasing rapidity. 110 re is r.-ason to tear that l.e will .lie in ptisan. If ihis eould have oceurre I soon after hi* al re-t it might have been considered tile Frov id-nttaisolution of ari eiuhari.issiug j.roh- I.tii. After tw .'years iii.prisoi.iio-nt on a • rutuped up and inanite-Cv faiso charge ul having procured the as.-..-- na i m ..t l’n-i --dent Liueian, ami being denied a trial epoi. tt.at charge, or tor t:.rial er in 1 - ol trea-ou if he should IloW lie a pi t-. itleT 11 Wot and be a Itatl.'hill disgra.-e 1.0 l . ;it-!y ill .ced. The pal ry eia-ioiis and exetis. i.ut lartl. for the den and <>i lln.s constitutional light of s|aedy trial only male the ease vu. ih,au I as it i.- eertain that Davis will not be tried tint I Congress meets and cornets its bunging noi h upon the judi.ury lull, the Ins. lent a iglit nt mice to rcu i-e him on I nl m [:i TANARUS"!?. that lie may not diemp ia-ui.—»Sg». r«y- JU 111 ( ,1/oS.S j li‘Jfltl l 111. I’llt MI,KM .1 *ll N‘i N AM> 11l K 1i! Sfl, f. die I * 111! ad elpliia Itn j ii. . i- W i-inti. .• :i Ci.rre- pundciit wr t. sun ier a i.-ee t d.iu : I IJI 11 this ale tl ,"!l the 1 re-ide!,t W.l .■( i.fidulit 111 t:n> l.eil'd th it • lyu.er w:i . lee e l in I’enr *y van'll, an i that there Was : no loss in i(ih e mgr. - i..na. ~ gatioti, Lm that there was a k :i1 „ ~, |J IL . Ihi'h >l -tiiet. He Ins h. ell oeiug. a with t iegrains It m Vat i. uis par ;■ s olu.n tttg "I' lie eraiie g mis in marly every e.unty in I’eiin-y ivat.l a and Im'.ia'ot. To-.lav be eoneides that teai .v all t lost, but I.- a -ur. Iby .'t ■. r t .ry S.-- vv ud th it the pie are a little w.l.i now, ' but wi.l be a- bad tit.; «•[•[. o-tte way be ore ino tin r year. fin VKUn mi Oi i: A M.'J It t: fovsy| n ; p, ,\ At. A wKs i.M i it.— I poll it.; aa. . a fur ii Is I led by i- l 'll all -ton e a i"-p . del tb • \I w 111 kII el ..111 .• s . !i' 111 111..- ol it -pv | , techuie. I. lazes ol gi.-rv , a <| . ii grain a e- its read, rs tbat the < love tie r ..f 'out h (' .r -lm . is “inclined to try the ex per, tie'lit of eai ieg ; his Legi-liit-ure together lor the ratdieauou ] •■I the .on -t i tail in an I mu. an I u.oit, and to nine aso in bell ill'ol anew ei.iion hr in mhers ot Couyiis-, to tin* eml that men may be; eh.i.M'ii who can take tin- t. -t oi:h, winch i.- I law ol (’nligV s." lilts sotetlieot It - lieen g. in r ti-ly l eleg l' .pli.' 1 ami [.ublished , throughout, thy eoutiji v VYe [•ronoance tto ! ns utterly f.0.-c. Sola is t iov. rnot t >rr from be.ng favorably inclined to the eoi.stituti"ti— al ttmen hie lit, that l.e i | p".-es it m tot i, ivtil tlirow all bis influence tig dust if, ami stand si. on I icr to a mind t wall i lie good and line men ol tin: S iutli in nnpe. it. oi t > the intaiimus measute- ,N’ ,r\ 'ntuiim. Ilie l'.altmuTe Sun has tint ! bovtng dis pa'.d, : a•it In i.ToN, *' ... ■ r Id.—l tut pm bled t" -"iv, upon high antin'.ily, t'- at I! hi. Edwin M. Stanton has, in writing, requested the Fir*,tl. nt to tebi ve bill) .I'li a position a* Se rei-ity of War, -n I that Mr. Stant-ui wdl be sen l tn Spain i.s Minister of the United States in p'a. eof John' I‘. Halo, l/eutoiian—Genet al S iTnnti wt 1 be re— qiiHSted t . a-.-mne the duties of tlie War Itepartmenl as Acting S . rotary of W ar. Death ok Dr. T. II Uaitrs.—The Flo ridian m ike* the ( dlow ing-.a l not ■ 1 it.oo— merit: “We me rleej.'v pamed to lerrh <•* the death of tin - est: to.iblo gent • man, which took place on the night of the Is'li in-t , id .•m butirlo on 'lie neck Dr. ('. lad not boon in good hia'tli since In* eoijin . tion w ith the Florida (’.oifei eiioe, alt liiuijMn of rohustnpp aranee. He was presiding Elder oft!:? failaliasseu v ir. tilt, a- 1 in man tn j i\e I the love a'd i'*teem of h* fl iek t a greater di _;rei' tl:a-i !it> ..i 1. lie was a Cur ed.! • .ana iinpr.--*ivo pro leher, and was Immb v and devotedly atla lie i to liis cab ■rg. Ti illy a n-•*::st at >1 go,. I man hi* fal'en tit Israel. W e leav > to 'Ot abler pen a fivtiiig trtbtl'e t" bis mi'limn ." Tiik Next Fiii-stiiLNoY -We will give _lLq_politician* gratis ibis b.t ol infoi tn ittoti. UoMibination* have ;i! :• ulv bevi 1 r; 1 vvliieh render it entain that t ree e.t idnhne will be fntiTid I t ti.e r. xt Fresidi'titial race. The tiitta liaitea!- Kid concentrate ou Chase, and will In >k f.r ji .werlu ad from the Naal Bank*, til dm' -treligtli t gieat and itivr. .sit g. and wi.o have ul ready fixed llietr gra*;. u ;•••«* *■■;.'!•• of the most im porfnnt Fdir.l.fh es in (i,.. e.)U'itrv. Fttc C risen ;i Rep'll.i leans »vl War Dotno e , - i> ■ iii nemina’ing t D :nt, n ■ i n.< ii !• ' Kill -',i| l.w. ll !i • til lit”*.so t■> 'i r tv t! o .Mil'll,l it■’ of the ina.**es sh. p. pie. lb. dC ; t > ad* w .11 In ing b;i. k tin ir ; ! .Met': ii hi. vv ho i* u.'W iii Gtvruiany s’ut.itig t.i-'t - wh'n'h he ought to I avo 1' irned belote lie took eotti maud oflhe Union army, at and will run him again.— A. 4. ffira'i!. Ibe phenotnena wbi.-li usually presage, tn'Cording to the notions of the verv o!.«etv ant in sueli matter*, the sjiji'iiaeli of a hard winter, are becoming v, ry marked ii* the seaseu progte-aits. Hives are. *a.d to he ov*»tflowing with honey; the liii'ks of corn are declared to Ik* of extra tb eknes*. and the tuts of an m bs are jT.inoutiee.l ex eod ingly licit an I heavy. It is nbserv, and, too, that fife rats are traveling Past vvafilty in great number*, and th i? the square's are mek i g ariang- meat* o:i a- iiuSeale Telegraphic News. B.AI.riMoRr Oc . 23—The Policy C tn ■ min-ioimrs' < x frment "i.ntinue*. The <«•»•- j . rn-.r has u-d a [ roclauiation warnitg ! the leaders r.f ail inituedii'e eouihinatiuts I against th- p. a.• and dignity ~| the Sta», | that, in ill- «r* t t id riot ami bio- d-hrd. I growing nut of these revolutionary pr.eeid tng., limy w. I l.e l.eld to the atr.ctest ac e< mutability, ami the power of llo* f*Ute wdl f.e exhausted to bring them to prompt at.d rue ited [.uiii-hui"i.t. ■" r. Lot is, 0.-r. g:i —General Sherrmn 1.-.s a. e. [I..J tfo* invitation to be [,r**«Kiit at the rue. tmg of the Society of the Army of Tri 11, s-.-e, to f.K held al Cin. iuriati, on he I Ilk "I November. tieneral Gram trill a;.-o am u I. vMItMiTi.N, O.'t. 23.—The f’otnxJs -tot > r ol luleiiial 11.-venue has i.-sui.l aldi lion . i. gulatioim concerning the ltan«p..r tion . f.'otion m bond. I lie bond limy he Liven by the cons.giiee in the district to which the eo'tun is to be shipped, and transmitted to (he Collector of the <1 - net in which the i.t'ou i- pruduced. file bond being [r-.p.rly filled, the .\s-tssor will .-sue p* ' nut.-, based upon weight as reported hy i the owner. Any want art ae.inay in such report ot weights to ho cornered f.y the .'••r diet, sol the weigher at the [a.-wt to wl. eh the c .ttnti was sl.i|’ped. This avoids the inees-itv of .aving the cotton weighed by a government . tfi it jt-. t tn shipment. Ilm nil regula ions stiii rein tin in force, ami will Le. ot. ern .J whenever panic•? wish to ship in the manner therein prescribed l.ii i.mo, O, tuber 23.—The centenary Me.li.Mism of .America w..s c«i.hratid thr-.iighou; t'an ela, vcaterltv. N i.w York, (>et. 23 —Gold 4>is • otton dull Sales of 1,000 ba.es at 30 12 lor Middiiugs. .Monii.e,, Uef. 23—Cotton sales t -day tfiree hundiT-iI and sis y bales. Middlings H.'t'ii 3ti. I'.utts, Oct. 23.—1 tis rumored here t<" day that urioilicr manib.sto is about to ti i-sued to the ditfir.-nt diplomatic represen tatives ot i he Empire. Lnmoin, < let. 23. If ports fr m Can i a stale th it alter four days of h.-avy tiglilin ~ the i' ristiati fore s repulsed the 'ioirkiaii at toy. I.tVEttrw.r,, Oct. 23—Cotton firm.— Sales ol KM.I bab. 1 plan ts 15). 15read •rolls li.tner. Flour and wheat tending tit,» aI. I’.t.liUN’, f.lct 22. The Prussia Saxon triuty Was finally Mg|.,.,| to nay. Sllt v Not: I'oin.'T .it r. —i lte woodpecker in C litloi'iiio is a sorer id aenri s. Ihe trees he selects are invariably nt the pine ttibo. ll” bores .set ci al holes and fieri g slightly in - i'n the fill if the year, ami then files a way, in mnn instane s to a long distance, ami returns wall an acorn, which lie im • e diateiy sets uhent adjusting to one of the liid.s prepare I for i s ri-.-eptioh, which will hold it tightly in position. But he does not eat the av Tn, for as ii ule, lie is not a v. g einrijn. His object in stowing awn’ the ae on, i xbibi's acute I t s ght, ami kiiowl eue .f results more a kill to reason than instinct. Tim succeentug vv inter the m orn re.iiuu. intact, but. bi'Cotuttig s:i. u tel with lain, i' | he dt-p 'S J to dec iy, when tl i- nt taek' .l t.y m .g '.its, who s mi to delight in l s .penal looil ; it is tin n ti,»f the wood [••• k- r t* 1 11 s the h irv.-st Ins wi-dom ha 1 pnn eb and, at a time when the ground being eov.-r.-d witli snow, lie Would .xpor euee u dillieuby otlierwi-e, in obtaining suitable or pa a eii.ie Ii .and. It is a subject specula t on why the r. il wood cedar or the sugar pttie is invariably selected. It is not prob able ttiat t e i sec*, most driutv to a wood- pei k. l’s taste, fi.qu.-ms only the Outside ot the tr.* s; hut so it. ts, Calaveras, Muripo* r.e, and other dis'riitsof Cuiilurnia, trees filti* kind, may more Ir.qiiently be seen covered all over their trunks with acorns, when liter.: is not an oik tree willitu sever al miles — A. I’> It'irhjn. ttr a corn sjjonderit writing from Jacks-.ti County, Texas, lay* the !o*s of crops 11 urc eh it’ll v to the indolence of the negioe*. lie hired forty five hands and planted three hundred an Is i enty-fi • e acres in cotton and coin, and gave extra rations, but when picking time eatnc on they would riot go to work earlier than 8 A. M„ iju’t at i 1 1-2, went to woik at 2 1-2 I’. M. and quit again at 8 I*. M. Did not [.iek over 10U pounds a day lie tried to get more picking giving pr i.vs and pay bv the B’o, but all was unavailing. The worms came on and l.e could not pick out fast enough, and he made on y th rty bbe*, and fully a hundred were lost on the ground by their refu-a'i to gather. Hit had not been f.r w tiih and poor hands lie would have tun.la two hun dred ba’es if cotton and a,OOO bushels of corn t is coin was lift to rot in the vret. weather, and thus he only gathered 1700 bu'hels. An Enui.!*h View — Johnson I,as completed b;s unfortunate tour through tin* Northern sta'es and las returnel to V\ a*liington. On ad sob's it is admitted F at Mr. Johtisoti l as w-iikered I is position bv id* late speech.-*, and that the in xt Coti gr. v.s, whiili meets ill December, will coil tain a large m j ri y of radicals, win* will shortlv repudiate the I‘ii'sidt-nt's Comdiv tnrv po icy toward* the Soutli. E». Ii party ;* chit. ' 'tig lit st-aws to gain the a-1 van tage, •!': ! the F. uitn organization i* » bone of :r a' -, i otilct.tiitt.-- Mrreury. S. -,r. 20 ' An It -hu ait charge j xv,jj ( w! pping Li* w : .1-• liint-df <m 1 gr- tit. i that l.e was " Fi. . . i ! u * ‘l.e.-. ’’ When there i* t> “.'markin j-breeze ' «-rd out the ptelli :.;::* to take tb.- vv.-.i'b. >; when there is “spanking bit- s.-mi out the bad cLtkiri'ii. Mr. Bingham, one ot the Ohio Congress* tie n, went so far in a recent speech be made a* to siv tint, if re-electtd, “so help uie (.!.) !, 1 will neither give sleep to uiy eyes, nor slumber to utv eye lids until I have drawn bdls of impiaihment against Andrew Job nson.” The Illinois ra li. als have called a State prayer n.eeting, to be held probably at the capi's 1 . Spring field, or at Chicago W hat a set r.f | raying prey era these radical rascals nr« The New York News.—A special dis patch s.ivs: lien Wood’s paper has been thrown back upon bis hands by the late purchaser. It failed ra sett ns a daily police"TJAzette, and* li. s eollapsed. An effort is making t*» buy it up and place ILratr. Ca'litas. !»'. e at’ the A SuLliitß s Sentiments.— Aun-i and t n'rart from a letter of M j .r tieiierai \V. II T Brooks, of Indian na, late of the Cnurd State* Army to General Slocum, of New York: “AVe are told that treason must be made odious.’’ L<t any man who lias not seen it take a look at the Southern enun'ry, grid irorm,| ov r by the desolating tra. e of the I'liion ariirew. Every family in mourning; de«..latiou aid despair everywhere; wlore <>n. e were opulence ami luxury, now indi g. nee aril starvation ; blackened wa Is and chimneys the only, r. mains and evidence of a to: in r home, alwiys of Comfort, fn.|Uent ly of elegance and taste. An I you now talk of mak ng treason od.ous. \\ ith a few more f’onorcssinnal r. -nlntioi sand am-mlnients we are more likely to arr.ve at a point ol not oulv making oursclvea odious, hut con- Uuiptihle. “If the parable of the prodigal Son dor's not apply to our brethren lately in rrbeliion, • ■fwlat use is the Bible as a teacher of ui. raiitv ami ethics IfESCKIIVTE En. OfxTKK Wiril a I)kek.— ' • flic »t ll.e most daring einoitnlirs tiiiudent to hunting life, though fortunately resulting in nothing serious—that we have heard oi lor a long time occurred in the vicinity of Mill creek >.ne .lav lust week. Mr. Ed Nod.ol s. formerly* of this place, started out one niornii g with hi* dog through a [I of woods near his farm. Scarcely had lie entered tiie forest, over a mile from his ha bitation, when suddenly up spiang a large bit. k from his concealment, anil confronting Inin faefc to fin e for an instant, made a tear ful dash at him. .vlr. Nlchoils, though hav ing no weapon of defence, never once I bought of retreating but firmly grasped ..ne of the an'mai’s gigantic horns, wdii.e the •log took hold of fils thro it For a tune the struggle between the three was most fearful—one momcm. the man had the ib-er down, but the deer, pos sessed of that dexterity and nimbleucss pc euliar to them, sprang to his feet a am and iga n, u«iog ail bis endeavors in twirling Ins antagonist around. Mr. Nicbolls dare not lose It's hold, and tires ettly hope of sav ing l.is life was bv encouraging the d>.g, which nteanwhi'o hung on to tfie hu k’s throat with canine tenacity. To worn the buck to exhaustion, with the a-si.-tanee of the dog, was tire only means of coiiipteriug his adversary, and after a long and tiresome struggle was finally Btieec*# ul, when he got a club and knocked the animal on the head. At the end of the combat, Mr. Nicho .s' clothing was entirely torn horn him, arid he Lad nothing to cov- : the Costume which na ture furnished him. He retained home through by ways and Called iu.-liiy to his wife ti furnish him with clothing, and then returning he brought his venison home, which alter tiling dressed, weighed over 200 pounds. When we take into consideration the fact that Mr Xichdl s is a very small man, weighing otdv about 100 pounds, this was a courageous undertaking, and eour ageously d ; d h< meet it. So says the Eiu Clair. , Wisconsin, Free Brass f i:‘ The f i ’a '!i 4.•<•//,. a,H has raged witli unabated violence in America for many years. | and its resti.ts are a /•>• «>lo literature, in which the pltigiarisms of Lo..gfellow, the] "provri bTai" and; '• Eve Betty” Martin Tutu per, and tht[ tn ilapi'et conceits ad afifcCtions oJ.'N.itl atiie! 1‘ pi' jiv AV’liis are the repre sentatives of the higher type of Anirrican poetry in wit ch Emerson end his trans vetideiitali'm are in too Amcrictm Bason and nw>vm 0///Tiii/!7te,Ban. r. ft die Ma-..ulev and Gr. eley the Allison or Thueidides of our I’eloponesian conflict. The ex'remity of m r age is becoming clamorous Sir a ii.tlier Dor.c'a.l, We have r.ot had a re*jieetatdc historian save Frescoit. Our metaphysics (legene.atos still farther down the scale of mere word-catching every day. We have little poetry that is not the product of a fa!*e and feeble sentimentalism, as a cold classicism, accessible otdy to the scholar and touching no ebon of the popular heart. It is impossible that. Pope bad more greater provocations from ti e dullness of bis day when he wrote his “Iliad of the Dunces” Hi h mom I Tunis. SEW ADYEin iM;AU;.\TS INTER ESTING To the Ladies. Mns. TAYLOn Will have hef.entire stock of MILLINE H Y AND g\o)o,vI£&: Open f«*r EXIIII>ITiOX and ii.Fjiection on Thursday and Friday! f ■- cordially iitviUd to drop m and take a U'uk. GKN n.KMKV. accompanying Ladies will also be coreiiuliy WeieoUievi at “THi: LADIES’ bTOKE.” oct23-9t FRESH FISH ! A few bunches of those delicious fresh TROUT & SH2IP-HEAD on hand aiul for sale cheap ! FRESH OYSTERS 111 airy quantity, to arrive. SEND IN Y< >UU tiRDLBs AT ONCE to insure haviiuf tliein tilled. W e have made an Arrangement *l»nt wi 1 enable us to keep regular supplies of the above del'caeie?. and which Wc will Sell at the very lowest Cash price. - VVe 4tav*» -hand*-t of HwlvMl (iUt‘L E’U }>«, which wcoffer iu cjieiiahgc foi Country l’rodu :*j or cash. J. W. S. MITCHKLL, £ Veit •»> s* u-::: *?-.* DRUGS & iHUDIUIMCs At WHO! KSAI-E AND RETAIL WY W, Wl CORNER BULL AND CONGRESS STREETS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. I have on hand • large and well selected stock of pure Drug?, Medicines, Che®i (i ] Fancy and Toilet Articles, Sponges, Brushes, Pcrfilmclfy die , Ac. These articles have been selected with great care, Loth in' P and Amerfe* mark, ts, and will be sold on the most rensonacle terms. ffllimiMlMM. tOEWENSTEIK $ W tFER'S, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, CONSISTING OF LADIES’ DRES f GOODS, sILKDx. ■ ■ rf SH.KrOIT.tNS, «. MERINOS * ALB.ACCAS. t AUIFFIC AND *’• ,OOL DELAINES, And every variety '“ v; l'is. Also ■, assortment of SWISS .fAfKONET. MULL MUSLIN*. NANSOOK MUSLIS hMLUUILiI.IiILS, all Jvsciietion and es ev.ry -tile. FLANELS, WHITr. AND RED FLAN NELS, OI’ERA FLANNELS, CANTON FLANNELS. DOMESTICS. A large lot of HLEAOIIED »..d BROWN DOMESTICS. MOTIONS. Onr stock of NATIONS are endb s* in wriotv, and not to be exeeFe l n | inlity. Ilo'sery. Ghives. Ilandki rcli’efv. Linen. Ja konet Edging and Inserting, ll.ur liiuviier, Toilet At tides, ite. A .sp.endid stock of Boota. '7lloos and. lints. The largest Sleek of Ready made Clothing eves* hi to Gs'illia. The issost acconi modatissg Clei*ks always in atteesdassee^ Thanking (lie Fublio for former libera: patronage, *« invite Speeia' atteutiun ta ouf new Stock of Good*, assuring tile i'obbc t al we cot give a» ks it is pospible to be bad in this, or anv other Market in th” interior of the State. ' LOFAVKASTLI.Y Ac pfeifek. Oet l.j, .Tm COTTON! COTTON!! Wo are [Tepared to make liberal Cash Advances 'IV, planters or Hovers, on Cotton shipped to our cort esj.ondeiits in New York or Savrn nah, with whom we have arranged to seli Cotton shipped through us, on the b*st terra*. We will also Sr// codon for Planter?, in t/ii? maria t, who do not intend shipping' A. JIEHMTT & JOHNSON* Bankers and Cotton Brokers tW We will receive Deposits and pay Cheeks on demand. Buv Gold. Silver, Bark Notes, County S'~rip, Stock*. Bonds, and other securities. Collect paper payable in Griffin and vicinity, ami make prompt remittances. Will endeavor to keep fttpipheJ noth Snjht Eiirhuiiiji" on N.-w York in sums to suit. (se2l-lm) A. M. AJ- Ojtirr in Ilalbday's Buibbug, nearly opposite the Brick Warehouse. PAINTS, OILS, TOILET ARTIOMS, &G„ /\t. Roducod. Prices, ARE SELLING OFF FAST AT J. N. HARRIS& CO’S. pppir,—a»n DRUGS & MEDICINES! N. 33 . DUES Wn Y, EAST S I D E OF lIILL STREET, (Near the Fost Office.) Griffin, Georgia, IUS ON II \\n A GOOD ASSORTMENT, and receives weekly SUPPLY® OF ALL ARTICLES PERTAINING TO DRUGS, FRESH AND GENUINE tsr Also, a fine lot of FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, Window Claw, P* lß1 * Oiis, Lamps, »fco., Cooking Extracts, Tobacco, Cigars. Ac. f X F' PRESCRIPTIONS promptl} filled DAY’ or NIGIIT, under tlie direct supervision 0 r>E£w*T, M. I>.. (( ten,if t aud Fharniaceutiat.) who bis been Hi regular ard eHeae.^e &,» erer tea FwtU and aili**r/, <w Di. fr L. M-***