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About Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1??? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1866)
3 o ti t j] c v n oFFlil\LliTV\\lU’ol\nj|)lH\lL D H MARTIN DbTm DEAVENPORT. ROIT<> K I . OKIFF IN. GA . OCT. *7. 11l Gimd l>u.cilkitimini, We ire delighted to hear that Tableau* *nd Concert for the benefit of the Episcopal Church il loon to be brought before the pub' lie, and that il in under the direction of Mm. Morrow, nbosc taste in airangi no-lit, choice (•elections, and fine disposition of characters, hare so often phased our citi*< ns, aided bv Mrs. Mitchell, whose discip'ine anil skill in these matter* are unequal .With such la dies at the head of the beauty, talent, and wit of our towu, it cannot fail to he a suc cess, snd draw a large and sclent audience The finest amateur performers of Griffin hare Tent their time and skill to nuke the music brilliant. We * i*h them every aue new, snd sincerely trust that their efforts will be rewarded by a numerous attendance. The Tableaux will take place on Thurs day night, at Holliday’s Hull, at which time, new and striking pieces will he brought out, in the richest cos'times. No pains hav c been spared iu the wardrobe, and everything is done to please. Spaniards, Arabs, Chinese, Japanese the representatives of all nations under the sun, to purchase the Circassian slaves (mod els of beauty) from* their unscrupulous and hard master, the 'l urk, who sits the ttuln and ituent of that crusty rac, who treats with such violence the fairest woik of God. A beautiful little fairy will also afford an oj s portunity to the curious for looking into the dim future. We have been behind r..e acencs, and could tell of many which are enchanting, but forbear, and will con clude by informing the public that the la.ln have made great efforts, ami secured 11.• services of one of the most gifted Orators o 1 the day, who will address the audience in his own peculiar style and forcible eloquence. Ocn Comfkdehatk Dead.—Ye-.tcrd.iv was the day set apart for the second meeting of the citizens of Griffin generally, to decor ate the graves of the Confederate dead who rest in the Soldii rs’ Cemetery, and we aie happy to say, that the turn-< ut w,.» larg. > and the occasion an interesting one. Imbed th« graves arc all in excellent order and most of them were beautifully decorated with ever greens and flowers, some o! them having been beautifully hedged arum and with b x wood. It was a most charming scene—tin matrons, the y.iung ladies, the Ii• 11c* nil there doing their full share in the sacred work of beautifying the Soldiers’ graves.— 11 is a rare sight to sec so much of matroniv dignity, and so much ol i ullimj ami hlnom no/ beauty snd loveliness, all at. one sight, engaged in so saered an I so holy a work A little alter 4 p. in tho crowed n-semlih and near the centre of the cemetery, and alter « most beautiful and appropriate prayer bv the Rev. C A Fulwood, in which lie did not forget our country, nor our honored, though imprisoned and a file ed Chief, lie Kcv. 1). Will (i win delivoied an address, which, for it* pathetic, sympathy for the I. reeved among t 1 a living, and as a gr uclul and affectionate tribute to the brave sleeper around him, could scarcely bes rj,a» ed. It is to be hoped that th » address may In cal ed for by the Ex eulivo Commit: to f r publication. Telegraphic News. N !."• I OllK. Oct ”>>.— Guilt IT pi dll Hill Cotton dull, and the tales weft) ISU(i bales at 118 to 40 ei tits. Flour quiet, with sales of TOOharreli at Sl2 hi) to £l 7. heat quiet and corn one cent lower. Cork unsettled, with sales ol 4800 barrels at £4l. The Convention ol railroad men, in session here, object to any improvin'.... ~*• railroads in their enlist no tion, mainleitai ce and utanngvm-.... > subject involving a political di-cu-sion 1 ent. rtained. Cyrus W Field writes to I) 11. (Lag announcing that after November the sic-t, the t.-irtfl on ill messages through the eahl will be reduced til y p.-r cent. Momi r, Oct. 25.—The sal.a of cotton to-day wen IhOO bales. Middling- 85(ri,8ij cents. '1 lie general imnlvcL is firm ui lonu. r quotations. iiAI.Ii.MORE, Oct.— 25.—N0 new .level- Opemcnta regarding tho J’olice Comiii;-snm eis have taken place, iln it counsel elm decline participalioii in the examination ol witnesses to morrow. WasuINUTOS, O'*. 25.—1 t is thought that the danger of a serious difficulty in Baltimore, on account of the Ponce Com missioners, is nearly over. £uch arr ngc incuts will be made as will insure ihe ! reservation of peace in any event. ’I n. 'resident considers that a requisition from th« Governor of any State, no matter from what cause the difficulty aro-ej-, must be re sponded to. Liverpool, Oct. 25. p. M, —It has just been decided at Manchester to work the mil l * only on short time. The market f« r cotton is quiet and steady, with the fstimeted day’s sales of 18 UW bales. Middling Uplands lod. Berlin, Oct iIS.-The treaty between Pm* sia and f-uxuny has been fully r.ii li.-d, pursuant to its provisions. Saxony i* to pay ten uii.lions florins. The army of Sax e-ny has already been disbanded. 'J’he Baden House of Depities have re jected the proposed alliance with Prussia. Pakls, Oct. 25. — Humors are current that changes iu the French Cabinet are immi nent. The threatened rupture is cauacd by the Emperor insisting on the negotiation of large loans. It is now said that the French troop* leave R me in December. . Vienna, Oct. 25. Field Maishal Bene deck, of tl e Austrian army, has been placed en the yetired list. The New Orleans liit. advocate* a break ing tip if tile large piauiations ol‘ the Stun into ■mulls larn.s t'.-r the eucoulsgeiaent of] ioattigratioir. i ff A |«r mgro, in a dvii-g ■ .-uditivn, *u carried through the meet- of Cbirsgo for two I out *, the other day. I ef.>re a place on®ld l>e found that would take him in. When the asylum was resih-d the patient I ad ex pired. A prili- figm i . we. n i»<» won on rcei ndy took place iu a New York dance house. A ring was litetnil, seconds, umpire, and U>(- tle-Lo d.-r c|n».n. The women di»est«-d ths MM-lica ol iui !s on I waterfall*. and till to man last inn. unlit, after several founds, the up-ore was ihr-w n. and vi-tory d.eUr.d for one Jennie Kcilv. k at.ager Gian ha- Ifi-I iv> ■( all offer to ex Ii it it ltielori In th*- mini r* of the I’ac fie ! slope. He waits £IOOOOO fr letting tl.e goldi-u dustmen see the great Italian tw.-nty five tim.*. | Gen llnr.if i* again at his post in h - hu-irn-e office, No J ,( > ('••n.ineten Mrn-t. Se w tlrh-ai'S. He ha“ ricinrly hy.-n o*> an extended O ur thron. It T< x i-. win re no m n iis u.ore re*j ecu and and I . lon and ; aid lia . u Jmi ious (Mends and ailit m i* wil. l e glad lo ilcarn ilii*t 'lie (i-tis i ll's l.eiiiih fia-t-i-n un | r e «-•! by bi- t- o j A Lynchburg | aja r icpnrts It e matri ! moiii.ii maik.-t Very full Swr. el s xtcei.a liaic been I. •st nciivg, gnipg at '-pieiioii* ‘figure*.” bur 'ben- i- no fu-yanev in pro or and. mar and. M*.a.l •,go ’ . i>- »e.,k with j p -or a- in .ml ; w down on die if-. inr ; uu i married am t* doil ; oil imii'ls veiy flit. A number of inun-ters of tin- Ohio Con i Icreuci of it.e Meihodi.-t I'roll—tun! Church | recently held a nneting iu Sahini aud r isolvid, afnr caiin-t iii-ei>sMon, that tiny ! Wind.i del tin*- inking up| oiiiiii'enis the ensu ] inp yi nr, linO-ss ih.y w.ic a uu* in salary ol al Ii aM 81‘! OtIO A Gay Ihi i niit In New Ymk th» nth.-r and i\, b. z.'illi K ., of itie mi*- ! ii-plih.’c ,ig. ui til y-f.-iir, sited Koh. ii I! h lelta, a nay if i-, Her of s. veiny, f..r f?Iu,OHO oil a lo.mi-ii ol llidri.g. prnli,is- lire lad. had Iccii iw ce a widow. An tin feu dig jury ci II dn’l sire tho d.rllisg'es I Kxa(TlV No Tim l.olidoti limes has , nine to tin- mneiu-n ii that the r- eeid c vn I air ill ill l ton .1 hr all s hr- v ,1 nnniZ< and oar hd in id gov irn log 01, a , I 1 1 :u Iniii-i I'-nli if h< ii g- a g.n. rt in id ol l.iniun I It Mil hi > lie .4 no Hint, and p. w. r Tin huge cntii ii lae'ury at hurm and in 1 Stiff, hv old. rin (ien. 110.-i oi runs, j 100- bn ii ii-fnii t. ('•■not Hi in rk » said to h>- Miff -ring' fr ou neiilii 1 .1 iio the left l-g Well lie lit tv ho coiisid ring hi- late i oniinoiis strides iu the Way nf aim- x o in: - I'm < A .( gidith-inan m 1 Inladelphi i reeentlv •« I l i ned hit goldi ii Wid.l ug, Ills i-ldesl daugliicr'p s:K.r wedding ao.J at die Mile lime-the wedding ol Int youngest daiigfiter. gfnolln-r 11 il• i< r i.- •: r ini hi* In- dv i loped nidi a widow, leaving His wile ami ehinlieii desolate. I *ui mg. tho mil he wa- v«ry **l«>v al”—to a neighbor'* uifo 11 makes people's moiill swa er to think i ‘ln- n Venue of some of the • Ccf,•*»••*- •n-al lllneli IHIi( s. The lot rt Venue, of lln lli-l-i p.' i • of i.otnfoii 'or he year I' i;«,r r e ltd! din i g- .1 ;ot 11 e I lean and ( f>a| ter oi St. I'.m ’* Ca'lni ital. Lnn. on £,p :;r»u in g nl ; and ■ I tin I 1 - an in and ( h cpt.-r „i \\ »si iinuiHli r Ahla v. £1 J.”, ti'.'.;") in g-ohl I* l th holla sid the Ml-s -S jpi f.i-_ i,;i ur* within the fi 'I Ivvo day* of ttnir , 1- n, I Aid »n art r« ] e.diog a•« rim T ael laid |> iting the i t inn \ e-ding drill* in .1 town of Wat el \ aiev. Tin V si, II and at the Mime time have changed the name of the own. Smiii' one pul. isl e* a s nrv of the 'our . f the I nreli• ami 'i urj eutHie | ar'y ,in i be«-onr-i --j 111 « lih'li In- -ay - that a lei in vv 1 111. w a s' one ill limwiih'W. I’ia it CC lisp Ills that tl i ! w.i.s a smilin', to il Is a great |nly 'hat ti e ! paiaoii Uul not Ini lit. -ms-i .- vv i h i-, I t*,., D.-u tr..ti* nos 12a or vm4 i.i. . coin. ' [l'n.m tin lUlhinnie (iu/.ti e. \Ve tliongln we li ii h-,n and the la tof the j "Soul hern li'YH i*in’’ and tin ir pi r.-grinatioiis 1 We had ioigotteu that those itnnnicuui e i patriots w-i re on a polituai i ilgiimage ui tn vv. •saw yesterday an acioul.t of l heir rnnh ‘at tin- loliib nf Mr I.imtoln w ere the filial , *"■ « on their progiamine were eidehr iled. — 1 In pin If .i, i Willi l| Vir. I. a 'Mi . I lid 111 lie ' imrde I m hi ircelidth a lu lniicai i hurai-mi, -ud i In. Uagiea.l in m.e in wtnedi 1 1 < 111* i ins ] 1 1. 1 •vs -,I i au-e liie a..4 n .me in he re j memhei eil vv r h sv m | a I ei ,e mli lest by com | i lie gener dinns, \\ in,leva r many <> us may ' have llnmg 1 i nl In- in nl .1 dil in >rai q i i,i ms while I’re-denr, none nl iln>se wli-.nnee I Inti, r y (iifh Ie I Willi i,'III al e di-p. -ed I, jtr al Ins inemniy i-l-u rwisn itm re.-pgc ml v. Ac can never regard ids ginve a- 11 ai m a s.nnt or In mi. lull we slumot si.nnl h. n is we wood by th a ol any man wnii o o-> u i g r vereuee. Il iv> r men and li.un ito *| iak inMi kuigly ot 'ir Biueoiii » loini t will he lit-ea i-v, in the i-n .eavur io j m-ke some small poll leal capital, i-i-ri.i i, j ~i-ia I'ldabl •pO lilelans ale p limited lo if • iMiuillch lhal i* i-aieula t-d to counerl a s 'lord place wit' liidleious a*sO' la Ivn-g. 'flu "S.'Uiluin Invatisls," Id wiioin vve ham n— ii ri«*ij > wi nt a few days ago in solemn piu Ovssiiin In visit the last re-tmg p‘aee ol ,ht •«ie President. With lutie aj pieen.tion of, or r.-griird lor r ronri-fv or diei n'T', the mwn cotiMuutee of reeepti a saw what they thought m s a gmo clisncs 11 got up a sun- B'ltional political sca-iit', "hied, although h invo veil lbs dt-si-craiion of Mr B u.-oiu .» gia'e, might nevertheless help ti e Kuuica ;p r y olieor.ln glv, they had p'aee-t will. I m the eiuietry —a spot whu-fi ill'* 1 iimesi ! echoes ot paitisan stnt-jshnU f never t>e *utle, I cd to reach —a large pl.eard, hearing tin 1 inacvipiion : “The murdered President— -1 can a poll deal party p, os per under (iron, ! the n uits of whose c tinsels ripened iu tin* 'deed? Peace iloui'crats. this is your only j connibution to th* history <d an age other j wise unparalleled in g'ey !” A few yards i on the light *a* another, wiih these words : \'L> m> m rlnm let u- this d.iy resolve II a: j the and ad shall n.d have died in vain ; iha I the nation shall, und.r God, have anew I birth of freedom, and that a Government by I the peep's at and for the people shall not per ] i*h from the t-aath. Alter reaching the grave the procession formed in two lines, and the ‘Toyalists’ cam forward to pelf Util tlicir part of tile enter tain'll ud. A Colonel Kraiisc-'iuhe *te| nod aid grave yan 1 slow y, at if he were 8 «e ercs ird r aJ in- *iea«l of a-I am and I ui Usque, read th- fol lowing { -‘Standing at th- tomb of the ilhj* trioaadtad r.ia l ng his aublime words, his heroic virtue, hi* ut.-werving- fi leKtv to the great t ti- * i-oinmi'led to h,Mi I.jr the Ameri can people, we Iscic n. .k- a newt con—cr*- ii ii of our live*, our fortin -s. and our sacn and honor in ihew rvico of iair ...iir.iry, and. with i.neovi-n and head* up .ft* and hands, so'enin • iy resolve, with tl.e help ■ f Almighty God. that w<- will m vc-r -nr r* nd-r the miiti-M with 'lrqotic jiow. r until the tell spirit of ref—l |i< n -I ail la.- Utter v eiu-lo and. liulll ti e right ol tree spieeli shall Iw. In ii .lain-d on even lire!, ot A tiler, an soil and all men areestabli-h ed in the full procession of those inalier able r which God has given, and to seeur ar it protect which is the obje-ct of all good Governtneiit ” 1 he “ i. yalists," we are to'd, stood hy the wli h: with *■ uncover, and bead* and ui>iifte-d right lands.” So ihes- di-interest'd pa Ml Is whoeherted arid harangued Confed erate teg’,no n's wb.n -hoy matched to lire tijfr'—who eh t-red anil wept tor Joy when ihe Federal regiments came along as victor’ have no* made a ‘ new Consecration " nt their prci-mu* liv.s to the Hadieal partv i heir tor'll lie*, list, whi-h, if they have any, are tho i.-wards paid tln-ui as renegad.a, they have vowo I to the service of those un •hr «h..D they have temporarily taken pay. And l:i»t and least, t'-ey off. r as an addition il p edge oT tlieir sim eritv their “ saered honor.” When Fal'tsff offered his tailor the i-in.’or'-i-riienr of one of his worthy followers. M e .si r.-wd tradesman sent for an an-wer that to; -liked not the security.” The lives for uni- . and sueied honor of the --‘southern lov alist* ’’are ju«t ahout as valu • I'e as the w,,rd of .Id Fal.-taff's servant. hit such un n shi n'd bo suff' red to enact in h a jait'e upon he very clave ot one whose M emory the great majority of 11 i- N.. r,» «-rn p-op’e pFoTrss to hold in unbound i.l alb it , n and reverenc- is able o -ay I tie least ot it, to the taste and good sense of the Court ry. , ien eniiiit Mitiiry >tu tns Gulf of Al. xao, [T .un lieliow s Iteview ] A sea is important lor coistin rce, io pro portion to the length of tl.e riv. is tout emp y i,l" it, and to I lie exit lit and l-rtllity oi n.e nver has n that are drained hy it. The qualit.ty I,ml value ol ihe sup .s that ill. a, light down to market depend upon these lh. lied 5... is in ali.el I. s» .list riel. Few ■re the peopl-, and .mail ale the town* a"" g t- co. st. lis snorts ale vv ihotit vat eys, iol a mi r empty mg linu it ; .tor there is sushi lor t( to main. (' uiute-rcuiiy s| c king, what ale its staples. 111 Cun,| all son to those ot the Mediterranean, which gives outlets to livers that drain and I. nil z basin-, ci'lita liing lo l less iliat. ut.e nid mu at.d v q tarter square mnes of trut to lands ? t ou.uii-i eial cities have nevor i-X'*t* u oh the allures ot ttie- lo and tSca Cuiu lu, ‘ ,l!r lows ihe sea ; i.ut it m-pi-iiua for I,'e am. I t-alih upon the lam! '* * : g.- sus e nance from Id 1 K < '.Tns wtuci. tin y ‘train/ iffe opii.ein'e ot mil l,l j iii p -talon lo the t-.eiioy ot in -.eieum e thi so I. al lolls tiavu with t .c outlets ot such liasius. 'the 11 v i r has its ill allied into to the Go .' a' it Gat’, ibhoi.n 8.-;. gr ally exceed 111 .x --r in .far.-aaiiii capae iy of pio u. Hoc tin iv. r basis ot il.e iloilurial.can. 1 lie dun i.t» in A Inca, Asia and hurope, *nidi i,list- dir- liver ti.s'.ii .and ill.; Medneriu, ar-,' 111 lal extcl.r, lull 111 o un re 1 1 an one loin', Ii i Ii- size oi l whiel, mail ed I'V Ibis Si-a 111 oUT tunl.-t. It is lire MiUlleri aireali "'.Now V\ olid, an. , ,i\i> e A- ; 11 •* scale lor corn m •• . ~] '* e'f'd Mian IIS -ype m in. t trd ; . il. grets o' m r.giludi- in I. ligifi,‘./y hii av. rage ol S'-vei ..lies .t in,nude in tiiauin. Ours is i leaner, tut lint so long; it is, iberrlort, I.- i'. ii.pact. Ships can sail lo and fro nl"rs II 111 mm h less Mine, aid gather lls .me es ol commerce at much t's> .os',. 11..1 ii hceii tell ( to plan llcl.-rm ot a l osm lor i-ominen-e <-n a large sea e--a asm i.,r tin- waicrs ofour riv. r* and tin , induets ot our lands— liu couid not ban iruvvn 'ln- figur- ot one hette-r adapted lor ii ilm... that ol ihe Gulf, i.or placed ii in u posi on had aid in. rji t aie. liie Mississippi aid Il.e Amazon tiro lha two glCat Colli arnriis ol tho coinineiit. They ar. l.d hy irihularii-s wall navigable Bliglli ot . haiii.el, mure tbati eoough io encircle ihe giohe. The | rmlucts of the basin of the Missis s ppi, when they arrive at ihe Balize, may, in iwt-iny or tinny days, he landed on the hanks ol lire Oruioeo and Atm.x ui. Thus, i, our tavorid p sitinn lo re in tl.e Ts. vv Wot Id, we have, at a distance i f only a tew and .y»’ sail, au extent of Irui'ful ha-ms for .-out im ret a I interemirse winch they of the Old World have lo r tunpass s< a anti lain!, ali'l lo sail the World .-./"Un 1 to teach. (hi llns continent .\aiure has hern ptodi u I ol tor hoimiies Here, upon this mitral -er. s e has. with a lavished hand, grouped h i arranged in jox apositioti all those ihysi ca I . n I'nni'taiicos winch rnake nations tin great. H ie she hr« laid the fonnda -lar l. r a e iihtlii.-tee the most n.agiuticent ,'l.e World ce. r saw. Ht-le she ha- brought ' I Inti the distance of a few dais the nmutils -f her two gitatist tivars. Here she has p'a.-cd m close proximity the natural outlets "t her grandest river ha-ms. With unheard <>t powers of pr i-liic ion, these valleys r.mge hroug'i all the priaiucing lauitudcs of th ’liny cmhruie every agricultural ciunate under tire sun; they are caps hire of ■il vari.-tv ot prodnetaona wb.ieh fho whole world Ics'dese-n gfioid. On their grPeu oosoms rests the throne of the vegetable kingdom. Heie cennuori-e, too, iu time to come, will hold its lourt. Tueihr-e great nutlets ot rommcrcc— ihe Bella of tb Mis-u-sippi, the mouibs of he Hudson aid Atm.zon—ate all within i»o thousand iu lea- ten days’ sail ot 1 fa llen. It is a barii.-r tha's paratea us front he urn ke's ot six hundred millions of pen pie—thr. e fourths of the population ot the earth. Break it .lown, therefore, and this . ouiitiy is placed midway between Fhirope Mid Asia; tins sea becomes the centre of the world, and the fners ol the world s coin uicree. This is a highway that will give vent to commerce, scope to energy, and range to enterprise ; w hich, in a few years hi m e, will make g*y with steam and canvas part ot the ocean that are now unfrequented and almost unknown. Old channels of tiade will be broken up, and new ones opened. We des re to see our own country the standard-nearer in this great work. In the London wmk In.u e they leek up rrfrvctory pxopsri with corpse*. 8-hauijl. the great Circassian cl-ieft* n, • ho slier fighting the Uu-sruna iw. oiy ye*r taken prisoner bv them some eight years ago, ha* ra« - fatly taken the oath ot aUeg’anca to Ids Imperial Majesty, the Kioperor of Kins**. - The hubby 1 orse in.nutartorv of A Chr>*» liar, A S-.ii, New York was de-tr- yed on the (light of to: f2th lust. The reader UI «y .-al cu aie h-.w many aiinutla they turi.e-* our ot lhai raiablisliiii- nl, wh. nwe stale that the cs iujaicd loss is £ 1 gU,I iM'f. lIIsIRIBUTIONS. \Ve Would call atten ti >n to tl.e Opinion of one nf the leading pa per- ot Canada ou this subject: Most of our readers have no doubt read Some ol the numerous advertisr-mcti's of ti ill Enterprise*. Concerts, ike., which ap pear ir. ni time to tune in the public prints, off.:ling inns' templing bargains to those who will patronize them. In most cases these arc genuine humbug*. But there are a few respectable firms who do bu-uies- in this manner, and they do it as a means of in creasing tlieir wholesale bus ness, and not to make money. From -uch firms, il is true handsome and valuable articles are pro cured for a very small sum, and what is mort imj octant, no one i* ever cbea ed. Kv- ry per.-on gets good value for Iris dollar ; be» cause, as we have staled, il is intended to act as an advertisement to increase their ordinary business. We have seen numbers of prizes sent out in tins way by, Watson A Cos ot Nassau .street, N. Y. and there is no doubt lhai some ot tl.e articles arc worth eight or ten times the m mev paid toi them while we have »m seen or heard of a single art e e which was not fully Worth the dollar wiiieir n coat. But this is only one of the exceptions of this rule, lor as a general thing 'he parties elig.ig.-d in this I u-ine-s are no hiug hut dove; swindlers. —i S>tJ iy Jit tl •If, M'.ntnal V. K , Jin. 18, lbOG.j 0, : 28 —O'.- w MAKUIbI >, Wedue-day evei.i g. Oct.’ Zlt.b, lH»;t"., at the i-.-*i,l,i,i-,- of' il.e- htiii.-s n.o'lier. pMi-a. I-amlv 0.w.1er.) hy lire Itev. It <• Seal*, 'll. SI'KIMIKN l>. WI I.i.| AM ON and Miss CKUWHKIt, all o' Spalding; Coviiitv. t.-orgra linters leedulv rec.'i ed and U r, bv grate r..| y ttekiiowledged. Vt \\ AD \ i: U I ISKM EX 1 S W. F. FALL, Whol.-a « HARDWARE HSRCHAHT, No Zi Public S jii»re, Fashville, - Tenn. «.-** I in now paving special attention to I X. /the \Mlrt|.K-.\LK TKAHK, and will hr " most hiippv to I-. 1-. ive ar.v or.l. is, (tr.rg* j • w i*l 11 it >i i tin tliut tin.* little tj 11% v lid'll, •vltioli w.i:| l»e SENT AT ONCE. aid at low w r. f.-m.i.. o'afV—lfu Si.t'CfMcr to G. W Kail il liro, 11. A. WISE, CHKIHiY STIIEKT, MACON, GA, dcul-rin House J'ltntis/iing Harthcan, SILVER PLATED GOODS, GLASS, CHINA, and EARTHEN WAKE, Table anil Pocket ( littery, TIN and WOOD WARE, IJROOMS, IJRI'S E> FEATHER DI'sTERS die., T< »VKS, Hollow Wmii*. Cooking UtonsiU of O cwiy Kind. 0c27-lui NEW Medical College. rpifi: |»ul»]ic nr*» hpr**by not »hat Ihe I.«*c X will (•oiii..,£iicf‘ in the >RG! A I CI.IXTh! MKI *ICAL i ’Ol.f-KH K m Atiuiitu, on tlu* first Monday in JSo vein her, (stli.) oct— ! w FRESH FISH ! A f«w Lunches-of tboee delicious frebh TROUT & FHSTP-HEAD on hand and for inlc cheap ! FRESH OYSTERS SKSD IN YOUR < RDrills AT ONCE to insure having tlu»m klU**d W»* h»V4* nmdo an ai rantfprnent * hat wi I anublp us to kp*j> regular Mipjilus of tlit* hI»ov«* tlcl'cacifs, and winch we will at the very lowest Cash juice. We have al**o on hand a nice aasoi tment «»f FUE>irii Ks 'tJE'M ES, whuh we offer in exchange foi Country Produce or ©ud» J W. s. MITCHELL. Wmi eide of HiM utrtrt. V<iRI.K.\I>LY to au order grant,cd by the Or dinary o. |'ike c**uut.y, will be Hold before the Court House door m the to vn ol '*reenv ile, >Jenlwethcr county, on the first I u-sd »y in i)e cember next, within the legal nun* of sale, geve ity.five acres of land, (more or l»»s) being part of tot No. ill) in ttie upper Ninth District of mid county, adjoining the lands of .McKui/ht, Reynold* and oilier, known a > the t-ltele place, briongu g lo th estate of Alfre 1 VVigoina, late of Pike county, deceas'd, for the benefit of the heirs and eiedtloi aof said deceased. Terms eft*li. GA DESMAN l'Ol’E, 0«* » Ada’ni«{ra‘oi. DRUGS & MEDICINES AT WHOLESALE AND RLTAIL RT Wa Wa CORN HR BULL AND CONGRESS STREET-*, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA I have on hand a large and well stlected stock of pure Drug*, Medicine*, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Sponge*, Brushes, Perfumery dkc, Jtc. These articles have been selected with great cat e, both in European ami Aa,rUaa mark, t«, and will be sold on the most reasonacle term*. LOEWENSTEtN S PEEtFER’S, FALL AND VVINTL GOODS, CONSISTING OF LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. SILK DRESS PATTERNS, SILK POPLIN’S. FRENCH MERINOS ALPACCAS. • ACIKFIC AND ALL \VO<>L DELAINES, And every variety of I’UIN IS. Also a large astortu cu of 'araias iihto>3 9 jackonet. uriiMrsuN, nanscok musllx KMUUUI l>fcaKlE*S, %ll dvseriot»oi» ai.d of «very s1 e. FLANELS, WHITE AND RED FLANNELS, OPERA FI. ANN ELS, CANTON FLANNEIA nojiESTies. A large lot ..f RLEAOHEI) and RKOWN DOMESTICS. NOTIONS. Rfoelc «»f Vonov.4 *»r * pm-ll'S* in vnri-tv, %n 1 t » b» •*»?’- in Mfity 11«» S'*rv. <» '»vt*-. ! I iM-lk'rch •*!-, L »n*'i .1 \ k >net in i 'loilift Anic *V •. A **p.i*ndi«! »»«.ck i»f I3oota. liooo and. Ilata. The largest Stock of Readj liiiHle Ulollßisaii; ever to Gritlin. The most aeeom nioilating Clerks* always in attendance, Thanking the Ptihli f.n foni'cr liLffa pitro-r .ge, wa invite Spe, attention te ear tu-vv Sto, k of tin i!-, as-mtiug the Puhl'c t at vve cm give «s V* it is pifsihle to he had in th;*, or anv other M .’kc' in the interior of the Stata. ' LOMVENSTIJIM s. PFEIFER. ( lot 15. 3m COTTON! COTTON!! \Ye are prepared to make liberal Cash Advances Tn Planter* or Hovers, mi Cotton shipped to our i-oriespondeots in N-» York ar §«v«i nah.vvith whom vve liave arranged to sell Cotton shipped through us, on the bust t»rnn. We will also S ell cotton for Planters, in this market, irho do not intend shipping’ A. MB Hit ITT & JOHNSON, Bankkßs and Cotton Brokem We will receive Deposit* and pay Cheeks on demand. Buy Gold, Silver, Ma* N'otes. Cn»"li/ S’rip. Stock*, Bonds, >lllll other securities. Collect paper uayab eta (ri dKu Slid vicinity. and make prompt, remittances. Will endeavor to keep ■ » th Sn/h' E/tchiii'i/r on N.w York in sums to suit. (se2l-lm) A. »!.*»• OJfjrr >ti II .Uniat's It«i• I*l ■ r>j». 1 eatlv opposite the Brick \\ arehonse. I'll HR IIWWB PAINTS, OILS, TOILET ARTICLES, &6„ At IF? od.ucod. Prices, ARE SFLLIXG OFF FAST AT J. N. HARRIS’. — 3m ' DRUGS & MEDICINES! rsr . B. T> IT 33 W Jrt Y, F, \S T SIDE OF HILL ST RFFI T . (Near the Post Office.) j Griffin, Georgia, 11 AS ON H AND A GOOD ASSORTM KVT. A\ I> RFt’KIVES WEEKIAI Si FTLIE OF \LL ARTICLES PERTAINING TO DRUGS, FRESiI AND GENUINE tar Also. H fine lot of FANCY AND TO.LET MHU I-LS, NYiucow GU« l "\ Ooa. Lampu, dec., Cooking Lxir.n i.*, luhaccc, Cigat* dec. I PRF>CIt IPTIOAI# promptly filled DAY or NIGHT, under the "T"™.?” !,,**§ Druwat. W. I).. Chemist and I hnnuayeuiirt.) »Uo has heea in regular *s»d nv* I fcr l» y*w, rfrfl «»A Da. t. L M«W ' I