Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, November 15, 1866, Image 2

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    jTiTiTrTi gjtrail.
timmU’lTV t\ll till Mi Jnl l\ IL
ei>ll o a * .
uKlftl.N. na. Nov 1... : s«. 1;
lVwslltiK llr«‘alli mid Ini*.
If we felt allowed, in itmau and ik and
troublous 1 ici.es. 10 contemplate anything i'i
other than in a -eri<.ii* lighi, it wou and be ihe
poinpou* gravity wiih who h -••nn- m w-ps
p. r*. or their Correspondent*, record in de
tail what General Soma otie, or Senator
Someone. or Kx Governor Some on.- think.-
or conjecture*, or pred ets as to the ‘ntur
of this country, and e*pc. tally of the South.
In ordin rv lim-«. or during the preva
lence of some common calam ty wh, n
thing* arc a little darkened—of a mere twi
light obaruiity, a* it were-many a man,
•harper sighted than the rest, can, to some
extent, pierce the hazy future—sufficiently
far, at leaat, as to mskc s t»>li-r*h : j gu»d
guess how mattcra are going to turn out.
At the prese-nt juncture, howreer, when
Stygian darkness, as black, and ti.iek, and
impervious, as a wall of ebony, ba- %w .1-
lowcd up in its devouring chaos e-\cry ra\
of light, and not the most prescient man
among us —be be tieneral, or Senator, or
Kx - Covernor, or what not can see ahead
the hundredth p.srt of tho length of hi»
none, it docs seem that all this due record
ing of big nirn's thinkings, ceinjecturings.
or predicting*, about what the future h.s ii.
store-, is ju-t so mu. h good breath maniifac
lured into u*edess noutense, or so intiah
good ink foolishly wasted.
The great deliverer of enslaved Israel,
when he found himself and Ins follower*
walled in, on every side, by mountain and
•e*. and serried foe, deferred not to man f.n
advice in that dread extremity. To Him
alone that knoweth the futura, he impli iris
deferred. Just so must do the South 1:1
hrr dire powerlessne** and h»lples«ii<‘-s
“ Stand still ” —literally, stnml ihll
seems now to be the last untrivd poll, y of
the wo environed South !
AVhvT lie! I>» Til KM B». K '-It
been a matter of n.stoni-hiiieot with main
whv it id, the Northern 111011 hate not 11 ■<-r*
of them, come down South, ami mi/ 1) the
great bargain* that th« 1 1 ken dim 11 ami
impoverished Southerner* aic force I, all
tlie time, to he offering to whoever will ae
cept them. The shrewd \ ankec is not
asleep. 110 knows that lands and otlu 1
property can be bought, even now, tabu
louelv cheap hut he cannot strike yet ;h*
knows they will get still • henper and cheap
er, and when his keen instincts whimper to
him, that the lowest round in ihe ladder ot
cheap prices has been attained, then will he
leap forth and snatch the pli/.e. lie i
wailing and yearning to hear that delicious
muse to him, the Shctift s hummer. A
Virginian write* as follows:
“Our newspapers are f led with the ad
vertiseinerits of Aul and Immigrant In'
\V hat his i' atnou ited to ? son ply 1 milling
Neither the foreigners nor A anku-» ai<
coining amongst us fsave a \ ankee mov am
then as an adventurer.) liny are holding
back They do not want our lands tor a
fair price ; tlo-y are looking Imw.nd to a
day when thev can get them upon 1 heap' 1
terms; and the man must b ■ blind "'to. In
the lignt of Northern sentiment and reeeu.
legislation, has not comprehend-: 1 this.
[fUMMI S U'*TKl> ]
Mr. Edmoh :—I se« a notiec in your
yesterday -morning’s issue inviting a meeting
of the ladies of the various denomination* at
tha Masonio Hall, this I* 'l at 1! o'clock
The object of the meeting is to form an m
$ >c!atioii lor the relief ol the really destitute,
and devise way* and means to hi ing the chd
dren of the distressed poor inlu the Sunday
Schools. The objects con emplate.l by the
proposed organization are worthy, eotnmcii'i
able, notih‘. Kvery humane ! eart —to say
nothing of th« tender, unselfish yearnings
which our holy Christianity inspired—inns'
feel an interest in abating the pievaent
distress in our community, and also, in gath
ering the hitherto-neglected childien .and the
poor, and placing them under the benign
and elevating influences nl regular Sabbath
School instruction.
Tba great ijtiesfion is, h>w can tie sc ob
jects bo most effectual? secured !' 11.
ahould be willing to cooperate in uhi'e-er
plan may be deemed best, but there st-oil.l
be a full aod free euul. reiiee before uny is
After tfiinkiog over this matter carefully
I modestly suggest that each I'huieh take a
collection, once a month, fi.rthe poor, and
disburse it through the I’astors, or select
committees. Let there he a treasurer ap
pointed in each Church, charged with the
duty of keeping an account of tho moneys,
provisions, and clothing received, and the
names of the beneficiaries. Let each Church
have a committee on Sunday Schools charg
ed with the responsibility of searching out
the poor and neglected, reporting their con
dition and want* to the Church, jroviding
them with comfortable appare , an J drawing
them into the Sundiy Schools.
One (’lunch in our community hag raised
«nj appropriated, duiiig thu current year,
by means of monthly collections, Slda'd'h
t-ightecn different families have been as
sisted, receivin'; from two to eleven and illars
each. This was doing but little, but better
tilth: than nothing. Suppose ah the other
< hufi hes had done as well, tlu re would have
I sen iiuic little or no actual suffering in out
The Church is, by Pi vine appointment,
eleemosynary in its clinrai ter. Tbr.nigb
til.e <'hiifsiies, t!>e poor ean hi' most effe.tu
ally readied and relieved, at «i the Sun lay
Schools fostered. Let each Church do i’s
whole duty i:> this matter, and adopt its own
shoeen method of M’coii.pli.-li.ng tt c gr. at
%oik ; and it will be iU>u«.
S. N l'
Telegraphic News.
It AI Tl Miner.. Nov. LI —•) tl. ig e Ifiriol b*s
rei. lce..; In* ieci-ioei in the I’o'ice Cum
-1111 • oic 11 - case, mis anting ll.e p wit ot
1 1 uv rn-.r Swann to remove the t oinnrs-
Moiirrs There was great c Ctrl ing in the*
t'oure room t.y the friend- of G.,i Swinn
ami tlie ni w e .miniis-iicers.
La 1 mi.—Judge llirt-d having and «-iJ«d
ihe li.i'n.i* iinjiu* c»'V in iaior ot the i.ew
I o ice t 'oUiii.i louees, they entr-r.-d u|..ii
the .u-ch-r_o ..I iheir dulle- at u ec. and it
i-ex.icte-'l 'till itit-v wil iinnn- i-at.ly re
' 11.-w iti.-if de-ioatnl iip-ui 'he »d,| Commix-iofi
j .-is t..r 111. -i.ri.-nd.-r ol .■■■- pone stations
IL cuu-ri...' timir ..lin e they w. re loudli
I ch-cr. and nv a ia.ge crowd congregated in
In- i iciiiit v.
Wamiiv.Tux, N v. lo —Tim delegate*
sent t.y 1 In- Mi, is-ipp LegL-lat'irw —Merssrs
lli ly.-r .111 I I.owiy —10 ask tor the pinion
..I .1. tl 1-0 1 1 1 «i is, have not lid an inter
1 lew wnli the I'lesi lent, bit: have sent to
It 1111 1 to* resolutions ot ihe Mi—i-.-ippi Leg
islature and will, to morrow morning call
upon the ITe»idcnt informally 10 pay their
It is understood that Gen. Grant has ad
dri —v J a letter t" Genital Sheridan, in
i-'iiii ting liim not to strictly enforce 1 tollr
No. 41, i—ucd in July la-t, wtiich r>quiics
the arr, -i of pci* ,11* charged vith crimes
an I i.fl-iiivs against ..til • -r- agent-, C.t 1 11-
:in.l in tui'iiisuis of Ihe I iiiled States. and
tin ir contioiMnent in tin 'itary c -tody, umil
tne courts arc ready to try them. Ihe of.
jeet ot General Grant i< to avoid all caus r
ot complain:, now that the e ivtl Lights lull
is in force and tin: Judi* ml tril.ulials are*
open to all cotupla nts. The order has not,
as has hce-ri stat.-i, been rcpeale I by tivll.
Grant, or l>v the f'resident, or the Secreta
ry ol W ir.
Lot fw\ (11 I-:, Nov. LI. The remains of
ex Louie ;eiate G-iieral Roger It. liai son
»"re interred al Lexington yesterday, after
-..in. preliminary service*. lliere was uo
ills’ til banco
Mf-.srs, Armstrong .1' Cos, on* of our
most prominent cotton merchants, to d«*
inaiigii: a'e.l n ,'atly three o\ lock cotton
nia k. 1 by auction, whereby planters haw
the option- fn take price* last off-red. 'I'll"
ifluir tm ucd out a splendid success (Jus
hundred and twenty five bale* were offered,
-I.cry of which were sdd at ol jto Uo Cent*
h r I eniit ssee middling.'
Nt.tV ViinK, Nov. Ll. Gobi li’.J
Lotion is dull, at*d h is declined one ecr:t
Sales | .-,tn* |rales, at H.b to .17 eerifs.
11. an .pi el. S.uit tern Sl.' -J'i to 317 ?5
Sugar ipnet. Naval stores Ini- a dielii. ng
tendency. Ilosin fit ,’rtt to ?Lr.
Nt:» (tut.i ans Nov. I.l —Cotton irregu
lar and i..». r. Low middling df to M;v.
Sugar de liu ng at I‘Jto In j. M .lass *s
interior On cents; prune s iy e.-i ts mil
Molitl K, NIIV. Li —The sales of edto'r
to day were •‘RI bales Middling .1.1 cents.
Market vi ry dull,
I or Ifn- 11 en. Ik.
I.rillin ienil <(h Truo I'oficy.-
Ihe tune lift- come when thousan-Ja of
u«.v 1 s'ablishiiienTs lor 11 oj effieieut pmae
eu'ion ol every -ort o! utilitarian operation
should spring up 111 th.au dev isiatcd Sta'c*
The State Legisbrtaies should cut'h i----ue
-cveral million dollars w .rth of ®iir« bind*,
lor ihe prose"-' —. I*. 1 me truly dcs'uuie
... me creation of all manner of industrial
e-tablisl. ments, by winch mi/Jui/mt lit and
means of support can be furnished to si!
1 heir inhabitants. I'roiltn tin- iifi"*h i/ is
the uni j suitr'i nf jn 1 nutrient thrift. What
we want, then, is “State aid," net to Iced
ihe idle who are sl.le to work • but to cont
inence meressluby sUeb Operation* as shsll
enal.lc them to Mipport tbelnssl-e* Tins is
mie charily the tore hirerunner also us
S ate thrift.
Laeli place li s ill Jito iili»»r Adaptations
to the dilleient kind- of enterprise, tirest
and heavy opt rations are best performed
where tcali r power I- abundant, or fiul at
little cost can be bad, (dr creating st.-nni
tlr flin can boant. neither rs these, lint
its *aluhrioua climate, and 1. airable locality,
eminently fit it for many —very mativ, in
dn-trial enterprises ; those also which would
secure great comfort, mid a good livelihood
to its own citizens, and proniut* the general
welfare of the whole State Us these, we
.dial in ’-li t ion only a f> w.
\\ hut place, North or South, ran be bet
ter adapted to tho manufacture of “/’•<nfy
ii'.o/i 1 lo'h 01,7 ; ’ of ha's, boots and shoes, of
furniture, of buckets, pail-, tubs, bro mis,
biigg.es, carts; agr eu t-.iral implements of
all kinds ; the printing, l.indrng, and -a'c
of books ; ot seiiool tuill it (it *■ ol evert de
scription ; making brushes, trunks, shoe
pegs, autl horn bntiotis
And let is it not true that Tit*le or noth
ing i- done here, in most of these d-port
ments? liierytliing us pro? red Item
•tl :' it‘l ; and that by tin* eon-ta-it ilra n.-ige
of millions annually froin ■ cr impoverished
eon 11 try ! Never had any other country -o
numerous and great'adv antag.-.s a- we ha-e ;
and yet none hits l«een st» abjectly dependent
for everything that they trurr. lon/, or nun/,
than we have been ! Sbu-tie ' -haure ’ !
1* not the S.'.itl.» .st tl. ■ land ol /k./i s /
Is r.o f the tinning materia! ofiire ■ibundavt
here than aj the Noitli I— the riitiiafc bet
ter herd than at the fni.vtv North f >r m nf/. ,7
»/i the leather into every kind of article 1
And yet, we import from that region, from
eight to twelve in I ion pair of boons, runes, I
slippers, and brogans uiuntn/'y .'/ that
people receiving all the profits of their m.in-i
nfneture. co«ts of transportation, and gener
aby the pu fit* ol their first f urehasers. !
. lnd our and rutt'.u w here do they go .' 1
and that front the very region beat adapted,
of all the globe, for tbeir m.nulaeture !
Sarely this state ot things cannot Tosg e>m
tim.e The sensible snd practical minded
in all the States arc awaking to their turn
\\ e add, at this time, only the fae*. that »
writer m the Savannah A. tr* sugge-ts the
importanco of c« r-ain ,t«i va airauging to
aeculiimodate in iniil.ictiirers of every k od
of needful article, with the vaiimis “/’//.(/-
injs" rdijuireil in the several indii,trial de
partment*. T hi* is a good idea; and it
- h-* ii Li be borne■ if? mind M invati industr
oii- aii nl ihi- town and its vie.ni i, e old
do much for !',• pr-oamMon "‘fprirs'.. i.u'.r
, e-t and public »e«i, had tln-y only the re -
. ou -iu- in Itrri.ll i.pon win h to operate.
We heiiee very niinv impirted hrooms
ill till- city. 'ibis is all ifn w-!l. W e
like to s-e a- tail i/.op " is -.ft I irn’in'i
,rv. ry habitation lltit even this provis oti
, • -weeps" off Illatiy a l.e-sled liullni !
Won and not the imp".nation of a few bu-hcl*
nf • b'.si'o corn s -ed" be an admirable * 61. -
-ii g" for (he coining Spring
Sit EX.
(jcoiVin Lr^islaturo.
[tir him. I-B HO I "l Kill. *'!■ 5i1.|,1..1« ]
Mtl.uKln.KV It. IK, Nov lU, tin.
T he Senate met at !•* o’c’oek, A jM.
I’rayei by tne 11-v "r. Brook-
Mr. K/./ ird introduced a bil! to elijnge
the line between Cherokee r.u! MMtmi «oun
Mr Grc»hanu \ hill to amend the Char
ter ot the Great Southern Insurance Cuui
-1 p«n\
I Mr (iriffn, A bill to authorize and re
: ipiire the Governor to call a Convention -d
the people of the State.
Also, a bill to change the line between
Twiggs and Wilkerson counties
Air .1 A W. Johnson, A bill to incir
p irate the Memorial Association ot U- -
Also, a bill to Incorporate the Etowah
Canal and Wafer Works Company.
A1- > a resolution that e 1 ti member of
the S. flat" leave with tlie T reasurer of the
Slate :wo days pay for the Georgia ()'-
plians’ 11*.rue, and 'ha 1 ihe officers of the
Senate have the privilege ol .bong the same
Hrid that ihe Treasmer pubii-L in l.is ne*t
report the names of those tvlio Couiidy v?’tli
the resolution.
Bill to r.-pial au Act ex’ei.ding the jut is
di. tion of J u-tices of the J’eaee in Savari
uah. l’assed.
Bill to re.juirs the Judge of the Superior
t'ourt of Wnnli.ld county to enter ‘ Settled
and I tismi-sell ’ ill the ease ol Jc-se A
Glenn charged with homieide, upon tlie
con-ent of the Grand Jury of said coiiutv
Hi I lo reijuirfl Executors arid A -1 in ini
trators to auvirtise trim- ot sale.
jMr I Iloont offered a resolution tf-ndeiing
to ex-tiovrinor Joseph K. Brown n seat on
the floor ol the Senate dorm>s bis slat in
•be < apitol. Adopted.
Bill to ff penl tne .vet iuifiosing a tax on
eoltcti lie'l as tnerehaiidiie. I a-a I
B'll tr" itfienif tlie charier of tho lugust.i
and f' "g ti ui In a 11. I! I’assed.
Itlll SI. 1111.1.s ON llllltn l EAOIN'!.
il.lls to amend tbe sharter of Cai tersville. 1
Bill to amend th» bu»ier of tha Georgia j
B 11. La-ad
Bill to i-tiunge rhe time of hoflipw tlie In
ft riol t 'ouil ol Clay County I’assed.
B; 1 (n extend to f*t of Mdicli. 1 1> 7 , the
time of sett lenient ot lax Collectors with
Ibe( on proih r General. I’assed.
lit?) 10 ameti-l the Act itMsn pnriting tbc
Baler l.oi ••m.pauy ol Column us I'as-ed.
Bill to in ik- ./tfst cos of the I'ei -j 1 1 fn
no Load 1 ’mumi-sixniers. I’js-. and
Bill to amend tbe ebarur- of llawkin?-
\ It I’assC-d.
ttili to fi.x tlie day for . loctioii of State
llou*.. t Mfi'gers. Basse L
Bill to legal A etrta.f n y ' 4 -•--
r troilC. I'a-sed. fcl'
A mes»ige w.is reeciveu hi* Elcel -
h rrey Governor Jtnkn.s lu relative tu liie
b.nmdary line Between Georgia and Flo-
I Ida.
l‘Ml SE
?l use reconsidered b'll pas-ed yesterday
tdr benefit of tl. S. llairis reconsidered
t..r pui pe.-es of aintnd ,, ivnt.
HI 1.1. S ON TP Kill I'lSs \(; K.
To amend cliaitcr ot l lboille. I’assed
To r-poai 'Jbt'i section of the charier of
Columbui A Augu-ta Bailroad I’assed
and Iran,muted h.riliwitli to the SemrSe.
To j roJide fora Co/li’Ve f. r he benefit
of agricui'ur.. and meebame nris o,b-r Laud
j r*eri»i Act ot Congress. I’
SI. U M*l I I It.
Mr. Mosis, Kt the r.li.-f of the p*. pie of
: Georgia, (extend* t.rovi-loi.* ol tbe Mav
L iw j.
| Also, |u di <me (he l.aijl if) "f del ns in
ce>lain 1 a-e*.
j Mr. 11 'imphi e\-. To make r -• ptrnislo
1 able with death a-sjillt li lli in allt lo Com
mit rape lobe punish.-d »ith 1 oi.fiuemetu in
the I’enitentiary Iroin one to - wo years.
Mr. Gartrell, To point out mode of
changing place* of holding Ju-tiec’.- Court.,.
Mr Gross. For relief ol Adn.ini,trators
!ef .fame* Young, deceased, of Bulloch
' county.
I AI.«o to incorjx rate Fvlvania
Mr. Uiiinbie —To give Siato aid to com
| p'rto TbofiMsfOn L’ilimuo' to llarii.s- ale.
j Mr. Waiver To pn vent K.itlroads and
I .steamboats from running on the Sabbath.
I Mr Johnson, To amend Act fffganiVmg
| the County court.
j Mr Maddox. To point mtt mode nf eleet-
I ing Mai or and Ablet non in Atlanta,
j Mr. I> jvenport, 'Jo meorpuiatc I’oik
i Sl,oils Manufacturing Company.
Mr S ailing*, To sell certain lands be
longing to the State, and *pp'ninatc the
proceeds to educational purposes,
j lloek> ithiill. To amend charter of a Ily
jdisuiie Hose Mining Company.
(I*iv. Jenkins’ Mcs->ge rel rtivn t ry the
! unadjusted boundary question between this
j State and l'lor,da, . wa» re id and re tened t
' committee on state of the llepuMic.
I he I’laiit.r’s Convention of tieorgia has
' drawn quite a I) 11 111 I ernflhe most intelligent
! Haulers of the State to this point, and the
Convention meets in the Hail o the House
this afternoon.
AuJ mined.
I Likk in Out Vikunia Vet—Putrng
the session of the State Court in Aleutian i,
Virginia, on the ftih of NovctabiT, over
which Judge McKetiz c presided, two white
men and one uegro wera ca led as witnesses
in tim e»se, air! were all peremptorily
nj aid J lo place their hand upon the book
at t fie nine time to be qmlified The
white in. n refused, and though threatened
by the erudite Judge, they p-rsiste 1 in tf.eir
refusal, and were subsequently qualified
The 1 lost or J’ostsays ‘if Cutler intends
*o impe-ie*! tlie President, he must bestir
himself " \\ e suppose ha has spoon*
n ‘tig'- f-s s*ir with.
I ll** lie* i» nl of an I! lulorii-iil
The La Cr.*** (Wisconsin //• nv «- ml re
vii es Itio fact that ou the lof Apr;l. I slid,
jM-. • L \ allinidigham addressed a letter
t<» the until. tn'li< ro/tiit, hniumir. nuirti/r. I
\ ’ r tltuin f .mcolri, inclosing an article trail,
the \Vheeling irgmij liitrlllji n. t r whi.-li
a.|s..ea*ed the as-a-sinati *ll of him (Mr.
\ illandigham). It Was ei pit and wth ap
proval i.*»o •!•« * leveland Mthtot f'<l'.hr.
Ihe editor-of I. .tli papers were po-tma—
-1 ter- under Mr. Liii- ohu Mr. V a!l,andigh,»ni
-ngge-ted that the 1 itter 1 utri ive ir
tho.-e who fia ! thu- neited murder of po iti
cal opponent-. Mr. Lincoln pud no atten
tion to tin- rci i’lesi, but cou inued to gi'C
them In* patronage. Three year.* alter, the
mule in*-nili, he himself fell by the hand ot
an a-sa-sin —a victim to the iu-truuienulity
tbat lie had been invoked in vain to dis
countenance bv n.withdrawal of hi- support
; Here is the crio-poti erne alluded to:
If Isi nr Itti-HE.sr.wiATlvES, )
Was|Mni;ToS, I). <’ , Apr I li, 1 80 J. i
7*o t!ii If .11 .1 lu'ii/iii 111 /. ini'iiln , I’rtfi.li lit
11/ tin rnil'll Shill* : ’
Sin; 1 enclo-c you an article r*hich ap
peared originally in the Wheeling hit'llt
j jinirr and wa* copied into tbe l eveland
1 l.iiiiltr viilJi ap["Ot-at i-11. It is nn open
; and direct invitation to a-sas-iiiation. It
i needs no i-omment atid admit' no elp'ana
I linn. The editor of tha liii'tlt'/nuir and
the edhrr of 'he L.mhr both hold re j-onsi
-1 h e itfiees under your adi nnistration, the
one being postmaster at Wheel ng and the
ot her po-l master .V Cleveland. Conli-letii
that you must look with horror noon anv
attempt to introduce or so int’ite to a -V'teln of
a-'a-sinatioii lord tl-renc. -ot po itt. al opin
ions, err (of evert tor political offence* in this
country, arid desire no assassins or aide.s
or abettors of assassins in oth.-e under you.
t deem it only necessary to submit tltej’.r
de so y..ur i-onsiderati.id.
Very respeetfudv,
C. I. > .\rf,*s(ifolM?t.
Val.i .* v I>|i;II AM —I he W eeling tnhlli
ijrnnr sat x :rt 1 he- Unto irait'T that it is a
wointer thilt this ttah'tt ?s tob fated rt" t e
taco of the eiifli, much more tiiat lie i- a
- t*r sir iii t '/mgress. like Catalu.e ?n tlie
Boitian Senate, plotting all -nf <. f . 1.• All.»h
hinderanees and rimferhande 1 *•'“..* ffr the
stro *gle ot our national exi-toi.ee l‘ 1* a
! ."o . r .-..me Cl.afiolte ( "t.iay, bi-rel! ..ta
•■ruther, lias not tTn-t bun .‘ofti ng (-it r.*f Ins
tialli, a* I billion was met It is a v*..inlet
some “rsi'ii, (/ rest of a Son. 1 a- no! ita :en
in the crowd t-r him. Il i- a v i i*ude. some
society of tarb'.nai 1. bereft rtf a aoUntry
have Hot cnfolled i>iui
Brutus slew a ms" f '"r ‘fc’r'.in in tlie eapi
to! wliose lowest ehar;Sfter if.- Wou and eniiob e
\ iib.rntigt.am.
\i: \\ \If\ERTI SB>l B \ 1 S
| "Tilt; I'iiiutitw stiTim,"
Ol <.llll I IV.
(Will • If a It for llie I.en-li 1 ..f
tiik I’ooi’y ok tin; < itv.
"ii fill" 17\ EM Nii, N..vemb.-i i.'il,
u s flu*
II ■ 1 ollcuc!
I’KOO*-. i NJ MI. —emit Mi:-T.
1 1 Wh(*!i i.ite in it-* »I'» iLiPt ni, i
ili ** 1 l s. l.v li t .|
‘1 ShluK* t!c I!ii!io\pr l’i iiio a:,.l Violin l,\*
:. (T'Mi< ii.tc tin- i.diT-f,, Mnu.i--> i.i-tii.,’
I>i *"■
l Tin* rlmntr.vs ff tin* Bi ll I met. uJimll ■
•viui Alt«*. I»y v, Sts a j
«*» K'l. i it* i’olkfi— l‘iar.Vv r*<. 'j - iij t ).%•
f. (J »*iit !c T cU tlr 11* rv of l.v. —Ti nt, Lw.i
| *r«no ai (1 Alto. »>v Ki.wsiiu
. • pill t* t-v ll* K»\el* >1(1,• ami
* H, k a
J'Al: I •*f 1 ONh,
1 M Client.t I .lianrlr - S,]o n •
Clomun. I ti.
'l. IT Ho; .Ml 1» 111 •|» I’noto ai : V.diifi 1 1 y
1.11 Itl •/k %
r» 'in Suiml i ci. (Wnw !
■ 4. I Vi- \S and* 1-Tin 1 >i'Min 1• ;. t. >* t -;»•.••
and Alto, i.y Wade.
5. form* «dnndii;!e —I’ia’u and Violin, i»v
and. Albeit.
, *. .Mi’ (Tnild I Traoli »|,e Niglit:i»ir»i!r»—
IMr»M— >*>jmjiiio ai <i Alto, l.v Ivdlar.
7 W 1., n th.’* Nt t.m in ti Ictus an* Ovt-r—
--(; i and i lioni-.-i y 1 L.iuzvMti,
( ( ,i t « iice> ft* -• >, ■,* ■ riot k.
Ti’ k -r.; HIM \I• lm 1 :.t tlie |.ni;."i| w?,, : ,s. immJ
nt l Ik- .!■*< i 111* ! r-rMiii ol 'he C rv .i«*ei>. IT :
: t«l I ickeli. .Vi cchl-*
j iV.-mveK no a<i- i"ti fr V .nt; f n. ’:•]I• • -
, *ii’coil | ui;led ])\ Hi. TV |a. lit 'or g iai dlans.
x - V 1 I It
A Proclamation
By l ii hues J .h'kiw i.n .c ' ft Ceor^ia.
l*\m ii iv*; I >ki’ hum; m i
\ ille, lia , 11 v ♦*ll, l i»*r ]J. J Stin. j
| 111 : ‘.ENF.BAL A-Si;\|jil.V of the Stair of
fl- <»‘Oibf.a now in -t >-ii*.T. have, as the'r tir»l
CoHiplrtr ncl of i**«*Bial hm, ui*ai;irrioii<l v ! »lved
.ft!» tV»l*(
*' V\ lo i h I .•]in.»\ - .ill t*> at-knoKled.'e
then «r«'pciidrif. i;j-vrri !»?. Sujtn-fi.r Bulef t f ihe
Inrwr-e. to hf MiiirHfnl ol Ur* IT if IV
t iirit l hanks Ki] Is m.-i. ii ■* ai.<l l» . t«f »*<»n
le ,-s lliciF Mli-i uiitl to ill'ph It l!ia fav i. T hel’r
!• 1 Sol \KJ *, I.y the (lellel.ll A s-MMlll 1 V <’f *}f
*s Mtc ol (iefik ia.'lTrit H.’ !i«*i»e\ ?I . ,;..vtr
i imr, i*»f«ll* his IT oeiainAl r’f-'ri, ftpai l TT.iim
d«»\ . l!*r : >y\ Jiicl., JII* il «.»i\ ot la li e. I.Uliiiiiil
•ion a. and j ra cr, llie lo le *-o
•M\cd I.y Ihe !•♦•(.| !•• tl t hi.-* Mala*
•\. lift? I"if, I, ii a * i.i:s J. .li.nkins, (»over
nor said >' ale, l»\ I his. m\ Bl'oclainal ion, cull
npoil l hi uhoin fK'oplc l lit . iyit, male and Ir
in.lie. *dd un i Y niii !*. clergy and lait\, lo *;ive
earin-ffl In e i lo thl»6o!emu lUYuca'.ifti of thcli
law |»i v* is.
I Mi ihe day appointed, let ihe ordinary avoca
tion* “I life l»e suspended ; !«t j.laced of l. vii ess
and of pi asiiic Be cl«»p.-d r let the t* mpl-s of the
living (.o lße ope.ic I ; let ail tlie p.ople *nn*
i*t •** i; t.l t lie altiii'w. wiuM«ih \ aie'v<«nt to warship,
and !» t the iT iesT lend their hearts and minds in
pious humili ition, i»p ntanee. thu. k.'_ r i vir g and
S'ipp.i<G»tion. i here is cause for all. t'et emoni
ooc'ances deecive niuii, but. ‘Mb and is i"l
mocked. ’ let there be heart und soul in tin
ob<* i Vance*’of the and y Let-he p. or and de-vi
lute be reme b#rk*d mom- piayorr— ami in the
year following let him that hath prove hi* tiu
cci y by the largeiicss (if nis a,ms.
For sinning, not
fr -rn Israel. <•! o’d, wandered for’y yeau* pi tVe
vi!d**cnc#:». In tim wiidornefts are we mav, f;l
--low citi/.- i'. ( n.r corn twnd oar oil |,ave fad’et? ,;f
t>s ii aimn ar ee , our tloeks and our herds are
diminish*d. t ihe crv of want i* heard in our laid,
liir n juin i mi: I the pads collie not Set. But tin
»h-or .• eftiod is .a mercy scat. If goiiirht aright,
Ur will L’iHUt >ia del iv»i aiice and [dciitv.
• H \ KI.K> J . JKNKFXs,
r iv ii .v'K a ok. muii u t , KA«f:* >
No 17 Ai«> *,e*»tr*.t \tt».,tm ~a. R-l*tou. R. c# , 3 jT,
I** l,ar. .
P. P. PEASE & CO:;
Cotton Kiletbrsanil Com mi,, ion MofiTuuit,,
d< .Ye.. Ac.
imTiis & tiKDidAKs
AI WHOf rv V t.F. AN I) It 111 All HT
JJ j JJ j vLi -T -W A L:i L/ >Lj W A
I have mi liatul a large and well selected stock of nure Brugs, Medicine* Ct,
1 * * “C Ol (C^ij
Fancy and T. ib-t Articles, Sponges, Brushes, l’crfutnery Ac ft*
These articles have been selected with great me, both it; European an i \ -
marki ts, aim! will be sold on the most reasonaele terms.
jsil.K l'Klv'- l‘ \TFF.i; NS, Sll.K P‘ M’l.l N",
i ; I ■ E.N ' II ME K* N 1 »S M.I'ACC.AS.
i \CM-FIC \M ' Al 1 wot'l, 1 >i-;i Al M S,
j A nl'every v-n-t-’v of I'Ll N1 > \«. . ug- a-M>itmeiit v!
! ,V|s> K"NK.r. v!; imi —: in n.*nm«;k * t
l.MßLi'int.iaO. all .b-rem-'i.'■ ai.'l .-! •'• - >
(Crut-i: XMI. 11l I. IMNSia. . .-IT.lt A re.O'N - [.' i'.vNT’iiN HANNF.IN
j a nig-... f in r vuiicii *t.d lkuav.n m iMt.-rir,
1 ': i r st‘ >. k if \i >fnl\ S are endle** n \■* T i t \-. and r.ot t > -ht- e x.-*- i—l ill J a
I In.-e ry, ■ >(es, I ia.-ife’ehn-t,, Linen, Ja k met Edging and Inserting, Hair lit u«hes
Toilet Articles, tC-, A splendid stock of
Doota SlaocH nncl lints.
iTlic Sarti'csl Slock of Rcariv
made 4'lotiiiau; ever
to 4*T‘iniii. The boos! accom
modating always in
j _ o
j TbatilCng (lie I’uid'.- f-n former lil.era pat mu age, w* iniita Sj.ee! a 1 attention N) ottr
. new Stock of Good,, a-su'tirrg the I’nbbc tatwe cm give a*
f h ,r ,r,c a Vo i\ r fy.fs A FD
-f VT7 fJ -SJ -fiS i vST tb
A, it i- f»*si!ile fo' be bad in this, ot .anv ii'bar 'I i-k-' in 'Tie inferior of th- Stat* 1 .
1.D1.M i;.\HTi:iN 4t HEEIKEIt.
1 <> t i nm - -
At XLocl.cicccl Prices,
s**p’r, 3m
MiriaS Mui>i€im<:s i
H A ? T SIDE o F If 1 F L sT R f-f E f , (Near the }
Griffin, Georgia,
X-P" Also, a fine lot of I'A NC YAI?DTh CI. K‘7 A7M !,’T.?!S, Window ii.n**. t *
Oils, Lamps, ,C\, Ci'Miiito Extracts, Tobacco, Cigars, ic.
.1 \ f-
I’ll ESC It I PTIONS promptly filled !>AA' -r
Di-.mvrv, M. (ITteniist n and ITiarni.-.ei utist.) <\ l-- I.- t.<-s in r- g*Gs * n d sveumw r'*'
>: •-•*-». Walk »i* i 1. • M' **'