Newspaper Page Text
Sittfeem Derail.
OFntlALnT\ wu 101 \IV Jdl UWL
xTh eartin ~dr U DEaVEKFORT
r»IT O K • .
UKIKMN. O A If OV *l. •
I’lißUO El*l'CAlll*.N. —Aluollg tame etc
gant things said on this talij-ct by our ar
c confine* of the Savannah AVic*
**»</ Jhrtdd, Maud-* conspicuously the fol
lowing paragraph—the / limits inhr jmrr* :
Kvcrv i tclligcnl South* run inu-t no;
lit at l strni’glt is ap|irinrh ng in which sou!,
not sinew, Will be of account — k.-cti wi*. not
sharp words, ultimately triumphant. I>r i*«
force and material resources m at flatly de
ptcciate iu value, and mind re assert iis m
prcinicr. Mind will rule, and niu-oie nnnt
\ icld. If the foregoing )» tru- —a.ul wi.o
will dare to doubt it —it belt..ores u« to
el.ufc* off our le har.’y ; to i_>.r>l i ur-elves fur
strong, steady, earnest ilforf iu urgoig I dr
ward the question ol public education in our
be I oted old State.
TtiE Will should iia*k iikf.x' taken
FOR TIIE Dkxd.—’l lie Newspaper press i«
redolent with praise* to Mrs. Jiflersin
Davis for having presented an elegant and
costly set of French jewels to the Washing
ton and Lee Association, to be disposed of
as said Association may decide for its b in
fit. While words fail u- duly to record our
appreciation of this noble tribute from Mrs
Davis, )U tlnl tlie bitter hour oi In r own
and her husband's nenssites and inisfor
tums, it atrikit* us that the Association
ahotthl not, under the i ir. iilnstaiiccs, haw
accepted the present at all.
Father Ryan a Okation.— Wc h**v<-
rcce.v. and front K E. Jour a, G. *• ite offie--.
Nashville, Irrm tn e, an inter* sting j.a»n
phh t, published at that nfliee, containing
the gnat fourth of July Oration of lb v A
J. Ryan, the author of the " Cm qu< r*-o
Banner,” togi thvr whh some of I. s b. si
poems, and a history of St Mary's Orphan
Asvlum, slid a list of culitlibulura to the in
stitu ion.
These pamphlets are for sale a' the flat tie.
office, pti e 50 .cents per copy; S'.’o per
hundred. Address K. K. Jones, Gaz-tt*
office, Nashville, Tennessee.
J. D. CoOl’tll, I>K i’vVKITE Cos., lii.—
“ While Atlanta,” says the Knt, of tl.a
city, "was held by General Slu rtusn, t
soldier died in prison, and was buried ot
the lot now owned by Col. J.J. Iliia-het
The head - board bears the follow ing inset iji
Os Fayette County, Georgia.
Dim, October 15, lb<*4.
Col Thrasher wishes to remove the re
mains from hit lot, mid this method is adopt
ed of letting the iri> n Is ol the deceasen
know the whereabouts of his remains.''
i'jg m Gen. Ua My TfOinpon gave a lce
ture, Moaday night, in Mneoii, on u >tue * I
the distingushed men of this country. Th
'i t/ci/raph, of that city, gives a short review
of the General's speech. We are glad den
Thompson did not follow the tom foolery
fashion that has been set, ami tusk* I). itie
out of Webster, Clay, C»lh . un, and Anurcw
J ackson.
A great many wiseacre* will tell you that
bad these pure men lived, there would have
been no aiecmion and no war. What rions
sense ! when the doctrines ot some of these
very men w*re denounced at the 'inn*, a*
teuding to fasten and bring.about j art such
a condition of tiling* IIS WoU and Cll-lave the
South or drive Iter to resistance. There is
as much good patr'otism no * as any of these
boasted men ever dare to have.
"Griffin and its Tin k Policy.”—
The good common-sense article, with the
above caption, published by us a tdi >rt time
ago, and Jconiributed by otir erudite cor
respondent, Silex, has been reptotuced in
the columns of the Columbus llaily A'u*
ijuircr with this endoisement:
The article which we copy from the Gris
fin Heratd is ns applieafiie to the whole
State ami to those cities that pm ass wt r
power ('ike Columbus), as to Griffith Kea
it, and thiuk on it.
MoRTTARY. —Mr. David Reid, one of the
oldest and most esteemed citiz. us of Macon
died there last Mom'aj. Also, Mr.
Pope, another well known and highly re
spectable citizen, of the same city, and on
the saute day, came to bis death fioin an
overdose of aconite, taken through in stake.
Day of Fasting Humiliation and
Prayer —We refresh the memories of our
readers in again recording that to morrow
—-Thursday, Nor. 22, l y 6G—is Fast Day,
it having been set apart for that purpose bj
Gov. Jeukine. The whole people of the
State are solemnly evoked to observe it as
An Irishman, Augustus McLean,
was murdered iu Savannah on last Tuesday,
bv a freedtnan, named Gibbon Stevens. It
occurred in a drinking saloon, ol which the
decea-ed was barkeeper.
Gen Shkkmak—The New York Com
mercial Advertiser states that I.icut. Gen
Sherman, when in Washington, made no
secret of his support of the President’s pol
icy. Ou one occasion, he said : " Soldiers
have something else to do now besides fight
ing. \\ e fought the rebe.s as long as i here
were any to fight. What we have to do now.
is to secure the ol jecis for which wc fought.
We fought to restore the Union; let ns now
restore it.” He frequently expressed his
surprise and indignation that the Southern
States were deprived of the right of repre
sentation so long after the tcuniuatiou ot
the war.
Georgia Legislature.
FaOiU Un Journal »».«1 M +§ eug*r
WILIEDOFVIt.I.r. N"V 10 Cos.
The Senate met at I*l **Yli*clf, A. M.
Piavrr by lie*. Mr. V irtetri u_-li
Mr. H I’. 11-all on.ud to r«v.*n-i I r tin?
action of tin- S -iikte on Saturday iu i-j --t
ing the hill to modify the act eienm-g
OiNtuti Courta. Toe mot ion pn viiel, un-i
the lull was referred to a special committee
. f five of the S uate.
The r*'«nliitiof, requesting the G ivernor
to lay hetore the nt xt se-aion of tlie Ue-t
--eral A«i»-iuMf a Mat'ii.t-ut of tli~ »rn«ci*i*
ol land «**• ll'.d by lilt; S'a'e. alol wiia!
p; i.-e the same w-.ird l-r ng. v.'a-i tai l up-m
tin; table f.*r the pr» cut
The bill fi r the relief of the pc *;*l-; of the
Slate was t-.ken up as the spernl or-ier.
Mr. Gri-'lnio.! ati a'-ieiidiiient ex
pi.lining the law as i no v s a-d< to mi- u
that it the fomth oflhe <h bt r.qiind to be
pul h) the ISi 111 J Hillary it* It, t» trot pud
■he creditor should hav#- no rtgh to • **l-
I* Ct more !!: *! o tt.e tnUitli ol tiierivbt. i -»e
atnendTio hf lo'T.
Mr. O P. Ueall introduced nn so end
uieiit providing tliat tin* li '* s*ed -u "1 tlte
•el lie so altered that wimre tin; debtor
shall fall to p.y the first 111-allmi nt li
sh.ill have, no right to e-uh-.-t t:.c r.-tn mi-ler
until th« uni'- prrseriin and by law, ami that
the fits’ ilistaliiu- ill In- r- q i r-- I to h ; pil'd
o\ firs' >,i .1 an it it y, l80i" 1 hi' atiK-n luign t
was c.irr ed.
The lu.l was li ..-d'y p-iss.-d by * vote *.f
to 7 with p! ot ; lOI.S lls t- | lows ; I*l 111 ■’ t
••I on.- toll!ill ol the and -hi is *l.l. trail till
J-ruU *ry Ct. Ih '.4 T<• 010-r provisions
lie tin; Mime as in the old act.
I lie m-v* n who vo'ed tig .Inst the amen l
o.etii are, M -srs. O I*, li -*D. Gr. ch-.m.
K ctiati, Redd tug, Sir-zier, McDonald ami
I ) At. IIS
A- j mrned.
November 10:h.
House met
Pjtyi-r by li-v. Mr Brooks.
Bfi.tiS I.NTR'tDI t'Kn.
Mr. Russ. 1., of Chati am. To atrn 1 :.n
act incorporating the JSoUthcri: Ittsur-lice i
i in| 1 1 u«t Co’iipanv .
Mr II *r rl si hi, of t'hath.iiu. To r- peal an ,
ml pointing the m i'b- ot paving certain
fee-of solicitor i.em riil in eastern eircim.
Mr K rbv ot ( ha'aii'iivga. In amend ree
tO'l 12 Ili —of the code ol this Mate.
Also for relief ol S \\ atkms.
Also, for relief ot U. A. I'nee, and .1. L. .
Mr. t.artndl, of Gohb. To change tune
•if hohiing Superior Courts in Guo Rnl.e
■ 'iri-nit.
A '.'O. for relief of K I- l.itelifii Id.
Mr Hill ot l o t-ni, To iuiit tid eh liter <> !
At anta Medical <'"di- L <\
Hisu, To im-oi p rate Iron Manufin-tur
ng Company of limtow c hiiii*
Mr li'raddox, of Kultoii, To fix the Is'
uy of May l*t‘>'> as the and .y and date of the
ihiilitton of slav* ry in Gi-i-rg a and to fix
the mode ot set Itng iqaittes ot eotitiHcts
tiiundeil on Conlialerati- mom y
Also, do ptovilelor tlie appointment el a
State Geologist.
Mr. M oris, of brink! tt. To increase tit
-atari* * of tlie So- n-t tries of the l-'xi-cttuv
1> ,„.r u.-'..t
Mr Dart, of G yntt, To amend chat ter ol I
i tie city of Bruns a ick.
Nr.'McWhortcr, ol Green, To amend an
n-t defining * arnrt nntr.ic s.
Mr. *\ lute, of Hart, To exempt physu i
ms from road duty.
Mr. McDonald of llianl, To pr s- rib
mode for summoning jam s in ceil on case
|M|-. Howard, ol L'tmpkin. lo declare ot
urce the m-t to inrnrporti e Dahloin gi.
Mr Millard, of Mclntosh, lo repeal nn
.i t relative to the road laws in .Mclntosh
• utility.
Mr Si turns, of Newton, 1 - r nlicl oi J
11 R kcstriiw.
.Mr. K »>b- e, of Pulaski. To change line
between \\ ili-oX and I’oi iski.
Mr. l'rcm I, id S.-hley . 'J’o ineoi jn.ra’e
tile tlraml Lodge id Kim. bj,s ot Jcrte ",
Mi. Ilollul iy of Stewaft. To authotizc
Mis A. I'. Cro-mtti in, to act »s a I* uie
Mr. Phaw. of Stewari. To change mo le of
imptiiin* ling j itors for trial ol cnmiiiuts (
Mr. Wilburn, of Icrel, To ih hue and'
regulate the setting up • rt. ot lie Id months
support widows sad orphans.
Mr. Po tie. To HMietnl the parole code I
iDt-finou insurrection to be combmei te-is-
Miu-e to the laws )
Mr. <> cnn. nl Whitfield, To relieve cer
tain eonsignees fiom t ability
Also f. r rel el ot Frod . k t.'ox at 1 Hog
■ rs
Mr. I.iiieh, ol ('oweta To t-x. mpt from
Stale and munly tax lor 1" Jim# all man
uUetnri sol *ii toil.
Mr. Humphreys, 0 f Lincoln. To amend
laws ie* a 11 v e lo disposition ol ecitaiu lees
hi Lincoln county.
To iltCoi porati- Steam I’iw-r M mufaC ;
llirtnp t’l'iupany :n t'lioimhos. Da-si ll
To I Xplam the law relative to lax i g roil- I
roads, foreign insurance ami express com
panies ( he I i\Vs in tins part cm ar to he the
same as piii rto the wir TSGS.) l’«s •*»!-1
To incorporate O* tmilgee Ranking. Bu id
ing and Loan AsS'-ciation. Passed.
The Inflowi g tub was introduced by the
Finance Column tee : I’t* tipp'opmt* tinmey
to render Conlederate dea l at Uesacca.
To legal z.; acts of Inferior Court of Wil
cox county. Passed.
To prescribe the mode of electing Mayor
and Counoilmen in Atlanta Passed.
l'e it- mpt uii ler from Jury duty.
To prevent obstructions in Ockloeoncc
To increase fees of Jailor in DeKalb
County. Passed.
To compel sate Jutors in Decatur county.
Hon. Reverdy Johnson, has addressed n
note to' tie Memphis Chamber of Commerce,
reiterating the opinion, sometime since
given, that the cotton tux is uneonstittrion
al, and adding, "As to the question, it
seems to m to he so tree of difficulty, when
it is well understood, that I shad have every
hope of brtnging the Supreme Court to »he
rame conclusion if 1 argue it before them.”
Telegraphic Nev/s.
W anII Is u I'* in , N-*v. IS. —lt lias ibi-i-Iv '
be ■<! staled i*i-it and ,rtug the pis* w ■ k fit*- ;
J'fi-A'd ll' tins had an aul>ie - wi'!. pr'li*.
lit g -lit'i-m i». !r nil •* I stu'llo is. In r- ta
tini in il •• | i sci t. cmi-tit -hi of p-iliiti i
ati it* t'hn f .lii-t ec Ch .* , Gm.-r**s
*.r.>i t. Scl - <*. an I lit a'» mg i.tlu rs, 1,.*.,
in i y - V'B lll'tt V|i ** —s 'I *»l" ill* U!
a* ii* *;■--! a-ineete d--.r ■ t -r-'-c i actio-*
i sm.iy !» h -i *•;* . u ..H-d t-» la.-y r-s't.ic
Hi*- ri latioris of the Southern Slitc* to th.-
G- rn rul < •oVi-riimcnt.
'I In- I<l"a sl*i-111s to he that so long as th*-
FTlccutivH ami Lc.-i- <tivc branches ar*-
divi-led in Oiitnmn, 'h- S-mth iii'ist r- tu-m
n- r- pt - s- ntc-l i< <' ngri -a H-'in-c Hi-* ar
rang* inei.t it* a* coiutil-Hlal*- th : li.tleuce
lici vv cn thi-m.
A *;*,rdnig to current representation, the
Pri -ident lends a ear to all stigg'-s
ti ms 'ii ill it direction, out s* tar nothing
ijetbiifn >-as f-.-< n C ui-iii.-iin-'cd
W.tsitlMiT in N v. lit —Tin- N- w \ ti*
I'-ist s \\ astniigtott ,'p-i tai says l-ictc «i
--to d*y sti.uv tut l *- h -pc tin' t!>-
IT.-si.leut wi-l la-Coiii'iiciid i npiitial snlfiagi •
in I l» U,l ss ,oo
T e -p.-. ial to the N- w Yolk CotuinPrcial j
stiis ii i- c-I lit-.ii Iv expected tbit neon- I
strucs’ .it anl ha amicably s*; tied early in [
the appionehm y ses.-iuu. N -got a'lotis lor j
that purj .so are hi progre a h-iwecn t!m
Pr- sidi ill ami h ad t-g p" i'u i ts ol ati par
tus N-rlh and onlh. The h.s*s ot si-.t i;-
lii'-nt to he uni vend -ii fTi igc an 1 genera!
a uni- sty. T-'-e I r sideiit p.iritally aceedes
to tins propo-ifti/ii, l*of insi-ts, upon c-m
--stituli ma- gr cjiid. that the <|ncs ion ol -u*
litiaC projier.v tn-longs to til States, ami I-.
so far, averse to any JcfuTi . f congress up***,
tliat s'thj ct.
Tin- ten-gram a'so states tba’. if assuruu -es
cm be ontaiur-d from Si'titiiern leaders ot a
spei tiy adoption of tmivi-rsal tmftr, ■»_,•, the
l'li-sidi-i t wi I waive tils ol,j -c'lo'.s.
Nitv O.tLh ins. N'ov. lit - F I'teen btiu
dr-■' 1 tr-laps ate i xpecu-d oil the Mcxieati
I rontier soon.
New York. N"v. lit Gold 111)5.
Cottoii op. . fiuiicr, i.-iit eiiised flit. Sile
bales at oli] to il jc. S lies Iron*
wit-rt at lil'l l--r Low, atul ode.
I *r M idi.litig Orleans.
< 'll I<•,v*il >. NIV li! —A fire occurred yes
terday wi-icii ili-stiinc 1 elgtii s o r .s on 1.-ik
street. Loss. lii-suicd iu. § Ji>(>
London, Nov. Iff The report is con
firmed tliat Cllili and Peru hsvu Jnli-I litr-*J
to aecep tlie iiieiha'iou of Fianco mi
E glaiul.
| Reports are circulating that the war ha
i In on ri in-wed ■ n Can ita.
Utv".'111*1)01*. Nnv. 11*.—Cotton quiet ami
iHichang'd Mid l ing uplaml' Ift. iLp
-a is I* -ilny will iiacli Ivt.UDU Iu -s.
M ltll.F. Nov lit.— Ihe sales of e-tt-n
lo ,;.iv were TO 1 ) hales. Law middling Mil
cents; mid lint; 'JJ Ccuts 'and tit p,oi"i
Five negr.ies have j :st. Ie" n sent t rie* and to
lie N vv II itupsliire pi intentiary, ami two
tithe .'Jassaci.u I its L--gis.attlie.
Thi Eyt it-ustf (N. ) J -tirnai says that ;
j’resuloin. Joliuson tiu- h eii 'll .yd ti'ivc
Better he tilt mt a -k n tliat. in that of a
R.i leak —Cmoiet 1 J unod.
The Id rring fi-non- sos Ltihwdor are a
Complete tubule, and the euis! inhabitants
arc cons, -j D-n:iy- r nd- led ilesli u e.
*■ Here's your inoiicy , dolt, and n.iw t• 1
tn<> why votrr ra'i-ady ui.ister wrote in
eightei-n it tiers 111 "Ut that cont mpt f> •
sum ” -‘l in sure 1 can't o 11, Imi if v u'l
excuse me, s.i. I guess it wu-bve use >e u i
t* *.ti didn't li-t. h it ’
The T’uskei gi e N* ws says that two months
•igo -call elv any om* sc* 'med luct ied l"
•un a lat min xt \c;*r. but n i till- -jut Doi
the good old trs cis revived, and the pur
pi iso Is ullliosl universal.
Good cotton nan been raised in California
tins y if.
The Riclinmml Ex imincr favors tin
eh cl *m if IT r.ic- 1 111 e• y .
I; i-- s'.tniii-'l fiy ti uppers tliat the tt-u I*
' nos ate building l.icir tmu-es tlire-- ston-s
; ill height li.e pr-senl :a:l, providing, it 1-
ai-i-dg *1 by li.e vv .si :ut i.. a Heavy
| and -v v ie w inter.
! li. W 11.vii:.t C S.i: l.ovi n. 'i«l ‘ was
; elec'ti and Mlp-'t i it-inli lit id 1 lie V\ \ alley
I U n r i.d, a; I 'ha’tail "gi, l ist Saturday.
Missouri givvs ilim ka on the 2ltih. For l
The N*w Yotk Independent supports
Gteelcv fur Si-iuitoi Tlie'’l rihutie will
possibly do the same tiling'
An lowa paper says an exhibition of pelt
wilt hereafter form a prominent feature in
tlie fairs of that, fate. ' ; !.e can corn peat
w ii Ii any otlo-r Stale.
Nearly *200.000.000 of the National
delit lias been paid off tins year.
A tr -in on the New Yu k Cential Rail
Road was stopped .-even*l times, last wc* It
tiy a horse on board, which amused blliise 1
j bv pulling the bed rope.
Negro so'*l .-r'tire d* elated en'itli il to the
jixtra bounty under the .ict ot Jmy lßtn,
i fl
I John Minor Bolts hook his been puli—
lisln and. The Country has to > union ot Bolts
aircady. Stephens has gone to
! Europe W hat port is n>t stated.
The MeteokiC Siiowkr—The d : sp!ay
of uitdt-urs at th- appointed time wu- con
fined to the Northern States, ami chiefly to
New England. We annex a lew accounts:
Meteors at Boston Patou, Xv.l 4.
2 3d. —Large numbers of tin tent s are ap
pearing here, the people turning out to see
them ; is supposed to he the precursor of
meteoric showers.
The Display,, at New Haven, Conn.
X‘w Haven, Xov 13. Last night a p irty
! of front twelve to eighteen- observers, under
the directi nos Professor N- wti-n, counted
j from the tower of Alumni Ha l six hundred
j and ninety six sh,voting st-os in five hours
■and twenty ininn'ps. At tw He oYI <-k
tliev came nt the rate of about eighty t 0 the
hour, incrpa»ing to one hundred and cghty
the last hour before dawn ; average lor the
whole lie, one hundred tin ! thirty to the
huir Not timie than one-third were con*
fotmahle to the radiant tt Le<*. Another
party, observing at Shi tfi-dd Soil ntifii-
School, obtained rcaul. s agreeing in the main
with the above-
tiu.sii'iNs *•- rti r. it ait. —.t*
?t» «• iui ii.i' *• • •‘i v* ii ii h.i* i.ol .
h* eii .-*• i.< and >•> tin- IV tr, tlie 1,-itti,-t n. (K_* )
Ohm. e H-is- p*-r'it * til l tls- i'Ui-is lli
111 ike- sh -rt » X i.f ao’ :l'‘ r ..i Tt which ]
th !a- h • n iif«*--.. t lieu 'iif- u iddte.
\V'« c i..Ht»tr vne *r-i; lit 4-1 ol *j j*-siion»
s--tie i liy tn- iv ir. Vi u emiDsa w, k> w
I lint in »ii i--i i.cis r- a-. li'-'-d ■ 1 t-y in*.
>ul : that lii -• |«-»r «|e il-'tc.i't o!
li- .ccede- M.IH-S W-c | it an end I", a-.d
- avciv *li-—tr 'Vvii. M *i.y *pu -iioi sut the
cnice ..nt-It i-t undue were- pcilinp
it-ci led New priait ot tin riiMa ih o! iu-n
mre uiven an-t many v**st in de
by unpriti i».-*-'l mmuu Ire is, and lost by uu
t iiiu i tit: - ill-r. rs. lietoic a- eds and m—
i.tii*. us **c - wire je Glorious
uiciu .1 ies Vast *1 tic- and d* so-alnm
saivue it But p..iii c-i-iy —hi is litgt*
-i 11-*. —tlie nmy s,-;ti-ioi-iii made l-y aims
lliUs f.r wis ,ti n tne attcin,i. «-t the S.,uib
lo e- ah tsli a naU -i.ailiy la-led, add »la
verv ha- o-.'eii de-troji-t. Unit the tutuse
iu- iii store * > **i on y knows ■
1 is Itiiii* istood mat 1 had. Stctcr.s, at
llit- op iitug Oi (’ ingicss, will in ive tlie ap—
pointin' hi ot i joint, coimiiit ce. to f*c i lurge.*
wiifi the iltiiv ot lUVestiaattng the official
col.duel ot I’ie.-l'leiil J-itiusmi, and report
w lut in t ion. tt any, is required * y tain r-ss
NL \\ AD \ L U I INI* VH X I S
(iULii A \ i) Ml\ LK.
Fiaancitil Crisis
111 tlit* «•«!»rs** of SiV Alontllta,
S-50,000 r 5250,000
tv.II 111 «>l
Wat clips, ri<rk?». ( i.wiiia, I>i niiioi <1 I-iitjte. l*i
udos, \ii l* tl*M»i rt. rr.«cliiia«s (
m.v»t \ViU»*, iLc.,
Alt 1 1> Im* ul at
With- ii i.e .-.I t - vii ! ii not to t.e paid
sot iixi;ii \«»ii know what \onnre to
All-, ncd\ iitl»*.* ar icl«r. lilt 4h*e» n *1
v< and. \*iii Dun rcmin it ai»*l }oui' im'iivV W ti. be
l ii** \ fouij*i »-«*s aniODgMt «»t!ior mti l* s,
•j'U’lltll'J clot' k9. MlVrl- W -■*. Ili^.ft
'. I With *o|hN, i t.-hU’.-. pe r:s. Minot n <j
other * OH**s. o at.d i ) uxiivu
aHk ul jfW f.r \ . l«*!ll|tli.' , l S' |*IMS flltli lTligS »t
li« I asliiuiiub-r !«*-■>, in jm t slim*-.*
nl tvoi v vaiD’iy, l» *iuer with a as'»ti t
tueiit ul »ii n..vl cii.i*m*l •! a.tH jjeai. t*»*l.', -hi
-Ukl- ttiiU nD*. Vt 1 1 . ii L<* 11 ' ol tll y' Urtl.'l hruMtiltli
I *iii t.* - ru>, tT'-iii' boMiin 'i* 1 1 j * 111 h , hihl a* t*inl
ii sh \ arii-t \ «*t bm-'t lf-'L’*, <*iiain», lUihifhl buxci*,
atfud ilr»*Not;*, combs, ci*nrilit*, etc,
In ul the % cat *taunftV>»?v of
- *u the ii. ,
.nstricts of I'ia.tcc a;.d Liijfla* and. a »*tV£c
<1 ii.i nt it > valuable j» weh y. oris<ii.ail\ mtcii »Yd
~»r tlii* iatiiopcan timrUr:!, hiuj hccii »tnl oil lor
smlc hi this country, and nnM r*«*id at* hii\
'.londcc ! I mb r these cm ruui<-a -ct-s tlie
UA I * il tV k.Mhl) JKW V IU." lave ie*
-ii j-i-: to .ne InlioWiUe I-g u u 1 1". » :
0-1! I cat,-Ilf Uu-v alio sat I ICC-, ivuhoiit re
ganl tu i h"i-c oi value, me put to-l mtn envei •
. j - Denied up and mix I'll, a li. wtirn ol'i!»-red.
ale ul Ev a biitiillin led tx-y. u il seal by
cr.ul. 1 till- gi v i g all a late i liam c. t)i ' vi-eipl
*d llli-cei t ilicalv. veil will see what you aie'o
tiavv. ami tln-li li is at | onr ' ptiuti t . si-loi tin;
dollar Hid t he till- article "I nut. IUI causers
uuy tiiua ideata a I’laiu*. M Jod-ett. Si-vviug
.'*/•'. I. i .c, Willed!, If log,. OI any Set.
>'t J-W' i.y -I. "in t- r-k .- .. ui.
\o lilsitt Ls,
SEM* 28 i 4-> is t Ait. .v v I.IfTH iCATE
I lli till,- , lues by Iliad. VV- ctoi'g
for U .1.0 I Lt lliu cel I Itl-ll'i-. I'llyllg |io.» HU,.
ui and doing th-* toil: '--- 25 c• ■- ts each vvlii -b
iiiii.-i In- i-.o:.o-i dvv I,cn ill-- cei tti-aie is seiii for. I
tn- eertitii-iite ' v. i I In- n-nt fin ji.eli-vci lot f '■
Unity tor s.i -ivty live to sin. ..n l too f. -1 si s
Atil.N l'. iVi l wn .t ageets in every lu«
a lid li- tiie country and thu.-e a> tmg as
sileh wilt t'c udo vv r-l 1 1*. t - on evcl v tei lfi ate
ordered bv item provided tfe-r r .-m
S'lnuiets I" £tl. Ageul- aid c-oitc-vt 2.5 veins
f r i-vei-v ci-rtiliea o at-I iciiii’ to cents tor us.
ell ti Tin cash oi p starte stumps A-ei-ts ri-mii
tng at once {I .o. will be entitled ton
Miner Watch, and also goo cerltticules
I’iea-e vviitc lour Name. T-'Wii t'ovinty at -i
'in.-, plnoilv. and nddics- a:, orders, to
AaIeII AM* Cttl.l) JI.W -l.b V I O.ViI’AN V.
f m*>. J. A. :in i.itiei ty street. New Yoi k
liiitls Superior Court— SiopU’inln’r
'l enu, IMiU,
nlit'i I I.L A IIA iI. V- Mkvift 'UN IlAl.l* .
LiM for /**>-.a-’. —l' i.ppi-Mfii gto tin;
I oil l l llial tin .li-leii.lai.t I- lull to t-e f u dint o
i minty "I Units. 11l and is mil to In- f--u*d in tins
Mate. It Is i rdereil that the defendant lie reij .it
ed ti. lie and appeal a! the next te'- nos the su
pri lot V onll oi said t oiin'v, to ail-vver the plain
till' Ol an action us libel f-.r'dinu ce. ad that ibis
older b ili’ 1 mice a inmijjl U-r tour llloutlis.
I previous to llli- n-\> terhi ol tin- conn.
!i. lli Ni».:HK Lite Hunt’s Attv,
A tn:c* ext i act in in l!i-' nmn.ies ot -ml Voiirt,
'ept loth, IhuG. W. K 11 ANi\N.UN,
11.V2H Clerk.
J »ILN \S . ( %ltlu M«T< »NI . J'MI ' \ l»> Kit,
l*i» sulfiit, (Os Au:'. v oiis; it uti'MialUt,)
\ let* PiWt tfc s*ec*y.
(;km:i!\i. riitciiAsiNc v,
30 Broaaway .NT. Y.
IJMM’IS.tSE to order nn\ mlids wanted,
inL'lv nr Hi jnmn'iU. t'rnu tKis ntv or from
Em-upe. tnrrnnsmt ers n>- dealer- lor or ftotr,
eotiifort Ki luxulKy and at |»i <*e- gua'antred n*
I 1.. wa* could i e oli' ained I'V U- ctt-tomer in |‘"r
I If you want I’o k*. Ciints. Clothing, Instru
! mpot*. V nsic, Tool*, Weapons, p > • m|r' *■-
I nooils l-’nnoy Mook. dwelt, Silver or I'lnt.d
! Wme Wine* Cion's. Fine On eerie*. re,
j., *||orl, AN V in tiele. Inure or small, si trl y or in
. quantity. for Lad es or t ienilni.niV use. or iv*»r,
I or lor tienler*’ pi.| *|-lie-. In in a sent ling Jo a
! steam engine ; a eniiieo or a ca.-hlnere ; luce or
lealliei . npioi on ymirOid ra
Teums— i oi o\er Ten Dollars in amount, and
for ai i perishable good . live slock. Ac., a remit
Inner with the order, or provision for city pay
llient wliell filled ; tin.ler Ten Dollars—C. <' D.
Commission on minor orders and line goods 6
per cent. On staple goods in quantities, inn
cliinerv. implements and vi hides, the usual trade
|eo tnissi -ns Consignment* of produce received
in remittance and , roinptly and cur. fully ai to. Tlie ysoH) advances mu eon tills of
tiding. Address,
uov2o~tt* CARRINGTON & CO.
Arrow lies !
In lots to suit Purchasers,
I rerja M w tVAVS AH, GA-
P 1* I’LA* T. & • '*R i l.l>( It ITA E & CO.,
No. IT Alabama aired. At!..- a (•» Ra!*toC* Paige, S-I at.. Mmena. C4a.
P. P. PSASH & CO.,
Cotton I'atforsaml Commission Men bants,
As; A**.. Af- *M|-ta
drWs &
w. Wo Mimi,
1 have on hand a large and well selected stock of pure Drugs, Medicines, Che»i«»l,
Fancy ami Toilet Articles, Sponges, Brushes, l’erfumery etc , ia.
These articles Lavs been beiei-ti-d with great cate, both in European and Ameria**
nark ts, and will he sold on tlie most rensonaclc terms.
fall and winter goods,
ilAeas•:H , dress goods,
Ami every variety of I‘RIN Is. A»o a iaigc a-.-oiiu.i u: ol
'WI-'- JACKONKT. m; Id. mi Mu'n- yanh.- k WUSI.I*'
L \li>lU l IIS. all Hid"! tv«*r>
0„ r gto.-k of N'fiTlCiN’S are pn.lle«» in v vri-tv, and not to h» exeelLd 'R q'talit/
H i s-rv. < i ove». llumlk- relief-, L'u-u. Javkonet Edging ami Inserting, Hair Bi u>!ie*
lotlet Artieies, *t-'. A spo-inlul stock us
Boots Slioos and Ilats.
The Largest Stock of Ready-Made Clothing
.Ever brought to Griffin.
1 Thanking the Bußli •Gr former libera patron age,'we invite Spec-a' attention to •«
new Stock of Go'd*. assuring the I’uld'C tat we chi give «s
As it is possible to he had in this, or anv oth-r M'-hNc in he interior of the Stat^
Ci t 1A 3m
he m m mm
/\ t. Hoduccd Prioos,
IST . 33 . 33 TI 33 HY,
EAST SIDE OF HILL ST R E ET , (Near ih« Post Offi<*-)
Griffin, Georgia,
Also. H fine lot of FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, Window G!*«
C»ns, Lamps, Ac., C* oktng Extract*, Tohacc,*, Cigar-, dtc.
PRFpCIt I prions promptly filled DAY nr STRUT under the dirert *Ui
rv.vtt-.y M 1) a fieniiut ai.d l , harniaceuti»t.) who has been in ngular aad «x> .L
--fop ev»r tan ’•"■wx Huh civil and military, *»r Dr J. L SYSDS