Newspaper Page Text
ion t b ex a4j c i;i i u
» « 7
fSuorpi ItmMinL
B»IT O I I .
«KI r» I N « A NOV I ! « .
The Forthcoming j;r4*«J Work.
Sr. Klmo is tli* titie, as lus ocner', Iy
b-ea announced by tbe pi,--«, of the rii-w
work of the gifted auth-T *«. Miss Augusta
F.iaun, of Mobile, Aiahatn*, a Soft: hern lady
in every respe.-t, —by birth, educaiirtu, pu j.
Utiice, sympathy,, or what tint. —
From a l-urncd and ai compli -he I friend >J
the fiir wiiler, —and iitcrarv r t.fubtutr , too,
to some extent, we infer, — we ea>h,-r tba;
this great Work will be published sinnilta
neously in New Yoi k and Loudon, during
the first half of December. Th ft Knud au*
thority, just referred to —alll he hi 111-elf is]
wo ordinary lilerat'ur, and, hence, eniiueir.-
ly qualified to jud r«. —assures us, iV r lie has
already read it, and very critically, t/o. that
the forth-coming work is decidedly the best
of Miss Kraus's cfT.rts.
To say that S'. K’mo is superior to Beu
lah or Macnria, or even to class it a- jt>imus
infer pure*, is certainly very high commen
dation. At any rate, a Mobile book-ell. r
uniat have some very unuii-'akable assu
rances, over and above the prestige ting
ing to the Diune of tbe authors-, that it w!
be I l>o>k; f.jr lie )»is nnl.r
#d, as we are further informed, a Unu,*„•,./
copies ol it, from tbe j nbl sbcr . to NUUII U*
it liaves the press.
But after all, »* much as we admire this
highly gifted and Ingblv-eu.lured lady, it i*
really her thronging In-art—pi-rfcctioni, h r
sentiment* of sleepless, tirein-s, ever .»etiv :
patriotism, her fervent, eeiselcsg dciot ti
to the South, her appreciative s-.n-niie
ness to all its hallowed histories mi l iiietnn
rics, tl at chu'hnge in st our irnir.i r ion.
yea, our adoration. To ties and htiugui-hed
cliatiipion.’ss, then, of Fr. c uu, il.ur clmiii.-
lo Ua garlanded altar, the e..rm sin a'it.s mi
th* latest Deeper*, urouml nil.-. lair brow
Fame baa encii't.l it.- reh.-t wi.ath f
lustrous immortelles, We e.ii, i mph itiea b I
a* truthfully, say :
'* —■ 1 I li©U lift FrtrtloHi * no .v Hi, 1 ,
Ol #• of fliv I. u . 111.- nu11.,.i : til a;,.*,
TllM * •1" * nil I Ui till* "
Ib.KFtnUiLS ii.t.ios ( Brt .in las'
suffered two ad ali t no lion of 1,. r sub-i
J cts in India, to die. IticraFy, id lutim. ;1
thin, too, when she km » ml if* i in 'lt'
this wholesale n!«tiv;n;.: w s go n.• "1,,
which could l.ave lei n ( rcid hi a• in .
appropiiatuiu i I the ample r ih><i>s ’ n.,-
Brtti.-h Frsasut y.
A til ignifi • nt b;i' 11 te v. -s gC o i
by tl e in* tn In rs oft-i- Vik |,
ber of Coinii ert e, nt the M, iro| o|;t.,n
1 Intel, on Mi»•];>• li Not • in!-t r, ui li m r »Ii
\V. Fio'd.
&C*r* i In* 1* M>ri<l*i I. ■_ i« ;«('irr c nv» »ul in
Ta!M. sssce, on tin- 1 I'h ol il,is imic, l.l A
was to be expected, (iov. r,tor Wbdkey in |, «
message, tm k strong and decide ! gtourid
• gnitist the Const itit I innul Aui-ndmeiit
tr Hr. .1 V 1 iogm, m i in' liei l prills
titioner of Medicine in Atlanta, I'roh snr
in the Medical i olJrgH of that city, and «|
together a very trustworthy and eic-ant
gentleman, hia removed to Bslf'.nore with
the view ng that place irs pmmanent
r-iT Tb* enlire gai g of rubber* that
attacked and burned the tiain near Fnt.klin,
Ky., a few Week a ago, have ! u n eaplurcd,
and ore now safe in the hands oi the au'.lmr
Telegraphic News.
Bai.tlmork, Nov. *2O —The I’r, snl,m :.r
--rivetl hero to day, to nltcnd the Miimuno
display. He i» the guist i.f Goicrii.r
AIHUsuTO.n, Nov. 20.—-A pull in mret
ing of wltilea and hlwckl wmk held I rpe e"
evening, to consider the atifTi.igc question.
It was addressed by Senator IJur'.in, n.i
othet orators, including one black nun,
Ilarlan expressed tl.e belief, tbar, il I'otf
greaa w«.« petitioned for impartial MufiVa.jn. :
there would b„ no difficulty in the paj-.-i -t. '
of a law for that purpose.
NtW York, Nov. 2U—Cotton active,’
with Mile* of 1,-400 bales. Gold Hi.
Paris, Nov. 20. —lt is said the French'
Minister ts preparing a note on the Mt xuan i
queeiioti. it is tinderstiM.d that it wt i I
conciliatory toward* the United Siate*. at.d
will not object to ibe recognition of Juarez
govern nient.
The preparation for the evaluation of'fie
French troops wiil be finally complet, and on
the 15th.
UVenjOOL, No*. 20 —The nmrk. t fur
ro fun op-to. qiret amt Mindy at 14 1 tor
• Middling (ji aims liiiMin<• -« thus far in*
dicstes a day’a Mile o! I,(MHI bale*.
Bai.iimoßk. Nov 20 Ti.i- M..Mnoedi*.
pUy in tills city, to-day. w:o : raid and
impoßirii;. S< t. ral tisiinio-i ja.i,-par
ticipated ill he Cl rrIIHMICs. I'H
Johnson, ill lull reg ■ ia, in p. arid on >h-*
porii o in front of tin- reside, c- of <; »
Swann. and received the i r •tea.-on.
stlcrwmds, accompanied |,y inn in .r
Sw atm. prococ.led to u hip [in corn, r ■ (one
of ihe .'I 1 t Ijl !»]*■ .***• t•«
took a position on tt.e »‘ai and. ir is i- in al- il
that fit o tliousanjl Masons nor,- mile nno.
Alba.'t. Not :i.i —lie W. rn m’ K.ii- not lor, I k i,
Stone, Mrs Slaiin ton, jVrkir. 1 ilisUiVy.
and 1- red. Po glu**- «eio | r min, nt and le
gate*. Tlie usual reMi ittions coik-iiucn’
upon pueh gatherings vteie ndojitidj
The bankeMdorr Ton lias returned to In
rope lor eoi.yl .'ee l. il.r I 1(11,1.1. iota
aiiiiion iu charity in thi? country.
Georgia Leg Mature.
Fiom He 'i.ainal «..J M- -i.ger
Mii.LEDc«:vn.t r., Nov Ift 'GO.
>EN AI K. ‘
S-rafe met a! ?, nek, P. M.
Mr. S'fiier mtnaJu' i.l a Ini to it ■ w
Point colli, ac's • j il' n; a piliod ot
til r e yeari*.
Tbe rest of (!•" af. rno >n wss . . •• in
r* a ling • House bilu a li ft an 1 eo . ,
t me.
A ijournej.
Xovcmbi-r 2d
,\ft< r prsyrr *. 1 res I r.g ih- J uri a’.
Mr. M. Hamel nu.v and to irion-nbr lie ti ;
I'lSe.l ell \ e-fi r*|.lj for tllC T' ll 1 1 •jf l lift pe J
plc. The mo ion was lo t
Mr. Mos s lotrislue. il a fil j rnvidipg
for « sal-rv fur tbe ( oui ty ju lge.
'J'ne bill to • Xeitip' irnoi bvy arid sale
re.fain piiq- rtv of ri ry <b ■> r in il.e
S ateW s passed. ! In: lull u*n.[i s 11 *<J
acr* s <•! la. and, or four Her > m i ei v, t>*«u
or i ! age. provided me ram- is not w r:li
uiort! than #b.VOU. It exeiiijos two b.use
or mules, two cows and ■ *,v >, one earl an i
yoke id oxen, tiig, r w tti a \*-ai f ..- ipp.\
ot i orn, l aeon or | "ik. Aso pti.l*s-iou <1
books, agrie ibura' t np'wn •u s, etc , - e.
Mr. ilittoduerd u bill to s,! on
trustees id property to i .coK il.e *..:** on
thetr individual t oil Is.
Mr. S nis, A bill to change thvs line be
tween .''eleven and Buike
Mr. I’attei.son, A lull to allow tVuii'i
Sol e 'or, a fee ol tfld in of cuuvi Ism
lor tin- leni" inor.
Mr. Siri zi r, A bill to make a tin-be
un ai or the inatuiitig ot leg- an 1 o her b i
mestiu ainiimls.
Ihe piov.dlng fir the sbe hi the Mr.
at 810,000 ils I uliligeiif lliur- iit in ill
an i known is :he Macon II -..rie, to tin
ii y t'o incil >d' Al .con, iv u pa s•• Iby a
vote ol b i lo Jbb
A-.j turned.
Noi kvb a Ift b, 'll)
This is tl.i first time the II Use li.ih in i
in t c altei nuon. .No hu g was and no b u
ii»d, Sena e and House bd.s a.« con i
Nov. 20
Tti I 111) ItEADIMi.
F r 11 lt- s os .1 J .Ii :.-r-on To piy
linn for p- is.m il nju . s ran eii w in- o.
i inp al ot U i -r, in and A Untie iiai r
in Is'''.) L ,-t
To in pe., r ml Ims leia'ivt* lo eleetii o
isilpe Intel and nt ot ouli tc loads ill UI to
anil J, In nn. I'. -m 1 1
Mining t ..iiipui.. oie-Ltbisii un i.fiiee on'
o' .' i Stale. I e-l.
'l*. I1 • • •:< - :i- id oih- rI ' i!r
If o g be ex.hi- n- e . I thu Sn.y l
I'm li e relt lof Mrs. AI 111 Talk
V. -d
io | egiinre eonti U It), f a'lnwl em,
. I no - e lor i il.e Is mu I r a- bnb ill I- ii| n
minoi- rn.iind ntupt.ur lo June 1-
I H i.*. I' S-"!
I" ' x , II I S' .te nib Cr lii-r. S'avat ,t.-.l
.mi nop a i; i:',.i.i ii
abb- III: lb. pie ,nt and Ina 'v r c c ;a: m
■ b r |o|- Till sd .) n. xt.
I"ul oW I lie oilljilg Ilf Wnto 1b1'..,.ig b
■and- of otliera lor vatein a purpo.-es
I" nd ly. the .' xt« in loising ihcii
l".n I-. in tin* eon,pi,.fbe, ot ihe Air litu
II Made spin ul order lor In X
I l may
lo nnomd nc fm - r- i fid in at. . ! i.nJ.r
eel t - .111 .h. \ ; ii ||,. i . i, n,-i
/’</ r- o|' (lie r -i,led. i lie Ol S a'.
mV' icn who arc now or were nt the t tin- . t
• iAft inti” tbe ui my. ii zn- ol this S .on i.
tiHj'cn. ti -lartus us ihe Act propotivil l" Iv
ulin did. ted
I • enforce obstnance '.-! the Lord's
To leoa'ue i crta'ii- Act* of I'u!:->n urn!
Ston, wail Loan m.d Bun ing A -ociu i n.w
i’ass* and.
To iueorpa ate S’yli a> ii.
To .in ike a f’tnr .mV of 'lts Sb.a ami ol
Mi*. Iliritei Met drekrte; K I- Ir. 1
To Mppropi iaie f.r the bunul of tl c
Conn..l. rale I • ai.
I A mo.i.m whs made to till ih* blank
w i il> SIU (n (i am) Air Stic id made an do
ij'ii til .appeal in tavor ol the lull. lie was
followed by Missis Ki.s.-cll, lio-nti, Moses
and Simw.
I Mr Sla iin ;s itioi >- !lo Iby invert
ing that this appropriation shall be .tig ri'-ij
ted | !o rata HtiKUig the various I'etiie'eti.-s i 'onfi derate dead were buried T' c
I anicudtiicnf, afi*r curliest appeal- tor'll {Mi-',
! SladtngH, was di-agteel 'O.
I Air Fi. rndi movi dto appr- pi iatc 81,'00(1
, to the Oakland eeumiery at llicbnn>nd.—
Agreed 'll.
Mr. Hardeman moved lo fid the blank in
J the oricioal bill with Sj lyu, whn-ii was
Mgr. cd to.
Mr tiVnn m ied an additional section to
appiopriate 820.('Oil to rein ne ami bury
tbe ( otitrdiTa'e dea l who in iy n. »' be in
tern din other Slates. Not Agreed to.
The !' li, as Mtiietnled. « is tbcu and by
a vore ot ycu» K'7, nays 7.
“,-fnd \r have t»k"ti tbe t> rfotsl pu dge
have ye ‘t " run! so'nelio ly to an Irislnnaii
i “Indade ( have, and 1 uni rim ashamed id
it. ai her.” “Ami did not Paul teil T;motiy
I to take a iltle wine fur Ids stomach’s sake ?’
j ‘‘'o he did ; hut toy name is not Timothy
and t etc * uuthing the tnailer wim u,y
I The i’ot miTi Bins rin nir IYu
Ml' h : uni t s IN i1 I INIItS -s-(Ju.e of the
ior:h.,is remind to l-y the Uadi,as o'
Jo I 1 , to a nw their at the re
mi » id the recent rleei “i m that Sti'e. was
I,urn dij* the Coosi tu iai of the I i.ited
S' i'(s. V.M w,s lion,' in t', e ~pi-fi «l[ei t«
amid the inns' voedeious el t' riim tiy n th
et'ow 10l pa-1 - Is .iKse-nh'ed. ’I Ms shows
wiime tin teach,i _a of S miner and S,evens
are 1, ndiiijt the in op'e.
ti UN Kill 'sl: V OF A N F.'.hii Toll n i hilmrv
ilea,.;,! ot . r> -t mrain in H elttnou h. w -,*
a slave ' i-fnre the w.n, hut had bought he
Ire, ,ii>t.i. and wluri the »>r broke out In
owed a balance nt’ two hundred lollar*. S,. : r,
a ,V|S|, I him lot to psv i:, say I,ir. “Von sic
free I y the hiw.” .1 din’s reply ua«, “N".
ln\ ',l s’i ia, t I T ik« a petitlertian to me :he
h-t me hitv inis, mv w ile eheap; I owe
limme money lionistly, anil intend to
jay if.”
ilu* UciuotTutie rnrly and Hu-
No u ill.
Tl e • "l.i ag > I rue s, w h has Sjon for
leirsti.w z-a oui and un-crapubru.a
organ ut the B tn >ci r c i’urty in thc-o.u i
try. now urg.-s that parly to insist utmii
" I pai'io stiff. wl.ieli iiic.lih il i/ o
t .in ihe S<ei!h« rn > ate*. r u o:i
fr: :s :... . i.r- is p i e i | sri|-ai.; —th.-
n.- r.i.jT -’i ni, .t - y-, must be got out of
toe ».y tn-I.r. il.e l’,:n.xr».n- I'arty cun
le.j e t . r.- ;ui . ils i ,s( s-ct u lei cy ; and the
• •o.y •«i getting -off age to I c negro.
I I; r I u c il.e l ime* di-c ares nsvil m lavoi
I of till- u*. a-are
v* e ( ii* i:.h in »u tber c ibiturt a vo i
j r -mj.i-e to tn.- ten.-, tr-.ui nm.tbit
I* nnciule j .Ip. r ot an »..J- nog -1 ,te—
the Ii Inin <j.olis II rad. tl e-mletts s ml
tin Ils ao I tr.e. n *s n’nic i we tmpe Ice
»e..k Lot-cd t'ut.jgi oigsii ti. iy *,'g nb;e
u, «i j; wf
\ » r.i, tin* S jcm, £ W ti'Cfn
ti f. i lijt.ltjt aw- ha'c 1,41,
(■• r lor on.ii h•tosi It it.a- 111 at anil . ii \
lit it 1 itit gr ..I in. ll ,0 in ;er ibit t! >/ in .s
lii iin' .in tin 1 .i-ceiid- n.-y ■ art : iow w ti and
a portion el tin* .r In in 1* nioei .- > I ■
1-eai. g i*u*t sed liis.-ti ig that t'ie S o i
-t.:i. eu lo r own j isr it ;; ,- n e |»
eiaticl'urtv in,tl live and tl unisli. f: e-e
re I Hill -on-id. ration., indeed, lo a*'
di- - to • g:i ini and I g n mi dt-il Ir, n!e.'
N t'ie r it:e to u-.r and nijer.-.-t . I the r n,
ooi tin go lot the whole c m try, h.» n.v
p! 'C- in tb- j. eturo. All the Nm.h i.- afu-r
i- party a- , denCi, and th i c«re ~i il.e
li pof a flupl'f lor us as t! at they can -tl
a. i liobl the ollnes.
Me thong' ! ,r in • Buie thme wa* .-oniw
\:.Cs>> in these Not then, pr-.ti-s, n- ol
..liiKdpb and Con-el Van-ill, and we v. etc
•i I iiiiixto go so lai ... o cm: tliem iri: ;
till' we Ifvu f, .-I us-Uled. fi oui re. cut . i it's
lint ilo* rr\ in'.O'-:- ml nrlt'ne of th,
s u: lo 111 pe, Pe I e 111 a ( -CI !- c. 1 V ililli pel -
ut cons-. »Ve slnnill bv iln-
I ■ eid lo -i • to- slat . In tbe ('-i .
and i- pr h'mii'i s, ..nd l ave noth
ing 0 dll ui 1, .1 (ill- Tyrry at il.e Nr h
U e aie -..liri> . iim ii l\r wuiu-d -aeiiti-e
sii l • r il, in |, m in mil \t p ewer. \\ e
Mu. -r im- H moo .•tc : aru nv me n„!,i,
si uni liny ink Hi 1 c tua -nt H Vg . , but
■be veil unmo nr it at. imi ..ns proiiNo eai and
.e seliu'.ie groun I, it loife •. a I ci i\jl lo
our II spel t. Il it. lias been fighting fot\lie
"If '. I"' f 'll il .1 i il IHo : -0, n tn ,• a\
•v, I in ii, I ■ iv, ,nl io' bas.-ty I.t
il I I I lie t) -Il pels ol 11 ■ 1-1 I Ujy. '1 I, cl
n. e I • < th. tba 1 I vo. ii , z ng. .--i ...
I ill' Unit Hi" right li uiiy ad ,eie I m, iv
. i unip' in the end I',: ihe c iietri ’
- I.". VC (Xiel't tleni to | .licic,'. \Ve
I- no.v 'I. ■ f “hop ■ and n-rr.-d n: k uli iln her:
-ek im, il.e ft cy s i. ! i uieinh- r.l
I-I .'liii —i' 1 1. ,t•• iv - , - 1 . ‘-ire e un- ;
I 'i lee ol Lit' \ 1 c !,... t
. •" 1 -(»(«• J win.
II lr ‘. 11 , ; 1"■ u'.i an
• •' 11 'i .. 1 1 v but -i Old la:: iifu ly
' 1 ' 1 ti'-i :. |, t li e n teln ml- r tin'
■' tn" - - ati I nnfi i H : ii elity, in ! 11l- ~f tI.H |; pel,lie, b: i.g -,H
I belll‘- ol b( I y 111 • hi, , j•: \V, : i
1 ''|||l| Imi sc, loey , Iloul,', aid i- 10-t. |
We tint lb,, cI . e sit: III:. ■
"I'll of to- Belli »• a'", ol'tli-N . will
• h- ub Ml ito If *t l :.. - -O 1, 1.,..;, ;
<o IO c . ,11 111 J I I {]■ !j ’e i b I !:•• ..Ifbi ’,i
<' |> . Il > U vow .1:y u‘ :,:,d dliin :i! ot '
I . It pi s: i, n .ss soon .. It t I I'Htn • ;
■ils. i l.i ys- e tl.e >t in «*< am gin n-r!
oil II seel me, ami burn not the c r •./•• 1,. !
tea.- '. it i: I 1.1" I. Ti •• r s lie .bj Cl I- to
ave 11. e in.,* ]ll h tlir, ;i mi our slom.e and
"i "I t !,t* ,iv. 'i hey ion J m K • ii- i.e ii
•o be oil II- a pmii'O nil ■: o-q I ■■! ue. o
h, in- !i is nnd a i uvo ii ',• ■ ,ii , ;oti n
.ilium, as true putt.ots, tbe. hi n i
igi'risl to tl.c !. n ter i:J. T tiey un.i : r
» wur»v» that, wilt, t ,j|, tin ,r 1 h- :
fr* ,«i.o i on M l bid i -.i on :i ) 1 , i.—
Tut Mm;" I. Finiv. er. A cibji-dis
patt-.i, dale,l (I r- cnwic ttls. i van tv, L
l in'd, Nov 1} h, « o'clock .1 M.. s.ysr
'lid* *xpeeled mdiorie sho-Wets n.ri'o'i,.
ndlfo i»sl 11 I. t. Al !) ~ e o.' k, .1 1 c 111
tl oi sfe I ; Mt 1 1 o'e'.., k I"t‘l II Ii in ■ .•„».• i
111 n i.,n(/ei and s-z- ; and tsi -u i ,n , g
oe! » ttll.s mol Hi ng Hie. 11l Ifni oil iv ,S
■ e.ii'in I. 1 ,i nig!-. \v . rain l idles.'ns
w "' out 111 gr- and If.- 1 lie a h e
tl. »> • l.s '.V: : • In I, i.:,' ! . :. - 1. 1 I. ;.••!. 'lb e Io: un 1. w • ii 1 ;.|,t t.eau V
an l !in ; ,;iey, ur.d i.u.'. .'- . ,'ro. i;. o.—
.fi 11 *i n u ‘.j o, n;o;v 'b ■ -I ~ .inma 1. oils.
1 heir U lecii". wus in.,, i tiom tne <.... t
-11- Wes'. it: p.l i.- .and I, ' ui te - - were
Ii Ul ': . e l . !■ , I I.r,' i' h \ li .
N.wr Lisa Al .j , r iwcniy or thirty ive: e üb
•etveil at one time, and e.o-.n , die / oil b
bf'y or « xry more of unu-ual size and mna
l u", iln* in j >r ll y be ng larg r tioin stars of
tic fist magnitude. 1> Vera iXoJcdtloill
t - v-eiiiiu ol Jiip.-t. r ; ■■ c. of iinmo ,-e io
-111 list ns was i oloi c : led, b.U'C. _i e n its
age w and umber. Nar y sii u.-o rr.: .i :
tne (If live fi ii,i ng Iroiti 1.-o ai toe same
nine, one cross'd bci i lien liinrnui and tiie
out. i >1 srs ' I'wo more, in. -ed and the
oiher an oli-i.lal tappl :■ color, cloSHcef
Alpha O loins.
.">oiiie ol th ru. teors 1 urst forth in splen
dor ; one l.reikmg b< hin t die iis;ng emu i.,
fi .shi and ,ike rl eet iigtn!■ mg, amt anollu i' ol
em, rad hue hurst 17 :: lo . ins al fill. iII
lid' u.'esufcr till o Clock A. M„ l!s Had Ol
tl line lieing ii ii.c lor a minute and a u,|;
and then 1 ei. and aw.ii iii', n-ti'ihv
At :> A. Al. ti e con in. ned i" mill
gradUioy, unlli, al tile- present moment,
li.ey are ad, tilt ie-o.K and S'ais, lading aw* i\
tu ttie niortit! g light. W’n eounied five
tliousanu in out: hour, n-arli twelie titoua
and in a I willt the l ak and eve.
t*ir T lie Loui-vi! .T iri 7-■ v : “The
Cliic.go Time- udi is-s ili* iiiinn-iis'-
Hiloptum of. negro ►nfi'ragi. on tbe ground
t'-ar • its adoption sooner or lati r is tievit -
ahl-." Wc don't see wl v H.c adoption ’«
n-v t.ihlw We can't p-rciro what ren
ders it inevitable.
Wc say that these is noth mg inevitable
»' ut hegro suffrage. If the Southern
Si lies want it. they will adopt it ra'-b
:.' a'- lor In 'self. And. if they don't want
it. they won't have it. AJI tl ai is inevitable
] io the bumne-s is the inevitable maintain
ance and execution o! tbe Southern will."
A cebbr itad French preacher, in a ser
mon upon the ilutv of w i *, said:
•[ «ee in this congi -gat 'iii a woman who
lias bicn guilty of'he sin of disobedience
t • I or liu and in. orJet to pjit ? !., *
■ mi, I will fling- my 1 rc\i .ri a: her herd.'
lie bfi.d L.s b'.i k audfveiT finale h ad
Mu.-k and.
'i iiE 1 1 a . JI: s— i l.c X■ w World s j *rt—
!y *tv«re uj. n t.,«> nv p .eriic at II <rp r* »k
b T*,rc He oar. were in th- habit of cu'og z
ing ti c S.attKr.l I-. 'e and il.eir customs
ju l iirs'. ii'f In the B-vei.lli b-.,i: o, »nd
i. .w i ul. -ino 1 g but lb- no-.f nh'i e-.ile
i -1 n ol Ig iT.-d 1 -it.iviii abed tverv
i‘.ing flat j.rtii's lo t! bo nh. Tne
:s j-. .r n-V, au I u-.a'd- . • patrm iz.t
II irjc r, am, mo: e e.,:r:er* !• uu be mile Iv
pai during to il.e |. i-s o’,* »l I’ iri: .n - iitl »
tl- I- H If o:" • tfl- ft aug-. Ift: 1' |'t ntv
of Ihe S , : heoilbl I- le Tore !, the ••J;e-n:,i
■d v: / xlin’i" w.u.d ort*i to i:« fe-t k- a
»P .„'.• .MO i - ellip .111 I II bargi,...
r d- .■' :i - l> ■ ir,},,:■■ 1 i ,* j .
Miiiiilr.. \t tl.e tui'-ys ot J, , <oe .
Bn, ou to- mu*l.l' g of lil-l bg tii*
11, V. C. A Hr.,n: —Air W.n W. .1 i.iyn.n
■*| and Mi s 1. la *r s em li laugh er of Col. J.
I' llein- . In.'b of ill -| 1 ~'C.
\i. \\ tin i: il TINI* if K \ Is
Hopniiod hy K(M*uest!
rg'Ml,. I' ».ii* M. .MU > \\ ri 111 4. W .ii re
B j it '!.•!: OlNf l.liT. i.\ r«.j ; -t. i,ii itv\i
'l i i. l>.\Y v«"inl»**r tut? wrhnn «u»irf
i . Sii.iig-4,i j i..*:-..inme*. • - ifv-ri— v.
(iOLU A.M) iSILVKti.
T'i curl Crisis
”1'- •
in (Im onrse of Six hlonths.
825 8250,000
sV 111 11» •■ t
vVutili >. t .1 ( J.JiMni, l>i .f,.0 .1 Ku.k'*. ri-
Miv.-f W li I .'4k'-.,
All to ?»<■* <1 ~f nt
With.mi i irai ito \a -1.-! x t nut to lie jiaitl
lor until \o;j kit v \\ lint to : 4‘c-i*i\»*.
At•«* •• r«« ii• it £ ti. ui if it not |.»-.
\ *u. \ oil 4un iilmis. it utii i \o:r minify wiillm
i4*ru. iL* i.
•it k fompt t-**-» amor.irst orJi-v m»i-Jes
-pl«*mll.l rio. k V V .M : ,',l MiY.I" Ui.Nj'9 ,i. »
-."I Ultll «l r (*mid. Mil,!*-. I.r* I S, OMITUM >l.l t
*•tJ: •* i *st4)i.» (i-> • 1 it-ii i«* a: •! i t <•! -*.»• ,r&< 1:
soi.-i 4-i ji'U . rv. iv.piji ,-ii u pi ns i; f > 4.1 eari'i.'s ~
lit* rii.»-*l i -«rli i **».;*!* «• **? » -t i. p • fi• 111« r’ ■ *lll* *
J ( Viry v:iiif"v, t «• nil u luhT - n--"i t
• ..I ol g I 1 11. .1 Inc. d.Ki and peal; - I- ~„i,j
\.el- and ,-l.ive Hi" m".st 7-a.lMui
i-tc0,..-. go id. 1..- o, t'pi ~ - : .. u
A l ’ 1 '" bits. "liai , miiaicttl boxes,
' ' 'H" •• 'O, el 41'.,,
,* ' ' "\y ,n I. • , [j,,. g ...i s'■>.,nii-iim of
"K Ii • 111* .: ,|l . I'.!
■ ■■ l •'■ c' •\d ii no .•ind l.i ui. a .le g—
' 1 of valiSd.le j-ii .-li y. oi igmallx int-uli and
~r the In • l\l .:l k '. i.. b.-.'ii -’".loll to;
4 11l tl.i, c .U'K n: t too 11, 'd at any
.lb ' 1 ! tl -■ . t 1.7.
Il A l«l! .t, ( . : . U l
-u j..'! to Hi n.nown,' I.S'. .o:\
•'.III eat.- ol' te-, • .id \IV i d'ollt II- ]
■ s.'i. ai'.d I. xed. 'll '
i*' I' -' ll Id Hi ll I'll "-led ti.'V, a iNcot I>V
mall. In g:■» i g ail a.I -r .!. : 1) . iVi :pI
•1 Me l-ltoi, lie. l:-n Will Ml’ W J-tl II « ' o
i, ave, an.l lie n I is al | niir . pti-ni l>. end Hv
I . 1 V. ' , ti:
N'-» SfLu Lsi.
SbMr.c i... id 11 t. ai. oi.'l -idi A'l II
m,,., .* _\V • want. Hg-'.I ni every loivn
II I M l i ti.,* el v a-1 I 100- I. g ,
MU. Ii hi Hi 111 | 1 ,1 : I' I . .1 .-
■ , .1, o. : . ei'l'r
! g.n -j 'i , !.. e • 1 n, n Lean: mil
.-i.m : iVut .iv. 1 a.- • e-i I itiiuites
I' ru— write nmr T „«B (’••!!• Tv and
-mm , ui t. ’i . 1,!,.1 mi: ■ .1 - .le, - ...
\X .nil .Tim : l.i 111 Ji.’A l.i \ .i ' V PAN V
!nn .!. A. --lib. 'i -ti.Vt, .New V,., k
ISiiifs Hi:|»j*r?'»r t'dtiri-Scjtlciiihcr
i « rut, i -.HI:.
| y '•!!.! \ l!.\i .v- .in.US II Aid,
ty o: 11. cm. it and. is 1,1.1 to Ti- f. in '1 Hi -
; tiei 1 i'uhl Hte a- f'ii Ui t lie it ij ir
oid-r n put .-to I .... • . .■ i • -i.i l-r n ui i:....:»ins
pcevittus io ilo . t 4iij-*x!h'- -'-ot.
I'. Hi Nl'o .1. L.I" .l.ti.l's Ally,
A Hn* ex' i hii n ii. lit- .iv,'- ul f.iil l ,-uil,
•s—pi ."ih, tstg. M . 1; l-i.i ii s .i ti
J..JS W lAHII >gl, ,'t.k Jillt- 1,1 IMS.
Pie-ItlelT, (Os A'lC it. st Util [onu i-l,)
\ lee I'lt- ■- t d' I-tl-'y.
n; i;kal i 1 ! jo h \si\o
CO I3rcoaci\vny TNT. Y.
nrU('HASEIo..r.!rT. a"i waid- P
•1. »i ji\ or ii' (pilin’it \ , from t!m* ril\ .> t-.• •.i
K'l'opr. for .-..i .-..ii **i s or .i.-Tti* i- tor ns* nr u • -ir.
omi f it oi Ir. Min, ni.*! nt pi cf* trua-.vitv.-.l i
»».« m* o 'U' !5 ** »k-:Ly l ' cii’lom-T iii j i
if you want M*» k . I*, i < lot!. ing-, In-tru
Musio. T 00!.,. \S r-.i}>v' ■*. p 11i: I mp!*-
im-..?.* I'an -v Meek. -I u. is . ;v«*i «-r i'la’.-.i
Whip Wm's t ’itfui s. Fi: (» i « *-i •• •. Fun.’l r* ,
i. i **l.oi i, \>xs tu ti. !• . 1 >tt k-r fir fill, si-t!l\ •>: in
v. t'oi- 1 m-} . s or «L»».t!»•:» ♦uN tisr. or w.-ai .
os f. i il i!* >' si pj lie-. In-in a *o'ul in if u
st.'HO! ,'iik'iiip -\ ' Hiiicn or a CMslinu-ir ; luce or
lent hr-r, M-i.rl mi \ mir <Jul ls»
i elv.s— oro-.erT'-ii Rollftr- 4 in amount, ami
for all p»-i i-lmiile gou.i . live itc . a r«*iuit
t ine** with tlie order, or provision for city |*ny
in*'! t wlif*n tille.J ; iimler '1 eu Dollars —C D .
(. omuiDsiori on minor ‘orDi s hi.(l -tin** goo ls 5
per cfiit. /Li staple troo,U in quantities, mn
i hiriiMy. inipKnientf* mu) vthix Jes, the usual tra*lt*
co missi -ns Consign meats* of p rmluet* r»*o‘*i veil
in remittance hi j | r«>tuptly ami carefully at
i«n *te . tj. llm us tu! advances mu tc on Dili* of
1 i.iiuiT- A lvii rid,
Arrow Ties !
In lots io suit Purchasers,
ITL! . Vi HU A fllltlSTl W,
I ;t ii X V A V V AIL 0 A •
I* r I'KA-i: A Cl*.. WTUiLIt. P» A LX V. 0..
X.. 17 AlabamaMtreri Atlama Oa. llahtw. a dai.f*. S3 kiav.-a, Ga*.
P. P. P3ASg3 &. CO.,
Cotton Fadorsiniil ( ttimnis-.itin Merchants,
ir.. Ac. mat 4 -Sal
at Vt Lo: Pa app an L p.pPaii. ny
w "~rf tTwmw
J a J J o r>Li iA 'A a Ly^LVA-i-'
i have <ni hand a large and w-P n b ce-l sleek of pure Drugs, Medicine*, Che-wiaali
I :.ney and Toilet Arne! -. Sponge, Biiiauca, IV-rluruery Ac . .il
Tin e artieiea l.nve b-en imieet and with great , mie, botii in European an I Amrricin
ui uric Is. ami will he sold on tbe mv-t reisonae'e terms.
mmmznm & ?umwz f
OtN>lsTlX<; (>F
.'llk duess i \m:i:vs. >:i.k i’hßlins.
l"!i:. X l li MLB N< ’S Al.i'AO '.SB.
A i'll- 7 i'.' \N!» ALL Y.'ooL DBLAiN BS.
\ every varii ■/ • . i’ll IN! >. \»o h , n i gu ,i.-.-oi in.cut el
sr, \ ’ l$ - > ;‘A s' i
-4* Z-d -aL X e-A and ij ♦«> ij
,\V 1" .1 \HKi i\ Hf. M; I A..M i ■': ! X N AN.'(. .k’ Ml 'H*
1.11. d\ol'. ni u- all ~r»rn." . ..... .
I \ __
w:nl:.AN!t g; :■ if VNxl [A, (iri \ ri. AN N BPS. VAN li-N FP ANN SLA
A Urge lot .. KPT: OULU ond BIIOW.N JK'M >Tl('\
i , - fitfi. k of Nu'l'idV-! -ire emi’ -« n v-ir' ‘v, ami cot to b® ex--*!'* I>n qudlty
•|| , wi, < 1 nv--. Ho k i f-. L -I i honet K'lM.'ii' uni Inserting, Uair Ui «*li«
j l. -t Al.ic. —. A ■ A 1’ ’ 1 S'oi-k of
ZJoota. SIIOO3 and Hats.
The Largest Siuck of BcailyMade tTotliing
£ver brought to Giilna.
T' Cn.oO t' t'-e r. ’ .-■ .7 ....., Sp— “•*
11, -w t- It, kof< to ' I-. :is*i,T llg 1 1:• 1’ ' • c l t! h■l- -I, J'V«* ..i
,ri r r,,,rV:ri %r> ',c/. r rJ A
UX/X/iiA vO vJiVTSA L.r.fAAAi.-Tf
\S it is no--! le to b* bud in this, or . v o’’ -r '1 rk»* in 'h • tutclor of «»'» f’*’"-
IIP W.AM’HN s. PUE.ll'Fll.
At Hccluccd Prices,
•rpl - f.m
EAST SIDE O F II ILL S I U 17 17 T , (Near th# Foil 0f8v».)
Qiiffhi, Georgia,
Sir Also, a fine lot of FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, Window GUm, Lamns, iYu. t Kvr ulfc, 1 mloiucd. I‘uyu'*.
PHK»C.'II I PTION* promptly til'Ud DAY or NK-BT imder tb» Hir- tj " h' r ’' f ' ! T 7 C rM
Drlwut. M Iv. (i Ij« % n.j.-t dim) I’harnmcuiitiKt.) who Lns ib r#jUi*r (N *fcn 1
aivH* j) try. <*r r J. L M