Newspaper Page Text
•'ll year* ****Lb*hrd i« N. T CitT *
"Otly i< fallible r-mtili*** known. *
“Fraa frwm poiaur.a ”
•*Bol dangerous to the human family
•* liata •unit out of theit h d«a lo «i*o
RAT K«»A*MI. A* KXTF/ V. -
it K f«*r Mice.
Block m»d AW A n't. ▲<* A'
-cxjnTakv b;d big mxteumin at* »k
It • liquid or wn»b—U*ed to «!• »lr»\ and
tl»o ae * |»rrvrfi»ti«f for licj 11 iy§ Ac.
•‘COTTAR’S* FXECI Rlt’lV>Wi»Eß f D §-<*t»
ft for Moth* U■* rU't • ti t'lrar I’"l l"iys.
Jnttcli.n J'tmuta ty* * A m ma'j «1 **
|f |• ! Bswaii !! t of *ll worth!*** imi’»
i I
If «... lhal ■•!'•■ AT.. *" n<f»e it on
Walll* »nd flatk b*f"-- '"'V
i<Ur-« Henry IS. < o«tnr,
4--4 On »Jw«> . N'» 1 'k
WARI* I iO 24 M»ir fiaal.
It* Orltttt, Wk* *tti* Ijnll for .So* Lt :
• «l*Wrtl*d
r*r Cut*. Hut I#. Itruitf*. WoiiroU, Ihdl*. I cm
Broken Hr*n*U, S..r* M|i|il>-h 1 v!.••■.! i g I •'*' >1
■nd painful rile*; Sciofiiloiia, I’uirid mol ii’
4>tioi ed Sor**; l Ivor. <*l ihduhir on* i * J .
Xrupliona l iilaot'ii* AIT.o King»oi h k
] t*h. Coma, I! .nioii*, (’lull Inin*. «tc . ( i*uj*| ''>l
Hard*. Lip*. Ac.; fill** ol Spidera, lntrcla, Alii
■ •I*. it . At.
|f Bum. era .40 cr* . tor. |1 nrta
l%r Sol*! by »ll l»rut«ial* rv.rml,' re
IJT Amity' 111 AKY It CUSTAII, Dff. l 481
Broadway. X»w York.
Aad t.y I tarnea, Waul A Cn..24 Mngnxin* rtreel,
fi«v Oriitßi, Whultitlo Ag* nit for South*'u
11 C O H T A 2: S M
1' n 1 r e i Bui
Corn Solvent,
F'»r Corn*. BunKma, Wm 11 A<\
BJBT cetffa, i*> cent*. arid * : \ lixea.
Sold Hf all Drag'itt* every when*.
And by IIK 'UV R. rO.VUAU, Depot A t
Broadway New York
And by Burnet Brown A to, 24 Mugixinc St.
H. O , W ualtiaie Agents lor boulbeni Mnltt.
I’rei'AiAtinn "f
Fat bi'iiulliving tii* completion,
to ft'iften and heautify tli** >ki . remove
Fr*ekl*a, Pimplet, F.rup' Ac
Ladiaa aia bow u*ii(g it in t> nil
Bottle. si.
hold hy all Druggist* erervwhere
▲nd by HENRY R ct»TAK, Depot No l^t
Broadway. New York \\ i -1 A Cos . 2 4 Magnri. e M
jf. U., W holttala Age: ti f >i Smu hern Stater.
F#r Coughs, Cos ds. Hoarseness. Sore Ihrout. In
gams*, Croup. Whooping ('oujh, Atfthoia. Con
sumption, lironchinl Affections, ami nil disease*
•f tbs Throat and Lungs
ir Bottle,. 25cents, 50 cents. andfi size,,
bold by alt Draggl-t* eve-y where.
And by llKNin It. COSTA K, Depot No. 4*4
Broadway, New York.
And bv Bnrnea, Wnrd A Cos.. 54 Magazint St.,
Jf. 0.. Whol««»le AgeuU fur >Suu hern Mates.
A IMVtl.ljlL M'M.l: I’iLi..
Tor Nervous mid si 'k He i• I.n-1:t'«•-*i.*•:ir It
digestion, Dyspepsia iiiii.i'.i me,-*, (V -lij n’ i■ ■
Diarrhea, Colic*, t‘l l ilt». I'evers. ami gynctal de
rang merit of the Digestive Or ana.
jy Boxes, 25 er Is. on cents, and fl sizes,
hold by all Druggists everywhere.
And by IIKN KY It CO-TAR. Depot No tS 4
Broadway, New York.
And by Harries, Ward J Cos.. 54 Magazine S'..
W. 0,, Wholesale Ag •its I
di r,*
(•real 1) i>• tribal ion !
iiY the
b.-Jiots.: 37 «t .'!0 .'4, S'* A SH .
1. I>«ri\ Sr, N*-» Xwfc fry.
OfR I’ 11. ■- Vi! Me'ale..'.* F *
1 i! 1' .'I-1 IN 11 H» 1.0.. >»• -. -r A are
(•od nml S ** i V\ rlti..». nod I' ■:»
jjali, Ji«>- rv, t, 11 ■ r I* a- |
in .10l l’ n*. It. mil ini l» i•;*.
(Ji/'d llrwi r'l. Cur*'. K . r
•mine, M... , r. .1, '.
• l.'l t' ■ e l. V v el*,
G-j’. !’• t *. tin (... i
ands it Ii •ii
» ... II . l i-.
S'n l> |1 I'li.l Vert i I " lll'.i. Il *l * '
Net k »'ll.. • • i .. no' i * i»*•••! O'.oJ
G’l.mli*. il . it* , i* uri -'ii
♦ l.OUO.l" if I 11 "M 1.1'1.f.0l ’•
m l» tliwy ft*-. . y '•* kM«.«n
h'i.i I* *ir ■« i. *■ t C- 'li in*.
'Ill*; \M!ii|iAN J».» I L-.FW* \i.4'TIAI| a
i , !» \..or -1.i.1: di to il.e 1 ft '•! it-* l-u>
til** «i mi ?i '**i I j 0 .rJ,*Lir\ \-»o
I ,;U 111 Ii li eI I. !••.! Sale. Ilf In-II »«
.IS ti.ii a!» iU I4' IM*en tell 111 lhe ;
. irinet i.and 'J and Inn uru 1 c iniMur. 0.,r j lln re.l* I o i: - ,• » A Mile JJUM a! t-«! |
jot Itie *|>|ir*-C al im ir! .>:i • paliont lor t: it
i Oieltiod ol ol.iaiiotijt r.cli, ei. o.i t an . rosily
; guuila. In* noi ns- .Ii nol trade iu .
i huropp. o« mu tli* rt" <>.Tiiiau war ami
! re<-«ril di*..» nu» lin.iro rii»i» 11. K: i;laii,l
j lias Caii**ii llie tailor* ol a l»r fc -* 1011111 cr of
Jewelry hou*t> in I.on .oii ad I'.ir *,
I 104; tlit-111 111 be i tlieir jjondu it :l gr*at naeri' |
| tier, in Koine instatie*a l*‘* t 1 an cdis i!i rd j
J tlie i-Obt III' m-inufacti.rinf. We U*( ately j
{ i iir, II I c*l very h'o iv >i these ilankrupt
• uni'ls, at iiii-li extiuui * li.w i,,i* (
I w* , ..ii alloru t.. si in! -Way I'iiu r Good',
ili till oive lu-LltT -eliam 0 ij tlr t!i* in .*t
i Valooldf | II2S tiiidl :■ V ii !i T CstaMi-hs
Illciit dollij a sin, ..r t U'.i;*Bs. t»i It aim
is to n.KAsi:, utoi u* irsj io r 11! \ s .(n it
\ in pdl on a> « . r : oniili lflit of ;. iv*
in k the iitniusl a.ilisla. tinn. nj; tna
j nasi tear e liave Im v. urile l a inunber of J
(lid v.i lul'l* |i ./.es tu all nart* nftliej
leounliv. Tins* win |>;i tr<>niztt ns »i;i i- !
| r v* tl ism ' ilue ol tln-ir money, hi no
Md nd* .on mu | si is Width less limn Or.
j I >l*ll iir. 1(1.0., nml thcio ale 101 M inks.
I’aiti.s ii* 1 urn with in tnav dt-|>eii.l on
j hi\!i (r |iioiipi ruiuti.s, and lhe artirlo
ilr nvi. ivi;l In-mini: "llati !y n-nt to any ad
dress l.y it-t Irn mail or Pt|>ri «s.
1 Tli* lo. h.tvi 1■ o pal tie* have reeonllr
drawn Vid Hal *'rt Id is lion tlia Ainerieall
Jewel, r*' .t'S.R* a'Kin, anil have kindly
iolLUcl the Use ol l!i*ir imno s ;
' "uaru- J., l-Nip, Treasury In—
|it * I me-111, Wash'iiy Inn. I I Ihai-o, va lie,
! h3()0 ; Miss Anna ti. V ties, £i'J St. Maiks
I’luoo,. N. V ,Sewiiif Maohiite, w ue, »t"j;
| Ivl 1 tor Mu skat 1 -ai I'.ot.i-i TANARUS, Musk aim!, M.n n., i
j Ladies enaiio lfil \\ ati-li, vain* ?lotj ; H
jS. Il ii'is, -j 17 Iyo.o sirm i, .‘liarh stun, s
v*r W .i'-.-li, v.-ilui-, »',*.!l ; l‘i in, 1 .ml ol
: Klkil.irl I'oilegialt- Insli'lltf, Ivkliart, N
! I l.aiiooiil I’m, vidn* f'Jdti ; I;, y. Is mo \’au
i Inzer, A; any, N. V., G-jid Ln -i U:ui: 1
: Sul, r IHl* 11
Many natios c-ould he i/.Li.-d on tli* list,
hut we j-uli i'll III* 11:011* w 1 hout Vod lid's on
1 ».ii p.dridis nr* desired tn si ml I. ni'od
't|l 1s 1 111 1 eao will'll il !S lan V. IlL.dit.
i’auijal Li'T ok .4mil I. is- 10 hk s. s.u run
ON i. mo |. in K.i. ( 11.
Willinul I'H'O'd O' Mil' 11ml not o la' paid !•
until Mill. :i» whin M'lLO'elo e..-i»»• ;
1.. .1. jrn.t I w.." 1 IV.if, w oL'lli I' urn A. ll
I|> J.i riit'i!,: 111. •d'-ms loisr'.l.exl Cii»('-,
f 1’,., 0 4. on l imt 1 !a-s M'winu lu-i. Lo;*-; Yi
I <Ol I' liati *•. I.' line I*-I Kuifr:i\ o *
Iramcl; 0(1 .Mnsiu l!..x*s ; 10 ' Uevnliit." I'atei.l
(‘sil' \ *1; On xii \. :■ f1 u I an.; 1 .and. r I oi-ki 1- ;
I ii'a.'l* ol Tea end 1 n'./.u -.;a.oi , lon (mid llunl.
Hr r, (dualid 10. ,1 si 11 I* Slum-. 11 0 (odd \Y»- lie-;
L.(il ( | .rt.Li.-e* Waldos; fan >l l ITT Wall'll**, Ida
inoml CiiNdJ "01 Ims in and In limps, laid ** seta
lof (li Id an I (’hi id. .I*l iiini (odd Klui t'nlim , ■>
sell' IjRMI to and X 111 (O, t (i of, Y-st Sal
Seek (100 - It.lll I, ..1 1 1... .! Sold fine*. (... and
111 mid*-, l.f L l* inai • i* f- It liiicki,- i1i... 1
! I--;.-m il ivncd-. f■ 1* w.a k i: .\-, 1.,1 a i-.'.i
--sa il li g .hi aid - 1,1 .\'.i in. li".d*ra. and
■n. 1;* ' ■ • I *1 W ill * mill ,1. we n
"I every a- mipii n ol Urn best leak* ami la!. -
"I L I' l *. '
t'-i)" .1 th'ihrr l i I " ti» ft’"/ /.f thf "/or
.1/7(7*.. J.r K I'Ol. I..y>. i‘/J / Mm/../.
t S ./'•/ ( M ’ / C
i#- i-'i id"" i"- f $
t ■" :■ . .V. IL . I". V
Ime I,ii: Hi IdX" -A .
u. mu. i .|i . • r a :.r r-
Kn.'l'in l.d .ml- • m IV Ii" :,d.* a
K'-n ' w li" " din . a- I'll . .1 ! | 1 11 * ,’u l a
lagn». 1 will* *i*i 1 1 111 aj>; * 1 lion
l'i-’iibii i* * are mud* 1 Ii .0 i'(viigmnni'i.-
I * 111 e 'IT Li a 111 11 tt ■' O'i; >0 1 a a .1 I'l vain* S' •
plsi-l-.l m n-a cl I-1 \ rlopoa. w lorll .10 (*■ I nay ml
lint ailiwe veil.pea H'ni:ioir i( li.e iiiiiithail
. r (li'.ler lur some mtn-i* wdi b* ih .it.*i rgl a
our (iflli'ii. ni t 'III In ll' ail lo any ail Irr.-s, wilbui
ri fi**t» if In ; li lee, tdl l*‘re!|U of Jls.
(J* r.'iuiivii'U tin* ( Yrl Ltii alo lb* piirehnter wl
see w k-i• si ’ido it ,1; a» s » .1 its v ale*, ai.d i's
tbeiisi'.il ('.ml I’m.i, ik. s. and v--..i‘ire tbcnrtie
iisno'd, or *an .diuo.-e any oilier a i tills.- uu on
list of I! .- v .m* vale*
I'll roll users of our seal'd * i v. lo| t* in i v. in 1 Ii
innun*-', obtain an atticli ivm b fioiaoi.r lo In
hid (h id id li i
Iinl; h Hei stn .ill.lire -i: v. I!s*e tl * ki.m
liess In wait* plain iliicdmi «. and in efon-i
ii (fer. nl n lir'Ps 1 1 oin llmse ■ ,ws. mention 1'
Ciders lut- sen rd i rie.'mi .*■ ■ ••' in every ea
b* .-iw. Hi. a 'm! (' i ; IL* . ■ .J' ~l|i ! lie loon*
of tin |n'i-. n Si'iidiry, m.d iowii, Ci ia.ty a
S'ai* plai!y " iltvi..
I .*ll *■rs - Imi: i H .■ a.i h'l-ssr ito hi a rag*
us follow s:
MIFIIM \f. W A’lVc'. I'll,
.17 A I'.* Nlf fan rl., .New Yiok city
«nd 22-Smw
Cotton Picker l
ItiK LICKIN'; CO. .A).. IN THE l-illl.I)
VSIMI-! T’ at and Tiistrtv.u • t wei ? '
. [iboiit ;n o tin ■or io an
' Slid thin by- baioGh svi'.-g the Ovtto.. eieuii a
|..|* limn tni-11. I'' I ' t : r T"
Ulll CIS . ll* hill'd ! '.
111 K ilnW 1. MA: 11'At'TPHI Nf7 CO..
Or 1 1 v onr Agents th:o' m - •' ' ' '» • "ii'b
. Sw*d
TRIM MlN'is,
I*.\ INT t. fifl.-t YAKM> 11 L-s AM> OLA-vS.
«II JtiilNSiS :« .mistai.'v rttieiving
a t,*s .'a: .! ,f* Mill >«•**! a large avn.rUii*' t
. : .11 a-!« i • Lis line «bieli he 1* eeliihjf Al
a *-,l* a■ i .-.ui a« low s« they car, be b, ng'lTs
i any O.l* I ma.kel.
I l.iiM- 1 A-11.
Insure Your Properly !
(\ II \k f.»r
-I TID R.N MUii AU Company. «*f
*n<«f, • I'tt . »»*••»
I!r C\i »r.l, W RITKUS ACiEXCY .»|
V..' k r«*r f:: imhmnni
*1 i I V. iB'MK In«ur«»*i:e (Vnij'tny of Nrw
T«»rk. i tar
Bil'V.SiX A I’l TN AM Com pwr.v of M»rUur«i.
(*»•: • n: ■! o'l,»r y.M..l C'>nipani«*«.
II «*• **e *»• »• »1 oil Cotton. Mcrcbtf.'life
It;. • * .• r Hf.«l Bmi *ii -’2*
Acm Sloro!
Hill Si reel - Griffin.
r CNDKRSBfNKI) to inform hit
1 <•!•! ft jf?«*N «M«I public in general, th t
b»* h*' rmrtiri) to hi* oM sfarol oa ilii) atirct,
»!terf* hr hat opened a luig*» lot of
Drv Cioo <l s!
>ll \\YL>, CI/u\ atul ali laadit? .v ti
ci»'S. v Also, GL< >TiNNG,
hats, i-.oots nd shoes,
of all kinds.
i;i:ai ember,
T hat | hi.« > k of do" Is lias boMtrbt under
tli** ia.i lii*ak v *)«•«• 11ti•• io goods, an 1 tliul he can
s**ll them, aivnrdit gly,
At much lower Prices
than they have boon *old fui during the la* two
lb; to months.
: A bu v Y'dur good* of
iiill Street.
T*vt and »or* above Kiigel * corner, (DilTit
< n gia —S*U
Afr. M.\ Udl’R, M 'I J'illX»"y A ». lIMSI.EY
• li n t and r l hii and ds. Miimn, (hi.
Il r r lifiv.* received Imcre ad«’i’ inns to our
» k 'k €»f (JroCOl!**. fil'd we mow otb-r to
Mi iclmi't de iletg one <»f tiio lal'kT►'it. u »i
iM.Jlij )i te linin'' mi’ht of
m r l*iKi.glit to Nfnron. Coiuintii win par! of
5i n >h. ly> I i\ e’ j mol Suit,
-u I> hj Kl'Mjr,
:t.< Il< gdoa.U of Bacon.
ks Iln:i»
I* o U'U’s A B C Sugar.
1 J.i Sic ks Rio and Jh\ n k c(T»a,
| M» Ih-xeH TTdj-n-i o, all g;a»ie*,
t •_».*» B- xe* ( 'aniiy,
‘m Boxes Soda.
75 B"xea (’i aeker*.
An (;ros« Matches,
;"0 ('..i!s It*.pc. Macliin* and Ilaad
5n B.' X-s Soap.
• . I luxes 1 glmh (V d-U*h,
5" K ill .Mess and Mm'-ecicl,
”>i» r isos < >nsteiß Ac. etc.
t. M. RYAN,
MAN i'FACn CRFR of French Burr Mill
Stf'- e-. Mill Spindle* Mill Machinery of all
••s *i iplions , Steam I r gines. Saw find •'11 ist Mills,
•"isiing Screws. Smut Maebincg. Belting mid
• oitiuir Cloth Screen Wiie. Mil) Picks, Blaster <*f
'.iris, alwnvai on ham! and made io order. AB
oik sr,l<l by me warranted. I also contract for
lie ee»ion of Flout ing Mills
• on er of Co|Jei»e und Bioad street! 1 . !\ *\Sfl«
fIU.K, tl'.N N.'*-
Tupii<* shinilc St wing .3llichines.
A!’.* srrKRIOR TO 11 1, "TURKS
\g*r.ti«*wßnted. Addr*«s
icpll—,ll vr 616 llrcalwuy. N. A*.
“Wilbur F. Johnson,”
(OF GEOR(iIA y )
Ijroohs, |Jl;ict)on;in) k (To,
t\K i]
S) ('a*on<l« Irf sirort, \t w Orleans*
i >ct Vuu "
Ft R• 1 A—Si a; mm; (Nu nty.—l' v \ rtuie o
Ii or.lei fi'Uii ie k uni t"t Onll art said
tv. there wiil i e mUI on th. ftr*if Tuesday in
cumber next, I .’tuvrii the usuh 1 hours «*f sale
ore 'he (’ou:t House d"or of c aid con: tv. a
’ ion of tiie iaiidA belong! g t«» the estate id
. A. Redding, deceased ; to house ami
in the city of (ii itfin on lh» West ?*i«le of Hill ,
in ihe "or,' hern p it ion of the city, adjoin
g th,* i • -dence of John Andrew «, and now tht
cii ises ol .loiin <\ Fre m in, coi.tHining four acres
.re i v It m. Sold for the benttit "f 1 * »rs aritt
• lito:c RMuRY \MN>tIIP.
r >» (! 1 *,\i i»U
Prrcutor's Sale. '
IN of an order of the Court «»f Oidi
nary of |*ik« County, will be aobl btfort* »tie
Court llouee *i«H.r in the twu of /••»•«! on. Bike
l v ui.t%. on the timt Tuea lav io I»* c-nil»er r»e*t.
the ft»llowing lands, 10-wit : !>>t So ore brn
dre-i naif tty two, (142.) known a« ISloir* lot ;
i*»l Ni». one and forty s»eveu. (14 .)k:n»wn
awthe ship lot ; pat lof lot % »o on.* huudret! »?*,•» ,
lort'v »i x.
frnetional lot No oue hundred and three.
(14;!) e-n'uinii g sixty four acre*, whereon th*
rife M KiU If AN I FU»I R and SAW a.d RATI! K
Mil l*> nr« -situated i»- distiietuf hlfciuiniy
The ttlmve ilca ribed property will be *<»l ! tn
parcels to suit with oil regard to ori
iftnal *:;rve\s Aleoit two hut.died nere-* of
•/tM».i fanning land, with dwelii-g
liou-ej*. wit! be e*ii<l in coime.-tnm vritb tlir Mißs.
e*» a-to fuiumb a good place ot on Hie
mil site.
Ti.e w »tkk rr.itiiwat in alt t*.e-e !-ml« ». il! R*
referred in fa< or of the purchaser of the Mill
AI>D. l»v virttje of the s ii-l opler of C**tlfl
of t Miifuaf y of Bike County, witl te sold l»cf**re
tlie Court Hoimp «b«or in t!ie t«*w n «‘-f tifceiiTflie,
Me* ii wether Couniv. gia. on t!»e til' 4 t lu*+-
day m JiiniiHry next the fallowi> u l.i:i?k »• *;t :
I .of No. one Ii ndnd and eiaty *. (B«2 ) ; I*4
No. tw.* hundred und i -*c t\ three. ; lot
t N«». »u-o hundred n-d !wen!y-f‘»' I. *224.) in the
job !><••!lief «»t originally TrtMip; utf.% MenMrethrr
lauiuty. coiitainit'kr lw«» bundled two and a half
(_> 2 1 2) acres each, (moie or leee. )
ALSO- fi'Hi'l ionitl lot No tw. hundred !*m!
eighty-four. {l*4 ) in the Vth Distifct
1 f*o*p. now Mcrrtwrlher County, vonrainu-g (!'.*>)
acres, (more nr less.); part of lot So. two bun
died and seventy -seven (277). in the tt:l» District
of oriifinallv and r..up, m»vr Merriwcthcr emu ly g thirty three (:i&) acres, nn l knowti jis
tlie Knlow place ; Al**». the bndg bn -lii on the side of.Flint River, containing one
and thre** tenths* t an acre, being part of lot No.
wo hundred aa eigi.ty three in the 9th District
r.f originally TioUp, tow Mernwether county.
Alt'o. by virtue of r,aid order I will •-11 on the
Ist Tuesday in Fcbiuary next, before the C ourt
House* door iu (ititliii, Spalding County, o- e
thiid part of m divided lot Nt>. t wo ln»nd < and and
cicl’.t. (ii»S ) in.he Second District ol originally |
Monroe now Spalding i oiinty
Al-SO. all that part of lots of lard. No 142, in
the first district of orig'nuliy Monroe county . now
>p»»lding county, ly iug on the west sde t»l l in t
river, contai » g oue hundici uci es, inoic *>i less.
Bl its of the »Rllci cut pmcels of iai.d will be ,
exhibited on t!»e day *d >ale.
Ail of In inis sold fts the property of J. ('.
Beekr. dec-used, for the beQetit of the heirs and
ereditois « f suid estate.
Terms made k:u*wn on the day of .•ale.
The attention of capitalists ar e called to this
valiittbl** property. It is >itunt«-d »?n Flint Kiver.
I*> miles fit,in (»iitlill on the Greenville Road, in
el ldii g the Toll Bridge, known us Hall s htidi'e
'lhe LAN l» and the cot ntry ttt. iMol it, ui e
the best in tliDp-i.t ot the Tl»e Mills do
the largest cu>t«>m bu-iness of any mills i" rn\
knowledge, and are • Capable of d'-ing a l»'g“
amount of nieiciiunt business in addition to tin*
eiist«>in w rk. having two wheat ad two corn
mills. lh:;Sdw ami Lathe M»lls a*e the best in
the country and all the e mills arc in go >d re
pair, or K ipiiiing but u very &«’ail a.u«-ui.t to
make them us g* ud r»v m-w
Theft* a< c r..!oua i*i ih land,in Mcmvvelßtr
uill tlu.bvicd I'IRC land, viitldu three mini ol tin
A*.y person widiingfto examine these lends, or
toityikc ciojuii ics, are i rfetivd t«* 1.. B. * R-.-.j; ich.
Ksrj.orJ. W !*»*i ki.s on the pi'»oi-d «»r t« the
suliMiiher, in Gnfti'-i. J \. ill.
oCtltJ Lx’r of J. c i»- * ks. fUc
■t! < I D VI R'S S.\ I F,
I>7‘ virtue of uu order ir- iu the '"Uperim* « on'
) of.Bike C*'»umy. will R<i £*•* <1 on tlie lir-i
i uesdiiY in D*o •*ml>« r, 1 o. uttU« t
■h»or in Miid vovuitv. • Hween th« b*gal Mile lituu.-
• lie truck of 1 ad.'l pi .-ail .seifty. Wliereoii lle,;i \
I ones resided 1 1 the time id' iu> h at!., at a; -ii. Ir
1 1 ii)U n>’ ies more or b*s*. (lhe wid-nv’s J).\v
• X -upt' and) a !,"ii ilig lands of I C. Bark*.
Ma’hew C» go. ~ John B. We,*. il l \V. R- id.
•iml • tbers; tl e hail.* 1 R- ti g we.l in pioved an,l in
:t dc'irnh.;*? CUtlllUUhit V. Te Ins ealeca-h .0' t.
h, Iy5«R
Oct 12 Hs R-cciver
BLOR(;lA ->pai.i»im; C*»fxrv — l’>: ri fu • «.f m
« ord-T f'o*ii th • Coriit *>f (.)rdi?iu ry ol >pn dii u r
County, there w iil he solii on Hie 1i? -? J ue.-d-iy in
I fee ember next, b-foio t!o- Court House he
t*■ een the II IU hours of ;-u!e ; Ihe hinds heloi <Z
ng to lhe estate of R«»l»ei't M( Cuil'-u.di. »!.-,*\l
eonsisting of tv <» hundi’d m; and l went \ a. i *■% —on.-
hundred and fifty acie* in th»* wm i-. I>w4*ili; L r
and necessary out house*, and u g«»o-l gin I•«» 11 >e
''hid premises are iidjoiiiing (' 11. J' kicon, (». W .
Claik and the Btmkn-T • Ihc.', o « mile bom the
(Itv of t»tlflill, ii h* l g the /• a«.e W 1 eon t tie
widow ol the Jeera-t.'d now lives. Sold tor the
1.-enetiV of heirs a:.d < i < ditm-s.
M. A. Me LT.LOFt;II,
octl3 ' Administratrix.
GEORGIA < r\i.M\u County—By riitue i>f at: '
oi d<*r of the (’mu t of <>i di;,.ary <d "hid c«*m;t \ '
there will be-'old on M.elh si l uesday in I leceno !
be I* next., before Hie Colli t House door ill Mil •
County, !. 'lot'll tin* i:s.iul li.iui s os sale, the 1
la' ds belongn g to tW estate of .101 l i >in.ioon \
deceased, consisting oi one hells- ami tot m t'. 1
\ oldi irtiu, Hiljoinn g the resi.l net us Sctli:
W Barhaiii. and propert-y >\vu»*d by M ’> >im Ii
>(»ld tor the lieneti: oi i.eir- und cudil• -rs. Teims
of sale made known am tha da .
o'lfi Lxeclltor. I
/ 1 IK-KOI A Sl-ALIiINT. (CCNTY 'Vl,*r*
\ I a** .lam- ■T. RMis, win i i*t i ,-.* ••!• on 1 1.* Rs
lute of |’liilip .1 Bi-l-.'-p.latc of sm •! e.mniy deceased ;
apt lies to me lor letters of li~n i —ion as a it: ni- 1
11 a*or on said K-tate he having fully udminLtei ed
I lie said estate.
'l’lirse are therefore to cue nr \ admonish x’.
pet sons rnteiesii-d or eo- <-ened to R, a *.«i ap-pem
at iby office within the time prescribed by law
and show came if any exist why said Liters sh >u;.i
not he grunted t•i nen under my hand At my utl’n e
this 17th day lM'.tv
seplff—m6m ()r-!i ary.
( ( KDIUJI a SPA I 1)I N 1 » C< >1 N I —Whereas
X R E’. Mann, a; plies to me for letters of
Dismission on tin* estate ot Rhodu Hum; l
late of sm id eouny. decen-cd.
These are, therefore To cite and admonish al
persons interested or concerned ? •he and appeal
at tnv offfee within tin time prc-i :il»c«i -‘-y nw 1 o :
show caime i* any exist why such 'etters of at?- :
nii'siou should not he granted.
<• iveil under my hand at office this l;»l!i AngUat ,
1 Stiij. (Jin F. D. DISMI KK.
((F.OIKHA -Si*\ldiiing Countt. —By virtue of
Xnn order frmtr tbe Court «»f Orslniarv. tlo i'c:
w ill he sold on thelir-t l ue<daj in Decembo- next,
before the Court Ilocac door of add county. I «-
ween the usual hours of sale the land lo longing
to the estate of 0 F. Lavender, late «*l said county
deceased consisting of onethnndred acres of land,
being part of lot no. >3 i:i District originally H» n ;
ry now Spalding countv. about e» ven rnib s i <»rth
west of Griffin. >olJ for the beuctit of lo irs and I
creditors. DA At.’ A. HAI>tEN. !
( c‘. 11. 1 Sfifi.— o t I2ids A«lmini.-trat< r. 1
/ 1 M*AI him; (H,\i Y.— W 1.,-,.
\ I .!nuie> 11. Kogan applLsto im* for letters <*l ,
dismisciou as administrator on the estate of Hugh \
Ham.l, deceased, lie having fudy administeieu ;
and wound up said estate
These hi** therefore tn ci*e and ilircet all persons
eoncci'uej to he ami appear at my office w ithin
the ti- ie J*rcscn4»**d by law. aid >h--w muse if any
ex’.st why said letters ofdi mission sliouhl n**t t*w
grant ed. Given ui&er my l;an»l at niv office this
May 7th. lßtitL. ‘ F. I>. I»1>Ml KK.
May 17-fftU ttrdinary
Store Hr aEe For Sale
Sri LW KKL it Bl’!.K> expect to remove to the
More iow -ecupied by .1. 11. White t fc Cos I
*J ,: T <»tier for rum me "ture House occupied b\
ihern. It is c*umi.l« red by many tin- Rest staiol in i
the city excepting the one a«• go to. being a corn
er House, *JO teet long with a tine haseii.ent story.
This property will bring *2o pui cent intci eston
tin price I will tak** f*»r it.
I also bat e thr*** Dwelling Houses for sale.
Vpt'-C 14. VF>K^.
(< LItRGIA. >I*ALDING (Ot NT\ —Uli*r*a«
J Joseph C. hriiKoii, (iiianlmn *>f U il!ii;?i 1'
A*kevr, alpJi*-* jo me f«*r uttfrs of In.niift
sio;rfr*-m Sflid guardis: sbip this -aid W r 1 |»av- I
it g h li.e of 1 wmly *»ne yi * An*l
bad * f»dl aid final wifi* H;n,
lhe*** are ilieiefore tu eiie am', adnioni-li all ,
persons c«>i ceim-il. to be and upp'.ai at my «*t»;ce \
wilbtfi the litre prr-4-ribed l*v law. a 1 show
Parnf. if »ov es»-»t why said Irlteisof dismission ,
a’ on)*! tiot In granted:
Given •indet my liand this the 2*2d day
>fptefußcr l sort F. I>. RI'MIKB. (*r’y
Oc? 1— 4»».| [
(V K*Tl!tf |A. -BAITDINi. « (»l A l V— wtoie.a |
I fr'-Miy. W. Grunt and H W. Beck KXecUtore |
of 11 P. Kukpfitiick, il**<-e«-e«i apply tunic furl
letters of dismi-•>p*n f, tj -nid «-•?«>
These ure theief.ire to cite aid adrno isli «’|
pers-»t • coi:ce»ne»l t** be and appear at my office ,
wit lifts ihe time pr<*ctilt*d hy law. to show cause.
I* :i? V cxi*t. w !|\ such I* !*«*■• vs dismission should
not be gr a? ?e,i.
j (ii ven u* dcr my hand a? office tliiw Anjrist
vl.oh. 1 sen;. ' F It M^virKK.
auL!D»— bm Ordinary.
/ 1 KoRtH \ . SBAKM NG”c»*l ’i rrv
\ y RiiHiMi*i II '-rms ad;nin;»t ator **f (»ofui»«*
V\ . Mar i iij.d'**L #•«*•“.*. applies f f» rr:«- !;:r at: r?! -b-r *i;
the land !*» > i{»iijrii.g to vmi* 1 * ??tnte for the t**n f
♦ fit of the heirs nndsCieditor*.
Tlie»e are. to cite .arid admo'iish nff
pfr’ons t"j.c* rued to l»e ar *! appear at niy office
within th* ’in.** jib-nl Kv 1 t w. to ah- w cause
rs any exist, why *»iid order abotrld tiol ♦.*• granted
Gn en undei u*\ hand fit office Hus !9th -lay us
(i KUKGI \ SB ALll| N G ( <>( N I V —Whereas
XJa i T. Klit«. adirif'i-tiator #iii the Ketate
of Thomas ERi-. late of «a*d county deceased «p
pics if; me for Jeltcrs of di*mi*sh>n a-* , it. -
t*»r on «ai*l F*tate h»- liaving fully aJmiuistered i
and wound up the same.
These aie therefore so etty nfid ft'bnorish all
persons interest ed or concerned to I r and appear
at my dVof n itliin tiie time prescribed hy law.
, and allow cause if any exist why ea'd letters of
i dismission should not be grnnicl (.iven under
n.y hand tu my "ffDe, this 17th davofSfpt lM*t>
aeplVithmtjia. F. D. DISMI KK,
Vt. KEENDLY to an • id- r gian.«d by tin* <»r
«li arv o Bike county , will he sob’ before
'he Court House d*>or ill tin* town ot Greenvi.le,
M* II i w rthiT count y. on the Fir.-t '! m -day in D«-
j cember next, within tli»* legal home of r-wle.
eeve ity-fi'C in res of laid, (moieor les>) l.eiiig
t part of lot No. 21n in the upper Ninth District of
said count v, adjoining the lands of McKnight,
‘ Reynolds and others known.n the Slide piac*-
liuloi gi g t». th' estate of AI fre l\\ in-*, bi’e <»f
; Bike county, deceased, for the benertt o f tlir heirs
; and creditors of ©aid deceas'd. Terms ca-li.
CAI»I>.MAN l’( I'll.
I Oct. ?, 4t».1 % Administiu**r
n I’RgIA >I*ALI»ING County. Whri'-H. I’b as
ll ant R. Weldon me for l. nos ad
i ministration on the e-tute F. M. Fuller, late of
j said county*, deceived.
'1 hear are therefore tn cite and fidrnonid ail
i persons concerned tu b. «t and appear at toy off;*
within tiim* prcscii’ e i by law. and slo w
• cau-e. if any cxi-t. why said letters us nd minis
; tlAtioli should l ot I e par T*d.
i \-ivcn det hit baud a; office this. Nor. Bth.
| ir.vT F D. MSMUKR. Ordinary.
I) Y. il t.lf .1 h: (•• .1.-1- 111 • 1 li" Co.lll (I
> Hl!'. "• I’.kc Coil. * 6* ."M 1 'll"*
! 1 1,* Con.- ili-iic* d.-«r. i" io* L-wii "j Z'-Eulw",
' IV.,- (', • . !>,•!w.-.‘ii lb* u-ii'il lo i.i* 1.1*1.1*. *•!'
Iliclll:.'!' ri ESI I.i Y IN JAM 'UV,
!i.* i..;,".i .i,7 jii..|" ilv. lo wit ; ’ 1 5 at of iai.d
; ",.!ll(>il:il'ir lii'-\ u,l*K (lllorr "I'l".-- 1 -i’ULltrl i
1 1-L-i.i.t l.f oricii'iillv M. "•>*
I’ili.' , i, in *1 i .-intr i.1..-i .‘.l hr j 'hi of ...I
N" I'l l J-o ■! ft.' ill" ! : . li' ol' I 11-i(l ("Tl
l.rill* liHli' "Ua i, build I K t\V‘-!vi* Colli !■*
■K,,.. ii:o- (nek'.
lice-. --t "I A.l'oii i-(i rtl* r
Plantation f r ale.
' i '!i" (Li (i"i - ~ .iio tl "li
1 duLi i : - !.i- f..|-
'lt i- 1.,, in f..i- ('(' 1' i ((\ AMI l-Mi K
jUIASIM;. 11;i»t,,j* i> »u-« ( i.i,<• I" .be, UEI |
\v A l EUEIb lcivi'.< "1«.«». nt:ii.i'.£ -uutrr ii. -4 ci\
ii.-M eoiituinliiu *‘X i-iii' - .1 i" —ln' c!clii . -i
(li.- I'ulid tt> VV 1.1.i. 1 IMIlK'u UI I. I\i a li mile
'.Yc.-ti.f Li tiio. on Lo*,* ei k—l (' lit-iibme bdi'l
i* M-t -01, t.\ the I'.(h N"\ it will b* i'|
nml -■ 1 1 k I IJ ll* - biti-’er. luk-dlir will*
; ll,::«e*. Mil.-Ii rows, I!..){*. 1 ’iai.lutiou looi», 'Yog
01,*. io. So'.J oil tli* 1 I"" i*"*.
jam:..' and. ruKi.Man.
• Out in- 4. and
<’ 1 :«• 1 1<. 1 a—si'AiM\ii 1' i'iT —•' lii'ou-. v*i
Il Js!|T"t K 'I, HU- Ll | j l"*IO III" fl.l IftlflT 111
; adinini.-f iii*ion on the *--tate of mu. cy 8.-Travis,
j lute of said colllit V, dt-eeus.^,
lliesearc ilicrcfore to 7/it# and adinoi i<h all
! who.n it iioiy cm-c.-n#.. to be am’ appear at my
j office within lhe time pre>,-r l l •• •<! hy luw . at.d
. sh"W cause if any cxi-t, why -;u 1 b Heft of ad
] fniiiDiiatiou should not be granted tu the appli*
! cant.
, (liven under my liA and. at office, Ik is, th« 20th
1 dav of October. 18* G.
F. D Dl MI’KK,
•octal (bdi-ury..
j’ <>R< i A a: ;N«' ( • u - .tt U lie ea-*. \\ i!
*1 ham J. l'dlis nppb.-s to ii.»* for letter® of bmir
: dian-bip ot »He j -i on h- and piop'ff'ty w! ( l-ai! *
•L. Vmi iurn F Dupr* e. un i John K ( »
j Dupree, mil or and orphan child vn wf Jo!* n i
! Dupree, late of said comity deeeu>**d
11m - se *ire ’ h.*ref"r•* to cite ai.«l adumntsh a’l
j persons core i ned to he and appear at my ftn*-
within the ti i.e pre-criL* <1 by law aid «i ow
! eHUse. if n r y exi.-t, why s»id letters us gw.iidian
ship sho Id not ' e grunt»*d.
(.i\;o under my hand at office th*i th* 14-h
1 lav ot Dcttbcr, 1 Stitt
F. D. I>l>M 1' KK,
ocl S ( hdi* arv.
BK( >U(» IA Scalding (• >' n rt —Whereas. Mv*.
" Ann K. Beecher, Admiuistrut-'X on tlie es«
Tate «»f -umtiul T. Beecher, deceased, appli«*s to
toe for hi* order to sell the lands K• Io gt: gto said
; estate, for the benefit of heirs and creditor®.
These are therefore 'o cite and admonish all
' persons coneerncil to he aiid appear at mv offi-*
within the time presef'h«*d I>\ 1 iw, hiiu -In '*
I cause, if any exist. wUy an order nutimrizitig the
i sale of sai l cstale -hoidd not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office, this the 29 th
day <d (hud t, l‘boi). F. D. DiS.Mt'KK
' o«-:; I Ordinary.
Pike Sheriff’s Sales.
11’IKK I*l7 SOLD f»»e tbc (V*iirt I!*»u«e door
l ff i:i the town of Z-bii!« :i, in s-dd (.’'Ui ’V
lon Ttle Tt I* *DA Y b, | jcceinbcr. w itbrl
i the legal hours nf sale, eighty kr**cs of land (more
or le®- 1 ii. tbe 1 Im i 1 )i-t net of originally Monroe,
now Bike County. (No not known) it l **tig the
place whereon Henry W lm’cy row resiuc*. Le
vied on us th** pntjgM-ty of Klvira Green, formerly
1 i-1 v ra Wlmley. to satisfy u ti fa f- r costs, i-s:;« and
• from the Bounty Court ni said County, in th-* case
j of Lawrence >imt!i *Ad-uinistrator of the «s‘nte «♦
John K. Smith, (bcea-cd, vs l.i\ia (ircen and
liurrel Green. Tenant in post* ten i.<nilif«l *
W 11. VcLKN DON.
1» pwty shej iff.
ALSO, at the same time n? and place, will In* sol-1
a lions* ana bit in the town of Bui nisei! e. where
: Kli7ub--'tli sh»i-kl y m*w Vi s I cvi.'d on as
the pr»*pcrtv ofsraid Klizahet.h >h< ckR y. to satis
Iv a ii. fi i-su*'d from the Justices’ ( --mt td the
I)»-t»ict. c. M WRliam A Wrtgbt v>
lJi/ ibeth >!»•• k’r**y, Levy muff and r a tuned U*
me In AK. :lukuiar-. Coos’»o **.
W. li lu : KNDoN.
I i:ov3-td Deputy Suet iff.
C 1 KoRGI A—’■'BALDING C( >1 NTV. - Where:
X J hn [j Moor. Administrator of the csii
■ of Lee Stricklni and. late of said county, dcccasi
applies to me tor letters of dismid^iim.
These are therefore to cite and admonish ■
persons interested or c«>ncerned t«* be ami npp*
dmy office within the time prescribed Ly law.
and show cause if any exist, why said letters of
! dismission should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this the 15th es
August. 1 Stiff. Y D DISMKKK,
on im rortiAi one hi. l rL»».
C-irin; *v.rv p.'ron a lißt'.U.'in* *, <J i,
Wa-rli f.»" 111*. lo.» Jirii * of I. n I, '
Without Hfjfaril to Value,
Ami Lin io l»* | *l*l I*** Util.-** pnf**i ( , ..
factory I ' J m *
I'M So’i*l Gold 11 tintii g W dies. to f~'n
l ,M| Mnific Cu«**d (in|i) \\ atci*es, to *tu»
u *’ L»d*«V W a;«rhc*. Efiamdrd. l(Mtt„ #111 l
'.'(." ! i /lur,ln g ClinM.-inieUi*, 2m.|„ j,,,
‘A'H.* C--'M limiting YnjElinli I,.rf r «. li.(,it o jj,,
. .'".i f.'nlit llnn.ii a Wntcb**, Jim
I 6•' ‘••■I'l II ui.tii gAm W'.U-be*, lft.ito 2*7!
S'" K l.e»er* W)w |4(
si*i-ih*i- Ilui In n i'ii|.lr»c», 75,
li'-'C" *1 Ladle*' M'Hii-ließ. , u
l.fHlOGidd 11 until g Leptne*. 4,,14* ,
Miecdhineou#* >iiver Wa 4 cl»e* f On t® i,Lj
lluntii g >ilver to c- f
: o.nuo Wa , i*!ies > ««H kinds, Into 74
iiT Every pation t-htains a Watch by th •
co-ting Rut tin. »],)!? it t,‘ lv
worth, f7SO No partiality shown.
.1 HlrKl.lNii tl C‘».. 149 Bmtdwav
New 7*>rk city, widi to imincbately ffispos* * /
Bit* rriHgf ilicent mo« V t>rtltie«te-« ftn
*! g the ni tit v .*»»? jnt-rd in J-esleff
A ♦ell m v |. lbd-brs me entitled
i.r:."! -R "">"(■-* cr. t ."irvei tili..,,;* ptJ ment
and )"•> I>ol!iit-r. wlißthcr !*. !.c r M w ,,. t ,
♦”f<** "i » less. 'Hie return ■>( ir,» 0| r
-•!Iii.(-h:*s <ri'lit,r« \uii in tlie hHiil- i.» ni ,,j
ihi r'-nn, ii|.i»fi [.nynirnt, in* n fij (
and hr im Art c." THill-d tim Jio ~ • .i.,.,’ ,
i" Liny ceri.Si:*;*, it will s; one* L>« (frh
' Ilia I*
*0 I.ottrrj, *>ii-. a Rtr* al't.f&reud
I Bi«l* tlHIiaH" }' •'. will'*-!. 11,*3 1, |„,[ili-
J-attJ ill **"" li\ tl'R itiosv
fual idii'U? !
, A «ingU cR.-lifitttU' «ill l>« *rnt by m-il jh,,,
1 'Aid (n.«.n leceij't uf-j5 cent*, fit e |i
per #7 lUu ly-l' Tie ai.d «!. gai I pi'iminn f.. r j 5
-ixs\ -.-in in 1 1 mure f, , ’
lull,died. Mill meat siipei li MSudi l"i #ls.
! Ag. lit", or tlialßC g j ' I'll i \ lijelit l!il. i, ,
IMI e i'|.|*"i lil'.itJT ll is:. }",til!ir.»l^, ( .„a u . N
(•-! I"!-” -I''ty auilii" ir. il l.y tli* l.uv/Weni
Mild t.|<f*ll tu ll" lll.'-l ivuetlil -"i tit in V - Try tn ’
Add " .a. J. UK lil.l\il and t 0.,
im'v!4 Hill 1 4!t Br* unway, New to k
p i v \ o - p o»T s
91 mi ufa durcr*'
A 9 B.i i adwsy .New York.
r II I! •* Hunt i..n of I lie pubic and the ,r«d« ,*
1 X i. vit-*1 ttour Nkw- Nul i Oitxyi |,’ d o
" M °t» I’i vn«» Fw*i. tfti, winch for v-.jii-m* amipuruy
;"I ttn.e are u*: i: vuIU-d by an h>l hertwoffered ir,
* i® mut ket They .-titilnr nil the mu<!e n irs
, .* mv. ments. Frvnch Gi -and Artiun. Harp Beotl
! Dor Finnic. G>ers nmg Bn-s. Ac, aid each id
i ■lnin %m V ! g niHt’e iind.-r t!.** p-r-otial
( \i'i -nc‘ V,r J. II Giorestern. who has I Jh ,J t
• i ractiiuil *X| criei *>* oft.% r 8.5 years in thei.-r
' manufact nie, is fuily warranted in every pwtUeut
I i«r.
I’ll.e (H'OYKSTKKN Bf ANO FORI FN” rrceiv
ed threw iff of me* if ot ei h) o.hfrs
at Ihe c*:» h at i ,1 \V« nd s Fair,
Whese, tv» re • xhil.;!»*vl in-’ i7-1• *i ts liom tli* best
*-f Loi i on. Bmi-. («< inuu.y. Bfiilin.elphia,
altimore. B.c*t--:. am) N- w York, .vnd sis a; Ih*
goßl anil s.'lver liuda » Liu in Luili *»l wkiv/li vau tt
- • ti fti owr w fti v i *
‘ a •*.» more >♦; i■: I mi.o For It . a Iby nmaufsc
•il g bog-h . wirfm mm-yy ea-h eyste i. «i«
to vtf*T. L!»*-e i ’tr i-i.-nts at a ri;es
wl .liw. ' -i- p‘-- ' * v
, •: ip-.LVt ci.'o -..1a r-e »*tU 3a
)line ri iiioifd to 11,,.’ai?" sti-r*of
>Sr. «>>* V. liltdiuU Slrf?(,
j N, It dc,..r t» Tin ter, Willi.-. , •. snd tVuiA-hsnls'.
j "| |. ..-lie 1‘1! i 11. j - H... 1 I'l.hiulris, wbl'H w* Will
i-oiiti'iiiu tl:a
(■l'lionil ( iinimission
\\’ IT are thankful for patronage extor Jed tt
v r us uliiie mi Alabama sired. .'l. 4
1 -iitijnmnee t*f the ® me
, \S * r;v»tv effer that delicious article
a Go. .Say a CofiV-t*. Itio ( uflit-r,
AH". fyl t/ AltS, «*i All son*.
A I S' i,
: nr.l Sods, N .IR.
M*le«. Botach, Camly,
-Aleal, lea, blaivh
Du’s. Ch«*e®e, Miiccfttais.,
H e. Cj.-k ker<. M»cke'rel.
>yiup. Candies, \ megsr,
(.'•»n. J'-Gie-v C ‘t, 1411
!•**», IVMtaes, StaitT.
l'k-klrs. Kaimi-*. JJuckrt*.
S"»p. Kiliir, T»k»i
W» «rr Agent* for tlie salt oi-l'.Uiory > otltl'C*'
• a
No (iin !!"n-" ni-.ileil wlitre 110- '*
used, ‘."nil iiini ox 'jinn,*- it.
’ also 2,i’i,o 11,... l-IKENIX t«I'AND
; For »-u‘t*. h»r W b**ui. dc.
i ConiikMnenti pf nil Rurti soli,-it *-«l.
J(>l!Nls(>?> A liO'tlMlN.
(.eneral ('omnnssicH M<-‘« i’ai-ts
i nor6-3m CiisMn'* Luddiug. WhiOhiH
denier in
« f Ev, ly •>. stiipi"" l ,
1 1 rclild’’,g (In' idioieest 1)111 fII I* IMI. *' 'C
XI LA I'S. of every W, .1
Cl 1 idsL. oY'iCkS,
S\Vl I.l' MpV'S Ae
ad cither Canned Hch-r. t oIK-c. 1
! \\ holcsale ami Retail dcale; in
r,- S* llC **.
• ’ompiisii'ir Kani-v end ' 1 ’' l ’" ... iin s *
, Nnl*, Htld io find "V. , y-1," l' I-. be.
i Ccui-i.kti, K>riULi'iim'T of ihe g,. ( j jt t*
Country I.l.nUri |>»i t ieul“l', »i.
11: t-ir ii.l.i iRt u> gi.enie s'"*l
- side HillStieet, o,’*°- ( '*'
ocl 19—Sm .
Pnily ivrovxr
A ' I.A N I A. ~r r *vi'*7
J AIl'.K'T city - ~ r for
1., eircitla'ioT, A lie- o,itr.Al- 1
the fi'fside ami thee iiot’iiK 1 • 1 " nl ■ ,
- ,*r;" :».*h
"„1 v >7 [ or at" ’!-" or-ne '* r r
i .‘C v \r