Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, December 04, 1866, Image 2

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• ItMIMt I)KC I :-•••
To Advertim-rw. Tkt l*«m llu>u> >•
ika affinal «f both the ('tty mnj ( ..atmltt mod
Am /A# tarytat cireadntaon in 60/A. li^forjioq to
(At kaammamt public m Jaaar mnlaom tktumyh trbtab to
took* tk'ar Coon fa Lao-aro
.\ot r I ulvrnwl CieutUM.
The ChsrW-sion C<-uri<r, of • recent d*te,
in cursorily reviewing the "War IVirjf of
the South,” j-ist usued bv William Gilmore
Sirra, after mentioning a number of con
uibuiora thereto, refer* to the co’upi'er him
•elf, (Ur. Sima,) ae lx ing one of the main
contributor* to the poetry, *n J further, **
being “ jtrimut intrr yurt."' Now, that it
too bad. Stair is, confessedly, one of the
finest prove writcre, especially in a certain
department of fiction, — legend and romaui e,
—that the South, or, indeed, any portion of
this coni'ocot has produced; but to place
him deliberately at the luai of Southern
poeta, which is tantamount to placing him
at the head of American poete, is almost
Why, here is .Atlanta, just one little city
of the South, emerging the halt'-doscnth
time, more or less, from its baptism of fire,
that boasts at least two poets that are de
cidedly superior to Situs, and hall a score
others that are his lull peers. Hut com
pare htin with coufessedlj the highest and
most distinguished of our .*-outhern war
poets, ae, for examples, the au hors respect
ivelv of the “IVt.ijuered Bauner,” “A I,
cjuiet along the I’otomsc to n ght,” and "1 lie
Guerillas," and several other pieces,—the
richest lyrics ever breathed from the Amer
ican harp,—and what would be the- ine/lU
ble decision? Without formally annoutic
ing the decisien, it would he a- if one wer
comparing the thunderous rhytliu iou! rour
ot Niagara’s cataract —“heralding sxas to a
n* ' abyss”—with thr unmusical splaxli <d
waters lashed into licit.ng foam and pow
•rleiß fury, by the l;.xy g-viug-auay" ot inu J
elites, or laliiug-iu of shoving a luv.on
We wish it distinctly underetcoJ, that w»
admire klr Siiik-b lllcraiy es.au when put
for.h in the province for which he is pe
culiarly fined, aa much a- any one ; we r m
ply w sh to tajy that, so lar -* we ate -
judge, we think t e g-memti in ipn -l.'-ii
cou and never, betore a jury of . run •-, lie lair
ly co vicicd ol haring j crpxtialc.l genuuii
poetry. At ihn Same tunc, however, wluh
Air. Mims may b-- no | o*.-' — w- me.-n n-» ~ / rt
mua intrr jiurra' pod —he could be a »erv
good judge o! po. try, provided h« <an 10--k
at it UHwbj' chvrljf and we duuhi not tils
' War I’oeiry ot the South,” though w.
huee not seen it, dors as ample jn»uc-- lo al
eoncirnel «• is pimaible under the circuiu
Notice to Fli-sckiiurs—Wo bav,-
been notifi. and by the I’oM master rt this j lace
J xyet.e cotntf,' srflf W'n ieefr/ ..>beblCre;.v.»K
Hike county, are retained in the Holt Offici
al this place because the postage lias not
b-en paid on tlictn. Also, that no p-prr»
will bvreaftsr be scut from this Host Office,
to any place in the country, where there i
no Host ( iffice, unless the postage is paid in
advance. We tiuat our an! scribers tit tin
places named w l| pnv ths postage at once
so that we may be able to get their papers
to them. Ws will hereafter keep th* pa
pera, lor the two plxr.-a nit-nliomd, in the
Herald office for our subscribers at those
plains until notified that ths postage ha.-
been paid.
An Am.* Ropy. —’ihe Atneriru* DaVy
lirjiublicun, ol tho 29th u!t , t i.ikes tin
subjoined paragraph touching the member
•1 tho Georgia Annuil Conference, in sea
sioa at that place.
From svcry ((intler of tl c " Fmpirc
Stale" the clergymen of the Mcthodi.-t
Church have couie, ami arc now in «e»«ion,
at thia place, for the trari'noiion of dioir
business. It ia unnecessary to remark that
this body of divines will compare wiili any
similar body on this conti. rut. Some of
them nny be ranked with the fir>t rm-n ol
this country in punt of learn.ng, eh.quci ce.
and intellectual worth ; and oil the scoie ol
piety and usetulne.ss and- a selfsacrificing'
spirit, all ol them wi 1 show a bright n cord
We welcome them to our city un I to our
homes, and trust they will have no cause to
complain of our want of hosj itality to them.
Important Decision.— Judo* Henry
Cooper, ol tha Bedford Circu t, Tenn.sa- ,
has deolarcd the Franchise law of that State
as unconstitutional, and viitually decides
tha present Legislature to be witho„t a
legitimate or conalit utionul existence.—
Judge Cooper is s consistent and unwaver
ing Union man, and his decision will doubt
leta cause some commotion in that body
Ilia believe I that this decision foreshadow*
that of the highest judicial authority of the
A tannsr named Zippe, in Msrkler.btirg
Sebwerin, hat invented a pTocess for tan
ning hide* in two hours. A government
commission has reported upon it—the de
tails having been communicated with
sscresy :
Ist. That the tanning material* used by
the inventor are cheaper than th in com
inon um.
2d. That the discovery is an original one
no such tanning materials being cinjliyed
a iv win re else.
31 That as far as known, thora never
was ev«m an attempt smile to ti-e I live#
materials for tanning purpose*, aid no
patent exists anywhere f..r such a discovery
A proleasor ol i lirtnieiry and th» court
shoruiakea. hare also reported favorably at
to the strength and durab.lity of the leathers
thus manufactured.
Beast II tier said in his late speech nt
Brooklyn, that he had been tol l that Mr
Seward had sa’d the Representative who
voted for impeachment would soon find Liiu*
sail" in tha C*li Capitol I’rie >»,
Georgia Legislature.
From U>« Drily k.
Uilleikicville. Dec. 1.
The derate met at 10 b lock. .1 \f and
wa- opened w;ih pray.r
1 he I .id to modify th-- C-mnty C .urt Act
was t.kc-o up and pa-se-l.
Mr. Itlount inirolu-e* i h il to n'V>w l.c
t'-e transfer of license in S e-wart cruu'y to
retail spirituous I qu--r*.
Mr. J F. Jwhn.ou A bill to j'li.w tie
citixens ot 1 * ig/s .ounty to -eitle the cj-i -
tion of removal of co-in'V »tc from Marion
to Jeffxr«.inv i !e in vai-i Count)
Mr. McDaniel, A Li I in ian-i and the chir
ter of the Savannah, Gr fli i ami North Ala
bama Railroad, it propo*«-« to increase the
number of Directors from 7 t . 0
Mr. Mima* A I I solution to adjourn on
Sitviihv, the b h iost.
Mr. Moore, A bill to prohibit Kxeeutors,
Guardians -lid Trustees to ri st or lt-»«c real j
estate which they ho and in trust for longer
peiiod* than one year, w ihout an order
from the t'.uirt.
Mr C. It. >mith, A hill to provi !e f.-r
the appoint men! hv the Govertioi, <d a.l udge
of the Mu| tutor Court m ca»e a m:.j rtiy -.f,
vote, is not i a t t r any o e •an J._.a e 1 r
t ie ' ffice.
Also A hi! providing that the Huprrin--
tendvi.t and oftc-rs ot tl.e Western and \t- j
laulic Hsi! lb-ad shall be paid tl* -ame ‘
salary as is paid by the ib .i ro.d Gompaeic?
ot tho Slate lor vuni »r set vice*
SK.NaTE nil I.s OK I'iss.vei.
H !! to consolidate (lie Dalton 111 1 Jae‘k
sonville Hill road Gvinpany with ollitt cou.-
pallies coutlffitlg Wl h It.
H-ll lo allow the Interior (’otirts of the
several cou-ilies to pay a eolnp. ti lit .vim)'
to Goal l County Julgcs, in oaso tins le -
ot »ueh Judges arc not adiijia e- tor tn--ir
-upport l.oht by a “v..tcol I lo 2d.
’ihe II u-c bill to provide lor the xtav O'
executions w.i* taken u;., relerred lo the
Jud clary Comuiitte-s ant orJcred to be
Hill to amend sect.os d.lffij es ;bc code 1
If ill to allow planters ai 1 la.-m-rs ti id. p 1
over me .State road odd bUili- I- if c n n and
2UUU pounds ot bacuu or pork free ol charge
Aojuurned till Monday Mominj, Id ;
Afternoon Session, Nov. JU, I’-CC.
'I ns llon-e rc-uined the- c m-i icrat on of
the I il. to exempt tiiun Ivy aand sue, pm
pe- iy i.. under coltin ei cam ti
t » AH rpif cm g li e »i> -. lull, Il
p. eVioU.N (JU -i II «an « nil T' and aid the -U ■
til ute w.s adopt id slid passed. this bid
provides that one third id not debts liuisi b« j
paid 1.-t bt January. ]MiS an I toe oilier two .
lliiidn ill two otner at.nnal mstslluitlitn. — I
Ihe f.iiiura lo pay .lit- one tl.ir-1 wtie-n re- i
• pi.red Im t, is h.llonly stb-j eis the Ui fii - j
.ant to ale» v utid sale lor I lie olie th ri ,
only. !
Moßninii Session, Die I t Ibb i.
Mr. Morns ui-ocd to reconsider M .
.Stewurl’s atll'-n lll.rlit to I lie « iov - t l :,|
wl leh aniriiouiviil wa.i i«> uni is n
-• Ue .a Ably* I,led, tlicit nothing 111 V -i :
from carry t.. j.r ,|. I, ii mon
County to anutliir lor the pu po c ot -a e
•id provided, liirth.v ti.at ei i/.eu 3 i h.nig
ing their doiuiedu tmin out' ouidv to a.-
ollie-r in th s State, shall not he prohio ed
Iroin c*i ry ing tu-ir pmpirty with ti a m
where th« same- is not done to evade the
payment ot llieii j - si di tits.
1 ll« Spt-kksr rtes-uh-d the Ii ot on out ol
ord r, and Mr. Mur a ti.cn move l to r.;-
i ot a dcr the- w ho c hill.
Mr. Shaw, ol Stewart, nd. 1 re;Scd the
llourc, a iving he wished to • liter is pro--!
test nginnst the pas-«gn <d the- bill. Mr.!
Morris -poke in lavor ot hi.- nioiion, Mi.!
Doisey in opp'isition, as also. At r. >tcw.nt
Mr: liuss.li ot .i uoiogee, was in lavor it
llie rccon-idiration to u neiid Sir Stcwurt -
aiiiendtlicnt, and also, lo ofl- r an addni'inul
aineiidimnl, “that the provision* of this Inii
shun ~or a| ply to debts line- 0 adm 11 -ti ,
tots, Guardians and Tru-titS. Mr. Kidicy
spoke in opposnioii to the roconsid. ra'ion.
M itiou io reconsider lost.
Mr. Wicker offered a bill to an It > !zc .»
incorporation ot il-iines'.t*ad or bum. ng
askucunoin in this Male. (A go«b id 1 . !.
allows miy i.umber ol persons m anv , iiv,
town, county or village- in this S-aie, lo 01-
ganu- theniM'lvca into iis.-oda;lints without
au act ol In-gislaiure, I lie pus-nge ul this,
bill wi.l gn-atly cyi tail the ordiuivrv bus.—
ness ot th* l.xgi laiure.)
si'inu oKbi its.
To aid ill the coni.fee ion of the Savan
nah, Gi iffin hu-I Non It A,iibain.i Haili oad
Mtears. ."Mailing*, Stewart ’ an-i IHnder
epolie- in favor oi lhe bill so one repli. and.
On tfie pi-sage ol lire fill tl.e yeas were GI,
nays til, .-o tne In,l was iost
Auj n.rui-d to a o', lock 1 ’ M.
Telegraphic Hews.
Nl.w \ouk, !)«■. Hi her i.— Cotton otiicl
at Biij to o4j cents lor uplands. F rcgnU
linn. Uohl at 2 o'clock I4of
Business m Wall street dull. Flicks
can Fit AN.sisco, November GO—The
Ctiitrnl l'anlic Uaiuoid is complete in t’is—
co, ninuty tliive miles cast lroui Sacrum uto,
aud twelve and a lull from the Bim nit of
Bietra N -Valla li.OuUiailiS, atld is (i.e limit—
sainl nine Imndio.i and eleven loot above
tnc level ol ilie sea.
London, Nom mtci DO, p M. —A gun
boat lef, SlleethibS veslerd.iv, anil anchor
will leave today. I heir destination is lie
land, and tbt-y carry wih ill iu a lagre
«U|p ypf arms and amliUn.iion lobe ostd
in tor suppre sion ol Fenian ouibreaks.
LU'Utloul,, November lid, V M.-—The
Broker's Circular reports i lie sales ot cotton
| for the we> kat 73.UUU. li e sih s to-a.iy
have been 1 U.01.H.i hales. Market opens
steadier, at lid. For middlings. Breads tuffs
\\ as uim; i us, December I—A “1
di-patch to tlie New York Herald, dated
i'uns, November 2'd, c. M , .--a\s :
‘•lt has b-cn ascertained that Secretary
Seward’s long diepan-.li of Monday to the
American M iii.-ier at l is Court related
chcitiy i. i the withdrawal of the French
troops frem Mexico, and t.xptcased the hope
hat Fiance-tarry out In r p omnes "
'] he di-paich, it is understood, also a|-
lu ini ty tli" -!■ par'urc ofCoiicrn K ‘ier nari
f I Mexico, »n<l gave tbo M-un why bo
»i< M-iit hither Afrho-igh the di"l»’-h
was of so unusual length, it wan- venheUxa
e iuetied in a conciliatory th- ugh oi r n h and
»] it it.
ti'.at preparitions are be'ng mvle fra
Radical di-uinn-trsTiiin on M ni-lay. I i.e
Soir fern loyal »"s ai - j I’-ilin' nor i
Wail ridge, ot New V uk. pre-lies 11 a oil
ton, ot T. X«, mikes a speech of »r me,
a-o J idge < a't -r, of the S’li.ri-mt < xr-
A urge- number of • 'ongrc«-iu-n ar'ive-d
I,ere t. . gtit. and altogether t e-e ate
ah ut tinny Senators and seventy R jr. -
in a :ii« in It.e city.
I heie -< ei a n » • oubi of a o-iorum in Lot!.
llo'l-Ci- oil Mo >1 «y.
So far as ran I. ■ i-s-crt-in illy r-rern -
ti n and iithetwi-e, the idt-a o! tu'r-xj ic ng
a Helen of tnp- achtner r against Hie Hies
.tent of the I n.ltd Slates tints ..ti e- if any
It s-iil that the Messige of the IV-.s
di nr wi i he at-'iu' the sine leng h as t sr
ot la-l Veal, an 1 w.ll occupy about au hour
in the rcailn g.
Ihe Kidieu ni'tn'.ers of G > ig'faa, rnim
hcr ng | erhaps ti: y. hi . 1 a an us tonight
at the Capitol—l i, • Mtvens presiding.
A i oniin t'ee t,> <nn-ist ot nine members,
to prepare hu-u e-s for an adjoin tied m- t
ing i-n Tu»«d ij night next. w.,s a; p>- nod.
J he- Ci'ieU- estgiiati ! Sp-wkel < ’ -11 .X to
rcjify to the -d tress of we co-n* tot'<ngt-*s
t-i be di 1 vere ! by Chief Jus'iew i id
M tiidav aftcroo- n. it th* t ■/.
Ii e Vat: u- iicputnieui us- -••at nn« have
unde arrangeni-nts to |r ie and ti iifer in
| i ■ a--toil, as a part of the | r -gr -m i,e.
Tt.s Caucus was iml i-s ;i- ve in ujini g
it- orato-, tiut .«nggese-l that tie ni-li.!-is
i-l lt,e Si nut* appoint one ot tluyr own tinin
ber to perform a sitni.ar part. *
I’oßlhE.-S MoM;t>E, ih-Ccmb-r 1 —Tile
M s-’s-tjipi (.’-101111 —uner- who wee mj -
pointed to vt-it Hr-.s J'-nt Ju l is. hi in n-a
tim to tlie re- a e of Mr. Davis, lal x
l-ngtbv inti rview « th the -i t. r in the
H r to lav, •i- jUiin'ing him wtto t-c result
■ I th-ir visit to Wasiiing-i-n lt.*v hi *
in w tv ti n ih.-ir departure lor Ha titn r.-_
it !• r ding to retti: ii 1 rj:n that |i i e to M
>■* , , L "
1 i,e Rev H.iai'd Dunn, o! io zi . ar
rivul h- re to-day, bn a v.-t to Mi. Davis
>MV Orleans, Deem.tor 1.-C-ct n
-i ii and d-elit mg. Sales djitlj hales, 1.-iw
Mtddlin.s b 2. Midd ings d_’i cenu. He
i c-ipts L 4-1-1 ba'.s.
I. mmin, Drci-o.ber 1 — Th re i- a vague
r m ra-t! e chief mg n zer Stcpl.cn
-1 t iy ai rived in l’uiis, aid is imw secreted
It is rep' red on grmd authority th it Mr
Hee ». I tiitid S ates M : i.vir at 1 ’r;-
re. i nt-’y lead to N-polton, iti pers-oi.i a
vc -v .■ai i at. I ilc •-I *I. -1 a- h fiuii, S. <—
r ary St war t. 1 id stm-eli. so r. j
g- e-, ini| i-itly rcipiir- and Hr.it ct• fi !
citgag' tn ".tv that -to- !i .-1 <-ti"•• r— lin - w Ii
rcgir l-o the ,'i-x mqi s n. lie K.n
--j i ror, !i iwt v r. it ni • t o r -ply
2 Tl.e Aii'iukty Hr--c'aiiva:i *n. wh'ch
the I’resident «■>•.< po’i-g to t- x- . g•fa t.
a Ci rding to lett. r v it- ts and te gr j 1 c
and spat. Vos, is no: \■ t f... th f n.i vg. . t t ! is
v-i-ond dvv of the nnct tig of ;! a Radi
Conprc.-s. I r nui-ei e-, wa h v- u- ve 4 -
h n ' urn! ,i.--h' ' "*— ’ l
Sf-J’ lieenT'cet the [ • r -a- •!
tl.it the Hli ih irmm.it:, pr;! -r-.1 f’.r H• ;r
h in-fit on Tl,ni-day l ight. Dt
Tl.i' Jin !i-1 n M i-«i-.-ippiali :•> s that a
great rushy 1 1; igtants nr ■ ii*:, p-t-ing t! ;.i
j :■ e w. s «aid. Ti <7 arc .ri- - j . y f.om
11 - o- gia it nd the ( no! mi-. ;, J ;hi r ,!e --.
ha:i- n i.- S u !r.v. si. rn T ,v i*
IS?*Tin- hi I which j i'sc-1 h ,:h 1 i u-r
--of the (icor.ii l.i -gi-'.itnri-, <xtct iling :i.-
li-ns i.r-etile-ni-'iit hv Tax hii.-ct tu m l
l e 1-t l’.-hr'ivrv. I S G7, pr.\i!,i that si
person* who stiled to link- r torts in
terms t.f the law, in -v no *o to !,«• f * t
un-1 piy th-run ss ot! -r t-v p-y- \\ t ami
to t double t X. r-s ■ • f- ! ■ • rs.
Ua" J T-i tig' • .
titii’ii of >h- | -i> ; . -• i'n it ! an', \ui.--i
i.e-o Hr gi ( -■:•:< -t . pot Vto '
r*< ■ : t •■. i r.
W, •" I - .
f ? ; i !;
I : * w . * - ;
- A’- • .• II.V, •"/. / y,n,
I I—rr1 —rr V t -
/iVr e A, rot- ,■■■/%.
N 1.", iCI I.an ?. //-„ (> t. lei , j
H >ft ' ilaii.i.' and v . i ui-..” - S/i - ’ -g/ s.
Wl i'c the Coded,-.arc a, .. i! West
was at Tupe Is. Mis.siss ;< \ to n- ra 1/iid-r
wi* :n New Oreane, and h>r mou t i! .*
: no), lr. [ia riatic, nine fish in nsu pi;th m
i w itli holds, ah, c* -all, g'.n |owd> r I'OO ion
c ft, A-, Ac. l)n i any mm Vis
| n-s.-r -n ? if s , let 11 a'.in ,ii go tnjai k-
I -on, M ssi-sij.pi. or to ,ny point on r * Nt w
Urli-nti* radroad be'ow .J:n k.-on, ;.n* ’-k
itiyb' jdi ng upon the v.t'. r-ad .fund 's
i i t si kinds wrro iiot regularly sent over t‘,
road f’oiu N,-w Orleans.
I Lit the unbeliever it-,pi re fra N-naiii’
Captain Col hi y orincrii known in ('vm
i i.t , () io) who was a i on,in S'arv o'. 'he
i Contiilerats army, ami stationed at J.n+o >
Mi»sii.sippi, ivhcibcr he did iiot r< c«'t'v s'
S'antlv, arge supplies of coll- **. 5 dt, A .. >h.
ior a p*ri. u exit U'ding oicr C'vhicen me ■|.
The w riser of this ar. t, ,e, wh.e in da!;, I
Mls-jasippi, in tho runnie rof 18 L ..vi
Ca-casi, nto visit iho chief clerk of
Colby, a Mr. Bliss, formerly Cos dr pi
Coloiadn T riitovy, and whi e there |rd a j
cnnvcisaiioii tike p a c bet* <en bind;
Jon 8 of(ji• nr 1 Bragg’s t (T. and foidi j
oemial agent ot General Buber, i hii-h
it Was agletd on the part ol General, r
to lurnish she (Joiif derate arniy of u ’L:
with shoes, Sail, A ~ Ae., pd At
"3,000 sacks ol suit should be d«liv‘/-~if
1 remember right—iii three weeky'b 8
and my si If were reparated from tick
ets by a hoard partition, not wellde, ak j
could hear the entiie e< nversn. A*
we listened we became ni'ielfterested
and exchangrd frequent signlGe wihks,
b, th hedie guod Cou'cdera'es.
Bliss altciwards “soped'’ toiil iV.e
eanseript law; he was a line Ii lo; all
that, however l’u'hr’s agcDt-n.'cd a
bale of colon for a s ek ol s«*"’ and the
h iriies came ue.u splitting on point
I>om t kiiiiiv huw it was rell’ieut know
that supplies came in regular.
Upon the cieeing of tt c ss'lav •’ hat
the conveisation above related- p n'e I
Tisjo and the h“ Hoiihi let" of ( ' p'Vrn'
ti.d ivfii e ttfki-g t<> two ot nn o t a--.pl unl
it.ec- ' I Nt-; Dtlei. • lii-1 t'oii.mi-.s-iry.
*• . t i I. :. . I l-Cth lra !.3 *a of W cst
i H- ii.t —Get. VanD* ru L-m-e f came in la-igh
I ing— ■■Weil” .-.i. i h- <• < i. I. tii»x,"'l have
j isthida prop «i:i -n It :u (.cn. Hutler.
iild he pro; a*-lo »upi !v our army wi ll x!.
! »e Wsiit. pr-jiid ng > va il *cnd luiu iott- n.
What an infernal - -luiidrei lie is ” To this
w- s ! agr-. f. ‘-What a «;s-c!acle of de
i roi'v - h- re p'e-eti e-J—a man furnish*
mg goo *d. r t-> slay his com ados, sod
e -i.li s at.-i 1 --1 to supply ibtir t tie ies.
1 fin- I ccti a <’ o led- rate - -I-li.-r of th.e
figli i- gdi par in-it. and five m*t on m .nv
fi id- the to-b e soldi- r* if tie N -rthwest,
and 1 Lave (h--ught hen I ha'C.-e-n them
.ead »- and v:g :.r un i me, that they had
r- bal- r t.. *i . k lie Iby -.tm- tin ton furn
i-h- and f-i 1 i- n llut.i r. N w!- s l sa-r, th •
*-!:3[e terisi, ’ pr-stn:s f-im-eit brio#
the (rop'e of t e >- rth, it.d has t een isiltd
» ill ;-J [ 1'1«I- hv to-iU-sti-l.
N tl.t re x ju-t • ■ la’ V.-, who will pour
-Ut tin via s i-fl.i* wiahil[oD thi-C win
•J•• t\ him? I --te- i a , xn l l>-n. Hntler will
co i.e to a hortih e e -I—nisik the j r-r-fiew
tin-1. tfii» man i- J- sMiM to x u-rr.b e «ud.
It might have ten -a'. 1 t.f him tfiat he *»9
« inp > sb- ute tor j üb-t.sf.i- g sis or-ie-r No.
2'". nr for pi-scutiug a i a :ed pistol to tl.e
h ad of 3 oe- plug adv ; Lot » liere xre tie
t. ms i . w oh o eh.irxctfi i- ;h- u ter de
p v y o th* man who w u 1 s'ay thum
an i "I bis-- unlivuieu for g If.
Gome forth, ye hut-dre sef wine s- so!
till- man’s -.ep ,v itW. a: -i make it k own to
tlie w r t ! 1 si.mtuon y-u to the nij rsi—
turn, n-it xs x pirn-an, but for the- < au-e of
i-uniiii v. H- i jimin H U itl- i inu-t t.e u-.-
Ilri-kcd . f“ miebooy u.u-t un iertako tin
Sinio nie-ntl.s age I wr te to Secretary
S anie-n, giving him “(lie point*” ag-in-t
Hat er, an-i tin* names of the witnes-es, but
n-> hii.g has been done. 1 wru'e a privxt
t- r er to S- r-'ary Staii'on in regard to thi
- a ter, but n-Jt a in .Ve ha* ever be'eu made
against him.
Hutii-r :s :i worthy son of New Englan-1.
lie t- love-1 tio-ie as a yoo</, trur aiut ixitno
ti man. Wait b-r a time, and -‘see his
_Ulit Unlc ne led.” J- -lIN IT Wat-on .
vi: w advi: ii risi:>i e\ t s
Hie attent f |' Tk 1 T, 1
lu miles iri.ni
el nlo g th* T>\ i: .-fit -f I’ c.- . 1 from the
The LANH - -tiber at .V • W p »e<
the best in *i -s »a»t o G :: a cda) tank
t tlie largest mate a' I tail, "hurt tvt.-top, mid
Un-.wleJg <-hl A- f-eix.ee s-mewhxt on the
' f amount '' fJO w -:! I-give : t<-r tii- thiel aml
n eiistoin -i' a: Nit - V. i--. - -• t r
-mills. A r. M t j<\rri v.
| ' I'H I’ -s!- of (’.-• p-'-i-f.il* V p-.-pei t - nn, 3-.-1
I ill- g ihi- j. loiiatini. of i'i* estate
lof s'. (’ i Ii ;.lb - "■«-•• I. wiii.di \i is i,, |,,ive
I --"I • r i-n, is | -t| -n.-ii t-i i r.iii.yv i «xt,
flei ml., r 7-hi
| .V. v,,: ~'•!• pro --- yistohi s-M «5-• t ■
'! -k ;■■ a- '!. • . ... : . • ii.
K w. ic.
r. R. ' lii i;;:ij„
I .!• 4-;t A ho’.s -.1 S. C. Mil,-I.ell.
I ( ( 1.., ... —oe. .fa * ,j„
■ ! •' i 1} 1-" ts-i (’.l of I VOIIS
I 1 . » ! - . s, I r -\
1 ! V r i' ‘ ' •' M 1 ’ •' t t.»i i: f.f I
•' 1 ‘ • N; \ . ■: : , i*l Vl-. .;< 1.-.!- u. |
' h IV.. 1,.- . ... | by ~
",” ! : ' ’ ’ ' Cr-c.ip'-l V, a -h -xe to be i-C: !
■ Mil I••
! ' " •' : »I ” i•• >"-; •■ a •’• —1
:• ;. • .. -• and.
Ira • I- I! i , || Ti-e.
'I ly > IV V • k I-,
a J ■' : .'f\tl.r' . (’- I.'sri —r.v virtu/ of
V * I • ! ' rt of Ordi-.Lrv of ».:id
' - ■■( ’-c .»•■■i the tirsi I -la-, i-,
. .. > U'-.e the f-.-ii-t 11-r.-L* du.-'r of -a"!
” •'-» -vu h -c.ii-.-t .»>. one Inn..
• 'd•' -I - X'y 3.-I-S--I .1 • ato 11 ...
’ ' ' - ■: hull - I lot in: 11-er nine
>|lihiit g 0-'-nil \ . s-.-vea iml-s iv.Gl ..f r; • i•.
V V ,! ’C I-"*- " wh-:e. ns o I Winefie-1 h- n
mih lived ai ti.e in. •; .. I !,-■;■ So! | - J.,.
lld "11A T KKNKM.r,.
_ ' ' • A huinisi i nli-r.
i r r*lSs liHUIA'IMoMi- S<>i IKI'V on
j 1 - ! I- " -“'ln I- II 27ih nil | col
' 1 : ■' ■ ’ • ii • i U--1' r x }<, 111
* 1 )d’' lifter. ,j.. 0 j _ )t
ski lalsNCw orr at cost,
{ rl ’ 1 ‘ t’Mi.*’ t« f the so.T-« hos those
•*’]>!• JK'iU ( ( So(h» iiihl Trsni
-1 ’• "* r * *’ l ,4, "1 ;l laiiTM \ anp(y ,\f Bfi u:
jM-i -Tiuuiu mail,;! Ah-o, a g n-iul a.-..-oitm*nt
I i'-A*" 1 l~i an > ‘fiautity of h.WCY
I Alt Lie i-L b, at the
1 • BS. TAVI.on, Agh
Ai i»i:-r«»nui:«.
llau can t e bm.gln of Xorlbcru manu
iai*i urei
t all and eva-nine f.,r yourstlvc*. I keep all
! UikU, and don t intend to he out done byih,-
g,’ll at co,t n erchants, though I intend
to have « small profit, ° '
Arrow Ties !
Just received and for sale at
(Toml, Slioplierd k Co.'s.
] f .y
u;< (1 l!il s. I.IIJ-( RtS tX PLANTATION SUPPLIES !
lii •_.* *
P IM’EAs-E * CO.. WILKLIt. I'TA-LAed., ~ ” =
Xo. 17 Alabama street, Atfstta. Gs. Ralateii’s Raijv, id it, kin,
p. r 7 EASE & CO.,
|(’P till* *
Cotton Factorsamttomniistjion Merchants,
* r i *' • >•'(-!■
W, Wa
I have on hand a and wcl! selected stock of pure Drugs, Medicines, Cbe»wa}*
Fancy and Toilet Articles, Sponges, Rrnshe*, Perfumery Ac., k*.
These articles have been select--d with great caie, lioth in European and Aatrisai
mark, ts, and tvill-be sold on the nmst reas'inacle terms.
r nei2o.‘tm
w— -
mihiHiiiii tiis
tOEWENSTEm & mmvs,
I’-vi-n a:m.( WINTKIt GOODS,
-!!.i: DRESS i’.vn GG.vs. SII.K HoHLI.VS.
i lli.N.k I' MHR \ •’> AI.HACGAB.
■\\ II- Hit Av ! > A I.L W(X >L DKLAIN KS,
An Variely of £'!’ S. (>. \ »u a mg* aieurtu cnl of
u’Vi-is J u !-:- nr, NU LL Ml .M.t.N . KANSOOK VUSHIJt
t it! I-'Kii I r.->, u!f dfinrrt.or. unti of eT»*r^
•A ;n i K .\N 1* R! is M.aN N iiLS, of F.LA n.AN.NWA, CAN’D»’ I’LaNSK*
A farg-s lat (if !S!.E\OUEUaud IdvcWX f>OME.Sf IC*
' H k n, n‘' VU ' S * M,,fN ‘ s * io and not to b* et.-ebed in *|oafirjf
" -ry t. ~ie>. Haiioki rch-el-, I, men. .Jackoiiet Edging and Inserting, 11 air B.iwshei
j lot.et Aitie.es, Ac. A sptenjul stock of **
Soots. and Ilats.
1 he Largest Stockof Read)-Slade Clothing
Ever brought to Griffin.
As it is possibla to be had in this, or any oilier Market in th* interior of tha Stats.
EA. r SI Id L Ci F HILL STREET, (Near th* /sit OBc*,)
G-riffm, Georgia,
£*■ Alsu, a fine lot of FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, Windsw Gis* ()
j, , ..imp*, Ai,, Ccofcing luL-arcc, Oigar-, -jfe.