Newspaper Page Text
Or Soutljrrn ijcrali).
tiriflln. Va., IJffeiubcr i. IsOO.
uIuFFTn raiCtt t'UKML'i!.
eoKKCCTro nn.r by o. b liixciiißaco
Cotton, 201 net -the buyer paving
lb* 3 c« nts tax.
Bagging- 4Ufet3o ; Rope, 2Pf«t t ?s ;
Corn, yellow, 155; White 155;
Meal. 1 Gil ; Bic-m. c cir bides, 23 ; riL
bed, 22(rt/23 ; Hams, ►uj.'ar cured, 3d ;
Coantry llama. 24(«,25 ; Lard. 22 ;
Butter—Market well (applied ; indemaiid
ttt; Flggs. scarce, quoted at 30;
Chickens, 20(<t*25 ; Dried Pearhes,
raugh. 3 IH'fo.i .‘)0 j peeled, 5 0Uf.1,0 "pi l,u.
Fodder, 1 (H)(a. 1.25; Rye, 2.00 ; Barley,
2.50 ; Oat', 8tl(flt 1.00 ; Flour, good Ooun
trr. tt>. V~ c
Emtor IfitiUt:
!’!»*«« announce ilia name* »f tli« following
gentlemen asm table men for Aldermen. Klee,
ties in December:
Kite Uismlkx, W. H. C. Micwumr,
i (>. >*»k*. ('bar Nswrox,
A. D Ncnmalt, Vas. I’atrice,
T. S. Fitch, Jo* Littl*.
•ad oblige. Many Yotim.
Jobs Asonewe, U J i’ATaira.
A. D. Ncx.valt; F. D. Diamls*,
Y. 11. C. .VicuiHßßr, A. W. Join.
Enrroiia Gairns lliralii :
Phase present the name of
Mayor Alexander Itellamy.
for re election, lie lias b en faithful—done all
iu hi* power to execute and discharge the duties
of hi* office, these trying timer He is rmphati
tally needy, and deserving the office. The me
thanica, merelianta—all—bare receive,! his aid.
• hen not coniic ing with (lie duties of Mat or.
A\ by not again help the old and capable eitir-n.
A. B»llatny, ami the following worthy genllei-rn
for A Mermen f
J. It. SllM.Tos,
fi. If . I'aßHari, I. 1 nos. J<l||vso.v,
David Htanve, f* to. I'tutruuo.
No n an Rhould re'tue to ». rve.
I’ro Bono IVrlico.
For Mayor:
Foit Ai.di r \i r.s :
W. J. Patrick. C. F. N’ewTox,
F. I>. Dikmckk, A. W .Jones
A. B. Matthews, .1. G.Scars
A. D. Nt’NNAI.I.T, Wm, •'l,'KKi bf.rry.
Penn c»' ('uiiipromisr TirUol.
lor Mayor— \\ M M U-INE.
r'a » nxaurn .
I «t \V»»d— IfAdam -’i.tifA
2d Ward— 11 j l»r*wner, II ('. i 'unrti ogham.
\,J \Vfn-«|— Vnil Patrick. Ju’m Wue.
4kli Ward —A. J> Nunn»M\. h h I>i-*nike.
Fiilit n« •'¥ <>aimv: bet •»• put rlnA,* \ pf' : ,v
*ho will do their »>iiy mill if but th»ir
♦:ntv. i.tin r«vor-, ut tr i* h and
| ooV n2 k*. Whwi hi- lo li i- we wdl hrtVr* a
«it\ Util g" V * |’J !•**!. Ill'll the 11 k* ’ la. io\V uill be
rii.hfa! i:. the 2, ai g • •■! ?’u.r «.Iu* v # ,
A T :xu.
>'•»„ V. ■ -Wo y , s ,
>V.o T. Ransom, lien. \V Clink,
II T. liraamr, 11,. ,y lucks. Sr„
Jim. Andrews, .1 A, Ail I .,id,
A. A. Potter, f. jj. BisUiuke.
dec 1 hie
I'or Sulicltor-<»cnvruL
1 am a CMihh lute l>r Solicitor- ten-era! «•:
the Flint Circuit, liefer ior oninpetencv i
thr Bench Mi and Far of the ('• a>u and Tal
lapoora Jirnits, and the iaw.eis of the
F i,r Circuit trim know me. hoeotioil flfs
Wednesday ol January, led?.
F. S. fi roil.
pOr I ntelligeriper at and Era, Atlanta, copv
dail.- aqi we»ky p and I' r«yth Jxiiris!
Weekly, td and lorward hill to S'ar Oflic*.
t .i i. in i
Wanted.—Good terms i ffered tor a
small amount of Spalding County Money.
Apply at the Herald ofli :e. nov.l3—tf.
The I’un.harmonic Cowcert. —Tii«*
jrra'.her preventing, this concert did not
pontc off hint Thursday n-uht. It is sdver
t'Stil now for next Thursday nig it, F’C'.
frh. Think of the poor, and, through the
i’liilnai inqnica, give Jour lijlljr fur their
F'ok ffO Pay* om.T. —Overcoats worth
from $lO to f‘)o are selling at Loewenstein
A Pfeifer’s at from $•) to $35
biNiiMENT in CiKnriN :
fjaakii'g in tlie aunlight.
Seeking to keep war n,
11-eline.l a wenrv pilgrim,
Full of dire ami m.
Because hia clothe* Were ra her threadbare
and his funds low. Suddenly an idea
seemed to strike him. llis face relm-d
into a smile, and he moved off with an elas
tic, buoyant tread, muttering—“l’m going
jtra.ght to Loewenstein A J’leifer’s; they
neti clothing so cheap that I can afford to
get anew auit.” *
Drkahjt cold Winter, is now about to
Freak .With all its force upon u». What
need wm care for ii if comfortably clothed ?
Tha best way to effect this desirable end is
to visit Lowei stein it- Pfeifer 8 while tho.v
at* selling at reduced prices.
Sn.x Poplixs worth from $25 to SOS per
Jr ess pattern can be had for the next 30
days at Lowenstcio & Pfeifer'* for the re
du£id price of sls to sls.
Ladies I You can 2nd Press Cloak* worth
ss'l selling for $25 at Lowcnateia & Pfeifer's
fcf 30 days only. *
The perfumes of Ar:f > tlis brau'y of
the Circassian, cun he obtained by Selecting
from th* stock i/.J, 11 Zetlin A Cos. ' Soaps,
Handkerchief Extracts, IF ir Oils, Pomades
arid toilet arti■ -'e-s of all kinds, which are
selected from Paris and English mark-su
A Rac* is likely to come off in Griffin,
when it becomes known to all that Lowcn
stein A Pfeifer, are selling suits of fine
Cassiiaere woith S4O for the small ainouh
ol 527 51). look out!
Thanks —We return thanks to orr
jealous representative, J. P Stuart, E~q ,
fer valuable publie documents.
( a Ten riix lioatie -Tinier.—Mr A. T.
. IcKr.e- y, a worthy and industrious voting
otan. J.vjop , t M, s . Wiaa* ntll^
"* I-* cY't of linffin, had l.i, only horse
*' ' k " ,r '* m , " 1 "- °n l»'t Sunday i.i.l.t by
•ome un...» igarel ec ini !rel now at Lrjv..
I.esd Li, a.| vert aencr.t in the proper e dumn.
Lai iis’ Stoß . —Read the ( carda of Mr.
I >y!or. TLe ‘season” f ur now
Uj»on us.
Grant contemplates a visit to Furore as
ms n as be gets time
F..R Sold iron GiniraL.—Our ruvfrjrr
ol the Star maket his bow to the people of
Flint Circuit, as a candidate f i)r F .li. it..r—
General. We hope he will succeed, hot',
on Ins own account and f<_r the donor of the
Raiw.— \\sturdily was what might le
truly termed a • dissgttcallt” day. There
was a constant patter of rain, which driven
along by • cold wind, rendered it anythia •
but pl.asant for the unfortunate “outs.’ 1 *
Griffin prcaetiled me what lively ap
pea ranee Saturday. It seemed as if “every
body’ and Ins wife came it to trade. The
anciun. down the street, of descendant of
the animal which so surprised Balaam, in
the “good old daze ” as Josh B l ings wool I
«ay. added anew feature to the occasion.
Keep it up, gentlemen, it |ik c ]jf r
and business, and h s an effect upon the
spirits if not the energies of us all.
Crowds of our “colored citizens of Afri
can descent” lent their presence to the town
some of whom exhibited much /r.//<,y--f. r
greenbacks, gone astray or forgotten their
pockets we imageined.
A Sew Daily. —The .Sumpter R-puLli
ran i hitherto a Iri \\ cek’y, c<>tnes to us
now a Daily. Os the mcr.ts of this jour nd,
we have spoken freely within a short period
hack. It will suffice to state at present, that
it commences r lnirnnlw'inf, right off, as
handsomely and as iamiliirly as it if h; and
merely re-dofiiicd a life-long harness. We
greet it a cordial welcome to its new com
pany—the Dailies—and trust it may get,
what it richly merits, an amply ren.unere
patronage. If the Aniericus and Funip
ter people knew their own interest, they
wou'd a point rather than let thrir
piper tiot Slice ‘fil
Sheriff's Sales.
\ A 11.1. It t - . — l l l. J) 1.. fore 1 10; l.’‘»iit t 11“nc ,01
v Y in the city us ~,.!};,! 'i aiding Cut \
bet v«en the n-\:al lictKfv ~f .ale, mi the lint
Tu.ob.y i Jaima y to vt, the folio «tng pn-iN.
erty. t« wit : l.ds No ,43. So, TV So and t'
lor a !','■> oir.,f Nrcthwe-t Cl lire of lot Ta, 1
t,i eg sa* (.„„r e J,.,. ) hi.iiii lv I th.
"'"■tn by lh,m,K> Kill' W.l-a,, „„ il„. h„.,
K,: ” * .h'hn Ila -.VC t;„. A ll’h by Ti onic
.» aid ~1: I'.- wt by Trego u , ,|„.
.■ ■•do.g idacr. Also lot j , L,„„ ,i ; , A
li'- Hy tlie V • . ~
t ) Vr t"“ ,i,» v.:«.'i;t-w i!:
, ' lllu , C.>, Mid 11l wet. h, T'.ouiac 1-! T«.
. C7t • <!. l’k» .1.1 Jii |.i ytA t; iU-1 t'. ()! I. S
•* x - i l ' l of uay -•! y\\» Sivnitr.rtb
vt N rii Al lb U 1414 Knilroikii aiid tl.** J/.mm \\ es
t*-*'!! Hiiiito.ii!, VI lot'll forty lim e h«*
(tiiuiv «»t le>> ) !>.:<.! on a> t *»e property oft.
1.. 1 >i»|»i v*. to sufistty two lid. i'lolll S|‘f»l«!intf
Superior i\.v;rt. 1)..b!.i:,s v>. 1/1. l>oy H l.
j't ii.rij'ul, iiioi I’, 1,. 1 >uj*M e, sennit v. .1 no. .N*»i
v ' !. 1. 1 >o # vhl. prim i|»ul. mol t li.u!**,- 1,. I)u
|'l » < f.••••;! II v «li iu Sj.n il-'i.g eoll'itv.
*'ov2j ' i* I> I>OVy\L, Sh^iiir.
A ‘!.«»same i.jne nut] house a to]
: t. in in* oil\ • t "i tin* kn"v* it hs tl.** lot ulo-ie
• m J/firy A. TANARUS" now r« si.iv*<, c«*i>tn : * one
imll ;n*n\ (inure or l**s>.) bouu !• «1 on t!o- soipri I»\
I o «»ii*}\v iy, on l la•• Py ast• i a *. •»u t :p* tuul
•latiort Il.ri.Hioin! ami on t!.e m*rtl» I.y an open
lot. Leri. <1 on tlm prop*--ity of J/an A. Y •!.!-.
to s-ti-fy a fi in isM;«.*'l fi»}.i > :j)em*i e’ouit
State of Urufjja. urn} ofi/'Cid of (.'•>.irt v<. .f, f *r\
A. Foi ls. b 1» ImiYaL.
iiovj7 t*i iif.
/«1« »SifilA SHAU»i.N«« C*< 1M V —By Mr
VI toe of titi oi'kier Ua’ied by t!o? Hot . able
the (*ouit of (Milinary of r.i* 1 Co.iiity, \iill !»♦*
robi on t lie 1 1 K>T Tl K>l >AY in .li*rit I m’,7
•Mhf C’ourt lb»i;se in said fount v nil tl***
lands Im longing ti) tl*e *?s!ni« of .billies M< I{fo*e! \
ln'e*»fs*id count, v, dvreiw. j in«f o( I-t
--. No. Jl7 (n e riumiivd and seventeen}. Ao. lIH
)one hundird and svixteen, I.alt lot of No, 1J .7
one hundirdand fiitccn. aid lllty of lot
luiiobrr unknown, cotnpi ;*"n» bfing
in I ll**'lid I li.' net of ciitzinally Pike, row >|*hl
dii g County Tin t® ia on said |bnt. ton about
tlir**e bund red Mini ti ft \ *o ics in tl •* woo*!**-—tin*
balii*.**# beii g tolerably fn*d) and ur dcr pood
rapair. with pood oi*iii:iiry buil*l»tips >
plantation sold tor the benefit of the heirs and
Gi editor nos said dcceasctl.
r.or'Jii Fx»*«utor.
i ’ Sjnilrliu'j ('"ur: f‘j Ordinary. -r n.
1 M»0. —• t api'cai H'p io im- tiom 1 1 1 «* u'* j\ <* j** ti
ti*»n that Florence <»corpeMt*l Mary .loin.son.
minor children < f Mir y Ann .Joinson, <]necase*l,
of ilr** State of LoUh-iaita ; >i luittceu C. Mitcliel ,
minor **bild of S Mitchell, *leceased ; Klizu
bethS Mitch el Francis H MitcbeF, Jam* s F.
Mitchell, and Milt*>n 1> Mitclmil. minor children
of said Testator, lire included as part <u the next
of kin in the probate of Sliflttecii (•. Mit«d»al!*s
•-will, an«l shouli} be u a-b* puti#*» to tlift pioef**il
ii]#-* lor Probate. It is thfttvfuio Qivlered tlm\
H. CoU' aiIV• be bnYii gby bis written eon- j
-rut, consented thereto. nnd he is licreby ap
point'd Gpaid mi, tnl li/nn i" represent. «a:d mi
m»rs ii|it/u siicll probate ; alii it further appear
ing t.» uu* lioni siiitl petition that citation to the
next of km to witio t-s tlie probate of Hie s.tid
Mmtteeti (*. MiuheTa will, is prayed for. and
that Nancy Mitchell. wi> of Ibdvert MitcloH.
Juditb l\ Kimbeii, \\ ifr *»f William Kimb* 11. J/ut> ;
iha >. Hi:-soll, wil<• of H• »t»«*ft \ liu-s*-11, a««*
p rt oftb*- of kin in ti. 1 probate of said will, j
und sliotiid also be made paitiej* to saol i roc»*ed* j
ingw f*»r probate of »ui<l win. m and that they reside 1
out of this Mute, 11 is thtrefoie orde-n-d that no |
lice be perfected on pal lies by publication
of this ouler in the
previous to the sitting of the ( oirt, oil the first
J/.»i»day in Jauimr\ next, and it id further ordered
that citation issue to .lohn 11. Mi chell. 'I ho mil*
J Jfitcheli F.dmond 11. .If itch ell, ( lot* If J/it.
chell. Mel.ala J J/ifchell J< *eph A. -Viu hell
and Mary Anil Mitehell. and James II Counolly,
as Guardian of ad litem fo** the uljovonalQed' ini
nora. in the u>ual form, and that they be served
the; t im i'h in terms ot the law.
F. D. Ttl.^MI’KR.
novl7-40d Ordinary >paldii gCo. J
(i F.uUG! A 1.1 ‘1 NO C< »l' NTV. W nr.-.KO
£ Janie* T. 1-iii*. (i-ianl. ui of . I*. \U dmp-
Lovonia Hi.-hop, t • i d»*!ii and I». I lb- -
op.minor and orphan <d,i! Ip*m ol IMiiup •! I*i"‘h *p.
applies to me for letters ot disuus ion a* mp h
Gu.miian the wlnde eat at t <>f liia ' ‘id ward- ha * -
ititf b,«,v»n lost ia Confederate aecur'» 1 j’frcent.
boiids. Ao.
l'h<*«e are. therefore, to <‘ite and admonish all
p' ioi.a cotieen ed to be and appe .r at my
within tha ti nc preai-r.hed hy law. to »!•••» eau-e
if anv exists. wh\ saitl letters di-mi.■**•<*'_)' fioia
tin] Guardianship should not he granted.
txiTs-. under my hand at utf'i t :hi# tha llth
dar of Sepiembci, !%t>6.
19 h-bm F. I>
NEW ni;i<; stor„ ~
1" Grilliii. i
I M K ?ake« j l,.** rein ««i«o*unc
1 *o the, Iti/ena of <. i itfiu, and its vicinilv.
thiit :,e lias opened a
I I’N' Tiri.l. sTIiKKT. in the vV l„Th.; .11, g
where will te fount! a very* c«*o pb tea ••• k of
IVrlTmiorj hiul Toilet irlieloy.
I articular attention w .11 be giver to the
roar*a ndinu of rßxs«’nii*ii* •.«,
» J other rhaimamilicat pr. pnra',
AT A 1.1, 110 l ItH.
n*r pri<-M an.l politr attantioa will b« th,
lliollu «>f the e!*tablißUtne^.t.
Late of Th*:raaetofv. <leo.
n E M 0 V A k-
ii 1 yvhitthall fin..
T‘ c’ I *~y (T' 1 *w m
{J- v ' v
=a li’jr . - •
GEinpi V, (jrORGI \
IMHFcBowv Hall—over J. Ilicliat<lsm. , » '
Something New
iir < .ct tkc rnfferii and tiireated read the
bet all who have been pirrn tip by T'octor,
and KpoUeu of us ii.cui abb*, read the following.
J,??** I.« t all who can believe fm-ts and can Lave
fiioli in ci idoi cc, read tire following.
vtr for the present at mv residence, rui
•oi ner of Bmaiiway loth Mrccts, * ppositc
Marshal CoPege.
July liMtm
hm.ttnli in n h)/ th*** Tl»at on ihh.
; 1 lie l w cut i«*’ Imlh\ of .lime, in the Veal* of our
Lord On« Thousand l.ijrbt llimdiid and M\t\
i six, per-*»nft!!\ Primp *b.«»‘p!i Hiu dock *o mV.
kiD-wn «U'di. and b i»>ie duly sw.on, .:«;>•»'«• 1
.a- !• • I •Av e ; That lie irt I lie Sole general a. 1 cut f 4 »j-
I the (‘iiitcd nii'l .1. p. n.J. i,.-.. -. 1!,,.. . ..f, t\, r
;t . , pa: :itions* r no- n n*- known n Miuviibii.s
I I'll.iA and S.m.vk, Hi,d th,*t (<.c l.*in-; Ci l diri
■•ates aiv vet tn*i j.* . Ut \ :' ;i| l:»
i n:i-i Uelicf.
[l* ‘ 1 N otjirv Fublio.
WallMrect New Y".k.
| Jimr I. 1«a.
Dr. \!au<.im —I take my pen i.< wiite you of
; *uy g'leat rein f an Ih .-it 11»«* a w fll pain' ill m\
■idt* line lefl iij- n* Inst—thank.- t*» yn:i iimml; n.#\
• li. ii« »*'«•••", tu>w thunk! .1 I am that i cun i**i
| so;n*‘ eleep. l can no'cr w rit*s it enon M l». i thank
! you again and ami am sure that you nr c
icaily the frieiid of all Hiitf.-rrcw. I could n«»r
| help Wl itli.j to UU, lit. 4 hope \oU will hot lake
it aursi,
Un Avenue D.
! 'litic \p In i.npfy ♦},.:! I \vu- fi«*m 11.
, nruiv w‘h t hioi,n Diaiilncu, ami have l»e*n
etired b} ])i. Moggiel s ih Is.
N’. Y. April 7, 1 tit> -7 I’HL stiVct.
j 'lh* 1 foilriwing ;s a:i interesting casaof a rtinu
, eiuphiv * *1 in mu iioii lAnindiy. who, in pouring
I melted Hon into a tinsk was damp a -1 \v« t.
: - ause 1 an «*Xjihi»i<ui. ]'!.u unite. \ i|\jii UnitlfWi.
| iiioimd and on him in u pel leet show cl*, and in*
I was burnt die.kdhdly. '1 l.e followin«r certiticat*
;\s as . ve" to ins by him ebout wreks iiftei ,
j i he aceident.
Niv.v York. Jan. 11. Ikflg.
My name is Jacob Hard}; l am an Iron Foiin
! ler; I was badly burni by liol iron in November !
; last; my trims healed, but I had a runniiu: niore
• n my b*t'that would not heal, 1 tlied *
! >alve. and it cured mein a lew week*, 'ihia is
all Iriip und hm\ Ii »d\ can now -ee m - at Jackuui.’s
1 Iron Woiks, ‘Jnd Avenue.
J I! M’.DY,
119 (iucn ick .ti c»t.
Extracts from Various Letters.
“I had no appetite ; Fills hi* n
; heiut\ One."
I "Ymir l ids are mare^ions”
“I set <1 for another box. a id keep them in the
; house.”
| “Dr Maipjiel hr..* cured m\ headache that was
| “1 ir i?e half <>f tip nf your pill* to my habe ■
! fur cholera innrlms. The deal little thing gut
i well i’l a day.”
“ .y niuisett of n mhrning i- now cured.”
‘ Yn r li"X of MaggulN Salve cur* l ( ,f
. noises m 1 he head. I rubbed some of ynw Jsalve
!>i him! in\ en!>, ami the mn-e left.’’ ■ !
; “Send me two boxes 1 want one fur a poor
j family.”
"I oich.-c a dollar; your price is 25 oeiA*. but
the iio dn me to me i* worth a dollar.”
I “Send meUivc box**s of your pdls ”
j ‘ Let me havi three boxes o you: Salve by re
; turn mail M <.
; N
: as tli is, but. want of space compel* inn to co < lude
M A (id I F.L'S 1 ’ ILLS A XI) SALV E !
Not UK.—None urenuine without. tbe engraved
trade mark around each pot or box. by
Dr. J. Mnggiel, 11 Fine atreet, New York, to
! counterfeit which is felony.
i Sold by all res pacta Me dea’ers in Medicines in
the l’nite.l States and t'anada—at zU cents per;
box or pot, #T(»t-l\r •
For sale ia Griffin br J N. llaruls Jc
! CO.
| Frx'-cnt, 11m Honor, Alex. M. Sp»*er, Judge.
— llkmit Cointy.— \nron N (’amp
I \s. Martha M. Camp. —LibH fur o’'.*or<e.
Unit to p'rjttt S',-rice. —lt appealing to the
• oi it i>\ the return of the fejheritf that the da
fcnd.Rvt i*>es ij.-t rc*;de »n t|ii« Co.-.nty, a*td it fur
ther appearit g that rd»« doc* no*, .cride in this
>tate. it J-. on fiMtiou of Coij-.s* t, oi.lered tliat
«ad defendant a; > and ni.Kwer ut the nex
j torm »and the Court, el-e, that th- Ca*o be consid
ered in default, hi <1 the plaintiff b - ul’nwcd t<»
proceed; and it is furthej ord-red tl»»t tins rule
be publish* din tl.e Griit. . IJcrnld « «e it riionlii
foi four.ruoaths. (»KttFs.h M. Nt*L\N.
F* 1 ;li •Her’* At to; ney.
I hereby certify that the ab*ve is a true ex
tract from the minutes of li.-nry. Suj et i"i* ( i»ui t.
aov”7 and •*
an A
ci $■
rid >• k kk\ , k iu
OSN AniIRHS and F Ml ' 1
FLul'K, CO*
We Lava nl*<n 9 fine stock «f » \* jr
siioks ami n.v*
(FoR UkhlOUN.)
The above atm k we are determined ?• aell A'
yffV as a .iK'di. a:»• t all we k. t" at-liafy our
•sir n*ie • * .or them Iu V. t in am> u.k La.
* ready to wa* on h:a fiiend*
*4 7 iJaynf
’’ And wt will be responsible
i T> < * ro
>' u* to on;
Old Customer's,
And al! new oucs who will lavar uv with a
call :
Wo are now opening an a-xoitmcnt of
Groceries !
of a!! Linda.
Hlavy StatLX
S>rv (liooih!
i ('ldthirig of all Linds, B io's, ?lio< s. Wood
and \\ tilow Mare. l*ine and Cuimn n'it« Cheese of all kinds,' di
rect front n atiul.'CtorerH, an 1
fact everything that a
man or lady wi'lios
17*01' Tomily TJao 1
G A ti 11. C. I L NNIXG.'JA.M.
- . .
HOLD AM) *Sib\ Ell.
ITinniiclai Crisis
• '■ -
lii ilto * > oizi*M(> of Si\ llontltv,
*270,000 *270,000
wmth of
i W m!eh*‘*. (h i ks. ( haint, Dintruu <1 I!if £•*. l’i '
*k*’-us, Me!*'dean*. i» g innelun* e t
Mli»*r Ware. »lro.,
. All to be divpm-* and **f nt
Witbou r* gat’d to vhlu»-! And not to l,e paid j
for until you know wrtiuf you me t*> receive. |
After reeeivi: g tho nrn b*. if it «]owa not plen«e f
you. \"ii cun return »t and \o*ir mon« y will b*»
i efm d^i.
1 lie Mm k comprises ni th b*« ;
-pi en.lid cb'i k*. gi M i\ -il "utlos, imp**!
- l uitli diar.ioiid* ilible-. ”ri»m*t »• i* I !
i thcr (ttoh,en, (Hadituir** hi.<l in chute*-**.) ,a lie
*. t 8 oi jcwelty. cquipri.-M g pm* and cur ring»t
il.** n o-t f u*liiuniib.e *t\ I****, 8* t in pr« ci iti* .'torier* 1
o! every variety, t g-*ihcr with ri lure* |
nifi.t of gold mol **iiMfni , l“*l nnd pear! gold i
z-ti«il-a 14: *i button'* *d tlm most 1 o*i* lit 1 1 ll I j
pat'••i n*-, gc it- hoMitu anti M*at I j in** vd| rei tl. ■
h varo-ly "f him *d* t*. chuixi. lum-icul boxe«
l.vad di e****, combe, charms, etc.
In co ,«npi* > in*e of the great stagnation of
tl**- g'o-at *t»igM4*ion of tin !•• ;:i tlie u. anutuctur
n £ .mtii t.H <tf France u and Er.gln •i. h larg* t
ijuantit i us Vi* liable jewel: y. ong-i,ally intenAj tl,
lor the turopean maiktt. Ini- been *ent «)!l no [
sale in this count tv, ami 'mi-t b«* sold at n•-
sacrifice! Under cii*cumstarie**R the
WATti'l A (,Ul.I) JLWKbKY CO.’ haver**
-olved upon
subject to the following regulations :
b'erti* < ®'e*» of the viirio s si tides, wiibout re
gard to choice oi value, are put fii ?t into envcl
opes M uled up ad mixed. i\: and when ordered
ar«* taken' ut by u blindfolded boy, a: <1 aent b\
mail, tliiit* g\ i jr h!1 a. fair cliauce. On receipt
of i lie cei tificate. you will gee wlmt you nrc to
ha’. an ! then it ■* at | <*nr * ptioii to se *1 tlie
! dollar n 1 t .ke *,ie Mitn le «u i ot. Fincita-crs i
“mv tliu* olitaiu a Fiano, J/.loilcon, sowing !
J/itohinp. (i- ..I Watfli, Diamond King, or a i)* act
'd j- vYelry on orr h~t for o..»• ifollar.
\o Hlnnlis
i Bi;SP *25 ChN is Hk A t hItTIFD’ATE. j
In all.tiar sHi tions by mail, we shall eh*Yg<-
for to» warding the c»u tlfi-ute-, pacing p singe i
and doing the bu-ir ea* ”5 C**nls each, nhn h
must tie eiiclos* and when ih** ;ti ute is s< nl fur.
Fi v»- cettlfieate * will b* s.-m fm , eb-vei. for fi.
thirty tor s■*> eixly five f» >)",»!.d I**>» f.trsi:»
AGKNTs— W»* \» n i Hgent* in every ti w n
and ootlnty in tin* counir\ and those n img
i *Uch will he allowed te. ts <»n ever> Or ideate .
; oideied by tli* in pt»vid«-d th. r r?rnitta eel
ninoUnts It* $!. Ag**-n» will collect ‘25 cents
f<*r eveiv cert ifi eft’ e air! remit 15 cents 10/- us.
i cull r it. cash <■! | - stage hl.tmp* Ag.-nts rerui»
ti* 1* Hi “lice ijf .11. NT i I be eutlMcil t«i * teauu.uJ
: Milner Wl.tch, and also 2"*l Certitlcates
I'lea-e wiite \our Nawic, T wn County and
>iate, plainlv. and address tali mdern to
4 nil % J. A. I-ihci ty street, New York
llultxSupcrlor ocirl— Scpfcmljcr
Term [MiG.
n ! nrrn/.A ham. r « skabornmiafl—
Libel fur Ifivorc', —lt nppeiu-ii g to the
i *«urt that tli*- defendant is no? t*» be f.umd in * >-
County of Hull*, and is not to tie f*uu<J in th *
>ta«e. Ii m ( rdered that the d 1 bndaiit la> m- it
ed t<» be and appear at the next te*-.o of t|,.. su
perior Court ot -Hid County, tu nliswer the | t .
t iff in an action of lib I f«»r divorce, ad t!u»i tins
I order h. published once a mouth for four mo,,
pt p\ ions to tli«- riej» tern* yf tins com »
ii. It FXDKfCK. Fib* lU-.t’s Ait’v,
\ true ex' ".■! from tb*k i <.f »id ( •
Sept, loth, lbi.*b : W. DaNK^D*N,
' ' ' ttle: k,
Dally Now lira,
A! LAM'. A. (.HO.
IAKCRM city circulation. l-nr2fe*t co :»try
J circulation A I:. e niui rial. I'h** p iper lot
ti.s fi*e*»de slid--th<* c- unting r**om.
>.uh««-iibc f*»r the F.ia. Puce of subset iptim
"ii ) per at.:,urn ot one dollar per iu-JL Jh
• sap —if l <ll
c ii.'
TRA< K FTI.v /
100 S.N-k.« VIU-.iN'iA S iLT, :"0 Biiu.h.H SWIFTS »r,<) AUOVV J
ITJKKAD. I. vlt'.E LOT of A, B, aud L SUGARS.
3'iF)o RnsFul-i of V.-HEAT avlivcrvd iu gsod M. r> l oci'Jd. ord r The highest mark'
o Iri r piid B Lo\. LABI) (ORN. > EAL, I LOUR. PEAS &c. Ac . Ac.
S nithcrn Bank Notes, Gold & Silver received for any oi lh« ahovu article* at their
market value.
OHIO, n nnnciizuxr *«? o o
• ;D isfir, - *>in
At Ilociucotl Prices,
sepl 3- fir*
an & nein.
k)|W yiKCHS CA I ICO -from 1 A to 25 etc .
4 x F \ f 5o piece* sf tigur* and D« I 'lines ;
•25 pi. ecs ..full Wool do ;
1 5 j iecsß % hi d*» ;
?,o pieces Frejich pAp’ins ;
:>(» j - ecs French Merinos ;
1 5 puces AlpAccit* ;
•go pif-cp*. < ‘pel'll FluniieN ;
1 5 pie. « i»-d m and white Flannel*;
7 | .jeces Mil. k i*n*l wliile I'oplin ;
75 \ ecss of >ea Island Cotton, from 10 te * p )<‘»
5o pi k.-sos Illeuched Cotton;
i M— '- F»«*“.vs:
!•* oi- *- • . tt F’.s f el ;
*2.5 pi *■••-, l »k--ii ei und Jenn* ;
15 pi* < * - mII wool French re* ;
75 sJac.mettcs and Musi.ns ;
go piece* Linen ;
go piece* Black (doth and Dor*kia
1 «. Ladies* and Mens* MmwD .
Ii (; In’ e-t le cl -aks ;
5o pair F» imkeTS i
85 >hoes and Boots ;
15 Dozen BalTnoral Skill* ;
75. dozen Wool. Fur. and Flush IT* 4 *,
15 pieces Fn cy m and Black wi■ k ;
5o »1 ‘7.eii Ho* pskifis;
AH kinds < bu»k and s h e - Trimnd* ;
All kind** of t ’otton Linen, and ."t!k Laces;
A I kiic’s ..f Bihhorift 10-’ ( o|l»i * and l urTs.
Nnb'H- Hood l *. Sontag*. ar and
l»i kfu s 4 'bawls ; low eng.
Table Cloths; Linen an.l Cotton
Danm-k-; ! i» *M, I 'o't**d S<-o* ti Diape-
T t fact. n full supply ol ever\ I ho •£, wd.i-rh I will
*<*!! at -greatly reduc- and prices.
For Gouts.
A larga s*w»ortmeut of Business Suit* Black
Doe*kin m and » .*»il I’unts, and t«»ats ami Vesta;
*la g »M| p ) «•' -»\eic*ints. Luo k and Figured
/>i;k \ civet \ eai.-t % Im u*t »up| of Furiilahing
.bo Mis.
Also received. oliii aid Banjos. Tainhorinrs
(»uitai MiKl \ loin, KIN(»r>, iuiipiecea, Scrovr*,
' Kosi.i, 6i> .
LADIES and gentlemen,
If von waul any of
| call rI
EMi'oattJM or i A-mnx
-l t’K.Rftlß COt UT. Term, 1 f,6._
Fie**-»»t -Ills lloiior A ex M. ."peer. Judge.
/ 1 F.oihd v-llkn'T C*ivnit.—l*ebeeen >harp
V f V« lot M "harp for J divorce. Unit
tn prr/r.t gsrt ' r - It Hppefiro g to the CouH bv
li.e retnrn *d ue >lier.ti that tl c do*--
• ' r«—l«le in 1 .1» county, u Jit further Hppcur
mg tlml defeo.l ot d■»••* not i>*-i le m iliD >tttfe,
it t». oil Riot ii-u of c*iu;>.fel, old-red that the -md
• efends -t Mtidanewei h! the r»e\i t**rrn of
tbif Court, i «« th it tills caee be Q«>nsi ier« l u
default o -d ifje plaiul l ft !>.* allowed to procesd ;
M and \% « tVefed th (I (111- rule be pub * -
ft i iii th- (• i llbn. il ru and •*« «»e a riur. h fur four
Ii obths * i n . EM. M)L\N.
I •: ■ mile, s Attor ey.
I her»b certify that Hi*- ale-re j* » ii # ei
tied ti. n, the ‘ .lies ot It i• y "u c. j* * i
1 tin 7 k». (• W EfcMr. C »rV
cn ß\ir or r«Li. in# ano.'.a ttaiKn,
AMi tYl.'iL
A J Willl r pivn.r/
i., ii. S'.M.ULU, mu
4i . «•» ia
' fines.
Umb nil*. »,
LL.\’i mF.R,
\YF. ARE RECEIVINO and opening I*. t
(•»«(•» HoO ISnnd SHOES of exert aitl
hinl di**c ription, wliinh we propose aelbn
*s cheap as can b* purchased in anv Soul
i-rn market.
We intite all peroonn who expect to »«lf
Shoe* to rad and examine our alock before
i purchasing elsewhere.
Our Senior Partner has had many yoar»
i experience in ttie M>oe huvines*, and i* well
a. (plainted with the manufacturera at th#
north, which gives them anparior advan
tages in getting up their stock. Eeary ar»
ticle in our line will be sold at a small ad
vance on coat.
\Y«! confine ourselves strictly to tha
i cash system. No one can sell goods On a
| credit at the cxti einoj low prices we ars
to lep’.-nM the r ,txek *re respectfully ia
| vile I to g Tc n* a ch‘l.
UO'ii s A ik;islluils MAI'E TO ORIiE-Uc
senl Sw
/ 1 F.NTIEMKN ncxt rn.rx* np and pay their
\ I Ticket«. srhi ! i. tie* date *«k for u« nsera,
a* it i- ini|.x»dl.te tx get them made. Send ia
yoi r sum-* end onr gm.d* will be aold as low as
at nt:n inter ; >r town in the cortntrT.
(•; a-f r nR^FTY
r <n
' - * f. ,