Newspaper Page Text
® X MAIT 15 DB- * B* i ™ PolT
oKirm. o* : »»*'- ' " _
notic k. '
Having this day aa.oeiated «U»» «*, J aJ **
WiHitaliittrtM in the pubUeafoo of
the BaH.r SoCTUL*!. lUr*u> tho him
Mt. wilt hereafter be eon.iucud under -
same end a.yle of Martin A Cos. J b
fe. lb. liberal patronage •»(•»« * “
tawhf -ill
It»rEBM»N DaM« T "‘ Ge ‘' Bo,A .
I WMU.etCM.-TIH. follow preamble and
£*«».*■« --‘•«r=
• „ , of Formes Monroe, nobly and
justly expree'ed, doing ‘‘honor to the heart
the original .never, (Mr. Hardeman,)
‘ lhe legislative body that so promptly
wv) vnan.monsfy incurred in ly 1 > L
vjji,- No ” . „„u, w.j jo „.)»*•
here i* ts pre»rton of their riß|>»
- cu '"
~ or ‘b*- fremiti «,.* pTisotter of State, Jeff
tier - f the «U« generous pultuuous
;.'°o Vpoeta L, |U un ,* oo and synipa
,°h ,f,al Hie iti X* ud
" l,h bi* *uffet in„.v lint ~
chief of a tr o ''' t,u Mer # ,c * t Bn ' l
tanae. rh“7, |, ut war*
men */j!2e?%vc*all i*H
“•'Uf#..'; while they revere all that is t
lime >n faith, and ie‘j»fct unfailing gr<
nea* of soul, Therefore,
“ Tht. U' Atti mlli/ of Gc rgui <lo j 1
Jtctolrr, 'I lint then »'ncere«t condolence and
■wn-mest sympathy are ti i,a nr( , l | to Mr. j, ft
erson Davis in his confi nemant; •...) ttiary
look for a aid with nnX'ou* *>li<-itude
day when a magnanimous »>t‘i pnt.iwic
I'ratident shall put an term to hi*contnit.
•lent, and b_V the interposition ot l’.X" .l ive
clemency restore him to a people tor whom
lie so fnithlull strugg! and, and "ii account ot
whom he endures with Christian fortitude
the hardships of a Lug and rigorous impr.'
'dToi.RN Sachamkni Beh\ icf. A ch'irch
in the North— aud wo will wager twenty to
ono that that churl, is in New England, not
a thousand miles from Boston— it is verii
ably alledgcd, regularly administers the sn
creil ordinance of communion from silu.
vessels plundered by Mierman s auny in its
march through South Carolina, from Z on
Presbyterian Church, in Winnsboro lo t
them go ahead,-the A-lui.s and*
garSj —jt i 8 not recorded that the hand w 1 it*
cn the walls, «rhetlw*’ r coned or
HaT Il.e *.
York is the bund.'OinesfddrjS 'yf that New
Tho Twirt, wc doubt not, thinks t 'p
kjnjrariu Worm,'CT a dodo or n bustard
the handsomest bird. New Voik is a great
city—but even to call it handsome, let alone
the handsomest, betrays the man that caw
it or thinks it, a ridiculous bumpkin.
Jsai?' The cditois and printers of the Louis
(Kj.) ./ wrnal recently celebrated its thirty
sixih anniversary.
Governor Jenkins signed the hi!
giving State aid to the Mhcoii iV Brumtviek
Kail Koud, on the 4th inst.
Mktkobic SitticKtN A Lotulon paprt
reports that one of the fulling stars, or me
teorites, sttuck a citizen of that place, a
waiter in one of the coffee houses of the cit\.
Masonic l’t hushimi H ousts. —We call
the attention of our readers, am) csneciulL
of the brethren of (he *■ Mystic tie,” to tin
card of this com patty. The Atlanta lira,
sj'e ikiitg advisedly on the subject, says :
Masonic I'Yj<kikiiino llot sK.— We last
week called the attention of the Fraternity
of Free and Accepted Masons and Odd
Fellows to the Masonic Furnishing House
established in this city by Brother I hoin. s
W. Gtuindler, amt have now the pleasure of
announcing that he has asso. iitid with him
in the busine.vs, Mr- 11. < . llatiow. we 1
known in this city »s one of our prominent
hardware merchants; ami they have fort: mi
a business connection with and Income a
Southern branch of the “Masonic I’ulV-h
--ing ami Manufacturing Company” of New
A otk city. This maininoth concern t- a
joint stock company, under the g<-n rJ cor
porate laws of the State of New York, with
a full paid capital stock of three hundred
and City thousand dollars, and into it the
well known publishing and furnishing h mse
of Macoy and Sieltcl is now merged. We do
not hesitate to spy that there is not amnio r
house in the United States so ful'y nidi
fied to manufacture the various articles m
tiieir hue of business, while os Ata-onic pub
Jishers they have long stood unrivalled, and
tbe new company are about purchasing or
erecting u first class printing office, book
biudery, etc., in the city of New York for the
further development of this j> irt of the
We hail with pleasure the establishment
of this Southern branch in our city. It is
in every respect a part and parcel of the
New York concern, and have exclusive con
trol of the business in nearly all of the
Southern States.
A Qt'ANliiuv —To sit oil a sofa between
two pretty girls, one with black eyes, jet
ringlets and rosy cheeks—the other with
soft blue eye-p sunny ringlets, and red
checks and lips—and both smiling at you
at the same lime. Wc know o! nothing
more trying.
A Connecticut Yankee has cleared his
hi use of ruts by catching one and dipping
Litti in red l atul. He theu let l.itn bio-e,
au>i ot’ tt lies not iik. tig his .ouks left tin
Georgia Legislature. f
lro.u lt.e Journal rad
t. Dee. 4 ,IMO.
SEN VIK- " ,
TV Bem*te n.e» at 8 o elo« k. •
r^« , ‘\Tmr.OvTd: , W the ttt tr
!—.*£i.d : .rrirw ; >r , '£.
' 4 Mr Dedfofd intro-luced a bill to define !
... ">' ,hc ,J "' l,l
tbe lumber furi.iabed. r , ( .,. rni p. r , 5.
TheSmiaW mot s' 10 o'tdwok A. M-, p IJ t j
'Kf A -O*'«<= v.,.0r o. j
the cod#. cneouragemenl to the
point on the Georgia eOaSt, o the »* and -ma
»„d other West India Isands .
li.ll to amend toe charter of the \ ‘miters
Loan and 15 mking .l-Wm ion was pa.-se.l.
Bill to exempt iron, the op. r.tlmn ot tin
gioy law, taxes imposed by municipal cors
p,,iatoms was passed,
Resolution for theSmUto ‘^r.bc,^
copies ot A. O U.uiili “ !*•» '» ii u .,
The special ov.b r was lake., up--.
bill ,o extend .he aid of He Mate to the.At
Line lUUto-4. The bill was passed b>
VUI 0 ot tO • f fi
bill t*» pwriu tkat tb«* Hwll
Urs of Western tfc Atlantic.
11,0 the •>'.me as those paid by other <fi }e or ,
lyTor similar servb ea. Passed by j
ihss / 7yo »0. ■ *()
gotiville iVi» Xtl to coutinn* -7 miner u ' tSt
i, H n|r<| t*ti Ii lilt? ,
. u iusl'hi'rs '»*«-• W e»i},t I-r.
nvttVl , .adfc)tt*)t»u.( any was pa t W Wus
tl W-nusHHedld-lpru......^^^
„.,wttofMii!sj*g| |li 1u,:,1s
X*'* fl 10 t ' od,j r ' t inlecs of el. i k ot
r.o';»m*c the .I%| Henry,
the Sup,a. ior and li feiior t
p VN and CSavlon eouulies. Ntat.-,
Bill to amend the iload Laws ot j
I’aseed. /Nijilii
Li.l to autbn.ix-’ Guardians
tins pud others ImMmg trust estates to cam-,
promise their claims. Passed.
Mr. Moore offered a resolution which was
ad. pled, providing tor the appointment ot »
j .int committee to ascertain How many bills
are now bel ore the General Assembly not
acted on.
The House bill to amend section 2,‘2<)4 ol
ill,, oodo so as to t-n a e liuin the Judges ot
the Supreme Court a Cl.icf Justice. Passed.
Bid io pay to maimed rohliets, va.uo ol
n leg or arm in ease such soldie.s do not
take the arlili' i.l limb. Passed.
Ben:.te adjourned.
Afternnon !>ie. 4, ISCO.
aieXATK n.u.s on iiiutn RKAM.mi.
To l 'he J il,r -' -f the So) fier
Court to refad their decisions ir’> n.. Mu,el,.
'.’WjAf. —— J ... , . .*o
1 o amend "scVdon ?,,7oi of .the code
Io prevent the destruction of ff-,1.. Pass
To relimp.i.-h lliecontingc .it ’nt-rcst ol
>’ c St.-e in the State lLseive at Macon
P ss and.
Io r. pea! the Ist section of an \ct iilior
our section 4 248 of the code. Kef’rie.l.
Io leiveal no ac t assessing a tax on Cot
a' iiicrcl'andiise l'nsscd.
in iV|M*u! an act mjffaiii•«» an act rc’alive
to the eiv.l jurisdiction ,1 in
«•»*}• ot Savaii n.ili. J‘a >c» I
The county court hiM VMS read a second
turn; and made order for Ti.ursd <v
H ’usc adjourned to 7 o’clock this cve
To incorporate the Meichints& i’
lers Bank ot Augusta. Indefinitely p.'M*
|»nin t,i.
i*'>r rn’ii i of Mrs T. rurin-r, (vj,,* H )r. f]
S|;,, e to pay her for the land on wi i. ii ihc
stoeka.t'c at Audi rsonv isle is locatid. 'J he
i onfedci ate g< vcrniii. nt never paid f,,i u
and the I S. has taken ir tor a cemetery
ai di. i-is.-s lo pay lor ii). Bill wi hdruWn.
JltiKxbfl, t ec. o
.Mr Womble inoveu to reconsider the I ill
flvst yesterday) t t > aid thi Muscogee raiis
road company motion provaiicl.
Tlllltl) K l ' A I.lx (Is aIF IIOI’SK tin t„s,
so amend the act. fixing the 5..-.-;ons ol
the Superior llourt. l,®st. *
Jo give Slate ail top he Muscogee rai *
mini - pa-si and hv a vote of Tti to .iti
I Jeclrriitury to ttie law rela.iv e to enn
ttacts, liens ami other obligations entered
into prur to .'lay 1, Hos—tubed.
To define the liability ot debtors in ecr
tain cases. (By tin- bill, which is -bubal
to the la-t. notes given f. r tti«> pnreb se of
slaves ,-l.a l b.t scaled when su J, ami the
• unities in tic e.i-e In taken into dm.-ub ia.
tii. it, and the verdict si:.dl be in j topoilion
to tin services rcmlered by tbesiav. so pm
chased. bill elicited considerable di.
cii-siori —some members contending tt wa.-
lincolistitiitioimj —that it was repu-ii itioti,
Ac.,) The vote was taken on the ne-oon to
postpone indefinitely and rjeuited in yea
-78 .nays f)2.
To fix the time for holding sessions n|
the Su; reme Court, finakes ti e tidies 1.-t
Monday to June and l)ee tuber) —passed.
To amend the first section of an act ap
pointing Venduo masters lit. ill s State j
Adjourned ti l .1 IV M.
JaCoB TnoMi'sox.— A statement Ins
been published that the President lias given
to Mrs. Thompson, permission for her hus
band to teiurn home. Thu is untrue, lie'
pon.lively refused to give any sm-h permi--
»ion, bat said tliat Thompson must take tbo
consequences of returning.
Sct to Music. l —A I’m-s composer is
said to have set the A merman Cons’itat'on
to music. He wish lie would tmnstie him! I
.-o t io this country am) tu ike l:e to it. j
Telegraphic News.
VS .v-mv.rnv. || 4 —.ll the
Mr W« e ...troduMd « »>. I tor the « ®.s-
Nelraki.U, the Union Ordered
•o lie wi "in the table for .be pre-" 1 fr i
;. ..uimiilet* lor !i.e session *"« ■nuounc. u.
In# i«e..aie udop.ud the hst >t •"‘"••"‘J?
• c .mRb ttccs »grccd iijhiu by the E P u
Senators in caucus 10-day. Sumner mi.a.u*
ChHirmau of Fori igli Afar- ; \\ .Um, ot
Miliary N *vai Aua\* >
Wade, on Territories. Ti.« three ‘* ‘
the President —l),H»litlle, Dixon, n*
| -have been depr.ved of tie
10l the ( rcApfCll'O)
i Afkiirs, Post Offices, =*"> r
. .1...1 to trim . ot lhe
Hires are, now Itcaaeu *c
.cirtiX, s ration. ,
\» w *r rJa in ■ 111 on jMtrnct
Mi VS dimms otKr. “ ,
... »:. i.rc. niix in t, in
,mg ib* Loiiuinti. v #*■ 11 .
| c . .., . I I Jell' tiail tl •'
. (pure to what extent o
U. I'IDJb m ui*i • r
imht to res'orc •■•'•‘is a. ii
r . 1 ' | | S h'( ff 11 Mifl i
I . lit lavs h t)\ tLc \ 1 . ,
i . rx't til i 1 < ai» b-j tXec tell,
i % xi>t, lu bu* cx ‘ i 111
A 'm‘| U VVUTii'. ul'. m.vel the reference of the
! t.d’l io repeal lie Pr sidc.Tit’s power
, .• ..ab-ot-e mi ilm Judiciary, ll.i*
IU T : *•« ,kbi *- at th. cud Jt wide!.
g» vc i y%,i» retcrre-l.
i lb Klr. Sn.tuner nil red tho resolutions on
,tW* ,ru ttoh, ol wMdi he gave uc-ricc on
1 ,*«rday. T hey u.sxett the right of ('.ui
f press uvcr tho tul.j-, : .</ rt-c iisiiuction. aud
rieny the right nt the laity
Males to puss upon amend
monts. Bead and or.Prci to be printed.
PllU.Al-I.I.I’IJiA, I). ,- 4 —Coloia 'o Je v
cl t ,* out in a memorial lo Congress, r pre
serting as lohow,; T | ut the Cons itinmn
r. .j'l.i"', e*. cl. t'late to appoint elifors;
l s" ,( *' Ctl * » »»•* w-re duly eh.l l. and. j
lilt at the election ol i, .. u l„ ail ,j Johnson
i.eun ot tile Stales Uid not appo ulehctors, I
there ore Llileolu at.d 1! u.lin oouslilutioua j
| al.y hold over until U.g |. lS # r ,Ud Slates
i m.pomt electors. Abrat.aia Lincoln,
icMUiut, ("iur as nxHbtu, „r I'ios ent j
j iim‘ftrc tli?il,'|’ ir allo.i ts Coi.giuss vvi.lion’. ‘
Southern e.eciora! vo’cs, it was .piite uuuec-
| Cssary to (jtieslior. his possion. At his I
! death, hoaevtr, ib« ipio.-ii ,n should have 1 who is unlistim.ioually 1 ’re.-idetit, j
llaunibal llauihn or Anditvv Jwimsoii— 1
liumnn under the hold over light oi lJuco.n,
or Johnson .Inough tho eleetm.-.l v .tes of
‘States me .mpietc. I then fore, re-peeit ul-v i
play, ihat Congress will declare i! 1
the Consulutlvll 1 President el 110 j
'■ jtud Btaies, aud oulv autho:;2u tu
with Congress.
" |,u ‘- s ’— T! =e H • >«> Ii 1 -">» **’ 1 B
' (, ;l s takee up. 'l iiimhull uiovV 1 ! to n. rit
Ito the Judi.-iaiy Commitiee, vhtcSa/ u l.vy»- 1
I dh r earnestly e ppo-e 1, und cad.- l tor .yes
| ai.d uoe» on motion, rjonie discuss on ensued,
j • luiin" wl.icU Chaiidl -r made assertions a
charges rerpectihg me oft! paidon. .u
power. v»l.ic.. cubed empntoie denui
mini Di.xotl, vv t.i* said that it !li# r : -lit
I which Citand.ei had l .>!« agsiuM Fa*
: Prc'idcui were tin, ,‘t " "“4 n l, ir ~!" 1
1 liable to imp.-uthmo it. lie rcf.e al< dad. -
: h iat of any -t ’he chttr. *nr ] r .• ac • | -■ »
I ~f. Al’.r tome fur: i l. iii ..; , the Li.l
j Wes i .i#i red . o thuja i unary C-iwm.fJo.
I st..inner .it led a.- i tes oi' mo u mas u
j flaring lhe prllieijiles of I eCol.S*. oe "*t>. '•
'dl.ia it ' ongl’. * il'.l lh‘- VV aiCs l
"Tt/S • Jfjutfi’ ‘o» , (-ii-nv : t .r:.»o
» . , * >m* ,■*»*;*•
d»' i ii- cn.hiHHt.H irar;*i *\l,'
• ~ .'-.ii »*f
|al t'’prcscii at. ui, and frot.i vtiling on' e •
IstiiutoiiHi un.einoiients. Tl.ey a* > . .... I
hat it t. the duly ) Congr, ss lu pro. e. and ■
jivttiil e 'ork ot i tistr ctiun, audio this i
end it must Hsume J.’ over ihej
j States .ate y mrebcdiou, eXCej t so far as that i
j jurisdiction may have L eu renounced, end |
| must r. coguixe unlythejoyi;! M.. tes . s el.-i
: titled Cos ia presentati(n, and to vide on Con—l
. slltullol'.al ameudlliviiC Ipe said that he!
1 vvmil 1 „nt discuss the r*u,u,tons, but w.'ut.i
j read a le;te-r from u fiiind in Tex as, .-in w
J »'R ‘he imp. rtaiiee of tt« malt, r, which he
dtd, hi.d after eom .udtnp, ina :e S' im eliar-i
j it**i ci .site remarks. T m resoiti i..ns weie .
i or.:cr<;d to be pr nt.-e.
-4 "I rJI gaveilottee* '. e;, Vfotiduv next,
jhe W.-.i! and(• ,ii up I 110 fi j . I Co*.'mi! la
U. gto l id.
Ec Ii .-; : s d'.i I.i’l p v. n_- that
jin ail in , s y.ho c a eii.z.a ct he—i |
1 ' ' ’ ' J.' r tin.ii" 1 ■ xai it. i, o,
‘'.'l and i mu v nun s'i v g:v.. , \ aid or ell -
v- nr.igi oi any j-> nmn enga-.-' and m
ivl'eillon, shall 1i: g *m action to recover
'ae t, B s l„r ii.jmy to | er.u ior plop, r.y,
or ttie iii.ii.' llieitot, no suvli ae. ion shad no
delcat'd or any delense uilowe>| l,y virtue
o' autlioi ity ol the bite - .-called (J.i.ifech r- I
ate Males ot A menu, or ot any Slate .lv
je m cil in relic*.!.on t.y pr..el onaiiou of the
1 icsi.lelilol the I lit t-d Mates,
H idiains r> a ; Ic-ila w n:ten arguntcnjiS
Oil ill In IVauaiting app illtUieills to, and
.■■•uii v.i.s r..m • fitce.. lie was veiy scveie
upon the I resilient, who, tie said, h i! be- j
•t.aj.d hi- par y m l . imiry. Several I
i itii.Cuilnieiils wo: o t.lfei.d to the-, wmdJ
IIS n. ~;e tbo spevt .1 older , io-tn raw A
Ult o priced tile l gii's if I j ' cir.ZelS
w»s ;- so I I' provides that ' iicr„ a ctti
• li, wb ) has u:\v ,y- b-’eii loyal, shall bring
' acti -ts to recover ibihrues, Tt shall not be
Id. listed; liny lielm-c albc-vl, lv virtue
• ti e u_lit.lior; y cl it.e isle t niecleralci
States. '
'I l.e caucus of lb publican members of tl e
House, 101 l :.l the Capitol t. evening,
was uau-u tty large, nearly one bundled
members tun g pre.--.iit l: e lobowing
im a-urts report-. .! Item the ot ctmrrttTlTce
; VVere agi ec i upon':
J-'t. lo pa.-- a I 1 r. ; bati. g the ofgani- j
z alien o! ti.e House, doe. .'-g tlie t'l. i k to'
p'aee l o uaiuaoti the t oil fr. in States not j
rep r>.sen led in i lie pitcecilmg l.amgiess, or
deciaied etmtled to representation, and j no elector and vote- shall bo j
counted from any State not represented. ut ;
the time in ( ong.ess.
ffd. Jo pass a tm! remedying the defect
in the law winch may prevent anv Stile
canvassing the votes fur electors ot Presi
dent am! Vice I’lcsid-nt.
•‘hi ’io pass a law clia.-tgifig the lime of
tin inciting ot Congress, with a view to
us-emtilu g on the 4iu o! March.
4th. To rui.-e a special Veuiiuittoe for the
rigid investigation u; the ’ f*r cans riot;
tne number of liws lw-t, too ptOpertv
burned, ami xtei-t . ruttiuiit offi
cials tuft red, tt-re i’ '■l:4 •; there «i. Lie
com atltee to have pti" i : io send for persons
and papers, and jo ia - vocoii.pan'c'» by the
Sergeant at- A tins! and to r.|«>rt i-
llr |el»|Al»li' n- . , ;
5 ,n TANARUS« «r ler » #«•»##» comm, beto - '
v.siu.t* rii« pr.e u*4#r ' J,e “**
Por , o !#.'ti' ui of dire?* «•*" •"
a.„l IW# M .sure and vale of ah.ndom and lauds,
confiscate., lands, and mber property.
I (ill.. To appoint a . oii.iiu tee p- u-‘ o ®’*
’to f.iuiie whether any pensioner* m the
a ,,'( ‘ i .Stale* * ru< U from tho pen*.ou*
r.i U. have been lest .red in viuh tou of th
' 7.1,. A special eomniL'ec to invvst'iga'e
the fret connected with ti c release «•» the
murlncr* < f Union soldier.* in S . ith Caro
-1 I,a, lecen’ y «et at liberty by the De awaie
Judge. . , , .
A te-.’ut'on passed unauim t isly that *•
1,,, ii,’,e't .! the ,-aliens bind tbeuiselv-’* lo
- ,:: pr-'j in.iiions as party ni '.vurex
A 1,1 in, -aid he noticed prajf* * !
.mulirm i, wl. . h.! d.awn up th# *
of the I’i.ila tclpi.i'i CoiiVpnli. r..
if !,, w - . m u:b,r if the I'.ion j
it he B and civ right th, re. Ul airf* ‘, ’J
r i. f \ CMIi ut', r, i e 1 SIUCA [L ‘ ' J,
r . . . burn the
•• \\ hi • Ih • la "p tin ts out
ivm -t-. .m r may teturn. , |C did
"- ° - U, ; ,g Cony ■
I« r *V;*S» | «■-* *1 ,rd in any sidrit ot
"» rep „and I e ;.t 1. that he entertd
I " ! ; e 1 : iiUn s ng.hen that party,
| the ( onvent. ui to. )ro , oli . crv , rivC th.M
thinking ,t w.-uMIr , ib 1( , un ,l U lik.-ly to
j What .t was, fcu iU l - |ii , |n parly ,
V" 1,1 pfad ever since done his
ahaii loiied it, a w . ,-
, , - » and S lop «rt the l ..on
ti at to mama , , . i e..
’ r v 11 s,; ® ’' rll appoved ot tl.e
* ' hi '.: 1 h.-ro'.l is evening,
ui.-a si. re* , , . ,
Se \ / 111 ' ‘ l '‘a f 'll" geut em in t>3 al
j/> rein tin nt the Caucus, nr not, a'
his ./io", al ‘ juJ-’v for himself whether
I • .g,H a mem he i' o. the Union partv or not.
I ' Lawnnoe, of (Ini'., asked U.yuimd
! whether | ie adhered io the doctrine of th-
Philadelphia adJr.Ss, parlic«‘a.!y to ‘J"
I c | jU st’ i» *t r*4.d States oouM not , jl ‘ v Lie
i c oiue‘tU!io°al aiH-nniiient nl ' liour dishonor.
‘ v? j*sloii'-I was under u>d to deny that tner.*
; was *ny >u.-li a clause in it. He a Ihered to
I that a dress according: to his own construes
j ioa wf it, hut not ao u; and ng to the construes
| .ion si.m.‘times pul on it by others. Stevens
j eeuhl nut .v.# Low It ytuund could pr.-ietid
j. onneetion with the Union panv afier muns
hership with th# I'hiiadelphia U'onv ntion.
ami In* authorship of the address put forth
b» that Indy. Da. ling ami Hale of New
York, and Ga> field, of (th o, favored Bit
mnrid remaining in the Caucus, and Morns,
o! Ohio, and Cook oi Illinois, agiimt it
Bay moml made further explanations w ith
regard to the I’i.i'ade |hi i midr,
the (.aueus tid,Uite f Seuti'dU .» resolution by
sixty-vis agmst twen v-five.
N t.'.v York. Dee 5. Cott mi iz dull, o«v
itig io a decline in gold. T'., t • were .-a e
.Vjdrtu Is at »:j! rents. Orleans, dill.
Money , CifdiiT. Gold ,d"»-'d i’. s f, ( J* J.
The tot.,' va!tii\ .fprneltv :tss< >••>• ! in
1 New O.diai'S las! v ar was B'-'S. i' S s hii .i,
| ! f tl * year it iw Vl _‘i AT4.TGT.
ir f,,i„i the laU-st Bocounrs that
I they b. cu eleven Ultnlhs WlihoU, rain
I ui sriow I’, i; >
i ....
A; r..i .. n j rogress i,. Yentx i 'a.
n-s. cn \ ieti i. ami -uie went to Wo!
itipteii, D.ceuin r Ist, where she took
■ -■.I, fIII ! Mi tile W’ I.y ot ultv , il,tlj,
mv- Ol rrtn.'o Alb£f,. f u , mt . lis
I row :« I It.-i ji .ij ew, re pr,*,-c t', vrn., . s .
11 , In! i vie ill ii -1 as llc welcome to the een.
J‘. l'uhin't has be,-ii elee'ed to fi| t o
| *ae iiit pi oi, s uisi.'p of Di'i.ioti l ami 1*,,.
Incju'gy and S.n-Ted Bhctorie in (lie
| I'-v'”!"-' >'*t Seminary of Columbia, South
Cu. olilia.
A- clerk ill :t njcrean i'e establishn:em
v rites to a ifien l at home : " I have a nn ,
tune if it now-., lays—very little wo.k io
.in fifn don't udvciti.-c.
i . fj, '{fin, on Weducfi y evening-, I'eeu
!>• r i>;li. I,y the lb v. \V. A. B g. rs, M
J 'bn U \ tignsta. Georgia, ami
M-S-Jennie, D ,ugh or of the hre 8. C.
M ti he 1 of this city.
\i;AI)\KRI I N L M K S T s
TJKS. E. >l. ISEM.AMY info-ms the
a* I | »‘it> H' • il-il .-l|r* |- |»! »| 'it !>. 1 t< * fireiYf
Mi l Will t!iallk!lli to tll« cillZt'l,B
(iiitli tor any ei.ticavors put forth in nvr he
li * 1 .Witt
Itiunta. (koorgia.
<>!-M-:H ViiRK.
Puhlishor? uiA I) -..: :> in till the Stainlai\l Works
oil i'l eeunisoaryi
I tiplomns. Chirtcrs ftjnl p.hink
XJ Kniiits nwi! in tv ry department ol t«:e
< n or pntiled to oid* r ; l’nntihg,
JSt<?rekS\ and I»o-»k-1 of every de>er ip
tit n executed i the I » st >tyle. ui notice, on
the most reasonable testr h Vartien'.nr attei.ticn
paid to ji ir ti'tj Hv-1 »s\vs and Urn <1 l-e-<l'_e
Ti ;!is.Te‘n-u>. On l and and inanji aetufed t*.»
• i ! f, .1 w. Sword-*, Working Too '.
idi'iot IS* xe>. an t ail kiixls of Furniture for
!.♦<!_• • t I • i I'i'UriciU, Command* ric-*, atnl
a l A., and A.*, kite, Hlid other
Tl\ ie Tib ieti-*.
'I his Maso.i'e I’ ;hli-hin<r and Manufacturing
Company have a cash cap.lal of s '..»«» (mm>.
Ori*«-e in .\. icm— liuthiing. eoriiei* of Marietta
ami W hi tt hail streets
CII WO! Fit it 15ARROW,
uecT-o:ii K- \ I><*.\ No. l>, I’ostodiee, Athi ta.
8 T 0 LEX.
ON night of Dec. 2d. from llic
sut.-ei Riel. at Mi s Wise's place, nine
i: ? miles lust o' Gliffili, n eUy b«nk
Ni \ i.r., w l.ite mare and tail, short foie top, and
seven years old. A fu-nen'io’e sontcwlmt on tbv
p.iNvy order. i’J.'i will be given tor tile thitl and
iiiai .-, eil her at Mi s. \S ise s or' at (»r tt! 11
dee4 3t A-L. McKNKELT.
TYI ADETO OHI>i:3S. 1- Iter ami cheap
lf.L vi tdiuu cin J e bought of Norlhera mauu
fact nrei s
('’til aid fv« nine f.u* yourselves. I keep nil
k i and d«ni't inter.d to he outdone by the
< * oil i- ' mere auta, though 1 intend,
'.o M.i c »:;•;.!! p:
8. S. '» AY LOU. /gt.,
ro\2v* l»n at “Ladies v u>io.*’
“WHOA JAM'.lltvr 1 j
DAY CA.S'lT.hUhs
' inti
Forming a model and morul Exhibition wholly
Ki.ieli » in r al Armor,
Ltulics in Legal Robe?,
Qut ci.', Uai i iagr- of State !
'Xhu* itDiiiaiod /. ’uaves !
i h»» * ’onkl I»Jlld,
a u D't ;
ji ri.; 1 \ Bvt u aiful ad,tiii:cd, itut th*-
>o\i:ij lEATUii;
\viil bo
T„l..n fi oni its eago by h’ i trepnl II hit it
h, waked over u pimforii. and ptweed
upon a eu,’. and carried n tr.uniph.
The GUhpKN CAR yil- . ('ltrill I S, contains
Likiiart's Silver Cornet La.iJ,
A street Parade ! Gorgeous t. an exi: ci, • 1 “
nuvtukabiy itnii. at ve , t !i,e s'.'-*‘!i 1 ““d ie "
luurcei ul I»aii U:'"’ *
brieaD fcliow!
Wi I.L LXiilfiii !>. oUlll'iN, SATURDAY.
*ri»« atm,nn .Minr the i-<
M 1,..,, put I. tl.e S, "i a . ,1 s oil he ni .oil,
of 1 >:»ti Ca-ieib''* (;>•»«. snow is ph-nscf to |,.-
enuUe,! to |.f si'iit all in ray ol arti-Uc names,
■‘on,prising lilt* very In-sl Tais-ut in .he world.
GlUer !ii,i,.lS. (irenter I oilrrll iennes. 10l io j
Gymnasts, mo,.' I'aii: i* Aci"L,'«. l iner j
)'! led Hoisps, s,e. lll.'l Pollies.
Kitn:d'-f .Vied,*- i.n.i. uri^
DAN CA.<t;:LU),
Wjil ijipcnr at p»i b <•».*! »*;..! ifitr*.
• 1 icf lhe «#!»ly llu»r« Uauud I «r»e ,n ll.«
ci 4 : y *T,'s-C'- /
HV' 7f7 n
l_v y.
the 'ii c:i«-slsin Steel 1! «
**! *• nt ur«? with |!m‘ 11.wimsj im* mid g !m .
c vied lii«* -.Miimal with •' u!, ’ tl.e ag*»n o'
lirautv, Oocility, ai.d im*. 1 j • ■(.(*.
Will ci»*cr the <l**n f.f t!\o fer cions wild bonst?.
Mill jr( v.* mm i tfiiuMtcni tlmt. t.r iiMi*«pidii\
1 -i i ,rt> g v... Mti BussH Oi,. trimuiih achieved bv
tlu i late I. A. Van Amo**.*#!,
J Im< cint»o«l merit <*t avc nixl >t\lc, wi*h his
Two FrcUy anil siCbul Hoys.
K'M.d- r a pleasing .-erica of living piclur* s
whicfi, 'or ca-c t ,\ctdlcneo ami el.s*anee,
never , 0 been wit. * in America. This
yminir S' l »itiern* r and hi** two 1 i!t* hildrcn con
s ituicd th** {• • n«1 111 yy at t met ions . .he principni
'l\'**atres. Mi]'p«t<ln»iiies of the Old
Wh.rld. lrtPers praise them! .JouruulUts en
*l rs th in l I‘vfple jiroriounce them great !
A, </- V V Vv
.Mr. Charles Parker,
The < rent kmerica. Humorist,
Will appear a? each performance, and introduiV
his Cpn.i : jkmey
AU« ii various acts in conjunction with oil
great artists.
are specialties in the Grsat Show, and sve g
in a Fty !e onatt< mpted h, contempoia»’. < .c
Htlting tlm ••veution ..f .' ri r.vuvi- -.
Cast el Io will Ii Mr.-a II v tly over ..herd of hot
Mr. 1-,. 'IiiLUJU iY. the l.iglilning Le«per.
XI.-sr- lUnno.n mid i'owkks, the it.nng 0
tbe,lie A ti-W
Mr. T. W .u-nv, who bids nir to win thi
of i-hnii.pioi; d.1.-r oft ,e world.
Mr. , ..ui'iMLit, the W ild IJoisemvu at
Xir. HsMir .IlnmmiS.Scenic Equestrian. .'
Mr. J Sabnubus, l.e£j>tag and Vaulting K
Xlr. W Lehman. A . cry expert Soniei-jauj
Mr. Thomas bi fcut-s, u quaint aud gooi
fioldom and Cl.'Wir.
Mr lloas.-K l‘., tlie most afflif
Jfu.jf mnstyr*.ni-d 0t!..,-* of versatile Hljs
that must in time v ia ;;
6 vedt
(IIOIiUH m- s b|-j U)I N - r)
sjuri'/x - wo/ic.u
--2£.~T7 ’t hate of'«'l tn th« abovehni'X
EV*'"'<r.(’.«iy o , ’» l i le '*■« Brick
house.) and »elt eelecu.t.n
FamiT Groceries!
Cl:OCKl>‘. and WOOIikN WaRP
RAGCIXO ai,.l pa,,
osNAisi:no ar ’d factory A'Auy ‘ OPE >
flour, corn, Bacon,
We Lav# 0 « fi“* etoek of
(for fri:e»mf.x.)
'Die air siock we ar« determined t« A o
|.(.\V „,vh'"lv. «'"l all we i.-k, to suisfy » u ,
friend# -W lUt'u t • Cow* *.\» »cv is. 1
will h" (be house, ready to wa, on hi, f,-i ends
at all"’’**'
Gl*‘* one call, and we will be re?p«owbU
for t>' t S U
B:+ 5 C. KINO CO.
to oru
>lc3L Customers,
A|*l! ntw oues who wkl fivvoi os »#h »
call :
ilk TO 0111 imitkfl ! 1
j dare now opening an assorliner,t #f
! l’,ll
IH.Kty ?‘4\U*LE
iott'.ill'r of y. 4 l.ii.a, lbn'B, sitae*, Wood
r.i. iTv i l.»w N\ : C b‘!<‘ and UuuiMqq
i ui-rs (t-sn.J Ji kind*. ,it-.
. . iU h ui, Kimtasurer*. »ni
in. i eiry tiling thai a
man lady vishea
r’.-jr T'.ini/y TTs© J
G A a. C. « LNN'INguAM.
net. I
I sly;:! B'li Nm-l < »m. r.p and psy tkefe
VI l’" ml-, m i'" " 'hi* ,! *lr a»k for n» noi fi
•< i- mi| - - A*” '••«» niad., 5,.,.J
> on.' in'iuo * no ' ' - u, t l.e -old us low us
it nnv iiilei I 'l to in ‘be lonnlt v.
, . ■" ' N- V WRY
* il«*nxt.f «*l*b * NI* JUIOAD -iIU-Kf*,
WholeiaU retail Da.i. i*' in
/ ji *ot$ 9
t ia4
W (■] F KECEI VfNO and opr-ning 17
c»se« fT-S*-tMHI Sill »KS of every s'.v 1
and diplinn, which we propose sell" *
us «-)ie* s £*•» be purchased in any Sout
ern n“B
Write a!! persons w ho expect to wear
S!ioe < ”*D ami examine our stock befora
vmre': g elsewhere.
(/ettinr lhirtnet has bad many years
e .|,me in the t-lioe business, and i* well
,jte.l with the manufacturers at th*
no »bieii gives tliem superior aiivao
, , ( n getting up their slock- ErerT *r»
,7i our line will b* said at a sirhU *4*
~ on cost.
e shat! lioriftive ourselves strictly to th*
system! No one can sell good* »*• *
;it at the extteme'y low price* we *t*
lepletiisli their stock are re r 't
eil to give us a call.
PiT repairing done at snoit
r thirl lnfitulnient of the teafou of th*
Splendid Cloak ( lollim mid Trim
Cheaper than ever, ami a large variety of ftt’OL*
*immvi\c;B and J'rkss Trimminos. §#
scaled in iliis market ** a^ortmeiii
r»in<di CH'led lor. aud any quautity of FANCY
ARTICLE S, at the
I dov29 to. TAYLOR, A (ft.