The morning call. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-1899, January 01, 1898, Image 2

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I I ■ !■■■ II 11 ! ■■ '■■■■■■■■ Morning Call. GRIFFIN, GA., JAN. 1, 1898. iwm I iii* ii i OfHeeovor IHvis’ hardware 8 lore TELEPHONE NO. 18. L!"=S= 3 > A 8. B. BAWTILL, Sditora and Proprietor! Taa Muhnimg Call will bj» published w “"“ p" »“j .R^ ,nna The above paperflffirt to any address, P “ cSttad the Middws Uaoaou Fakm«b will ever be thetest advertising medio®* for <bte entire section of the HtatA : Advertising riitae furnish*! on applica lon f , Official Paper of the Ordinary mat Spalding county and the City nt Griffin. ■ r "in ii*ii ■*»■" '■** •'***' " Look back over the mistakes of the past yesr, unit resolve not to ma k® them thii year. ■ ..KL’H.ll.. JU... '-M According to Webster's Inrernation el Dictionary and the Standard Die* tiooery yon must, aean educated mao, any, “ether and no lher” and not ‘•i-lhi r and ni lher.” i a i—c~- February 28 h, 1898, will bo the third anuiteraary of the inauguration of the present war in Cuba The lame general conditions that existed three year* ago exist there today, intensified. . ■-sasses There are 694 package!, molt of them Christines presents, held lor full, payment of postage at the Atlanta poatoffioe. Many who are abort on presents nuy now be able to account for U ' ' B.<y» the Augueta Chronicle: “A Baltimore man has b«en indicted for kicking a mule in the etomach. It is claimed by criminal lawyer! that be is the first man who ever got the better of a mule in a kicking match.” 1 ■ i . -...' ■ Sira. O’Leary’s famous cow now hae a companion in the annala ol Chicago biatory. The burning of the Coliseum gthe other day wee caused by a dog. A lamp exploded, ar.d the dog, covered with biasing oil, ran around the booths and spread the fire The dog escaped with bia life, however, and la now the chief attraction in a dime museum. These museum- people never gel lost in the abufile. Dr. Nansen does not believe that the plan of the United States to import reindeer from Lapland to be used in sending relief expeditions to the suf ferers in the Klondike is practical, for the reason that the deer cannot be transported from Norway to Alaska. The only food they will eat is the mosses which they gather underneath the snow and ice, and in the absence of Ibis food Dr. Nansen says they would starve during the period of transportation. ■ SSSHSSBSH ! The latest pennyin the slot machine interests the cyclists. It is a machine which, it is claimed, will pump up tires. This automatic tricycle is claimed, will fill a bicycle tire to the required degree of hardness by the simple pulling of a lever by the rider, alter connecting the hose to his tire and dropping a penny in the slot. The pump is always ready to work, and when placed In front of road houses and inns along the boulevards and bi cycle paths in the neighborhood of * large cities, the inventor thinks, will save bicycle riders an immense amount of inconvenience and discom fort. < Dv»‘t Tobacco Spit asd Smoko Your lift Anayr To cult tobacco easily and forever, be mas oetlo. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To- Dao, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, «*> or |l. Curoguaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Starling Remedy Co. Chicago or New York. A Fine Cane Patturs. .1 am prepared to pasture your dry cbws through the winter; also have several milk cows for sale or to trade for dry ones. For terms apply to A. 8. Blaks. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Z The firm of Brewer A Hanleiter is this day dissolved by mutual consent. W. H. Brewer assumes all debts due by Brewer A Hanleiter and all debts due to Brewer A Hanleiter to be paid to W. H.Bre wor. W. H. BREWER. 8 W. R. HANLEITER. Griffin, Ga., Dec. 17,1897. I will continue the wholesale grocery business on my own account. Thanking all for their liberal Patronage to the firm of Brewer A Hanleiter, I hope to merit and continue to receive the same patron, age for myself. My ambition is to make Griffin a regular Jobbing dty where the surrounding country can get their supplies as cheap as any market in the state or j Isewherc. W. H. BREWER. L "" ? Safi's! ' 1 (■CgHE-A. fL JfIHHHk bnjoym Both the method and results when ; Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not acceptany substitute. CALIFORNIA FIB SYRUP CO. MU FMUQI9CO, CAL umkum. n. asw mu. Mi Annual Licensn Orfli nance for 1898. Be It enacted by the Mayor and Council of the City of Griffin, Ga., and it is hereby ordained by authority of the same: That on the flrat day of January, 1898, ail persona, firms, corporations doing bus iness of any description in the city of Griffin shall register their name and kind of business engaged in with the Clerk and Treasurer; at the same time, if in the mer cantile business, subscribing to the follow, ing oath: Ido solemnly swear that the average stock of goods kept by me (or my firm) does not exceed SI.OOO or $2,600 or other amounts as the case may be. And each person, flrm or corporation shall procure from the Clerk and Treasu rer a license, for which he, she or they shall pay as hereinafter specified J 1 Section 1. Any person, firm or corpora tion carrying on a mercantile business either in groceries, dry goods, boots and shoes, hats, millinery, notions, hardware, saddles, tinware, harness, or other goods, does not exceed SI,OOO shall pay a license of $lO per annum. Sec. 2. Any person, firm or corporation whose stock exceeds SI,OOO and does not exceed $2,600 shall pay a license of S2O per annum. Sec. 8. Any person, firm or corporation whose stock exceeds $2,600 and does not exceed $5,000 shall pay a license of SBO per annum. Sec. 4 Any person, firm or corporation whose stock exceeds $5,000 and does not exceed SIO,OOO shall pay a license of SSO per annum. Sec. 6. Any person, firm or corporation whose stock exceeds SIO,OOO and does not exceed $20,000 shall pay a license of $75 per annum- Sec. 6. Any person, firm or corporation whose stock exceeds $20,000 and does not exceed $30,000 shall pay a license of SIOO per annum. Sec. 7. Any person, firm or corporation whose stock exceeds $30,000 shall pay a license of $125 per annum. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted that the pro prietor of each and every bakery shall pay a license of $5. Above license to be paid advance and not be issued for less than one year. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted that the proprietor of each and every fcoal and wood yard, or coal alone, shall pay a license of $25 (and parties storing wood in any yard or warehouse in the city shall be subject to Ahis license). Sec. 10. Be it further enacted that the proprietor or proprietors of each and every wood yard and wood alone shall pay a li cense of $12.60 per annum. Sec. 11. Be it farther enacted that the proprietor of each and every lumber yard including building material, shall pay a license of $25. Sec. 12. Be it farther enacted that the proprietor of each and every laundry shall pay* a license of $lO. Sec 18. Be it further enacted that each ’and every agent for laundries outside of the city shall pay a license of $lO. Sec. 14. Be It farther enacted that all dealers in bicycles or parts of bicycles shall pay a license of $10; and be it further or dained that the sum of S2O be imposed on all itinerant dealers in bicycles or parts of bicycles, whether they sell by sample, photograph or otherwise. Sec. 15. Be it further enacted that each and every dealer in picture frames, except where same is carried in stock as merchan dise, shall pay a license of $lO. Sec. 16. Be it further enacted that each and every cotton compress shall pay a li cense of $lO. Sec. 17. Be it farther enacted that each and every coffin factory shall pay a license of $26. Sec. 18. Be it farther enacted that each aud every chair factory shall pay a license of $25. Sec. 19. Be it farther enacted that each and every broom factory shall pay a license of $5. Sec. 20. Be it farther enacted that each and every oil mill shall pay a license of S4O. Be it further ordained that the sum of $lO be imposed on each and every agent or street buyer of cotton seed for out of town mills for which seed is bought other than the Griffin Oil Mills, which pays its special tax as such. Sec. 21. Be it farther enacted that each and every guano factory ehall pay a li cense of S4O. Sec. 22. Be it further.enacted that each and every photograph ffitllery shall pay • license of 110. Sec 28 Be it farther enacted that each 1 and every agency of a photograph gallery and every Itinerant photographer and so licitor for enlarging picture* shall pay a j Sec. 24. Be it furtheTenacted thatweh and eveg ice factory or wlers in ice shall Sec. 25.’ Be it farther enacted that each j and every manufacturer of buggies and wagons shall pay a license oi $25. j Sec 26 Be it farther enacted that each i and every barber shop shall pay a license , of $lO. i Sec. 27. Be it further enacted that each i and every gunsmith doing business in the city shall pay a license of $5. Sec, 28. Be U farther enacted that each and every dealer In buggies and wagons shall pay a license of S2O. Sen. 20. Beit farther enacted that the proprietor of each and every restaurant shan pay a licente of S2O. Sec. 80. Be It farther enacted that the proprietor of each and every hotel shall pay a license of S2O. Sec. 8L Be it.fartber enacted that a li cense of $lO be and is hereby imposed on each and every pool and billiard table run in the city, provided that all billiard and pool rooms are required to close at 12 p. ( m., and that all screens be removed. Sec. 82. Be it farther enacted that a li cense be and is hereby " imposed on each and every ten pin alley, any number of pins. Sec- 88. Be it farther enacted that each and every huckster shall pay a license of S2O. Sec. 84, Be it further enacted that a li cense of $26 be and is hereby imposed on each and every butcher, or persons offer ing fresh meats in the city of Griffin, and that no pemon shall keep but one shop or run but one wagon under thesame license providing that this section does not apply to persons who may butcher or offer tor sale fresh meat oi their own production. Provided that no non-resident person or persons shall be permitted to offer fresh meats of any description whether of their own production or otherwise before 9 a. m. This license to be paid in fall annual ly in advance. Sec. 85. Be it farther enacted that the proprietors or lessees oi each and every warehouse in the city shall pay a lieense of $25. Sec. 86. Be it further enacted that each and every auctioneer shall pay a license of $25. See. 87. Be it further enacted that each and every guano dealer selling to con sumers snail pay a license of $25. Sec. 88. Be it farther enacted that each and every real estate dealer shall pay a license of $25, Sec. 89. Be it farther enacted that each and every insurance company, life, fire or accident, shall pay a license of $lO. Sec. 40. Be it further enacted that each and every local insurance agent shall pay a'license oi Sec. 41. Be it farther enacted that each and every bank shall pay a license of $75. Sec. 42. Beit farther enacted that and every commission merchant or duce broker shall pay a license of SSO, * Sec. 43. Be it further enacted that eaxG and every owner of a one-horse dray, ruoff ning in the city, shall pay a license of S2O. Sec. 44. Be it further enacted that each and every owner of a two-horse dray, run ning in the city, shall pay a license of S4O. Sec. 46. Be it further enacted that each and every expreas company operating in the city shall pay a license of $lO. Sec. 46. Be it further enacted that each and every livery stable operating in the city shall pay a license of S4O. Sec. 47. Be it further enacted that all sale stables and dealers in live stock shall pay a license of $25. Sec. 48. Be it farther ordained that all itinerant traders and dealers in live stock shall pay a license of $25. Sec. 49. Be it further ordained that all operators of marble yards shall pay a li cense of $lO. Sec. 50. Be it further enacted that all itinerant dealers in marble, either by sam ple, photograph or otherwise, making sales to consumers, shall pay a license of $25. Sec. 51. Be it further enacted that each and every dealer in sewing machines or sewing machine agent (unless catried in stock and before licensed) shall pay a li cense of $25. Sec. 52. Be it farther enacted that each and every telegraph company operating in the city shall pay a license of $lO. Sec. 58. Be it farther enacted that each and every telephone company operating in the city shall pay a license of $lO. Sec. 54. Be it farther enacted that each and every owner or operator of one-horse hacks shall pay a license of sls. Sec. 55. Be it farther enacted that each and every owner or operator of two-horse hacks shall pay a license of SBO. Sec, 56. Be it farther enacted that each and every watchmaker or jeweler, without stock, shall pay a license of $5. Sec. 67. Be it farther enacted that each and every proprietor or proprietors oi blacksmith shops shall pay a license of $lO per annum for blacksmith shops where re pairs are made in wood work, but this shall not allow any new work to be put up, but only repair work on old work. Sec. 68. Be it further enacted, that each and every operator or operators of soda fountain the city shall pay a license of sl6. Sec. 59. Be it farther enacted, that each and every pawn broker doing business in ■ the city shall pay a license of SSO. Sec. 60. Be it further enacted, that the proprietor or proprietors of each and every tannery operating in the city shall pay a license of $lO. \ Sec. 61, Be it farther enacted, that each and every itinerant insurance (whether lifebr fire) agent shall pay a license of $lO per day. Sec. 62. Be it further enacted, that each and every junk dealer shall pay a license of $lO. Sec. 68. Be it farther enacted, that each and every dealer in cigarettes shall pay a license of $lO. Sec. 64. Be it further enacted, that the sum of SIOO is hereby imposed on each and every cotton factory operated in the city, snd upon all cotton factories having an office and offering-goods for sale .in the sec. 65. Be it farther enacted, that the sum of $26 be imposed on each and every , person, firm or corporation commencing business in the city of Griffin. Said license shall be in full in advance. See. 66. Be It further enacted, that each and every person, corporation or firm do ing a Jobbing or wholesale trade in any wares, or merchandise shall pay an annual license 'of SSO in advance, which said amount shall be in lieu of all other license. Be it farther enacted, that any -Toffimdlogor be iiuprta ned not more than sixty days- Bee. 68. Be it farther enacted, that upon the falluratof any .person or persons to comply with any section of the foregoing ordinances or who shall viola e the same is required, it aha'l be the duty of the Clerk and Treasu i er of Council to issue an execution against su. h person or persons so violating for double the amount due for such license and cause the same to be levied on any property of such person or persons to be found in the city or else where. y* Sec. 69. Be it further enacted, that the Mayor be ana is hereby clothed with power and authority to impose such taxes as he may 'deem Just and equitable upon all local and itinerant traders, dealers and sigenta not specially mentioned in this ordinace, including all theatrical, minstrel or other companies. No license to be granted under this section for lees than $1 per day, Sec. 70. Be*it farther enacted, that any persons, firms or corporations doing busi ness of any description or character in said city, who are required to register and pay. a license therefor, who shall fail to register such business by the 10th of Janu ary, 1898, and procure license for same, shall have executions issued against them by the Clerk and Treasurer of Council, which shall be levied and collected by Chief of Police as other tax executions; notice to be given in newspaper and by personal service before Issuing execution. Sec. 71. Any person whose duty it shall be to register their business and shall fail to do so,' may be arrested and brought be fore the Judge of the Criminal court and on conviction fined a sum not exceeding SIOO and costa, or be imprisoned not ex ceeding thirty days, one, or both, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 72. Beit further enacted, that all licenses granted under the foregoing sec tions, except those otherwise provided for, of sls and under per annum, shall be pay able annually in advance; and all licenses of over sl6 shall be payable semi-annually in advance, and shaft be due and payable on the first day of January and the first day of July. Sec. 78. Be it farther enacted, that it shall be’the special .duty of the Chief of Police and Policemen to see to the enforce ment of this ordinance and report all vio lation to Clerk and Treasurer, and for a violation of this duty they shall be fined or removed from office. Sec. 74. Be it farther enacted, that all ordinances, or parts of ordinances, con flicting with these ordinances be and the same are hereby repealed. Salary Ordinance for the Year 1898. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Griffin, that the following salaries be paid the different officers of the city for the ensuing year: Mayor, S4OO per annum, payable month- ■ -Clerk and Treasurer, S3OO per annum, [payablemonthly,and fees. | Clief of Police, $45 per mon ft, payable monthly. Policeman, each S4O per month, payable monthly. City Physician, $l6O per annum, paya ble monthly. City Judge, 9800 per unram, payable mbntnly. . . J Janitor, |2O per month, payable monthly CHRISTMAS COMES BUT ONCE A YEAR, but we tare always prepared tor it with the daintiest and choicest articles as gifts for those whom you would remember. We have a handsome display of holiday gifts in bottles of perfumery, boxes of fine toi let soaps, shaving sets, cut glass atomizers, combs and brushes, lamps, etc. N. B. DREWRY « SON, 28 Hill Street. H.P.EADY&CO. IN HILL BUILDING, Buggies, Wagons and Hamess. We give good prices for your old Buggy and Harness in exchange for new ones. AU kind of repair work promptly done. •H. P. EADY TCO. J CANDY > CATHARTIC 4 CURECONSTIPATIdK- '<“ au, ”» 501 DRUGGISTS BRANCH OV THU SOVTHUKN BKLLTUI.B , PHONB AND TBLKGHAPH CO. , **’ * 1 JNO. D. EABTERLIN, Supt , W. T. GENTRY, Assistant Supt. Atlanta, Ga. < * 16 Anthony, Dr. E. R , residence, 2 rings i 40 Anthony Drug Co. 1 Bailey, D. Jr., residence. 26 Bailey, Mrs. S. M., residence. 49 Bishop, J. W., Market. i 80 Blakely, B. R., Grocer. 81 Beyd, J. D., warehouse, 2 rings. 81 Boyd, J. D., residence, 8 rings. ’ 87 Boyd Manufacturing Co. , ■ , 48 Brewer A Hanleiter, wholesale grocers I 4 Burr’s Sons, H. C., Hardware, 2 calls, i 4 Burr, H. C., res. 8 calls. 88 Carlisle A Ward, druggists. I 1 45 Central R. R. depot. 28 C&k, A 8., groceries. 89 Clak A Son, G. W., grocers. 16 Collier, T. J., residence. 66 Crocker, C A., Pomona, 2 rings. 15 Drake, R. *, grocries. 17 Drake, Mrs. R. A., residence. 82 Elder, J. J.» A Bon.* 86 Barnhart, W. C n residence. 44 Fire department 9 Grantland, Seaton, residence. 46 Georgia Experiment station. 6 Griffin, Mfg. Go. 19 Griffin Mfg Co. 14 Gri®n Banking Co. 54 Griffin Compress. 50 Griffin Saving Bank. 25 Griffin Light and Water Works. 3 Griggs, Bob, livery stable. 86 Howard, W. K., residence, i 8 Jones, Geo. 1, residence. ■ 18 Kelley A Mhomas, physicians, 2 rings. 18 Melly, Dr. J. M., residence, 8 rings. L 27 Kincaid, W. residence. . 7 Kincaid Mfg. Co. (mills.) • 21 Leach A Co., J. M., grocers. >■ 2 Mills. T. R., office, 2 rings. 1 2 Mills, T. R., residence, 8 rings. . 47 Moore, Dr. J. L., residence. . 22 Morning Call office, 2 rings, > 84 Newton A Co., W. H., coal ahd lumb’r 5 Newton Coal and Lumber Co. 29 Osborn A Wolcott, office. 20 Oxford. D. A. market and restaurant 1 22 Sawtell, J. P.,residencr, 8 rings, f 18 Sears, J. M., grocer. 3 88 Shedd, J. R-, market. 24 Southern Railroad. 18 Southern Express Company. , 28 Spalding County Farm. 12 Stewart, Dr. J. F., residence, ’ 11 Strickland, R. F. A Co. b 41 Thurman A Barrow, livery stable. 42 Western Union Telegraph Co. ' 69 Wood, Geo. W., Bunny Side, 8 rings. B MISS VVE WORTHINGTON, Manager. f - - WE ARE BUSY Selling goodsat the following prices: Best imported Macaroni 10c. Bib. can Grated Pine Apple 10c can. 81b. can fine Peaches 10c can. 81b. can Table Peaches 12}c pound. 21b. can New Crop Corn 10c can. Imperial Brand Salmon 15c can.) 4 cans Tomatoes 25c. California Dried Peaches 12jc pound. Evaporated Apricots 12Jc pound. Mixed Nuts 10c pound. Fresh Prunes 10c pound. Fresh Dates 10c pound. Fresh Currents fOc pound. Fresh Codfish Bcpound.i Tomato Catsup 10c London Layers Raisins 10c. Mince Meat 10c pound. Backet Jelly 8c pound. Fresh Can Mackerel 15: can. Shreded Cocoanut sc. Fancy Candy for cakes 26c pound. - Bakers Chocolate 45c pound. Our mafket is always crowded with the Choicest Fresh Meat. J. R. SHEDD. Everybody Buys So. Cascarets Cand v Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of tiie age, pleas ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing tire entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. t<Hiay; 10,25, SO cents. Holdaad guaranteed to cure by all druggists. irtfh A fl I sTATE .. FUE OK oU,MCorort 0 U, MCorort .■ To aßtrhom it maj oo t eera: I A.J WaUer having in proper form applied to me for permadwii Itu rs . 01 I administration on the i tstate of Miss oavo. ■ nia Walker, late of said cohhty, this « cite all and singular the creflltors and n ext g| of kin of Miss Lavonia Walker to be and 1 appear at my office In Griffin, Ga, on th« 1 first Monday in January, 1898, by io fl o’clock a. m.,and to show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration Ji should not be granted to A. J. Walker on I Mias Lavonia Walker’s estate. Witness ■ my hand and official signature this 6th ■ day of December, 1897. ■ J. A. DREWRY, Ordinary. Q TATE OF GEORGIA, O Spalding County. I To all whom it may concern: W. P Horne having, in proper form, applied to ■ me for permanent administration 1 on the eatate of C. Ik Leach,jjxte o f said county, this is to g I creditors and next or kin-oft?. D. Leach ■ to be and appear at my ofideijn Griffin’ ■ Ga., on the Ist Monday in January, 1898 1 by 10 o’clock a. m, and to show iSause, if ] any they can, why permanent administra- fl tion should not be granted to Wi P. Horne ■ on C. D. Leach’s estate. Witness my ■ hand and official signature this 6th day oi fl December, 1897. , J. A. DREWRY, Ordinary, fl RDINARY’B OFFICE, J .Spalding County, G 4. ■ To all whom it may concern: Whereas, | Henry C. Burr, Administrator of G. A. fl Cunningham, represents to the Court fa fl his petition, duly filed and-entered, on fl record, that he has sally administered G. 1 A. Cunningham’s estate: Thjf ltfthcrefore ■ to cite all persons co«c<ne<fa>indred and creditors, to show>use, if they can, ■ why said Administrator Wuld noThe I discharged from his Uminwation, and I receive letters of Monday in Japuai^^l^' R i&Y >n j in&r ll ntOOO pfeoH I dWOI A1 Primary, gaa, 3 A ©rtLilAL.l I ondar-orTe? S I .■tiary BLOOD I’OISBN permanently ® ■ ■louredin 15t035 days. YoSfifauibeffeatednt ‘ price undSStamegaaraa- 1 fflty. If you prefer tocomefifere we willeon- ■' ■ no charge, if we fall tocure. If youbaye taken mer- I SiryTfocllde potash, and still hare aches and 9 pains, Mucon! Patches tn mouth, Sore Throat, 9 nate cases and. challenge the world for * 9 case we cannot cure. This disease has always I baffled the skill of the most emtaentphy si- 9 clans. •500,000 capital behtoF&tfuncondl. 9 Uonalguaranty. Absoluteprwfewntsealedon fl J Something New! I Every housekeeper needs Spoons and* Forks for daily use. A cheap plated arti cle is poor economy When you a first class article, solid metal that will always look, bright, “ there is no . plating to wear off? at 60 cents per pack age. ■Splendid • article 'for the kitchen, picnicers, to send out meals, etc. Cheap and always look well. A. LOWER. No. 18 Hill Street! Southern Railway. Shortsst and quickest route witii dpubls daily service between Columbus and Atlanta, connecting in the Union Pa&senger station, , Atlanta, with Vcstibuletl Limited trains; also. United States Sast Mail trains to and frpiu Washington, New York and all Eastern points. Also promptly connecting for and from Chatr tanooga, LouisviUe, CinciunaijfnmLtae Noror west and through Pullman bleeps ing Cars tc Kansas City and fte Week Schedule in effect December-5,1897. standard time except at points east of Atlanta. " , No. 27 No. 89 Northbound. Datft. , Lv. Columbus 005 am “ Waverly Hall 6K am •’ Oak Mountain iIUAm 7 YJHlSg!*:::::::::: Sfii|fl ■ “ Concord MS tftffl J . “ Williamson 882 =758 pm “ Griffin 849 am BW-P® “ McDonough... *BB am Ar. Atlanta. 10 20 am 9to P™ Lv. Atlanta'... . fete tfn. fi 50 P ™ Ar. Washington ■ 044 Am 9 P lO I “ New York ||jj3 pm 628 am Lv. Atlanta..'. 280 ptn 500 a m Ar. Chattanooga 780 pm 980 am _Ar. Louisville.. t .7 27 am 780 p m , I Ar. Cincinnati 780 am 7 <ft> pm ? ... . No. 30 No. 28 Southbound. • Ually . $ Lv. Cincinnati.... ..600 P? Lv. Louisville‘745 am f S P® ■ ; “ Chattanooga 650 pm 811) ato Ar. Atlanta... ..n ... 10« pm 110 am - f - _ - . - .- ■ sA -l Lv.NewYork....l2ls am 180 pm “ Washington 1. 1115 am 1043 pm Ar. Atlanta. 510 am 855 p>» Lv Atlanta ... S»J am <4O pm ■ •• McDonough....-. 615 am l»p» Griffin. .. 651 ani :«16 P1 •• Williamson 706 art! 625 pm ' 1 “ Concord 724 am 6'41 pm •• Woodbury 7 foam 110 pm - “ Warm Springs 800 am 745 >im Ar. Columbusßßs am 9 ■ TO MACON, JT Dally. N«x ■ t- - • Lv. Columbus, Bouth’n By 605 a m 525 pm . Ar. Woodbury, South’s By. 750 am ( “ Macon, M.&8.8.8. . UOO an ! M. A AKe! ■BBS? 12 c Pally -J ; 1 Lt ~ &B - R R - ’ ? Ari Ar, Oohnnbus, South’n By 985a ml 919 p m TO BRUNSWICK. -. . ——- . ■ * Daily. >. No. 29 :< > j ’■ . ...... ■- Lv.Columbus, South’s By.. 525 p mil Ar. McDonough, " . 845 pm * Brunswick, “ . “ 7a am ■■■.•■■ ■_ Dally. No. 80 . k . j - * ’ Lv. Brunswick, South’nßy. 8 top m . ii:. Ar. McDonough, “ " 61Uam .Jp •• OolxunbUJi. M U nm . •••*•. 8 iwe©n McDonough ana Brunswick. ■„ , ».. ■ W. H. GBKKN, J. M. CUM’, ’ < r Gen. Superintendent, Traf. Manager, Washington, D. Q Washington, D- ▼. A. TUBE, 8. H. HARDWICK. Gen. Pae. Agent, A. Gen- Pas. Agent 'Washington, D. C. Atlanta, Ga. i T. K. PEABODY,Pampnger & Ticket