The morning call. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-1899, January 12, 1898, Image 4

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NEW BUCKWHEAT. - - • MAPLE 3YRUP, OEOBGIA CAME BYRUP, NEW ORLEANS SYRUP, SMALL SIZE UNCANVASSED PIG HAMS, DRESSED TURKEYS, CHICK , 1A O ENS, CRANBERRIES AND CELERY. G. W. CLARK & SOft. Wholesale and Retail Grocers. Morning Call. GRIFFIN, GA., JAN. 1% MM. oflfeeover Davis* Hardware Store TELEPHONE MO. M. NEW GOODS IN h, - " _ STERLING SILVER! RECEIVED SINCE CHRISTMAS. PRETTY USE OF CUT GLASS. PRICES STILL FURTHER REDUCED! • ■ MANGHAM; BROS. PERSONAL AND LOCAL DOTS B. N. Miller, of Birdie, »pent y<«ler • day io thie city. Mice Billie Weaver, ol Zelella, epent yeelerday io the oily. Miee Annie Nott, of Cabins, epent yeeterday in the city. Dr. J. T. Gray, of Sunny Bide, wee io (be city yeeterday. Large tot Syringes—pump, fountain and glass. J. N. Harms & Sow. Window Glass of all slaos, Hard Oil Finish, Wood Filler and Varnishes of all kinds. J. N. Harms & Sow. Thia weather io like May. Many are beginning to talk about gardening, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott, of Hol lonville, spent yesterday in the city. David Wdxelbaum returned yester day from a business trip to Carrollton. That dreaded disease, Consump ttoa, cared with Thrash’s Lung Be storer and Consumptive Cure. All druggists, 50c bottle. Bailey Fowler returned yesterday from a few days visit to friends in Atbeos. Miss Daisy Starr, of Orchard Hill, io epending a few days with relatives in this city. Mre. J. W. McCord, of Jackson, is spending the week with Mrs. J. G. Mathews, near the city. Hair Brashes, Tooth Brashes, Duster Brushes, Shoe Brashes, Combs, etc. J. N. Harms A Sow. Stable and workshop for rent. Ap ply to R. A. Drake Col. W. D. Csrharl returned yestei* day from Atlanta, where be spent a few days on legal business. Mies Tbeo Burr left yeeterday for Atlanta, where she will spend several days as the guest ol Mrs. Frank Lake. - lira. J. M. Farley returned to her home at Coggins last evening after a pleasant week's visit to Mrs. Homer Wolcott, of this city. —A good, experi enced porter at once for hotel. Address "Magnolia Ina, Baraesville, Ga.” There it tothtog better that Thrath't Lung Restorer for Coughs, Celdt, LaGripps and all Lung Tumbles- 50c bottle. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Coppcdge, of Digby, were iu the city yesterday while enroute home from Smsrrs, where they visited relatives lor a few days. Riley Lindsay and eon, North, of Cherokee Territory, left last night for their weetero home after spending a month with relatives and friends in this vicinity. Full aseortment of Patent Medicines, Chemicals and Extracts, Toilet Articles, Cooking Extracts, etc. Prescriptions care fltlly compounded. J. N. Harris A Sox. White Lead and OU, Paints in all col ors. J. N. Harms A Sow. Him Leila Grantland returned to Baltimore yesterday, where she is at tending school, after spending some limo in this city with her father, CapL Seaton Grantland. "foFment. Afi-room residence on Poplar street. The how creitniiw 5 rooms, a cook room and eerrants'room. A good weU of water and garden. Adjoins Dr. McDonald's homo. Apply to J- D BOYD. Lamps and Chimneys. lantern and LanteriGtobe, lamp Shadea, ete. J/N.HarmiASom. FfawOWaaar best brands. Plug and SmokiMTOMBo- J.N. Harms Another Writ Denied . Judge W H. Beck served the sheriff with another writ of habeas corpus yesterday, demanding him io show cause why Oscar McMahon should not be released from custody Oscar McMahon had been carried before Justice A. C. Sorrel, when it was shown that the stale was not ready for trial, and the case was set for Fri day morning al 10 o'clock and a bond aeresaed at $450. The habeas corpus cas« was heard bsfore Ordinary Drewry at a later hour, and after able arguments by counsel ou both sides the ordinary dismissed the writ and the case willriot be heard until Friday morning, unless another writ >s sworn out t FUNERAL NOTICE. * ♦ The friends and acquaintances of Mrs. Thoe. W. Stanley, of San Angelo, Tex., and Dr. Henry N. Stanley, of Atlanta, are respectfully invited to at tend the funeral of the former from the Episcopal church al 9 a. m. Hanna Elected. Hanna was elected United States senator yesterday in Ohio by one ma jority. His '‘barrel” did the work, and he cared not to buy a surplus, but was satisfied with a bare majority. As Texas Views Ohio. The democrats in the Ohio legisla ture should have no trouble in com bining against Hanna. They can vote for any old thing and feel that they are not outraging decency', provided only the vote is against the big repub lisan boss—Houston Post. „ i Advertised Letters. List of letters remaining in the Griffin, Ga., postoffice, week ending Jan. 8,1898. Persons calling will pleae say “advertised" and give date. One cent must be paid on each advertised letter. MALE LIST. A. D. Dillard, J. T. Manley, J. A. Moore, J. P. Ray, N. H. Wilson, M. D. Womble, J. 11. Word, Fred Wyme, Frank Zilner. , FEMALE LIST. Mrs. Polly Andrew, Misses Alice Ding ier, Beatric Johnson, L. Johnson (col), Laura .Kennel, Mandy Lawrel, Mamie Logan, Mrs. Ola Pope, Misses Dora Poss, Mary Smith (col), Matt C. Smith. David J. Bailbt, Jr., P. M. Xo-To-Bm for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobaceo habit cure, makes weak men strong, b'uod pure. sue. 61. AU druggists. Another View of Cheap Cotton- The Indian cotton is decidedly infe rior to ours, but it can be need, and in German mills it is extensively used. II American cotton had not been declin ing in price the production of cotton in India would have advanced rapidly. Let the American producers reduce their crop and hold it fig ures and they will see cotton growing in India spreading and the fiber bought by European spinners, because if the difference between American and Indian cotton exceeds a certain mar gin the spinners will find the Indian fiber the cheaper for them.—Journal of Financial Bulletin. Public School Notice for 1898 Public schools will be continued the present year six and one half scholas tic months, or 130 days. The first term embraces the months of January February, March and April, and closes on ths 6lh of May The summer term will begin July 11th and continue two months’ A temporary examination will be held Saturday, Jan. 15th. By order of the board : J O. A MILLER, C S C. J- A SsO.’O Fit *.. xukj s .'H's ~ ** * DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The firm of Brewer A Hanleiter is this day dissolved by mutual consent. W. H. Brewer assumes all debts due by BreWer A Hanleiter and all debts due to'Brewer A Hanleiter to be paid to W. H. Brewer. W. H. BREWER, W. R. HANLEITER. Griffin, Ga., Dec. 17,1897. I will continue the wholesale grocery business on my own account. Thanking all for that liberal patronage to the firm of Brewer A Hanleiter, I hope to merit and continue to receive the same patron »for myself. My ambition » to make fin a regular jobbing city where the rarrouding country can get their supplies as cheap as any market in the state or etoewhere. W.H. BREWER. Eat Fleaty of Loaoao An experienced and highly respected physician gave a valuable bint the other day, which all may find valuable. “I *m convinced," said be, “notonly from prac tical personal experience, but on the theo retically scientific grounds also, that a safeguard against much prevalent summer illneaa Ilea in the free nso of lemon juice. —Athens Banner-Watchman. XOZLITB LEMON ELIXIR.: A PLEASANT LEMON DRINK. Cares Indigestion, headache, malaria, kidney disease, lever, chills, loss of appe tite, debility, nervous prostration and heart failure, by regulating the Liver, Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys and Blood. Lemon Elixir is prepared from the fresh Joice of lemons, combined with other vegetable liver tonics,carthartics, aromatic stimulants and blood purifiers. W. A. James, Bell Station, Ala., writes: I have suffered greatly from indigestion or dyspepsia. One bottle of Lemon Elixir done me more good the medicine I ever taken. A CARD. For nervous and sick headaches, indi geatioD, biliousness and constipation (from which I have been a great sufferer),! have never found a medicine that would give such a pleasant, prompt and permanert relief as Dr. H. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir. I have used it in my family for years—it has never failed in a single case. J. P. Sawtell, Griffin, Ga. XOZLET3 LENON -HCT DROPS. Cures all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage and ail throat and lung diseases. Elegant, re liable. Twenty-five cents at druggists. Pre pared only by Dr.®. Mozley, Atlanta,Ga. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Ttahs- z? stall* /''Til s/ft* „ u a dtunnZ sif+'-r * nr r It Simple Subtraction- An Irishman was hauling water in barrels from a small river to supply the inhabitants of the village, which was not provided with waterworks, says Tit Bits. As he halted at the top of the bank to give a “blow” before proceeding to peddle the water, a gen tleman of the inquisitive type rode up, and after passing the time of the day, asked: “How long have you been hauling water for the village, my good man? ’ “Tin years or more, sor,” was the re ply. “Ab! And how many loads do you make a day?” “From tin to fifteen, accordin’ to the weather, eor." “Yes. Now, I have one for you, Pat,” said the gentleman, laughing, ‘ How much water have you hauled al together?” The Irishman jerked his thumb in the direction of the river, at the same time giving bis team the hint to start, and replied I “All the water that yez don’t see there now, sor ” Blood Poison Cured- There is no doubt, according to the many remarkable cures performed by Botanic Blood Balm (“B. B. B.”) that it is far the besfTonic’and Blood Purifier ever manufactured. All others pale into insig nificance, when compared with it It cures pimples, ulcers, skin diseases, and all man ner of blood and skin ailments. Buy the , best, and don’t throw your money away on substitutes. Try the long tested and old reliable B. B. B. $1 per large bottle. For sale by Druggists. A BAD CASE CURED. Three years ago I contracted a blood poison. I applied to a physician at once, and his treatment came near killing me. I employed an o’d physician and then went to Kentucky. I then went to Hot Springs and remained two months. Noth ing seemed to cure me permanently, al though temporary rel’ef w-s given me. I returned home a "ruined man physically, with but little prospect of ever getting w ell I was persuaded to try Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) and to my utter astonish ment it quickly healed every ulcer. Z. T. Hallebton, Macon, Ga. A.B.CLEVELAND Real Estate Agent. Business Promptly Attended to. Office at Overby & Co.’s store, Hill street, Griffin, Ga. M.O.BOWDOIN Renting Agent, No. 31 Hill street, - - Griffin, Ga. FORSALE CHEAP—FOR CASH OR ON TIME. The entire Livery Stable Turnout Horses, Buggies, Snrries, Carriages, Har ness. eto, as we are going out of the Livery business. Now is the time to get a good turnout cheap. We will continue the sale business. Have now and will continue,to have dur ing the season the best Tennessee Mules and Hones. Come to see cs if you want to do well. BARROW > TSURXAN, Griffin, Ga. TO THE TRADING PUBLIC, - -*—hhmiinnibmiiim * 1 To the Bargain Hunters of huddle Georgia. I You are respectfully invited to attend the greatest | CUT PRICE SALE of Merchandise ever inaugurated I in Griffin. We have the best selected stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Gents Furn ishings, Carpets, Rugs, Millinery and Groceries that we are going to sell. You may think this quite an undertaking when cotton is selling so cheaply. The prices we name are cheaper than cotton at 5 cents. We have our store rooms well supplied with red-1 hot stoves to make you comfortable when you visit our matchless bargain sale, which begins today. Cotton Goods. Dress Ginghams, 10c quality, only sc. yard. Gilded Edge 4-4 Bleaching, only 4c yard. 4-4 Sea Island just half price, Bic. 4-4 heavy Sheeting lower than ever. Calicoes at 2}c. Turkey Red Calico at 4ic, cheap at 7c. ’ All grades of Calico and Percals go in this sale at unheard of prices. Canton Flannel, all the numbers beginning at4|c. Good Feather Ticking at 10c yard. Feather Ticking that will hold water at 12ic yard. Heavy Drilling, worth 10c, our price during this sale is 6fc. We will let you price our Cotton Checks when you make ub a visit. To make the above prices on staple goods necessitates a purchase of a car load, which we have done for you. JEANS aniFLONEL 15 pieces school boy Jeans worth 22c, our price 15c, 40 pieces of Ky. Jeans worth 40c, our price 22c. Plain red Flannel, all wool, at 10c. White Flannel cheap at 20c, now 13jc. Red Flannel heavy twill at 18jc and 25c. Neckwear, Suspenders, Toilet Articles, Combs, Belts, Hair Ornaments, Zephyrs, Embroidery Silks, etc., at reduced prices. CLOTHING! Clothing to fit every one at half price. Childrens Knee Pants 25c, and up. Mens odd Pants 50c, SI.OO, $1.50 and up. Mens Suits at $4, well worth $6.50. Black Clay Worsted Suits at $4.65, cheap at SB. Schloss Bros. Fine Clothing at un heard of prices. Overcoats as cheap as dirt. 2,000 Sample Hats and Caps at 50c on the dollar. We own more Hats than any one in town. lilliiiery Dem Miss Snyder, who presides oyer this department, is unquestionably one of the finest milliners in the South—she has few equals any where. Her Hats are perfect. She can make an old hat look en- - L£EET BASS BROTHERS, THE BIG STORE IN GRIFFIN. Our French Flannel cannot be du plicated in quality or price for 25 per cent, more elsewhere. See our Eiderdowns at 38c and 48c for cloaks and sacks for children. Woolen and Silk Dress Goods. We have made some purchases re cently that have made us think there was no value to wool or silk. We bought heavily and our stock is full. We gave the mills a small check for a car load of Dress Goods, and all we want from you is just enough’cash to let us know what home they made happy. Novelty Suitings, double fold, at 9ic, cheap at 20c. Novelty Suitings, two tone effect, 40 inches wide, at 174 c, cheap at 35c. Klondike Plaids, double fold, at 124 c, cheap at 25c. 36-inch Novelty Plaids, beautiful styles, 20c, worth 35c. Imported Scotch Phids, greatly admired, 334 c, worth 50c. 38-inch Henrietta, black and all colors, 25c, worth 40c. 48-ineh Imported Serge at 40c, would be cheap at 60c. Something new in Brocaded Serge 48c, cheap at sl. Changeable Taffeta Silk at 30c— great bargain. Black Brocaded Taffeta Silk at 75c tirely new, with but little cost. If you want a stylish Hat or Bon net—one that you will not be ashamed of—come and get Miss Snyder to serve you. She will please you in every way. BLANKETS. 10-4 Bed Blankets at 25c each. Heavy Comforts at 50c each. Counterpanes and Sheets in abund ance. Buggy Robes—a nice Xmas present Handsome line of Rugs, Carpets and Mattings. Rugs 29c and up. Fur Rugs at $2 50 to $4.50. Ladies’ Capes. 100 ladies heavy Capes at 48c, worth sl. 75 ladies fur trimmed Capes at 78c, worth $2, 46 ladies plush Capes at $4.35, worth SB. Capes and Jackets at all prices. Black Brocaded Taffeta Silk at $1.13 I cheap at $2. Black Brocaded Taffeta Silk $1.58 Cheap at $3. 15 Dress Patterns at 98c—all we I could buy. 10 Dress Patterns at $1.40 —all we I could buy. 8 Dress Patterns at $2.00 —all we I could buy. 7 Dress Patterns at $3.20. Don’t | miss these bargains. Broadcloth at 70c, 85c and $1.25. 20 pieces French Plaids, all wool flannel, at 25c. -J Notions— _ I —Underwear M One lot of black Hoee at 24c. One case ladies fast black seamless Hose, we break the record on quality —only sc. '.' One case heavy black Hoee —they beat the world for the price—a dime. An immense stock of Handkerchiefs and Gloves for Santa Clause. 10,000 Handkerchiefs at 1c each. 20 dozen Handkerchiefs at 5c each —nice quality worth twice that amount. Heavy fleeced lined Undershirts worth 25c, our price 15c. Extra heavy fleeced lined Under vests at 25c, cheap at 50c. All wool Undershirts at 41c, Camel Hair Undershirts at yonr price—we bought them that way. Shoes, Shoes. 1,500 pairs of Sample Shoes and Boots to go on sale today. Nearly all sizes for children; for ladies and mens heavy winter Shoes at a discount of 33 i per cent. A great opportunity to buy Shoes. Shoes at 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, SI.OO ' and $1.25. Bring your feet along and we will do the balance. Another car of fine young Tennes see mules received ana will sell for cash or on time, exchange young mules for old mules, mules for horses, or horses for mules. If you want a horse or mule come to see us. Oqr stables are full of stock. Mules will be very much higher after Xmas. We have three new buggies to sell cheap. Two milch cows, with young calves to sell for cash or on tfme. Every one is invited to see our offerings.