The morning call. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-1899, February 17, 1898, Image 4

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RACKET STORE PRICES! —<o> EDWARDS BROS. Are determined to reduce their stock of goods before buying spring stock. I EVERYTHING MARKED DOWN. These pi ices will appeal to the purse of. every one needing these goods. K A. C. A Featter Tickiag, per yard, 10c. Laasdale file Bleaching, yard vide, 6c. Silver Spring - « « 37-Bc. Fancy Dress Percals, “ 9c. * Calicoes 8 l-2c., 4c. and sc. Come early and get your share of these l^ 00d^P? " : ' " EDWARDS BROS. • ■ BANKRUPT SALE OF | HARDWARE! Having bought at Sheriff’s sale * the entire stock Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Farming Implements, etc., of C. H. JOHNSON & SONS, we are determined to close it out with | in 60 days. Such bargains in Hardware as you will find in our store have never before been offered in Griffin. W. D. Davis S Bro. New Garden Seeds. All fresh from the best growers. Genuine Eastern Irish Potatoes. Prescriptions carefully compounded. XN. HARRIS & SON. COFFEE. WE HAVE SOME EXTRA FINE GRADES OF COFFEE. WE HAVE SEVERAL KINDS OF BLENDED GOODS, WHICH MAKE A VERY FINE DRINK. WE HaVE ALSO ROASTED AND GREEN BIOS. WHEN YOU WANT A GOOD COFFEE TRY US ONE TIME. G. W. CLARK & SON. Wholesale and Retail Grocers. '■ > BARGAINS IN FURNITURE, CROCKERY, LAMPS, CUTLERY, ETC., ETC., MANGHAM BROS. ;■ ■ ■ • CASTORIA For Infants and Children. ts •’■w* ■ 80-Twß*c for Witty CeaU. Goaraateed tobacco habit cure, make* weak aeaatrMc.Mood pare. SSe.SL AUdntgjrtsu. Morning Cail. GRIFFIN, GA., FEB. 17, 1898. Office over Davis' Hardware Store TELEPHONE NO. 22. PERSONAL AND LOCAL DOTS Spencer Marsh, of Concord, spent yesterday in the city. Capt. H. H. Baes made a business trip to Senoia yesterday. \ Mayor Davis made a business trip down tbe Southern yesterday. Capt. Jas. G. Andrews is quite sick at tbe borne of Dr. J. N. Harris. Mr and Mrs. Tboe. Falkner, of Cos cord, spent yesterday io the city. Mrs E. H. Davis, of Eatonton, is spending a few days with friends in this city. Mrs W. J. Cooptr, of Atlanta, it trending • few dnya wilb relative* io thia city. Dave Freeman, of Flat Shoals, spent yesterday with bie many faiends in this city. Mrs. W. C. Elder is spending tbe week with relatives and friends in Newnan. . • J. L. Coggins and niece, Min Mamie 1 Coggins, ol Hoilonville, spent yester day in the city. Min Jessie Lawton left yesterday for Macon, where she will spend seve« ral days with relatives. Mieses Nell Dismnke and Bessie Word returned yesterday from a pleas ant visit to friends in Thomaston. Mrs. R. E. Hardee left yesterday sot Savannah, where she will spend some time visiting relatives and friends. Miss Virgie Hale returned last night from Carrollton, where she spent sev eral days wilb relatives and friends- There is nothing better than Thrash’s Lung Restorer for Coughs, Colds, LaGrippe and all Lung Troubles. 50c bottle. M. 0 Bowdoin was decidedly worse yesterday. His condition is such as to banish practically all hope of recov ery. Capl Seaton Grantland and daugh ter, Miss Susanna, left yesterday for Washington, where they will spend several days. Col. L A. Perdue, the versatile edi tor of the Senoia Enterprise, was in tbe city yesterday, and made tbe Call Office a pleasant visit. Capt. J H. White, who has been confined to bis room for many days from sickness, continues quite feeble, with no signs of permanent improve ment. The Call job office is being rushed with work. Since January Ist, busi ness has been brisker in this branch of the Call office than any corresponding period since tbe establishment of the Call. Satisfactory work and charges have made it so. John Harper, of Fayette county, was in the city yesterday. He says the people of Fayette are happy and prosperous As an evidence of his assertion be said the ordinary of Fay ette had issued 154 marriage licenses since September last. That dreaded disease, Consump tion, cured with Thrash’s Lung Re storer and Consumptive Cure. All druggists, 50c bottle. Complexion of Congress- The following is a complexion of Congress from a professional stand point ; In the senate there are eight-nine members with one vacancy from Ore gon. A pole of the senate shows: Lawyers 54, merchants 24, manu facturers 2, capitalists 1, planter and journalist 1, public officials 11, farmers 4, journalists 2, newspaper proprietors 1, retired 1. Total, 90. Republicans 46, Democrats 34, Pop ulists 5, Independents 3, Silver party 2 There are 357 members and 3 dele gates in the lower house. Here is the way they are classified : Lawyers 213, public officials 17, merchants 12, bankers 8, physicians 3, real estate 3, planters 3, teachers 3, literature 2, clergymen 2, coal opera tors 2, pharmacist 1, coal dealer 1, farmers 20, manufacturers 11, journal ists 10, editors 7, retired 3, lumbermen 3, insurance 3, mining 3, contractors 2, milling 2, laboring man 1, operator 1, printer 1, machinery 1 Not given 20 The oldest member is Grow, of Penn sylvania, who is 75, and the youngest is Bradley, of New York, who is 28. Politically tbe house stands—Repub licans 203, Democrats 129, Populists 21, Fusionista 1. Is it any wonder that our statute books are burdened with obnoxious i laws in the interests of the classes and . against tbe masses, when our lawmak ers are so few of tbe people? CA. *3 O TT TA . ru'ic , tail* /'ji // f n -r k M * /S' s \t/2 ,rrr f * of / *W* .. • . / There is more Catarrh in this section of ! he country than ail the other diseases pnt ' together, and until the last few years was I supposed to be incurab e. For a great many yean doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a consti tutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Oo . Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitu tional cure on tbe market. |lt is taken in ternally in doses from 10 drops to a tea spoonful. It acts directly on tbe blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and tes timonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY A CO, Toledo, O. > Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are tbe best. TO THE TRADING PUBLIC, To the Bargain Hunters of Middle Georgia. You are respectfully invited to attend the greatest CUT PRICE SALE of Merchandise ever inaugurated in Griffin We have the best selected stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Gents’ Furn ishings, Carpets, Rugs, Millinery and Groceries that we are going to sell. You may think this quite an undertaking when cotton is selling so cheaply. The prices we name are cheaper than cotton at 5 cents. We have our store rooms well supplied with red hot stoves to make you comfortable when you visit our matchless bargain sale, which begins today. Cotton Goods. Dress Ginghams, 10c quality, only sc. yard. Gilded Edge 4-4 Bleaching, only < 4c yard. 4-4 Sea Island just half price, 3ic. 4-4 heavy Sheeting lower than ever. Calicoes at 2}c. Turkey Red Calico at 4ic, cheap at 7c. AH grades of Calico and Percals go in this sale at unheard of prices. Canton Flannel, all the numbers beginning at 4}c. Good Feather Ticking at 10c yard. Feather Ticking that will hold water at 12ic yard. Heavy Drilling, worth 10c, our price during this sale is 6}c. We will let you price our Cotton Checks when you make us a visit To make the above prices on staple goods necessitates a purchase of a car load, which we have done for you. JEABMffIAMEL 15 pieces school boy Jeans worth 22c, our price 15c, 40 pieces of Ky. Jeans worth 40c, our price 22c. Plain red Flannel, aH wool, at 10c. White Flannel cheap at 20c, now 13ic. Red Flannel heavy twill at 18jc and 25c. Neckwear, Suspenders, Toilet Articles, Combs, Belts, Hair Ornaments, Zephyrs, Embroidery Silks, etc., at reduced prices. CLOTHING! Clothing to fit every one at half price. Childrens Knee Pants 25c, 35c,J50c and up. Mens odd Pants 50c, SI.OO, $1.50 and up. Mens Suits at $4, well worth $6.50. Black Clay Worsted Suits at $4.65, cheap at SB. Schloss Bros. Fine Clothing at un heard of prices. Overcoats as cheap as dirt, 2,000 Sample Hats and Caps at 50c on the dollar. We own more Hats than any one in town. Millinery Department Miss Snyder, who presides over this department, is unquestionably one of the finest milliners in the South—she has few equals any where. Her Hats are perfect. She can make an old hat look en- van said *c au vava uav IWA va|juo cbuva au vV Ovv kz WA VAAVA MEET ZxzEE ufkT BASS BROTHERS. THE BIG STORE IN GRIFFIN. Our French Flannel cannot be du plicated in quality or price for 25 per cent, more elsewhere. See our Eiderdowns at 38c and 48c for cloaks and sacks for children. Woolen and Silk Dress Goods. We have made some purchases re cently that have made us think there was no value to wool or silk. We bought heavily and our stock is full. We gave the mills a small check fora car load of Dress Goods, and all we want from you is just enough'cash to let us know what home they made happy. Novelty Suitings, double fold, at 9fc, cheap at 20c. Novelty Suitings, two tone effect, 40 inches wide, at 17 ic, cheap at 35c. Klondike Plaids, double fold, at 12Jc, cheap at 25c. 36-inch Novelty Plaids, beautiful styles, 20c, worth 35c. Imported Scotch Plaids, greatly admired, 33ic, worth 50c. 38-inch Henrietta, black and all colors, 25c, worth 40c. 48-ineh Imported Serge at 40c, would be cheap at 60c. Something new in Brocaded Serge 48c, cheap at sl. Changeable Taffeta Silk at 30c— great bargain. Black Brocaded Taffeta Silk at 75c tirely new, with but little cost. If you want a stylish Hat or Bon net—one that you will not be ashamed of—come and get Miss Snyde? to serve you. She will please you in , every way. • BLANKETS. 10-4 Bed Blankets at 25c each. Heavy Comforts at 50c each. Counterpanes and Sheets in abund . ance. Buggy Robes—a nice Xmas present Handsome line of Rugs, Carpets and ; Mattings. j Rugs 29c and up. Fur Rugs at $2 50 to $4.50. Ladies’ Capes. 100 ladies heavy Capes at 48c, i worth sl. ! 75 ladies fur trimmed Capes at 78c, > worth $2, i 46 ladies plush Capes at $4.35, worth SB. Canes and Jackets at aU prices. Black Brocaded Taffeta Silk kt sll3 cheap at $2. Black Brocaded Taffeta Silk $1.58 Cheap at $3. 15 Dress Patterns at 98c —all we - could buy. 10 Dress Patterns at $1.40 —all we could buy. 8 Dress Patterns at $2.00 —all we could buy. 7 Dress Patterns at $3.20. Don’t miss these bargains. Broadcloth at 70c, 85c and $1.25. ! 20 pieces French Plaids, all wool 1 flannel, at 25c. i __________————• J > Notions— —Underwear t One lot of black Hoee at 2}c. One case ladies fast black seamless Hose, we break the record on quality t —only sc. One case heavy black Hose —they 1 beat the world for the price—a dime. An immense stock of Handkerchiefs r and Gloves for Santa Clause. 10,000 Handkerchiefs at 1c each. [ 20 dozen Handkerchiefs at 5c each —nice quality worth twice that amount. Heavy fleeced lined Undershirts > j worth 25c, our pnce 15c. Extra heavy fleeced lined Under vests at 25c, cheap at 50c. All wool Undershirts at 41c, Camel Hair Uudershirts at your : price —we bought them that way. "" - 1 11 Shoes, Shoes. 1,500 pairs of Sample Shoes and Boots to go on sale today. Nearly all sizes for children; for ladies and mens heavy winter Shoes at a discount of 33 i per cent. A great opportunity to buy Shoes. Shoes at 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, SI.OO and $1.25. Bring your feet along and we will do the balance. Another car of fine young Tennes see mules received and will sell for cash or on time, exchange young mules for old mules, mules tor horses, or horses for mules. If you want a horse or mule come to see us. Our stables are full of stock. Mules will be very much higher after Xmas. We have three new buggies to sell cheap. Two milch cows, with young calves to sell for cash or on time. Every one is invited to see our offerings*