The morning call. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-1899, April 06, 1898, Image 2

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_______ Saramra Cala tta tte Marot.* •“m . r ” *£ * ’’*• ' -- ifWt m :? ; W WlllWi To th* Member* c< ths Executive c«~...... a. ara »-«>'• - Y«a are nqoadad <« «»**-< *" <t» rarforv of <h* L*o*w How, is fcacxro, CH, 00 «* H* *•’ o» April. ÜB7,«i 11 Vctoefc, tor the purpose of reteratreetatog the lima sod manner ' M wfcetiaj d4rg*t*e to a democratic pouv*atto> for the Sixth district, snl p* mfret a rime sod ,<Uee for ItoMiag th* next democratic eon renlfoa for the Sixth Coe«reaMooal Diet net. Boot T Datcel, Chairman Dem Ex Com. Sixth Con gremiooai District '■'■ 111 ■ ■ >"' ■'" """ Ctmrty Executive CMMrittee. The members of the vxeetafee com mittee are requested to meat io the law ofteeol Col . W D C«rh«rt. near the Griffin Satiafa Bank, on Saturday, April Sib,at lOo'etoek atn, to arteed to ot Imperia nee. A W. WilXtt, Chairmen. ' ft. the rbrrateaed war, Spain would have ail to tore, and tire United State* nothing to tain- ' 'amraramesuramararara The person who interferes in a fam» ily row ia more than apt to have hi« motives mirnnderatood, and receive malediction* tor bh good office* Uncle Sam ia about to precipitate bimeelf into a Spanish family row. A Denver dispatch announces that Mrs. Scbulo baa enrolled the names of her female -ssvslry troop, which it ia her ambition to lead egeinat. the Spaniard*. It would be interesting to know if the ladies ride aetride or on aide-*»4d lee Whether war come* or not the coun try is thoroughly aroused on the qcrea tion of defence* and it ia not probable that from now on there will be any relaxation io that matter until we ehall have beer thoroughly fortified.— Birmingham New*. _While there ar* many distinction* of race-and nationality in the element* that eooalitute pur nation, they are all alike, all one, io loyally to the govern* menu Diacuraton of thia anbjeet may bo interesting and the conclusion ia alwaye gratifying, but it ha* little prac tical utility.—Washington Poet. The treasury department proposes to experiment to determine the best material for minor coinage aod to submit new designs for aueb coins to congress. The reason ia that the cop per penny becomes dingy, dirty, dull aad by corrosion poisonous; the five cool nickel, three quarters copper, is too soft. It ie elated that Switzerland, Austria Hungary aod Italy have adopt ed pure nickel for their minor coinage with very satisfactory results, the coins being bard, datable, magnetic, velvety to the touch, retain tbeir color and do not corrode Some people have a mis token idea about Speaker Reed, says the LaGrange Graphic He ha* been talked about so much in the paper* that some have got the idea that be is a great man. He to not by a long shot. Ho ia a narrow, prejudiced, bigotted creature of tbo trusts and corporations; with a Conceited obstinacy which is never open to conviction, aod an abaci uts disregard for all the right* and decen cies sod courtesies which gentlemen extend to others even though they differ with them in politics It fe strange that any one should confuse the grossoess sod obstinacy of p boor for the firmness of d statesman. . CAJ3TOFIIA. I *ofWebster tenure*- “»• «• *** a “* | wmsml tasking «■— l *w —**■ Jto S ST* In jaomr and dram bawranraMmragntam HM<ra,ateM« the Byetta* Barest tt.Moo.voHs. tarahw, otot rated wMsSnambutmam He was a atarasbfe figure raysrhara I was not eeryrtsri wbra afitarwsta I braid Ma spradbra tn the no st. teirabrr. wtare ox yeara tefar. be bed sends htameM famous in Mscel. tatted rapiy to Haya* of Sooth Csreße* with Ms wvnAmXM gif t us oratory ax>-. . wtaepaodaraawtaSyetaw liras** per sunußyraumtaw <* tons fcMtagctf r*« I wMeb reared Ms J 9 » Mm to ■ WhwWnl ramtra ene rs tosx»« “Dwrtta same* any stale to toe senate Men Ltaw emd I wraa total rah mid to Me WMgdMeW the hmuw when w* raw t I j wsDr. Idma and a tai ata Odmmfih|g||p hamdraaon sunn. * ‘I wans to to you a Meta M your fata er/ Dr. Idem artd, twmtng to see rad toStaltortag Hrary Cfoy. Making a mutt itahnreta tow, Ma. C3tay e»ofc* at «>y beans ia Ms Aewsry way. ‘Oh, toss Bote WbM Wberitato toe vwy Eden ot nay M Ws sata spote to Ma G Calhoun, ata I swdmta why Vtae PmaMeot Van D * WefcO, *to rafktasTaraißtovTStoraX stoowraSHgnilsd gnttdatt's^ita* was senaUand wrawmii* His wbete eppramnas as weU as Ms etaeneaer JaiilMiil Me setefoues •tax.’ He was a widower ata anush given toMtaee* andtay/' Aated about the dtan <tf that tone, Mm. Dsvtecm replied 2 “Our dura wee* oeeriy aU made alike —tout was one mttaftirittan. Far evssiag wuur HMM estaeta aQka ent abort wststed, with riser us <rf tatg* puff*. *® wbieb ws ftwpmotly wore pillows, to give toes, the nquistts vise. Our id trie etaswri toe floor about eta inches ata we wore wtttoaUk stockings ata satin sUppsre. For day wear our gowns ware of dark dike, dseol leta, wtto deterhabto teg risrrir to attp under the pufix Over the ebonfocn we wore a rap* of the silk, ata w* substituted blank stockings ata slippers for toe white ones. One of n»y bconete was s coal scat tte Bfoimr of emm vetYtc. ranaouotefl by Mgfe landing white piuM. The Ml w<we eotaveM <kmhlb with bnue bottcM» fandfol waiatenats ata aeft white Byrun €olhuMr wteb b&nsk silh ** Evwy one of Mrs. Devtam** chUdren. of whom ate tea eight living (ter hosae is with the eldest, Dr. A. G Dusisra), ata marly every one tanoog ter gratachU dres, has tome trophy of tboee bygooe a table chain at gold with attach ad, ter wedding gown waist, in which ter gratadaugbter and namesake tea teen pbotograpbed, a garnet ata turquoise beta rettefe, white ebe h let awe 8 upon ms - MB 1 are peeaerved with great pride and care.—- Kenera City Star. Wme nerasarte’S Mugs <lrag Mme. Caroline J. Bonaparte, widow of Napoleon fikHMijuurtes ivea id a boom 00 K street immediately adjttntng , tterottdreweof John Addison Porter, eso , vttorr to tbs prewtdent. Among tbo other domottic parepbernalia of Mme Bonaparte is a eorte& huge gong iooatod in the ata bio st toe rear of her house, by moans of wliSoii snmffwwMi Um axm! o&m mrvanta when she desires their as rittanou Mr. Porter’* wife has been sta oudy Hl for some time, but Mme. Bona parto’adeaire for the comfort and company of her aervanta has been by no means less ened on that account. On the contrary, the big bell has boomed out time and agaißt 4*y night, until Mr. Porter tad forgotten tbo Cuban situation, the an noyance of office seekers and everything rise. Be accordingly filed a complaint with tbo Diftrkt comiDiffiioDen, alleging that the ringing of the big gong was a public nuisance and should be suppressed by the pdtoe. That department accord ingly sent out Lieutenant Boyle, who had an interview with the relict of the distin gniabed acton of the French imperial fem- Uy, ata as a result presented an official repost to white he said that “Mate. Bona parte my* she will continue to use the gong just as she tea done for the last IS 1 yutat*’ . Fwthra toveatigation showed tout the police regulations could supprem briM and similar nuisances only when they were rung ia public streets ata aßeya Secre tsury Porter tberrapon took an appeal to Co§>.-ni**toijcr Wight, who has charge of the police bureau, but thus far no means tafe teen suggested to relieve Mr. Putter of the nujagnu* except by mean* of a form al suit to oodrt. The controversy is a fun ny one, but up to date Mfim. Bonaparte, who has aometbtog of a reputation for tjoEcm, is decidedly triumphant and oor rcsixyiidlngly exultant. With all the power of toe aostotetntion behind him, Mr. Porter has been unable to suppress the big gong in the —►-t- and his sick wife is eorrespondlngly toe eufferir.— Washing ton Letter in Chicago Tribune. " " ■ "'w—iara—rawrara ■■ gr XflMe Ab Übhmb* Although Dtqyuy d* Lome's troubles do act serai to weigh bravUy on him, Mara de Lome is proMyated by tbebtow. She is the only child at 0 merchant prince of Cadis ata brought to her poor but noble husband a dower at mere toss M,OM,OM. She is an unusually ambitions woman and ha* sprat tar money literacy to further tar husband's political fortuara During ft* evil days when Madrid was rittanUb tog tor fiaaaera with which to keep up the •800,000 per annum white Spain boasted was tbo salary ofter minister, Mme. ds Lome’s private puree was at ter husband • dUpoaal. and it is stated that eta has spent •300,000 sluce ttay came to Washington, —torn Ftandsoo Aryment A reatharta Saigeua. A story is told which would indicate that swallows have nmraifisrabte surgical skill as wall as intelligence. A esrtato physician found in a neat a young swallow much weaker than its mate, which ted <me of its legs bandaged with horsehairs. Taking tta hairs away, be found that the bird ’s leg was broken Tte next ttme te visited the mat be found tte lag again band rarfl He eoa ttoued to oteerve to two weeks found that tte bird was cautiously removing tte hairs, a tew each day. Tte cure watt ratirely saeerarfd.—Prar son’s Weakly. Afetaa 7 ft Ift t ® *» ** Ovrtt • » » Akta 11 » at GriffiaoaOrT-sdayu. Tutt wm find rar at my **»*■ Griffin st EDWARD? BROS. RACKET STORE afl tte time Aura April Ml to 3Hj Ist rxerpt date raatasd stove. ri fiittrn, Wiufli' nM Mata. Books daw JulylsL RMLirCCWELL, T.R.S.OouGa. A K-Hawkra reerived fte gtta medal f-igtera sxnta form tte great Expossifoß, superior and wreilrary a fito amwrTn Tun at <iwtarfoe ata rtraser This award vra justly earned to Mr. Hawkes as tte superiority of Ms glsrara over all often has me de them axacrasall over tte eoeatry. Ttay are to ttTl.*T“Friend TViQCed, MTTW tQ SM. X Mo BLmt» a&m iMEve a Ad mes: of ag tbelateat •€yi» ' , • BO YCJtfMT EXPERIENCE ® mßj a ■ a■Wa B B w 1 Traoc Warms CWVBGHTIfiC. . Asyww ratoes im! aii oil es»w >iy ttraraj* ywtar. I irsiiw er rra; - ttrajre rran**r tittfcte Elf'OSsHsO * ’ ■ ■ ed move case* than any Cured' WIU tie of hit ftbeotete core, free to sufferen vfao war tend their P. O. aad Bxpre« aMreea CrenML EEfIX MmteS BANKROPfIALE OF HARDWARE! Having bought at Sheriff’s sale the entire stock Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Farming Implements, etc., of 0. H. JOHNSON & SONS, we. are determined to close it out with in 60 days. Such bargains in Hardware as you will find in our store have never before been offered in Griffin. W. D. Davis S Bro. CANDY CATHARTIC CONSTIPATION all 25c 50c DRUGGISTS ... _. n <l= . 1 Southern Baptist Convention. Hsrfolk, May &-12, U9B. Account of the above occasion the Cen tral of Georgia Bailway Co. will sell round trip tickets May 2to S inclusive, limit 15 days from date of tale, at one tare, a 8. Warrs, J. C. Hails, T. JL, Griffin. G. P. X, Savannah. Registration Notice. The county registration books are now open at my office tn Hamelkus’Shoe Store and all qualified to do so should can and They will .close twenty days before each election. TH. MUTT.T.C. W. T. Aatatoas , - - ''*ir - . ■■■ j M Aattamy.Dr-KR.rtadcnee,* rtog* 1 «| Aaftfittrßn&GA 1 Briley, IT Bator. W H, Gn. series. « Btoteop.l. Y.MsrtoA » Bbtety.B. R, Grocer. 41 Betas Brae, LiwnrSfcftfe ® Boyd, J. D„waretooae,» rings. Jl Boyd. J- P- ■ 'iitararr,»itoge." < X7 Boyd Maa ntotunng C«- ffi Brewer A Hanltaer.vtoieonle groan i 4 Burrts Boat, H. C, Hardware, Jcalla. 1 4 Burr, H. CL,era. ScriUs. 4 Cta&rie ffiWard, draftgitte. 45 Ctanl R. R. depot. ’ » Oak A Soa. grocer*. *5 OoHtar. T. J-, reeHncr 75 Drake, R. H., grocrie*. 9 Famtert, W. C„ reridcnce. 44 Fire department. • Grentiand. Seaton, residence. M Gray, Dr J T, office. » Qnj, Dr J T, Bunny Side, 3 ring*. 28 Griffis foe Wort*. « Griffin, lUg, Co. fit GriffiaMfe.Cb. 14 Gri*a Banking Co. 5* Griffin Cosnpr era. 50 Griffin Saving Bnak. 25 Griffin eta Wafor Worta. 3 Griggs,BcSb, Bvery rtabte. 33 Howard, W. K-, residence. 8 donee, Geo. L, reridence. ; » KeDeyA Mhamaa,phyriaaaa,3 ringe 18 Meßy, Dr. J. M, reridence, 3 rings -27 Kincaid, W. J, residence. 7 Kincaid Mfg. Co. (mflto) 21 Leach A Co., J. grocers. 32 Mangham, J W, reridence, 2 rings. 32 Mangham, J J, residence, 3 rings 2 Mills. T. R, office, 2 rings. 2 Mills, T. R, residence, 3 rings. 47 Moore, Dr. J. L-, residence. 22 Moms* Call office, 2 rings, 31 Newton A Co., W. H., coal and lumb’r 5 Newton Coal ata Lumber Co. 29 Osborn * Wokstt, office. 20 Oxford. D. A. market and restaurant 22 Sdwtell. J. P.,reridencr,3 rings. 26 Searcy, WEB, Jr, residence. 18 Sears, J. grocer. 33 Shedd, J. R-, market. 21 Southern Railroad. 13 Southern Express Company. *; 23 Spalding County Farm. 12 Stewart, Dr. J. F., residence, 11 Strickland, R F. * Co. 42 Western Union Telegraph Co. MISS WE WORTHINGTON, Manager. ■rarara—irauuramraeraramrarawramnttmmmmomtannrara NOTICE TO PUBLIC. This it to notify the citizens of Griffin that Mr. W. B. Hudson has been appoint ed Sanitary Inspector of the city. Beginning on Monday the 4th inst, be will make a thorough inspection of all premises and localities and advise what is needed to place the locality or premises in a sanitary condition. He has full author ity under the Board of Health of the city to institute whatever sanitary measures he should deem neceaeary. J. C. Bbookb, Ch’mm, N.B. Dbiwit, J.P.SnWABT. Or ”^2____ I__1__ *■ .If II | IflHl i ■I. 11 '" '' iWIC—w gTATE OF ctewjg. | State to i ta on word, that he has uiteiuittre-1 1 taGiras Simona sstote Tfen. ra tferamn^ g, ■ can, why arid admuteCrator stamp ta|- te dtateipri finom Ms i ata y*? IX." 1 “ : firm .a. DREW KT 2 Ordinary. < Apta 4th, im STATE OF GEORGIA, arawa«,Oouan. Wtareaa, R R. Stately, arimimttmtor of D. H. Johnson, represents to the court ta btt petition, duly filed ata catered on , record. te-Ttehmfany D. R Johnson’* estate. Thisrakbatatae, to ett all peraons concerata, ktedred ata creditor, to ate* adasfarittration ata receive letters of dis mission on tte first Monday ta JuanlME J. A. DREWRY, Ordinary. March 71h,18K. STATE OF GEORGIA, fiFauHxe Cocm. Wterara, RobLT. Ttauirl, adtatatrator ofELL Hammett, represents to tte court te his petition, duly fied sal entered on record, that tehra fully administered R. L. Thi* R therefore, to cite aU person* 'concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why saidadmwis trator should not be dischaiged from his adrantateatira ata receive letters of ffie miasfon on the first Monday in June, 1898. J. A. DREWRY, Ordinary. March 7th, 1898. Notice to Debtors ami Oetfitsrs. GEORGlA—fpAwnwCocTrr. AR person* having ctairas ata demands agrimt tte estate of Mr* Susan M. Bailey, deceased, will present the same to me m term* of tte law. All persons indebted to the said deceased are hereby required to I make immediatejpsymeirt. SEATON GRANTLAND, Administrator Mra. Susan M. Bailey. STATE OF GEORGIA, Srauwan Cousn. To aT whom it may concern: Whereas Mr*. Nancy M. and W. F. Elder, Admin istrators of David P. Elder, represents to the court te their petition, duly filed ata entered on record, that they have folly administered David P.EMerfo estate. This m therefore to cite all persona concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrators should not be discharged from their ad ministration and receive tetters of diraais sion on tte first Monday in May, 1898. J. A. DREWRY, Ordinary. Feb. 7.1898, STATE OF GEORGIA, Spauhxo Covxtt. Whereas, S. M. Wayman, executor of last will and testament of S. F. Gray, rep resents to the court, ta his petition, duly filed aad entered on record, that te has ItaUy administered 8. F. Gray’s estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said executor should not te discharged from his admin, istration ata receive tetters of diamissioa, 10 o'clock a. m, on the first Monday in J. A. DREWRY, Ordinary. February 7th, 1898. Notice to Debtors aod Creditors. GEORGlA—Spaldeso Conm. All persons having claims and demands against the estate of Melvina Couch, de ceased, will present the same to me in terms of the law. All nerann* indebted to tte said deceased are hereby required to make immediate payment. B. R BLAKELY, Administrator Melvina Couch. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. GEORGlA—Spaldixg Couitt All persons having claims and demands against the estate of D. H. Johnson, de ceased, will present the same to me in terms of the law. AB persons indebted to the said deceased are hereby required to make immediate payment. B. R BLAKELY, Administrator D. H. Johnson. Notice to Debtors andJCreditors. GEORGlA—Sraldeso Coubtt. All perton* having ctems against the estate of E L. Hammett will prevent the same to me in terms of the law. All per sons indebted to said deceased are hereby required to make immediate settlement* ROBT. T. DANIEL, Administrator E. L. Hammett TID BITS FDR HA' HONEY L and tender little juketete for the children, are all right, but papa and “the boy*” want a good, big juiertteak, roast or chop when business or school duties are over, ata we can cater to them all. Our stock of prime meats ia unexcelled for quality, and we send them home ta fine shape. J. R. SHEDD. U'!"'*? WM.E.H. SEARCY, JR., Counsellor at Law, GRIFFIN, GA. GENBBAIi PRACTICE. 0 a ftwa GRimHTOTBmsT VIA Af*ffinfiNiin iin i iiir SfDn||ll|j|| |i|n*||nf uLnuuiiiiu nm laiiiLi MT yyy ts K M‘FT AT< fMMSKftXX usnNL Toßtakmoßd, ISM To LtaeOttraMr, M to To PhSadritata via Norfolk, 10 80 Tte Mgr Yorik via Rtetanota ata To New ■^riiriaNorfolk, Ya, ata Yorii via Norfolk, ata * W Washington, 22 00 To New Yrafc via Norfolk, Ya, Bay Line Steanrar ata Bslttararr, 22 00 To Not Yrafc via Norfolk ata Old Doasraran 8. S. Col, meals ata stateroom included. 83 00 To Borton via Norfrik ata Steamer, ata stateroom included, 23 25 AIM relate IYIRY WSSnSDAY Brand Trip Sckxta Atiaata te IraMk, Ocrea Vtew, Vkrgfcßta.BraA aai OU Mak Oofifort, Yu. fcr 515.75. There tickets will be acta for retain passage within ten day* from date of aate, ata will enable nwrrtast*, hnyera ata the public to make an exceedingly tteap trip to the east, as cheap round trip tickets can te procured from either of above potate to WASHINGTON, BALTIMORE PHIL ADELPHIA AND NEW YORK. The Seaboard Air-Linri* pameager are vice between Atlanta ata the east M cxeri teat Double daily throurii trains Atlanta to Washington ata Norfoffi, with PaU man's finest drawing rooot sleepers. ' Pullman irau ration can te made at any time- For farther iMormatfoa call at ar add rare R A. NEWLAND, Ora Ayrt P*m Dept WM. BISHOP CLEMENTS, T. P- A, No. « Kimball House, Atlanta. T. J- ANDERBON, G. P. A-, Portsmouth, Ya jHLODD POISON H'A SPECIALTY ■ ; Mrtrw! te U VSSS ear Se uwie i 4 bo-se f ->r siaje prx« c&jct jita r*a- OT ty. I f TOC prefer to o?=se here »e win ecp. Wac*feo**rrattroMUß«oß<tomiumuart ssShaamar rafaOtoraa. If caryTtodMe pot nah, and MB h*o* adra aat raaa. Mneoes Fatclra* ia anuth. SeeaThroat, aar JuSHtoSSS. •at, K M tM* Riinnaeary BLOOD POISOS CMe ww cbbboC eaitob nis dtoMM Ikaffi sSvaw bMM We Atoll —l lIJ *• ■ "• WOTtt uraxwara traair— , « | *r- A *~vi Ininj<ufa ■ in•■) i ja Something New ! ■Rvfrv housrfieeDer raeds Sdooxis ata Forks for daily use. A cheap plated arti cle is poor economy when you can buy a first class article, of bright solid metal that will always look bright as there is bo plating to wear cC at 60 cents per padt age. Splendid article for the ktteten, pSmicaa, to send out meals, de. Cheap and always took welt A. LOWER. No. 18 Hill Street. Sodtherh Railway. Btertert end qvieinrt route wtffi 4eaMa 4aay raviea batwara Ootembn* aad Atlanta, eeraaetiae m the Unioa Paraa«er atatira. Attaata, with TraftatM Lfaritadtedra; ate Lnited States F*st Mafi trains to sad from Wartdscton. Now York sad all Xtetsra potats Also prosper eonnoettnr for and from Cbri teaocm, LdbfovQte. CteeLuau. St- Loot*, swl w-t « Schedule ta «ffart Fatewy’ia M* Central Htßffiftard time except at pourtfe eaM of TTiathSissif DsHy. Dall 7. c;: Ooteaim*. „ .t: t» ys »» p*» - WarorlvHall IX aw «“ »“ - OakMouatate. T» »■ •»»“ - WarmSprtn<s Steam - Woodbury-T. SO am P« - Concord SIS am ;»P“ - Qrtffi*. .... SB am •«»“ " McDoeouxta MM am Ar. Atlanta- UM am SMpm Lv. Atlanta- ttO) a'n. U » P » Ar. Wadrinftoa. td ata »«P“ " MewYorit. UUpa Steam Lv- Atlanta.. ... >te*** •••■ Ar diwinftta- ~ ?W am fSS pm SO Ma. 8S IwrtkWraA Lv.aMmtttL - 4»~im Lv. St. Loula 9 15 p m fffi am Lr.LouWioTT. .TTOi “ Ornttenoosa. SWpm Ste am Ar. Atlaata. 10 «p m IWpm Lv. Maw York. ITT 1213 n’aJ <»pm “ Waabtaatra UMamMtepw Ar.Aitaata. SM am Step* Ly.Attaata SS3 am! ij»* ** McDonoiMh. 415 am SSpm fciJEE?s:ip= ** WarSfoptera. SOO am Tttpm - OakMoonttZa. SST am l»P" “ Waverly Hall ICtStMp™ Ar. Cotambu* *te am 1 S» on ■ TO MAOOI. DaUy. ' I MA. 57.1 Ita. *9 Ar. baaranaajt» k B.R.] 8 a £l2 xa,xe »•■ «* Lv. T anraara. M. A A BJB. SSO a m TTTTT Lt. Mram, M. AB. M 415 P® Ar. Woodtery,M.Aß.BJL fCam 710 pm Ar.Qolumboa, Soutk’nßy |SM am S» pm