The morning call. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-1899, April 08, 1898, Image 1

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• • AU k ■■ . , .■■■■■ .. . ■■ - ■■*. . . . • r I A |—| rl A/! \ )|< |\| I|x t t CeZ\ T,T A A AAL/ iTAkylvl Al V>i Vol IX No. 188. BEFUBEB TO EQUIP TROOPS. The Governor Hm Wet Accepted Re commendation of Advisory Board. “ Governor Atkinson has so far refused to accept the report of the Georgia military advisory board, and yesterday he gave to the sob committee of the board some very decided opinio os up on the subject of state troops, which opinions were directly at variance with the plan proposed by the board. The governor refused to allow the board of three appointed for the pur pose to buy the necessary equipments for the state troops; the governor also refused to allow Adjutant General Os car Brown to go to Washington to call upon the administration in. the inter ests of tbe military. Tbe board want ed Captain Brown to leave for tbe na tion’s capital last night, but the gov ernor decided that such action was not advisable. ■ > ■. For two hours the governor was . closeted with tbe sub committee from the advisory board, composed of Ma jor W. J. Kendrick, Captain Wtlliam Patton and Captain Jordan Brooks. The committee urged the governor to accept the recommendations us the board, but the governor declined to do so, promising, however, that be might . accept tbe recommendations if he thought such a course advisable. He did not think it necessary for Captain Brown to go to Washington, but thought it best to wait for develop ments. Tbe governor thought the $30,000 in the hands of the state should not be used at this time. He did not think the state should be in a burry to buy supplies, until it was known just wbat will be needed. Tbe committee nrged that tbe sup plies will be needed by the troops even if fliere is no war. They wanted to go ahead and buy the equipments and supplies, bnt tbe governor refused. "Nothing ha? yet been decided. Captain Brown will go to Winhiwgigw, in tbe event of certain contingencies which may arise, but it is impossible to say whether or not he will go. I have not yet read tbe recommenda tions of the advisory board, and don’t know wbat I will do abjut them. Tbe report is on my desk al my office, but I bave not yet gone through it." The governor al Ibe meeting yester day requested tbe three members of committee to remain over in Atlanta until be -bad investigated and bad formed an opinion as to the best course to pursue. He is anxious to do the best that can be don j for the state military, but is uncertain about the wisdom of spending the entire appro priation for equipments, especially at this time. He will meet with the com mittee this morning, and may accept the recommendations of tliw advisory board, and allow the committee to o purchase equipments.—Atlanta Con stitution. ' ~_ Yesterday’s Freeze. The Call interviewed several of the fruit men of this section yesterday and it was generally conceded by them that tbe fruit crop bad been damaged to some extent by the light freeze of yesterday, but it will be a few days yet before tbe full extent of the damage can be ascertained. The trees were overloaded with fruit, and if only a small per cent of the fruit was injured they will still bave all they can ma nure to perfection. Vegetables were injured more or less, and our early gardeners are now repenting of tbeir haste, and preparing to replant. Tbe indications last night pointed to another frost for this morning, as the temperature was about the same as the night before, and the fruit crop may be seriously damaged before tbe present cold spell is over. Congress Restless- Tbe dispatches from Washington yesterday state that both houses of congress are chafing under the bite and will positively wait on the president no longer than Monday. If he does not send in his message by that time the Republicans will join with the democrats and act without advice from tbe chief executive. McKinley is being severely criticised by all parties, and while congress will wait on him till Monday, it is with very bad grace. Those who control him cannot hope to restrain congress many days longer. _ Cure Coaitipetlon Forever. UNFAIR TO THE NORTH. • It Will Not Expeet tbe South to do AU the Fighting. ■> I Tbe New Orleans Picayune is die i posed to be impatient under tbe paean r of praises which is now being sung to i the South. It says: "While the press • of tbe North io industriously singing i tbe praises of tbe South and tbe ap i parent willingness of Southerners to rally in great numbers to the defense i of ths flag, it is at the same time aug- • gesting that Southern troops be pre i ferabiy sent to Cuba, should an iuva« > aion of that island be decided on. One ■ would imagine that coupled with these I complimentary sentiments about Southern valor would be a general demand for tbe proper fortification and defense of the Southern coast. This is not tbe case, however. While our Northern brethren recommend that the bulk of the fighting be left to os, they are careful to insist that all the protection be massed along their own coast line." Our contemporary, it seems, is a little harsh, it is true that the ports 1 of the South Atlantic and tbe Gulf are i inadequately protected. But there i are reasons for thinking tbe South , will receive tbe major portion of the i attention of tbe authorities from this time on until it shall bave been put into a fairly good defensive condition* Guns and ammunition and troops are being moved Southward, in the antici pation that tbis section would be in more danger than any other in tbe event of war. Meantime the bulk of tbe navy de partment’s forces io in Southern wa ters. Spain could not possibly mako a demonstration against any American port without finding an American fleet in tbe harbor or tbe offing to give her back better than she could send. Tire ships are ready for business; and in tbeir business they know no north and no south. ’ Ilia truaAhat up to within a year ox two no attention was paid to southern fortifications and armaments while millions upon millions of dollars were spent for tbe protection of New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Newport and other northern points. That, howev er, is a matter of the past; and it is possible that we are in a measure to blame, in not bringing sufficient influ* ence to bear upon congress to have the southern ports fortified. Possibly we did not ourselves attach enough im portance to the need for forts and guns. Or, possibly, we have given too much attention to tbe game of inter nal- politics, and too little to bigger and broader matters It is hardly fair to the north to say it is trying to make the South do the fighting, wbifo it gets into a bomb proof and gets tbe glcry and the war contracts. The north will have to do its share of tbe fighting if fighting is to be done. —Savannah News Bid For Veterans. Tbe action of Mr. E. J. Willingham yesterday in bidding*upon the soldier's Home against tbe Daughters of tbe Confederacy is explained by Judge W. L. Calhoun, the commissioner to sell, and shows that he has Deen unjustly censured, says tbe Atlanta Commer cial. Inasmuch as tbe sale was decried when no legal safeguards for the fu* ture conduct bad been made, the com missioners got Mr. Willingham to bid upon the property and withdraw it from sale. After proper provisions for its fu ture conduct have been made, the home will then be turned over to the ladies for tbeir future control. Mr. Willingham is one of tbe best citizens of Atlanta, and of the stats of Georgia, and any censnre of' him is wholly unjust and unwarranted, When Traveling Whether on pleasure bent, or business, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effectually on the kidneys, liver, and bowels, prevent ing fevers, headaches, and other forms of h sickness. For sale in 50 cent bottles by , all leading druggists. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Company only. KverrlxxJy Says So. Cascarete Candy Cathartic, tbe most won derful medical discovery of the age, pleas- I ant wod refreshing to the taste, act gently . and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, 1 cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, ) cure headache, fever, habitual constipation , and biliousness. Please buy and try a box I ofC.C.C. to-day; 10,25.60 cents. Bold and , guaranteed to cure by all druggists. o-a. en.'bn'Li,, Thefts- / . dalle XTw z **• GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 8, 1898. DR. M. J. DANIEL ILL- One of Griffin’s Oldest and Beet Known | Physicians Stricken Down. Yesterday our city was shocked with the reprot that Dr. Milton J, Daniel was ill at hia residence, on Fop* lar street. Like a cloud buret tbe news spread and at once every pbyskial in tbe city hurried to bis side only to find him in convulsions, which occurred to him while at tbe breakfast table, where bo was in apparently good health. Hon. Robt. T. Daniel who was pres ent says that there was no apparent signs until his father began to roll bis eyea upwaid as if looking at tbe ceil ing, whereupon he removed bis glasses and convultions succeeded. Tbis alarmed the entire family and physi cians were called to relieve him. Tbe oonvu's'ons were repeated and it was only at noon yesterday that he was resting quietly under treatment. Dr. Daniel has been an active prac titioner for about forty-five years, the last forty years having been spent in thia section where is known and loved by all with whom he came in contact. He has won bis way by bis gentle methods and his unswerving faith to his profession. At a late hour last night he was resting very quietly. , The Betrothal. In tbe April Ladies’ Home Journal, Edward W. Bok writes on "The An swer of a Girl’s Life," discussing the allegation made again n t tbe American girl that she thinks lightly of tbe im portance of her betrothal. "The be trothal," Mr. Bok asserts, "should be just as sacred as tbe marriage. It is the gravest of tbs two steps which bind two people together, because it Is the initiative Only the most extraordiv nary circumstances justify a breaking of the betrothal. Only one other agency in life—alcohol—-is responsible for more broken bearto and wrecked fives than broken engagements. It is highly necessary that our girls should have a perfectly clear idea of what a betrothal means, or should mean, if it is a betrothal in tbe sight of God. A hasty impulse, tfie temporary swaying of tumultuous, youthful passion, tbe confusion of admiration for affection, the mistaking of respect for love; these are not safe grounds for betrothals, It is never to the credit of a girl, in tbe eyes of men, that she has been engaged two or three times. Girls should re member that. Too often they think that men feel otherwise, or, perhaps, do not care. But men do: that is, the men worth marrying. A man looks uoon an oft-engaged girl as be does upon a peach with much of the bloom rubbed off. Besides, men generally conclude that there is something wrong with such a girl. Tbe right kind of a girl will betroth herself but once. • An unhappy betrothal can be just as keen a sorrow as an unhappy marriage. It has darkened the life of more tbanone woman." How’s This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chknxy & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F, J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations maae by their firm. West & Kmuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,©. Wald eng, Kutkam & Mabvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Bold by all Druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the best Growth of Pension Payments. Judging by tbe way tbe pension list has grown in tbe put it is altogether probable that within tbe next five years we shall be disbursing $160,000,- 000 to $175,000,000 a year, and per* baps even more. To wbat methods of taxation we must resort to meet tbis enorrnmujEbarge when every other item of our national expenses is grow ing with almost equal rapidity it is im possible to do more than guess.— Louisville Courier-Journal. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. zz< A ' kw 1 Mo-To-Bac for Fifty Cvato Guaranteed toboceo habit cure, sakes weak UMU strong, blood pure. Wc, 81. All druggista Ip-——— 1 Royal makes the food pare, W ’ £, ROYAL BAKIMG POWDER CO., NEW YORK. Not the Last JLrgnment- 'Louis XIV. inscribed on one ol his non : "Tbe last argument of kings.” I But great guns are not tbe last argu ment of a free, intelligent and humane people. Their experience and good sense teach them that war is a scourge of mankind, and to be avoided as long aS tbis shall be compatible with their rights and honor. The spontaneous gifts to tbe suffering that are pouring from the United States into Cuba re flect honor upon the nation ; but a war without just cause that would arrest this generous aid would luru honor into shame and dishonor.—Philadel phia Record St. George’s Ohuroh. There will be a morning service with sermon held in tbis church at 11 a. m. Ah evening service at 4 -.30 p. m. to day. All are kindly invited. Thos. Stafford, Priest in Charge. ♦« *s2Mkir\ bEya WB OWB TOTTOingl Both the method ana results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,* Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial m its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent Ixktles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIO STRUP COL 9M fMKCISOO, CAL ' _ Quiuiu£. kt. cetr roga [ p 1 A FRIENDLY CHAT About Furniture and Home Furnishing* of all kinds for summer cottages and for city homes, reveals the fact that our fin* stock of Bedroom, Parlor, Library, Dining Room and Kitchen Furniture is the popu lar favorites with people of artistic tastes who want the latest designs and exquisite upholstering in Furniture. An inspection of our stock will be sure to result in a ju dicious choice. CHILDS & COODARD. SdorvW Your Itowela With C»M*r«ta. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. <te.2sc. It C. a. O. fail, refund money. JL BHSE BILL IND W FREE fl WITH EVERY SUIT Tough Clothes for Boys TO WsSARTO SCHOOL THIS SPRING TO STAND THE WEAR AND TBAB OF BABE BALL AND OUT OF DOOR SPORTS, CLOTHES WTIH THE BEAMS WELL SEWED AND THE BUTTONS TIGHTLY FASTENED ON. WE HAVE JUST BUCH THINGS FOR THE YOUNGSTERS. BESIDES BEING FULL OF WEAR, THEY ARE NEAT AND SHAPELY.’ Our Boys Clothes Have double knees and seats. WE ONLY HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER Or BALLS AND BATS, AND WILL GIVE ONE SET WITH EVERY SUIT BOUGHT OF US BETWEEN THIS AND EASTER. THOS. J. WHITE Clothier, Furnisher and Hatter. SMILLiJI....... . L H. F. Strickland & Co. ■ (o) EASTER OFFERINGS Our second shipment of French and American Organdies, Dimities, ceived today. These were bought late and are from 2c. to sc. a yard cheaper than earlier in the season. The patterns are the newest pro ductions in plaids, shadow effects, flowers in natural colors, etc. 'Nowhere else is shown such a bewildering assortment of loveli ness. Our house is famous for all kinds of wash goods. How about Easter Shoes and Staw Hats? Our stock is complete, with everything fashion requires. _ _ R, F. STRICKLAND & CO. EDWARDS BROS. RACKET STORE. RACKET STORE PRICES! * * ~ ♦ a* 1 paper of Pins, Ic. 1 good lead Pencil, Ic. 1 Thimble, Ic. 16 Hair Pins, lc. 3 Collar Buttons lc. 8 Envelopes 10. 1 spool button hole Twist lc. 1 Tablet 10. 1 package of good Envelopes, Bc. 1 paper gold-eyed Needles Bc. i 1 paper bi ass Pins Bc. 1 1 spool machine Silk Thread Bc. 1 spool machine cotton Thread (200 yards) 3c. 1 card safe ty Hook and Eyes Sc. i 1 good handkerchief 3c. EDWARDS BROS. fwt _ ~- a .... _ vry 12 safety Pins Bc. 9 Collar Buttons Bc. ’ 1 good Ink Tablet 3c. 1 bunch Whale Bones 4c. 144 rice Buttons 4c. , 1 spool Coats Thread, 4c. 1 rubber dressing Comb 4c. 1 large pencil Tablet 4c. 1 quire of good Note Paper, 4c. Gents Linen Collars 10c. Ladies Linen Collars 10c. Ladies and gents Silk Club'Kes 10c. ) Excellent Hoee'and Half Hose 10c. Will save you money on a thousand articles of every day use. " * - .< 'I-