The morning call. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-1899, May 13, 1898, Image 1

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J IB /■ f w B I rQ Jr v Jr ■ fl fIT %/■ I 1 fl /\ j w %\ 9 I 5 1 I W w j/ "W . - ' / U IX No. 213. I AIERICAMS KILLED I DESPERATE engagement in I gardenasharbor. I urpedo Boat Winslow Disabled, ■ Fin of Her Mm Killed and | Several Wounded. || % Wabhinoton, May 12 The sad Mfi cornea to the city today telling V of the most deeperate engagement yet .ft fought in Cuban watera, and the only one which han drawn American blood. S The battle occurred off Cardenas at 1 ; o'clock yesterday afternoon. Itt The United States cruiser Wilming ton, the torpedo boat Winslow and the ggxiliary gunboat Hudson were en gaged. One officer and four men of » (ho Winslow were kilted and several 9 I: were wounded. The dead are : Ensign Worth Bag* T? |sy, John Varvorls, oiler, Joaiah Tun nett, cabin cook, J V. Meeks, fireman, H J Daniel, fireman. " The wounded are : R E, Cox, gun- U ner’s niate, D. McKeen, q jartermas- II ter, J. Patterson, fireman, F. Gray and || Lieutenant J. B. Bernado. U The engagement took place inside J the harbor of Cardenas The boats If entered the harbor for the purpose of i attacking some Spanish gunboats I which were known to be there. Iter Those latter, however, were not dis- J covered by the American force until I the Spaniards opened fi.e. The land I batteries of Cardenas supported the I fire of the Spanish gunboats. I The engagement commenced at I 2 K)5 p, m , and lasted for about an I hour, and the battle while it lasted I was terrific. I The Wilmington and the Hudson I were ahead, and opened fire on the ( Spanish boats which were lying at the dx>k,, The firing began at a range of 11| 3,500 yards. | A few minutes later the Winslow | came up and also opened fire. In an I instant the entire attention of the ; Spanish gunboats and the land bat teries were directed upon her. From allsideaabot and shell seemed to pour in upon the little torpedo boat. The crew of the Winslow, however, never faltered for a second At 2:35 p m. a solid shell crashed into the bull of the Winslow and knocked out her boiler In an instant she begao to roll and drift helplessly. A fierce cheer of triumph then went up from the Spaniards on the gun boats and the batteries, and again a •term of fire was opened upon the helpless boat. | The gunboat Hudson, which was lying near by, started to the assistance of the Winslow. She ran alongside the torpedo boat and tried to throw a line to the imperiled crew. It was difficult for the Hudson to get near enough to throw a line to the Winslow’s crew, so terrible was the fire about her. Finally, after about 20 minutes, the Hudson approached near enough to throw a line. Ensign Bagley and six men were standing iu a group on the deck of the Winslow. “Heave her! Heave her! Heave her!” shouted Bagley as he looked to ward the Hudson and called for a line. “Don’t miss it!” shouted officer from the Hudson, and with a smile Bagley called back: “Let her come. It’s getting too hot bare for comfort.” The Hue was thrown, and at the ‘same instant a shell burst in the very enidst of the group of men ou board | the Winslow Bagley was instantly killed and a few others dropped about him. Half a doxeu more fell groaning on 'he bloodstained deck. One of the dead men pitched headlong over the | side of the boat, but bis feel caught in the iron rail and he was hauled back. Bagley lay stretched on the deck with his face completely torn away and the upper part of his body shat tered. At last the Hodson managed to get * line in the deck of the Winslow, but J 'her. were only three men left at that fine to make it fast The line was finally secured and the Winslow was <ow»d up to Piedr as island where she »u anchored, with? her dead and I wounded on her decks. There some *»eu from the Hudson went ou board a - * h I the Winslow and look the most seri ously wounded men off Three who were taken on board tbe gunboat Machias died shortly afterward. I A19:15p. t > yesterday tbe Hudson with the dead bodies and some of the wounded, started for Key West, arriv ing there at 8 o’clock this morning. No lime was lost ia ministering to tbe wounded A quick call was sent i to tbe marine hospital and an ambu lance came clattering down to the doo’:. The dead were taken to an undertaker’s establishment and the wounded conveyed to the hospital. Tbe Hudson shows tbe effect of the fight. Her smokestack is punctured with bullet holes and her cabin and decks are smased and splintered. • A Hom? Kong special says that a trading vessel Philippines reports having witnessed tbe destruc tion of a Spanish warthio by the Uni ted Slates gunboat Coucord at Iliolo. The fight is said to have lasted two hours, al the end of that time tbe Spaniard went down with flying cST : ora There were no casualities on board the Concord and no damage was done the gunboat. A dispatch to tbe New York Herald from Key West says : Your corres pondent was informed by the captain of the Vicksburg, when be hailed that vessel Wednesday, that news had reached the blockading fleet of an ac tion between Bear Admiral Sampson’s squadsen and tbe Spanish Cape Verde fleet, east of Hayti, in which tbe latter bad sustained a crushing defeat. Maligners of Col- Candler Replied to. Editor Call; The straits to which tbe opponents of Col. Candltr are driven causes them to resort to all sorts of mean and petty devices and misrepresentations in the effort to in jure him, as evidenced in an article in tbe News of tbe 12th inst., in which is printed in flaring head lines the statement that Col Candler had not paid his taxes to tbe city of Griffin for the year 1870. The statement is fake, for no un paid fl fa can be shown, nor is one in existence, hence the dohcTuaron is nat ural that there is no claim against him. It is remarkable that one who is so vulnerable ahould be so active in look ing up and trying to find weak points in others. Tne party who has manu factured the facts againt Col. Candler has proven himself a very poor leader and adviser, as many to their sorrow can attest, and even the unprotected orphans have not been allowed to es cape his influence and have woefully suffered by bis misdeeds. Pluck tbe beam out of your own eye so that you can the better see the ‘mole in your brother’s. Col. Cindler was a very poor man in 1870, as were most other old Con" federates who bad bared their breasts to tbe enemy’s bullets; be returned from the war bavingdost all save hon or, with scare on bis body and one eye shot out. He and Mr. Looney taught a school here that year that proved to be too small for tbe support of both, so be very generously turned the school over to Mr. Looney and in Au gust 1870, sought a livelihood else where. In October after bls depar ture a fl fa was issued against him, (together with many other honorable men who were suffering from the sin of a lack of money), which fi fa has been taken up and satisfied. If he has not paid bis taxes produce the fi fa in proof thereof! Did the parly who has been noseiug •round trying to smell an offensive act on tbe part of Col. Candler see the number of fi fas for large amounts is sued against large property holders during tbe same year? These fi fas are still in existence and have never been levied though there was proper ly in sight to satisfy them, showing gross nsglegence on ibe part of tbe officers. Tbe large tax-payers were let off, but Coi. Gaudier paid taxes on his little earthly possessions and they were mighty few. S. Gbantland. Everybody Says So, Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of tbe age, pleas ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-day; 10,25,50cent5, ttoldand guaranteed to cure by all druggista. To Cur. Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic, 10c or »e. U C. C. C tail to cure, drezgists refund money. ' .. • BRIFFIN, &KOKGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 13, 1888. GEORGIA’S QUOTA RAISED. o ■ —1 ■ • 1 The Men Are Being Muttered in } Rapidly. . Two thousand, one hundred and thirty six men are now in the etale > camp and others arriving every day. t This is more than twice cue number of men ever on duly at the camp be j fore, and all Griffin is eagerly wailing ( the time to behold all lhe mon on the j field al one time. Ospt. Drummon, who had seven ( men to deser£ bis company Wednea- I day, recruited others yesterday and I bis command was al once mustered into service. i Mustering was steadily carried | on yeeterday,yet all lb« troops hare not , yet taken tbe oath pledging them selves into tbe service of the United States Army. Several oLthe companies are now , quartered in tbo old stables. These were made into quarters by removing the stalls and boarding up lhe sides, t placing straw upon tbe floof and a door at each end. The men seem to like this some better than tenting. I All are becoming reconciled to camp life and especially eating bard tack. F. E Burke, of the MacOn Volun teers acted as orderly for Col. Brown yesterday. ! Capl. Wilcoxon says if necessary to , protect the national defense be would , suggest to take state guns, as there are enough men in tbe state who can use the shot gun and winchester to defend the states interest’s. There seems to be a vast difference i in opinion on this subject. Some re fused to discuss it altogether, others said it was decidedly wrong while others said take them. Col. Brown was busy issuing orders all day to company commanders. In fact no man in camp has an easy po sition at present. The United States encampment is quite different from our state camp. . ..... Te Care Coastlpatton Forever. • Take Cußcorete Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. H O.XaU to cure. Cruaglste retuna uiuu#X Deaffiess O&nnot be Cured. by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition "of the mucous lining oi the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it Is entirely closed, Deafness is the resalt, and unless the inflamation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Haul’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars: free. * F. J. Chbebt & Co., Toledo, O. Bold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away. To gull tobacco easily and forever, be mag netlc. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To Bae, the wonder-woiker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, BOc or SI. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Kemedy Co.. Chicago or New York. I , MOZLETS LEMON EMSIR. A PLEASANT LEMON TONIC. For biliousness, constipation and appen dicitis. - For indigestion, sick and nervous head ache. For sleeplessness, nervousness and heart failure. For fever, chills, debility and kidney diseases, take Lemon Elixir. ’u Ladies, for natural and thorough organ ic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Moxley’s Lemon Elixir is prepared from the fresh Juice of lemons, combined with other vegetable liver tonics, and will not fail you in any of the above named diseases. 50c. and |I.OO bottles at drug gists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozlby, At lanta,.Ga. x AT THE CAPITOL. lamin my seventy third year, and for i fifty years I have been a great sufferer from indigestion, constipation and bil iousness. I have tried all the remedies advertised for these diseases, and got no permanent relief. About one year ago the disease assuming a more severe and dangerous form, I became very weak, and | lost flesh rapidly, I commenced using Dr. H. Moxley’s Lemon Elixir, I gained twelve pounds in three months. My strength and health, my appetite and my digestion were perfectly restored, and now I feel as jyoung and vigorous as I ever did L. J.Alldbed, Door-keeper Ga. State Senate, State Capitol, Atlanta,Ga., Aug. 5,1896. MOZLEY’S LEMON ELIXIR Is the very best medicine I ever used for the diseases you-recommend it for, and I have used many kinds for woman’s troub les. \ Mbs. S. A. Gresham, Hughes & Hodge Factory, Salem, N. C. Edncate Year Bowels With dnsearets. ? UI * COM “P° t ‘on forever, No-To- Bae for Fifty CeaU.* I Guaraawsed tobacco habit cure, makes weak I men strong, blood pu r e . 50c,«. AU druggists. | —— —— I Rsyalmkeatke food pare, -ft aovAl SAKINa POWDM CO., MW VOM. The Contagious War Fever la war catching? Will our little •pal with Spain fire the blood of Eng land and France, the two most inter ested jipectatorr, and cause them to fight Over their Innumerable disagree mantf? Tbe West African quarrel is becoming very hot. Underwriters at Lloyds now ask alO per cent, prem ium for insurance against war be tween France and England in the next two months. Several months ago tbe rate was 3 per cent, but the' stiff altitude of both Powers in this West African matter excites alarm. The French seem to be clearly in the wrong, occupying territory which is British by treaty, by tbe application of tbe hinterland doctrine and -partly by occupation. They are the aggree •ore and disregard British treaty rights there, as in Tunis, Siam and Madagascar. Tba English are “fight ing mad,” and a trifling Incident may se* these neighbors by lhe ears.—Bal timore Suu. . a ■ . t THE EXCELLENCE OF SVHI'F OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Sybcp Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its‘remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company— CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. „ «ANFRANCISCO, 0.1, LOUISVILLE. By. NEW YORK, k Y. WOOD YARD. I want to sell you your Wood, cut and split, ready for use. Wood yard at No. 1 Hill street. Telephone No. 10. W. B- GRIFFIN- Bicycles . . f .. Repaired —BY— H.P.EADY&CO. WORK GUARANTEED. PROMPT DELIVERY. Notice to Owners of Real Estate. The City Assessors having completed the assessments for the present year and turned the books over to this office, parties are hereby notified to examine the same I and file application for reduction if they so desire. THOS. NALL, I April 29,1898. Clerk and Treas. R. F. Strickland 8 Co. (oh Wc are always looking out foi the benefit of our customers and friends. ■ • .* .» ,-•! . V/S WE HAVE JUST? RECEIVED; :||| PILES OF NEW GOODS EIT AT CLOSING OUT PRICES, AND NOW WE CAN SELL YOU NABLE GOODS Al LESS TIiAN WE HAD TO PAY EARLIER IN EASON.’ - r . 5-.' ' r . i .. 1 NEWEST FADS IN FANS RECEIVED YESTERDAY.- THE ‘PRICES RANGE FROM 5c TO 50c. > • • • -- Largest stock of Umbrellas in the city at all prices. New stock of ladies and childrens black and tan Hose. . Our Shoe Store for fine Shoes R F. STRICKLAND & CO. .'■■J.'..-.'-?. 11 .' , "ii!.,iiii!;i i 'I.!».!!!■!■■« iiii »,i„, ■mi, 1 !.«■!») SHOES, - SHOES I IN MENS SHOES WE HAVE THE LATEST STYLES-COIN TOES, GENUINE RUSSIA LEATHER CALF TANS, CHOCOLATES AND GREEN AT |2 TO 13.50 PER PAIR. i IN LADIES OXFORDS WE HAVE COMPLETE LINE IN TAN, BLACK AND CHOCOLATE, ALSO TAN AND BLACK SANDALS RANGING IN PRICE FROM 75c TO |2. \ ALSO TAM, CHOCOLATE AND BLACK SANDALS AND OXFORDS IN CHILDREN AND MISSES SIZES, AND CHILDREN AND MISSES TAN LACE SHOES AND BLACK. WE HAVE IN A LINE OF SAMPLE STRAW HATS. SPECIAL EDITION Infantry Drill Regulations, United States Army. JLLSO, The $5.00 VIVE CAMERA, with Complete Outfits for Taking Pictures, for sale at ~ . J. H. HUFF'S BOOK AHO MUSIC STORE EDWARDS BROS. RACKET STORE. 1 —<O> —— HAVE JUST RECEIVED SOU PIUS SAMPLE SHOES! All Grades to the Finest. Call before they are pick- ed over and get a pair .. ! at wholesale price EDWARDS BROS. MV a mu ■ Ten Cents per Week