The morning call. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-1899, May 24, 1898, Image 4

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I HSL. , ' 5 ' ■ B i GARMENTS. BBSS** *■ .-.v./ S* '.*<■• ■•• ;?<>; ' . - V; ' • *'-*< " v.'A’■. v’’ |‘ \.-. . * ' ? ■ SUMMER 18 WITH ÜB, AND THE DEMAND FOR LIGHT WEIGHT NEGLIGEE surra ib increasing- SHIRTS I HAVE ALL THE DESIRABLE STYLES AND FABRICS. LIGHT WEIGHT WOOL SUITS. BTRAW BLUE AND BLACK SERGES.. fe 'H.'l/'. A.ND SICILIANS AND ALPACAS. - CBASH SnTB, SW6LE AND HAT ’ DOUBLE BREAST. Prices: $3.60, $6, $7.60, $lO Suit. thosTj.white C V '■ • Clothier, Furnisher Mid Hatter. GERMAN MILLET SEED. New crop, extra file Melon Seed. Fine Cigars and Tobacco. File Perfanery, Soaps, Combs and Brushes. All kMs Patent Medicines, Chemicals and Powders. Paints, Oils aid Glass. Paper, Ink and Pencils—nice butter color. WO*; APPRECIATE YOUR TRADE. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. J. N. HARRIS & SON- TTrnrr ■•fsi I?' ' ' ■ We have the finest stock of Pickles ev er in Griffin; every kind you may want and the cheap or as costly as you want. G. W CLARK & SON. Wholesale and Retail Grocers. IT COST TO CLOSE OUT. We have left a few Order Books, Day Books,! Ledgers, Blank Books, oto., which wo wUI sell at COST, in order to MANGHAM BROS. Morning Call. GRIFFIN, GA., MAY «4, 1868. utoee over Davis’ Hardware Store telephone no. «a- -U —BSSS—aMSISSaasm—SSS FHBONAL AID LOCAL DOTS- Ed. C. Smith made a business trip lOAU.nU7-t.n1.,. Mrs. Wilson Mathews visited friends in Atlanta yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Headen spent yesterday in Atlanta. W. W. Champion, of Vaughn, spent yesterday in this city. George Simmons, of Zebulon, spent yesterday io this city. Col. L. Cleveland spent yesterday in Atlanta on legal busineee. Capt. A. J. Burr went op to Atlanta last night on important business. Clay Hale, of Newnan, epent Sou* day with his many Griffin friends. CoL J. 8. Rain, of Atlanta, spent last night with friends io this city. Ed Jones Isft yesterday to spend a pi lew days at Chipley on insurance bus inesa. J. H. Walker made a business trip up the 8. G. and I. A. Railroad yee lerday. Mrs. W. D. Davie left yesterday to spend a few days with her father at LaVilla. CoL J. M. Kimbrough, Jr., returned yesterday from a short visit io friends In Columbus. Loot—Bunch of keys lost last Fri day. Finder will return to A. Lower, and receive a reward. . ■ mfc/ George Niles came down from At lanta Sunday and spent the day with relatives and friends in this city. Mrs C. I. Btacy and children, of Macon, are spending a few days with relatives and’friends in this city._ - Miss Arlie Murphey, of Barnesville, returned home yesterday after spend ing several days with friends in this city. Mies Mattie L*e Woodruff, of Macon, arrived in the city yesterday and Jor -several days will be the guest of Mrs. J. H. Hoff. Mr. and Mrs. Neely Smith, of Hous ton, Texas, arrived io the city yester day and will spend some time fa re visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. H. E. Fullenweider, of Ash ville, N. C., returned home yesterday after spending a few days in this city as the guest of Mrs. J. M. Kelley. Messrs R T. Daniel, W. D. D-vis, J. B. Mills, J H. Huff and B C. Ran dall hit last night for Savsnnab> where they will attend the Grand Lodge I 0. O F. A telegram was received in this city Sunday from John Ward atatiog that bis father had died that morning at 6 o'clock, at hie home near Concord. Mr. Ward-bad been ill for several days with pneumonia. Jack, the little terrier dog of Master 4 Willie Woodbridge, was poisoned Sun dayby some malicious person,and there ' wereseveral mourners at his funeral < yesterday. Jack was a pet of nearly every one in the city, and hie devotion lor bis young master was one of his characteristics. In police court yesterday afternoon Hyman Tannenbaum was fined $2 50 , and costs for quarrelling and fighting, i Two colored damsels, Liuie Boesel 1 and Laura Woodward, were required ( to pay $2 50 and coats into the city i treasury for displaying their pugilistic ' proclivities within the jurisdiction of | our vigilent police. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. ttshs- 1 —“ ■— —•» «•» —— ( Ko-1 w-Hoc ter FHtjr C«wia. 1 Guaranteed tobacco habit ears, makes weak i BBS vtroac. No#4 pww. Wc, HAU druggists. | nil UIJ W Nil llllUlllllllO HI ■ 1111 Hl IAI a I i Bmw ■BIB B Bi Bi 9 km I Ifg tulW exiUUed below. twiaMrtit than we have ta ttte length ot time la the pasthtetwy el this tadMM. OUR PRICES SHALL TEN TIMES OVER EMPHASISE THIS RESOLVE 1 _______________ L. ' 1 11'"' ... .» I *ll,'*'"., ■ . /... I ■ 1 - 1 1 — - ;.. ; MILLINERY . . and hate. Are receiving new material daily. Gome and ««® ▼ala. We have now a great assortment of new ohapes, p ana bought at not over half values. TT7- A prr In colors and design harmony is sounded *"*?£** io spring “ d summer textiles. French Organdy, real value, 50c, at 25c. Irish Dimities, the 25c grade, reduced to 15c. Dimities as low as sc. > 20c. Organdies bought at half and selling at 10c. "Fine 40-inch White Lawn, worth double, our price 10c. As to the Sewing Machines. We are going to give fifty away during the next 80 ing next week —to our customers. Buy twenty dollars worth of goods from us and pay for them and one of the machines will be given to you, P™™ I®* 1 ®* fifty other ctflftomers have not done so before you. Buy the goods, pay lor them or have them chared—it’s all the same, that is,, yon must be one of the first fifty to either pay down twenty dollars for the goods or, h 8 * 11 *!? them charged on the books, pay the account. As soon as you shall ve paid us f2O for goods bought on or after this date you 11 get a machine if fifty others are not ahead of you. , . When you make purchases tickets or coupons will be delivered to you from which you may evince your claim. These machines are not wmrth fifty dollars each, neither are they worth twenty dollars. But they will coat you nothing upon purchases of $20.00, and we’ll rtpplyyout wants fmr lees than they can be secured anywhere else in this town. We sell the best and our prices are always the lowest. LADIES’ FIXINGS. Ladies fixings—a big subject. But our stock is big enough and varied enough to meet its multiform and multiplex requirements —well, nearly—, but only hint nan ba given here. Toilet articles—big stock. Fine selec tion of purses. Leather belts, Jblack, tan, green and white, many of them as low as 25c. Fans, the latest Ad prettiest. When your mind or your purse suggests a saving, why, just make your purchase with us. GENTS FIXINGS. We’ve made this department a leading one in our store, Going to make it more popular; going to do it with the right things at thenght prices. As in everything else we’ll save you money on these goods. The nicest makes known to gent’s furnishings. Bows ana scarfs and ties —mixUues and mud ley’s in men’s neckwear. See them and you’ll like them. Collars, 1900* linen, 10c. Cufis, 1900-linen, 15c. Shirts, pure linen bosom, reinforced back and front, continuous f xcingfc, patent gussets, felled seams, worth f 1.00 at 5Cc. Negligee Shirts, select assortment, lower than others. Guess you don’t object to a saving, do you ? Ours the neatest stock in Middle Georgia. SpeciSLls- 60 silk waist patterns—new creations and just too lovely, • • $1.59 Great purchase of New Shirt Waists,the value of each is one dollar the price is -50 c Silk Grenadines, you’d say one dollar, at - • 50c Silks, brocaded Gros Grains and Taffetas only a few pieces to go at the price -75 c. Linen Crash, extra wide, plain and fancy, a good quality at » 25c 60 fine Novelty Suits at prices to - Sell Etamine. latest in woolens recommended for separate skirts *• -35 c 44-inch French Serge, very special - - - - - - - - - - 45 c 30 pieces Drees Duck, the 15cent grade at------- 9c 2,000 Ladies Handkerchiefs at 5 cents .worth everywhere else -10 c 60 pieces Dimity, worth 10 cents, at . 5c Good brass pins, per paper Hair pine, per package lc School Handkerchiefs, each 1° 600 yards good quality Dimity _• • 3c ■ BASS BROS.’. Quick Settlement. On the 10th inst., Mr. T. P. Bell, of Patillo, bad tbe misfortune to low bis heme and a considerable portion of bia furniture by fire. He had S7OO insurance on tbe building and S2OO inautaoce on tbe furniture. Tbe loss was paid in foil yesterday by R. H- Drake <fc Co M our leading Insurance Agents. Such promptness ia uaual with thia Agency. Deafness Cannot be Cured ■by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of tbe mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect bearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deathessfa the result, and unless the infiamation can be taka out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. Cnsn A Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the beat CABTORIA. Bvwrrbody «ag* •». (teacareta Candy Cathartic, the most Wt»- derfcd medical discovery of tbe age, ptesta ant and refreshing to the taste, art gently and positively o® Mdse vs. liver and bnvrriW cleansing tbe entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Plane boy and try a box of <X aC. today; 10,&6» cents. tfoMtand guaranteed to cure by all druggisto- LETTS! LIST. List of letters remaining in the Griffin, Ga., poetoffice, week ending May 21,1888. Persons calling will pleae say “advertised” and give date. One cent must be paid on each advertised letter. MALE LIST. R. Lee Freeman, Griffin Church, H. F. Hearnesberger, D. J. Henley, James Jones, W. D. Mitchell, Eman Moreland, Henry Rolls (col), J. T. Rogers, C. B. C. Spauld ing Co n Geo. G. Btroop, L. C. Whitmore. VKMALK LIST. Lula Fisher (col), Mrs. Henoreny, Miss Mattie Jackson, Mias Marey Mills, Mias Carry Miney, Mrs, Georgia Rolson, Miss Lizzie Smith, Miss Rutty Taylor, Maner via Warner (col). David J. Bailey, Ja., P. M. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve- THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcere, Balt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satiafection or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. N. Harris & Son and Carlisle & Ward. FOR SALE. 420 acres of land, lying in a body ad ja cent to the village of Orchard Hill, Ga. an d fronting Central Railroad of Georgia oyer one mile. About one-half in a high rtate of cultivation, with tenant and out bowses; balance in original forests. The place contains a Ann young peaeh and ap ple orchard, and is nearly enclosed with wire fences. It is well watered by branches and a large creek. It lies well, uad is 4 miles from Griffin. Would sell very low for cash or on time, or would exchange for Atlanta ml estate* Apply to or address, » Ih. aeScUro, Griffin,Ga. 9 Clothing For Every One jlt bass BROS.’ I 9 A train load of-we like to have said soldiers, but We mean Clothing for the soldiers who are going to remain at home. Our buyer made son* | war purchases last week, and judging from the amount of the purchases he I thought the clothing factories would shut down Mid we would not be able g to buy any more Clothing, and the factory thought money was better than clothing during war time. Well, we just gave them a check to show who | got the goods; now, you come and give us your name and get all the Cloth- | ing you want Really the purchase of fine Clothing was unexpected on our I part, but the prices were the inducements. Tie Prices Iffl Bin to io to Sellin Bov Come and see us if you will ever need a Suit for yourself or your boy. I Children’s Knee Pants 25c, 85c, 50c and up. ] Men’s Odd Pants 50c, SI.OO, $1.50 and up. I Men’s Suits at worth $7.00, Black and fancy Worsted Suits at unheard of prices. | | 2,000 Sample Hats I To go with Clothing al 50c on the dollar. | We own more Clothing than all the balance of Griffin put together. I Buy S4O worth of Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Neckwear for S2O and get | a SEWING MACHINE FREE GRATIS. I Shoes to Fit Every Foot A.T BASS BROS.’ The largest shipment of drummers’ samples Shoes and Oxford ever | i shown in Griffin, and cheaper than ever known. Now, if you want a Slipper I » or a Shoe for yourself or any one, we will save you big money. ‘Vows | made in stornw are often forgotten in calms." So said, but we vow that our vow to sell Oxfords and Slippers cheaper than any one m Griffin is being , carried out to the letter. Come and see for yourself. We give a SEWING I MACHINE with every S2O you spend in our Shoe Department, in our Mil- I i linery Department, or Dry Goods Store until 56 have been given away. i One case Ladies’ Fast Black Hose. We break the record on quality- ' ° nly On'e case heavy Black Hose; they beat the world for the price—a dime. I i . ■" I ! We have 14 Young Horses and Mares to sell or exchange for Mates. 1 ■[■i——ss—Hsne———Msuess— TO... BASS BROS. • THE BIC STORE, I » I : For your Summer Goods, Cloth ; ing, Shoes, Millinery, Hats , Caps and Groceries. ! 56 and 58 Hill St. - - - Griffin, Ga.‘ ~ a -WE BENT- • LADIES’ 1 pIgWiTX)) & GENT’S VLJ' WHEELS AND TANDEMS. r Griffin Cycle Co., KINCAID BLOCK. , -SEND US- « YOUR REPAIR WORK; j WILL DO YOU ® \ J • A GOOP JOB. WOOD YARD. I want to sell you your Wood, cut and t split, ready for use. Wood yard at No. 1 ‘ HUI street Telephone No. 10. W. B- GRIFFIN- I I DM't lebarat Spit nd Year Life Away, r To qail tebacoo easily and forever, be mag . netic. full of :U O , nerve and vigor, take No-To Bae, the wonder-wo: ker, that makes weak men strong. AU druggists, 50e cr St. Cure guaran teed Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co. Chicago or New York Water has been turned on thejxancteiy mahwt and it is tree to any lot owner. 1 can be used by calling upon the sexton Mr. Frank Doe, who carries a key. Private keys will be sold by him, or at SI.OO each. Any one making keys or injuring 1 any way the fixtures win be prosecu Os, K. Howard, SupL Light and Water Works. To Caro Constipate »«*’* r * SA TakeOsaoaiets Candy Cathartic. B C. C. a tail to cure, dnugnts rcWnd mo®-