The morning call. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-1899, May 25, 1898, Image 4

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■ ■ A AViF A ■ ■ A-Ha * A * "* >^3 • / x ' )-;•’• ‘f-'■ ' , -.«»•< '. > <;■• •>.- <# ♦, • t • GARMENTS. SUMMER IB WITH US, AND THE DEMAND FOR LIGHT WEIGHT NEGLIGEE suits is increasing. , , SHIRTS. I HAVE ALL THE DESIRABLE STYLES AND FABRICS. LIGHT WEIGHT WOOL SUITS. BTBAW BLUE ANU BLACK BEBGES. -AND SICILIANS AND ALPACAS. CBABH BWW- SINGLE AND DOUBLE BREAST. Prices: $3.50, $5, $7.50, $lO Suit. THOS.J.WHITE j./-; ■' ’• . '• Clothier, Furnisher and Hatter. 'Y? 4 >- ’ ' .'■ •*' '■. ' ; ' ■ ' ‘ ... ■ ■ GERMAN MILLET SEED. New crop, extra fine Melon Seed. Fine Cigars and Tobacco. Fine Perfumery, Soaps, Combs and Brushes. , All kinds Patent Medicines, Chemicals and Powders. Paints, Oils and Glass. Paper, Ink and Pencils-nice butter color. WILL APPRECIATE YOUR TRADE. . , ' PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. J. N. HARRIS & SON- ' ,l " "' ' ' L ' J FICZLES! We have the finest stock of Pickles ev er in Griffin; every kind you may want and the cheap or as costly as you want. AW CLARK & SON, **' Wholesale and Retail Grocers. IT COST TO CLOSE JUT. Wo have left a few Order Books, Day Books,! Lodgers, Blank Books, etc.* which we wIH sell at COST, in order to MANGHAM BROS. ,w.-..r. 7, ■■ , , Morning Cail. I H | 1■» ■ ' " 'T ' GRlffiN, GA., MAY SB, 1808. Utticeover Davie* Hardware Store TELEPHONE NO. OS. ■ i PERSONAL AND LOCAL DOTS- W. H. Brewer epent yesterday in Atlanta. T. B Lyons, of Barnesville, epent yeaterday in this city. Bev. T. J. Christian spent yesterday with friends in Atlanta. B. A. Thompson made a business trip to Senoia yesterday. Capt. H. H. Base made a business trip to Atlanta yesterday. Alderman B. F. Strickland made a business trip to Atlanta yesterday. B. A. Drake and son, Boswell Hall Drake, spent yesterday with friends in Atlanta. B. W. Hale, of Jelly, was io the city yesterday attending the meeting of the fruit growers. Capt. Harry Fisher, of Newnan, was in the city yesterday mingling with bis many friends. Boevas Brown, of Macon, is spend ing a few days in this city with bis mother, Mrs. M. B. Brown Mrs- M. B. Fowler and son, Elbert, left yesterday for Li bia Springs,where they will spend several days. Jackson G. Smith, of Barnesville, spent yesterday in tbis city looking after hb mercantile* interests. Mbs Pearl Stevens returned to her home at Stevens Pottery yesterday af ter spending a few days in thb city. I. L Pollard, a prominent citizen of the Queen City by the Chattahoochee, was with his Griffin friends yesterday. Mr. and Mrs R 0. Crouch returned yesterday from a few days visit to the parents of Mr Crouch in Meriwether county. On account of repairs being made in the church the Baptist Missionary So ciety will meet at the home of Mrs. T. B Mills this afternoon at 5 o'clock. Lieut. Tucker, of the Browne Fen ' cibles, of Columbus, Company B, who was granted a leave of absence to spend Bunday at home with relatives, has returned and reported for duty. Col. Ciifton Jones, division freight and passenger agent of the Southern, with headquarters at Columbus, spent yesterday with Griffin friends, who are always glad to welcome him in their midst. Capt. Seaton Grautland left yester day to attend the sale of some fine blooded horses on a large stock farm near Nashville, Tenn , and if he sees one that suits his fancy as will make a purchase. Copt. Hunter and Lieut. Connor, of the Macon Volunteers, obtained a leave of absence from their duties at Camp Northon yesterday and went down to Macon, where they spent the day with friends. A Narrow Escape- Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E Hart of Gordon, 8. D: "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and finally termi nated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could not live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My hus band was advised to get Dr, King’s Now Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy woman.” Trial bottles free at J. N. Harris 4 Son and Carlisle & Ward’s Drug Stores Regular size 50c and SI.OO. Guaranteed or price refunded. No matter how good a bluffer a man may be, ho baa to give in when hie money gives out. st V’W* rn avwnn! MACHINES RIVEN AWAYiI uU uDWlnll IVllllJlllliWW uIVDAi AiiZl[ I mm ■ It’s hilly explained below. Read aboxHt We are determined to move i out more goods to Jan S than we have in this length of time in the past history of this business. OUR PRICES SHALL W USES OVER I EMPHASIZE THIS RESOLVE. . • ' * - - —— • ■■■■ 1 X -- w. » ■ —» MILLINERY . . I and hate. Are receiving new material daily. Come> and Be ® * Straws, vale. We have now a great assortment of new shapes. Sailors, Chips, etc., and as for Ribbons and Laces we inv te you to roe our f recent incomparable purchases. They are just too lovely. New gs, new flowers, new aigrettes, all the new things belongingto t iy 1 family, may be found on our second floor. Three cases of assorted te j ( bought at not over half values. < w a erer - | In colors and design harmony is sounded in every chime in spring and | summer textiles. French Organdy, real value, 50c, at 2oc. Irish Dimities, the 25c grade, reduced to 15c. | Dimities as low as sc. 20c. Organdies bought at half and selling at 10c. Fine 40»inch White Lawn, worth double, our price 10c. As to the Sewing Machines. . ■ We are going to giye fifty away during the next 30 da y®~P ing next week—to our customers. Buy twenty dollars worth of goods from us and pay for them and one of the machines will be given to you, provide fifty other customers have not done so before you. Buy the goods, pay tor them or have them charged—it’s all the same, that is, you must be one o „ the first fifty to either pay down twenty dollars for the goods or, having them charged on the books, pay the account. As soon shall have paid us S2O for goods Bought on or after this date you 11 get a machine if fifty others are not ahead of you. When you make purchases tickets or coupons will be delivered to you from which you may evince your claim. These machines are not worth fifty dollars each, neither are they, worth twenty dollars. But they will cost you nothing upon purchases of $20.00, and we’ll supplyyour wants for less than “they can be secured anywhere else in this town. We sell the best and our prices are always the lowest. LADIES’ FIXINGS. Ladies fixings—a big subject. But our stock is big enough and varied enough to meet its multiform and multiplex requirements —well, nearly— but only a hint can be given here. Toilet articles— big stock. Fine selec tion of purses. Leather belts, black, tan, green and white, many of them as low as 25c,. Fans, the latest and prettiest. When your mind or your purse suggests a saving, why, just make your purchase with us. , GENT’S FIXINGS. We've made this department a leading one in our store, Going to make it more popular; going to do it with the right things at the right prices. As in everything else we’ll save you money on these goods. The nicest makes known to gent's furnishings. Bows and scarfs ana ties —mixtures and mud ley’s in men’s neckwear. See them and you’ll like them. Collars, 1900- linen, 10c. Cuffs, 1900-linen, 15c. Shirts, pure linen bosom, reinforced back and front, continuous ficings, patent gussets, felled seams, worth SI.OO at 5Cc. Negligee Shirts, select assortment, lower than others. Guess you don’t object to a saving, do you t Our's the neatest stock in Middle Georgia. Speoia-ls. 60 silk waist patterns-r-new creations and just too lovely, - - $1.59 Great purchase of New Shirt Waists,the value of each is one dollar the price is - - - * - - - - - - •» - - ■ -50 c Silk Grenadines, you’d say one dollar, at 50c Silks, brocaded Gros Grains and Taffetas only a few pieces to go at s the price 75c. Linen Crash, extra wide, plain and fancy, a good quality at * *> 25c 60 fine Novelty Suite at prices to - Sell Etamine, latest in woolens recommended for separate skirts * -35 c 44-mch French Serge, very special -45 c 80 pieces Dress Duck, the 15cent grade at------- 9c 2,000 Ladies Handkerchiefs at 5 cents worth everywhere else -10 c 60 pieces Dimity, worth 10 cents, at 5c Good brass pins, per paper i . 1c Hair pins, per package .......; 1c School Handkerchiefs, each . . . —r . 1° 600 yards good quality Dimity 5c .BASS BROS.’. Fire At Barnesville- Barnesville, May 24—About 6 o'clock this afternoon smoke was dis covered issuing from the windows of the Enterprise office, one of our week ly papers, which has quarters over the Chambers drug store. Upon investigation it was found that the building was on fire and bat for the heroic effort of the department and our citizens generally, the build ing would have been completely de stroyed. The plant of the Enterprise was badly damaged by the fire, while the stock of drugs on the first floor was injured by waler to a considerable ex tent. All parties were fully covered by in* suranoe, and it is thought the Enter* prise will come out promptly on the day of publication. Deaftess Cannot be Cunti by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining ot the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have, a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflamation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, heating will be de stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. Cmomv & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hairs Family Fills are ths best. Tbo war with Spain is'Cproving a hardship in ths guano factories. Su perintendent J W. Dowman, of Cor dele’s plant, says that sulphur and nitrate of soda are contrabands of war, being used in making explosives, therefore they are bard to get. He says some of the factories will be com pelled to close down unless they can procure these necessary essentials for their work. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve- THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. N. Harris & Bon and Carlisle & Ward. If a man could yell as loud in pro portion to his size as a baby can, tele phone companies would be unable to declare dividends. Educate Yonr Bowels With Caaoareta. il a A h A r k te ; ®, ur « constipation forever. ■ -*-• It C. 0.0 fall, refund money. CASTO RIA For Infants and Children. Mo-To-Hac for Fifty Cents. Clothing For Every OiJ A.T BASS BROS.’ I A train load of—we like to have said soldiers, but we mean Qotu. ■ for the soldiers who are going to remain at home. Our buyer made mJ If war purchases last week, aud judging from the amount of the purchann L thought the clothing factories would shut down and we would to buy any more Clothing, and the factory thought mouev was better clothing during war time. Well, we just gave them a check to show vE| got the goods; now, you come and give us your name and get all the (W ing you want. Really the purchase of fine Clothing was unexpected on oj ® part, but the prices were the inducements. ■ The Prices ffill Have to flo thfl Selling Nnl Come and see us if you will ever need a Suit for yourself or your boy S Children’s Knee Panto 25c, 35c, 50c and up. *: Men’s Odd Pants 50c, SI.OO, $1.50 and up. Men’s Suite at $4.25, worth $7.00, Black and fancy Worsted Suits at unheard of prices. ■ 2,000 Sample Hats I To go with Clothing at 50c ou the dollar. We own more Clothing than all the balance of Griffin put together. I Buy S4O worth of Clothing, Hate, Shoes and Neckwear for S2O and get ■ a SEWING MACHINE FREE GRATIS. Shoes to Fit Every Foot! . A.T BASS BROS.’ I The largest shipment of drummers’ samples Shoes and Oxfords ever ■ shown in Griffin, and cheaper than ever known. Now, if you want a Slippt ■ or a Shoe for yourself or any one, we will save you big money. “Von I made in storms are often forgotten in calms.’’ So said, but we vow that our I vow to sell Oxfords and Slippers cheaper than any one in Griffin is being I carried out to the letter. Come and see for yourself. We give a SEWING ■ MACHINE with every S2O you spend in our Shoe Department, in our Mil. | linery Department, or Dry Goods Store until 50 have been given away. < One case Ladies’Fast Black Hose. We break the record on quality-! ° n case heavy Black Hose; they beat the world for the price—a dime. I We have 14 Young Horses and Mares to sell Or exchange for Mn.l t 0... I BASS BROS. THE BIC . STORE, For your Summer Goods, Cloth-1 ing, Shoes, Millinery, Hats Caps and Groceries. I 56 and 58 Hill St. - - - Griffin, Ga. < - - - _ —r ■ " 81 -WE RENT- LADIES ’ & GENT’S WHEELS AND TAMDEMS. Griffin Cycle Co., KINCAID BLOCK. “SEND US- y -jh YOUR REPAIR WORK; ff / /f'\ 11 WILL DO YOU I X J A GOOD JOB. T . .. . . . .. WOOD YARD. I want to. sell you your Wood, cut and split, ready for use. Wood yard at No. 1 Hill street. Telephone No. 10. W, B- GRIFFIN- Dos t Tobacco Spit and Smoko Tour Life Away. To Quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netlc, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To 1 Hao, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, SOe or Si. Cureguaran and sample free. Address | Sterling Remedy Co.. Chicago or New York. Notice. Water has been turned on the veaMm mains and it is free to any lot oW °*‘ tOB can be used by calling upon the sex Mr. Frank Doe, who carries a key. Private keys will be sold by him, or n* at <I.OO each. - , ia Any one making keys or any way the fixtures* will be W. K. So**®”’ Supt Light and Water WorM- To Cure Cona tipartion