The morning call. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-1899, May 27, 1898, Image 2

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- Morning yww- ORIFFIN, GA., MAY «, 1838. Officeover Davte’ hardware Store f TELEPHONE NO. 22. r— ■ ■. . . 't-= J-SS J. P. A 8. B. BAWTELL, —“ x " 11 % ... jStbJS by carriers at any point in tbs city. The Middl* Groroia Farmrb, pub iisbmi every Tburedyrtsocta peryj« 8* for six months, 1& for three The above papers sent to any address, tMatnce Mid. at prices named Tan feflutnso Call and the Middli Q comi a Farmusi wiU ew rates furnished ou applica tion Official Pip* ofM Oritaj as Spaldinf caanty aid the City of Grtffifi. z < -*3 Geo. J. B. Steedmao was imprisoned in Morro Castle io Havana not long after the close of the civil war. He had gone to Cobs to aid the insur gent* and was captured by the Span* i.rds. Bia predicament finally was reported io Washington and his re* lease followed, If tbe report is correct that France desires to buy the Canaries, Spain had better sell them quickly. She would have done well to sell the Philippines, and Porto Rico and Cuba, long ago. Possibly she would do well to sell the Balearic Islands, sod any other odd possessions which she may have lying around, before they are taken out of the market by Uncle Bath. The night before Dewey left Wash* ing'on to take command of the Asiatic squadron he was guest of honor at a dinner. His Irostess and others ex* pressed regret that he was ordered to such a distant post. The commodore said : I shall find plenty of work to do You know the Spaniards have a fleet over there, and I’ll have to de stroy H at, es course. Then there aie the Philippines, Spanish territory. Some day you’ll hear that I’ve cap* lured Manila before breakfast. Somebody has suggested that the government send Admiral Dewey a large consignment of Mexican silver dollars with which to pay bis men. Two Mexican dollars can be purchased with one American dollar, and in Ma nila th* Mexican dollar will purchase more than the American silver dollar, because it is heavier. Tbe suggestion, however, will not be accepted. The men will be paid io gold, or money which inequivalent to gold whether it be io Manila, or Paris, or London or New York. * No aaoe railway management would think of atarliog up a great railway system with nearly all green men io eveiy department, and with the ex ceptions confined to email roads of little bueintaa A railway started un det such conditions would, in lew than I a week be aeriooaly disabled, its en gines burned out or smashed, its care I ditched, and its treasury threatened with bankruptcy from wrecks and coats. The same i* true of any great business enterprise, and is doubly true io the organisation of a great army and the carrying on of a war invasion. It ought not to be forgotten that the feature in the new land-grabing game into which our government is assumed to be ready to enter is on the pro gramme io Congress for this week. The joint resolutions for the annexa tion of Hawaii, without tbe consent of the Hswaiiane, without even consult ing tbe wishes of tbe American peo ple, it has been atated, are to be press ad for immediate action. Tbe Presi dent is said to favor them, and Speaker Reed is reported to have withdrawn, or at least mollified, bis opposition to such xnoexation viewed as a “war measure.” We must seise Hawaii be cause we are at war with Spain] Wo require the islauds for tbe protection of our Pacific coast, and tbe security of our future possessions in the Phil ippines, when Spain bae not a ship of war in tbe Pacific, and baa not at present the means of rending a fleet to replace the one destroyed by Dewey, which would not inevitably meet the acme fate. Tbe war ia tbe excuse. Tbe greed of tbe land speculators, the sugar speculators, tbe bond speculators, and the rest of the sharks who have been for months intriguing and working in Washing ton io favor of “annexation” furnishes tbe motive. Is it to be one of the fruits of a “now and more vigorous foreign policy” that that policy is to be here after shaped and governed in the in terest of such creatures* Statute •« SmSm. Aa amlneut writer an birds and reptiJee I SeS It would be remwwbM I ibtorertinff If tMe gentleman would tell Lteb Mrde fiamering ta tbe air above tbe m. _» . —*— .Mwwdy unatde to re- STU influence that attsnotod Urn WbMber “ ** fMC>n * tto,Of face. it wMWtotfowabty sxisSed. aJtbW r mmm mat not MW cbterrw ilu gMfew mwt ttte. To bitt would te im from toe formettunof their fowa Hey strike from above, fSirtentnn fangs into their prey, after which they jtenew-h it, ordinarily by swallowing. uXv vartmteeaf snakes have the power tooMceal their yowagtn toot* mouth*. Tho Uny snakes play about the mother's bead, and upon the slightest alarm toe far ttoy taunedlaieiy vwnito. reappearing when the cause for XmremMtolmvZbeenremoved. Wfatb rS. mother make has tbe faulty of onmmunicating their danger to town to net known. In aU probability she baa. There are certain fito that open their moutoa and engulf their small brood when danger threatens The love* of nature fade endtom opportunity ftw lnterestlng reemreb in toe study of every form of MM —Mew Yerit Ledger- NtHcß to Owmfa «f Real Estate. The City Assessor* having completed tbe assessments for the present year and turned the books over to thi* office, parties arc hereby notified to examine the same and file application for reduction if they ao desire. THOS. NALL, April 29, 1898. Clerk and Trees. Kwrvbody Bays So. Gtecarets Candy Cathartic, ti>e most won derful medfoal discovery of the age, pleas ant and refn-sliinr to the taste, art geutiy and positively on kidneys, liver and bowtie, cleansing the entire system, dls|>el colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation end biliousness. Please buy and try a box of ac. C. to-day; 10,35, Ml cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggist*. MOSLEY’S LEROK ELHIK A PLEASANT LEMON TONIC. For biliousness, constipation and appen dicitis. For indigestion, sick and nervous head ache. For sleeplessness, nervousness and heart failure. For fever, chills, debility and kidney diseases, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough organ ic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Moxley’s Lemon Elixir is prepared from the fresh juice of lemons, combined with other vegetable liver tonics, and will not fail you in any of the above named diseases. 60c. and fil.oo bottles at drug gist*. Prepared only by Dr. H. Moxley, At lanta. Ga. AT THE CAPITOL. lamin my seventy third year, and for fifty years I have been a great sufferer from indigestion, constipation and bil iousness. I have tried all the remedies advertised for these diseases, anl got no permanent relief. About one year ago the disease assuming a more severe and dangerous form, I became very weak, and lost flesh rapidly, I commenced using Dr. H. Moxley’s Lemon E'ixir. I gained twelve pounds in three months. My strength and health, my appetite and my digestion were perfectly restored, and now I leel as young and vigorous as I ever did in my life. L.J. Alldrkd, Door-keeper Ga State senate, State Capitol, Atlanta, Ga , Aug. 5,1896. MOZLEY’S LEMON ELIXIR Is the very best medicine I ever used for the diseases you recominend it for, and I have used many kindsifor woman’s troub les. Mbs. 8. A. Gbesham, Hughes Jt Hodge Factory, Salem, N. C. - '■ ~ ~ 1 Bicycles . . .. Repaired —BY — H.P.EADY&CO. WORK GUARANTEED. PROMPT DELIVERY. E H. SEARCY, JR., Counsellor at Law, GRIFFIN, GA. GENERAL PRACTICE. I * * * *>*.Vr ’ ar /Uwe- A-;sab -* _____ • - - * < SPRING REMEDIES For “that tired feeling,” spring fever and the general lassitude that coomb with warm days, when the system han’t been cleansed from the impurities that winter oas harvested in the blood, you will find in oar Spring Tonic and Btomnrh Bitters. For purifying the Wood and giving tone to the body they are unexcelled! ■ 7' ■ N.B. DREWRY * SON, 88 Hill Stmt. I ~1 F CANDY C.A IHARIIC OJLQ CONSTIPATION 50c L' RUGGISTS M T "" 1 ""J M I i ' k The Best Company is the Company that does the Most Good. THE MUM LIFE IHK CO: OF MEW YORK. IS THE OLDEST IN THE UNITED STATES AND THE IiAEGEST IN THE WORLD. Since organisation to tbe present time, it has paid and now holds on policies not yet due the toormous sum of |>7I6,OUU,UUU. Its dividend record i* unsurpassed by any other company in th® jorld. It protects your dividend in case of death and provides for your old age. See that your policy has this clause inserted in it. w As compound results are the source of life of all the old line companies, what is best for the-company should be beet for the insured. And for beet results take a policy in ths grand old MUTUAL LIFE. n . Fathers seetoit that the daughter, the pride of your heyt, when as sailed by the vicissitudes of life and touched by the n . d T of T f^ Bfl be provided with a guaranteed income for life. The MU TUAL LIFE, the strongest financial institution known on the globe—twice as large as the Bank of England—writes that guarantee. And to the patriotic soldier who feels called upon to avenge the wrongs to his country, we say don’t forget the loved ones at home—the Mutual Life is prepared to take care of all. And for the benefit of those who have a policy in this grand old company we give the following extract from a letter of the president, Richard A. McCurdy: “I wish you to assure every policy-holder in thia Company that hia rights will be fully protected under all circumstances and tha no one need hesitate to respond to the call of patriot ism or duty through fear of the forfeiture of his policy. 7 RICHARD A. McCURDY, President. For beat plana of inaurance pleaae consult ma JL. "\A/\ JSTXjXj, Snecial Asjent. CENTRAL OF GEORSIA RUT CO. I Schedule in Effect Jan. 9, 1898. I', . . ’ ’Wo. r No u —No"t * " No - 1 IL’-. U l Dtiiy. Dtil“ Dtito- sranoss- . Pally. IMUy. Daily. 1 T<omb «oSchb TtoamLv Atlant* Ar J»pn>ll»Uß Iff*? Isainn 44Tnm SSSsm Lv. Joneabore...... Ar B&2pm 10 33am J J?®® ' SU» «mpS aJ::”......... ItaEsvflte Lv ntism-turepm Ar.. Thomaston. Lv-tSOOpm t7 86am lOUtnn •81 pm MlUsm Ar PoreythTT. Lv 514 pm 858 am JHam ’ 1110 pm 730 pm 1110 am Ar Macon 1* 415 pm 800 am *3“ Ul9 am 810 mn 12 08 pm Ar..GordonLv 804 pm Tto am 310 am "" toWpStlSpS Ar MiHtoeayine Lv «30am Akum* Lviß»*m 840 pm , OMaS *Bpm Ar fao&mto.. Lvl 845 am ««£■ •Tfatito texcept Sunday. Train for faWDan and Carrollton leave*Griffin at 9«s am, and 1 s« par daily excevt . Sunday. Bstarnin*. arrivea in Griffin *2O P m and 12 40 p m dally excert Sunday. For timber information apply to C. 8. WHITK, Ticket Arent, Griffin, Ga CH KO. D, KLINE, 0603 Supt., Savannah, Ga. J. C. HAILK Gen. Paaemeer Arent, Sar-nnah. Ga K. H. HINTON. Traffic Manager, Savannah, Ga. Tybee’s Fortifications- Our country’s defenders * are now at Tybee, Georgia’s greatest Seaside resort. One heavy battery in charge of the immense coast defense guns. One light battery; 65 trained horses. Fortifications f rapidly nearing completion. | Get ready to visit Tybee, to enjoy all the pleasures of this delightful resort, and see the new fortifications. Excursion tickets at low retes will be on sale during the summer. Announce ment as to rates, etc., will be made later. J. C. Hails, G. P. A., Savannah, Ga. GARDEN HOSE, Plumbing and Tinwork, Awnings of All Kinds. A. S. CAMPBELL 16 Hill Street. . jft 10 KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE PICTURE of the Maine (and look pleasant, Unde Sam says to Spain, while he takes a snap shot I Keep your eye on the bargains we are offering in light summer Furniture for the city country cottage, in aa> aaMled and differs teni bedroom suits, odd bureaus, bnas beds and dainty designs in odd chairs, reed and rattan rockers, etc. and they cannot help pleasing you. CHILDS 4 GODDABD. Taxlßeceivers Notice for 1898- I will be at the different Precinct* for the purpose of receiving your State and County Tax returns on the following dates: April April May. Line Creek 4 18 23 ML Zion 5 19 24 Union 6 20 25 Africa 7 21 26 Cabin 8 22 27 Orr’s 9 23 28 Akin ‘ 11 25 30 Griffin on Orr’s days. You will find me at my office in Griffin at EDWARDS BROS. RACKET STORE all the time from April Ist to July Ist except dater named above. Remember office at Edwaid Bro*. Rack et Store, Brooks’ old stand. Books close July Ist. S. M. M’COWELL, T. R 8. Co. Ga, NOTICE TO PUBLIC. This is to notify the citizens of Griffin that Mr. W. B. Hudson has been appoint ed Sanitary Inspector of the city. Beginning on Monday the 4th in*L, he will make a thorough inspection of all premise* and localities and advise what is needed to place the locality or premises in a sanitary condition. He has full author ity under the Board of Health of the city to institute whatever sanitary measures be should deem necessary. J. C. Brooks, Ch’mn., N. B. Drkwry, J. F. Stewart. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ■ y I “/.W ■"V ■ *II ■ i I wW w Iw » m»- ’ ’ Copyriqi*t« Ac. tess* CTATE OFMjIEORGIA, „ / Whereas, J. P. and X d. Huff. Executors of last will oLMrs- IfaJJ M- Todd, represent* to the pe tition, duly filed and «**»«* <« that they have folly »dminiatered Mix. Mary M. Todd’a estate- tiwyfo*® c*u»e,if any they can, wbv aaid Executors should not be dis rhmreed from their administration, and receive letter* of dtomiaakm onjfoe first May 2,1898. STATE OF GEORGIA, Spalding Coumty. To all whom it may concern: Where**, John D. Holman, Admintotretor of Rosa debt* uid division atneng tire heir* of sag deceased. Thia to to cite aU perron* inter sated to show cause, if any tfay h Mdd order should not be granted before me on first Monday to June next bvlO May 2, UB&- V STATE OF GEORGIA, Bpaldimg Coottt. Whereas, J. Cbestaey Smith, Admtaia trator ot Gloes Simoro, represents to the Court in hi* petition, duly filed “d star ed on record, that he ha* ed Gloss Simons estate. This i» tbere-’ fore to cite all perrons concerned, kin Med and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator not be discharged from Ma and receive letter* of dismission on tbe first Monday in July, 1898. MOW j. a. DREWRY, Ordinary. April 4th, 1898. STATE OF GEORGIA, Spaldimg County. Whereas, B. R. Blakely, administrator of D. H-Johnson, represents to tbe court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered D. H. Johnyin’* estate. This is, therefore, to cite all perron* concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said adminis trator ahould not be discharged from bis administration and receive letter* of dis mission on the first Monday in June.lß9s. J. A- DREWRY, Ordinary. r March 7th, 1898. STATE OF GEORGIA, Spaldibg Coumtt. Whereas, Robt. T. Daniel, administrator of E.L. Hammett, represent* to the court in his petition, duly filed an J entered on record, that he has folly administered E. L. Hammett's estate. This is, therefore, to cite all perron* concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said adminis trator should not be discharged from hi* administration and receive letter* 01 dis mission on the first Monday in June, 1898. J. A- DREWRY, Ordinary. March 7th,1898. Griffin Telephone Exchange BRANCH OP THB 80UTHKBK BELL TKLB PHONE AMD TELEGRAPH CO. JNO. D. EABTERUN, Supt; W. T. GENTRY, Assistant Suptt Atlanta, Ga. 16 Anthony, Dr. E. R., residence, 2 ring* 40 Anthony Drug Co. 1 Bailey, D. J n Jr., residence. 17 Baker, W H, Groceries. 1 49 Bishop, J. W., Market 80 Blakely, B. R., Grocer. r 41 Bowden Bros, Livery Stable. I 31 Boyd, J. D., warehouse, 2 rings. , 31 Boyd, J. D n residence, 3 rings. 37 Boyd Manufacturing Co. 43 Brewer A Hanlriter, wholesale grocers 4 Burr’s Sons, H. C., Hardware, 2 calls. 4 Burr, H. C., res. 3 calls. 38 Carlisle & Ward, druggists. 45 Central R. R. depot 39 Clak & Son, G. W., grocers. 16 Collier, T. J., residence. 15 Drake, R. H., grocries. ; 35 Earnhart, W. C n residence, j 44 Fire department * 9 Grantland, Seaton, residence. 46 Georgia Experiment station. 10 Gray, Dr J T, office. 59 Gray, Dr J T, Sunny Side, 3 rings. 28 Griffin Ice Works. 6 Griffin, Mfg. Co. 19 Griffin Mfg. Co. : 14 Gri®n Banking Co. 54 Griffln Compress. 50 Griffin Saving Bank. * 25 Griffln Light and Waler Works. 3 Griggs, Bob, livery stable, e 36 Howard, W. K-, residence. 1 8 Jones, Geo. L, residence. * 18 Kelley & Mhoma*, physicians, 2 rings . 18 Metiy, Dr. J. ML, residence, 3 ring*, f 27 Kincaid, W. J., residence. 8 7 Kincaid Mfg. Co. (nulls.) 21 Leach A Co., J. NL, grocers. 32 Maugham, J W, residence, 2 rings. 32 Mangham, J J, residence, 3 rings b 2 Mills. T. It, office, 2 rings. 2 Mills, T. IL, residence, 3 ring*. 47 Moore, Dr. J. L., residence. 22 Morning Call office, 2 rings, 34 Newton ACS., W. H., coal and lumb’r 5 Newton Coal and Lumber Co. 29 Osborn A Wolcott, office. 20 Oxford. D. A. market and restaurant 22 Sawtell, J. P., residencr, 3 ring*. 26 Searcy, W E H, Jr, residence. 18 Sears, J. grocer. 83 Shedd, J. market 24 Southern Railroad. 13 Southern Express Company.’ 23 Spalding County Farm. 12 Stewart, Dr. J. F., residence, 11 Strickland, RF. A 00. 42 Western Union Tdegraph Co. MISS VVB WORTHINGTON, Mansnr"® GRIFFIRTO the EAST I SEIHmOILUL I T° K‘K°i „ >’» ■ , ‘ Jal V, fnore Norfolk and Bay K via Washington 18 70 To Philadelphia vte Norfolk, £ ■ To New York via Richmond and W ® To New 'ffi’via Norfolk, Va, and 28 00 I Cape Charles Jtoute, 22 on ■ To New York via Norfolk, Va., and °° » Washington, 99 m ■ To New York via Norfolk, Va., Bay °° » Line Steamer and Baltimore, 22 m I To New York via Norfolk and Old 1 Dominion 8. 8. Co., meals and stateroom included, 99 M K To Boston via Norfolk and Steamer, W 0 meals and stateroom included, 23 25 fl Alio on Sale EVERY WEDNESDAY i Trip Ticket* Atlanta to Norfolk, B Ocean View, Virgin!* Beach and fl Old Point Comfort, V*., for fl $15.*75. ■ These tickets will be good for return B passage within ten days from date of sale B and will enable merchants, buyers and the* B public to make an exceedingly cheap trh to the east, as cheap round trip tickets can K be procured from either of above points to ■ WASHINGTON, BALTIMORE pgr 1 ADELPHIA AND NEW YORK | The Seaboard Air-Line’s passenger for B vice between Atlanta and the east is excel. 11 lent. Double daily through trains Atlanta I to Washington and Norfolk, with PuU- ■ man’s finest drawing room sleepers. Pullman reservatioh can be made at say I time. For farther information call on or I address B. A. NEWLAND, 1 Gen. Agent Pass Dent B WM. BISHOP fl T. P. A., No. 6 Kimball House, Atlanta. 1 T. J. ANDERSON, fl G. P. A., Portsmouth, Va K HL OOP POISON I I fc^K^efor 5 t 036 TOO I SESSSS -■ - *** u ro&t, any ptrtok oat, H is this *>rinn*sry BLOOD Poisof vsKuisranteetoein< We «>bcltthe mow ob«U. ■ Bate cases and challoore tbe world for a ■ ease we rannoteiuw. Tfcisdtoesse has aiwan ■ baffled the shiHef tbe most eminent phy£ p dans. •500,000 capital behind our unronj I I Something New! ■ Every housekeeper needs Spoons and ■ Forks for daily use. A cheap plated arti- > cle is poor economy when you can buy s ® first class article, of bright solid metal that I will always look bright, as there is no I plating to wear off, at 50 cents per pack- ■ age. Splendid article for the kitchen | picnicers, to send out meals, etc. Cheap 1 and always look welL I A. LOWER. No. IS Hill Bireel. Southern Railway. I f I I Also promptly conasotin* for and from CW fi tanooga, Cmmanatt sad tas Northwest. i Schedule in effect May 1.«•- Coitrd fl standard time except at points east of Atlanta. ■ W ZZZ B Mfc*7 M»«* fl Northbaaad. mfa st Lv. Columbus ..- •JJ am !?S J! I “ Waverly Hall ’?»» Ji® J! ■ SU 5 ; I : SSkSTTr-.::::::::::.-IS tS I - Tgß 1 —-—O I Lr.Ctaciamti.. ...■■■..■ *S9 am «**>* Lv. LotdavUle T4S am f • »■ a*. T 5 * * u«»»» j ■s' Ssfifti- : • gartjsjs Lv. Atlaat* 510 ass *»»• I = fe=g:Ets: ; «:=|S5; 1 ** Warm Barta**..... IS* aid a I ** OakMoUatein BM am I - WarorlyHall . I«X am JWP» Ar. Oohnabma. 9*9 aJ »j»JLg r TO MAOOI, Daily. Na. *7- N* •• Lv T in—fff l* am fcSaSttbW Jft.m !*r- Ar. SSg'&yx” <5 am nUNK A DAIfNOM, J. M- CVMV W .A* B» BIA