The morning call. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-1899, May 28, 1898, Image 1

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w w ■ ' ■ M !*A /■ Bi vR 1 WE I Aw wl v V® ® ■ I I Lj pk /I g \ g I g ' g ' I I M v I I XJ I x I -w I ZA A > JLJ j x▼ A \ J X / A IJI J* waTiX. No. 226. IT IS GOKDOJN. wnMIKATED FOB BRIGADIER I ’qENIRAL BT MUMIDINT. The Official® Have Received Ho Addi tional Information Concerning Sampson’s Movements. VFabhington, May 27—No addi tional information baa been received ■jsgarding the movement of the fleet* in the West Indies. The department having waited aa lo0 g aa dignity seemed to rmoire for newa directly from | ffio aquadrone, it ia believed now taken atepa to secure it | through its own inquiries. Consequently, it may be expected at any moment that some of the die patob boats or scouting vessels will bring news of the squadron to one of the cable stations, probably in Hayti, for transmission to the navy depart*' meet. The following ia in part tbe report of Admiral Saippson concerning tbe action of Ban Juan de Puerto Rico: "Upon approaching Ban Juan it was seen that none of the Spanish vessels were in tbe harbor, I was therefore considerably in doubt wheth er they bad reached San Juan and again departed for spme unknown des tination. As their papture was the subject of the expedition and as it was essentia! that they should not pass to the westward, I determined to attaek the batteries defending the port in or der to develop their positions sod strength, and then, without waiting to reduce tbenhy or subject it to reg ular bombardment, which would re quire due notice, to turn to the west ward.” The rainy season ia just beginning in Cuba, and tbe fleet of warships and newspaper dispatch boats have expe rienced bad weather during the past week, with frsquefli violent rainstorms. Col. W. W. Gordon, of Bavannal\, has been appointed brigadier general by tbe president Hie name was sent (o the senate today with a large num ber of other appointments. Col. Gordon began bi* military ca reer as a private in the Georgia Hus sars, Ga. vol., Feb, 1857, to May 1 1861; sergt, same troop, May 1, 1861 (attached to 6th Va., Cav, Stuart’s brigade); 3rd lieut., same troop, Sept., 1861, to Feb. 1863 (same troop, trans ferred to Jeff Davis Legion, Hamp ton’s brigade, Stuart’s division, Dec., 1861) ; capt. and A. & I. G. staff of Gen. Mercer, Feb, 1863, to Dec 1864; (Mercer’s brigade transferred to Wal ker’s division, Hardee’s corps, John son's army, Mar. 1864); (same brigade attached to Cleburn’s division, Har dee's corps, July 23, 1864); wounded at Lovejoy, Sept., 1864; transferred to Anderson’s brigade, Alien’s division, Wheeler's corp* of cavalry, Deo., 1864; surrendered and paroled, Apr. 26, 1865, Hillsboro, N. 0.; 2d lieut. Ga. Hussars, Ga. vol, Apr. 10, 1876; Ist H*uL, Dec. 4, 1876; capt. Mar. 17, 1880, to Nov. 25,1889; col., sth regt., Ga. cav. (now Ist regt., cav., Ga. vol ), Nov. 25, 1889. J. J. Holland, builder of the Holland submarine boat, says Ke is willing to undertake to sail bis boat into tbe channel of <be Darrow entrance to Santiago harbor and destroy all the mines planted there Then if it is neeesaary he will proceed into the har bor and blow up several of Cervera’s vessels. He claims he can accomplish thia destruction, and will ask permis sion of the naval authority* to be al lowed to carry out hi* plan. All he •ska of tbe governmetft ia transporta tion for bi* men and vessel to Oub*, when be will do the rest Bufitess Cannot be Owed by local applications as they can/iot reach me diseased portion of the ear. Thera is only ohe way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the masons lining of tbe Eustachian Tube, when this tube is inflamed yon have a rambling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafhess Is the meult, and antes* the inflamation can be tsken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de ttroyed forever; nine cases out often are CM *ed by Catarrh, which i* nothing but *mfla«ned condition of the mucous sur- We will give One Hundred Dollars for «®y case of Deafbese (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cere. Bend for circular*; free. F. J. Chrnxt A Co., Toledo, O. by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pill* are tbe beat. OAJBTOHXA. \ • HE WAS RESURRECTED A Negro Arrested Claims He Died and Lives Again. Officer Phelps arrested a negro yes terday afternoon for stealing a ride on the Central passenger train. Th* negro said that his name was Ed Scott, and he was going to hie * home in Charleston, 8. C. I He was carried before Judge Beck » sos trial, but made *o startling a state ment that tbe judge adjourned court i before passing sentence and called in > the city physician, newspaper repor i ter* and other wise men to examine I bis prisoner. ; The negro claimed that lie died in Charleston and had been raised to life I again. He could not state whether he ■ went to heaven or some other place I after death, but evidently ho / soared ' upward, as he thought himself too , ethereal to work on Capt. Camp’s charm string or spend a night in Griffin’s new city prison Dr. Collier, after hearing the negro’s » story, gave him a critical examination and pronounced him physically able to , do the work of any convict in the county, but after talking with Scott i the doctor'expre**ed the opinion that he was probably of an unsound mind. Judge Beck then ordered tbe pris oner placed in prison for tbe night, i and today the officials will endeavor to i determine whether be is a subject for i tbe asylum or the chaingang. Officer Phelps thinks the negro is feigning, and instead of returning from tbe upper regions has escaped from some convict camp, as be carries a scar on hi* breast made by a pistol f ball, a mark on bis hip where he had been cut, and signs of shackle* on hie ankle*. Commencement Exercise*. Tbe following i* tbe programme as arranged for tbe commencement exer cise of tbe Public school* and tbe Cha*. M. Neel Institute. Owing to unavoiderable difficulties there will be ao Baccalaureate sermon. ■'Tueedh, 8 p. m—Recitations, songs and drills by tbe Grammar School. Wednesday 8 p m.—Declamation* and recitation* for medal offered by Mr. J. D. Boyd and also for one by Prof. Neel. Thursday 8 p. m.—Graduating exer cises, and oration oy Hon. W. C. Gleen of Atlanta. Friday, June 3rd 7 to 11 p. m.—Re. ception to graduating class by Prof Chas. M. Neel at hi* residence on Hill street. Tbe music for the commencement will be furnished by tbe pupil* of Miss Sherwood and tbe best local talent. We feel sure that the public will be given a rare treat at each performance. Mr. Boland, who ia connected with the Y. M. C.A. tent at Camp Northen, will render s violin *olo, which, we know, will charm'his audience. . Meet in Macon- Tbe Baptist Yeung People’s Union of Georgia will assemble in annual ■ convention in Macon on June Btb, 9th > and 10th, and the indications are that there will be a large attendance of del egates and visitors. There will be a 1 number of interesting, addresses and 1 sermons. 1 An interesting feature of the eger -1 cises will be awarding the C. C. ban i ner by that eloquent young lawyer,Mr 1 Warren Geice, of Hawkinsville. > Following are the officers of tbe 1 union: J. J. Whitfield, Hawkinsville, presh * dent j J.-D. Chapman, D. D., Sevan 1 nab ; R*v. H W Williams, Elberton ; John Phinisy, Augusta, vice presi dents; F. J. Psxon, Atlanta,secretary ; B. H. Hardy, Barnesville, treasurer. Rev. R. Vandeventer, of Hawkins- ■ ville, is chairman of tbe executive ( committee. I The Sure La Grippe Cure. There is no use suffering from this i dreadful malady, if yon will only get j tbe right remedy. You are having , pain all through your body, your liver i is out of order, have no appetite, no ■ life, no ambition, have a bad cold, in * fact are completely used up. Electric k Bitters is tbe only remedy that will ’ give you prompt and sore relief. They f act directly on your liver, stomach ; and kidneys, tone up the whole system i and make you feel like a new being. They are guaranteed to cure or price refunded. For sale at J. N. Harris A Bone and Carlisle A Ward’s Drug Stores. * SC " - J/ !• M » GRIFFIN, 610M1A, SATURDAY MORNIN6, MA\ 88, 1888. PREPARING FUR SERVICE. 1 Tne First Regiment Getting in Trim for Marching • The First regiment introduced a new > feature iu its work yesterday morning by a march through the . country of • five miles. > This was a most interesting specta cle and will prove qnito an advantage t to the men hereafter. - Tbe march began at 6 o’clock in tbs t morning, and was conducted on lb* > ragular war basis. Two companies - were detailed a* advance and rear 9 guards.. The men stood tbe trip remarkably i well. Th* hospital corps was on band J ready to see to the men who "should t fall out on account of illness or ex » baualion, but everyone rertiained in I ranks and no complaining was heard, > save from a f*w Who were wearing s new shoes which blistered their feet. > Another on* of these marches will be had on Monday when tbe distance i vyill be increased. » Alter the return to camp of tbe > troops little else was done during the ) day until 4:45 When drill call' was I sounded, t fl Tbe Y. Al. C. A. on the ground is > proving quite a success as a place of • entertainment for the soldiers. It is > well filled all the time—some reading, • writing; others in social conversation, ' and with tbe different games. Every night herein is held a concert for tbe i pleasure of tbe soldier* One company [ is selected each night to furnish I amusement for the others, which is i heartily enjoyed by all. I Th* officer of tbe day yesleiday wa* I Capt. P. R. G Bell,. Senior officer of ) tbe guard Lieut. J. A. Thomas, Jr,, junior officer of guard was Lieut. J. F. McCarthy. i Bucklen’s Salve- THE BEST SALVE in the World for i Cuts, Bruise*, Sores, Ulcere, Balt Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands , Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no .pay re ‘ quired. It is gnarantaad to give perfect. ’ satisfaction ox money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. N. 1 Harris & Son and Carlisle & Ward. > ' - , Oldest American Fort. Standing, sentinel like, where the , Susquehanna splits itself into tbe north and south branches, is old Fort Augusta, tbe veteran fighting strong hold of tbe United States. Beside a [ modern fort it wodld look, in size, like I a dog alongside of an elephant. It is now tbe property of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac t Cross, of Sunbury, Pa, and is located I in a field about 165 feet from the river bank, says tbe St. Louis Globe Demo , crat. It was built in 1756, after plans by t Colonel Gordon, aga protection against tbe French and hostile Indians, and j- was named after the mother of George 111. In shape it- closely resemble* a bake oven, and its interior is curious and interesting. A small mound of 1 earth marks the spot, with an opening ' in the ground two and a half feet wide. 1 Twelve 4 inch stone steps lead below. 1 On descending tbe ground space in- • side is found to be 10x12 feet, and 8 ‘ feet from tbo other floor to the apex 1 of tbe arched ceiling. The arch is brick, and commences in an offset ' purposely made in the wall five feet ' above the ground floor. The bricks are r said to be of English manufacture. I’s location at tbe forks of the Sus -8 quebauna was a strong strategic ad vantage, as it held tbe chief passage ' by waterway from tbe north of tbe state. When completed it was regard* • ed a* one of the largest, strongest and - most important of all tbe fortification* » erected on tbe frontier* of tbe pro vinces. Its original armament con- ' sisted of at least twelve cannon and 8 two swivels, and one of the«e cannon is still in existence in Sunbury. It is of English make, of about three and one-balf inch borv, and weighs nearly I 1,000 pounds. Fort Augusta ranks next in impor ’ tance tn Valley Forge aa • factor in , tbe achievement of our liberties, and j it ia to be hoped some day public , spirit will see Chai steps are taken for I its preservation, and a suitable tablet , placed upon it to mark its stanch as j eistance in tbe early career of this , great country. j When Nature t Need* assistance it may be beat to render 5 in promptly, but one should remember to use even the most perfect remedies only when needed. The best and most simple and gentle remedy is the Bjrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup > Company. ’ ; . "j wßysl Make* tks food psfo> wbotoooMO <SolUvlom>* I h' oI H * I JOVAL BAKIHO FOWOtR CO., MCW YORK. Sttrythe Cub Reporter Didn’t Get- (Sne day a cub reporter wa* sent to covp a meeting of an east side literary cluf, which was to debate about arbi traffbn and ite effect upon Interna tiotlkl peace, bat be came back to the office within an hour looking disap pointed , says Scribner’s. ‘•Where’s your story? ’ asked the city editor. - '.‘There w*o’» any story to write,” replied th* pew reporter, picking up a newspaper; ‘'they coldn’t agree upon the e word)ng of the subject, and they got to arguing and calling flames, and finally tbe meeting broke up in a free fight; so I came back, sir.” TbC city editor came down’from hi* desk and gazed pitifully upon tbe cub. “They were to have debated on peace,” b* said, sorrowfully, “and tbe meeting broke up in a fighj. And there waa nothipg to write! You may go.” That, is a story they tell along the row, and it is old one. THE EMELLENCE OF SYRCP OF MS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to tbe Cadifobnia Fig Sybuf Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance' of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with: the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company— » CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. •AN FRANCUC*. C«l. LOUUVILLK. Kt. NKW YORK, N. Y. THE FAMILY MARKET BASKET ! is always a source of curious delight when filled with delicious and tempting food i product* from Shedd’s. Our stock is al ways *o fresh afid high grade, the aroma of our coffees and teas so fine, and our service so satisfactory, that a basket of groceries from ua means future enjoyment. J. R. SHEDD. iai — | h——■> Cheap Excursion Bate* to Earttrn Citi** via Savannah and Ooean Steamship Co. Effective June Ist, 1898, the Central of Georgia Railway Company will place on sale excursion tickets to New York and Boston, via Savannah and Ocean Steam ship Company, at very cheap rates. The rate* include meals and berth on steamer. A trip via this route cannot fail to be of much interest and enjoyment to all par i ties contemplating visiting the East For rates, sailing dates, etc., apply to any Ticket Agent of the Central of Georgia Railway Company, or to J. C. Haile, Gen* eral Passenger Agent, Bavavannah. Ga, I R,F.StricklandXCo. The Department e Store of Griffin, t tr. »■ . . (o) Look at These Prices and Come in and Compare Qualities. White figuied Pique 10c., regular price 12ie. White figured Pique 17}c.> regular price 23c. White cord Pique 17jc., tegular price 25c. White checked Dimity 12}c„ regular price 17|c. Persian Lawn and India Linen 17 ic., regular price 25c. • . 1 Muslins and Organdie* sc. to 30c. yard. Ladies seamless fast black Hose 9c. pair. - Ladies Hermsdorf fast black Hose 12}o. to 25c. Bleached honey comb Towels 9c., worth 12ic. Unbleached honey comb Towels 50, each. New plain and fancy Ribbons all colors. New Vai. Lacee and Ensertion. JS/EEZsT’S WEAR. Men’s balbrigan Undershirts 25c. Men’s bleached drill Drawers 25c.* Men’s Negligee Shirts 48c. to 98c. Men’s all linen Collars 10c., Cuffs 20c. Everything sold cheap. B. F. STBICKLANI> & CO. CASH OR CREDIT * LaM* TZZT" 'T" /V -tc_ ±±, J_J±rC-£X±i.±!j 3 CRIFFIN, .CA. SPECIAL EDITION Infantry Drill Regualtions, United States. Army. ALSO, The $5.00 VIVE CAMERA, with Complete Oatits for Taking Pictures, for sale at .... . J, H. HUFF’S BOOK AH» MUSIC STORE edwabdsTros. RACKET STORE. HAVE JUST RECEIVED SOI fills Sin SHOES! All Grades to the Finest. A r Call before they are pick- f ed over and get a pair .. i < AT WHOLESALE PRICE r. • “ • EDWARDS BROS. Tan Cants nar Waak