The morning call. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-1899, May 28, 1898, Image 2

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< ■ -"' - jyg J> 1 a Irw~ morning nWTWRTN GA MAY 28 1898- Olticeover Davis’ hardware Store J. P. 4 A B. BAWTELL, Editors &dq 1 roprwion. -. r 1 «™~«g!?*ge*ga"g - {—J 11 , 11 r lailv —Monday excepted—*t $5 00 per aa> Or •>» aoauw. or W oao« par week. D.IIT—I Tbe above paper# aent to any address, naid at price# named ’rw» mownino Call and the Middlb Gcomla Fame®# will ever be the beat advertising medium# for thi# entire section l,t oa applied lion > .. Official Pap* of flu Ordinary of Spalding county and tire City of Griffin. > l. -J 1 The #overeign people of the #iate of Georgia will hold their primary elec tion one week from next Monday. Candler will hold bi# own, Berner will bold the bag and Atkinson will hold hi# breath—Brunswick Time#. Neihiog #o dampen# tbe ardor of a eoldier and dull# tbe edge of hi# ambi tion a# the realisation that promotion nan be gained through political influ ence rather than by personal fitnea# at valjroua deed#, sensibly remarks the New York Herald. Can we ever be 100 lhankfol to Gro wer Cleveland and* John G. Carliele for Alling up the Federal treasury be* fore they quitted office? Dingley' has failed us His revenue measure does not bring In additional cash. The war expenditure ia cutting down the available ca#h on hand. There is only a boo l one hundred millions of the Cleveland surplus left. Meantime, the Senate debates and dawdles and dubitates wbilat tbe war goes on and the bills payable accumulate —Pbila delphia Record. When Foraker was governor of Ohio and th# re was talk of returning the captured Confederate flags,be declared “no rebel flags shall be returned while lam governor" A few days since, without any solicitation or suggestion from anyone, he said : "I think it itould be a good thing at thia time to retorn tbe Confederate flag# if our bretben io tbe Booth want them back." Time and conditions have softened tbe fire alarm man’s heart and sobered ” bis judgment, remarks an exchange. A good deal has been said io tbe Madrid dispatches lately about tbe alleged raising of the Spanish flag on American ships off Cobs, says tbe Savannah News It is not known whether this flag incident really oc curred or not, but if it did the A metis cans were witbin the rules of war. Not only may the enemy’s flsg be but bis uniform also. It is provided in tbe navy regulations, however, that if tbe enemy’s flag be raised, it must bo hauled down before a gun is fired, and under no circumstances must an action be commenced or an engage* without the display of the United States ensign. Tbe Georgia Supreme Court has de cided that when a sentence is imposed upon a prisoner and suspended by tbe judge, it cannot be retin forced. Tbe case in point was one in which the sentence Included imprisonment and fine and costs, and tbe trial judge ora dered that tbe sentence be suepepded and tbe prisoner be discharged upon the payment of fine and costs. Some time afterwards tbe discharged prison er was indicted for a repetition of tbe offeoee upon which be bad been form erly convicted and sentenced,.and the judge ordered that the original sen tence of imprisonment be carried out. The order waa resisted, and the Su preme baa upheld tbe resistance. The war has already demonstrated that we know bow to sail and fight ebipe as well as any people io tbe world, and that we can build as good and euostaotial craft as float upon tbe bosom of the deep. Tbe feat of tbe first class battleship Oregon is one well calculated to enhance our self esteem* | She has just performed the longest J high speed voyage for a ship of her class on record, and has reached tbe , end of it in perfect condition. Indeed, < she could turn around and retrace her i course without waiting a minute for repairs. Fourteen thousand miles waa the length of the Oregon’s sprint, and ’ she reached the end of it able, ready I and witling to fight the whole Soanish fleet if necessary.—-Savannah News. 1 . IN NEW YORK'S EARLY DAYS. The lßwwwr Was Om ■###<* Wealth, "A nieaLnt* Hoto* ooonr# to me of a anmnw twfwrea# of tire family of Governor Btuyvwant to meeting house, to the fort near tbe Battery, New York, writes Mn. Burton Harrison in The Ladies’ Home Journal, describing ••When Fashion Graced the Bowery ••ln a brave coach, drawn by shining home* 1# enrooooed the wlf whose long, coat half hide* his wooden leg banded with silver. He wears a carefully curled peruke and holds his hat upon his into in order to oourt the 000 l sea breere that fanshi# rugged visage. Hi# lady, sitting in state beside him, is, in their staid and phleg matic community, accounted a brilliant personage; her gowns came out from her native Paris, and her silken hood is worn over frissled and powdered hair; her embroidered hose and high heeled shoes, her rings, bracelets and lockets, With the gorgeously bound book of de votion# impended by a golden chain to her wniMhand, may be depended upon as models of the very latest modes. Mn. Bayard, the widowed sister of the governor, occupies a seat in the coach facing them. “After service in the bare colonial church—where the dominie’s sermon, however eloquent, was always brought to an end by three raps from the clerk’s stick at the moment when the sands of the hourglass had announced that tbe preacher’s limit of time had been reach ed—the Stuyveaant party passes out be tween rows of respectful gasers. ’’ U'- ~Sl!l'3AJjjLiia.'4!l Everybody Say# So. Caacarets Cand v Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of the age, pleas ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and iKMsi lively off kidneys, llverand bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colas, enro headache, fever, habitual constipation Snd.blliousneHS. PI ease buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-dny; 10, 50 cents. Hold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. MOZLETB LEMON ELIXIR , A PLEASANT LEMON TONIC. For biliousness, constipation and appen dicitis. For indigestion, sick and nervous head ache. For sleeplessness, nervousness and heart failure. For fever, chill#, debility and kidney diseases, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough organ ic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Moxley’s Lemon Elixir is prepared from the fresh juice of lemons, combined with other vegetable liver tonics, and will not fail you in any of the above named diseases. 50c. and |I.OO bottles at drug gists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, At lanta. Ga. AT THE CAPITOL. lamin my seventy third year, and for fifty years X have been a great sufferer from indigestion, constipation and bil iousness. I have tried all the remedies advertised tor these diseases, and got no permanent reljef. About one year ago the disease assuming a more severe and dangerous form, I became very weak, and lost flesh rapidly, I commenced using Dr. H. Moxley’s Lemon Elixir. I gained twelve pound# in three months. My strength and health, my appetite and my digestion were perfectly restored, and now I teel as young and vigorous as I ever did in my life. L. J. Alldmd, Door-keeper Ga. State Senate, State Capitol, Atlanta,Ga , Aug. 6,1896. MOZLEY’S LEMON ELIXIR Is the very best medicine I ever used for the diseases you recommend it for, and I have used many kinds for woman’s troub les. Mbs. 8. A. Gresham, Hughes & Hodge Factory, Salem, N. C. - Bicycles . . .. Repaired BY — H.P.EADY&CO. WORK GUARANTEED. PROMPT DELIVERY. ~W| EH. SEARCY, JR., Counsellor at Law, GRIFFIN, GA. GENERAL PRACTICE. i’ ’ - SPRING REMEDIES For “that tired feeling,” spring fever and the general lassitude that comes with warm days, when the system hasn’t been cleansed from the impurities that winter nas harvested in tbe blood, you will find in our Spring Tonic and Stomach Bitßrs. For purifying the blood and giving tone to the body they are unexcelled 1 N. B. DREWRY * SON, 28 Hill Street " 1 ... SSSfL CANDY CATHARTIC ■ . fe - MPa W yL; Sa X• IJi 10c ALL as. so. druogb ts ■ - The Best Company is the Company that does the Most Good. THE NITOL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. IS THE OLDEST IN THE UNITED STATES AND THE LARGEST IN THE WORLD. Since organization to the pAeent-time, it has paid and now holds on policies not yet due the enormous sum of S7I6,OUU,UW. Its dividend record is unsurpassed by any other company m the world. It piotects your dividends in case of death and provides for your old. age. See that your policy has thia clause inserted in it. # As compound results are the source of life of all the old line companies. What is best for the company should be T “® ored - And for bert results take a policy in the grand old MUTUAL LIFE. Fathers see to it that the daughter, the pride of your heart, when as aulM bv th. of life and touched by the crwl hand ot be provided with a guaranteed income tor life. The MUTUAL strongest financial institution known on the globe—twice as large as tne Bank of England—writes that guarantee. And to the patriotic soldier who feels called upon to avenge the wrongs to his country, we say don’t forget the loved ones at home—the Mutual Life is prepared to take care of aIL And for the benefit of those who have a policy in this grand old company we give the following extract from a letter of the president, Richard A McCurdy: ■. “I wish von to assure every policy-holder in this Company that his rights will be fully protected under all circumstances and tha no one need hesitate to respond to the call of patriot ism or duty through fear of the forfeiture of his policy. RICHARD A. McCURDY, President. For best plans of insurance please consult me. Suecial Aejent. * _ CEHTRIL OF EEORGII MILWIf GO. Schedule in Effect Jan. 9, 1898. A,;. 1 ISE iSS ins :g .’BSHSS ;SS LvtSOOmn WOOim itliS ISS <»S 1219 am 810 pm 12 98pm Ar.....GartonLv BMpm 710 am 310 am +BSO pm tl 15pm Ar MinedgevUle.. X.v «30am 1B 130 am 117 pm ArTennille.. 4..- •... .1# Ittym 315 am 3 2s pm Ar Millenl.vll34am ijMpm 636 am 63jpm Ar Augurta !<▼ 820 am 2nn pni 800 .th 6 00pm ArSavannah!<▼ 846am 900pm "Tndn^ioi^Newnan'and*Carrollton leave#Griffin at 9<s am, and 1 s 0 pw daily excett StUMay. Beturnlng, arrives tn Griffin 690 p m and 12 40 p m dally except Sunday. For further Information apply to C. 8. WHITB, Ticket Agent, Griffin, Ga rHEO. D. KIJNE, Gen 3 Bupt., Savannah, Ga. J. C. HAILE. Gen. Paaaenrer Aarent, Sav*nnah, G. S. H. HINTON, Traffic Manager, Savannah, Ga. Tyhee's Fortifications. Our country’s defenders are now at Tybee, Georgia’s greatest Seaside resort One heavy battery in charge of the immense coast defense guns. One light battery; 56 trained horses. Fortifications f rapidly nearing completion. | Get ready to visit Tybee, to enjoy all the pleasures of this delightful resort, and see the new fortifications. Excursion tickets at low retes will be oa sale during the summer. Announce ment as to rates, etc., will be made later. J. C. Hailb, G. P. A., Savannah, Ga. GARDEN HOSE, " Plumbing and Tinwork, Awnings of All Kinds. A. S. CAMPBELL m Hill Street. KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE PICTURE of the Maine sand look pleasant, Uncle Sam says to Spain, while he takes a snap shot! Keep your eye on the bargains we are offering In light summer Furniture for the city country cottage, in en» ameled and decorated bedroom suits, odd bureaus, brass beds and dainty designs in odd chairs, reed and rattan rockers, etc. and they cannot help pleasing you. CHILDS & GODDARD. Taxlßeceivers Notice for 1898. I will be at the different Precincts for the purpose of receiving your State and County Tax returns on the following I dates: - April April May. 1 Line Creek 4 . .. 18 23 Mt. Zion 5 19 24 Union 6 20 25 Africa 7 21 26 Cabin 8 22 27 Orris 9 23 28 Akin 11 25 30 Griffin on Orr’s days. You will find me at my office in Griffin at EDWARDS BROS. RACKET STORE all the time from April Ist to July Ist except dater named above. Remember office at Edward Bros. Rack et Store, Brooks’ old stand. Books close July Ist. 8. M. M’COWELL, T. R. 8. Co. Ga. NOTICE TO PUBLIC. This is to notify the citizens of Griffin that Mr. W. B. Hudson has been appoint ed Sanitary Inspector of the city. Beginning on Monday the 4th inst., he will make a thorough inspection of all premises and localities and advise what is needed to place the locality or premises in a sanitary condition. He has full author ity under the Board of Health ,pf the city to institute whatever sanitary measures he should deem necessary. J. C. Brooks, Ch’mn., N. B. Drewry, J. F. Stbwabt. 50 YEARS* BB I -1 I “ / r w ■ 1 w ■ ■■ k ■ 1 M1 ■ I Trade Marks V. L' I CTATB OF Whereas, J. P. Nichol# and J. H. Huff, I Executors of lut will of Mr#. Marv IL Todd, represent# to the Oourt, in' pe- | tition, duly filed and entered on record, | that they have folly Mary M. Todd’# eetate. Thi#i# Oiorefore I to cite all person# concerned, klnflred ano j creditors, to show cause, if any they am, l, why said Executor# should DQt| be auk I, charged 'from their administration, and I, recede letter# of di#mi##icoont i»t I May 2,1898. '• > I 1 - j*. _______ i STATE OF GEORGIA, Spalding County. To all whom it may concern: Whereas, John D. Holman, Administrator of Rosa 8. Holman, deceased, has in due form oi law, applied to me for leave to sell to (10) shares of the capital stock of the South-I western Railroad for thepurpoee ofphyinx debt# and division among the heir# of said deceased- Thi# la to cite all persons into-1 ested to show cause, if any they i h * Te > *? y I said order should not be granted before me on flrat Monday in June next by 10 o’clock a. m., at which time said applica tion will be heard and upon. J. A. DREWRY, Ordinary. May 2,1898. STATE OF GEORGIA, Spalding County. 1 Whereas, J. Cheatney Smith, Adminis trator of Glos# Simons, represent# to the Court in hi# petition, duly filed and enta ed on record, that he ha# folp r t * d ° > lntoter-1 ed Gloss Simons estate. This, fe therfr fore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditor#, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not I be discharged from hi# administration, I and receive letters of dismission on the 1 first Monday in July,1888; . I J. A. DREWRY, Ordinary. April 4th, 1898. STATE OF GEORGIA, - Spalding County. Whereas, B. R. Blakely, administrator of D. H. Johnson, represent# to the court in hi# petition, duly filed and entered on I record, that he has folly administered D. H. Johnson’s estate. This ia, therefore, to cite all person# I concerned, kindred and creditors, to show I cause, if any they can, why said adminis trator should not be discharged from his I administration and receive letters of dte mission on the first Monday in JuneJ.B9B. I J. A. DREWRY, Ordinary. V March 7th, 1898. _____ STATE OF GEORGIA, Spalding County. Whereas, Robt. T. Daniel, administrator ofE. L Hammett, represents to the court in his petition, duly filed anl entered on record, that he has folly administered E. L. Hammett’s estate. Thi# is, therefore, to cite all person# concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said adminte- j trator should not be discharged from his administration and receive letters of dis mission on the first Monday in June, 1898. J. A. DREWRY, Ordinary. March 7th, 1898. > —III I ——————— Griffin Telephone Exchange BRANCH OP THE SOUTHERN BXLLTELB PHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO, JNO. D. EASTERLIN, Bupt- W. T. GENTRY, Assistant BupL) Atlanta, Ga, 16 Anthony, Dr. E. R., residence, 2 rings 40 Anthony Drug Co. 1 Bailey, D. J., Jr., residence. 17 Baker, W H, Groceries. 49 Bishop, J. W., Market. 80 Blakely, B. R, Grocer. 41 Bowden Bros, Livery Stable. 81 Boyd, J. D., warehouse, 2 rings. 31 Boyd, J. D m residence, 8 rings. 37 Boyd Manufacturing Co. 43 Brewer & Hanleiter, wholesale grocers 4 Burr’s Sons, H. C., 4 Burr, H. C n res. 3 calls. 88 Carlisle & Ward, druggists. 46 Central R. R depot. 39 Clak & Son, G. W., grocers. 16 Collier, T. J., residence. 15 Drake, R. H., grocries. 85 Earnhart, W. C., residence. 44 Fire department. 9 Grantland, Seaton, residence;. 46 Georgia Experiment statxM#.. 10 Gray, Dr J T, office. 59 Gray, Dr J T, Sunny Side; ffringa. 28 Griffin Ice Works. 6 Griffin, Mfg. Co. 19 Griffin Mfg. Co. 14 Grigp Banking Co. 54 Griffin Compress. 50 Griffin Saving Bank. 25 Griffin Light and Water Works. 8 Griggs, Bob, livery stable. 86 Howard, W. K., residence. 8 Jones, Cleo. L, residence. • ■ 18 Kelley & Mhomas, physicians, 2 riagr 18 Melly, Dr. J. M., residence, 8 rings, i 27 Kincaid, W. L, residence. 7 Kincaid Mfg. Co. (mills.) 21 Leach & Co., J. M„ grocers. 82 Mangham, J W, residence, 2 rings. 82 Mangham, J J, residence. 8 rings 2 Mills. T. R., office, 2 rings. 3 Mills, T. R., residence, 8 rings. 47 Moore, Dr. J. L., residence. 22 Morning Call office, 2 rings, 84 Newton &Co., W. H., coal andh imb’i 5 Newton Coal and Lumber Co. 29 Osborn A Wolcott, office. 20 Oxford. D. A. market and rests orant 22 Sawtell, J. P., residencr, 8 rings. 26 Searcy, W E H, Jr, residence. 18 Sears, J. M., grocer. 33 Shedd, J. R., market. 24 Southern Railroad. 18 Southern Express Company.* 23 Spalding County Farm. 12 Stewart, Dr. J. F., residence, 11 Strickland, RF. A Co. 42 Western Union Telegraph Co w MISS WE WORTHING/TOK, •Manager* GRiFFINTO THE EAST I !• II 11 n|| Il II Irf a I | 111 L ■ •Dirraia»nALPABBiMOT fiBATU ‘ 1 P °“ I ToßafltatoaMa NorfolTand Bay To nUaMpHa via Norfolk, l 8 ■ ToNew York via Richmond and ■ Norfolk, Va., and * °° If To “via Norfolk, Va„ and 22 09 Washington, 22 (H m To/New York via Norfolk, Va., Bay I Line Steamer and Baltimore, 22 tn B To New York via Norfolk and Old Dominion 8. 8. Co., meals and 1 stateroom included, 22 to ■ To Boston via Norfolk and Steamer, W ■ meal# and stateroom included, 28 % ■ Alio on Sale EVERY WEDNESDAY Beu# Trip Tickets Atlanta to Norfolk I Ocean View, Virginia Beach ani ■ | j sls. *75. | These tickets will be good for retam passage within ten days from date of safe P and will enable merchants, buyers andZ' ■ public to make an exceedingly cheap tZ I |to the east, as cheap round trip tickets can I be procured from either of above pointe to ■ I The Seaboard Air-Line’s passenger ter I vice between Atlanta and the east fe excel I I man’s finest drawing room sleepers. I Pullman reservation can be made at ur I time. For further information call on or | address B. A. NEWLAND, | Gen. Agent Pass Dept. I wm. bishop clements; I T. P. A., No. 6 Kimball House, Atlanta. I T. Js ANDERSON, s G. P. A., Portsmouth,Va || PLOODPOISPH ! ■ *Hf ure<5 * nl6to3S<1 »y B -| 1 I xs?is4ar»snsHrKrKS I‘,hi sSwSEyßiooS'rfs®S I vernaranteetocurw WeaoUcittbemoatobatfe | ’ I n*& caaea and cnaltenre the world for# I I clan#. S3OOA>OO capital Mtn# our uwufo I I tlonal AbWHutoyooftgent Btatalpi | I Temple, CHICAO^UdS 4, ! I Something New! fl Every housekeeper need# Spoon# and | Forks for daily use. A cheap plated arti- I I cle ia poor economy when you can bay t first class article, of bright solid metal that - will always look bright, as there is no plating to wear off; at 50 cents per pack- I age. Splendid article for the kitchen picnicere, to send out meals, etc. Cheap I and always look well. A. LOWER. I No. 18 HiU Street. Southern Railwhi. I Schedule in effeot May 1. Mte ■tanderd time except At point# e»»t ot Atlanta I x»rtkbem4. Daily. VMr. Lv. Columbu. ...7 SM lIJIS MlflUl® j ■ 'Williamson. 910 am JS«« I “ McDonough.Wg *» 1 Ar.Cincfonati'.: Me. SO *•* ** Southbound. Dally. Lv. ClnMnnnti ■ - 880 ,Wi >* ■ SSgteEEiiSHjgg is - i!H Ar. >S am i,,■■■Sani l ii /, j r TO MAOQg. Lv. Qlninlwta Bouth’nßy.l 0* • tB iu In U aI: (touth’n By . 825 a m 1« »” “ Macon, MA K A B?.- jU » » m Dally. . 1 Na. 3d ,, i,i i| Lv.LaQMMta M.• AWW 710 a m feta'R f "7” Ar. OelumbS, Sy^n2^l*» am - <