The morning call. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-1899, June 05, 1898, Image 2

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--u I * '■■ ' '••J r'Ht~ rif- ■■ ■'•fr; 1 J. P• A d. .!>• 8A W iKIxL, I JMiton &®u r roprsi' »?fs t„. i Tn Mouamw (MiAWlllbe pubHaM ' Wuutapwwerit J X ‘ UW * 1 by carrier* at uypcfort in the dty. . 1 The Miodui Gbomia Fabmu, pub- Uated "try Thurad jatKcta per war < IV for slzmoatha, 15c far three months. < “ Wrw> 1 P<^s*’ SaaraeCaLL a*d the Middl* OaoMu. rumwfll ever be the best i a for thte entire section ot the State. Advertising rates taratahud cm applies- ( ion ( . . >■! ■ -- - -. Official Paur of the Onliian ' VIIIVMI I ®|W w u«» *"• J ( of Spalflßf court) ud the City I as Cutfftn ti tmnn. 1 ■ 1 — • The Tiowe Recorder wages a year’s ' •obecriplrun that Candler will bare at ’ f ’ leant tixty two vulva to vparn in tbe f I_ ,■ w - Spain’s fa il ot expense* in tbe little scrap at Manila was not great after all. True her venule nook by Dawey were worth $7,000,000 , bot tbe owed lor every one of them, and will never pay the bill. Some one bee said that courting a girl u like starting a newspaper. It starts out a weekly, then becomes a tri weekly, then merges into a daily, and if It has any enterprise comes out with an rxtra about once a year? u..... Mrs Latter, of Chicago, mother ol the young wheat king, has presented the Chickamauga Park Hotel, at Crawfish Spring, to the United Stales soldiera lor hospital purposes The betiding will accommodate 700 pa tients. It is understood the property eoat SIO,OOO. Editor Weasner, of tbe Griffin News, ba* burled broadside after broadaide of misrepresent alios against Candler and has regaled his readers with yards and * yards of Berner eologiuma—bat watch Spalding county roll up a big majority for Candler next Monday I Somehow, Spalding baa a habit ol going contrary to the views of the genisl snd accom plished editor of the News—Jonesboro gi. - ■ Yffirt“European officers are with the United Blates troops (or the pur pose of watebing the war operations are said to express surprise al tbe ease which men are recruited for the army. Mosl of them have been used to com . pnleory service, where men are made to shoulder guns whether'l bay want to or not. Io Ibis country wo do not use compulsion to get our soldiers Our men fight because they love their country and leaire to defend it. They < give their servicer voluntarily and not ' in order to escape punishment. That is one reason why the Americans are the beet fighters io tbe world. MOUSY 8 LKMDN lLnra. - > * I A Aminat Lemon Drink, lagwlitss tbe •' Uwr. ttMßirfi, Bowuh ud XMaey*. For bffiouMas, coMtipation sad mala- I ria. | Few indigestion, sick and nervous head ache. For sisefilMsiraii, nermusnem sad heart failure. ] For fever, drifts. debility sad kidney , dhmsw. fair Lemon Elixir. For btotebes and pimples on tbe face, 1 take Laaeow Elixir. I Ladies, far natural and thorough organ- , ie ragutatitm, take Lemos Elixir. Me and $1 per bottle at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. EL Mocuey. At- lanta. Ga. j GRATITUDE. 1 Dr. ft Mestey—Dear Bfr: Staceutag your Lemon Elixir, I have never had an other attack ofltawe fearful rick headaches ud thank God that I have at last foturf a medicine that will cure those awfal spells. Maa. KmW. Jona PUrkanbwrg, West Va. MOXLEY'S LEMON KI.TYIR I uSered with iadigeettoa and dysen tery far two long year*. I heard at Leas- 1 on Efixur; got it; taken seven bottler, and < am sowi won mu Hanv Adams, No. 1734 Atm Avene, Birmingham, Ala. * MOXLEY'S LEMON ELIXIR j Cured my husband, who wm affiicted far j years with large nicer* <m his leg- Be is ] no* as sound aa a dollar, after using two bottles. The Lemon Elixir cured other cases like his, ead cored a friend whom the doctors had given up tn die, who bad aufiend far years with inffineotioa and * nervous protKirtum. I Maa. E. A. Brnux, | Woodstock, Ala. K Pratt, drouiert, Wright City, Mb- j souri, writes Tarana Elixir gave tbe , greatest rahefarrina It has cured a case ofchiDe and fever, of four years standing, j Cvewbattr thus Sa- <Mraarato(3BndT <fattaKtie,theHMßtw» I derfulraemcßkttawvecynf Chaage.pte- i ant to I BM MMWttl WQ Mt MmHBBTK JBTCT SM Wa. cfauS*the ontfra syatea*. diepri ectos, I ‘ ■ '■ SOCIAL SALAD- and the rausual popularity of the sweet of wide spread interest In this and other dliex DuriM U* ■»*"**«« «remony the bridal couple stood facing the portrait of the bride’s mother, whkh was wreathed With White sweet pees. Tbe bride was datntily gowned in a girlish frock of white organdie simply trimmed with lace and ribbons, amT never looked more lovely. After the ceramony aa elegaat luncheon weseerved alter which Mr. and Mrs. ’ Brooks left for Griffin. Mr. Brooks is f cordially wrioomed once more among his old friends, and it is quite uaneceasary to aay, that, u charming a woman as his wtfowill soon claim for herself many new, but sincere friends. • * * Mr. and Mrs. Brooks have been charm- i ingly entertained wace their arrival in tbe city. One of tbe pretties’, affairs given them, as well an one of the prettiest oftbe | entire weak, was tbe tea with which Mrs. Clark Brooks complimented them on Thursday last. Mia. Brooks is one of the handsomest of Griffin’s many hand some women and eatertalas in a style all her own, and quite inimitable. Mrs. BroGkshaa a delightful home, elegantly ftunished and filled with rare brtex-brsc, 1 and on Thursday, beautiful floral decora- , tions gave aa added charm. A delicious f menu was served in a gracefal manner. • • * - . i Prof-Charles M. Neel, complimented , hie graduating class with aa elegant re ception on Friday eyening. Several hun- ( dred guerts called to offer their coagratu- | laiions and good wishes to the fair, young ( girls, who are about to enter, each uopn ] her own field of usefalnera. •• * 1 Tbe marriage of Mfas Annie Redding ] and Mr. Edward Cook was solemnized i Thursday afternoon at 5-.30 o’clock at tbe ] Preabyterian church in BarvesTille. This □ is one of the handsomest <rf Barnesville’s churches snd on the occasion of this mar riage, was beautifally decorated with sweet peas, roses, palms snd smilax-e charming conceit was tbe decorations of tbe alter, which was completely covered with trailing amDax and potted plants, the white wood work here and there showing through the green leaves io pret ty contrast Tbe bridal couple stood in front of an arch formed of misty-tulle and ' ami lai and caught with loops of pink satin ribbon. A double floral heart of pink and white tweet peas bung juat ever the heads of the bridpl oouple as they listened to the weeds of the marriage ceremony impres sively performed by the Rev. Sidney Stephens. Miss Redding, who is one of tbe meet beautiful and interesting young women in tbe state, was exquisitely at tired in a handsome gown of brown covert doth, with a front of cream satin—with this, she wore a becoming hat, which was a dainty creation of broSrn straw and burnt orange flowers. As Miss Annie Redding, Mrs. Cook has been one of the most popular girls who has graced Barnes ville society. She is unusually bright and is besides, both traveled and cultured. Miss Maude Hammond, one of Griffin’s most charming girls, was Miss Redding’s maid of honor and wore an exquisite gown ' of white organdie over white taffetas, and caxrieda large bouquet of white caraa tions. The brides-maids, Miss Arlie Mur phey and Mian Gertrude Connaly, were lovely in their toilettes of white organdie over pink taffetas. They carried pink earnations. Mr. Robert Holmes acted as ’ Mr. Cook’s best man snd Mr. Charlie Summers, Mr. Charles Hunt, Mr. Powell j Stephens, rod Mr. Hollis Gray -were tbe , ushers. Mr. Cook is favorably known in serial and business circles and has many 1 friends who congratulate him on his good ’ fortune in winning this lovely young ( bride. Mr. and Mrs. Cook lef. immediate- i ly after tbe ceremony for an exterted tour through the south and east. Mr*. Roswell H. Drake has as her guest { Mix Mamie Hatcher, of Macon. Mias Hauler is a beautiful, talented, young woman and is always warmly welcomed by her numberless friends in Griffin. She will remain in this city about a fortnight • • • Three of the moat popular boys <4 tbe younger set have isued the following in vitation to a number of friends. Mr. George Jefferson Barrow, Mr. James Crawford Nutt, Mr. Ernest Henry Huff, At Home, Thursday, Jane tbe Ninth, Eight Thirty p. m. The CurrenfTnpics Club amt with Mr*. Tbocam Mflis on Friday afternoa. Splen did papers on “The Red Oruas Society,” “History of the Philippine Talanda,’’ and “James Whitcome Riiey” were read by Mr*. MBX Mm. Blakely and Mr*. Amefia Jonneon. Tbe general ffiemtsrion which followed tbe reading of these paper*, was hiriifr interesting. Free’piHs. Brod poor address to H. E. Bocklen L Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King’s New Life Palin. A trial will convince yon Os their merita. Tbene pills are easy in action a=d are I psrticalariy effective in tbe core ol ■ Constipation and Bick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troebies they have proved iavslnabie. They arc goaran- | teed to be perfectly free from every ddficrictii ssßbMsscw Aod to porrijr J vegetable- They do not weaken by a their action, bat by to **** 1 tbe system. Rqgnlsr raeKc. per box. Sold by N.J.BkrrisAßooandCarliste I A Ward, Droggfate. ; J ’ CANDY ' -- r* A T*W AISTIC* 4 CONSIMPAWN 10c ALL 2Sc 50c DRUGGBTTS m The Best Company is the Company that does the Most Grood. I the mil LIFE HOMKE Cl. OF NEW YORK. IS THE OLDEST IN THE UNITED STATES AND THE LARGEST IN THE WORLD. Since organization to the present time, it ha* paid and now holds on policies not yet doe the enormous sum of $716,000,000. Ito dividend record is unsurpassed by any other company in the world. It piotects four dividends in case of death and provides for your age. See that your policy has this clause inserted in it. As (impound results are the source of life of all the old line companies, xrhat la hnrt fnr the romnany should be best for the insured. And for best results t*ke a policy in the grand old MUTUAL LIFE. Fathers see to it that :he daughter, the pride of your heart, when as sailed by the vicissitudes of life and touched by the cruel hand of fate, shall be provided with a guaranteed income for life. The MU fUAL LIFE, the strongest financial institution known on the globe—twice as large as the Bank ot England—writes that guarantee. And to the patriotic soldier who feels called upon to avenge the wrongs to his country, we say don’t forget the loved ones at home—the Mutual Life is prepared to take care of all. And for the benefit of those who have a policy in t hia grand old company we give the following extract from a letter of the president, Richard A. McCurdy: ■v “I wish you to &mre every policy-holder in this Company that his rights will be fully protected under all circumstances and tha no one need hesitate to respond to the call of patriot ism or duty through fear of the forfeiture of hie policy. RICHARD A. McCURDY, President.” For best plans of insurance plfaae consult me. A_ "W. HILL, Snecial -A GEHTRIL OF GEORGII RAILWAY CO. t Schedule in Effect Jan. 9, 1898. ~~N~0.4 N 0.13 «(o.» | - ' Ka.l No. Daily, natty. Daily. statiobs. Daily. Psily. Duly. 7joms 4tepm! TMam'Dv.. Atlanta ...Ar T**m 11 SO am Bfapm 4 47pm Steam Lt...... ... ....Jonertoro. Ari,«s2 prn teWam SrtM# • (Wp «45amAr jUrntavtUe Lt ettpm »Sam 5 47am ts 40 pm tix«pm Ar.... - Tbomaaton. .Lt+3ooptn t7«am MlsP«b SXlpnlOSamSAr. Forayth Lt 414 pm 80am 1110 pm TtepmUteamAr Sfi" 11 amS Ul»am IBpaUMim Ar ...jStrton- Lt SWjxb TWam >Mam 180 am llTpm ArTennille-Lt 166 pm BUMS 325pmAr Millen. Lt II Mam 8»“ BMpS Ar l* T Steam <oopmlSr SaTaznah Lt; 8 46 ami I 800 pm “Daily, ♦except Sunday. Train for Newnan and Carrollton eaveaGriffin at 9 55 am, and IJO par daily except Sunday. Return I tur. arrtvea in Griffin »30 p m and 12 46 p m daily except For furthet InforroaUon apply to C, 8. WHITE. Ticket Agent, Griffin. Ga rHEO. D, KLINE, c-er/: Sept Savannah, Ga. J. C. MAILS. Gen. Pkaaeneer Arent. Bav«r ) r>a.h.G» B. M. HINTON. TraSße Manager. Savannah Ga. Tyboe’t Fortiflcaticrs- Tax Receivers Notice for 1898. Our country’s defenders ' are now at j miu be at the different Precincts for Tyber.Geoixia’sgn-atat Seaside resort. the purpose of receiving your State and itnmeare S2t drfSae guim & Oue "light 1 County Tax returns on the following battery; 55 trained horses. Fortifications f dates: April April May. rapidly nearing completion. Tlane Creek 4 18 23 Get ready to visit Tyb« to enjoy all ML Z(oa 5 ]9 24 the pleasures of this delightful retort, and * see the new fortifications. « Excursion tickets at low retes will be x 1 ™* I on sale during the summer. Announce- J " meat as to rates, be made later. Y?T 8 ~ S S J.C.m W O.F.A.B WMM >,<h. & 30 =======::===^======:=== Tou will find me at mv office in Griffin ninnm at EDWARDS bros, racket store GARDEN HuSE, s^£sss rf 4 £iu i “‘“ , " iji “ * Remember office at Edward Bros. Rack- Plnmhincr and Till work et Store, Brooks’old stand. Books close riflm&lßg fiOG lUWOiK, Juiyipt S. M M’COWELL, Arnings of All Kinds. ,-- A. S. CAMPBELL ie Hill Street. pc i f- _ . i > * --■■■ 5? 'S; '' ’ wWI FAMLY MARKET BASKET is always a source of curious delight vbea S filled with delicious and tempting food -W products from Shedd’s. Our stock is *L ways so fresh and high grade, the aroma <* «*» cefires ud teas so flu, ud our wav ,e service aos«iffactory, that a basket of WHICH WAY 15 - groceries from us means tutare rojoywsrt. i R' SHEDD. To find aacb Fantaroaa we are seaing -SaSSS-H tuaer. a the far rare- Counsellor at Law, CHILDS & GODDARD, ghtbul practice. t, - . . -• / ... • OnSnary’fi Advertisement!. STATE OF GEORGIA, i Spaldixg Coumry. ' Whereas, J. P. Nichols and J. H. Huff, Executors of last will of Mrs. Marv M. Todd, represents to tbe Court, in their pe- I tition, duly filed and entered on record, tha’ they have fully administeredlMra | Mary M. Todd’s estate- Th» is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if uy, they am, why said Executor* should noil be dis charged from their administration, and r receive letters of dismission on t rst <, Monday in May 2,1898. STATE OF GEORGIA, Bfaldixg Couhtt. « To all whom it may concern: Whereas, John D. Holman, Administrator of Rosa 8. Holman, deceased, has In dne tonn d law, applied to me for leave to sell ten (10) shares of tbe capital stock of the South western Railroad for the purpose of paying ' debts ud division among the heirs of said deceased. This is to cite all persons inter ested to show cause, if uy they have, why ' said order should not be granted before me on first Monday in June next by 10 o’clock a. m., at which time said applies- i ““’“"■'Wn&SlßY.c&y. May 2,1898. STATE OF GEORGIA, Spaldibg Cotrart. Whereas, J. Chestney Smith, Adminis trator ol Gloss Simons, «!»«“??*• tP . lhe ) Court in bi* petition, duly filed And enter ed on record, that he has tally administer ed Glos? Simons estate. This is there fore to ciie all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration, i ud receive letters of dismission on the , first Monday in July, 1898. nrteteomrayj OnJ}w i April tth, 1898. . j STATE OF GEORGIA, BrxuMN* County. 1 Whereas, B. R. Blakely, administrator i of D. H Johnson, represents to the court in his petition, duly filed ud entered on record, that he has fully administered D. H. Johnson’s estate. Thia is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred ud creditor*, to show cause, if any they can, why arid adminis trator should not be dischsrged from ins i administration and receive letters of dis mwncm on the first Monday in J. A. DREWRY, Ordinary. March 7th, 1898. ——■a——■ 1 STATE OF GEORGIA, I SrauDniG County. , Whereas, Robt. T. Daniel, administrator ' of E.L Hammett, represents to the court in his petition, duly filed ul entered ot record, that he has tally administered E. L. Hammett’s estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred ud creditors, to show cause, if uy they can, why ssidadmiDte trator should not be discharged from h» administration and receive letters of dis mission on the first Monday in June, 1898. . J. A DREWRY, Ordinary. March 7th,1898. : Griffin Telephone Exchange ‘ BRANCH OF TBX 80UTHXBK BKLLTXLX PHOXK AND TKLXGRAFHCO. ; JNO. D. EASTERLIN, Supt W. T. GENTRY, Assistant Supt Atlanta, Ga. r —— r 16 Anthony, Dr. E. R, residence,2 rings 40 Anthony Drug Co. 1 Bailey, D. J-, Jr., residence. 17 Baker, W’ H, Groceries. ‘ 49 Bishop, J. W., Market. * 80 Blakely, B. R, Grocer. r 41 Bowden Bros, Livery Stable. I 31 Boyd, J. D., warehouse, 2 rings. , 31 Boyd, J. D, residence, 3 rings. ' 37 Boyd Manufacturing Go. 43 Brewer & Hanleiter, wholesale grocers 4 Burr’s Sons, H. C., Hardware, 2 calls. 4 Burr, H. C., res. 3 calls. 38 Carlisle & Ward, druggiste. 45 Central R R depot. 39 Clak & Son, G. W., grocers. 16 Collier, T. J., residence. 1 15 Drake, R H., grocries. 5 35 Earnhart, W. C n residence, t 44 Fire department 9 Gran’.land, Seaton, residence. ' 46 Georgia Experiment station. 10 Gray, Dr J T, office. 59 Gray, Dr J T, Sunny Side, 3 rings. : 23 Griffin Ice Works. 6 Griffin, Mfg. Co. 19 Griffin Mfg. Co. 14 Grigpa Banking Co. 54 Griffin Compress. 50 Griffin Saving Bank. 35 Griffin Light ud Water Works. 3 Griggs, Bob, livery stable. 36 Howard, W. K-, residence. 8 Jones, Geo. L, residence. 18 Kelley & Mhomss, physicians, 2 rings 18 Melly, Dr. J. M, residence, 3 rings. 27 Kincaid, W. J., residence. 7 Kincaid Mfg. Co. (mills.) 21 L=*»ch &Co., J. M., grocers. 32 Mughsm, J W, residence, 2 rings. 32 Mangham, J J, residence, 3 rings 2 Mills. T. R, office, 2 rings. 2 Mills, T. R, residence, 3 rings. j 47 Moore, Dr. J. L-, residence, j 22 Mousing Call office, 2 rings, 34 Newton A Co., W. H., coal and lumb’r 5 Newton Coal and Lumber Co. r 29 Osborn ft Wolcott, office. 20 Oxford. D. A. market ud restaurant. 22 Sawteß, J. P.,retidencr, 3 rings. 26 Searcy, W E H, Jr, residence. 18 Sears, j. M, grocer. \ ■ 33 Shedd, J. R, market. ■ 24 Southern Railroad. 13 Southern Express Cornpuy. 23 Spalding County Farm. 12 Stewart. Dr. J. F., residence, 11 Strickland, R F. ft Co. 42 Western Union Telegraph Co. MISS WE WORTHINGTON, MiUfr. - - GRlFFlKtotskeast mmwreui nnism s ‘ ToZwnonrte Wuhlogton. To Baltimore via Norfolk and Bay 70 Line Steamer, ls! To Philadelphia via Washington, 19 S To Philadelphia via Norfolk, ,9 S To New York via Richmond ud S W Norfolk, Va., ud 22 00 Cape Charles Route, 22 on To New York via Norfolk, Va., ud W Washington, 22 on To New York via Norfolk, Va., Bay W Line Steamer ud Baltimore, 22 m To New York via Norfolk ud Old Dominion S. S. Co., meals and stateroom included, 22 To Boston via Norfolk and Steamer °° meals and stateroom iffcluded, 23 25 Also on Salo EVERY WEDBESDAY Boob* Trip Tickets Atlanta to Norfolk, Ocean View, Virginia Beach and Old Point Comfort, Va.. for $15.75. These tickets will be good for retun passage within ten days from date of sale, ud will enable merchuta, buyers and the public to make an exceedingly chean trin to the cast, as cheap round trip tickets can be procured from either of above pointe to WASHINGTON, BALTIMORE PHIL. adelphia and new York The Seaboard Air-Line’s passenger ier vice between Atluta ud the east is excel lent. Double daily through trains Atlanta to Washington and Norfolk, with Pull mu’s finest drawing room sleqien Pullman reservation cm be made at uy time. For further information call on or address B. A. NEWLAND, -Gen. Agent Pass Dept. WM. BISHOP clements; T. P. A., No. 6 Kimball House, Atlanta T. J. ANDERSON, G. P. A., Portsmouth, Va !, j 11 I aLODD POISON IwysssaSsS ■ ■ lo to3a ttava. Yon can be treated « •** J vu preier tocome hero we w t H eco tract to pay rallroadfareaDd hotel Ml! nodiam. If wa faU tocme. If yon have taken u»e™ any partd the body, HUrpr Eyebrows failing ent. it to this ennnadary BLOOD POISOX we euarantee to aara Wa solicit tbe most ob«t> sate caeca and tte world f or a 0^ 0 * Something Newt Every housekeeper needs Spoons and Forks for daily use. A cheap plated arti cle is poor economy when you cu buy a first class article, of bright solid metal that wiH always look bright, as there is no plating to wear off, at 50 cents per pack age. Splendid article for the kitchen picnicera, to send out meals, etc. Cheap* and always look well. A. LOWER. No. 18 Hfll Street. Southern Railway. Ekortest and qnickaat route with dtettt faQy service betweea Cohunbu* and Attoata Al—proMptty ifiittagtev aad frm Oat taaooea, CtSfauttatod the Nerthw—t Sehedato la effect May L Mta etandard time except at pojate eart of A'.aata. M-ttob—d. ££ | W Lv.tShuabua **P» “ Wav—lyHall Jg am «»P* : : sserEES is := «>: “ MeDomoDgh. MB am Ar. AthiartaZT. U» am »• >*» am >« «*»*■ Lv. Atlant*.. Ar. OkattsaMn. . 8M vm 4M ArTciaeteDrtU-....:.. - ae«thbe«nd. Lv.a»cta»att—B«> am Ar.AttamtZTr/. >W»» 11* Lv XewYert . a*» «• ■ —ll ’■* ~ Lv.Atlanta fgj? “ : gash-. s£?■ •»!! - ?5 TO MAOOI, __ ( j Daily. Me. W. K ** **. Ar- flr>- AX| Wnßr. Me. »* * Lv-Tanv—KMfeikßJk TM awp—Z2 ThylV-P.> Oy.jdtxr. ♦ "4.5 am a V. K.