The morning call. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-1899, June 26, 1898, Image 4

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■ IIIW- \ V ijil 1 » PTTF! WK HAVE A GOOD COFFEE FOR 25c. YOU PAT *. a OTHER PLACESFOR THE SO ANY KIND YOU WANT, FROM THE CHEAPEST TO tfitl FDCWT HOLD. .... TRY OUR TEAS. A GOOD TEA FOR 50c PER POUND- G. W CLARK & SON. Wholesale and Retail Grocers. T\T~FTTX7~ A TTTD FRESH. OUR STORE IT LOOKS CLEAN, COOL AMD INVITING. STOCK OF DRUGS AMD SUNDRIES ALL MEW AND OF BEST QUALITY. WE ARB RECEIVING NEW GOODS EVERY WEEK OR TTO. SO AS TO KEEP ON HAND THE LATEST AND BEST. - - - - WE CORDIALLY INVITE OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS TO CALI. AND SEE US. WE WILL APPRECIATE YOUR TRADE awn PROMISE TOU FAIR DEALING. - Prescriptions a Specialty. J. N. HARRIS & SON- A stylish l-horse trap, for 4 passengers, nearly new, will sacrifice it to sell it. Call and see it J, J. MANGHAM. Morning Call. ===== " GRIFFIN, GA., JUNE W, 1888. === = iHire onr IHvia’ Hardware Store TELEPHONE NO. M. FEBBOMAL AND LOCAL DOTE W. H Moor, o! Atlanta, was io lb. city yeeterday. Cliff Ford, of Carrollton, was io the city yesterday. B. N. Miller, ol Birdie, was io the city yesterday. \- W. E. King, of Thomaston, waa in th. city ysetsrday. T.B. Lyons, of Barnesville, apant yesterday io this city. Col. J. Render Terrell, of Greenville, waa in the city yssterday. Prof. W. G. Brown, of Sonny Side, spent yesterday io the city. Cd. M. C. Cabaniss, of Foraytb, waa io the city yaalerday for a abort while. Prof. J. 0. A. Miller, ol Sunny Side, spent yesterday with friends in tbia city. Dr. 0. H. McDonald, of Atlanta, is spending today with relatives in tbia •Ity. Mr. W. 8. Archer, Jr., of Jonesboro, ie spending today with relatives io this city. Mice Kittie Westbrook, of Atlanta,io spending a few deye with relatives io ibis city. Mrs. E. P. Bridges left yesterday for Forsyth, where she will visit relatives for several days. Miss Annie Mooney came over from McDonough yesterday to spend a few days with relatives. The friends of Mrs. W. T. Cole will regret to learn she io very ill at her home on Hill street. Rev. and Mrs. Henry B. Maya re turned yesterday from a pleasant visit to relatives in Atlanta. Mrs. B. W. Kincaid has returned from a pleasant visit to relatives and friends in North Carolina. A COW FOR SALE-Hnlf Jersey, jsst ta wilk; good for milk and bat ter. Apply *t tide oMce. Hon. John I. Hall, of Macon, is spending a few days in this city with bis daughter, Mrs. R. A Drake. Prof. Eleworth Heil, of Monticello, who hoc been io this city for several days, returned home yesterday. Quartermaster General A. J. West, of Atlanta, was among tbs most prom inent visitors to onr city yesterday. Miss Arlie Murpheyu>f Barnesville, passed through this city yesterday en route to Newnan, where the will visit friends. Miss Willie 801 l Peeler, of Macon, is spending several days in ibis city as tbs guest of Nias Minnie Brown Reeves. Mias Annis Howell, one of onr most popular young ladies, left Monday to visit Mies SAllie Malone of Griffin Pike County Journal. Miao Genie West, of Atlanta, re turned home yesterday after spending several days in this city as the guest of Mrs. W M. Thomas Mrs. Florence Judkins, of Rome, re turned home yesterday after spending some time with the family of Col. R. 3 Redding, at Experiment. Miss Myrtice Saw tell, of Atlanta, and Miss Susie Cannon, of Sweetwa* ter, Tenn., ere spending a few days in this city as tbe guests of Mr* J. P Sawtell. Col. Clifton Jones, of Colombas, the genial and clever division freight agent of the Southern railway, was among the prominent visitors to Grif fin yesterday. * Mrs. W. E Wooten, of Albany, who bdS been visiting io this city for some time, left yesterday for Chattanooga to be near her husband, Maj. Wooten, of the First regiment. Miss Jennie McKimaev left yester day for Forsyth to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. H M. Sharp, of Ma con, who died Friday after suffering for several days with diphtheria. Turnip Seed, fresh, direct from duist. CARLISLE A WARD. Misses Laura and Susanna Bailey the beautiful little daughters of Cspt. and Mrs. David J. Bailey, left yester day for Atlanta, where they will spend several days with their grandparents, Col. and Mrs. N. J Hammond. Lenons in Singing It may interest the people of this locality to learn that they have an op portunity to study sing with a voice master of experience. Mr. John H, Garner, who baa studied voice culture uodtr the beet masters in Paris and in Italy, and whs is au experienced mu sician and singer, has located perma nently in Atlanta, and will be pleased to hear from all who desire to have their voices cultivated. Pupils pre pared for parlor, church, concert and opera. Studio 600 and 601 Lowndes Building, Atlanta, Ga. How to Look Good. Good looks are really more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of all tbe vital or gans. If the liver is inactive, you have a bilious look ; if your stomach is disordered, you have a dyspeptic look; if your kidneys are affected, you have a pinebed look. Secure good health, and you will surely have good looks. “Electric Bitters” is a good Alterative and Tonic. Acts directly on tbe stomach, liver and kidneys, purifies the blood, cures pimples, blotches and boils, and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at J. N. Harris <£ Son and Car lisle <fc Ward’s drug store. 50 cents per bottle. A Night School. All young men desiring instructions in Practical Arithmetic or Algebra are requested to meet me at the Y. M. C| A. building Thursday night, June 30. A class to meet three nights a week Will be organised at that time. Terms 50 cento per week. Eugenx Raolaxd. T.B. Rice, a prominent druggist of Greensboro, Ga., writes as follows: K I have bandied Dr. Plus’ Carminative for eight yean, and have never known of a single instance where it foiled to give per fect saiisfoetion. Parties who once use it always make perms nesit customers. We sell more of this article than all the other Carminatives, soothing syrups and colic drupe combined.” For teething children it haa no equal. PmTTiS.rrVSett eSU taeete leer LKt lw«y. To UISKB easily ud forever. be wag Bette. fall of tile. nerve sad vigor, take Xo-Ttr Bae. the *nader-vo«*er. that stakes weak aaea strong, an dnwrtauuteeorSl. Corarosna teed. Booties sad free Address hterttag tsaiaSy Ca. Chicago or New Tor*. jean /;/ ,/ 7J ; 58 SEWING MACHINES GIVEN AWAY I OHWOi ” - - ■ RasdNbontit We are determined to move out more floods in the next thirty days our prices shall ten tmes over EWPHASUEE THS RESOLVE. .... * millinery . . As busy as bees? Ye*. and busier. M« Myneonh« e vala. We have now a great amnrtment of new shapes, Panama Straws bought at not over half values. txt a at=t a tat .THS- Tn colors and design harmonv is sounded in every chime in spring and summer textiles. French Organay, real value, 50c, at 25c. Irish Dimities, the 25c grade, reduced to 15c. Dimities as low as sc. ... 20c. Organdies bought at half and selling at 10c. Fine 4Ckmch White Lawn, worth double, our pnee 10c. As to the Sewing Machines. . , We are going to giye fifty away during the next 30 dayo-DOOBibly ing next week —to our customers. Buy twenty dollars worth of goods from us and pay for them and one of the machines will be given to you, provided fifty other customers have not done so before you. Buy the goods, pay them or have them charged—it’s all the same, that is, you must be one of the first fifty to either pay down twenty dollars for the goods or, “ a J U ‘ R them charged on the books, pay the account. As soon as you shall have paid us |2O for goods bought on or after this date you 11 get a machine if fifty others are not ahead of you. , When you make purchases tickets or coupons will be delivered to you from which you may evince your claim. These machines are not *°rih fifty dollar* each, neither are they worth twenty dollars. But they will cost you nothing upon purchases of $20.00, and well pupplyyour wants for less than they can be secured anywhere -else in this town. We sell the best and our prices are always the lowest. • LADIES’ FIXINGS. Ladies firings—a big subject. But our stock is big enough and varied enough to meet its multiform and multiplex requirements— well, nearly— but only a hint can be given here. Toilet articles—big. stock. Fine selec tion of purses. Leather belts, black, tan, green and white, many of them as low as 25c. Fans, the latett and prettiest. When your mind or your purse suggests a saving, why, just make your purchase With us. GENTS FIXINGS. We’ve made this department a leading one in our store, Going to make it more popular; going to do it with the right things at the nght prices. As in everything else we’ll save you money on these goods. The nicest makes known to gent’s furnishings. Bows and scarfs and ties—mixtures and mid ley’s in men’s neckwear. See them and you’ll like them. Collars, 4.WJU linen, 10c. Cuffs, 1900-linen, 15c. Shirts, pure linen bosom, reinforced back and front, continuous facingt, patent gussets, felled seams, worth SI.OO at 5Cc. Negligee Shirts, select assortment, lower than others. Guess you don’t object to a saving, do you ? Our's the neatest stock in Middle Georgia. Sp>eoiaulS- 60 silk waist patterns —new creations and just too lovely, ■ ■ $1.59 Great purchase of New Shirt Waists,the value of each is one dollar the price is---‘«s------*-“’- Silk Grenadines, you’d say one dollar, at 50c Silks, brocaded Gros Grains and Taffetas only a few pieces to go at the price - Linen Crash, extra wide, plain and fancy, a good quality at - «• 25c 60 fine Novelty Suits at prices to . s..s. - Bril Etamine, latest in woolens recommended for separate skirts - -35 c 44-inch French Serge, very special - - - -45 c 30 pieces Dress Duck, the 15cent grade at------- 9° 2,000 Ladies Handkerchiefs at 5 cents worth everywhere else -10 c 60 pieces Dimity, worth 10 cents, at 5c Good brass pins, per paper | c Hair pins, per package | c School Handkerchiefs, each • aC 600 yards good quality Dimity 5c -BASS BROS.’. TEV 4MKBICASS KILLED. Forty Wounded in an Engagement With Spaniard*- Washington, Jane 25—An engage ment took place yesterday morning between a detachment of American troops and Spanish forces about five miles from Santiago ds Cuba. Tbe Spanish force, numbering 2,000, were repulsed and driven off by the Americans, less than 1,000 strong, but the Americans in making tbe attack* lost ten men killed and forty wounded. General Shafter sent tbe following official report of tbeengagement to tho war department this morning: “Playa del Este, Jane 25.—Adjc* tant General, U. S Washington: Farther news from General Wheeler places our losses in yesterday morn ing’s firing at abost 10 killed and 40 wounded. Captain Capron, First United States volunteer cavalry, killed. “Wounded: Major Brodie, Captain McClintock and Lieutenant Thomas, First United States volunteer eavslry; Major Bell, Captain Knox and Lieut. Byram, First United cavalry—Captain Knox seriously. Captain Wainwright, formerly reported wounded, is unin jured. “The name* of tbe others killed and wounded are not yet known. The Spaniards occupied a very strong and entrwoebed position on a high hili. Tho firing looted about an boor and the enemy was driven from this posi* tion which is now occupied by our troops, about a mile and a half from Sevilla. Tbe enemy has retired to ward Santiago de Cuba. (Signed) Shafter.” St. George’s Church. At St. George’s Episcopal church this morning, Miss Mattie L. Wood ruff, of Macon, Ga., will sing “Come Unto Me” as tbe offertory hymn. Oar citizens appreciate Miss Woodruff’s sweet voice, and derive great pleasure from listening to her ringing. The Modern Beauty Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise in tbe open air. Her form glows with health and her foce blooms with its beauty. If her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy, she uses the gentle and pleasant Syrup of Figs. Made by the California Fig Syrup Company. Baptirt Church. Services of tbe First Baptist church will be bald in the Olympic Theatre today. Sauday achooi al 9 :45 a. m., preaching at 11 a. m. by Rev. B W Collier, and at 8 p. m. by the pastor. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve- THK BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcera, Salt Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It U guaranteed to give perfect aafosfoction or money refanded. Price 25 carta per box. For sale by J. N. Harris A Son and Carlisle A Ward. J Clothing For Every One. BROS.’ A train load of—we like to have aaid soldiers, but We mean Clothi*, for the soldiers who are going to remain at home. Our buyer made war purchases last week, and judging from the amount of the purchases ht thought ths clothing factories would shut down and we would not be abj, to buy any more Clothing, and the factory thought money was better than clothing during war time. Well, we just gave them a check to show who got the goods; now, you come and give us your name and get all the Cloth mg you want Really the purchase of fine Clothing yn unexpected on our part, but the prices were the inducements. The Prices Will Have to to tie SelM In Come and see us if you will ever need a Suit for yourself or your boy. Children’s Knee Pants 25c, 35c, 50c and up. Men’s Odd Pants 50c, SI.OO, SLSO and up. Men’s Suits at $4.25, worth $7.00, ' _ <> Black and fancy Worsted Suite at unheard of prices. 2,000 Sample Hats 1 To go with Clothing at 50c on the dollar. We own more Clothmg tbu all the balance ®f Grifla put together. Buy S4O worth of Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Neckwear for S2O and get a SEWING MACHINE FREE GRATIS. Shoes to Fit Every Foot JIT BASS BROS.’ The largest shipment of drummers’ samples Shoes and Oxfords ever shown in Griffin, and cheaper than ever known. Now, if you want a Slipper or a Shoe for yourself or any one, we will save you big money. “Vows made in storms are often forgotten in calms.” So said, but we vow that our vow to sell Oxfords and Slippers cheaper than any one in Griffin i» beiiw carried out to the letter. Gome and see for yourself. We give a SEWING MACHINE with every S2O you spend in our Shoe Department, in our Mil linery Department, or Dry Goods Store until 50 have been given away. One case Ladies’Fast Black Hose. We break the record on quality only sc. One case heavy Black Hose; they beat the world for the price—a dime. We have 14 Yeung Hones and Hares to sell or exchange for Mules TO... 4 BASS BROS.' THE BIC STORE, For your Summer Goods, Cloth ing, Shoes, Millinery, Hats Caps and Groceries. | 56 and 58 Hill St. - - - Griffin, Ga. Griffin Cycle Co. We are prepared to do bracing, en- ■ ameling, tire vulcanizing, or any Bicy cle work, and GUARANTEE OUR i WORK to be up-to-date. GOOD BICYCLES FROM |lO HP TO 5® > Ladies’ and Gent’s ■ BICYCLES <Se tantems TO RENT. ’ Notice to Farmers. The farmers of this and adjoining counties are requested to meet with the directors of the Farmers warehouse on the 23rd of July next for the pur-* pose of electing manager and scales men for said warehouse. A. W. Walkxr, Chairman Board of Directors. o-A. en’ortcs,, Skate- , «o» zzo * *» * atiaMare/ v ■// at ' - Cheap Excursion Bates to Eastern via Savannah and Ocean Steamship «• Effective June Ist, 1898, the Central oi Georgia Baflway Company willL sale excursion tickets to New Y° Boston, via Savannah and Ocean ship Company, at very cheap rates. n3M indude meals and berth on steam A trip via this route amnot fiul to s c^t^is®y w s rates, sailing dates, *P P O £ Georgi* eral Passenger Agent, Bavavauu