The morning call. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-1899, July 08, 1898, Image 1

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* mil < ' » .... a. 1 . ■ ' -. ■ . . __ I? • F S i WA iw > B *f S wVk .< B? /Bk M S » Bg / w SS B « V ■ T I "I ti \/ ■ Sw% 8,1 B ~W" <?. . /-% ’ y Ivlx/ iv. £ nI JLx w vJI w B B VoL IX. No. 261. WORDS OF A HERO. “I WILL Oil* AND GO TO MY DOOM SUNDAY.” Spain May Sub for Peace This Wook -High Spanish Officials Desortinc —Cuban Soldiers No Good. Washington, Joly 7.—Unofficial advices to the. administration from courses heretofore accorale say Spain will sue for peace this week At the same lime no such suggestion from Spain, direct er indirect, has been re ceived here. Advices received here this morning from General Shafter announces that a uurtiber of high Spanish officers are deserting across the lines at Santiago into the American camp. This act is regarded here as highly significant of an early surrender. The men say that there is actual starvation in the city, and that the men are so weak from hunger that resistance is impossible. „ Admiral Sampson has telegraphed the navy depaKment as follows from bis flagship, New York, off Santiago, dated yesterday: “About midnight last night the Reina Mercedes was seen by the Massachusetts, which ves sel bad a searchlight on the channel, coming out of the harbor of Santiago. Tbe Massachusetts and Texas opened fire and the Spanish vessel was sunk opposite Estrella cove, I am inclined to think it was tbe intention to sink her in the channel, and thus blockade the harbor entrance. If so, thia plan was defeated by the fire of the ships,its she lies on the edge of the shore,” A war council was held at twwhite house today when it was decided not to storm Santiago immediately, be lieving its downfall can be accom plised without the heavy loss es men and ships that would result from storming the city. General Young has reported lo this government that the Cuban* who arc supposed to be assisting the Ameri cans in their efforts to capture Santia go refuse to assist in the hospital and commissary departments, or to help open roads for th* transportation of supplies to tbe front, tbs Cubans claiming they are soldiers and not laborers. General Young, pending instructions from tbe government, has placed tbe Cubans in a seperate camp and refused to issue them further ra« tions. Assistant Naval Constructor Rich mond P. Hobson and the seven sea men wbo sailed the Merrimac into tbe harbor of Santiago de Cuba and sunk her, were surrendered by the Spanish military authorities yesterday in ex change for prisoners captured by tbe American forces. A dispatch to tbe New York World from Madrid says: When th* Madrid government heard of the results of the battle be* fore Santiago, July 1, it cabled t® Gsn. Linares, Gen. Blanco and Admiral Cervera* for the real state of affairs. Then immediately ascertaining that reinforcements could not possibly ar rive in time to retrieve the Spanish fortunes of war on land or save Santi ago and the fleet, tbe government ca bled Saturday asking the advice of Admiral Cervera. He demanded carte blanche to fol low bi* judgment and to destroy bis vessel* in tbe bay of Santiago rather than let them fall into the bands of the enemy. The council ministers thereupon instructed the ministers of marine and of war to cable Admiral Cervera to make a sortie at any cost, even at the risk of destruction of his fleet, because It was necessary to prevent a disaster in tbe bay of Santiago for political and dynastic'reasons. Admiral Cervera cabled in reply : "I will obey and go to my doom Sunday morning.” Tbe nary department is already making arrangements to reoever as much of the valuable Spanish fleet as can be saved. Yeotsrday *□ agree ment was closed with the Merritt <fc Chapman Wrecking company to un dertake the salvage of a* much prop erty as possible from tbe wrecks. AChUfi InJoy* The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and soothing effect of Syrup of Figs, when in need of a laxative, and if the father or mother be costive or bilious, the most gratifying results follow its use; so that it is the beet fhmily remedy known and every fiunily should have a bottle. THIRD GEORGIA REGIMENT Will Begin Mobilising at Camp Northen Today. Camp.Northeo will begin filling up today with recruits for tbe Third Georgia regiment. About 400 meh have enlisted so far, and a large per cent of them will reach Griffin at 9 :15 this morning The mustering officer, Lieutenant Palmer, is now at camp, and will mus ter in the men as rapidly a- possible. Capt. Burr will take hie men out about 8 o’clock this morning, and no company in the regiment will contain a finer body of men. Maj. Grandy spent yesterday in the armory of the Griffin Rifles, and ex amined about 30 of Capt Burr’s men. About SO per c£nt of those enlisted were rejected on account of physical disabilities, but the company will go out about 50 strong. Lieutenant Kimbrough returned yesterday from Harris county, where he secured several recruits, who vtil.l be up today and stand their physical examination. " t While the enlistment for tbe Third Georgia is not progressing as rapidly as tbe officers could wish for, it will be only & few days now before the maximum number will be in camps, GIVE THANKS TO GOD. -di*' " Proclamation by the President of the United States. Washington, Joly 7 —President McKinley yesterday issued a procla mation io which he calls to the mind of the people tbe success of Dewey at Manila, and the glorious achievements of the army and navy at SaptMjge and cays w« sheuld give devout ptsdse to •fed, who has led our brave eMdiers and seamen tp victory. The proclamation continues: “I therefore ask the people of the United States, k’pon their next assembling for diviue* worship, in their . respective places of meeting, to offer thanksgiv ing to the Almighty God, who in his inscrutable ways is now leading our hosts in war to unscathed triumph, now guiding them in strange lands through dread shadows of death to success, now bearing them without ao* cident or loss to far distant climes; has watched over our cause and brought nearer the success of the right and tbe attainment of a just and hons orable peace.” With the nation’s thanks, he urged that dbere be mingled prayers that our gallant sons may be shielded from barm; that tbe nation’s heart be stirred with awe for our dead heroes and filled with sympathy for the be reaved and wounded, and that our prayers for peace be constant. A Narrow Escaps. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S D. “Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my* lungs; cough set in and finally termi nated in Consumption. Four doctor* gave me up, saying that I could live but a abort time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friend* on earth,l would meet my absent ones above. My hus band was advised to get Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Cough* and Cold*. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottle*. It has cored me, and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy woman ” Trial bottles free at J. N. Harris & Son’s and Carlisle <fc Ward’s drug store. Regu Jar size 50c and 11.00. Guaranteed or price refunded. A Sad Death. Mr*. W. W. Turner, of Cedartown, who was known and loved by many friends in thia city a* the beautiful Mis* Fannie May McAfee, died at her home Wednesday after a brief illness. Her remains were brought to this city yesterday afternoon at 5 ;15 and buried iu the Citizens cemetery. Mre. Turner had, been married only about eighteen months and leaves a devoted hnebend and a large circle of friends to mourn her untimely death T Oatarrh Cannot be Out* By LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Ca tarrh *» a blood or constitutional ffieease, and in order to cure it you must take in ternal remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Care is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall’s Ca tarrh Cure is not * quack medictoe. It W** pmcribed by one of the beet physi cians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combina tion of the tWo ingredients is what pro duces such wonderful results in curing Cartarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cbknisy 4 Co., Props.,Toledo, O. Sold by druggist, price 75c. Hall’s Family Pil Is are the best. GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 8, 1898. CKAIOI THUS VAIIK PropoaitloM to Change the Name es tbe Sons of Veterans- Probably the most important busi ness that will come before the sesrlou of the Sons of Confederate Veterans in the sessions to be held in .Atlanta during tbe reunion will be the pre pesedxhange in the name <f the or gauis-t'hui. Mr. Joseph Pelham, of Atlanta, who i» a member of Oumn*ander-io*Cbief Smith’s staff charge of the Sons of Veterans’ headquarters, will make the suggestion for the change of name. He has been at work on hie project for eome time end baa obtained a large following and it is very likely (hat the name will be changed. Commander in-Chief Smith favor* the change and will support it in the meeting of the delegates from the various camps of the Sons of Veterans. Mr. Pelham proposes to hate the name changed to Confederate Suns’ Association. In support of this change Mr. Pel ham says that the prims object is to preserve the letters that are insepara ble with the Southern Confederacy, C. 8 A .being au abbreviation for tbe Confederate States of America The flags carried by the soldiers lor tbe Confederacy, the buttons worn on tbe clothes, the belt buckles, the arms and every part of the equipment was identified by “C 8. A.” and now since tbe organization of associations which has grown out of the war, it seems but fitting, the supporter* of the sug gestion say, that the C. 8. A., as far as possible, should be preserved. It is in keeping with the spirit of the organization and will be a very great improvement, as the grandsons es the veteran* will be as eligible to, mebihershta the organization tbe sons of veterans. The organiza tion can continue id grow and increase as tbe progeny of the veterans in crease, until the organization haw members in every etale in the Union. \ ■■ Two of John Allen’s Stories. Before be concluded bis speech in tbe bouse the other day, Represent*", live John Allen, of Mississippi, told two or three stories in his characteris tic way, says the Washington Post. They represented bis life as a Con* federate soldier. He told bow be went into tbe Confederate army as a private soldier, being only a sickly boy .weigh ing something like 100 pounds. He said be bad fattened and grown on tbe meager rations of the Confederate army. He never went into battle without fear and related the story of a soldier who saw a bird singing in a tree just before an engagement. “Ab> bird, if I bad your wings,” remarked the soldier, “I would not be singing around here.” Representative Allen, continuing, said that after tbe war be bad fre quently been punished in bis dreams by the presence of bluecoats about him. This popish meat had ceased now that Wheeler, Buller and Fitz hugh Lse were wearing the blue uni forms of the republic. It reminded Him of a letter abeut Tom Owen, an ex-Oon federate of Mississippi, which bad recently been written to Wash ington Somebody asked Tom why he had not enlisted iu the Union army to fight the Spaniards. He replied that bo bad been thinking about it, but concluded not to do so. He was sure he could make it alright with tbe boy* here, but if be should wake up in judgment with a blue Uniform on be did not know wbat the boys, who had been over there and did not know the civil war was ever, might think of it. They might yell “Deserter!” The Sure La Grippe Cure. There is no use suffering from this dreadful malady, if you will only get tbe right remedy. You are ’ having pain all through your body, your liver is out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambition, have a bad cold, in fact are completely used up. Electrio Bitters is the only remedy that will give yob prompt and sure relief. They, •el direeQy on your Litas, Stoma eh and Kidneys, tene up the whole sys tem and make you feel like a new being. They are guaranteed to cure or price refunded. For sale at J. W* Harris <k Son’s aod Carlisle A Warckp drugstore, only 50 cents per bottle. | Pv»‘l Tcbaos Spit and Smoke Town Away. To quit tcbaaco easily and forcrar, be map i netlc. fullcf Hie, narva and visor, take No-To Uae, th* wonder-wo’ kor, that u.akcs weak mca . Stronp. All druggists. We or *l. Cure guaran . teed Booklet and sample free. Address Startle* Uemedy O*. Chicago or New York. •So Cars wsotipatUMi Serever. Take Ciisearets Candy Cathartic. 10c or ZSc. If CL C. C. fall to cure, droaeiau refood mono* 1 RvjvlMakM tM feta par*, bgt3 Kbal ; - . ■ bjp | ■■ Kb I X BOTH BAKING POWDIR CO., NSW YBRK. Lien* ' i— l UML.WJB <'*'■!! J..W_LM-A1?I The Man in His Home- “Tbe seclusion of a hottie gives to a man a certain freedom and attendant privileges which no other place in the world affords, and it it right that it should,'* writes Edward Bek of “Tbe Man In His Home,"in tbe July Ladies’ Home Journal. “But it is not right that this free dom and those privileges should be abused lo tbe disadvantage of the wife Too many men seem to have the idea that they can drop into constant dis consolate and ahurlhb moods al home with their wives which in any other place and by any other person would not be tolerated. “It is when a man is within tbe walls of hie home that he is himself. Then it is that he .should be at bis best. When a man gives tbe best that is within him to those closest to him, bi* home will be the ideal place that he wishes it to be •‘No man has a right to expect from bis wife wbat bo on bis part does not give her If be wants her sympathy he must give her bis consideration. If a man lacks the'element of considera tion he should cultivate it, and oulti vate U Mot for the benefit of hbfrMufe but for those 1n aid of bis home. Consideration should begin at homo: not in the homes of friends, as it so often doe*—and end* there, too Tbe atmosphere Which a man creates tn bia home by example becomes the rule by which hie child re u live. The tins bwfcd and father strikes tbe keynote -for right or wrong living.” TOE EXCELLENCE Os SIRIP OF FIRS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Strop Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original- remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fio Sthwp Ce, only, u knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless < imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cau fobnia Fig Sunup Co. with the medi cal prefessiuw, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has* given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a*guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acta .on the kidneys, liver and bowel* without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get Ito benefictafi effects, please remember the name of the Company— CALIFORNIA PIG SYRUP CO. SAN FBANCISOO, C*L Lounvinu. ■>. NEW tokk. n. t. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, Spalding County, Ga. July Term, 1898.—Commissioners ap pointed t<Aet apart twelve months* sup port to Mrs. L. H. Bowdo'n and her two minor children having performed their duty and filed their report in this office, let all persons concerned show cause be fore the Court of Ordinary at Ordinary’s office iu Griffin, Ga n by 10 o’clock a. m., on first Monday tn August, 1808, why such reoert should oot be mata the judg mentefta»««to- - * J. A. DRIMRY, July 4th, 1898. , Ordinary. a5.....i i ,'i" ■' f ARDINABY’S OWTCB, Vz Spalding Counter, Ga. . July Tertn, 1898.—Commissioner* ap pointed to set apart twelve months’ sup port to Mrs. Elizabeth DourongK having performed their duty and filed their report in this office, let all persons concerned show cause before the Court of Ordinary at Ordinary’s office In Griffin, Ga., by 10 o’clock a. m., on first Monday In August, 1808, why such report should not be made the judgment of the court. J. A. DREWRY, July 4th, 1898. Ordinary. to ■; i \ h k' '■ n fb i i i i o J 1* K f <> If IJjßlfl I_ ww Mu A a UU AViMIUm VL V Va -- - - SM TOTTRVKr *TB W I 1 » jll I« R YOU EKS. F *' f :■ ■ Wa "V Fll|J nvrTr WShslyk ] XXlxlMlx ML. Th. -° F - - SHOES - THE SAVOY You Naturally Think of THIS STORE! But, Think of g* a Z’ Buying Oxfords I This Early in W the Season at Reduced Prices! WE SAVE YOU TWEUTY-FIVE CERTS OR EVERY SI.OO HERE R. F. STRICKLAND & CO. Columbia Bicycles Lead AU Otters •■‘Z./MMB = - n - ss ■■ HARTFORD BICYCLES! (p) CASH OR CREDIT. 2E3I b ZEOm CRIFFIN, CA. J. H. Hilfs Naw Boot 5 Kec Slots Has the latest ffid in Paper and Envelopes—BED, WHITE AND BLUE—2Sc box. HAMMOCKS AND CROQUET SETS ARE THE THING NOW. THE VIVE KODAK ONLY $5.00. ALL THE LATEST PERIODICALS ON HAND. J. H. HUFF'S BOOK AHP MUSIC STORK EDWARDS BROS. RACKET STORE. - ______ x "WTTT TTT We Have « li i Just - - - Received A aew shipment of Organdies teWMUMAMRudwI dm. We are fiAg These Dainty Summer Goods at lOe and 12 I-2c, which is much below the*mark« on this ek of goods. We have a line qulity WHITE LAWN, 40 inches wide, at 15e. AH colors in MOSQUITO NETS at sc. EDWARDS BROS. Ten Cento per Week